
Sūkta 9.1 

svā́diṣṭʰayā mádiṣṭʰayā pávasva soma dʰā́rayā |
índrāya pā́tave sutáḥ || 1||

1.  svādiṣṭʰajfsi«√svad madiṣṭʰajfsi«√mad  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somanmsv«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰā |
    indraNmsd«√ind pātavev···D··«√pā sutajmsn«√su 

1.  With sweetest, most intoxicating [steady] stream [of sounds]
    become pure, O Soma,
    extracted for Indra to drink.

rakṣohā́ viśvácarṣaṇirabʰí yónimáyohatam |
drúṇā sadʰástʰamā́sadat || 2||

2.  (rakṣasnns«√rakṣ-hanjms«√han)nmsn (viśvajms«√viś-carṣaṇijms«√kṛṣ)jmsn  
    abʰip yoninmsa«√yu (ayasnms-hatajms«√han)jmsa |
    drunmsi«√dru (sadʰaa-stʰajms«√stʰā)nnsa āp asadatvp·U·3s«√sad 

2.  Shattering defenses, drawing to himself all [deva-s], 
    [he goes] towards the womb hewn with metal;
    using wood he approaches the meeting place.

varivodʰā́tamo bʰava máṃhiṣṭʰo vṛtrahántamaḥ |
párṣi rā́dʰo magʰónām || 3||

3.  (varivasnns«√vṛ-dʰātamajms«√dʰā)jmsn bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū  
    maṃhiṣṭʰajmsn«√maṃh (vṛtraNns«√vṛ-hantamajms«√han)jmsn |
    parṣivp·Ao2s«√pṛ rādʰasnnsa«√rādʰ magʰavannmpg«√maṃh 

3.  Excelling at imparting mental space,
    at being generous, at repressing Vṛtra-s,
    bring over the accomplishment of munificent [deva-s'] desires!

abʰyàrṣa mahā́nāṃ devā́nāṃ vītímándʰasā |
abʰí vā́jamutá śrávaḥ || 4||

4.  abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ mahajmpg«√mah  
    devanmpg«√div vītinfsa«√vī andʰasnnsi«√andʰ |
    abʰip vājanmsa«√vaj utac śravasnnsa«√śru 

4.  With the aid of the herb bring by flowing
    an arousal of mighty deva-s,
    [to give us] the rush of vigour and an auditory impression.

tvā́mácʰā carāmasi tádídártʰaṃ divédive |
índo tvé na āśásaḥ || 5||

5.  tvamr2msa acʰāp carāmasivp·A·1p«√car tadr3nsn  
    idc artʰannsn«√artʰ (divanmsl-divanmsl)a |
    induNmsv«√ind tvamr2msl vayamr1mpg āśasnfpn«√aś 

5.  Towards thee we gravitate.
    This is indeed [our] every-day quest, O Indu!
    In thee, [are] our desires¹.

punā́ti te parisrútaṃ sómaṃ sū́ryasya duhitā́ |
vā́reṇa śáśvatā tánā || 6||

6.  punātivp·A·3s«√pū tvamr2msd parisrutajmsa«pari~√sru  
    somanmsa«√su sūryanmsg«√sūr duhitṛnfsn«√duh |
    vāranmsi«√vṛ2 śaśvatjnsi«√śaś tannfsi«√tan 

6.  For thee² sun's daughter³ distills
    flowing around Soma with the sieve
    time and time again, without an interruption.

támīmáṇvīḥ samaryá ā́ gṛbʰṇánti yóṣaṇo dáśa |
svásāraḥ pā́rye diví || 7||

7.  sasr3msa īmr3msa aṇvījfpn samaryannsl«sam~√rī āp  
    gṛbʰṇantivp·A·3p«√grah yoṣannfpn«√yu daśau |
    svasṛnfpn pāryajmsl«√pṛ dyunmsl 

7.  It is him whom they, subtle young maidens,
    ten sisters capture at the contest
    in the upper heaven.

támīṃ hinvantyagrúvo dʰámanti bākuráṃ dṛ́tim |
tridʰā́tu vāraṇáṃ mádʰu || 8||

8.  sasr3msa īmr3msa hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi agrūnfpn«√grū  
    dʰamantivp·A·3p«√dʰam bākuranmsa«√bak dṛtijmsa«√dṝ |
    (triu-dʰātunns«√dʰā)jnsn vāraṇajnsn«√vṛ madʰunnsn«√madʰ 

8.  Him, indeed, the unmarried ones impel
    [when] they blow the bellows.
    This contained sweet drink⁴ consists of three components.

abʰī̀mámágʰnyā utá śrīṇánti dʰenávaḥ śíśum |
sómamíndrāya pā́tave || 9||

9.  abʰip ayamr3msa agʰnyājfpn«a~√han utac  
    śrīṇantivp·A·3p«√śrī dʰenunfpn«√dʰe śiśunmsa«√śū |
    somanmsa«√su indraNmsd«√ind pātavev···D··«√pā 

9.  For this one⁵ not-to-be-killed cows⁶ mix
    the newborn [with milk⁷], 
    Soma for Indra to drink.

asyédíndro mádeṣvā́ víśvā vṛtrā́ṇi jigʰnate |
śū́ro magʰā́ ca maṃhate || 10||

10. ayamr3msg idc indraNmsn«√ind madanmpl«√mad āp  
     viśvajmpa«√viś vṛtrannpa«√vṛ jigʰnateva·A·3s«√han |
     śūranmsn«√śūr magʰannpa«√maṃh cac maṃhateva·A·3s«√maṃh 

10. Here, in raptures of this [drink],
    Indra destroys all Vṛtra-s,
    and he, an agent of change, expresses his generosity with gifts.

1 or, hopes
2 Indra
3 the dawn
4 an extract of Soma plant
5 Indra
6 words
7 sounds of speech

Sūkta 9.2 

pávasva devavī́ráti pavítraṃ soma ráṃhyā |
índramindo vṛ́ṣā́ viśa || 1||

1.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmsn atip  
    pavitrannsa«√pū somaNmsv«√su raṃhinfsi«√raṃh |
    indraNmsa«√ind induNmsv«√ind vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

1.  Passing through the filter with haste,
    become pure, O Soma, arousing deva-s!
    [Being a] bull, O Indu, go into Indra!

ā́ vacyasva máhi psáro vṛ́ṣendo dyumnávattamaḥ |
ā́ yóniṃ dʰarṇasíḥ sadaḥ || 2||

2.  āp vacyasvava·Ao2s«√vañc mahijnsn«√mah psarasnnsn«√psā  
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ induNmsv«√ind dyumnavattamajmsn |
    āp yoninmsa«√yu dʰarṇasijmsn«√dʰṛ sadasvp·AE2s«√sad 

2.  Sneak here! [Thou are a] great delight, a bull,
    O Indu, most illuminating.
    Thou shall settle into this womb, [thou,] who has the strength to confer [the treasure].

ádʰukṣata priyáṃ mádʰu dʰā́rā sutásya vedʰásaḥ |
apó vasiṣṭa sukrátuḥ || 3||

3.  adʰukṣatava·U·3p«√duh priyajnsa«√prī madʰunnsa«√madʰ  
    dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ sutajmsg«√su vedʰasjmpn«√vidʰ |
    apnfpa vasiṣṭava·UE3s«√vas sukratujmsn«su~√kṛ 

3.  Enthusiastic [men] drew out the cherished sweet drink
    with a stream of pressed out [juice]:
    the skillful one should have wrapped himself into the waters.

mahā́ntaṃ tvā mahī́ránvā́po arṣanti síndʰavaḥ |
yádgóbʰirvāsayiṣyáse || 4||

4.  mahāntajmsa«√mah tvamr2msa mahījfpa«√mah anup  
    apnfpa arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ sindʰunfpn«√sindʰ |
    yadc gonfpi vāsayiṣyaseva·B·2s«√vas 

4.  Along with mighty waters,
    rivers bring by flowing thee¹, the great, ---
    when thou clothe thyself with milk.

samudró apsú māmṛje viṣṭambʰó dʰarúṇo diváḥ |
sómaḥ pavítre asmayúḥ || 5||

5.  samudranmsn«sam~√ud apnfpl māmṛjeva·I·3s«√mṛj  
    viṣṭambʰanmsn«√stambʰ dʰaruṇanmsn«√dʰṛ dyunmsg |
    somanmsn«√su pavitrannsl«√pū (vayamr1mpa-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

5.  The sea cleanses itself in the waters. 
    The pillar, the support of the Heaven,
    Soma in the filter attracts us.

ácikradadvṛ́ṣā hárirmahā́nmitró ná darśatáḥ |
sáṃ sū́ryeṇa rocate || 6||

6.  acikradatva·U·3s«√krand vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ harijmsn«√hṛ  
    mahatjmsn«√mah mitranmsn«√mitʰ nac darśatajmsn«√dṛś |
    samp sūryanmsi«√sūr rocateva·A·3s«√ruc 

6.  The pale green-yellow bull has called out, 
    perceived as a great patron.
    With the sun he shines.

gírasta inda ójasā marmṛjyánte apasyúvaḥ |
yā́bʰirmádāya śúmbʰase || 7||

7.  girnfpa«√gṝ tvamr2msd induNmsv«√ind ojasnnsi«√uj  
    marmṛjyanteva·A·3p«√mṛj (apasnns-yujms«√yu)nmpn |
    yār3fpi madanmsd«√mad śumbʰasevp·A·2s«√śubʰ 

7.  They², restless, vigorously polish chants,
    for thee, O Indu.
    With those [chants] thou ready thyself to exhilarate.

táṃ tvā mádāya gʰṛ́ṣvaya u lokakṛtnúmīmahe |
táva práśastayo mahī́ḥ || 8||

8.  sasr3msa tvamr2msa madanmsd«√mad gʰṛṣvijmsd«√hṛṣ  
    (ulokanms«√lok-kṛtnujms«√kṛ)jmsa īmahevp·A·1p«√i |
    tvamr2msg praśastijfpn«pra~√śaṃs mahīnfpn«√mah 

8.  Such thee, good at creating wide space,
    we approach for a thrill-inducing rapture; 
    thy flooding streams have the sufficiency.

asmábʰyamindavindrayúrmádʰvaḥ pavasva dʰā́rayā |
parjányo vṛṣṭimā́m̐ iva || 9||

9.  vayamr1mpd induNmsv«√ind (indraNms«√ind-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
    madʰunnsg«√madʰ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    parjanyanmsn«√pṛc vṛṣṭimantjmsn«√vṛṣ ivac 

9.  For us, O Indu, become pure
    with a stream of honey
    attracting Indra as a storm-cloud full of rain [does].

goṣā́ indo nṛṣā́ asyaśvasā́ vājasā́ utá |
ātmā́ yajñásya pūrvyáḥ || 10||

10. (gonfs-sanjms«√san)jmsn induNmsv«√ind (nṛnms-sanjms«√san)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as  
     (aśvanms«√aś-sanjms«√san)jmsn (vājanms«√vāj-sanjms«√san)jmsn utac |
     ātmannmsn«√an yajñanmsg«√yaj pūrvyajmsn«√pṝ 

10. O Indu, thou bestow cows, thou bestow male offsprings,
    horses and the very rush of vigour. 
    Thou are the peerless soul of the fire offering.

1 the inner Soma
2 worshipers

Sūkta 9.3 

eṣá devó ámartyaḥ parṇavī́riva dīyati |
abʰí dróṇānyāsádam || 1||

1.  eṣasr3msn devanmsn«√div amartyajmsn«a~√mṛ  
    (parṇanns«√pṛ-vījms«√vī)jmsn ivac dīyativp·A·3s«√dā |
    abʰip droṇannpa«√dru āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

1.  This immortal deva, 
    as if carried by wings, 
    soars to alight into wooden vessels¹.

eṣá devó vipā́ kṛtó'ti hvárāṃsi dʰāvati |
pávamāno ádābʰyaḥ || 2||

2.  eṣasr3msn devanmsn«√div vipnfsi«√vip kṛtajmsn«√kṛ  
    atip hvarasnnpa«√hvṛ dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū adābʰyajmsn«a~√dabʰ 

2.  This deva, made ready with a rod,
    dashes past the declivities,
    becoming pure, not-to-be-distrusted.

eṣá devó vipanyúbʰiḥ pávamāna ṛtāyúbʰiḥ |
hárirvā́jāya mṛjyate || 3||

3.  eṣasr3msn devanmsn«√div vipanyujmpi«√vip  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū (ṛtanns«√ṛ-yujms«√yu)jmpi |
    harijmsn«√hṛ vājanmsd«√vāj mṛjyatevp·A·3s«√mṛj 

3.  This deva is becoming pure
    together with admirers who seek ṛta.
    The pale green-yellow one is being cleansed to obtain the rush of vigour.

eṣá víśvāni vā́ryā śū́ro yánniva sátvabʰiḥ |
pávamānaḥ siṣāsati || 4||

4.  eṣasr3msn viśvajnpa«√viś vāryannpa«√vṛ2  
    śūranmsn«√śūr yanttp·Amsn«√i ivac satvanjmpi«√as |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū siṣāsativp·A·3s«√san 

4.  This one, becoming pure, 
    intends to gain [for us] everything desirable
    like an agent of change who goes [into action] with warriors.

eṣá devó ratʰaryati pávamāno daśasyati |
āvíṣkṛṇoti vagvanúm || 5||

5.  eṣasr3msn devanmsn«√div ratʰaryativp·A·3s«√ṛ  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū daśasyativp·A·3s«√daś |
    āvisa«ā~√vid kṛṇotivp·A·3s«√kṛ vagvanunnsa«√vac 

5.  This deva desires a chariot;
    becoming pure he does [us] a favour.
    Clearly, he makes a sound resembling speech.

eṣá víprairabʰíṣṭuto'pó devó ví gāhate |
dádʰadrátnāni dāśúṣe || 6||

6.  eṣasr3msn viprajmpi«√vip abʰiṣṭutajmsn«abʰi~√stu  
    apnfpa devanmsn«√div vip gāhateva·A·3s«√gāh |
    dadʰattp·Amsn«√dʰā ratnannpa«√rā dāśvaṅstp·Imsd«√dāś 

6.  This deva extolled by inwardly excited ones,
    plunges into the waters.
    bestowing gifts onto him who is worshiping.

eṣá dívaṃ ví dʰāvati tiró rájāṃsi dʰā́rayā |
pávamānaḥ kánikradat || 7||

7.  eṣasr3msn dyunmsa vip dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv  
    tirasa«√tṝ rajasnnpa«√raj dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand 

7.  With a stream [of sounds] this one² dashes
    towards the Heaven across regions
    becoming pure, calling out.

eṣá dívaṃ vyā́sarattiró rájāṃsyáspṛtaḥ |
pávamānaḥ svadʰvaráḥ || 8||

8.  eṣasr3msn dyunmsa vip āp asaratvp·Aa3s«√sṛ  
    tirasa«√tṝ rajasnnpa«√raj aspṛtanmsn«a~√spṛ |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū svadʰvarajmsn 

8.  This one³ came gliding from the Heaven
    across regions non-extracted.
    Becoming pure, [it is] proceeding well on its way.

eṣá pratnéna jánmanā devó devébʰyaḥ sutáḥ |
háriḥ pavítre arṣati || 9||

9.  eṣasr3msn pratnajmsi janmannmsi«√jan  
    devanmsn«√div devanmpd«√div sutajmsn«√su |
    harijmsn«√hṛ pavitrannsl«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ 

9.  This deva is extracted for deva-s
    by means of an ancient birthing⁴; 
    he, enchanting, flows quickly through the filter. 

eṣá u syá puruvrató jajñānó janáyanníṣaḥ |
dʰā́rayā pavate sutáḥ || 10||

10. eṣasr3msn uc syar3msn (purujms«√pṝ-vratanns«√vṛ2)jmsn  
     jajñānatp·Imsn«√jan janayanttp·Amsn«√jan iṣnfpa«√iṣ |
     dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ pavateva·A·3s«√pū sutajmsn«√su 

10. This one⁵ emerged having many spheres of influence,
    bringing into existence refreshing libations.
    Extracted, he becomes purified with a stream [of sounds].

1 vertebrae of worshiper's spine
2 inner Soma
3 Soma herb
4 this birthing is like churning butter from milk
5 inner Soma

Sūkta 9.4 

sánā ca soma jéṣi ca pávamāna máhi śrávaḥ |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 1||

1.  sanāvp·Ao2s«√san cac somaNmsv«√su jeṣivp·A·2s«√ji cac  
    pavamānaNmsv«√pū mahijnsa«√mah śravasnnsa«√śru |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

1.  ``Bestow , O Soma'' and thou, who is becoming pure,
    win [for us] a mighty auditory impression.
    Thus make us better!

sánā jyótiḥ sánā svàrvíśvā ca soma saúbʰagā |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 2||

2.  sanāvp·Ao2s«√san jyotisnnsa«√jyot sanāvp·Ao2s«√san svarnnsa  
    viśvajnpa«√viś cac somaNmsv«√su saubʰagannpa«su~√bʰaj |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

2.  Gain [for us] the light, gain [for us] svar
    and everything auspicious, O Soma! 
    Thus make us better!

sánā dákṣamutá krátumápa soma mṛ́dʰo jahi |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 3||

3.  sanāvp·Ao2s«√san dakṣanmsa«√dakṣ utac kratunmsa«√kṛ  
    apap somaNmsv«√su mṛdʰasnfpa«√mṛdʰ jahivp·Ao2s«√han |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

3.  Bestow mental power and resourcefulness,
    ward off frailties.
    Thus make us better!

pávītāraḥ punītána sómamíndrāya pā́tave |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 4||

4.  pavītṛnmpv«√pū punītanavp·Ao2p«√pū  
    somanmsa«√su indraNmsd«√ind pātaveva·A·3s«√pā |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

4.  Purifiers, purify Soma
    for Indra to drink!
    Thus make us better!

tváṃ sū́rye na ā́ bʰaja táva krátvā távotíbʰiḥ |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 5||

5.  tvamr2msn sūryanmsl«√sū vayamr1mpd āp bʰajavp·Ao2s«√bʰaj  
    tvamr2msg kratunmsi«√kṛ tvamr2msg ūtinfpi«√av |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

5.  Through thy resourcefulness and with thy side-effects
    make us partake thee in the sun¹. 
    Thus make us better!

táva krátvā távotíbʰirjyókpaśyema sū́ryam |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 6||

6.  tvamr2msg kratunmsi«√kṛ tvamr2msg ūtinfpi«√av  
    jyoka paśyemavp·Ai1p«√paś sūryanmsa«√sūr |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

6.  Through thy resourcefulness and with thy side-effects
    we shall behold the sun for a long time. 
    Thus make us better!

abʰyàrṣa svāyudʰa sóma dvibárhasaṃ rayím |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 7||

7.  abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ svāyudʰajmsv«su-ā~√yudʰ ​
    somaNmsv«√su (dviu-barhasnns)jmsa rayinmsa«√rā |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

7.  O well-armed Soma,
    bring by flowing twice-swollen treasure².
    Thus make us better!

abʰyàrṣā́napacyuto rayíṃ samátsu sāsahíḥ |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 8||

8.  abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ anapacyutajmsn«a-apa~√cyu ​
    rayinmsa«√rā samadnfpl«sa~√mad sāsahijmsn«√sah |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

8.  Thou, never budging, victorious in battles,
    bring by flowing the treasure. 
    Thus make us better!

tvā́ṃ yajñaíravīvṛdʰanpávamāna vídʰarmaṇi |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 9||

9.  tvamr2msa yajñanmpi«√yaj avīvṛdʰanva·U·3p«√vṛdʰ  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū vidʰarmannmsl«vi~√dʰṛ |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

9.  They had strengthened thee with fire offerings,
    O becoming pure in the receptacle!
    Thus make us better!

rayíṃ naścitrámaśvínamíndo viśvā́yumā́ bʰara |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 10||

10. rayinmsa«√rā vayamr1mpa citrama«√cit aśvinjmsa«√aś  
     indunmsv«√ind (viśvajns«√viś-āyujns«√i)nnsa āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ |
     atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

10. O Indu, in different ways convey to us 
    the treasure of horses, that is an all-pervading life-force.
    Thus make us better!

1 maṇipūra cakra
2 the inner Soma

Sūkta 9.5 

sámiddʰo viśvátaspátiḥ pávamāno ví rājati |
prīṇánvṛ́ṣā kánikradat || 1||

1.  samiddʰajmsn«sam~√indʰ viśvatasa«√viś patinmsn«√pā2  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū vip rājativp·A·3s«√rāj |
    prīṇantjmsn«√prī vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand 

1.  The protector¹ is ignited in every way;
    he² [who is] becoming pure shines forth;
    gratifying [is] calling out bull.

tánūnápātpávamānaḥ śṛ́ṅge śíśāno arṣati |
antárikṣeṇa rā́rajat || 2||

2.  (tanūjms«√tan-napātnms«√nap?)nmsn pavamānanmsn«√pū  
    śṛṅgannsl«√śṛṅ? śiśānata·Amsn«√śi arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    (antara-īkṣajms«√īkṣ)nnsi rārajattp·Amsn«√rāj 

2.  An offspring³ of slender [stems],
    becoming full-bodied on the mountain peak, flows
    through the middle region, ever-shining.

īḷényaḥ pávamāno rayírví rājati dyumā́n |
mádʰordʰā́rābʰirójasā || 3||

3.  īḷenyajmsn«√īḷ pavamānanmsn«√pū  
    rayinmsn«√rā vip rājativp·A·3s«√rāj dyumatjmsn«√dyut |
    madʰunnsg«√madʰ dʰārānfpi«√dʰṛ ojasnnsi«√vaj 

3.  He, who is to be implored, who is becoming pure,
    the treasure, shines forth, having the power to illuminate
    with streams of honey, with vigour.

barhíḥ prācī́namójasā pávamāna stṛṇánháriḥ |
devéṣu devá īyate || 4||

4.  barhisnnsa«√barh prācīnama«pra~√añc ojasnnsi«√vaj  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū stṛṇanttp·Amsn«√stṛ harijmsn«√hṛ |
    devanmpl«√div devanmsn«√div īyatevp·A·3s«√i 

4.  First, becoming pure pale green-yellow,
    is strewing vigorously the sacrificial grass.
    The deva is being moved [to be] among deva-s.

údā́tairjihate bṛháddvā́ro devī́rhiraṇyáyīḥ |
pávamānena súṣṭutāḥ || 5||

5.  udp ātanmpi«ā~√tan jihateva·A·3s«√hā bṛhata«√bṛh  
    dvārnfpa«√dvṛ devījfpa«√div hiraṇyayījfpa«√hṛ |
    pavamānanmsi«√pū suṣṭutajfpa«su~√stu 

5.  By means of spread out [in the body drops of Soma extract] he⁴ springs far upwards,
    towards celestial golden gates
    that, together with him⁵ who is becoming pure, are highly praised.

suśilpé bṛhatī́ mahī́ pávamāno vṛṣaṇyati |
náktoṣā́sā ná darśaté || 6||

6.  suśilpajnda bṛhatjnda«√bṛh mahjnda«√mah  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū vṛṣaṇyativp·A·3s«√vṛṣ |
    (naktanns-uṣasnfs«√vas2)nnda nac darśatajnda«√dṛś 

6.  Two⁶ strong, mighty, having diversified appearances,
    appearing to the eye as the night and the dawn,
    he who is becoming pure impregnates.

ubʰā́ devā́ nṛcákṣasā hótārā daívyā huve |
pávamāna índro vṛ́ṣā || 7||

7.  ubʰajmda devanmda«√div (nṛnms-cakṣasnns«√cakṣ)jmda  
    hotṛnmda«√hu daivyajmda«√div huvevp·A·1s«√hve |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū indraNmsn«√ind vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ 

7.  I summon both deva-s who guide men ---
    two divine envokers of deva-s.
    He who is becoming pure [and] Indra the bull [are these].

bʰā́ratī pávamānasya sárasvatī́ḷā mahī́ |
imáṃ no yajñámā́ gamantisró devī́ḥ supéśasaḥ || 8||

8.  bʰāratīNfsn«√bʰṛ pavamānanmsg«√pū  
    sarasvatīNfsn«sa~√ras īḷāNfsn«√īḷ mahījfsn«√mah |
    ayamr3msa vayamr1mpg yajñanmsa«√yaj āp gamanva·AE3p«√gam  
    triu devīnfpn«√div supeśasjfpn«su~√piś 

8.  Three devī-s of intricate form,---
    Bʰāratī of him who is becoming pure,
    Sarasvatī and mighty Īḷā ---
    shall come to this our fire offering.

tváṣṭāramagrajā́ṃ gopā́ṃ puroyā́vānamā́ huve |
índuríndro vṛ́ṣā háriḥ pávamānaḥ prajā́patiḥ || 9||

9.  tvaṣṭṛNmsa«√tvakṣ (agranns«√aṅg-janjms«√jan)jmsa (gonfs-pājms«√pā2)nmsa  
    (purasa«√pṝ-yāvanjms«√yā)jmsa āp huvevp·A·1s«√hve |
    induNmsn«√ind indraNmsn«√ind vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ harijmsn«√hṛ  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū (prajānfs«pra~√jan-patinms«√pā)Nmsn 

9.  I invite Tvaṣṭṛ who appears among precursors ---
    a herdsman who is riding in front;
    Indu, Indra the bull [will follow];
    pale green-yellow who is becoming pure [is] the sovereign who grants offsprings.

vánaspátiṃ pavamāna mádʰvā sámaṅgdʰi dʰā́rayā |
sahásravalśaṃ háritaṃ bʰrā́jamānaṃ hiraṇyáyam || 10||

10. (vanasnns«√van-patinms«√pā2)nmsa pavamānanmsv«√pū  
     madʰujfsi«√madʰ samp aṅgdʰivp·Ao2s«√añj dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
     (sahasrau-valśanms)jmsa haritajmsa«√hṛ  
     bʰrājamānata·Amsa«√bʰrāj hiraṇyayajmsa«√hṛ 

10. O becoming pure,
    smear with stream of honey Vanaspati⁷
    who is of thousand shoots, verdant,
    irradiating, abounding in gold.

víśve devāḥ svā́hākṛtiṃ pávamānasyā́ gata |
vāyúrbṛ́haspátiḥ sū́ryo'gníríndraḥ sajóṣasaḥ || 11||

11. viśvajmpn«√viś devanmpn«√div (svāhānfs«su~√ah-kṛtinfs«√kṛ)nfsa  
     pavamānanmsg«√pū āp gatavp·Ao3p«√gam |
     vāyuNmsn«√vā (bṛhnfsg«√bṛh-patinms«√pā2)Nmsn sūryaNmsn«√sūr  
     agniNmsn«√aṅg indraNmsn«√ind sajoṣasjmpn«sa~√juṣ 

11. O all-deva-s! Come to his, who is becoming pure,
    [May] Vāyu, Bṛhaspati, Sūrya,
    Agni, Indra [come] as companions.

1 Agni --- the fire
2 inner Soma
3 juice of Soma herb
4 inner Soma
5 the inner Soma
6 psycho-physiological states
7 the principal desire

Sūkta 9.6 

mandráyā soma dʰā́rayā vṛ́ṣā pavasva devayúḥ |
ávyo vā́reṣvasmayúḥ || 1||

1.  mandrajfsi«√mand somanmsv«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsn |
    avinmsg vārannpl«√vṛ2 (vayamr1mpa-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

1.  Become pure by means of a pleasantly sounding stream,
    O Soma, impregnating, attracting deva-s.
    By means of sheep's wool [become pure, thou,] attracting us. 

abʰí tyáṃ mádyaṃ mádamíndavíndra íti kṣara |
abʰí vājíno árvataḥ || 2||

2.  abʰip tyamr3msa madyajmsa«√mad madanmsa«√mad  
    indunmsv«√ind indraNmsn«√ind itia kṣaravp·Ao2s«√kṣar |
    abʰip vājinnmpa«√vāj arvatnmpa«√ṛ 

2.  [To mix] that exhilarating wine,
    O Indu, saying thus ``Indra,'' trickle
    towards those coursers¹ who possess the rush of vigour.

abʰí tyáṃ pūrvyáṃ mádaṃ suvānó arṣa pavítra ā́ |
abʰí vā́jamutá śrávaḥ || 3||

3.  abʰip tyamr3msa pūrvyajmsa«√pṝ madanmsa«√mad  
    suvānata·Amsn«√su arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ pavitrannsl«√pū āp |
    abʰip vājanmsa«√vāj utac śravasnnsa«√śru 

3.  [To mix] that unequaled wine,
    thou, being extracted, flow into the filter
    [to bring] the rush of vigour [and] an auditory impression.

