theasis is a Greek word, having two senses: contemplation and insight.

This site contains fruits of both contemplation and insight.

It is intended to be small, but growing.


  • RigVeda Mandala IX -- translations and grammatical analysis
  • RigVeda All Mandalas other than IX -- translation and grammatical analysis of hymns related to Indra, Soma, and Maruts
  • Indra of Rigveda -- a book interpreting hymns to Indra from adhyatma perspective; translation of Indra hymns into English is included as well as vocabulary of frequent words.
  • Treatise on Soma Hymns of Rigveda -- a book interpreting Soma hymns from adhyatma perspective; translation of Soma hymns into English is included as well as vocabulary of frequent words.
  • On the meaning of hymns to Marut in Rigveda -- a book interpreting hymns to Maruts from adhyatma perspective; translation of hymns to Maruts into English is included as well as vocabulary of frequent words.
  • Word Vayuna in RigVeda -- a paper on the meaning of this word in Rig Veda
  • Asura and its derivatives RigVeda -- a paper on the meaning of asura and related words in Rig Veda
  • Vishnu in RigVeda -- a paper on the meaning of Vishnu in Rig Veda
  • Nasadiya Hymn from adhyatma perspective -- a paper proposing novel interpretation of RV 10.129
  • Uddharakosha -- translation and dictionary;
  • Pratyabhijnahrdayam -- the text and interpretation.
  • The Essence of Self-Recognition. Interpretation and practical notes -- translation of and commentary on Pratyabhijnahrdayam
  • Vijñānabhairava or Techniques for Entering Liminal Consciousness -- translation of and commentary on Vijñānabhairava tantra
  • "Vedic Grammar for Students" by A.Macdonell 1916 edition, PDF 28Mb --- very good scan

  • Links:

  • TITUS Project :: RigVeda -- complete RigVeda with sandhi removed
  • Online Interface to ITRANS -- use it to generate .gif of Sanskrit text
  • Ancient Sanskrit Online -- a course in Vedic
  • GRETIL -- Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages
  • Apte Sanskrit Dictionary -- online access
  • Monier-Williams Dictionary -- online access
  • Pali Online Dictionary -- U of Chicago
  • Reading in Pali Texts -- DhammaPada with grammatical analysis, etc.
  • Tipitaka -- The Pali Canon
  • Ancient Buddhist Texts -- collection of Pali and Sanskrit Buddhist texts and works on prosody
  • Shiva Shakti Mandalam -- Mike Magee's extensive collection on tantra
  • The last update was on August 4th, 2023. (See Update History)
    E-mail Contact: Dmitri -- a-t --
    Web Master: webmaster -- a-t --

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