ánu drapsā́sa índava ā́po ná pravátāsaran |
punānā́ índramāśata || 4||

4.  anup drapsanmpn indunmpn«√ind  
    apnfpn nac pravatnfsi asaranvp·Aa3p«√sṛ |
    punānajmpn«√pū indraNmsa«√ind āśatava·A·3p«√āś 

4.  One after another drops of Soma ran
    [speeding]² like waters gliding down a slope.
    Purifying themselves they reached Indra.

yámátyamiva vājínaṃ mṛjánti yóṣaṇo dáśa |
váne krī́ḷantamátyavim || 5||

5.  yasr3msa atyanmsa«√at? ivac vājinnmsa«√vāj  
    mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj yoṣannfpn«√yu daśau |
    vanannsl«√van krīḷanttp·Amsa«√krīḷ atyavijmsa 

5.  Whom ten maidens³ rub as an impetuous courser,
    [who then is] dallying in a wooden [cup],
    [who then goes] beyond [the strainer of] sheep's wool,

táṃ góbʰirvṛ́ṣaṇaṃ rásaṃ mádāya devávītaye |
sutáṃ bʰárāya sáṃ sṛja || 6||

6.  sasr3msa gonfpi vṛṣaṇajmsa«√vṛṣ rasanmsa«√ras  
    madanmsd«√mad (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd |
    sutajmsa«√su bʰaranmsd«√bʰṛ samp sṛjavp·Ao2s«√sṛj 

6.  him, impregnating sap [that is then mixed] with milk
    [to bestow] an exhilaration, to arouse deva-s,
    [him, now] extracted, pour forth as the prize!

devó devā́ya dʰā́rayéndrāya pavate sutáḥ |
páyo yádasya pīpáyat || 7||

7.  devanmsn«√div devanmsd«√div dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    indraNmsd«√ind pavateva·A·3s«√pū sutajmsn«√su |
    payasnnsn«√pī yadc ayamr3msg pīpayatvp·Ae3s«√pī 

7.  The deva, extracted, purifies himself for deva Indra
    with a stream [of sounds]
    when juice of this one overflows.

ātmā́ yajñásya ráṃhyā suṣvāṇáḥ pavate sutáḥ |
pratnáṃ ní pāti kā́vyam || 8||

8.  ātmannmsn«√an yajñanmsg«√yaj raṃhinfsi«√raṃh  
    suṣvāṇata·Amsn«√su pavateva·A·3s«√pū sutajmsn«√su |
    pratnajmsa nip pātivp·A·3s«√pā2 kāvyannsa«√kū 

8.  He, the very breath of a [fire] offering,
    exuding eagerly, purifies himself;
    extracted, he harbors ancient prophetic inspiration.

evā́ punāná indrayúrmádaṃ madiṣṭʰa vītáye |
gúhā ciddadʰiṣe gíraḥ || 9||

9.  evac punānajmsn«√pū (indraNms«√ind-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
    madanmsa«√mad madiṣṭʰajmsv«√mad vītinfsd«√vī |
    guhānfsl«√guh cidc dadʰiṣeva·I·2s«√dʰā girnfpa«√gṝ 

9.  He, purifying himself, attracting Indra,
    O the most exhilarating one,
    has covertly procured for himself the wine to arouse [deva-s] --- chants.

1 Agni, Vāyu, Sūrya
2 see 9.24.2b
3 fingers

Sūkta 9.7 

ásṛgramíndavaḥ patʰā́ dʰármannṛtásya suśríyaḥ |
vidānā́ asya yójanam || 1||

1.  asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj indunmpn«√ind patʰinnmsi«√pantʰ  
    dʰarmannnsl«√dʰṛ ṛtannsg«√ṛ suśrījmpn«su~√śrī |
    vidānata·Ampn«√vid ayamr3msg yojanannsa«√yuj 

1.  Drops of Soma discharge along the path;
    [they are] diffusing much light in the prop of ṛta,
    finding affinity of this one¹.

prá dʰā́rā mádʰvo agriyó mahī́rapó ví gāhate |
havírhavíṣṣu vándyaḥ || 2||

2.  prap dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ madʰunnsg«√madʰ agriyanmsn«√aṅg  
    mahījfpa«√mah apnfpa vip gāhateva·A·3s«√gāh |
    havisnnsn«√hu havisnnpl«√hu vandyajmsn«√vand 

2.  The precursor of honey [flows] forth with a [steady] stream [of sounds];
    he plunges into potent waters;
    the offering among offerings, he is to be extolled the most.

prá yujó vācó agriyó vṛ́ṣā́va cakradadváne |
sádmābʰí satyó adʰvaráḥ || 3||

3.  prap yujnmsb«√yuj vācnfsg«√vac agriyanmsn«√aṅg  
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ avap cakradatvp·U·3s«√krand vanannsl«√van |
    sadmannnsa«√sad abʰip satyajmsn«√as adʰvaranmsn 

3.  Forth, from the exciter [of speech], the precursor of speech ---
    the bull has called out in the wooden [cup] ---
    [flows] towards the abode, [he,] genuine, proceeding on his path.

pári yátkā́vyā kavírnṛmṇā́ vásāno árṣati |
svàrvājī́ siṣāsati || 4||

4.  parip yadc kāvijmsi«√kū kavinmsn«√kū  
    (nṛnms-mnanfs«√man)nnpa vasānata·Amsn«√vas arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    svarnnsa«√svar vājinnmsn«√vāj siṣāsativp·A·3s«√san 

4.  When the poet², clothing himself in manhood,
    flows around by means of poetry,
    [he,] the spirited steed, intends to gain sva`r. 

pávamāno abʰí spṛ́dʰo víśo rā́jeva sīdati |
yádīmṛṇvánti vedʰásaḥ || 5||

5.  pavamānanmsn«√pū abʰip spṛdʰnfpa«√spardʰ  
    viśnfsg«√viś rājannmsn«√rāj ivac sīdativp·A·3s«√sad |
    yadc īmr3msa ṛṇvantivp·A·3p«√ṛ vedʰasjmpn«√vidʰ 

5.  He³ who is becoming pure [dominates] over rivals;
    he sits like a tribal king
    when they, enthusiastic [worshipers], move him upwards.

ávyo vā́re pári priyó hárirváneṣu sīdati |
rebʰó vanuṣyate matī́ || 6||

6.  avinmsg vāranmsl«√vṛ2 parip priyajmsn«√prī  
    harijmsn«√hṛ vanannpl«√van sīdativp·A·3s«√sad |
    rebʰajmsn«√ribʰ vanuṣyateva·A·3s«√van matinfsi«√man 

6.  The dear one [is poured⁴] out into the sieve of sheep's wool,
    [then he,] pale green-yellow, settles into wooden [cups].
    By means of a mental gesture the murmuring one becomes eager to win.

sá vāyúmíndramaśvínā sākáṃ mádena gacʰati |
ráṇā yó asya dʰármabʰiḥ || 7||

7.  sasr3msn vāyuNmsa«√vā indraNmsa«√ind aśvinNmda«√aś  
    sākama«sa~√añc madanmsi«√mad gacʰativp·A·3s«√gam |
    raṇanmsi«√raṇ yasr3msn ayamr3msg dʰarmannnpi«√dʰṛ 

7.  He approaches Vāyu, Indra, Aśvin-s
    with the wine, with the delight 
    that is of his nature.

ā́ mitrā́váruṇā bʰágaṃ mádʰvaḥ pavanta ūrmáyaḥ |
vidānā́ asya śákmabʰiḥ || 8||

8.  āp (mitraNmda«√mitʰ-varuṇaNmda«√vṛ)Nmda bʰagaNmsa«√bʰaj  
    madʰunnsg«√madʰ pavantevp·A·3p«√pū ūrminmpn«√ṛ |
    vidānajmpn«√vid ayamr3msg śakmannnpi«√śak 

8.  Waves of the sweet drink flow pure
    towards Mitra, Varuṇa, Bʰaga,
    finding [the way] with the powers of this one⁵.

asmábʰyaṃ rodasī rayíṃ mádʰvo vā́jasya sātáye |
śrávo vásūni sáṃ jitam || 9||

9.  vayamr1mpd rodasnndv rayinmsa«√rā  
    madʰunnsg«√madʰ vājanmsg«√vāj sātinfsi«√san |
    śravasnnsa«√śru vasunnpa«√vas samp jitamvp·Ao2d«√ji 

9.  For us, O two Rodas-es, procure
    the treasure of the sweet drink, of the rush of vigour,
    win [for us] an auditory impression and riches.

1 Soma plant extract
2 Indu
3 Soma plant extract
4 sicyate --- on the strength of 9.63.19
5 inner Soma

Sūkta 9.8 

eté sómā abʰí priyámíndrasya kā́mamakṣaran |
várdʰanto asya vīryàm || 1||

1.  etasr3mpn somanmpn«√su abʰip priyajmsa«√prī  
    indraNmsg«√ind kāmanmsa«√kam akṣaranvp·U·3p«√kṣar |
    vardʰanttp·Ampn«√vṛdʰ ayamr3msg vīryannsa«√vīr 

1.  These Soma [drops] distill the cherished object
    of Indra's ardent desire,
    [they are] increasing his virility.

punānā́saścamūṣádo gácʰanto vāyúmaśvínā |
té no dʰāntu suvī́ryam || 2||

2.  punānajmpn«√pū (camūnfs-sadjms«√sad)jmpn  
    gacʰanttp·Ampn«√gam vāyuNmsa«√vā aśvinNmda«√aś |
    sasr3mpn vayamr1mpd dʰāntuvp·Ao3p«√dʰā suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

2.  Purifying self, settled into bowls,
    they approach Vāyu and Aśvin-s;
    may they give us manly vigour!

índrasya soma rā́dʰase punānó hā́rdi codaya |
ṛtásya yónimāsádam || 3||

3.  indraNmsg«√ind somaNmsv«√su rādʰasnnsd«√rādʰ  
    punānajmsn«√pū hārdinnsa«√hṛ codayavp·Ao2s«√cud |
    ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsa«√yu āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

3.  Purifying thyself, O Soma, 
    for the accomplishment of Indra's desire,
    incite the heart to dwell in the womb of ṛta.

mṛjánti tvā dáśa kṣípo hinvánti saptá dʰītáyaḥ |
ánu víprā amādiṣuḥ || 4||

4.  mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj tvamr2msa daśau kṣipnfpn«√kṣip  
    hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi saptau dʰītinfpn«√dʰī |
    anup vipranmpn«√vip amādiṣurvp·U·3p«√mad 

4.  Ten mercurial ones¹ rub thee,
    seven dʰīti-s urge [thee] on.
    Inspired ones rejoiced over [thee].

devébʰyastvā mádāya káṃ sṛjānámáti meṣyàḥ |
sáṃ góbʰirvāsayāmasi || 5||

5.  devanmpd«√div tvamr2msa madanmsd«√mad kasr3msa  
    sṛjānata·Amsn«√sṛj atip meṣīnfpa«√miṣ |
    samp gonfpi vāsayāmasivp·A·1p«√vas 

5.  For deva-s, for [their] exhilaration
    we make thee clothed in milk, 
    thee, the joy that sheds beyond the fleece.

punānáḥ kaláśeṣvā́ vástrāṇyaruṣó háriḥ |
pári gávyānyavyata || 6||

6.  punānajmsn«√pū kalaśanmpl«√kal? āp  
    vastrannpa«√vas aruṣajmsn«√ruṣ harijmsn«√hṛ |
    parip gavyajnpa avyatava·U·3s«√vye 

6.  Purifying himself, he, in the goblets,
    pale green-yellow, mild,
    wrapped himself with raiments coming from cows.

magʰóna ā́ pavasva no jahí víśvā ápa dvíṣaḥ |
índo sákʰāyamā́ viśa || 7||

7.  magʰavanjmpa«√maṃh āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū vayamr1mpd  
    jahivp·Ao2s«√han viśvajfpa«√viś apap dviṣnfpa«√dviṣ |
    indunmsv«√ind sakʰinmsa«√sac āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

7.  By flowing pure bring us bountiful [gifts]!
    Repel from us all conflicts!
    O Indu, be absorbed into [thy] companion².

vṛṣṭíṃ diváḥ pári srava dyumnáṃ pṛtʰivyā́ ádʰi |
sáho naḥ soma pṛtsú dʰāḥ || 8||

8.  vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ dyunmsb parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru  
    dyumnannsa pṛtʰivīnfsb«√pṛtʰ adʰip |
    sahasnnsa«√sah vayamr1mpd somanmsv«√su pṛtnfpl«√pṛc dʰāsvp·UE2s«√dʰā 

8.  Pour out the rain from the Heaven,
    a power to illuminate from the Earth upwards.
    Thou set up for us, O Soma, overwhelming strength in battles.

nṛcákṣasaṃ tvā vayámíndrapītaṃ svarvídam |
bʰakṣīmáhi prajā́míṣam || 9||

9.  (nṛnms-cakṣasnns«√cakṣ)nmsa tvamr2msa vayamr1mpn  
    (indraNms«√ind-pītajms«√pā)jmsa (svarnns-vidjms«√vid)jmsa |
    bʰakṣīmahiva·Ai1p«√bʰakṣ prajānfsa«pra~√jan iṣnfsa«√iṣ 

9.  [May we partake] of thee, who guides men,
    [who is] imbibed by Indra, [thee who] finds sva`r,
    may we partake of children and of the refreshing drink!

1 vowels a ā i ī u ū ṛ e o aṃ
2 Indra

Sūkta 9.9 

pári priyā́ diváḥ kavírváyāṃsi naptyòrhitáḥ |
suvānó yāti kavíkratuḥ || 1||

1.  parip priyajnpa«√prī dyunmsg kavinmsn«√kū  
    vayasnnpa«√vī naptīnfdl«√nap? hitajmsn«√dʰā |
    suvānata·Amsn«√su yātivp·A·3s«√yā (kavinms«√kū-kratunms«√kṛ)jmsn 

1.  The poet¹, whose designs are full of insight, 
    placed between two grand-daughters, becoming extracted,
    assumes successively forms of energies favoured by the Heaven.

prápra kṣáyāya pányase jánāya júṣṭo adrúhe |
vītyàrṣa cániṣṭʰayā || 2||

2.  prap kṣayanmsd«√kṣi2 panyasjmsd«√pan  
    jananmsd«√jan juṣṭajmsn«√juṣ adruhjmsd«a~√druh |
    vītinfsi«√vī arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ caniṣṭʰanfsi«√can 

2.  Onward, to the abode² worthy of admiration!
    Frequented for the sake of free-from-malice creature, 
    flow together with the most satisfying arousal.

sá sūnúrmātárā śúcirjātó jāté arocayat |
mahā́nmahī́ ṛtāvṛ́dʰā || 3||

3.  sasr3msn sūnunmsn«√sū mātṛnfda«√mā śucijmsn«√śuc  
    jātajmsn«√jan jātajfda«√jan arocayatvp·Aa3s«√ruc |
    mahatjmsn«√mah mahījfda«√mah (ṛtanns«√ṛ-āvṛdʰjfs«ā~√vṛdʰ)jfda 

3.  He, a son born gleaming, 
    them, two mothers, born too, caused to shine,
    he, great ---- them great, strengthened by ṛta.

sá saptá dʰītíbʰirhitó nadyò ajinvadadrúhaḥ |
yā́ ékamákṣi vāvṛdʰúḥ || 4||

4.  sasr3msn saptau dʰītinfpi«√dʰī hitajmsn«√hi  
    nadīnfpa«√nad ajinvadvp·Aa3s«√jinv adruhjfpa«a~√druh |
    yār3fpn ekau akṣinnsa vāvṛdʰurvp·I·3p«√vṛdʰ 

4.  He, impelled by the seven dʰīti-s, 
    has urged on free-from-malice flowing waters
    that had strengthened the only one³ who is able to penetrate.

tā́ abʰí sántamástṛtaṃ mahé yúvānamā́ dadʰuḥ |
índumindra táva vraté || 5||

5.  tār3fpn abʰip santtp·Amsa«√as astṛtajmsa«a~√stṛ  
    mahev···D··«√mah yuvanjmsa«√yu āp dadʰurva·I·3p«√dʰā |
    indunmsa«√ind indraNmsv«√ind tvamr2msg vratannsl«√vṛ2 

5.  They⁴, in order to delight in the present concentrated [extract of Soma plant],
    deposited [this] young --- Indu ---
    into thy, O Indra, sphere of action.

abʰí váhnirámartyaḥ saptá paśyati vā́vahiḥ |
krívirdevī́ratarpayat || 6||

6.  abʰip vahninmsn«√vah amartyajmsn«a~√mṛ  
    saptau paśyativp·A·3s«√paś vāvahijmsn«√vah |
    krivijmsn«√kṛ devīnfpa«√div atarpayatvp·Aa3s«√tṛp 

6.  He⁵ who conveys, who is immortal,
    observes the seven [rivers] --- he, who funnels.
    Set up, he made devī-s⁶ satisfied.

ávā kálpeṣu naḥ pumastámāṃsi soma yódʰyā |
tā́ni punāna jaṅgʰanaḥ || 7||

7.  avap kalpanmpl«√klṛp vayamr1mpg puṃsnmsv  
    tamasnnpa«√tam somaNmsv«√su yodʰyajnpa«√yudʰ |
    tadr3npa punānajmsv«√pū jaṅgʰanasvp·Ae3s«√han 

7.  In our practices, O man, 
    mental obscurations that are to be overcome ---
    them, O purifying one, fend off, O Soma!

nū́ návyase návīyase sūktā́ya sādʰayā patʰáḥ |
pratnavádrocayā rúcaḥ || 8||

8.  nua navyasjnsd«√nu navīyaṃsjnsd«√nu  
    sūktannsd«su~√vac sādʰayavp·Ao2s«√sādʰ patʰnmpa«√pantʰ |
    pratnavata rocayavp·Ao2s«√ruc rucnfpa«√ruc 

8.  Now, make the paths
    for a new, the newest, poem straight.
    As before, make luminous the pleasures.

pávamāna máhi śrávo gā́máśvaṃ rāsi vīrávat |
sánā medʰā́ṃ sánā svàḥ || 9||

9.  pavamānanmsv«√pū mahijnsa«√mah śravasnnsa«√śru  
    gonfsa aśvanmsa«√aś rāsivp·A·2s«√rā vīravatjmsn«√vīr |
    sanavp·Ao2s«√san medʰānfsa«√midʰ sanavp·Ao2s«√san svarnnsa 

9.  May thou, who is becoming pure, grant [me], like a hero would,
    a mighty auditory impression, a cow, a horse!
    Bestow the strength of resolve, gain [for me] sva`r.

1 inner Soma
2 the womb of ṛta
3 Indra
4 the rivers
5 Agni
6 See 9.5.8

Sūkta 9.10 

prá svānā́so rátʰā ivā́rvanto ná śravasyávaḥ |
sómāso rāyé akramuḥ || 1||

1.  prap svānajmpn«√svan ratʰanmpn«√ṛ ivac  
    arvantnmpn«√ṛ nac (śravasnns«√śru-yujms«√yu)jmpn |
    somanmpn«√su rāyinmsd«√rā akramurvp·U·3p«√kram 

1.  Soma juices, rattling like chariots, 
    proceed in stages for the sake of the treasure
    like coursers seeking fame.

hinvānā́so rátʰā iva dadʰanviré gábʰastyoḥ |
bʰárāsaḥ kāríṇāmiva || 2||

2.  hinvānata·Ampn«√hi ratʰanmpn«√ṛ ivac  
    dadʰanvireva·I·3p«√dʰanv gabʰastinmdl |
    bʰaranmpn«√bʰṛ kārinnmpg«√kṛ ivac 

2.  Impelled like chariots, 
    they darted into two hands
    bearing [that treasure] as [a reward] of doers.

rā́jāno ná práśastibʰiḥ sómāso góbʰirañjate |
yajñó ná saptá dʰātṛ́bʰiḥ || 3||

3.  rājānata·Amsn«√rāj nac praśastinfpi«pra~√śaṃs  
    somajmpn«√su gonfpi añjateva·A·3p«√añj |
    yajñanmsn«√yaj nac saptau dʰātṛnmpi«√dʰā 

3.  Soma juices are enhanced by milk
    like kings are by competencies
    like a fire offering is by the seven mediators.

pári suvānā́sa índavo mádāya barháṇā girā́ |
sutā́ arṣanti dʰā́rayā || 4||

4.  parip suvānata·Ampn«√su indunmpn«√ind  
    madanmsd«√mad barhaṇājfsi«√bṛh girnfsi«√gṝ |
    sutajmpn«√su arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ 

4.  Being extracted with a rising chant for an exhilaration,
    the drops, [when] extracted, flow quickly, 
    in a stream.

āpānā́so vivásvato jánanta uṣáso bʰágam |
sū́rā áṇvaṃ ví tanvate || 5||

5.  āpānatp·Impn«√āp vivasvatNmsg«√vas  
    janantjmpn«√jan uṣasnfsg«√vas2 bʰaganmsa«√bʰaj |
    sūrajmpn«√sūr aṇunmsa vip tanvateva·A·3p«√tan 

5.  Having pervaded [the station] of Vivasvat,
    producing [a sense of] well-being at dawn,
    they who vivify¹ stretch fine interstices [of the filter].

ápa dvā́rā matīnā́ṃ pratnā́ ṛṇvanti kārávaḥ |
vṛ́ṣṇo hárasa āyávaḥ || 6||

6.  apap dvārannpa«√dvṛ matinfpg«√man  
    pratnajmpn ṛṇvantivp·A·3p«√ṛ kārunmpn«√kṛ2 |
    vṛṣannmsg«√vṛṣ harasnnsd«√hṛ āyujmpn«√i 

6.  Customary singers [of eulogies],
    agitated to grasp the bull,
    reach the doors of mental gestures.

samīcīnā́sa āsate hótāraḥ saptájāmayaḥ |
padámékasya píprataḥ || 7||

7.  samīcīnajfpn«sam~√añc āsatevp·A·3p«√ās  
    hotṛnmpn«√hu (saptau-jāminfs«√jan)nfpn |
    padannsa«√pad ekajmsg piprattp·Ampn«√pṛ 

7.  The seven siblings --- envokers of deva-s ---
    remain in concord
    [thus] preserving the track of the one.

nā́bʰā nā́bʰiṃ na ā́ dade cákṣuścitsū́rye sácā |
kavérápatyamā́ duhe || 8||

8.  nābʰinfsl«√nabʰ nābʰinfsa«√nabʰ vayamr1mpg āp dadevp·I·3s«√dā  
    cakṣusnnsa«√cakṣ cidc sūryanmsl«√sūr sacāa«√sac |
    kavinmsg«√kū apatyannsa āp duhevp·A·3s«√duh 

8.  In [this] junction he seized our center,
    like an eye is seized in the presence of the sun;
    he yielded a poet's offspring.

abʰí priyā́ diváspadámadʰvaryúbʰirgúhā hitám |
sū́raḥ paśyati cákṣasā || 9||

9.  abʰip priyājnpa«√prī dyunmsg«√dyu padannsa«√pad  
    (adʰvaranms-yujms«√yu)jmpi guhānfsl«√guh hitajnsa«√dʰā |
    sūranmsn«√sūr paśyativp·A·3s«√paś cakṣasnnsi«√cakṣ 

9.  He who vivifies observes with [this] eye
    prepared in secret by ``them who seek ways to proceed'' step
    towards [forms of energy²] favoured by the Heaven.

1 drops of inner Soma
2 váyāṃsi --- see 9.9.1

Sūkta 9.11 

úpāsmai gāyatā naraḥ pávamānāyéndave |
abʰí devā́m̐ íyakṣate || 1||

1.  upap ayamr3msd gāyatavp·AE2p«√gai nṛnmpv  
    pavamānajmsd«√pū indunmsd«√ind |
    abʰip devanmpa«√div iyakṣateva·A·3s«√yaj 

1.  Sing ye to this one, O men, 
    to him who is becoming pure, to Indu ---
    he desires to make an offering to deva-s.

abʰí te mádʰunā páyó'tʰarvāṇo aśiśrayuḥ |
deváṃ devā́ya devayú || 2||

2.  abʰip tvamr2msg madʰunnsi«√madʰ payasnnsa«√pī  
    atʰarvannmpn«√atʰar? aśiśrayurvp·I·3p«√śri |
    devanmsa«√div devanmsd«√div (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jnsa 

2.  Atʰarvan-s dilute with honey thy juice
    heavenly to the deva¹,
    attracting deva-s.

sá naḥ pavasva śáṃ gáve śáṃ jánāya śámárvate |
śáṃ rājannóṣadʰībʰyaḥ || 3||

3.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū śamnfsa«√śam gonfsd  
    śamnfsa«√śam jananmsd«√jan śamnfsa«√śam arvatnmsd«√ṛ |
    śamnfsa«√śam rājannmsv«√rāj (oṣanms«√uṣ-dʰijfs«√dʰā)nfpd 

3.  He [says] to us, ``Become pure!
    Well-being to [this] cow, well-being to [this] man, well-being to [this] courser!''
    [We say to him,] ``O King, well-being to herbs!''

babʰráve nú svátavase'ruṇā́ya divispṛ́śe |
sómāya gātʰámarcata || 4||

4.  babʰrujmsd«√bʰṛ nuc svatavasjmsd«sva~√tu  
    aruṇajmsd«√ṛ (dyunmsl-spṛśjms«√spṛś)jmsd |
    somanmsd«√su gātʰanmsa«√gai arcatavp·AE2p«√ṛc 

4.  Sing ye a song to Soma,
    to him who is indeed tenacious, self-strong, 
    who gives chance to move upwards, who touches the Heaven.

hástacyutebʰirádribʰiḥ sutáṃ sómaṃ punītana |
mádʰāvā́ dʰāvatā mádʰu || 5||

5.  (hastanms-cyutajms«√cyu)jmpi adrinmpi«√dṛ  
    sutajmsa«√su somanmsa«√su punītanavp·Ao2p«√pū |
    madʰunnsl«√madʰ āp dʰāvatāvp·Ao2p«√dʰāv madʰunnsa«√madʰ 

5.  Cleanse the Soma [juice], pressed out
    by the hand-moved stones,
    hasten the honey into the nectar².

námasédúpa sīdata dadʰnédabʰí śrīṇītana |
índumíndre dadʰātana || 6||

6.  namasnnsi«√nam idc upap sīdatavp·Ao2p«√sad  
    dadʰannnsi idc abʰip śrīṇītanavp·AE2p«√śrī |
    indunmsa«√ind indraNmsl«√ind dadʰātanavp·AE2p«√dʰā 

6.  Ye approach with reverence,
    mix [Soma juice] with coagulated milk,
    place Indu into Indra!

amitrahā́ vícarṣaṇiḥ pávasva soma śáṃ gáve |
devébʰyo anukāmakṛ́t || 7||

7.  (amitranms«a~√mitʰ-hanjms«√han)jmsn vicarṣaṇijmsn«vi~√kṛṣ  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū śama«√śam gonfsd |
    devanmpd«√div (anup-kāmanms«√kam-kṛtjms«√kṛ)jmsn 

7.  Slaying those who are not supporting or protecting³,
    [thou ---] disengaging, become pure, O Soma, bless [this] cow
    acting in accordance to [our] wish for the sake of deva-s.

índrāya soma pā́tave mádāya pári ṣicyase |
manaścínmánasaspátiḥ || 8||

8.  indraNmsd«√ind somaNmsv«√su pātavev···D··«√pā  
    madanmsd«√mad parip sicyasevp·A·2s«√sic |
    (manasnns«√man-citjms«√cit)jmsn manasnnsg«√man patinmsn«√pā 

8.  For Indra to drink, O Soma, 
    for [our] exhilaration thou are spread around.
    Concentrated in the mind, [thou are] the ruler of the mind.

pávamāna suvī́ryaṃ rayíṃ soma rirīhi naḥ |
índavíndreṇa no yujā́ || 9||

9.  pavamānanmsv«√pū suvīryannsa«su~√vīr  
    rayinmsa«√rā somaNmsv«√su rirīhivp·Ao2s«√rā vayamr1mpd |
    indunmsv«√ind indraNmsi«√ind vayamr1mpa yujnfsi«√yuj 

9.  Soma, thou who is becoming pure,
    grant to us together with Indra, our companion, 
    the potency, the treasure, O Indu!

1 Indra
2 extract of Soma plant mixed with water
3 fears, anxiety, worries

Sūkta 9.12 

sómā asṛgramíndavaḥ sutā́ ṛtásya sā́dane |
índrāya mádʰumattamāḥ || 1||

1.  somajmpn«√su asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj indunmpn«√ind  
    sutajmpn«√su ṛtannsg«√ṛ sādanannsl«√sad |
    indraNmsd«√ind madʰumattamajmpn«√madʰ 

1.  Soma drops, for Indra most sweet,
    have effused,
    extracted in the seat of ṛta.

abʰí víprā anūṣata gā́vo vatsáṃ ná mātáraḥ |
índraṃ sómasya pītáye || 2||

2.  abʰip viprajmpn«√vip anūṣatava·U·3p«√nu  
    gonfpn vatsanmsa nac mātṛnfpn«√mā |
    indraNmsa«√ind somanmsg«√su pītinfsd«√pā 

2.  Inspired ones welcome Indra
    for a draught of Soma
    as cows [encourage] a calf.

madacyútkṣeti sā́dane síndʰorūrmā́ vipaścít |
sómo gaurī́ ádʰi śritáḥ || 3||

3.  (madanms«√mad-cyutjms«√cyu)jmsn kṣetivp·A·3s«√kṣi2 sādanannsl«√sad  
    sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ūrminmsl«√ṛ (vipnfpa«√vip-citjms«√ci)jmsn |
    somanmsn«√su gaurīnfsl adʰip śritajmsn«√śri 

3.  Oozing exhilaration, he resides in [that] seat;
    piling up pulsations when in the wave of Sindʰu
    Soma gets attached to the third stage of the speech.

divó nā́bʰā vicakṣaṇó'vyo vā́re mahīyate |
sómo yáḥ sukrátuḥ kavíḥ || 4||

4.  dyunmsg«√dyu nābʰinfsl«√nabʰ vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ  
    avinmsg vāranmsl«√vṛ2 mahīyateva·A·3s«√mah |
    somanmsn«√su yasr3msn sukratujmsn«su~√kṛ kavinmsn«√kū 

4.  Perceptible¹ in the navel of the Heaven
    he becomes stronger in woolen sieve,
    [he,] Soma, who is a skillful poet.

yáḥ sómaḥ kaláśeṣvā́m̐ antáḥ pavítra ā́hitaḥ |
támínduḥ pári ṣasvaje || 5||

5.  yasr3msn somanmsn«√su kalaśanmpl«√kal? āp  
    antara pavitrannsl«√pū āhitajmsn«ā~√dʰā |
    sasr3msa indunmsn«√ind parip sasvajevp·I·3s«√svaj 

5.  What Soma² is in goblets,
    what is placed inside the filter,
    that one Indu³ embraced.

prá vā́camínduriṣyati samudrásyā́dʰi viṣṭápi |
jínvankóśaṃ madʰuścútam || 6||

6.  prap vācnfsa«√vac indunmsn«√ind iṣyativp·A·3s«√iṣ  
    samudranmsg«sam~√ud adʰip viṣṭapnfsl«vi~√stambʰ |
    jinvanttp·Amsn«√jinv kośanmsa«√kuś (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa 

6.  Indu pours out speech
    above the apex of the sea⁴
    animating overflowing with sweetness subtle body.

nítyastotro vánaspátirdʰīnā́mantáḥ sabardúgʰaḥ |
hinvānó mā́nuṣā yugā́ || 7||

7.  (nityajns«√ni-stotranns«√stu)jmsn (vanasnns«√van-patinms«√pā2)nmsn  
    dʰīnfpg«√dʰī antara (sabarnns-dugʰajms«√duh)jmsn |
    hinvānata·Amsn«√hi mānuṣajnpa«√man yugannpa«√yuj 

7.  Always lauded Vanaspati⁵ 
    who yields nectar in the depths of dʰī-s
    [is] stimulating generations of men.

abʰí priyā́ diváspadā́ sómo hinvānó arṣati |
víprasya dʰā́rayā kavíḥ || 8||

8.  abʰip priyajnpa«√prī dyunmsg padannpa«√pad  
    somanmsn«√su hinvānata·Amsn«√hi arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    viprajmsg«√vip dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ kavinmsn«√kū 

8.  Soma⁶ flows stimulating [Indu⁷]
    towards favorite steps of the Heaven,
    gifted with insight by poet's stream [of sounds].

ā́ pavamāna dʰāraya rayíṃ sahásravarcasam |
asmé indo svābʰúvam || 9||

9.  āp pavamānanmsv«√pū dʰārayavp·Ao2s«√dʰṛ  
    rayinmsa«√rā (sahasrau-varcasnns«√ruc)jmsa |
    vayamr1mpl indunmsv«√ind svābʰūjmsa«su-

9.  O becoming pure, cause 
    the treasure of thousand-fold vital power
    to keep itself in us, O Indu, near at hand.

10. [Soma, purifying himself, is discharging in thousand streams
through woolen sieve towards the place
of meeting with Vāyu and Indra].

1 to the mind's eye
2 extract of Soma plant
3 the inner Soma
4 heart cakra
5 the principal desire
6 the extract of Soma plant
7 the inner Soma

Sūkta 9.13 

sómaḥ punānó arṣati sahásradʰāro átyaviḥ |
vāyóríndrasya niṣkṛtám || 1||

1.  somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ  
    (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn atyavijmsn |
    vāyuNmsg«√vā indraNmsg«√ind niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ 

1.  Soma, purifying himself, discharging in thousand streams,
    being beyond the woolen [sieve], [goes] towards the place
    where Vāyu and Indra come out.

pávamānamavasyavo vípramabʰí prá gāyata |
suṣvāṇáṃ devávītaye || 2||

2.  pavamānanmsa«√pū (avasnns«√av-yujms«√yu)jmpv  
    viprajmsa«√vip abʰip prap gāyatavp·AE2p«√gai |
    suṣvāṇata·Amsa«√su (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd 

2.  Start singing [hymns] ye, who seek a favour,
    to him who is becoming pure, who is stirred,
    who exudes to arouse deva-s.

pávante vā́jasātaye sómāḥ sahásrapājasaḥ |
gṛṇānā́ devávītaye || 3||

3.  pavanteva·A·3p«√pū (vājanms«√vāj-sātinfs«√san)nfsd  
    somanmpn«√su (sahasrau-pājasnns«√pāj)jmpn |
    gṛṇānatp·Ampn«√gṝ (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd 

3.  Becoming pure to bestow the rush of vigour,
    Soma drops, creating thousand footholds,
    [are] extolled to arouse deva-s.

utá no vā́jasātaye pávasva bṛhatī́ríṣaḥ |
dyumádindo suvī́ryam || 4||

4.  utac vayamr1mpd (vājanms«√vāj-sātinfs«√san)nfsd  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū bṛhatījfpa«√bṛh iṣnfpa«√iṣ |
    dyumatjnsa«√dyut induNmsv«√ind suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

4.  To bestow upon us the rush of vigour,
    distill abundant libations,
    O Indu, [and] lucid manly vigour.

té naḥ sahasríṇaṃ rayíṃ pávantāmā́ suvī́ryam |
suvānā́ devā́sa índavaḥ || 5||

5.  sasr3mpn vayamr1mpd sahasrinjmsa rayinmsa«√rā  
    pavantāmva·Ao3p«√pū āp suvīryannsa«su~√vīr |
    suvānata·Ampn«√su devajmpn«√div indunmpn«√ind 

5.  May these effusing divine drops
    strengthen for us
    the thousand-fold potent treasure.

átyā hiyānā́ ná hetṛ́bʰirásṛgraṃ vā́jasātaye |
ví vā́ramávyamāśávaḥ || 6||

6.  atyanmpn«√at? hiyānata·Ampn«√hi nac hetṛnmpi«√hi  
    asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj (vājanms«√vāj-sātinfs«√san)nfsd |
    vip vāranmsa«√vṛ2 avyajmsa āśujmpn«√aś 

6.  Rushing like coursers spurred by riders,
    they emit through the woolen sieve
    to bestow the rush of vigour.

vāśrā́ arṣantī́ndavo'bʰí vatsáṃ ná dʰenávaḥ |
dadʰanviré gábʰastyoḥ || 7||

7.  vāśrājmpn«√vāś arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ indunmpn«√ind  
    abʰip vatsanmsa nac dʰenunfpn«√dʰe |
    dadʰanvireva·I·3p«√dʰanv gabʰastinmdl 

7.  [As if] lowing, the drops flow forth ---
    as cows towards the calf
    [they] darted into two hands.

júṣṭa índrāya matsaráḥ pávamāna kánikradat |
víśvā ápa dvíṣo jahi || 8||

8.  juṣṭajmsn«√juṣ indraNmsd«√ind (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmsn  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand |
    viśvajfpa«√viś apap dviṣnfpa«√dviṣ jahivp·Ao2s«√han 

8.  Frequented [with a mental gesture¹],
    exhilarating to Indra, O becoming pure, [thou are] calling out.
    Repel all conflicts!

apagʰnánto árāvṇaḥ pávamānāḥ svardṛ́śaḥ |
yónāvṛtásya sīdata || 9||

9.  apagʰnanttp·Ampn«apa~√han arāvanjmpa«a~√rā  
    pavamānajmpn«√pū (svarnns-dṛśjms«√dṛś)jmpn |
    yoninmsl«√yu ṛtannsg«√ṛ sīdatavp·Ao2p«√sad 

9.  Repelling those² that hold back [the flow],
    becoming pure [drops are] sva`r-seeing.
    Ye sit in the womb of ṛta!

1 mati --- on the strength of 9.44.2
2 bādʰa-s, impulses to suppress

Sūkta 9.14 

pári prā́siṣyadatkavíḥ síndʰorūrmā́vádʰi śritáḥ |
kāráṃ bíbʰratpuruspṛ́ham || 1||

1.  parip prap asiṣyadatva·U·3s«√syand kavinmsn«√kū  
    sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ūrminmsl«√ṛ adʰip śritajmsn«√śri |
    kāranmsa«√kṛ bibʰrattp·Amsn«√bʰṛ (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jmsa 

1.  He, who is gifted with insight, rushes, 
    attached to the wave of Sindʰu,
    and bears much desired battle song.

girā́ yádī sábandʰavaḥ páñca vrā́tā apasyávaḥ |
pariṣkṛṇvánti dʰarṇasím || 2||

2.  girnfsi«√gṝ yadr3nsl sabandʰujmpn«sa~√bandʰ  
    pañcau vrātanmpn«√vṛ2 (apasnns-yujms«√yu)nmpn |
    pariṣkṛṇvantivp·A·3p«pari~√kṛ dʰarṇasijmsa«√dʰṛ 

2.  When along with a chant
    five seeking activity, rich with associations swarms¹
    complement [him who] has the strength to confer [the treasure],

ā́dasya śuṣmíṇo ráse víśve devā́ amatsata |
yádī góbʰirvasāyáte || 3||

3.  ātc ayamr3msg śuṣminjmsg«√śuṣ rasanmsl«√ras  
    viśvajmpn«√viś devanmpn«√div amatsatavp·U·3p«√mad |
    yadr3nsl gonfpi vasāyateva·A·3s«√vas 

3.  then, through the mouth-drying sap of this one,
    all-deva-s have become exhilarated.
    When he is dressed with milk,

niriṇānó ví dʰāvati jáhacʰáryāṇi tā́nvā |
átrā sáṃ jigʰnate yujā́ || 4||

4.  niriṇānajmsn«ni~√rī vip dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv  
    jahattp·Amsn«√hā śaryannpa«√śrī tānvajnpa«√tan |
    ar3nsl samp jigʰnateva·A·3s«√han yujnmsi«√yuj 

4.  freeing himself, he disperses,
    abandoning slender shafts.
    Then he meets [his] companion²

naptī́bʰiryó vivásvataḥ śubʰró ná māmṛjé yúvā |
gā́ḥ kṛṇvānó ná nirṇíjam || 5||

5.  naptīnfpi«√nap? yasr3msn vivasvatNmsg«√vas  
    śubʰrajmsn«√śubʰ nac māmṛjeva·I·3s«√mṛj yuvannmsn«√yu |
    gonfpa kṛṇvānata·Amsn«√kṛ nac nirṇijnfsa«nis~√nij 

5.  who [together] with daughters³ of Vivasvat,
    as a beautiful youth, adorns himself,
    as if making milk a shining garment.

áti śritī́ tiraścátā gavyā́ jigātyáṇvyā |
vagnúmiyarti yáṃ vidé || 6||

6.  atip śritinfda«√śri (tirasa«√tṝ-catāa«√añc)a  
    gavīnfsi jigātivp·A·3s«√gā aṇvījfsi«√aṇ? |
    vagnunmsa«√vac iyartivp·A·3s«√ṛ yasr3msa videv···D··«√vid 

6.  He moves cross-ways passing two rests
    with a barely perceptible sound,
    [then] he gives rise to a sound which is to look for.

abʰí kṣípaḥ sámagmata marjáyantīriṣáspátim |
pṛṣṭʰā́ gṛbʰṇata vājínaḥ || 7||

7.  abʰip kṣipnfpn«√kṣip samp agmatava·U·3p«√gam  
    marjayantītp·Afpa«√mṛj iṣnfsg«√iṣ patinmsa«√pā2 |
    pṛṣṭʰannpa«pra~√stʰā gṛbʰṇatavp·AE3p«√grah vājinnmsg«√vāj 

7.  Mercurial ones came together,
    making the master of libations free from impurities
    seizing the bases of him who possesses the rush of vigour.

pári divyā́ni mármṛśadvíśvāni soma pā́rtʰivā |
vásūni yāhyasmayúḥ || 8||

8.  parip divyajnpa«√div marmṛśatv···D··«√mṛś  
    viśvajnpa«√viś somaNmsv«√su pārtʰivajnpa«√pṛtʰ |
    vasunnpa«√vas yāhivp·Ao2s«√yā (vayamr1mpa-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

8.  So as to encompass everything celestial and earthly
    [that is] beneficent, O Soma,
    journey [to a place where Indra,] attracting us[, comes out]⁴.

1 energies of sensations
2 the inner Soma
3 dawns
4 on the strength of 9.64.15b

Sūkta 9.15 

eṣá dʰiyā́ yātyáṇvyā śū́ro rátʰebʰirāśúbʰiḥ |
gácʰanníndrasya niṣkṛtám || 1||

1.  eṣasr3msn dʰīnfsi«√dʰī yātivp·A·3s«√yā aṇvījfsi  
    śūranmsn«√śūr ratʰanmpi«√ṛ āśujmpi«√aś |
    gacʰanttp·Ampn«√gam indraNmsg«√ind niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ 

1.  This one moves by means of a barely perceptible dʰī.
    An agent of change, he goes by means of quick chariots
    to a place where Indra comes out.

eṣá purū́ dʰiyāyate bṛhaté devátātaye |
yátrāmṛ́tāsa ā́sate || 2||

2.  eṣasr3msn purua«√pṝ dʰiyāyateva·A·3s«√dʰī  
    bṛhatjmsd«√bṛh (devanms«√div-tātinms«√tan)nmsd |
    yadr3nsl amṛtajmpn«a~√mṛ āsatevp·A·3p«√ās 

2.  This one often effects a dʰī
    for the mighty horde of deva-s ---
    wherever the immortals dwell.

eṣá hitó ví nīyate'ntáḥ śubʰrā́vatā patʰā́ |
yádī tuñjánti bʰū́rṇayaḥ || 3||

3.  eṣasr3msn hitajmsn«√hi vip nīyatevp·A·3s«√nī  
    antara śubʰrāvantjmsi«√śubʰ patʰinnmsi«√pantʰ |
    yadr3nsl tuñjantivp·A·3p«√tuj bʰūrṇijfpn«√bʰur 

3.  This one, impelled, is guided
    along enhancing [it] path within ---
    if incessant ones focus [him].

eṣá śṛ́ṅgāṇi dódʰuvacʰíśīte yūtʰyò vṛ́ṣā |
nṛmṇā́ dádʰāna ójasā || 4||

4.  eṣasr3msn śṛṅgannpa«√śṛṅ? dodʰuvattp·Amsn«√dʰū  
    śiśīteva·A·3s«√śo yūtʰyajmsn«√yu vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ |
    (nṛnms-mnanfs«√man)nnpa dadʰānatp·Imsn«√dʰā ojasnnsi«√vaj 

4.  This one, violently shaking horns¹, sharpens [them],
    [just as] a bull of a herd 
    who obtained manhood --- vigorously.

eṣá rukmíbʰirīyate vājī́ śubʰrébʰiraṃśúbʰiḥ |
pátiḥ síndʰūnāṃ bʰávan || 5||

5.  eṣasr3msn rukminjmpi«√ruc īyateva·A·3s«√i  
    vājinnmsn«√vāj śubʰrajmpi«√śubʰ aṃśunmpi«√aś |
    patinmsn«√pā2 sindʰunmpg«√sindʰ bʰavantstp·A?sn«√bʰū 

5.  This one, who possesses the rush of vigour, 
    spreads through enhancing [him] having radiance filaments²
    becoming the ruler of rivers.

eṣá vásūni pibdanā́ páruṣā yayivā́m̐ áti |
áva śā́deṣu gacʰati || 6||

6.  eṣasr3msn vasunnpa«√vas pibdanajnpa«api~√pad  
    paruṣajnpa«√parv yayivanttp·Ams?«√yā atip |
    avap śādanmpl«√śad gacʰativp·A·3s«√gam 

6.  This one, moving beyond beneficial,
    dense, having sections [crushed stalks] 
    goes down into soft ones³.

etáṃ mṛjanti márjyamúpa dróṇeṣvāyávaḥ |
pracakrāṇáṃ mahī́ríṣaḥ || 7||

7.  etasr3msa mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj marjyajmsa«√mṛj  
    upap droṇannpl«√dru āyujmpn«√i |
    pracakrāṇajmsa«pra~√kṛ mahījfpa«√mah iṣnfpa«√iṣ 

7.  Agitated ones⁴ rub off into wooden vessels
    this one who is to be cleansed ---
    him, who procreated potent libations.

etámu tyáṃ dáśa kṣípo mṛjánti saptá dʰītáyaḥ |
svāyudʰáṃ madíntamam || 8||

8.  eṣasr3msa uc syar3mpn daśau kṣipnfpn«√kṣip  
    mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj saptau dʰītinfpn«√dʰī |
    svāyudʰajmsa«su-ā~√yudʰ madintamajmsa«√mad 

8.  Ten mercurial ones rub off this one,
    the seven dʰīti-s [prepare]
    [him], well-armed, most intoxicating.

1 plural, not dual
2 probably, ``nerves''
3 fibers of woolen sieve
4 worshipers

Sūkta 9.16 

prá te sotā́ra oṇyò rásaṃ mádāya gʰṛ́ṣvaye |
sárgo ná taktyétaśaḥ || 1||

1.  prap tvamr2msg sotṛnmpn«√su oṇīnmdl«√oṇ  
    rasanmsa«√ras madanmsd«√mad gʰṛṣvijmsd«√hṛṣ |
    sarganmsn«√sṛj nac taktivp·A·3s«√tak etaśajmsn 

1.  Pressers [send] thy streams¹ forth between two protectors² ---
    an elixir for a mirthful exhilaration.
    Like [a herd] let loose [from a stable], the flickering one rushes along.

krátvā dákṣasya ratʰyàmapó vásānamándʰasā |
goṣā́máṇveṣu saścima || 2||

2.  kratunmsi«√kṛ dakṣanmsg«√dakṣ ratʰīnmsa«√ṛ  
    apnfpa vasānata·Amsa«√vas andʰasnnsi«√andʰ |
    (gonfs-sanjms«√san)nmsa aṇvanmpl saścimava·I·1p«√sac 

2.  By means of understanding we follow the charioteer of mental power ---
    who clothes himself with waters using an herb, who bestows cows --- 
    [as he goes] through fine interstices [in the strainer].

ánaptamapsú duṣṭáraṃ sómaṃ pavítra ā́ sṛja |
punīhī́ndrāya pā́tave || 3||

3.  anaptajmsa apnfpl duṣṭarajmsa«dus~√tṝ  
    somanmsa«√su pavitrannsl«√pū āp sṛjavp·Ao2s«√sṛj |
    punīhivp·Ao2s«√pū indraNmsd«√ind pātavev···D··«√pā 

3.  Cast Soma [sap], non-watery [but] in water most excellent,
    into the filter, purify [it]
    for Indra to drink!

prá punānásya cétasā sómaḥ pavítre arṣati |
krátvā sadʰástʰamā́sadat || 4||

4.  prap punānajmsg«√pū cetasnnsi«√cit  
    somanmsn«√su pavitrannsl«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    kratunmsi«√kṛ (sadʰaa-stʰajms«√stʰā)nnsa āp asadatvp·U·3s«√sad 

4.  Using an imprint of mental concentration of him who purifies himself
    Soma³ flows forth in the filter.
    Through [that one's] understanding he has settled in the meeting place.

prá tvā námobʰiríndava índra sómā asṛkṣata |
mahé bʰárāya kāríṇaḥ || 5||

5.  prap tvamr2msa namasnnpi«√nam indunmpn«√ind  
    indraNmsv«√ind somajmpn«√su asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj |
    mahjmsd«√mah bʰaranmsd«√bʰṛ kārinjmpn«√kṛ 

5.  Along with [worshipers'] signs of reverence towards thee,
    Soma drops poured forth --- [towards thee,] O Indra,
    acting for the sake of a great prize.

punānó rūpé avyáye víśvā árṣannabʰí śríyaḥ |
śū́ro ná góṣu tiṣṭʰati || 6||

6.  punānajmsn«√pū rūpannsl avyayajnsl«√i  
    viśvajfpa«√viś arṣanttp·Ams?«√ṛṣ abʰip śrīnfpa«√śrī |
    śūranmsn«√śūr nac gonfpl tiṣṭʰativp·A·3s«√stʰā 

6.  He who purifies himself,
    flowing towards everything radiant,
    like an agent of change he stays among cows⁴.

divó ná sā́nu pipyúṣī dʰā́rā sutásya vedʰásaḥ |
vṛ́tʰā pavítre arṣati || 7||

7.  dyunmsg nac sānunnsn«√san pipyuṣījfsn«√pī  
    dʰārānfsn«√dʰṛ sutajmsg«√su vedʰasjmpa«√vidʰ |
    vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 pavitrannsl«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ 

7.  Swelled as [much as] the summit of the Heaven,
    the stream of pressed out [Soma] effortlessly flows in the filter
    towards enthusiastic [worshipers].

tváṃ soma vipaścítaṃ tánā punāná āyúṣu |
ávyo vā́raṃ ví dʰāvasi || 8||

8.  tvamr2msn somaNmsv«√su (vipnfpa«√vip-citjms«√ci)jfsa  
    tannfsi«√tan punānajmsn«√pū āyujmpl«√i |
    avinmsg vāranmsa«√vṛ2 vip dʰāvasivp·A·2s«√dʰāv 

8.  Thou, O Soma, purifying self, are continually [evoking]
    piling up pulsations [speech⁵] in agitated [worshipers];
    thou permeate the woolen sieve.

1 dʰārāḥ --- on the strength of 9.62.28a
2 ``the Earth and the Heaven''
3 inner Soma
4 words
5 this is added on the strength of 9.64.25 ...vā́camiṣyasi

Sūkta 9.17 

prá nimnéneva síndʰavo gʰnánto vṛtrā́ṇi bʰū́rṇayaḥ |
sómā asṛgramāśávaḥ || 1||

1.  prap nimnannsi«√ni ivac sindʰunfpn«√sindʰ  
    gʰnantjmpn«√han vṛtrannpa«√vṛ bʰūrṇijmpn |
    somanmpn«√su asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj āśujmpn«√aś 

1.  Like rivers through a canyon,
    repressing Vṛtra-s, incessant, rushing 
    Soma juices have poured forth.

abʰí suvānā́sa índavo vṛṣṭáyaḥ pṛtʰivī́miva |
índraṃ sómāso akṣaran || 2||

2.  abʰip suvānata·Ampn«√su indunmpn«√ind  
    vṛṣṭinfpn«√vṛṣ pṛtʰivīnfsa«√pṛtʰ ivac |
    indraNmsa«√ind somajmpn«√su akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar 

2.  Like rains towards earth, 
    effused Soma drops 
    trickled towards Indra. 

átyūrmirmatsaró mádaḥ sómaḥ pavítre arṣati |
vigʰnánrákṣāṃsi devayúḥ || 3||

3.  atyūrminmsn«ati~√ṛ (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmsn madanmsn«√mad  
    somaNmsn«√su pavitrannsl«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    vigʰnanttp·Amsn«vi~√han rakṣasnnpa«√rakṣ (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

3.  Overflowing exhilarating wine ---
    Soma flows through the filter
    shattering defenses, attracting deva-s.

ā́ kaláśeṣu dʰāvati pavítre pári ṣicyate |
uktʰaíryajñéṣu vardʰate || 4||

4.  āp kalaśanmpl«√kal? dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv  
    pavitrannsl«√pū parip sicyatevp·A·3s«√sic |
    uktʰannpi«√vac yajñanmpl«√yaj vardʰateva·A·3s«√vṛdʰ 

4.  He dashes into goblets, he is poured out into the filter;
    during a fire offerings
    he grows more potent together with recited verses.

áti trī́ soma rocanā́ róhanná bʰrājase dívam |
iṣṇánsū́ryaṃ ná codayaḥ || 5||

5.  atip trīu somaNmsv«√su rocanannpa«√ruc  
    rohanttp·Amsn«√ruh nac bʰrājaseva·A·2s«√bʰrāj dyunmsa |
    iṣṇanttp·Amsn«√iṣ sūryanmsa«√sūr nac codayasvp·UE2s«√cud 

5.  Beyond the three luminous spheres, O Soma,
    thou shine, as if ascending the sky [sun],
    Thou shall animate [us] as if casting a sunlight [upon us].

abʰí víprā anūṣata mūrdʰányajñásya kārávaḥ |
dádʰānāścákṣasi priyám || 6||

6.  abʰip vipranmpn«√vip anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
    mūrdʰannnsl yajñanmsg«√yaj kārunmpn«√kṛ2 |
    dadʰānatp·Impn«√dʰā cakṣasnnsl«√cakṣ priyajmsa«√prī 

6.  At the commencement of the offering, 
    inwardly excited singers [of eulogies] hailed [Indra] 
    inducing a vision¹ of [what is] dear.

támu tvā vājínaṃ náro dʰībʰírvíprā avasyávaḥ |
mṛjánti devátātaye || 7||

7.  sasr3msa uc tvamr2msa vājinnmsa«√vāj nṛnmpn  
    dʰīnfpi«√dʰī viprajmpn«√vip (avasnns«√av-yujms«√yu)jmpn |
    mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj (devanms«√div-tātinms«√tan)nmsd 

7.  Such thou --- possessing the rush of vigour ---
    inspired men , seeking a favour,
    make free from impurities with dʰī-s for the thrill of being in presence of the divine. 

mádʰordʰā́rāmánu kṣara tīvráḥ sadʰástʰamā́sadaḥ |
cā́rurṛtā́ya pītáye || 8||

8.  madʰunnsg«√madʰ dʰārānfsa«√dʰṛ anup kṣaravp·Ao2s«√kṣar  
    tīvrajmsn«√tu (sadʰaa-stʰajms«√stʰā)nnsa āp asadasvp·Aa2s«√sad |
    cārujmsn«√can ṛtannsd«√ṛ pītinfsd«√pā 

8.  Trickle along a stream of honey ---
    thou used to reach the confluence pungent,
    [thou,] esteemed to be drunk for [promoting a vision of]² ṛta.

1 lit. ``placing into the sight''
2 on the strength of 9.102.1b

Sūkta 9.18 

pári suvānó giriṣṭʰā́ḥ pavítre sómo akṣāḥ |
mádeṣu sarvadʰā́ asi || 1||

1.  parip suvānata·Amsn«√su (girinms-stʰājfs«√stʰā)jmsn  
    pavitrannsl«√pū somanmsn«√su akṣāsvp·Ae2s«√aś |
    madanmpl«√mad (sarvanns-dʰājfs«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

1.  Soma, residing in the mountains, pressed out in a quantity ---
    in the filter thou shall move quickly; 
    during the rapture thou confer wholeness.

tváṃ víprastváṃ kavírmádʰu prá jātámándʰasaḥ |
mádeṣu sarvadʰā́ asi || 2||

2.  tvamr2msn viprajmsn«√vip tvamr2msn kavinmsn«√kū madʰunnsn«√madʰ  
    prap jātajnsn«√jan andʰasnnsb«√andʰ |
    madanmpl«√mad (sarvanns-dʰājfs«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

2.  Thou [are] gifted with insight, thou [are] wise ---
    sweet, begotten from an herb;
    during the rapture thou confer wholeness.

táva víśve sajóṣaso devā́saḥ pītímāśata |
mádeṣu sarvadʰā́ asi || 3||

3.  tvamr2msg viśvajmpn«√viś sajoṣasjmpn«sa~√juṣ  
    devanmpn«√div pītinfsa«√pā āśatava·A·3p«√āś |
    madanmpl«√mad (sarvanns-dʰājfs«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

3.  All deva-s, being companions,
    obtained a draught of thee;
    during the rapture thou confer wholeness.

ā́ yó víśvāni vā́ryā vásūni hástayordadʰé |
mádeṣu sarvadʰā́ asi || 4||

4.  āp yasr3msn viśvajnpa«√viś vāryajnpa«√vṛ2  
    vasunnpa«√vas hastanmdl dadʰeva·I·3s«√dʰā |
    madanmpl«√mad (sarvanns-dʰājfs«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

4.  Who placed all that is beneficial and desirable ---
    between [my] two hands...
    during the rapture thou confer wholeness.

yá imé ródasī mahī́ sáṃ mātáreva dóhate |
mádeṣu sarvadʰā́ asi || 5||

5.  yasr3msn ayamr3nda rodasnnda mahjnda«√mah  
    samp mātṛnfda«√mā ivac dohateva·A·3s«√duh |
    madanmpl«√mad (sarvanns-dʰājfs«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

5.  Who milks these two mighty Rodas-es ---
    as if they were mothers...
    during the rapture thou confer wholeness.

pári yó ródasī ubʰé sadyó vā́jebʰirárṣati |
mádeṣu sarvadʰā́ asi || 6||

6.  parip yasr3msn rodasnnda ubʰajnda  
    sadyasa vājanmpi«√vāj arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    madanmpl«√mad (sarvanns-dʰājfs«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

6.  Who together with rushes of vigour flows
    all over both Rodas-es at the same time ---
    during the rapture thou confer wholeness.

sá śuṣmī́ kaláśeṣvā́ punānó acikradat |
mádeṣu sarvadʰā́ asi || 7||

7.  sasr3msn śuṣminjmsn«√śuṣ kalaśanmpl«√kal? āp  
    punānajmsn«√pū acikradatvp·U·3s«√krand |
    madanmpl«√mad (sarvanns-dʰājfs«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

7.  He, in goblets mouth-drying,
    purifying self, called out;
    during the rapture thou confer wholeness.

Sūkta 9.19 

yátsoma citrámuktʰyàṃ divyáṃ pā́rtʰivaṃ vásu |
tánnaḥ punāná ā́ bʰara || 1||

1.  yadr3nsa somaNmsv«√su citrajnsa«√ci uktʰyajnsa«√vac  
    divyajnsa«√div pārtʰivajnsa«√pṛtʰ vasunnsa«√vas |
    tadr3nsa vayamr1mpd punānajmsn«√pū āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

1.  What, O Soma, is distinguished, worthy of praise,
    [what is] beneficial, [be it] celestial [or] earthly ---
    may he, who is purifying self, bring that to us.

yuváṃ hí stʰáḥ svàrpatī índraśca soma gópatī |
īśānā́ pipyataṃ dʰíyaḥ || 2||

2.  tvamr2mdn hic stʰasvp·A·2d«√as (svarnns-patinms«√pā2)nmdn  
    indraNmsn«√ind cac somaNmsv«√su (gonfs-patinms«√pā2)nmdn |
    īśānajmdn«√īś pipyatamvp·UE2d«√pī dʰīnfpa«√dʰī 

2.  Since ye two are protectors of sva`r 
    [you,] O Soma, and Indra, lords of cows,
    may you, capable [of it], make [our] dʰī-s fleshed out¹.

vṛ́ṣā punāná āyúṣu stanáyannádʰi barhíṣi |
háriḥ sányónimā́sadat || 3||

3.  vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ punānata·Amsn«√pū āyujmpl«√i  
    stanayanttp·Amsn«√stan adʰip barhisnnsl«√barh |
    harijmsn«√hṛ santp·A?sn«√as yoninmsa«√yu āp asadatvp·U·3s«√sad 

3.  Purifying self bull among agitated [worshipers]
    crackles on the sacrificial grass;
    being pale green-yellow he settled into the womb.

ávāvaśanta dʰītáyo vṛṣabʰásyā́dʰi rétasi |
sūnórvatsásya mātáraḥ || 4||

4.  avāvaśantavp·U·3p«√vāś dʰītinfpn«√dʰī  
    (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsg adʰip retasnnsl«√rī |
    sūnunmsg«√sū vatsajmsg mātṛnfpn«√mā 

4.  Dʰīti-s resounded over the semen of him²
    who is like a bull,
    [they,] mothers of a darling son³.

kuvídvṛṣaṇyántībʰyaḥ punānó gárbʰamādádʰat |
yā́ḥ śukráṃ duhaté páyaḥ || 5||

5.  (kuc-idc)c vṛṣaṇyantītp·Afpd«√vṛṣ  
    punānajmsn«√pū garbʰanmsa«√grah ādadʰattp·Amsn«ā~√dʰā |
    yār3fpn śukrajmsa«√śuc duhateva·A·3p«√duh payasnnsa«√pī 

5.  Has he⁴, who is becoming pure, given an embryo
    to those⁵ who are being impregnated,
    who milk the translucent juice?

úpa śikṣāpatastʰúṣo bʰiyásamā́ dʰehi śátruṣu |
pávamāna vidā́ rayím || 6||

6.  upap śikṣavp·Ao2s«√śak apatastʰivaṅstp·Impa«apa~√stʰā  
    bʰiyasnmsa«√bʰī āp dʰehivp·Ao2s«√dʰā śatrunmpl«√śad |
    pavamānanmsv«√pū vidāsvp·Ae2s«√vid rayinmsa«√rā 

6.  Attempt [to make] closer those [stations] that stand far,
    impress fear onto rivals⁶
    so that thou, O becoming pure, would find the treasure.

ní śátroḥ soma vṛ́ṣṇyaṃ ní śúṣmaṃ ní váyastira |
dūré vā sató ánti vā || 7||

7.  nip śatrunmsg«√śad somaNmsv«√su (vṛṣṇinms«√vṛṣ-yatnfs«√yat)nnsa  
    nip śuṣmanmsa«√śuṣ nip vayasnnsa«√vī tiravp·Ao2s«√tṝ |
    dūrajmsl«√duc satajmsn«√as antiac 

7.  O Soma, overcome enemy's lack of virility,
    lack of fervor, lack of mental and bodily energy,
    be he⁷ far away or near.

1 lit. ``swelled''
2 extract of Soma plant
3 inner Soma
4 extract of the Soma plant
5 the dʰīti-s
6 rivals for the control of the mind
7 enemy

Sūkta 9.20 

prá kavírdevávītayé'vyo vā́rebʰirarṣati |
sāhvā́nvíśvā abʰí spṛ́dʰaḥ || 1||

1.  prap kavinmsn«√kū (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd  
    avinmsg vārannpi«√vṛ2 arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    sāhvaṃstp·Imsn«√sah viśvajfpa«√viś abʰip spṛdʰnfpa«√spardʰ 

1.  To arouse deva-s he who is gifted with insight flows forth
    through woolen threads
    having overcame all rivals¹.

sá hí ṣmā jaritṛ́bʰya ā́ vā́jaṃ gómantamínvati |
pávamānaḥ sahasríṇam || 2||

2.  sasr3msn hic smac jaritṛnmsd«√jṛ āp  
    vājanmsa«√vāj gomatjmsa invativp·A·3s«√inv |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū sahasrinjmsa 

2.  He, who is becoming pure, surely has the power [to invoke] for [his] invokers
    the rush of vigour [that is] rich in cows,
    [that is] leading to a thousand different things.

pári víśvāni cétasā mṛśáse pávase matī́ |
sá naḥ soma śrávo vidaḥ || 3||

3.  parip viśvannpa«√viś cetasnnsi«√cit  
    mṛśaseva·A·2s«√mṛś pavaseva·A·2s«√pū matinfsi«√man |
    saa vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su śravasnnsa«√śru vidasvp·AE2s«√vid 

3.  Thou examine everything using imprints of mental concentration,
    thou purify thyself with a mental gesture. 
    As such, O Soma, find for us an auditory impression.

abʰyàrṣa bṛhádyáśo magʰávadbʰyo dʰruváṃ rayím |
íṣaṃ stotṛ́bʰya ā́ bʰara || 4||

4.  abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh yaśasjnsa«√yaś  
    magʰavannmpd«√maṃh dʰruvajmsa«√dʰṛ rayinmsa«√rā |
    iṣnfsa«√iṣ stotṛnmpd«√stu āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

4.  Carry for munificent [sacrificers] abundant
    esteemed [power to illuminate]² --- the lasting treasure,
    bring a libation to singers of hymns.

tváṃ rā́jeva suvrató gíraḥ somā́ viveśitʰa |
punānó vahne adbʰuta || 5||

5.  tvamr2msn rājannmsn«√rāj ivaa suvratajmsn«su~√vṛ2  
    girnfpa«√gṝ somanmsv«√su āp viveśitʰavp·I·2s«√viś |
    punānata·A?sn«√pū vahninmsv«√vah (atc-bʰutajms«√bʰū)jmsv 

5.  Thou, like a virtuous king, O Soma,
    entered [our] chants,
    [thou,] purifying self, O wondrous bearer [of the treasure]!

sá váhnirapsú duṣṭáro mṛjyámāno gábʰastyoḥ |
sómaścamū́ṣu sīdati || 6||

6.  sasr3msn vahninmsn«√vah apnfpl duṣṭarajmsn«dus~√tṝ  
    mṛjyamānatp·Amsn«√mṛj gabʰastinmdl |
    somanmsn«√su camūnfpl sīdativp·A·3s«√sad 

6.  He is a bearer most excellent in water;
    being cleansed between hands
    Soma settles into bowls.

krīḷúrmakʰó ná maṃhayúḥ pavítraṃ soma gacʰasi |
dádʰatstotré suvī́ryam || 7||

7.  krīḷujmsn«√krīḷ makʰanmsn«√maṅkʰ nac (maṃhanms«√maṃh-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
    pavitrannsa«√pū somaNmsv«√su gacʰasivp·A·2s«√gam |
    dadʰattp·Amsn«√dʰā stotṛnmsd«√stu suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

7.  Generous as a playful warrior,
    thou move, O Soma, towards the filter,
    imparting to him who sings a hymn manly vigour.

1 rivals for the control of the mind
2 dyumna --- on the strength of 9.108.9a

Sūkta 9.21 

eté dʰāvantī́ndavaḥ sómā índrāya gʰṛ́ṣvayaḥ |
matsarā́saḥ svarvídaḥ || 1||

1.  etasr3mpn dʰāvantivp·A·3p«√dʰāv indunmpn«√ind  
    somajmpn«√su indraNmsd«√ind gʰṛṣvijmpn«√hṛṣ |
    (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmpn (svarnns-vidjms«√vid)jmpn 

1.  These for Indra thrill-inducing
    Soma drops permeate [the filter], 
    [they are] exhilarating, finding sva`r.

pravṛṇvánto abʰiyújaḥ súṣvaye varivovídaḥ |
svayáṃ stotré vayaskṛ́taḥ || 2||

2.  pravṛṇvantjmpn«pra~√vṛ abʰiyujjmpa«abʰi~√yuj  
    suṣvinmsd«√su (varivasnns«√vṛ-vidjms«√vid)jmpn |
    svayama stotṛnmsd«√stu (vayasnns«√vī-kṛtjms«√kṛ)jmpn 

2.  Warding off assailants, finding mental space for a Soma presser,
    they effect on their own for him who sings a hymn
    mental and bodily vigour.

vṛ́tʰā krī́ḷanta índavaḥ sadʰástʰamabʰyékamít |
síndʰorūrmā́ vyakṣaran || 3||

3.  vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 krīḷanttp·Ampn«√krīḷ indunmpn«√ind  
    (sadʰaa-stʰajms«√stʰā)nnsa abʰip ekajnsa idc |
    sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ūrminmsl«√ṛ vip akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar 

3.  Freely playing around, the drops oozed
    into the wave of Sindʰu
    towards one and the same confluence.

eté víśvāni vā́ryā pávamānāsa āśata |
hitā́ ná sáptayo rátʰe || 4||

4.  etasr3mpn viśvajnpa«√viś vāryajnpa«√vṛ2  
    pavamānajmpn«√pū āśatava·A·3p«√āś |
    hitajmpn«√dʰā nac saptinmpn ratʰanmsl«√ṛ 

4.  These [drops], becoming pure, obtain ---
    like coursers harnessed to a chariot ---
    everything desirable. 

ā́sminpiśáṅgamindavo dádʰātā venámādíśe |
yó asmábʰyamárāvā || 5||

5.  āp ayamr3msl (piśnfs«√piś-aṅganms«√aṅg)jmsa induNmpv«√ind  
    dadʰātavp·AE3p«√dʰā venanmsa«√ven ādiśev···D··«ā~√diś |
    yasr3msn vayamr1mpd arāvanjmsn«a~√rā 

5.  Into this one, who is not [yet] bestowing [gifts] upon us,
    would you, O drops, instill
    a flame-like longing to aim at [bestowing the treasure¹]!

ṛbʰúrná rátʰyaṃ návaṃ dádʰātā kétamādíśe |
śukrā́ḥ pavadʰvamárṇasā || 6||

6.  ṛbʰunmsn«√rabʰ nac ratʰyanmsa«√ṛ navajmsa«√nu  
    dadʰātavp·Ao2p«√dʰā ketanmsa«√cit ādiśev···D··«√diś |
    śukrajmpn«√śuc pavadʰvamva·Ao2p«√pū arṇasnnsi 

6.  Like a smith [creates] a new chariot wheel,
    would ye create [in him] the intention to aim at [it]!
    Would ye, translucent, distill yourselves with this stream!

etá u tyé avīvaśankā́ṣṭʰāṃ vājíno akrata |
satáḥ prā́sāviṣurmatím || 7||

7.  etasr3mpn uc syar3mpn avīvaśanvp·U·3p«√vaś  
    kāṣṭʰānfsa vājinnmpn«√vāj akratava·U·3p«√kṛ |
    satjmsg«√as prap asāviṣurvp·U·3p«√sū matinfsa«√man 

7.  These very [drops] have caused [him] to desire;
    they, possessing the rush of vigour, have made the racetrack [for the inner Soma];
    from the present [hymn] they brought forth a mental gesture.

1 a surge of adrenaline in blood

Sūkta 9.22 

eté sómāsa āśávo rátʰā iva prá vājínaḥ |
sárgāḥ sṛṣṭā́ aheṣata || 1||

1.  etasr3mpn somajmpn«√su āśujmpn«√aś  
    ratʰanmpn«√ṛ ivac prap vājinjmpn«√vāj |
    sargajmpn«√sṛj sṛṣṭajmpn«√sṛj aheṣatava·U·3p«√hi 

1.  These Soma [drops], quick like chariots,
    go forth, possessing the rush of vigour,
    gushing; squeezed out, they hastened on.

eté vā́tā ivorávaḥ parjányasyeva vṛṣṭáyaḥ |
agnériva bʰramā́ vṛ́tʰā || 2||

2.  etasr3mpn vātanmpn«√vā ivac urujmpn«√vṛ  
    parjanyanmsg«√pṛc ivac vṛṣṭinfpn«√vṛṣ |
    agninmsg«√aṅg ivac bʰramanmpn«√bʰram vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 

2.  These [drops are] playing around freely --- 
    like great winds, like rains from a storm cloud,
    like flickering flames of fire.

eté pūtā́ vipaścítaḥ sómāso dádʰyāśiraḥ |
vipā́ vyānaśurdʰíyaḥ || 3||

3.  eṣasr3mpn pūtajmpn«√pū (vipnfpa«√vip-citjms«√ci)jmpn  
    somanmpn«√su (dadʰinns-āśirnfs«ā~√śrī)jmpn |
    vipnfsi«√vip vip ānaśurvp·I·3p«√aś dʰīnfpa«√dʰī 

3.  These Soma [drops], purified, piling up pulsations,
    mixed with coagulated milk,
    pervaded [our] dʰī-s by means of trembling¹.

eté mṛṣṭā́ ámartyāḥ sasṛvā́ṃso ná śaśramuḥ |
íyakṣantaḥ patʰó rájaḥ || 4||

4.  etasr3mpn mṛṣṭajmpn«√mṛj amartyajmpn«a~√mṛ  
    sasṛvāṃstp·I?p?«√sṛ nac śaśramurvp·I·3p«√śram |
    iyakṣanttp·A?pn«√yaj patʰinnmpa«√pantʰ rajasnnsa«√raj 

4.  These [drops] made free from impurities, imperishable,
    [though] were racing have not became weary,
    are seeking pathways through a region [of thoughts] to sacrifice.

eté pṛṣṭʰā́ni ródasorviprayánto vyā̀naśuḥ |
utédámuttamáṃ rájaḥ || 5||

5.  etasr3mpn pṛṣṭʰannpa«pra~√stʰā rodasnndg  
    viprayantjmpn«vi-pra~√i vyānaśurvp·I·3p«vi~√aś |
    utac ayamr3nsn uttamajnsn rajasnnsn«√raj 

5.  These [drops], spreading to bases of the two Rodas-es,
    penetrated [our thoughts].
    This² indeed is the ultimate region.

tántuṃ tanvānámuttamámánu praváta āśata |
utédámuttamā́yyam || 6||

6.  tantunmsa«√tan tanvānajmsa«√tan uttamajmsa  
    anup pravatnfpa āśatava·A·3p«√āś |
    utac ayamr3nsn (uttamajms-āyyajms«√i)jnsn 

6.  Along the thread, stretching in the highest degree,
    they reached the heights.
    This [station³] is to be higher still.

tváṃ soma paṇíbʰya ā́ vásu gávyāni dʰārayaḥ |
tatáṃ tántumacikradaḥ || 7||

7.  tvamr2msn somaNmsv«√su paṇinmpb āp  
    vasunnsa«√vas gavyannpa dʰārayasvp·AE2s«√dʰṛ |
    tatajmsa«√tan tantunmsa«√tan acikradasvp·U·2s«√krand 

7.  Thou, O Soma, shall keep away from niggards
    the gem, [raiments] coming from cows ---
    thou caused to resound⁴ [this] stretched thread.

1 this trembling occurs in muscles along the spine
2 ``region of thoughts''
3 dʰāman
4 lit. ``called out''

Sūkta 9.23 

sómā asṛgramāśávo mádʰormádasya dʰā́rayā |
abʰí víśvāni kā́vyā || 1||

1.  somanmpn«√su asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj āśujmpn«√aś  
    madʰujmsg«√madʰ madanmsg«√mad dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    abʰip viśvajnpa«√viś kāvyannpa«√kū 

1.  Soma [drops] have poured forth, speeding, 
    with a [steady] stream of sweet wine
    towards all poems [to be recited here].

ánu pratnā́sa āyávaḥ padáṃ návīyo akramuḥ |
rucé jananta sū́ryam || 2||

2.  anup pratnajmpn āyujmpn«√i  
    padannsa«√pad navīyasjnsa«√nu akramurvp·U·3p«√kram |
    rucnfsl«√ruc janantavp·Ue3p«√jan sūryanmsa«√sūr 

2.  Ancient, lively
    they have advanced along a fresh track
    so as to beget in the delight the sun.

ā́ pavamāna no bʰarāryó ádāśuṣo gáyam |
kṛdʰí prajā́vatīríṣaḥ || 3||

3.  āp pavamānanmsv«√pū vayamr1mpd bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ  
    arijmsg«√rā adāśvaṅstp·Imsg«a~√dāś gayanmsa«√gam |
    kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ prajāvatījfpa«pra~√jan iṣnfpa«√iṣ 

3.  O becoming pure, bring here to us 
    from a non-worshiping one the spoils of him who is rising upwards,
    make libations grant [us] offsprings.

abʰí sómāsa āyávaḥ pávante mádyaṃ mádam |
abʰí kóśaṃ madʰuścútam || 4||

4.  abʰip somanmpn«√su āyujmpn«√i  
    pavanteva·A·3p«√pū madyajmsa«√mad madanmsa«√mad |
    abʰip kośanmsa«√kuś (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa 

4.  Lively Soma [drops] become pure 
    for the sake of exhilarating wine
    for the sake of overflowing with sweetness subtle body.

sómo arṣati dʰarṇasírdádʰāna indriyáṃ rásam |
suvī́ro abʰiśastipā́ḥ || 5||

5.  somanmsn«√su arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ dʰarṇasijmsn«√dʰṛ  
    dadʰānatp·Imsn«√dʰā indriyajmsa«√ind rasanmsa«√ras |
    suvīrajmsn«su~√vīr (abʰiśastinfs«√śas-pājms«√pā)nmsn 

5.  Soma flows, strong enough to confer [the treasure];
    having placed the essence agreeable to Indra [into the goblet]¹
    [it is] a mighty protector from curses.

índrāya soma pavase devébʰyaḥ sadʰamā́dyaḥ |
índo vā́jaṃ siṣāsasi || 6||

6.  indraNmsd«√ind somanmsv«√su pavasevp·A·2s«√pū  
    devanmpd«√div (sadʰaa-mādyanms«√mad)nmsn |
    indunmsb«√ind vājanmsa«√vāj siṣāsasivp·A·2s«√san 

6.  For Indra, O Soma, purify thyself, 
    for deva-s, [being] a feature of drinking parties;
    O Indu, thou wish to procure [for us] the rush of vigour!

asyá pītvā́ mádānāmíndro vṛtrā́ṇyapratí |
jagʰā́na jagʰánacca nú || 7||

7.  ayamr3msg pītvātp·A???«√pā madanmpg«√mad  
    indraNmsn«√ind vṛtrannpa«√vṛ apratia |
    jagʰānavp·U·3s«√han jagʰanatvp·Ae3s«√han cac nuc 

7.  Having drunk of it, of [these] intoxicating fluids,
    Indra, having slayed Vṛtra-s without opposition,
    will slay them again.

1 on the strength of 9.63.13c

Sūkta 9.24 

prá sómāso adʰanviṣuḥ pávamānāsa índavaḥ |
śrīṇānā́ apsú mṛñjata || 1||

1.  prap somajmpn«√su adʰanviṣurvp·U·3p«√dʰanv  
    pavamānajmpn«√pū indunmpn«√ind |
    śrīṇānāta·A?pn«√śrī apnfpl mṛñjatavp·AE3p«√mṛj 

1.  Becoming pure Soma drops
    have darted forth,
    mixing into water to cleanse themselves.

abʰí gā́vo adʰanviṣurā́po ná pravátā yatī́ḥ |
punānā́ índramāśata || 2||

2.  abʰip gonfpn adʰanviṣurvp·U·3p«√dʰanv  
    apnfpn nac pravatnfsi yatita·Afpn«√i |
    punānata·A?p?«√pū indraNmsa«√ind āśatava·A·3p«√āś 

2.  Cows¹ came up in haste
    like waters going down a slope. 
    Purifying self, they² reached Indra.

prá pavamāna dʰanvasi sóméndrāya pā́tave |
nṛ́bʰiryató ví nīyase || 3||

3.  prap pavamānata·A?sv«√pū dʰanvasivp·A·2s«√dʰanv  
    somanmsv«√su indraNmsd«√ind pātavev···D··«√pā |
    nṛnmpi yatajmsn«√yam vip nīyasevp·A·2s«√nī 

3.  Dart forward, O becoming pure one! 
    O Soma, for Indra to drink
    thou are controlled, guided by men [to the place where thou meet Indra].

tváṃ soma nṛmā́danaḥ pávasva carṣaṇīsáhe |
sásniryó anumā́dyaḥ || 4||

4.  tvamr2msn somanmsv«√su (nṛnms-mādanajms«√mad)jmsn  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (carṣaṇijms«√kṛṣ-sahjms«√sah)jmsd |
    sasnijmsn«√san yasr3msn anumādyanmsn«anu~√mad 

4.  Exhilarating men, O Soma, thou become pure for him³
    who overpowers those⁴ who draw [the mind] to themselves
    [thou] who is a revelry that bestows.

índo yádádribʰiḥ sutáḥ pavítraṃ paridʰā́vasi |
áramíndrasya dʰā́mne || 5||

5.  indunmsv«√ind yadc adrinmpi«√dṛ sutajmsn«√su  
    pavitrannsa«√pū paridʰāvasivp·A·2s«pari~√dʰāv |
    arama«√ṛ indraNmsg«√ind dʰāmannnsd«√dʰā 

5.  O Indu, when pressed out by stones,
    thou run all over the filter
    [thou,] quite abundant for the abode of Indra.

pávasva vṛtrahantamoktʰébʰiranumā́dyaḥ |
śúciḥ pāvakó ádbʰutaḥ || 6||

6.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (vṛtraNns«√vṛ-hantamajms«√han)jmsv  
    uktʰanmpi«√vac anumādyanmsn«anu~√mad |
    śucijmsn«√śuc pāvakajmsn«√pū (atc-bʰutajms«√bʰū)jmsn 

6.  Become pure by means of [recited] verses,
    O best slayer of Vṛtra-s!
    [Thou are] a revelry gleaming, purifying, wondrous.

śúciḥ pāvaká ucyate sómaḥ sutásya mádʰvaḥ |
devāvī́ragʰaśaṃsahā́ || 7||

7.  śucijmsn«√śuc pāvakajmsn«√pū ucyatevp·A·3s«√vac  
    somanmsn«√su sutajnsg«√su madʰunnsg«√madʰ |
    (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmsn (agʰajms«√agʰ-śaṃsanms«√śaṃs-hanjms«√han)nmsn 

7.  Gleaming, purifying is called Soma of pressed out sweet drink,
    he who arouses deva-s,
    a destroyer of dangerous malevolence.

1 here ``cows'' stands for ``evocative expressions''
2 Soma drops
3 Indra
4 senses

Sūkta 9.25 

pávasva dakṣasā́dʰano devébʰyaḥ pītáye hare |
marúdbʰyo vāyáve mádaḥ || 1||

1.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (dakṣanms«√dakṣ-sādʰananms«√sādʰ)jmsn  
    devanmpd«√div pītinfsd«√pā harinmsv«√hṛ |
    marutnmpd vāyuNmsd«√vā madanmsn«√mad 

1.  Enhancing mental power, become pure
    for deva-s, for a draught, O enchanting one!
    [Thou are] a wine for Marut-s and Vāyu.

pávamāna dʰiyā́ hitò'bʰí yóniṃ kánikradat |
dʰármaṇā vāyúmā́ viśa || 2||

2.  pavamānanmsv«√pū dʰīnfsi«√dʰī hitajmsn«√hi  
    abʰip yoninmsa«√yu kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand |
    dʰarmannnsi«√dʰṛ vāyuNmsa«√vā āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

2.  O thou who is becoming pure, impelled by a dʰī [to flow] towards the womb,
    [thou are] calling out.
    As is [thy] habit, pervade Vāyu!

sáṃ devaíḥ śobʰate vṛ́ṣā kavíryónāvádʰi priyáḥ |
vṛtrahā́ devavī́tamaḥ || 3||

3.  samp devanmpi«√div śobʰateva·A·3s«√śubʰ vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ  
    kavinmsn«√kū yoninmsl«√yu adʰip priyajmsn«√prī |
    (vṛtranns«√vṛ-hannms«√han)nmsn (devanms«√div-vītamajms«√vī)jmsn 

3.  Together with deva-s the bull arrays himself ---
    he who is gifted with insight, favoured above the womb,
    a slayer of Vṛtra-s who is the best at arousing deva-s.

víśvā rūpā́ṇyāviśánpunānó yāti haryatáḥ |
yátrāmṛ́tāsa ā́sate || 4||

4.  viśvajnpa«√viś rūpannpa āviśanttp·Amsn«ā~√viś  
    punānajmsn«√pū yātivp·A·3s«√yā haryatajmsn«√hary |
    yadr3nsl amṛtajmpn«a~√mṛ āsatevp·A·3p«√ās 

4.  Entering every form [of mental activity],
    he, who purifies himself, who is delighted in,
    goes wherever immortals dwell.

aruṣó janáyangíraḥ sómaḥ pavata āyuṣák |
índraṃ gácʰankavíkratuḥ || 5||

5.  aruṣajmsn«√ruṣ janayanttp·Amsn«√jan girnfpa«√gṝ  
    somanmsn«√su pavateva·A·2s«√pū (āyujms«√i-sacjms«√sac)a |
    indraNmsa«√ind gacʰanttp·Amsn«√gam (kavinms«√kū-kratunms«√kṛ)nmsn 

5.  Giving existence to chants, tempered Soma becomes pure
    assisted by the agitated ones;
    [then] he, whose designs are full of insight, goes towards Indra.

ā́ pavasva madintama pavítraṃ dʰā́rayā kave |
arkásya yónimāsádam || 6||

6.  āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madintamajmsv«√mad  
    pavitrannsa«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ kavinmsv«√kū |
    arkanmsg«√arc yoninmsa«√yu āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

6.  Here become pure, O most intoxicating one, 
    [flow] towards the filter with a [steady] stream [of sounds], O gifted with insight,
    to dwell in the womb of an illuminating hymn.

Sūkta 9.26 

támamṛkṣanta vājínamupástʰe áditerádʰi |
víprāso áṇvyā dʰiyā́ || 1||

1.  sasr3msa amṛkṣantava·U·3p«√mṛj vājinnmsa«√vāj  
    upastʰanmsl«upa~√stʰā aditiNfsg«a~√dā adʰip |
    viprajmpn«√vip aṇvījfsi dʰīnfsi«√dʰī 

1.  Him, who possesses the rush of vigour,
    inwardly excited [men] made in the lap of Aditi
    free from impurities with barely perceptible dʰī.

táṃ gā́vo abʰyànūṣata sahásradʰāramákṣitam |
índuṃ dʰartā́ramā́ diváḥ || 2||

2.  sasr3msa gonfpn abʰip anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
    (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsa akṣitajmsa«a~√kṣi3 |
    indunmsa«√ind dʰartṛnmsa«√dʰṛ āp dyunmsb 

2.  Him, cows¹ hailed;
    [him,] inexhaustible, discharging in thousand streams,
    [him,] Indu who bears [the rush of vigour] as far as the Heaven,

táṃ vedʰā́ṃ medʰáyāhyanpávamānamádʰi dyávi |
dʰarṇasíṃ bʰū́ridʰāyasam || 3||

3.  sasr3msa vedʰasjmsa«√vidʰ medʰānfsi«√midʰ ahyanvp·U·3p«√hi  
    pavamānanmsa«√pū adʰip dyunmsl |
    dʰarṇasijmsa«√dʰṛ (bʰūrijms«√bʰū-dʰāyasjms«√dʰā)jmsa 

3.  him, [who is] enthusiastic, they have cast by the strength of [their] resolve ---
    him, who is becoming pure, [to go] above the Heaven,
    him, who is strong enough to confer [the treasure], who is substratum of numerous [phenomena].

támahyanbʰuríjordʰiyā́ saṃvásānaṃ vivásvataḥ |
pátiṃ vācó ádābʰyam || 4||

4.  sasr3msa ahyanvp·U·3p«√hi bʰurijnmdl dʰīnfsi«√dʰī  
    saṃvasānata·Amsa«sam~√vas vivasvatNmsg«√vas |
    patinmsa«√pā2 vācnfsg«√vac adābʰyajmsa«a~√dabʰ 

4.  Him they have cast by means of a dʰī between two curved bars² --- 
    co-dweller of Vivasvat,
    him who is a worthy of trust master of speech.

táṃ sā́nāvádʰi jāmáyo háriṃ hinvantyádribʰiḥ |
haryatáṃ bʰū́ricakṣasam || 5||

5.  sasr3msa sānunmsl«√san adʰip jāminmpn«√jan  
    harijmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    haryatajmsa«√hary (bʰūrijms«√bʰū-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)jmsa 

5.  Him siblings impel with stones³ above the summit
    [him,] enchanting [the mind], 
    delighted-in, having many forms.

táṃ tvā hinvanti vedʰásaḥ pávamāna girāvṛ́dʰam |
índavíndrāya matsarám || 6||

6.  sasr3msa tvamr2msa hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi vedʰasjmpn«√vidʰ  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū (girnfsi«√gṝ-vṛdʰjms«√vṛdʰ)jmsa |
    indunmsv«√ind indraNmsd«√ind (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmsa 

6.  Such thee enthusiastic [worshipers] impel,
    O becoming pure, [thee,] strengthened by a chant,
    O Indu, exhilarating for Indra!

1 poetic lines
2 clavicles
3 floating ribs

Sūkta 9.27 

eṣá kavírabʰíṣṭutaḥ pavítre ádʰi tośate |
punānó gʰnánnápa srídʰaḥ || 1||

1.  eṣasr3msn kavinmsn«√kū abʰiṣṭutajmsn«abʰi~√stu  
    pavitrannsl«√pū adʰip tośateva·A·3s«√tuś |
    punānajmsn«√pū gʰnanttp·A?sn«√han apap sridʰnfpa«√sridʰ 

1.  This one, who is gifted with insight, who is extolled,
    amasses above the filter,
    purifying self, repelling errors.

eṣá índrāya vāyáve svarjítpári ṣicyate |
pavítre dakṣasā́dʰanaḥ || 2||

2.  eṣasr3msn indraNmsd«√ind vāyuNmsd«√vā  
    (svarnns-jitjms«√ji)jmsn parip sicyatevp·A·3s«√sic |
    pavitrannsl«√pū (dakṣanms«√dakṣ-sādʰananms«√sādʰ)jmsn 

2.  This one, for Indra and Vāyu
    winning sva`r, is spread around,
    in the filter, [he is] enhancing the mental power.

eṣá nṛ́bʰirví nīyate divó mūrdʰā́ vṛ́ṣā sutáḥ |
sómo váneṣu viśvavít || 3||

3.  eṣasr3msn nṛnmpi vip nīyatevp·A·3s«√nī  
    dyunmsg mūrdʰannmsn vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ sutajmsn«√su |
    somanmsn«√su vanannpl«√van (viśvanns«√viś-vidjms«√vid)jmsn 

3.  This one, guided by men, 
    the head of the Heaven, the bull ---
    extracted Soma in wooden [cups] [is] finding everything.

eṣá gavyúracikradatpávamāno hiraṇyayúḥ |
índuḥ satrājídástṛtaḥ || 4||

4.  eṣasr3msn (gonfs-yujms«√yu)jmsn acikradatvp·U·3s«√krand  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū (hiraṇyanms«√hṛ-yujms«√yu)jmsn |
    indunmsn«√ind (satrāa-jitjms«√ji)jmsn astṛtajmsn«a~√stṛ 

4.  This one, attracting cows, called out,
    he, who is becoming pure, attracting gold;
    Indu is always victorious [when] undiluted.

eṣá sū́ryeṇa hāsate pávamāno ádʰi dyávi |
pavítre matsaró mádaḥ || 5||

5.  eṣasr3msn sūryanmsi«√sūr hāsateva·A·3s«√hā  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū adʰip dyunmsl |
    pavitrannsl«√pū (madnfs«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsn madanmsn«√mad 

5.  This one races with the Sun, 
    becoming pure in the Heaven;
    in the filter [he is] an exhilarating wine.

eṣá śuṣmyàsiṣyadadantárikṣe vṛ́ṣā háriḥ |
punāná índuríndramā́ || 6||

6.  eṣasr3msn śuṣminnmsn«√śuṣ asiṣyadatva·U·3s«√syand  
    (antara-īkṣajms«√īkṣ)nnsl vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ harijmsn«√hṛ |
    punānajmsn«√pū indunmsn«√ind indraNmsa«√ind āp 

6.  This one, mouth-drying, 
    rushed into the middle region --- the bull, pale green-yellow one,
    purifying self Indu [rushed] towards Indra.

Sūkta 9.28 

eṣá vājī́ hitó nṛ́bʰirviśvavínmánasaspátiḥ |
ávyo vā́raṃ ví dʰāvati || 1||

1.  eṣasr3msn vājinnmsn«√vāj hitajmsn«√hi nṛnmpi  
    (viśvanns«√viś-vidjms«√vid)jmsn manasnnsg«√man patinmsn«√pā2 |
    avinmsg vāranmsa«√vṛ2 vip dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv 

1.  This one, possessing the rush of vigour, impelled by men,
    finding everything, the ruler of the mind,
    permeates the woolen sieve.

eṣá pavítre akṣaratsómo devébʰyaḥ sutáḥ |
víśvā dʰā́mānyāviśán || 2||

2.  eṣasr3msn pavitrannsl«√pū akṣaratvp·Aa3s«√kṣar  
    somanmsn«√su devanmpd«√div sutajmsn«√su |
    viśvajnpa«√viś dʰāmannnpa«√dʰā āviśanttp·Amsn«ā~√viś 

2.  This one trickled through the filter ---
    Soma, extracted for deva-s, 
    entering all abodes.

eṣá deváḥ śubʰāyaté'dʰi yónāvámartyaḥ |
vṛtrahā́ devavī́tamaḥ || 3||

3.  eṣasr3msn devanmsn«√div śubʰāyateva·A·3s«√śubʰ  
    adʰip yoninmsl«√yu amartyajmsn«a~√mṛ |
    (vṛtraNns«√vṛ-hanjms«√han)nmsn (devanms«√div-vītamajms«√vī)jmsn 

3.  This one, a deva, arrays himself above the womb,
    imperishable Vṛtra-slayer
    who is the best at arousing deva-s.

eṣá vṛ́ṣā kánikradaddaśábʰirjāmíbʰiryatáḥ |
abʰí dróṇāni dʰāvati || 4||

4.  eṣasr3msn vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand  
    daśanfpi jāminfpi«√jan yatajmsn«√yam |
    abʰip droṇannpa«√dru dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv 

4.  This one, a bellowing bull,
    controlled by ten siblings¹, 
    runs towards wooden vessels.

eṣá sū́ryamarocayatpávamāno vícarṣaṇiḥ |
víśvā dʰā́māni viśvavít || 5||

5.  eṣasr3msn sūryanmsa«√sūr arocayatvp·Aa3s«√ruc  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū vicarṣaṇijmsn«vi~√kṛṣ |
    viśvajnpa«√viś dʰāmannnpa«√dʰā (viśvanns«√viś-vidjms«√vid)jmsn 

5.  This one made the Sun bright,
    he who is becoming pure, 
    disengaging all stations, finding everything.

eṣá śuṣmyádābʰyaḥ sómaḥ punānó arṣati |
devāvī́ragʰaśaṃsahā́ || 6||

6.  eṣasr3msn śuṣminjmsn«√śuṣ adābʰyajmsn«a~√dabʰ  
    somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmsn (agʰajms«√agʰ-śaṃsanms«√śaṃs-hanjms«√han)nmsn 

6.  This one, mouth-drying, worthy of trust
    purifying self Soma flows,
    he who arouses deva-s, a destroyer of dangerous malevolence.

1 fingers

Sūkta 9.29 

prā́sya dʰā́rā akṣaranvṛ́ṣṇaḥ sutásyaújasā |
devā́m̐ ánu prabʰū́ṣataḥ || 1||

1.  prap ayamr3msg dʰārānfsn«√dʰṛ akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar  
    vṛṣannmsg«√vṛṣ sutajmsg«√su ojasnnsi«√vaj |
    devanmpa«√div anup prabʰūṣattp·Amsg«pra~√bʰū 

1.  Streams of this one have flown forth strongly ---
    [streams] of impregnating, pressed out [sap of Soma plant],
    of [him who is] seeking to assume a form agreeable to deva-s.

sáptiṃ mṛjanti vedʰáso gṛṇántaḥ kārávo girā́ |
jyótirjajñānámuktʰyàm || 2||

2.  saptinmsa mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj vedʰasjmpn«√vidʰ  
    gṛṇanttp·Ampn«√gṝ kārunmpn«√kṛ2 girnfsi«√gṝ |
    jyotisnnsa«√jyot jajñānata·Insa«√jan uktʰyajnsa«√vac 

2.  Enthusiastic singers [of eulogies] rub off the steed
    extolling with a chant [him] ---
    an emerging light to be praised.

suṣáhā soma tā́ni te punānā́ya prabʰūvaso |
várdʰā samudrámuktʰyàm || 3||

3.  suṣahajnpn«su~√sah somanmsv«√su tadr3npn tvamr2msd  
    punānajmsd«√pū (prabʰūnns«pra~√bʰū-vasunns«√vas)jmsv |
    vardʰavp·Ao2s«√vṛdʰ samudranmsa«sam~√ud uktʰyajmsa«√vac 

3.  For thee, who is purifying self, O Soma, 
    they[, inner defenses¹,] are easy to overcome, O one whose benefits are manifest!
    Strengthen worthy of a hymn sea!

víśvā vásūni saṃjáyanpávasva soma dʰā́rayā |
inú dvéṣāṃsi sadʰryàk || 4||

4.  viśvajnpa«√viś vasunnpa«√vas saṃjayantjmsn«sam~√ji  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somanmsv«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    inuvp·Ao2s«√inv dveṣasnnpa«√dviṣ (sadʰria«√sadʰ-añcjms«√anj)a 

4.  Winning everything beneficial, become pure, O Soma,
    with a [steady] stream [of sounds],
    drive away aversions all together.

rákṣā sú no áraruṣaḥ svanā́tsamasya kásya cit |
nidó yátra mumucmáhe || 5||

5.  rakṣavp·Ao2s«√rakṣ sup vayamr1mpa ararivasnmsb«a~√rā  
    svananmsb«√svan samar3msg kasr3msg cidc |
    nidnfsb«√nid yadr3nsl mumucmaheva·I·1p«√muc 

5.  Guard us well from the envious one,
    from ordinary babble,
    wherever we liberate ourselves from an imposed constraint.

éndo pā́rtʰivaṃ rayíṃ divyáṃ pavasva dʰā́rayā |
dyumántaṃ śúṣmamā́ bʰara || 6||

6.  āp indunmsv«√ind pārtʰivajmsa«√pṛtʰ rayinmsa«√rā  
    divyajmsa«√div pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    dyumatjmsa śuṣmanmsa«√śuṣ āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

6.  Here, O Indu, distill
    [this] earthly, celestial treasure;
    with a [steady] stream [of sounds] bring the lucid fervor.

1 rákṣāṃsi

Sūkta 9.30 

prá dʰā́rā asya śuṣmíṇo vṛ́tʰā pavítre akṣaran |
punānó vā́camiṣyati || 1||

1.  prap dʰārānfsn«√dʰṛ ayamr3msg śuṣminjmsg«√śuṣ  
    vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 pavitrannsl«√pū akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar |
    punānajmsn«√pū vācnfsa«√vac iṣyativp·A·3s«√iṣ 

1.  Streams of this¹, of the mouth-drying one,
    flow freely through the filter;
    he who purifies himself pours out the speech. 

índurhiyānáḥ sotṛ́bʰirmṛjyámānaḥ kánikradat |
íyarti vagnúmindriyám || 2||

2.  indunmsn«√ind hiyānata·Amsn«√hi sotṛnmpi«√su  
    mṛjyamānatp·Amsn«√mṛj kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand |
    iyartivp·A·3s«√ṛ (vacnfs«√vac-nunfs«√nū)nmsa indriyajmsa«√ind 

2.  Indu, stimulating, 
    made free from impurities by pressers, [is] calling out;
    he gives rise to a speech sound enjoyed by Indra.

ā́ naḥ śúṣmaṃ nṛṣā́hyaṃ vīrávantaṃ puruspṛ́ham |
pávasva soma dʰā́rayā || 3||

3.  āp vayamr1mpd śuṣmanmsa«√śuṣ (nṛnms-sāhyajms«√sah)jmsa  
    vīravantjmsa«√vīr (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jmsa |
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somanmsv«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ 

3.  For us, O Soma, distill with a stream [of water]
    [that] fervor [which is] overpowering men,
    [that is] virile, much desired.

prá sómo áti dʰā́rayā pávamāno asiṣyadat |
abʰí dróṇānyāsádam || 4||

4.  prap somanmsn«√su atip dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū asiṣyadatva·U·3s«√syand |
    abʰip droṇannpa«√dru āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

4.  Becoming pure Soma [flowing] with a stream [of water]
    rushed forth beyond [the filter]
    to alight into wooden vessels.

apsú tvā mádʰumattamaṃ háriṃ hinvantyádribʰiḥ |
índavíndrāya pītáye || 5||

5.  apnfpl tvamr2msa madʰumattamajmsa«√madʰ  
    harinmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    indunmsv«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

5.  Into waters they impel thee with stones,
    [thee,] the sweetest, pale green-yellow,
    O Indu, for Indra to drink.

sunótā mádʰumattamaṃ sómamíndrāya vajríṇe |
cā́ruṃ śárdʰāya matsarám || 6||

6.  sunotavp·Ao2p«√su madʰumattamajmsa«√madʰ  
    somanmsa«√su indraNmsd«√ind vajrinjmsd«√vaj |
    cārujmsa«√can śardʰanmsd«√śṛdʰ (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsa 

6.  Press out, ye, the sweetest Soma 
    for thunderbolt-wielding Indra,
    [that is] agreeable, [that is] exhilarating for the defiant one².

1 the extract of Soma plant
2 Indra

Sūkta 9.31 

prá sómāsaḥ svādʰyàḥ pávamānāso akramuḥ |
rayíṃ kṛṇvanti cétanam || 1||

1.  prap somanmpn«√su svādʰījmpn«su-ā~√dʰī ​
    pavamānajmpn«√pū akramurvp·U·3p«√kram |
    rayinmsa«√rā kṛṇvantivp·A·3p«√kṛ cetanajmsa«√cit 

1.  Soma [juices], becoming pure, 
    possessing of good insight, proceed in stages,
    create a perceptible treasure.

diváspṛtʰivyā́ ádʰi bʰávendo dyumnavárdʰanaḥ |
bʰávā vā́jānāṃ pátiḥ || 2||

2.  dyunmsg pṛtʰivīnfsb«√pṛtʰ adʰip  
    bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū indunmsv«√ind (dyumnanns-vardʰanajms«√vṛdʰ)nmsn |
    bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū vājanmpg«√vāj patinmsn«√pā2 

2.  Augment, O Indu, the brilliance of Heaven
    [everywhere] above the Earth;
    be the master of surges of vigour!

túbʰyaṃ vā́tā abʰipríyastúbʰyamarṣanti síndʰavaḥ |
sóma várdʰanti te máhaḥ || 3||

3.  tvamr2msd vātanmpn«√vā abʰiprījmpn«abʰi~√prī  
    tvamr2msd arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ sindʰunmpn«√sindʰ |
    somanmsv«√su vardʰantivp·A·3p«√vṛdʰ tvamr2msg mahasnnsa«√mah 

3.  For thee the winds are soothing,
    for thee the rivers flow;
    O Soma, they augment thy might.

ā́ pyāyasva sámetu te viśvátaḥ soma vṛ́ṣṇyam |
bʰávā vā́jasya saṃgatʰé || 4||

4.  āp pyāyasvava·Ao2s«√pyai samp etuvp·Ao3s«√i tvamr2msg  
    viśvatasa«√viś somanmsv«√su (vṛṣṇinms«√vṛṣ-yatnfs«√yat)nnsn |
    bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū vājanmsg«√vāj saṃgatʰanmsl«sam~√gam 

4.  Swell here! May thy, O Soma, virility
    come in every way!
    Be in the center of the rush of vigour.

túbʰyaṃ gā́vo gʰṛtáṃ páyo bábʰro duduhré ákṣitam |
várṣiṣṭʰe ádʰi sā́navi || 5||

5.  tvamr2msd gonfpn gʰṛtajnsa«√gʰṛ payasnnsa«√pī  
    babʰrujmsv«√bʰṛ duduhreva·I·3p«√duh akṣitajnsa«a~√kṣi3 |
    varṣiṣṭʰajmsl«√vṛdʰ adʰip sānunnsl«√san 

5.  For thee, O tenacious one, the cows have milked
    inexhaustible, ghee-like juice 
    at the most abundant¹ summit.

svāyudʰásya te sató bʰúvanasya pate vayám |
índo sakʰitvámuśmasi || 6||

6.  svāyudʰajmsg«su-ā~√yudʰ tvamr2msd satjmsg«√as  
    bʰuvanannsg«√bʰū patinmsv«√pā2 vayamr1mpn |
    indunmsv«√ind sakʰitvannsa«√sac uśmasiva·A·1p«√vaś 

6.  O Indu, we long for a compatibility² with him³ who is well-armed,
    with him who is real⁴ for thy⁵ sake,
    O protector of [this] place of existence!

1 lit. most-showering
2 lit. ``like-mindedness''
3 an extract of Soma plant
4 here = ``physical''
5 the inner Soma

Sūkta 9.32 

prá sómāso madacyútaḥ śrávase no magʰónaḥ |
sutā́ vidátʰe akramuḥ || 1||

1.  prap somanmpn«√su (madanms«√mad-cyutjms«√cyu)jmsn  
    śravasnnsd«√śru vayamr1mpg magʰavanjmsb«√maṃh |
    sutajmpn«√su vidatʰannsl«√vid akramurvp·U·3p«√kram 

1.  Soma juices, oozing exhilaration
    for the sake of our munificent [friend]'s auditory impression,
    extracted, proceeded in teaching [us].

ā́dīṃ tritásya yóṣaṇo háriṃ hinvantyádribʰiḥ |
índumíndrāya pītáye || 2||

2.  ātc īmr3msa tritaNmsg yoṣannfpn«√yu  
    harinmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    indunmsa«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

2.  Then maidens of Trita impel with stones
    the pale green-yellow Indu ---
    for Indra to drink.

ā́dīṃ haṃsó yátʰā gaṇáṃ víśvasyāvīvaśanmatím |
átyo ná góbʰirajyate || 3||

3.  ātc īmc haṃsanmsn«√han yadr3nsi gaṇanmsa«√gaṇ  
    viśvajmsg«√viś avīvaśatvp·U·3s«√vāś matinfsa«√man |
    atyanmsn«√at? nac gonfpi ajyatevp·A·3s«√añj 

3.  Then, as a goose [makes] a flock in formation [cry out],
    he¹ caused everyone's mental gesture to resound;
    like a courser he is smeared with milk.

ubʰé somāvacā́kaśanmṛgó ná taktó arṣasi |
sī́dannṛtásya yónimā́ || 4||

4.  ubʰajnda somanmsv«√su avacākaśattp·A?sn«ava~√kāś  
    mṛganmsn«√mṛg nac taktajmsn«√tak arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ |
    sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsl«√yu āp 

4.  Illuminating both Rodas-es,
    rushing along like a deer, O Soma, thou flow
    taking seat in the womb of ṛta!

abʰí gā́vo anūṣata yóṣā jārámiva priyám |
ágannājíṃ yátʰā hitám || 5||

5.  abʰip gonfpn anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
    yoṣānfsn«√yu jāranmsa«√jṝ ivac priyajmsa«√prī |
    aganvp·Aa3s«√gam ājinmsa«√aj yadr3nsi hitajmsa«√dʰā 

5.  Cows² hailed [him]
    as a maiden her dear wooer ---
    he came as if to an arranged race.

asmé dʰehi dyumádyáśo magʰávadbʰyaśca máhyaṃ ca |
saníṃ medʰā́mutá śrávaḥ || 6||

6.  vayamr1mpd dʰehivp·Ao2s«√dʰā dyumatjnsa«√dyut yaśasjnsa«√yaś  
    magʰavanjmpd«√maṃh cac ahamr1msd cac |
    sanijfsa«√san medʰānfsa«√midʰ utaa śravasnnsa«√śru 

6.  Grant us who are liberal [at fire offerings]
    lucid, esteemed [manly vigour]³;
    to me --- [grant] effective strength of resolve and an auditory impression.

1 the inner Soma
2 words
3 suvī́rya --- on the strength of 9.13.4c.

Sūkta 9.33 

prá sómāso vipaścíto'pā́ṃ ná yantyūrmáyaḥ |
vánāni mahiṣā́ iva || 1||

1.  prap somanmpn«√su (vipnfpa«√vip-citjms«√ci)jmpa  
    apnfpg nac yantivp·A·3p«√i ūrminmpn«√ṛ |
    vanannpa«√van mahiṣanmpn«√mah ivac 

1.  Soma drops, piling up pulsations,
    move like waves of waters,
    like buffaloes [moving] towards thickets.

abʰí dróṇāni babʰrávaḥ śukrā́ ṛtásya dʰā́rayā |
vā́jaṃ gómantamakṣaran || 2||

2.  abʰip droṇannpa«√dru babʰrujmpn«√bʰṛ  
    śukrajmpn«√śuc ṛtannsg«√ṛ dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    vājanmsa«√vāj gomatjmsa akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar 

2.  Towards wooden vessels [they] --- tenacious, translucent [drops]
    accompanied by a stream of ṛta ---
    have trickled towards rich in cows¹ rush of vigour.

sutā́ índrāya vāyáve váruṇāya marúdbʰyaḥ |
sómā arṣanti víṣṇave || 3||

3.  sutajmpn«√su indraNmsd«√ind vāyuNmsd«√vā  
    varuṇaNmsd«√vṛ marutNmpd |
    somanmpn«√su arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ viṣṇuNmsd«√viṣ 

3.  Extracted for Indra, Vāyu,
    Varuṇa, Marut-s,
    Soma [drops] flow for Viṣṇu.

tisró vā́ca údīrate gā́vo mimanti dʰenávaḥ |
hárireti kánikradat || 4||

4.  triu vācnfpn«√vac udp īrateva·A·3p«√īr  
    gonfpa mimantivp·A·3p«√mā dʰenunfpn«√dʰe |
    harijmsn«√hṛ etivp·A·3s«√i kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand 

4.  Three utterances arise,
    cows mete out milk,
    the enchanting one proceeds, calling out.

abʰí bráhmīranūṣata yahvī́rṛtásya mātáraḥ |
marmṛjyánte diváḥ śíśum || 5||

5.  abʰip brahmījfpa«√brahm anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
    yahvījfpn«√yah ṛtannsg«√ṛ mātṛnfpn«√mā |
    marmṛjyanteva·A·3p«√mṛj dyunmsg śiśunmsa«√śū 

5.  Restless mothers of ṛta hailed
    the unfolding [utterances];
    they rub the newborn of the Heaven.

rāyáḥ samudrā́m̐ścatúro'smábʰyaṃ soma viśvátaḥ |
ā́ pavasva sahasríṇaḥ || 6||

6.  rainmsg«√rā samudranmpa«sam~√ud caturu  
    vayamr1mpd somanmsv«√su viśvatasa«√viś |
    āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū sahasrinjmsg 

6.  O Soma, distill for us in every way
    four seas of the treasure
    that leads to a thousand different things.

1 evocative expressions

Sūkta 9.34 

prá suvānó dʰā́rayā tánéndurhinvānó arṣati |
rujáddṛḷhā́ vyójasā || 1||

1.  prap suvānata·Amsn«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ tannfsi«√tan  
    indunmsn«√ind hinvānata·Amsn«√hi arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    rujatvp·U·3s«√ruj dṛḷhajnpa«√dṛh vip ojasnnsi«√vaj 

1.  Being continually effused with a stream [of ṛta]¹,
    Indu, stimulating, flows,
    having vigorously shattered firm [barriers].

sutá índrāya vāyáve váruṇāya marúdbʰyaḥ |
sómo arṣati víṣṇave || 2||

2.  sutajmsn«√su indraNmsd«√ind vāyuNmsd«√vā  
    varuṇaNmsd«√vṛ marutNmpd |
    somanmsn«√su arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ viṣṇuNmsd«√viṣ 

2.  Extracted for Indra, Vāyu,
    Varuṇa, Marut-s
    Soma flows for Viṣṇu.

vṛ́ṣāṇaṃ vṛ́ṣabʰiryatáṃ sunvánti sómamádribʰiḥ |
duhánti śákmanā páyaḥ || 3||

3.  vṛṣannmsa«√vṛṣ vṛṣannmpi«√vṛṣ yatajmsa«√yam  
    sunvantivp·A·3p«√su somaNmsa«√su adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    duhantivp·A·3p«√duh śakmannmsi«√śak payasnnsa«√pī 

3.  They press out with stones
    the bull controlled by bulls --- Soma;
    using [their] strength they milk out the juice.

bʰúvattritásya márjyo bʰúvadíndrāya matsaráḥ |
sáṃ rūpaírajyate háriḥ || 4||

4.  bʰuvatvp·Ue3s«√bʰū tritaNmsg marjyajmsn«√mṛj  
    bʰuvatvp·Ue3s«√bʰū indraNmsd«√ind (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsn |
    samp rūpannpi ajyatevp·A·3s«√añj harijmsn«√hṛ 

4.  So that he will be cleansed by Trita,
    so that he will be exhilarating to Indra,
    he, pale green-yellow, is adorned with [various] forms.

abʰī́mṛtásya viṣṭápaṃ duhaté pṛ́śnimātaraḥ |
cā́ru priyátamaṃ havíḥ || 5||

5.  abʰip īmc ṛtannsg«√ṛ viṣṭapnfsa«vi~√stambʰ  
    duhateva·A·3p«√duh (pṛśniNfs«√spṛś-mātṛnfs«√mā)jmpn |
    cārujnsa«√can priyatamajnsa«√prī havisnnsa«√hu 

5.  For the ultimate in the coherence²
    they³, whose mother is Pṛśni, milk
    the dearest, agreeable, oblation.

sámenamáhrutā imā́ gíro arṣanti sasrútaḥ |
dʰenū́rvāśró avīvaśat || 6||

6.  samp enar3msa ahrutajfpn«a~√hvṛ ayamr3fpn  
    girnfpn«√gṝ arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ sasrutjfpn«sa~√sru |
    dʰenunfpa«√dʰe vāśrajmsn«√vāś avīvaśatvp·U·3s«√vāś 

6.  These faultless, streaming chants
    flow together towards him.
    He, roaring, caused the milch-cows to resound.

1 on the strength of 9.33.2b
2 ṛta
3 Marut-s

Sūkta 9.35 

ā́ naḥ pavasva dʰā́rayā pávamāna rayíṃ pṛtʰúm |
yáyā jyótirvidā́si naḥ || 1||

1.  āp vayamr1mpd pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū rayinmsa«√rā pṛtʰujmsa«√pṛtʰ |
    yār3fsi jyotisnnsa«√jyot vidāsivp·Ae2s«√vid vayamr1mpd 

1.  Become pure for us with a [steady] stream [of sounds], O becoming pure,
    by which [stream] thou might find for us 
    the light --- the ample treasure.

índo samudramīṅkʰaya pávasva viśvamejaya |
rāyó dʰartā́ na ójasā || 2||

2.  indunmsv«√ind (samudranmsa«sam~√ud-īṅkʰayajms«√īṅkʰ)jmsv  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (viśvannsa«√viś-ejayajms«√ej)jmsv |
    rainmsg«√rā dʰartṛnmsn«√dʰṛ vayamr1mpd ojasnnsi«√vaj 

2.  O Indu, swayer of the sea,
    become pure, thou, shaking everything with vigour,
    thou, who bears us the treasure!

tváyā vīréṇa vīravo'bʰí ṣyāma pṛtanyatáḥ |
kṣárā ṇo abʰí vā́ryam || 3||

3.  tvamr2msi vīranmsi«√vīr vīravāṃsjmsv«√vīr  
    abʰip syāmavp·Ai1p«√as pṛtanyantnmpa«√pṛtany |
    kṣaravp·Ao2s«√kṣar vayamr1mpa abʰip vāryajmsa«√vṛ2 

3.  With thee, with the hero, O heroic one,
    we are against those who assail us,
    trickle for our sake the desirable [treasure].

prá vā́jamínduriṣyati síṣāsanvājasā́ ṛ́ṣiḥ |
vratā́ vidāná ā́yudʰā || 4||

4.  prap vājanmsa«√vāj indunmsn«√ind iṣyativp·A·3s«√iṣ  
    siṣāsantp·A?s?«√san (vājanms«√vāj-sājms«√san)jmsn ṛṣinmsn«√ṛṣ |
    vratannpa«√vṛ2 vidānata·Amsn«√vid āyudʰannpa«ā~√yudʰ 

4.  Indu pours forth the rush of vigour ---
    the sage, striving for and obtaining [for us] the rush of vigour,
    making known [his] spheres of action [and] weapons.

táṃ gīrbʰírvācamīṅkʰayáṃ punānáṃ vāsayāmasi |
sómaṃ jánasya gópatim || 5||

5.  sasr3msa girnfpi«√gṝ (vācnfsa«√vac-īṅkʰayajms«√īṅkʰ)jmsa  
    punānajmsa«√pū vāsayāmasivp·A·1p«√vas |
    somanmsa«√su jananmsg«√jan (gonfs-patinms«√pā2)nmsa 

5.  Him, who causes speech to flow, who purifies himself, 
    we clothe with chants,--- 
    Soma, the ruler of men's words,

víśvo yásya vraté jáno dādʰā́ra dʰármaṇaspáteḥ |
punānásya prabʰū́vasoḥ || 6||

6.  viśvanmsn«√viś yasr3msg vratannsl«√vṛ2 jananmsn«√jan  
    dādʰāravp·I·3s«√dʰṛ dʰarmannnsg«√dʰṛ patinmsg«√pā2 |
    punānajmsg«√pū (prabʰūnns«pra~√bʰū-vasunns«√vas)jmsg 

6.  in whose realm every man has preserved [his health] ---
    [in the realm] of overseer of [life-]support,
    of him who purifies himself, of him whose benefits are manifest.

Sūkta 9.36 

ásarji rátʰyo yatʰā pavítre camvòḥ sutáḥ |
kā́rṣmanvājī́ nyàkramīt || 1||

1.  asarjivp·U·3s«√sṛj ratʰyanmsn«√ṛ yadr3nsi  
    pavitrannsl«√pū camūnfdl sutajmsn«√su |
    kārṣmannnsl«√kṛṣ vājinnmsn«√vāj nip akramītvp·U·3s«√kram 

1.  Like a chariot-horse he¹ was let loose into the filter;
    [then] pressed into the two bowls,
    he who possesses the rush of vigour advanced into the furrow.

sá váhniḥ soma jā́gṛviḥ pávasva devavī́ráti |
abʰí kóśaṃ madʰuścútam || 2||

2.  sasr3msn vahninmsn«√vah somaNmsv«√su jāgṛvijmsn«√jāgṛ  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmsn atip |
    abʰip kośanmsa«√kuś (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa 

2.  He² who conveys, O Soma, [is] keeping [us] awake.
    Become pure, arousing deva-s, [flow] beyond [the filter],
    towards overflowing with sweetness subtle body.

sá no jyótīṃṣi pūrvya pávamāna ví rocaya |
krátve dákṣāya no hinu || 3||

3.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd jyotisnnpa«√jyot pūrvyajmsv«√pṝ  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū vip rocayavp·Ao2s«√ruc |
    kratunmsd«√kṛ dakṣanmsd«√dakṣ vayamr1mpa hinuvp·Ao2s«√hi 

3.  Such thou, O peerless one, O becoming pure, 
    make stars shine for us,
    stimulate us [to obtain] mental power and skill!

śumbʰámāna ṛtāyúbʰirmṛjyámāno gábʰastyoḥ |
pávate vā́re avyáye || 4||

4.  śumbʰamānata·Amsn«√śubʰ (ṛtanns«√ṛ-yujms«√yu)jmpi  
    mṛjyamānata·Amsn«√mṛj gabʰastinmdl |
    pavateva·A·3s«√pū vāranmsl«√vṛ2 avyayajmsl 

4.  Arraying himself with the help of those who seek ṛta,
    rubbed off between two hands,
    he becomes pure in the woolen sieve.

sá víśvā dāśúṣe vásu sómo divyā́ni pā́rtʰivā |
pávatāmā́ntárikṣyā || 5||

5.  sasr3msn viśvajnpa«√viś dāśvaṅstp·Imsd«√dāś vasunnpa«√vas  
    somaNmsn«√su divyajnpa«√div pārtʰivajnpa«√pṛtʰ |
    pavatāmva·Ao3s«√pū āp (antara-īkṣyajms«√ikṣ)jnpa 

5.  May he, Soma, distill for him who is worshiping
    everything beneficial, [be it] celestial, earthly,
    or belonging to the middle region.

ā́ diváspṛṣṭʰámaśvayúrgavyayúḥ soma rohasi |
vīrayúḥ śavasaspate || 6||

6.  āp dyunmsg pṛṣṭʰannsa«pra~√stʰā (aśvanms«√aś-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
    (gavyanns-yujms«√yu)jmsn somaNmsv«√su rohasivp·A·2s«√ruh |
    (vīranms«√vīr-yujms«√yu)jmsn śavasnnsg«√śvi patinmsv«√pā2 

6.  O Soma, thou rise up [towards] the base of the Heaven, 
    attracting horses, seeking [raiments] coming from cows,
    attracting heroes, O master of the power to change!

1 the inner Soma
2 Agni

Sūkta 9.37 

sá sutáḥ pītáye vṛ́ṣā sómaḥ pavítre arṣati |
vigʰnánrákṣāṃsi devayúḥ || 1||

1.  sasr3msn sutajmsn«√su pītinfsd«√pā vṛṣanjmsn«√vṛṣ  
    somaNmsn«√su pavitrannsl«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    vigʰnanttp·Amsn«vi~√han rakṣasnnpa«√rakṣ (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

1.  He, Soma, extracted for a draught,
    flows, impregnating, through the filter,
    [he,] shattering defenses, attracting deva-s.

sá pavítre vicakṣaṇó hárirarṣati dʰarṇasíḥ |
abʰí yóniṃ kánikradat || 2||

2.  sasr3msn pavitrannsl«√pū vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ  
    harijmsn«√hṛ arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ dʰarṇasijmsn«√dʰṛ |
    abʰip yoninmsa«√yu kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand 

2.  He, pale green-yellow, is conspicuous in the filter;
    strong enough to confer [the treasure],
    calling out, he flows towards the womb.

sá vājī́ rocanā́ diváḥ pávamāno ví dʰāvati |
rakṣohā́ vā́ramavyáyam || 3||

3.  sasr3msn vājinnmsn«√vāj rocanannpa«√ruc dyunmsg  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū vip dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv |
    (rakṣasnns«√rakṣ-hannms«√han)nmsn vāranmsa«√vṛ2 avyayajmsa 

3.  He¹, possessing the rush of vigour,
    permeates, becoming pure, the luminous spheres of the Heaven.
    [He²,] who is shattering defenses, [permeates] the the woolen sieve.

sá tritásyā́dʰi sā́navi pávamāno arocayat |
jāmíbʰiḥ sū́ryaṃ sahá || 4||

4.  sasr3msn tritaNmsg adʰip sānunnsl«√san  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū arocayatvp·Aa3s«√ruc |
    jāminfpi«√jan sūryanmsa«√sūr sahap 

4.  Above the summit of Trita
    he³, who is becoming pure, together with siblings
    made the Sun bright.

sá vṛtrahā́ vṛ́ṣā sutó varivovídádābʰyaḥ |
sómo vā́jamivāsarat || 5||

5.  sasr3msn (vṛtraNns«√vṛ-hanjms«√han)nmsn vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ sutajmsn«√su  
    (varivasnns«√vṛ-vidjms«√vid)jmsn adābʰyajmsn«a~√dabʰ |
    somanmsn«√su vājanmsa«√vāj ivac asaratvp·Aa3s«√sṛ 

5.  He, a slayer of Vṛtra-s, a bull,
    extracted, finding mental space, and worthy of trust,
    [he,] Soma, speeds as if to a battle.

sá deváḥ kavíneṣitò'bʰí dróṇāni dʰāvati |
índuríndrāya maṃhánā || 6||

6.  sasr3msn devanmsn«√div kavinmsi«√kū iṣitajmsn«√iṣ  
    abʰip droṇannpa«√dru dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv |
    induNmsn«√ind indraNmsd«√ind maṃhanāa«√maṃh 

6.  He⁴, a deva, [is] animated by him⁵ who is gifted with insight;
    Indu runs towards wooden vessels
    for Indra [he runs] amply.

1 the inner Soma
2 extract of Soma plant
3 the inner Soma
4 the inner Soma
5 a poet

Sūkta 9.38 

eṣá u syá vṛ́ṣā rátʰó'vyo vā́rebʰirarṣati |
gácʰanvā́jaṃ sahasríṇam || 1||

1.  eṣasr3msn uc syac vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ ratʰanmsn«√ṛ  
    avinfsg vārannpi«√vṛ2 arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    gacʰanttp·Amsn«√gam vājanmsa«√vāj sahasrinjmsa 

1.  This one, a bull, a chariot, 
    flows through threads of sheep's wool,
    setting out for the rush of vigour that leads to a thousand different things.

etáṃ tritásya yóṣaṇo háriṃ hinvantyádribʰiḥ |
índumíndrāya pītáye || 2||

2.  etasr3msa tritaNmsg yoṣannfpn«√yu  
    harijmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    induNmsa«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

2.  This one, the enchanting one, 
    maidens of Trita impel with stones ---
    Indu for Indra to drink.

etáṃ tyáṃ haríto dáśa marmṛjyánte apasyúvaḥ |
yā́bʰirmádāya śúmbʰate || 3||

3.  etasr3msa syar3msa haritnfpn«√hṛ daśau  
    marmṛjyanteva·A·3p«√mṛj (apasnns-yūjfs«√yu)jfpn |
    yār3fpi madanmsd«√mad śumbʰateva·A·3s«√śubʰ 

3.  This one ten mares make free from impurities,
    [they,] restless, with which he arrays himself
    to exhilarate [Indra].

eṣá syá mā́nuṣīṣvā́ śyenó ná vikṣú sīdati |
gácʰañjāró ná yoṣítam || 4||

4.  eṣasr3msn syar3msn mānuṣījfpl«√man āp  
    śyenanmsn nac viśnfpl«√viś sīdativp·A·3s«√sad |
    gacʰanttp·Amsn«√gam jāranmsn«√jṝ nac yoṣitnfsa«√yu 

4.  In homesteads of humans this one¹ takes a seat ---
    like a hawk in [his nest] ---
    approaching [it] like a wooer a woman.

eṣá syá mádyo rásó'va caṣṭe diváḥ śíśuḥ |
yá índurvā́ramā́viśat || 5||

5.  eṣasr3msn syar3msn madyajmsn«√mad rasanmsn«√ras  
    avap caṣṭeva·A·3s«√cakṣ dyunmsg śiśunmsn«√śū |
    yasr3msn induNmsn«√ind vāranmsa«√vṛ2 āp aviśatvp·Aa3s«√viś 

5.  This one is an exhilarating sap;
    the newborn² of Heaven looks down ---
    who [is] Indu --- he entered the hairsieve.

eṣá syá pītáye sutó hárirarṣati dʰarṇasíḥ |
krándanyónimabʰí priyám || 6||

6.  eṣasr3msn syar3msn pītinfsd«√pā sutajmsn«√su  
    harijmsn«√hṛ arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ dʰarṇasijmsn«√dʰṛ |
    krandantp·A?s?«√krand yoninmsa«√yu abʰip priyajmsa«√prī 

6.  This one, pale green-yellow, extracted for a draught, 
    strong enough to confer [the treasure], calling out,
    flows towards the cherished womb.

1 Agni
2 new moon

Sūkta 9.39 

āśúrarṣa bṛhanmate pári priyéṇa dʰā́mnā |
yátra devā́ íti brávan || 1||

1.  āśujmsn«√aś arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ (bṛhatjms«√bṛh-matinfs«√man)jmsv  
    parip priyajmsi«√prī dʰāmannnsi«√dʰā |
    yadr3nsl devanmpn«√div itia bravanvp·Ae3p«√brū 

1.  Being quick, O one of mighty mental gestures, flow around
    through [thy] favorite abode
    wherein, they say, deva-s are.

pariṣkṛṇvánnániṣkṛtaṃ jánāya yātáyanníṣaḥ |
vṛṣṭíṃ diváḥ pári srava || 2||

2.  pariṣkṛṇvantp·Amsn«pari~√kṛ aniṣkṛtajmsa«a-nis~√kṛ ​
    jananmsd«√jan yātayantp·Amsn«√yat iṣnfpa«√iṣ |
    vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ dyunmsb parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

2.  Making ready what is not [yet] manifested,
    making libations for [the divine] race continuous,
    pour the rain from the Heaven!

sutá eti pavítra ā́ tvíṣiṃ dádʰāna ójasā |
vicákṣāṇo virocáyan || 3||

3.  sutajmsn«√su etivp·A·3s«√i pavitrannsl«√pū āp  
    tviṣinfsa«√tviṣ dadʰānatp·Imsn«√dʰā ojasnnsi«√vaj |
    vicakṣāṇata·Amsn«vi~√cakṣ virocayantp·Amsn«vi~√ruc 

3.  Pressed out, he moves through the filter,
    having obtained the luminance with vigour,
    manifesting self by making [impressions in the mind appear] brighter.

ayáṃ sá yó diváspári ragʰuyā́mā pavítra ā́ |
síndʰorūrmā́ vyákṣarat || 4||

4.  ayamr3msn sasr3msn yasr3msn dyunmsb parip  
    (ragʰujns«√raṃh-yāmannns«√yām)jmsn pavitrannsl«√pū āp |
    sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ūrminmsl«√ṛ vip akṣaratvp·Aa3s«√kṣar 

4.  It is he who [poured rain] from the Heaven,
    [who,] moving rapidly in filter,
    oozed into the wave of Sindʰu.

āvívāsanparāváto átʰo arvāvátaḥ sutáḥ |
índrāya sicyate mádʰu || 5||

5.  āvivāsanttp·Amsn«ā~√van parāvatnfsb«√pṛ  
    atʰāa uc arvāvatnfsb sutajmsn«√su |
    indraNmsd«√ind sicyatevp·A·3s«√sic madʰunnsn«√madʰ 

5.  Extracted [Soma] procures [words for a hymn]
    [whether] from afar or from near at hand;
    honey is emitted for Indra.

samīcīnā́ anūṣata háriṃ hinvantyádribʰiḥ |
yónāvṛtásya sīdata || 6||

6.  samīcīnajfpn«sam~√añc anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
    harijmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    yoninmsl«√yu ṛtannsg«√ṛ sīdatavp·Ao2p«√sad 

6.  United, they [, words of a hymn,] hailed the enchanting one;
    they impel [him] with the stones.
    [Ye, words,] sit in the womb of ṛta!

Sūkta 9.40 

punānó akramīdabʰí víśvā mṛ́dʰo vícarṣaṇiḥ |
śumbʰánti vípraṃ dʰītíbʰiḥ || 1||

1.  punānajmsn«√pū akramītvp·U·3s«√kram abʰip  
    viśvajfpa«√viś mṛdʰnfpa«√mṛdʰ vicarṣaṇijmsn«vi~√kṛṣ |
    śumbʰantivp·A·3p«√śubʰ viprajmsa«√vip dʰītinfpi«√dʰī 

1.  Purifying self, he overcomes all inhibitions, [he,] disengaging;
    They, [sacrificers,] array the inspired one¹
    with [their] dʰīti-s.

ā́ yónimaruṇó ruhadgámadíndraṃ vṛ́ṣā sutáḥ |
dʰruvé sádasi sīdati || 2||

2.  āp yoninmsa«√yu aruṇajmsn«√ṛ ruhatvp·U·3s«√ruh  
    gamatvp·Ae3s«√gam indraNmsa«√ind vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ sutajmsn«√su |
    dʰruvajnsl«√dʰṛ sadasnnsl«√sad sīdativp·A·3s«√sad 

2.  He who gives a chance to move upwards rose up to the womb
    so that he, the bull, would go towards Indra! 
    Extracted, he alights onto a firm seat.

nū́ no rayíṃ mahā́mindo'smábʰyaṃ soma viśvátaḥ |
ā́ pavasva sahasríṇam || 3||

3.  nūc vayamr1mpa rayinmsa«√rā mahāntjmsa«√mah induNmsv«√ind  
    vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su viśvatasa«√viś |
    āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū sahasrinjmsa 

3.  Now, O Indu, [bring] to us a great treasure;
    in every way distill for us, O Soma,
    [this] leading to a thousand different things [treasure].

víśvā soma pavamāna dyumnā́nīndavā́ bʰara |
vidā́ḥ sahasríṇīríṣaḥ || 4||

4.  viśvajnpa«√viś somaNmsv«√su pavamānanmsv«√pū  
    dyumnannpa induNmsv«√ind āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ |
    vidāsvp·Ae2s«√vid sahasriṇījfpa iṣnfpa«√iṣ 

4.  O becoming pure Soma, bring hither, O Indu, all illuminating powers,
    so that thou can find [for us]
    libations leading to a thousand different things.

sá naḥ punāná ā́ bʰara rayíṃ stotré suvī́ryam |
jaritúrvardʰayā gíraḥ || 5||

5.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd punānajmsn«√pū āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ  
    rayinmsa«√rā stotṛnmsd«√stu suvīryannsa«su~√vīr |
    jaritṛnmsg«√gṝ vardʰayavp·Ao2s«√vṛdʰ girnfpa«√gṝ 

5.  Such --- purifying self --- bring us a treasure,
    a manly vigour for him who sings a hymn.
    Make longer the chants of an invoker!

punāná indavā́ bʰara sóma dvibárhasaṃ rayím |
vṛ́ṣannindo na uktʰyàm || 6||

6.  punānajmsn«√pū induNmsv«√ind āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ  
    somaNmsv«√su (dviu-barhasjms«√bṛh)jmsa rayinmsa«√rā |
    vṛṣannmsv«√vṛṣ induNmsv«√ind vayamr1mpd uktʰyajnsa«√vac 

6.  Purifying self, O Indu, bring hither, O Soma,
    the twice-swollen² treasure³;
    O bull, O Indu, [bring] for us [the emerging light]⁴ that is worthy of praise.

1 the inner Soma
2 that is, in both Heaven and Earth
3 the inner Soma
4 the inner Soma --- see 9.29.2

Sūkta 9.41 

prá yé gā́vo ná bʰū́rṇayastveṣā́ ayā́so ákramuḥ |
gʰnántaḥ kṛṣṇā́mápa tvácam || 1||

1.  prap yasr3mpn gonfpn nac bʰūrṇijmpn  
    tveṣajmpn«√tviṣ ayāsnmpn«a~√yas akramurvp·U·3p«√kram |
    gʰnantjmpn«√han kṛṣṇājfsa«√kṛṣ apap tvacnfsa«√tvac 

1.  They¹, incessant like cows²,
    impetuous nimble proceed in stages
    warding off the dark veil.

suvitásya manāmahé'ti sétuṃ durāvyàm |
sāhvā́ṃso dásyumavratám || 2||

2.  suvitajmsg«su~√i manāmaheva·A·1p«√man  
    atip setunmsa«√si durāvījmsa«dus~√vī |
    sāhvaṃstp·Impn«√sah (dasnfs«√das-yujms«√yu)nmsa avratajmsa«a~√vṛ2 

2.  Having overcome the unconstrained impulse to suffer want,
    we imagine an easy path
    past the difficult-to-cross bridge.

śṛṇvé vṛṣṭériva svanáḥ pávamānasya śuṣmíṇaḥ |
cáranti vidyúto diví || 3||

3.  śṛṇveva·A·3s«√śru vṛṣṭinfsg«√vṛṣ ivac svananmsn«√svan  
    pavamānanmsg«√pū śuṣminjmsg«√śuṣ |
    carantivp·A·3p«√car vidyutnfpn«vi~√dyut dyunmsl«√dyu 

3.  The sound of him, who is fiery, who is becoming pure,
    is heard as if it's raining;
    lightnings spread through the Heaven.

ā́ pavasva mahī́míṣaṃ gómadindo híraṇyavat |
áśvāvadvā́javatsutáḥ || 4||

4.  āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū mahījfsa«√mah iṣnfsa«√iṣ  
    gomatjmsn induNmsv«√ind hiraṇyavatjmsn«√hṛ |
    aśvāvatjmsn«√aś vājavatjmsn«√vāj sutajmsn«√su 

4.  Distill a potent libation!
    [Thou are] rich in cows, O Indu, in gold,
    in horses, in the rush of vigour [when] pressed out.

sá pavasva vicarṣaṇa ā́ mahī́ ródasī pṛṇa |
uṣā́ḥ sū́ryo ná raśmíbʰiḥ || 5||

5.  sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū vicarṣaṇijmsv«vi~√kṛṣ  
    āp mahjnda«√mah rodasnnda pṛṇavp·Ao2s«√pṝ |
    uṣāsnfsn«√vas sūryanmsn«√sūr nac raśminmpi«√raś 

5.  Such thou, become pure, O disengaging one,
    fill two mighty Rodas-es
    as the dawn [fills Heaven and Earth] with the rays of the sun.

pári ṇaḥ śarmayántyā dʰā́rayā soma viśvátaḥ |
sárā raséva viṣṭápam || 6||

6.  parip vayamr1mpa śarmayantinfsi«√śri  
    dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ somaNmsv«√su viśvatasa«√viś |
    saravp·Ao2s«√sṛ rasānfsn«√ras ivac viṣṭapnfsa«vi~√stambʰ 

6.  [Thou protect³] us all around, O Soma,
    with the stream that shelters
    betake thyself like the sap⁴ --- to the extreme.

1 Soma drops
2 words
3 pāsi --- on the strength of 1.31.15b
4 extract of Soma plant

Sūkta 9.42 

janáyanrocanā́ divó janáyannapsú sū́ryam |
vásāno gā́ apó háriḥ || 1||

1.  janayanttp·Ansn«√jan rocanannpa«√ruc dyunmsg  
    janayanttp·Ansn«√jan apnfpl sūryanmsa«√sūr |
    vasānata·Amsn«√vas gonfpa apnfpa harijmsn«√hṛ 

1.  Causing luminous spheres of the Heaven to emerge,
    [when] in the waters --- causing a sun to emerge,
    the enchanting one [is] clothing himself in waters and milk.

eṣá pratnéna mánmanā devó devébʰyaspári |
dʰā́rayā pavate sutáḥ || 2||

2.  eṣasr3msn pratnajnsi manmannnsi«√man  
    devanmsn«√div devanmpd«√div parip |
    dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ pavateva·A·3s«√pū sutajmsn«√su 

2.  This one, a deva, [churned¹] for deva-s 
    with a preceding manic thought,
    [when] extracted, becomes pure with a [steady] stream [of sounds].

vāvṛdʰānā́ya tū́rvaye pávante vā́jasātaye |
sómāḥ sahásrapājasaḥ || 3||

3.  vāvṛdʰānatp·Amsd«√vṛdʰ tūrvijmsd«√turv  
    pavanteva·A·3p«√pū (vājanms«√vāj-sātinfs«√san)nfsd |
    somanmpn«√su (sahasrau-pājasnns«√pāj)jmpn 

3.  For him² who is growing, who can become overpowering,
    Soma juices creating thousand footholds become pure
    to bestow the rush of vigour.

duhānáḥ pratnámítpáyaḥ pavítre pári ṣicyate |
krándandevā́m̐ ajījanat || 4||

4.  duhānajmsn«√duh pratnajnsa idc payasnnsa«√pī  
    pavitrannsl«√pū parip sicyatevp·A·3s«√sic |
    krandantp·A?s?«√krand devanmpa«√div ajījanatvp·U·3s«√jan 

4.  Milking the ancient juice,
    he is spread around in the filter;
    calling out, he procured [us] deva-s.

abʰí víśvāni vā́ryābʰí devā́m̐ ṛtāvṛ́dʰaḥ |
sómaḥ punānó arṣati || 5||

5.  abʰip viśvajmpa«√viś vāryajmpa«√vṛ2 abʰip  
    devanmpa«√div (ṛtanns«√ṛ-āvṛdʰjms«ā~√vṛdʰ)jmpa |
    somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ 

5.  Soma, purifying self, flows
    for the sake of everything desirable,
    for the sake of strengthened by ṛta deva-s.

gómannaḥ soma vīrávadáśvāvadvā́javatsutáḥ |
pávasva bṛhatī́ríṣaḥ || 6||

6.  gomatjnsa vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su vīravantjnsa«√vīr  
    aśvāvantjnsa«√aś vājavantjnsa«√vāj sutajmsn«√su |
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū bṛhatījfpa«√bṛh iṣnfpa«√iṣ 

6.  O Soma, [distill] for us rich in cows, rich in heroes, 
    rich in horses, possessing the rush of vigour [treasure³] [thou,] pressed out;
    distill abundant libations!

1 devébʰyaspári is here treated by analogy with devébʰyo matʰitáṃ pári of 3.9.5c
2 the inner Soma
3 rayíṃ --- on the strength of 9.62.12

Sūkta 9.43 

yó átya iva mṛjyáte góbʰirmádāya haryatáḥ |
táṃ gīrbʰírvāsayāmasi || 1||

1.  yasr3msn atyanmsn«√at? ivac mṛjyatevp·A·3s«√mṛj  
    gonfpi madanmsd«√mad haryatajmsn«√hary |
    sasr3msa girnfpi«√gṝ vāsayāmasivp·A·1p«√vas 

1.  Who is like a courser, [who] with milk is
    made free from impurities for an exhilaration, [who is] delighted-in,
    him we shape with chants.

táṃ no víśvā avasyúvo gíraḥ śumbʰanti pūrvátʰā |
índumíndrāya pītáye || 2||

2.  sasr3msa vayamr1mpg viśvajfpn«√viś (avasnns«√av-yūjfs«√yu)jfpn  
    gīrnfpn«√gṝ śumbʰantivp·A·3p«√śubʰ pūrvatʰāa«√pur |
    indunmsa«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

2.  All our chants, seeking a favour,
    array first of all him,
    Indu, for Indra to drink.

punānó yāti haryatáḥ sómo gīrbʰíḥ páriṣkṛtaḥ |
víprasya médʰyātitʰeḥ || 3||

3.  punānajmsn«√pū yātivp·A·3s«√yā haryatajmsn«√hary  
    somanmsn«√su gīrnfpi«√gṝ pariṣkṛtajmsn«pari~√kṛ |
    vipranmsg«√vip (medʰyajms«√medʰ-atitʰijms«√at)Nmsg 

3.  Purifying self, delighted-in Soma moves
    configured by chants
    of inspired Medʰyātitʰi,

pávamāna vidā́ rayímasmábʰyaṃ soma suśríyam |
índo sahásravarcasam || 4||

4.  pavamānanmsv«√pū vidāsvp·Ae2s«√vid rayinmsa«√rā  
    vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su suśriyajmsa«su~√śrī |
    indunmsv«√ind (sahasrau-varcasnns«√ruc)jmsa 

4.  Would thou, O becoming pure, find the treasure
    [that is] for us, O Soma, abundant,
    [that is] of a thousand-fold vital powers, O Indu!

índurátyo ná vājasṛ́tkánikranti pavítra ā́ |
yádákṣāráti devayúḥ || 5||

5.  indunmsn«√ind atyanmsn«√at? nac (vājanms«√vāj-sṛtjms«√sṛ)jmsn  
    kanikrantivp·A·3s«√krand pavitrannsl«√pū āp |
    yadr3nsn akṣārvp·U·3s«√kṣar atip (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

5.  When Indu, attracting deva-s,
    has oozed beyond the filter,
    he neighs like a courser spurred by the rush of vigour.

pávasva vā́jasātaye víprasya gṛṇató vṛdʰé |
sóma rā́sva suvī́ryam || 6||

6.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (vājanms«√vāj-sātinfs«√san)nfsd  
    vipranmsg«√vip gṛṇattp·Ampa«√gṝ vṛdʰnfsd«√vṛdʰ |
    somaNmsv«√su rāsvavp·Uo2s«√rā suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

6.  Become pure to bestow the rush of vigour,
    to augment recitations of him who is internally stirred.
    O Soma, impart the potency!

Sūkta 9.44 

prá ṇa indo mahé tána ūrmíṃ ná bíbʰradarṣasi |
abʰí devā́m̐ ayā́syaḥ || 1||

1.  prap vayamr1mpd induNmsv«√ind mahjfsd«√mah tannfsd«√tan  
    ūrminmsa«√ṛ nac bibʰrattp·Amsn«√bʰṛ arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ |
    abʰip devanmpa«√div ayāsyajmsn«a~√yas 

1.  Thou flow for us, O Indu, 
    as if carrying a wave for a great expansion [of the mental space].
    [Thou flow] effortlessly towards deva-s.

matī́ juṣṭó dʰiyā́ hitáḥ sómo hinve parāváti |
víprasya dʰā́rayā kavíḥ || 2||

2.  matinfsi«√man juṣṭajmsn«√juṣ dʰīnfsi«√dʰī hitajmsn«√hi  
    somanmsn«√su hinveva·A·3s«√hi parāvatnmsl«√pṛ |
    vipranmsg«√vip dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ kavinmsn«√kū 

2.  Frequented with a mental gesture, impelled with a dʰī,
    Soma hastens on into distant places,
    gifted with insight by poet's stream [of sounds].

ayáṃ devéṣu jā́gṛviḥ sutá eti pavítra ā́ |
sómo yāti vícarṣaṇiḥ || 3||

3.  ayamr3msn devanmpl«√div jāgṛvijmsn«√jāgṛ  
    sutajmsn«√su etivp·A·3s«√i pavitrannsl«√pū āp |
    somanmsn«√su yātivp·A·3s«√yā vicarṣaṇijmsn«vi~√kṛṣ 

3.  This one among deva-s [is] keeping [us] awake.
    Extracted, Soma goes through the filter;
    he moves, disengaging.

sá naḥ pavasva vājayúścakrāṇáścā́rumadʰvarám |
barhíṣmām̐ ā́ vivāsati || 4||

4.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (vājanms«√vāj-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
    cakrāṇajmsn«√kṛ cārujmsa«√can adʰvaranmsa |
    barhiṣmantjmsn«√barh āp vivāsativp·A·3s«√van 

4.  Thou, do become pure for us! [Thou, who is] evoking the rush of vigour,
    effecting a pleasant, proceeding on its path [sacrifice]!
    He¹, who possesses the sacred grass², desires to procure [thee].

sá no bʰágāya vāyáve vípravīraḥ sadā́vṛdʰaḥ |
sómo devéṣvā́ yamat || 5||

5.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd bʰaganmsd«√bʰaj vāyunmsd«√vā  
    (viprajms«√vip-vīranms«√vīr)nmsn (sadāa-vṛdʰajms«√vṛdʰ)jmsn |
    somanmsn«√su devanmpl«√div āp yamatvp·Ae3s«√yam 

5.  May he for our well-being and vitality ---
    [he,] whose heroes are poets, who is always strengthening [us] ---
    Soma --- spread among deva-s.

sá no adyá vásuttaye kratuvídgātuvíttamaḥ |
vā́jaṃ jeṣi śrávo bṛhát || 6||

6.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd adyaa (vasunns«√vas-dattinfs«√dā)nfsd  
    (kratunms«√kṛ-vidjms«√vid)jmsn (gātunms«√gā-vittamajms«√vid)jmsn |
    vājanmsa«√vāj jeṣivp·Ao2s«√ji śravasnnsa«√śru bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh 

6.  To grant us riches today, he [is] the best guide on the path to understanding
    knowing the way to understanding.
    Gain [for us] the rush of vigour and a mighty auditory impression!

1 extract of soma plant
2 prob. ``nerves''

Sūkta 9.45 

sá pavasva mádāya káṃ nṛcákṣā devávītaye |
índavíndrāya pītáye || 1||

1.  sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madanmsd«√mad kamc  
    (nṛnms-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)nmsn (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd |
    indunmsv«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

1.  Thou, who guides men, become pure to arouse deva-s,
    to exhilarate, O Indu,
    for Indra to drink!

sá no arṣābʰí dūtyàṃ tvámíndrāya tośase |
devā́nsákʰibʰya ā́ váram || 2||

2.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ abʰip dūtyannsa«√du  
    tvamr2msn indraNmsd«√ind tośaseva·A·2s«√tuś |
    devanmpa«√div sakʰinmpb«√sac āp varanmsa«√vṛ2 

2.  Such thou, flow for the sake of our embassy [to Indra] ---
    thou amass for Indra ---
    [arouse] deva-s rather than participants [of this fire offering].

utá tvā́maruṇáṃ vayáṃ góbʰirañjmo mádāya kám |
ví no rāyé dúro vṛdʰi || 3||

3.  utac tvamr2msa aruṇajmsa«√ruh vayamr1mpn  
    gonfpi añjmasvp·A·1p«√añj madanmsd«√mad kamc |
    vip vayamr1mpd rainmsd«√rā durnfpa vṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√vṛ 

3.  We smear thee, who gives a chance to move upwards,
    with milk¹ to exhilarate [Indra];
    reveal to us for the sake of wealth [celestial golden]² gates!

átyū pavítramakramīdvājī́ dʰúraṃ ná yā́mani |
índurdevéṣu patyate || 4||

4.  atip uc pavitrannsa«√pū akramītvp·U·3s«√kram  
    vājinnmsn«√vāj dʰuranmsa«√dʰṛ nac yāmannnsl«√yā |
    indunmsn«√ind devanmpl«√div patyateva·A·3s«√pat 

4.  Having advanced beyond the filter 
    as [a courser runs past the finish] pole on a racing track,
    Indu, possessing the rush of vigour, alights among deva-s.

sámī sákʰāyo asvaranváne krī́ḷantamátyavim |
índuṃ nāvā́ anūṣata || 5||

5.  samp īmr3msa sakʰinmpn«√sac asvaranvp·U·3p«√svṛ  
    vanannsl«√van krīḷanttp·Amsa«√krīḷ atyavijmsa |
    indunmsa«√ind nāvanmpn«√nū anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū 

5.  The participants [of the sacrifice] intone [Soma]³;
    shouts of joy welcomed Indu
    [who] passed through the filter and is dallying in a wooden cup.

táyā pavasva dʰā́rayā yáyā pītó vicákṣase |
índo stotré suvī́ryam || 6||

6.  tār3fsi pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛr3fsi pītajmsn«√pā vicakṣaseva·A·2s«vi~√cakṣ |
    indunmsv«√ind stotṛnmsd«√stu suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

6.  Become pure with that stream⁴
    with which thou, once drunk, make manifest the manly vigour,
    O Indu, for him who sings a hymn.

1 evocative expressions
2 devī́r hiraṇyáyīḥ --- 9.5.5
3 on the strength of 9.110.8c
4 that of the sounds of sung hymn

Sūkta 9.46 

ásṛgrandevávītayé'tyāsaḥ kṛ́tvyā iva |
kṣárantaḥ parvatāvṛ́dʰaḥ || 1||

1.  asṛgranva·U·3p«√sṛj (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd  
    atyanmpn«√at? kṛtvyajmpn«√kṛ ivac |
    kṣarantjmpn«√kṣar (parvatanms-āvṛdʰjms«ā~√vṛdʰ)jmpn 

1.  Like able steeds,
    they poured forth to arouse deva-s,
    oozing, [they, who were] grown on a rock.

páriṣkṛtāsa índavo yóṣeva pítryāvatī |
vāyúṃ sómā asṛkṣata || 2||

2.  pariṣkṛtajmpn«pari~√kṛ indunmpn«√ind  
    yoṣānfsn«√yu ivac pitryāvatījfsn |
    vāyuNmsa«√vā somajmpn«√su asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj 

2.  Embellished¹, like a maiden having paternal [wealth],
    the drops of Soma juice
    released vāyu².

eté sómāsa índavaḥ práyasvantaścamū́ sutā́ḥ |
índraṃ vardʰanti kármabʰiḥ || 3||

3.  etasr3mpn somajmpn«√su indunmpn«√ind  
    prayasvantjmpn«√prī camūnfsl sutajmpn«√su |
    indraNmsa«√ind vardʰantivp·A·3p«√vṛdʰ karmannnpi«√kṛ 

3.  These drops of Soma juice, 
    rich in delights, extracted into a bowl,
    strengthen Indra through [our ritual] actions.

ā́ dʰāvatā suhastyaḥ śukrā́ gṛbʰṇīta mantʰínā |
góbʰiḥ śrīṇīta matsarám || 4||

4.  āp dʰāvatavp·Ao2p«√dʰāv suhastījmpv  
    śukranmda«√śuc gṛbʰṇītavp·Ao2p«√grah mantʰinnmda«√mantʰ |
    gonfpi śrīṇītavp·Ao2p«√śrī (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsa 

4.  Come running, O skillful [worshipers],
    seize the two [ingredients]: the translucent, [and] the agitating [one],
    [then] mix the exhilarating [drink] with milk.

sá pavasva dʰanaṃjaya prayantā́ rā́dʰaso maháḥ |
asmábʰyaṃ soma gātuvít || 5||

5.  sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (dʰanannsa«√dʰan-jayajms«√ji)jmsv  
    prayantṛnmsn«pra~√yam rādʰasnnsg«√rādʰ mahjnsg«√mah |
    vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su (gātunms«√gā-vidjms«√vid)jmsn 

5.  Such [thou], become pure, O winning the prize, 
    bringer of a great favour!
    O Soma, [thou will] find for us an unimpeded way.

etáṃ mṛjanti márjyaṃ pávamānaṃ dáśa kṣípaḥ |
índrāya matsaráṃ mádam || 6||

6.  etasr3msa mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj marjyajmsa«√mṛj  
    pavamānanmsa«√pū daśau kṣipnfpn«√kṣip |
    indraNmsd«√ind (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsa madanmsa«√mad 

6.  Ten mercurial ones make free from impurities this one,
    who is to be cleansed, who is becoming pure,
    who is an exhilarating wine for Indra.

1 with milk, honey, etc.
2 here vāyu=prāṇa

Sūkta 9.47 

ayā́ sómaḥ sukṛtyáyā maháścidabʰyàvardʰata |
mandāná údvṛṣāyate || 1||

1.  ar3nsi somanmsn«√su sukṛtyājfsi«su~√kṛ  
    mahajmsn«√mah cidc abʰip avardʰatava·Aa3s«√vṛdʰ |
    mandānanmsn«√mand udp vṛṣāyateva·A·3s«√vṛṣ 

1.  Thus through the right action, 
    Soma, [though] already abundant, has increased [further];
    rejoicing [Indra] becomes aroused [as a bull].

kṛtā́nī́dasya kártvā cétante dasyutárhaṇā |
ṛṇā́ ca dʰṛṣṇúścayate || 2||

2.  kṛtannpn«√kṛ idc ayamr3msg kartvajnpn«√kṛ  
    cetanteva·A·3p«√cit (dasnfs«√das-yujms«√yu-tarhaṇajms«√tṛh)jnpn |
    ṛṇannpa«√ṛṇ cac dʰṛṣṇujmsn«√dʰṛṣ cayatevp·A·3s«√ci 

2.  They¹ pay attention to his² done and not-yet-done actions
    that crush the impulses to suffer want,
    and he, daring, takes vengeance on those [impulses that have] transgressed.

ā́tsóma indriyó ráso vájraḥ sahasrasā́ bʰuvat |
uktʰáṃ yádasya jā́yate || 3||

3.  ātc somaNmsn«√su indriyajmsn«√ind rasanmsn«√ras  
    vajranmsn«√vaj (sahasrau-sanjms«√san)jmsn bʰuvatvp·Ue3s«√bʰū |
    uktʰannsa«√vac yadc ayamr3msg jāyatevp·A·3s«√jan 

3.  Then, may Soma become an essence agreeable to Indra ---
    a thunderbolt, bestowing a thousand [gifts],
    when he causes a verse of this one³ to be born.

svayáṃ kavírvidʰartári víprāya rátnamicʰati |
yádī marmṛjyáte dʰíyaḥ || 4||

4.  svayama kavinmsn«√kū vidʰartṛnmsl«vi~√dʰṛ  
    viprajmsd«√vip ratnannsa«√rā icʰativp·A·3s«√iṣ2 |
    yadr3nsl marmṛjyateva·A·3s«√mṛj dʰīnfpa«√dʰī 

4.  He⁴ who is gifted with insight 
    endeavors on his own to obtain for an inspired [poet] a gift in him⁵ who distributes,
    if [the poet] were to make [his] dʰī-s free from impurities.

siṣāsátū rayīṇā́ṃ vā́jeṣvárvatāmiva |
bʰáreṣu jigyúṣāmasi || 5||

5.  siṣāsaturvp·I·3d«√san rayinmpg«√rā  
    vājanmpl«√vāj arvatnmpg«√ṛ ivac |
    bʰaranmpl«√bʰṛ jigīvaṃstp·Impg«√ji asivp·A·2s«√as 

5.  The two⁶ strove to procure treasures [for us]
    as [one strives to procure] horses during battles;
    thou⁷ are among the prizes of victorious ones.

1 worshipers
2 Indra's
3 a poet
4 extract of Soma plant
5 Agni
6 Agni and the juice of the Soma plant
7 the inner Soma

Sūkta 9.48 

táṃ tvā nṛmṇā́ni bíbʰrataṃ sadʰástʰeṣu mahó diváḥ |
cā́ruṃ sukṛtyáyemahe || 1||

1.  sasr3msa tvamr2msa (nṛnms-mnanfs«√man)nnpa bibʰrattp·A?sa«√bʰṛ  
    (sadʰaa-stʰajms«√stʰā)nnpl mahjmsb«√mah dyunmsb |
    cārujmsa«√can sukṛtyājfsi«su~√kṛ īmaheva·A·1p«√i 

1.  Such thee, bringing manly powers
    from the mighty Heaven into confluences¹, 
    we approach through the right action ---

sáṃvṛktadʰṛṣṇumuktʰyàṃ mahā́mahivrataṃ mádam |
śatáṃ púro rurukṣáṇim || 2||

2.  (saṃvṛktajms«sam~√vṛj-dʰṛṣṇua«√dʰṛṣ)jmsa uktʰyajmsa«√vac  
    (mahatjns«√mah-mahijns«√mah-vratanns«√vṛ2)jmsa madanmsa«√mad |
    śatau purnfpa«√pur rurukṣaṇinmsa«√ruj 

2.  [thee,] whose daring is unplugged, [who is] worthy of a hymn, 
    [who,] having extensive and important sphere of action, [is] intoxicating,
    capable of shattering a hundred strongholds.

átastvā rayímabʰí rā́jānaṃ sukrato diváḥ |
suparṇó avyatʰírbʰarat || 3||

3.  ar3nsb tvamr2msa rayinmsa«√rā abʰip  
    rājannmsa«√rāj sukratujmsv«su~√kṛ dyunmsb |
    suparṇajmsn«su~√pṛ avyatʰijmsn«√vyatʰ bʰaratvp·AE3s«√bʰṛ 

3.  For this reason he, who has beautiful wings and is unfailing,
    brought thee --- for the sake of the treasure², 
    [thee,] the king, O skillful one, from the Heaven:

víśvasmā ítsvàrdṛśé sā́dʰāraṇaṃ rajastúram |
gopā́mṛtásya vírbʰarat || 4||

4.  viśvajmsd«√viś idc svarnnsa dṛśev···D··«√dṛś  
    sādʰāraṇajmsa«sa-ā~√dʰṛ (rajasnns«√raj-turjns«√tvar)jmsa |
    (gonfs-pājms«√pā2)nmsa ṛtannsg«√ṛ vinmsn bʰaratvp·AE3s«√bʰṛ 

4.  so that everyone would behold sva`r 
    which is occupying the middle position³ and crossing over regions;
    let the bird bring the guardian of ṛta.

ádʰā hinvāná indriyáṃ jyā́yo mahitvámānaśe |
abʰiṣṭikṛ́dvícarṣaṇiḥ || 5||

5.  adʰāc hinvānata·Amsn«√hi indriyannsa«√ind  
    jyāyasjnsa«√jyā mahitvannsa«√mah ānaśevp·I·3s«√aś |
    (abʰiṣṭinfs«√as-kṛtjms«√kṛ)jmsn vicarṣaṇijmsn«vi~√kṛṣ 

5.  Now, he, stimulating the power over senses,
    reached the superior might,
    [he,] effecting assistance, disengaging.

1 cakras
2 that is sva`r
3 that is, between speech and senses, between positive and negative emotions

Sūkta 9.49 

pávasva vṛṣṭímā́ sú no'pā́mūrmíṃ diváspári |
ayakṣmā́ bṛhatī́ríṣaḥ || 1||

1.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ āp sup  
    vayamr1mpd apnfpg ūrminmsa«√ṛ dyunmsb parip |
    ayakṣmājfpa«√yakṣ bṛhatījfpa«√bṛh iṣnfpa«√iṣ 

1.  Distill for us hither the rain --- quickly,
    [send] a wave of waters from the Heaven ---
    abundant libations free from bewitching.

táyā pavasva dʰā́rayā yáyā gā́va ihā́gáman |
jányāsa úpa no gṛhám || 2||

2.  tār3fsi pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛr3fsi gonfpa ihaa āgamattp·A?sn«ā~√gam |
    janyajmpn«√jan upap vayamr1mpg gṛhanmsa 

2.  Become pure with this stream 
    with which now [thou are] coming near the cows¹,
    [with which] people near our house [reveal themselves].

gʰṛtáṃ pavasva dʰā́rayā yajñéṣu devavī́tamaḥ |
asmábʰyaṃ vṛṣṭímā́ pava || 3||

3.  gʰṛtannsa«√gʰṛ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    yajñanmpl«√yaj (devanms«√div-vītamajms«√vī)jmsn |
    vayamr1mpd vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ āp pavavp·Ao2s«√pū 

3.  Distill ghee with the stream,
    [thou, who] during fire offerings [is] the best at arousing deva-s!
    Distill for us hither the rain!

sá na ūrjé vyàvyáyaṃ pavítraṃ dʰāva dʰā́rayā |
devā́saḥ śṛṇávanhí kam || 4||

4.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpg ūrjnfsd«√ūrj vip avyayajnsa  
    pavitrannsa«√pū dʰāvavp·Ao2s«√dʰāv dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    devanmpn«√div śṛṇavanvp·Ae3p«√śru hic kamc 

4.  For the sake of our vigour he permeates the woolen filter
    [moving] with a [steady] stream [of sounds]
    so that deva-s would surely hear.

pávamāno asiṣyadadrákṣāṃsyapajáṅgʰanat |
pratnavádrocáyanrúcaḥ || 5||

5.  pavamānanmsn«√pū asiṣyadatva·U·3s«√syand  
    rakṣasnnpa«√rakṣ apajaṅgʰanattp·Amsn«apa~√han |
    pratnavata rocayantp·Amsn«√ruc rucnfpa«√ruc 

5.  He who is becoming pure, streamed forth [through the filter],
    shattering defenses again and again,
    as of old, making luminous the pleasures.

1 that is, evocative expressions

Sūkta 9.50 

útte śúṣmāsa īrate síndʰorūrmériva svanáḥ |
vāṇásya codayā pavím || 1||

1.  udp tvamr2msg śuṣmanmpn«√śuṣ īrateva·A·3p«√īr  
    sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ūrminmsb«√ṛ ivac svananmsn«√svan |
    vāṇanmsg«√vāṇ codayavp·Ao2s«√cud pavinfsa«√pū 

1.  Thy impulses come up
    as the sound of a river wave;
    sharpen the purifying ability of sounds!

prasavé ta údīrate tisró vā́co makʰasyúvaḥ |
yádávya éṣi sā́navi || 2||

2.  prasavanmsl«pra~√su tvamr2msg udp īrateva·A·3p«√īr  
    triu vācnfpn«√vac (makʰasnns«√maṅkʰ-yujms«√yu)jfpn |
    yadc avyajnsl eṣivp·A·2s«√i sānunnsl«√san 

2.  During a pressing of thee,
    when thou move onto the woolen summit,
    three voices, attracting the fighting spirit, arise.

ávyo vā́re pári priyáṃ háriṃ hinvantyádribʰiḥ |
pávamānaṃ madʰuścútam || 3||

3.  avinmsg vāranmsl«√vṛ2 parip priyajmsa«√prī  
    harijmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    pavamānanmsa«√pū (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa 

3.  All around in the woolen sieve
    they impel the favorite one with stones
    [him] who is becoming pure, who is overflowing with sweetness.

ā́ pavasva madintama pavítraṃ dʰā́rayā kave |
arkásya yónimāsádam || 4||

4.  āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madintamajmsv«√mad  
    pavitrannsa«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ kavinmsv«√kū |
    arkanmsg«√arc yoninmsa«√yu āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

4.  Here become pure, O most intoxicating one, 
    [flow] towards the filter with a [steady] stream [of sounds], O gifted with insight,
    to dwell in the womb of an illuminating hymn.

sá pavasva madintama góbʰirañjānó aktúbʰiḥ |
índavíndrāya pītáye || 5||

5.  sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madintamajmsv«√mad  
    gonfpi añjānatp·Amsn«√añj aktunmpi«√añj |
    indunmsv«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

5.  Such thou, become pure, O most intoxicating one, 
    at night anointing self with milk¹,
    O Indu, for Indra to drink.

1 words

Sūkta 9.51 

ádʰvaryo ádribʰiḥ sutáṃ sómaṃ pavítra ā́ sṛja |
punīhī́ndrāya pā́tave || 1||

1.  (adʰvaranms-yujms«√yu)jmsv adrinmpi«√dṛ sutajmsa«√su  
    somanmsa«√su pavitrannsl«√pū āp sṛjavp·Ao2s«√sṛj |
    punīhivp·Ao2s«√pū indraNmsd«√ind pātavev···D··«√pā 

1.  O seeking ways to proceed¹! Pour into the filter
    pressed out by stones Soma,
    purify [it] for Indra to drink!

diváḥ pīyū́ṣamuttamáṃ sómamíndrāya vajríṇe |
sunótā mádʰumattamam || 2||

2.  dyunmsg pīyūṣanmsa«√pyai uttamajmsa  
    somanmsa«√su indraNmsd«√ind vajrinjmsd«√vaj |
    sunotavp·Ao2p«√su madʰumattamajmsa«√madʰ 

2.  Press ye the sweetest Soma,
    the ultimate ambrosia of the Heaven
    for thunderbolt-wielding Indra.

táva tyá indo ándʰaso devā́ mádʰorvyàśnate |
pávamānasya marútaḥ || 3||

3.  tvamr2msg syar3msl indunmsv«√ind andʰasnnsg«√andʰ  
    devanmpn«√div madʰunnsg«√madʰ vip aśnateva·A·3p«√aś2 |
    pavamānanmsg«√pū marutNmpn 

3.  In this thy [ambrosia], O Indu,
    deva-s partake of the herb's honey,
    Marut-s --- of him who is becoming pure.

tváṃ hí soma vardʰáyansutó mádāya bʰū́rṇaye |
vṛ́ṣanstotā́ramūtáye || 4||

4.  tvamr2msn hic somaNmsv«√su vardʰayanttp·Amsn«√vṛdʰ  
    sutajmsn«√su madanmsd«√mad bʰūrṇijmsd |
    vṛṣannmsv«√vṛṣ stotṛnmsa«√stu ūtinfsd«√av 

4.  Because thou, O Soma, [are] making [them²] stronger, 
    extracted for a simmering exhilaration
    to help him who sings the hymn, O bull,

abʰyàrṣa vicakṣaṇa pavítraṃ dʰā́rayā sutáḥ |
abʰí vā́jamutá śrávaḥ || 5||

5.  abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ vicakṣaṇajmsv«vi~√cakṣ  
    pavitrannsa«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ sutajmsn«√su |
    abʰip vājanmsa«√vāj utac śravasnnsa«√śru 

5.  flow quickly, O clearly visible one, towards the filter,
    extracted with a stream [of water]
    [to bring] the rush of vigour and an auditory impression.

1 adʰvaryu
2 deva-s and Marut-s

Sūkta 9.52 

pári dyukṣáḥ sanádrayirbʰáradvā́jaṃ no ándʰasā |
suvānó arṣa pavítra ā́ || 1||

1.  parip (dyunms-kṣajms«√kṣi)nmsn (sanatjms«√san-rayinms«√rā)jmsn  
    bʰaratvp·AE3s«√bʰṛ vājanmsa«√vāj vayamr1mpd andʰasnnsi«√andʰ |
    suvānata·Amsn«√su arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ pavitrannsl«√pū āp 

1.  May he¹, bestowing treasure, empowered by the Heaven,
    bring abundantly the rush of vigour to us using [this] herb;
    thou², being effused, flow quickly through the filter!

táva pratnébʰirádʰvabʰirávyo vā́re pári priyáḥ |
sahásradʰāro yāttánā || 2||

2.  tvamr2msg pratnajmpi adʰvannmpi  
    avinmsg vāranmsl«√vṛ2 parip priyajmsn«√prī |
    (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn yātvp·AE3s«√yā tannfsi«√tan 

2.  Through thy³ ancient leading to the goal pathways
    all around in the woolen sieve he, cherished, 
    discharging in thousand streams, shall move without an interruption.

carúrná yástámīṅkʰayéndo ná dā́namīṅkʰaya |
vadʰaírvadʰasnavīṅkʰaya || 3||

3.  carunmsn nac yasr3msn sasr3msa īṅkʰayavp·Ao2s«√īṅkʰ  
    indunmsv«√ind nac dānannsa«√dā īṅkʰayavp·Ao2s«√īṅkʰ |
    vadʰanmpi«√vadʰ vadʰasnujmsv«√vadʰ īṅkʰayavp·Ao2s«√īṅkʰ 

3.  Shake that, which is like a pot, 
    O Indu, shake [it] as if it were a dispenser,
    shake by striking repeatedly, O wielding a striking weapon!

ní śúṣmamindaveṣāṃ púruhūta jánānām |
yó asmā́m̐ ādídeśati || 4||

4.  nip śuṣmanmsa«√śuṣ indunmsv«√ind ayamr3mpg  
    (purua«√pṝ-hūtajms«√hu)jmsv jananmpg«√jan |
    yasr3msn vayamr1mpa ādideśativp·Ae3s«ā~√diś 

4.  [Shake off] the lack of fervor of these [men],
    O much invoked by [these] persons⁴,
    [thou] who would teach us.

śatáṃ na inda ūtíbʰiḥ sahásraṃ vā śúcīnām |
pávasva maṃhayádrayiḥ || 5||

5.  śatau vayamr1mpa indunmsv«√ind ūtinfpi«√av  
    sahasrauc śucijfpg«√śuc |
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (maṃhayatjms«√maṃh-rayinms«√rā)jmsn 

5.  Distill for us a hundred, O Indu,
    with side-effects even a thousand
    of shining [gifts], thou, granting the treasure!

1 the inner Soma
2 extract of Soma plant
3 of the extract of Soma plant
4 that is, worshipers

Sūkta 9.53 

útte śúṣmāso astʰū rákṣo bʰindánto adrivaḥ |
nudásva yā́ḥ parispṛ́dʰaḥ || 1||

1.  udp tvamr2msg śuṣmanmpn«√śuṣ astʰurvp·U·3p«√stʰā  
    rakṣasnnsa«√rakṣ bʰindanttp·Ampn«√bʰid adrivatjmsv«√dṛ |
    nudasvava·Ao2s«√nudr3fpa parispṛdʰnfpa«pari~√spṛdʰ 

1.  Thy¹ impulses have risen,
    penetrating defense, O stone-wielder!
    Drive away those who repeatedly rival [thee].

ayā́ nijagʰnírójasā ratʰasaṃgé dʰáne hité |
stávā ábibʰyuṣā hṛdā́ || 2||

2.  ar3nsi nijagʰnijmsn«ni~√han ojasnnsi«√vaj  
    (ratʰanms«√ṛ-saṃganms«saṃ~√gam)nmsl dʰanannsl«√dʰan hitajnsl«√dʰā |
    stavaiva·Ae1s«√stu abibʰīvaṃstp·I?si«a~√bʰī hṛdnnsi 

2.  In this manner [thou are] overpowering --- by vigour;
    During an arranged chariot race
    I shall sing praise with a fearless heart.

ásya vratā́ni nā́dʰṛ́ṣe pávamānasya dūḍʰyā̀ |
rujá yástvā pṛtanyáti || 3||

3.  ayamr3msg vratannpa«√vṛ2 nac ādʰṛṣev···D··«ā~√dʰṛṣ  
    pavamānanmsg«√pū dūḍʰīnfsi«dus~√dʰī |
    rujava·Ao2s«√ruj yasr3msn tvamr2msa pṛtanyativp·A·3s«√pṛtany 

3.  Not to assail spheres of action of this one²,
    of him who is becoming pure, with a faulty dʰī,
    destroy [that] which fights against thee.

táṃ hinvanti madacyútaṃ háriṃ nadī́ṣu vājínam |
índumíndrāya matsarám || 4||

4.  sasr3msa hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi (madanms«√mad-cyutjms«√cyu)jmsa  
    harijmsa«√hṛ nadīnfpl«√nad vājinnmsa«√vāj |
    indunmsa«√ind indraNmsd«√ind (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsa 

4.  They impel him, [who is] oozing exhilaration, 
    who enchants [the mind], who possesses the rush of vigour, into flowing waters,
    Indu, exhilarating to Indra.

1 Indra's
2 the inner Soma

Sūkta 9.54 

asyá pratnā́mánu dyútaṃ śukráṃ duduhre áhrayaḥ |
páyaḥ sahasrasā́mṛ́ṣim || 1||

1.  ayamr3msg pratnajfsa anup dyutnfsa«√dyut  
    śukrajnsa«√śuc duduhreva·I·3p«√duh ahrījmpn«a~√hrī |
    payasnnsa«√pī (sahasrau-sanjms«√san)jmsa ṛṣinmsa«√ṛṣ 

1.  Near the ancient splendor of this one¹
    the shameless milked the translucent one ---
    the juice [that is] a sage bestowing thousand [gifts].

ayáṃ sū́rya ivopadṛ́gayáṃ sárāṃsi dʰāvati |
saptá praváta ā́ dívam || 2||

2.  ayamr3msn sūryanmsn«√sūr ivac upadṛknfsn«upa~√dṛś  
    ayamr3msn sarasnnpa«√sṛ dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv |
    saptau pravatnfpa āp dyunmsa 

2.  This one is [an auspicious²] sight --- like the sun,
    this one dashes along the grooves³ 
    towards the seven heights, to the Heaven. 

ayáṃ víśvāni tiṣṭʰati punānó bʰúvanopári |
sómo devó ná sū́ryaḥ || 3||

3.  ayamr3msn viśvajnpa«√viś tiṣṭʰativp·A·3s«√stʰā  
    punānajmsn«√pū bʰuvanannpa«√bʰū uparia |
    somanmsn«√su devanmsn«√div nac sūryanmsn«√sūr 

3.  This one abides, purifying self,
    above all places of existence,
    Soma [who is] like deva Sun.

pári ṇo devávītaye vā́jām̐ arṣasi gómataḥ |
punāná indavindrayúḥ || 4||

4.  parip vayamr1mpd (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd  
    vājanmpa«√vāj arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ gomatjmpa |
    punānajmsn«√pū indunmsv«√ind (indraNms«√ind-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

4.  To arouse for us all deva-s,
    thou bring near by flowing rich in cows energies;
    purifying self, O Indu, [thou are] attracting Indra.

1 Agni
2 on the strength of 8.102.15c bʰadrā́ sū́rya ivopadṛ́k
3 impressions left by meters

Sūkta 9.55 

yávaṃyavaṃ no ándʰasā puṣṭámpuṣṭaṃ pári srava |
sóma víśvā ca saúbʰagā || 1||

1.  (yavanmsa-yavanmsa)a vayamr1mpd andʰasnnsi«√andʰ  
    (puṣṭajmsa«√puṣ-puṣṭajmsa«√puṣ)a parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru |
    somaNmsv«√su viśvannsa«√viś cac saubʰagānnpa«su~√bʰaj 

1.  Bit-by-bit¹, with the aid of the herb
    pour out for us, O Soma, every nourishment,
    and all blessings.

índo yátʰā táva stávo yátʰā te jātámándʰasaḥ |
ní barhíṣi priyé sadaḥ || 2||

2.  induNmsv«√ind yadr3nsi tvamr2msg stavanmsn«√stu  
    yadr3nsi tvamr2msg jātannsn«√jan andʰasnnsb«√andʰ |
    nip barhisnnsl«√barh priyajnsl«√prī sadasvp·AE2s«√sad 

2.  O Indu, as thy is a song of praise,
    as thy is what was born from the herb,
    thou shall settle down on [thy] favorite sacrificial grass.

utá no govídaśvavítpávasva somā́ndʰasā |
makṣū́tamebʰiráhabʰiḥ || 3||

3.  utac vayamr1mpd (gonfs-vidjms«√vid)jmsn (aśvanms«√aś-vidjms«√vid)jmsn  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somanmsv«√su andʰasnnsi«√andʰ |
    makṣūtamajnpi ahannpi 

3.  And, finding cows, finding horses for us,
    become pure, O Soma, by means of the herb
    throughout quickly passing days.

yó jinā́ti ná jī́yate hánti śátrumabʰī́tya |
sá pavasva sahasrajit || 4||

4.  yasr3msn jinātivp·A·3s«√jyā nac jīyatevp·A·3s«√jyā  
    hantivp·A·3s«√han śatrunmsa«√śad abʰītyaa«abʰi~√i |
    sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (sahasrau-jitjms«√ji)jmsv 

4.  Who subdues but is not allowing himself to be subdued,
    [who,] kills an enemy just by attacking,
    [being] such --- become pure, O conquering thousand [enemies]!

1 lit. grain-by-grain

Sūkta 9.56 

pári sóma ṛtáṃ bṛhádāśúḥ pavítre arṣati |
vigʰnánrákṣāṃsi devayúḥ || 1||

1.  parip somanmsn«√su ṛtannsa«√ṛ bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh  
    āśujmsn«√aś pavitrannsl«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    vigʰnanttp·Amsn«vi~√han rakṣasnnpa«√rakṣ (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

1.  Soma, quick in the filter, by flowing around
    brings vast ṛta,
    [Soma, who is] shattering defenses, attracting deva-s.

yátsómo vā́jamárṣati śatáṃ dʰā́rā apasyúvaḥ |
índrasya sakʰyámāviśán || 2||

2.  yada somanmsn«√su vājanmsa«√vāj arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ  
    śatau dʰārānfpa«√dʰṛ (apasnns-yūjfs«√yu)jfpa |
    indraNmsg«√ind sakʰyannsa«√sac āviśanttp·Amsn«ā~√viś 

2.  When Soma brings by flowing the rush of vigour,
    [and] a hundred of restless streams
    he is attaining compatibility with Indra.

abʰí tvā yóṣaṇo dáśa jāráṃ ná kanyā̀nūṣata |
mṛjyáse soma sātáye || 3||

3.  abʰip tvamr2msa yoṣannfpn«√yu daśau  
    jāranmsa«√jṝ nac kanyānfsn«√kan anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū |
    mṛjyasevp·A·2s«√mṛj somaNmsv«√su sātinfsd«√san 

3.  Ten maidens shout towards thee
    like a girl [towards her] wooer;
    thou are being made free from impurities to bestow [the rush of vigour].

tvámíndrāya víṣṇave svādúrindo pári srava |
nṝ́nstotṝ́npāhyáṃhasaḥ || 4||

4.  tvamr2msn indraNmsd«√ind viṣṇuNmsd«√viṣ  
    svādujmsn«√svad induNmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru |
    nṛnmpa stotṛnmpa«√stu pāhivp·Ao2s«√pā2 aṃhasnnsb«√aṃh 

4.  Thou are palatable for Indra [and] Viṣṇu, O Indu! 
    Pour out [for us every nourishment, and all blessings]¹
    protect men, who sing the hymn, from anxiety.

1 this is added on the strength of 9.55.1

Sūkta 9.57 

prá te dʰā́rā asaścáto divó ná yanti vṛṣṭáyaḥ |
ácʰā vā́jaṃ sahasríṇam || 1||

1.  prap tvamr2msg dʰārānfpn«√dʰṛ asaścatjfpn«a~√sac  
    dyunmsb nac yantivp·A·3p«√i vṛṣṭinfpn«√vṛṣ |
    acʰāp vājanmsa«√vāj sahasrinjmsa 

1.  Thy uncommitted streams, as [rains] from the Heaven,
    go forth towards the rush of vigour 
    that leads to a thousand different things.

abʰí priyā́ṇi kā́vyā víśvā cákṣāṇo arṣati |
háristuñjāná ā́yudʰā || 2||

2.  abʰip priyajnpa«√prī kāvyannpa«√kū  
    viśvajnpa«√viś cakṣāṇata·Amsn«√cakṣ arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    harijmsn«√hṛ tuñjānata·Amsn«√tuj āyudʰannpa«ā~√yudʰ 

2.  For the sake of [our] favorite poems, 
    he flows, taking notice of all [difficulties¹], 
    enchanting, focusing [his] weapons.

sá marmṛjāná āyúbʰiríbʰo rā́jeva suvratáḥ |
śyenó ná váṃsu ṣīdati || 3||

3.  sasr3msn marmṛjānatp·Amsn«√mṛj āyujmpi«√i  
    (ir3ms-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsn rājannmsn«√rāj ivac suvratajmsn«su~√vṛ2 |
    śyenanmsn nac vannfpl sīdativp·A·3s«√sad 

3.  He, becoming free from impurities with [the help of] agitated [men],
    domestic [yet] virtuous like a king, 
    as if a hawk he sits in wooden [vessels].

sá no víśvā divó vásūtó pṛtʰivyā́ ádʰi |
punāná indavā́ bʰara || 4||

4.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd viśvajnpa«√viś dyunmsb vasunnpa«√vas  
    utac uc pṛtʰivīnfsb«√pṛtʰ adʰip |
    punānajmsn«√pū indunmsv«√ind āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

4.  Such [thou], O Indu, becoming pure, 
    bring to us everything beneficial
    from the Heaven as well as from the Earth.

1 duritā́, see 9.59.3

Sūkta 9.58 

táratsá mandī́ dʰāvati dʰā́rā sutásyā́ndʰasaḥ |
táratsá mandī́ dʰāvati || 1||

1.  taratvp·AE3s«√tṝ sasr3msn mandinnmsn«√mand dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv  
    dʰārānfsn«√dʰṛ sutajmsg«√su andʰasnnsb«√andʰ |
    taratvp·AE3s«√tṝ sasr3msn mandinnmsn«√mand dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv 

1.  May he cross over [the sea¹]! Possessing of delight, he runs,
    a stream pressed out of the herb.
    May he cross over [the sea]! Possessing of delight, he runs.

usrā́ veda vásūnāṃ mártasya devyávasaḥ |
táratsá mandī́ dʰāvati || 2||

2.  usrānfsn«√vas vedavp·I·3s«√vid vasunnpg«√vas  
    martanmsg«√mṛ devīnfsn«√div avasnnpa«√av |
    taratvp·AE3s«√tṝ sasr3msn mandinmsn«√mand dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv 

2.  The morning light knows of beneficial things, 
    devī² [knows] desires of a mortal.
    May he cross over [the sea]! Possessing of delight, he runs.

dʰvasráyoḥ puruṣántyorā́ sahásrāṇi dadmahe |
táratsá mandī́ dʰāvati || 3||

3.  dʰvasranmdg«√dʰvaṃs (purujms«√pṝ-santinfs«√san)nmdg  
    āp sahasrannpa dadmaheva·A·1p«√dā |
    taratvp·AE3s«√tṝ sasr3msn mandinmsn«√man dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv 

3.  From deterioration [of riches] and from gaining much [riches]
    we obtained thousands [of anxieties³].
    May he cross over [the sea]! Possessing of delight, he runs.

ā́ yáyostriṃśátaṃ tánā sahásrāṇi ca dádmahe |
táratsá mandī́ dʰāvati || 4||

4.  āp yasr3mdg (triu-śatau)u tannfsi«√tan  
    sahasrannpa cac dadmaheva·A·1p«√dā |
    taratvp·AE3s«√tṝ sasr3msn mandinmsn«√mand dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv 

4.  We obtain one after another
    thirty thousands [frustrations⁴] related to these two.
    May he cross over [the sea]! Possessing of delight, he runs.

1 samudra
2 Uṣas
3 aṃhas
4 dasa

Sūkta 9.59 

pávasva gojídaśvajídviśvajítsoma raṇyajít |
prajā́vadrátnamā́ bʰara || 1||

1.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (gonfs-jitjms«√ji)jmsn (aśvanms«√aś-jitjms«√ji)jmsn  
    (viśvanns«√viś-jitjms«√ji)jmsn somanmsv«√su (raṇyanns«√raṇ-jitjms«√ji)jmsn |
    prajāvatjnsa«pra~√jan ratnannsa«√rā āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

1.  Become pure, [thou,] winning cows, winning horses,
    winning everything [beneficial¹], winning pleasure!
    O Soma, bring the gift that grants children.

pávasvādbʰyó ádābʰyaḥ pávasvaúṣadʰībʰyaḥ |
pávasva dʰiṣáṇābʰyaḥ || 2||

2.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū apnfpd adābʰyajmsn«a~√dabʰ  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (oṣanms«√uṣ-dʰijfs«√dʰā)nfpd |
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (dʰīnfs«√dʰī-sanājms«√san)nfpd 

2.  Become pure for the waters, [thou,] worthy of trust;
    become pure for herbal [potions],
    become pure for efforts to visualize.

tváṃ soma pávamāno víśvāni duritā́ tara |
kavíḥ sīda ní barhíṣi || 3||

3.  tvamr2msn somanmsv«√su pavamānajmsn«√pū  
    viśvannpa«√viś duritannpa«dus~√i taravp·Ao2s«√tṝ |
    kavinmsn«√kū sīdavp·Ao2s«√sad nip barhisnnsl«√barh 

3.  O Soma, thou, becoming pure,
    overcame all difficulties!
    Gifted with insight, sit down on the sacrificial grass!

pávamāna svàrvido jā́yamāno'bʰavo mahā́n |
índo víśvām̐ abʰī́dasi || 4||

4.  pavamānajmsv«√pū svarnnsa vidasvp·AE2s«√vid  
    jāyamānatp·Amsn«√jan abʰavasvp·Aa2s«√bʰū mahatjmsn«√mah |
    indunmsv«√ind viśvajmpa«√viś abʰip idc asivp·A·2s«√as 

4.  O becoming pure one, thou shall find sva`r! 
    Being born, thou became mighty;
    O Indu, thou overpower all [enemies²].

1 vasu --- on the strength of 9.57.4a
2 śátrūn --- on the strength of 9.110.12c

Sūkta 9.60 

prá gāyatréṇa gāyata pávamānaṃ vícarṣaṇim |
índuṃ sahásracakṣasam || 1||

1.  prap gāyatranmsi«√gai gāyatavp·AE2p«√gai  
    pavamānajmsa«√pū vicarṣaṇijmsa«vi~√kṛṣ |
    indunmsa«√ind (sahasrau-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)jmsa 

1.  With a song in Gāyatrī metre¹
    you shall extol him who disengages, who is becoming pure,--- 
    having thousand forms Indu.

táṃ tvā sahásracakṣasamátʰo sahásrabʰarṇasam |
áti vā́ramapāviṣuḥ || 2||

2.  sasr3msa tvamr2msa (sahasrau-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)jmsa  
    atʰāa uc (sahasrau-bʰarṇasnns«√bʰṛ)jmsn |
    atip vāranmsa«√vṛ2 apāviṣurvp·U·3p«√pū 

2.  Such thee --- having thousand forms, and,
    therefore thousandfold in thy effects
    they purify past the hair-sieve.

áti vā́rānpávamāno asiṣyadatkaláśām̐ abʰí dʰāvati |
índrasya hā́rdyāviśán || 3||

3.  atip vāranmpa«√vṛ2 pavamānajmsn«√pū  
    asiṣyadatva·U·3s«√syand kalaśanmpa«√kal? abʰip dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv |
    indraNmsg«√ind hārdinnsa«√hṛ āviśanttp·Ams?«ā~√viś 

3.  He who is becoming pure oozed past the woolen sieves;
    he dashes towards goblets.
    Entering Indra's heart,

índrasya soma rā́dʰase śáṃ pavasva vicarṣaṇe |
prajā́vadréta ā́ bʰara || 4||

4.  indraNmsg«√ind somanmsv«√su rādʰasnnsd«√rādʰ  
    śama«√śam pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū vicarṣaṇinmsv«vi~√kṛṣ |
    prajāvatjnsa«pra~√jan retasnnsa«√rī āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

4.  O Soma, for the accomplishment of Indra's desire,
    distill well-being, O disengaging one, 
    bring the seed that grants children.

1 a very frequent metre of Ṛgvega hymns

Sūkta 9.61 

ayā́ vītī́ pári srava yásta indo mádeṣvā́ |
avā́hannavatī́rnáva || 1||

1.  ar3nsi vītinfsi«√vī parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru  
    yasr3msn tvamr2msg indunmsv«√ind madanmpl«√mad āp |
    avāhanvp·U·3s«ava~√han navatīnfpa navau 

1.  Thus, along with arousal, pour out [for him¹]
    who during raptures, set off by thee, O Indu,
    has thrown down ninety nine

púraḥ sadyá ittʰā́dʰiye dívodāsāya śámbaram |
ádʰa tyáṃ turváśaṃ yádum || 2||

2.  purnfpa«√pṝ sadyasa (ittʰāc-ādʰījms«ā~√dʰī)jmsd  
    (dyunmsg-dāsanms«√dās)Nmsd śambaraNmsa |
    adʰaa syar3msa turvaśaNmsa«√turv yaduNmsa 

2.  strongholds in an instance 
    for so envisioning Divodāsa, [for him who has thrown down²] Śambara
    and then [helped³] this Turvaśa [and] Yadu,

pári ṇo áśvamaśvavídgómadindo híraṇyavat |
kṣárā sahasríṇīríṣaḥ || 3||

3.  parip vayamr1mpd aśvanmsa«√aś (aśvanms«√aś-vidjms«√vid)jmsn  
    gomatjmpn indunmsv«√ind hiraṇyavatjmsn«√hṛ |
    kṣarava·Ao2s«√kṣar sahasriṇījfpa iṣnfpa«√iṣ 

3.  [find] for us a horse, [thou] finding horses,
    [thou,] rich in cows, O Indu, rich in gold; 
    ooze libations leading to a thousand different things!

pávamānasya te vayáṃ pavítramabʰyundatáḥ |
sakʰitvámā́ vṛṇīmahe || 4||

4.  pavamānanmsg«√pū tvamr2msg vayamr1mpn  
    pavitrannsa«√pū abʰyundattp·A?sg«abʰi~√ud |
    sakʰitvannsa«√sac āp vṛṇīmaheva·A·1p«√vṛ2 

4.  We choose the compatibility⁴ with him --- 
    with thee who is becoming pure, 
    who makes the filter moist.

yé te pavítramūrmáyo'bʰikṣáranti dʰā́rayā |
tébʰirnaḥ soma mṛḷaya || 5||

5.  yasr3mpn tvamr2msg pavitrannsa«√pū ūrminmpn«√ṛ  
    abʰikṣarantivp·A·3p«abʰi~√kṣar dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    sasr3mpi vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su mṛḷayavp·Ao2s«√mṛḷ 

5.  Which thy waves ooze over the filter
    with a [steady] stream [of sounds],
    with them grace us, O Soma!

sá naḥ punāná ā́ bʰara rayíṃ vīrávatīmíṣam |
ī́śānaḥ soma viśvátaḥ || 6||

6.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd punānajmsn«√pū āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ  
    rayinmsa«√rā vīravatījfsa«√vīr iṣnfsa«√iṣ |
    īśānajmsn«√īś somaNmsv«√su viśvatasa«√viś 

6.  Such [thou], purifying self, 
    bring us the treasure --- a draught, rich in heroes!
    [Thou are] in charge everywhere, O Soma!

etámu tyáṃ dáśa kṣípo mṛjánti síndʰumātaram |
sámādityébʰirakʰyata || 7||

7.  etasr3msa uc syar3msa daśau kṣipnfpn«√kṣip  
    mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj (sindʰunms«√sindʰ-mātṛnfsa«√mā)jmsa |
    samp ādityanmpi«a~√dā akʰyatava·Aa3s«√kʰyā 

7.  Ten mercurial ones⁵ make free from impurities
    this one whose mother is Sindʰu;
    he counts among sons of Aditi.

sámíndreṇotá vāyúnā sutá eti pavítra ā́ |
sáṃ sū́ryasya raśmíbʰiḥ || 8||

8.  samp indraNmsi«√ind utac vāyuNmsi«√vā  
    sutajmsn«√su etivp·A·3s«√i pavitrannsl«√pū āp |
    samp sūryanmsg«√sūr raśminmpi«√raś 

8.  Extracted, he moves in the filter 
    [to be] with Indra and Vāyu,
    [to be] with the rays of sun.

sá no bʰágāya vāyáve pūṣṇé pavasva mádʰumān |
cā́rurmitré váruṇe ca || 9||

9.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd bʰagaNmsd«√bʰaj vāyuNmsd«√vā  
    pūṣanNmsd«√pūṣ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madʰumantjmsn«√madʰ |
    cārujmsn«√can mitraNmsl«√mitʰ varuṇaNmsl«√vṛ cac 

9.  Such [thou] become pure for us, for Bʰága,
    for Vāyu, for Pūṣan; [thou are] rich in honey,
    agreeable to Mitra and to Varuṇa.

uccā́ te jātámándʰaso diví ṣádbʰū́myā́ dade |
ugráṃ śárma máhi śrávaḥ || 10||

10. uccāa«ud~√añc tvamr2msg jātannsn«√jan andʰasnnsb«√andʰ  
     dyunmsl sattp·Amsn«√as bʰūminfsl«√bʰū āp dadevp·I·1s«√dā |
     ugrajnsa«√vaj śarmannnsa«√śri mahijnsa«√mah śravasnnsa«√śru 

10. Thy birth from the herb is on high,
    thou abide in Heaven, on Earth; I received 
    [thy] formidable protection and powerful auditory impression.

enā́ víśvānyaryá ā́ dyumnā́ni mā́nuṣāṇām |
síṣāsanto vanāmahe || 11||

11. enar3npa viśvajnpa«√viś arijmsb«√ṛ āp  
     dyumnannpa mānuṣanmpg«√man |
     siṣāsanttp·Ampn«√san vanāmaheva·A·1p«√van 

11. We aim at all these human powers to illuminate
    wishing to obtain them
    from him who tends upwards⁶.

sá na índrāya yájyave váruṇāya marúdbʰyaḥ |
varivovítpári srava || 12||

12. sasr3msn vayamr1mpd indraNmsd«√ind (yajnfs«√yaj-yujms«√yu)jmsd  
     varuṇaNmsd«√vṛ marutNmpd |
     (varivasnns«√vṛ-vidjms«√vid)jmsn parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

12. Such thou, for us, for Indra, for him who seeks to make an offering,
    for Varuṇa, for Marut-s,
    [thou,] finding mental space, pour out! 

úpo ṣú jātámaptúraṃ góbʰirbʰaṅgáṃ páriṣkṛtam |
índuṃ devā́ ayāsiṣuḥ || 13||

13. upap uc sup jātannsa«√jan (apnfs-turjms«√tur)jmsa  
     gonfpi bʰaṅgajmsa«√bʰaṅj pariṣkṛtajmsa«pari~√kṛ |
     indunmsa«√ind devanmpn«√div ayāsiṣurvp·U·3p«√yā 

13. Closer [to him who is] of good nature, [who is] crossing waters, 
    [who is] configured with milk, [who is] breaking through, ---
    to Indu --- deva-s have moved.

támídvardʰantu no gíro vatsáṃ saṃśíśvarīriva |
yá índrasya hṛdaṃsániḥ || 14||

14. sasr3msa idc vardʰantuvp·Ao3p«√vṛdʰ vayamr1mpg girnfpn«√gṝ  
     vatsanmsa saṃśiśvarīnfpn«sam~√śū ivac |
     yasr3msn indraNmsg«√ind (hṛdnnsa-saninms«√san)nmsn 

14. Him indeed our chants shall strengthen 
    like cows [nurturing] a single calf,
    [him,] who gains Indra's heart.

árṣā ṇaḥ soma śáṃ gáve dʰukṣásva pipyúṣīmíṣam |
várdʰā samudrámuktʰyàm || 15||

15. arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su śama«√śam gonfsd  
     dʰukṣasvava·Ao2s«√duh pipyuṣījfsa«√pī iṣnfsa«√iṣ |
     vardʰavp·Ao2s«√vṛdʰ samudranmsa«sam~√ud uktʰyajmsa«√vac 

15. Bring to us by flowing well-being, O Soma,
    yield to a cow⁷ a swelling draught;
    strengthen worthy of a hymn sea!

pávamāno ajījanaddiváścitráṃ ná tanyatúm |
jyótirvaiśvānaráṃ bṛhát || 16||

16. pavamānajmsn«√pū ajījanatvp·U·3s«√jan  
     dyunmsb citrajmsa«√cit nac tanyatunmsa«√tan |
     jyotisnnsa«√jyot (vaiśvajms«√viś-naranms)jnsa bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh 

16. He, who is becoming pure, engendered 
    vast belonging to all men light
    that is capturing attention like thunder from the sky.

pávamānasya te ráso mádo rājannaducʰunáḥ |
ví vā́ramávyamarṣati || 17||

17. pavamānanmsg«√pū tvamr2msg rasanmsn«√ras  
     madajmsn«√mad rājannmsv«√rāj aducʰunajmsn«a-dus~√śū |
     vip vāranmsa«√vṛ2 avyajmsa arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ 

17. Essence of him who is becoming pure, thine, O King,
    is intoxicating, [but] not stifling;
    it flows through the woolen sieve.

pávamāna rásastáva dákṣo ví rājati dyumā́n |
jyótirvíśvaṃ svàrdṛśé || 18||

18. pavamānanmsv«√pū rasanmsn«√ras tvamr2msg  
     dakṣanmsn«√dakṣ vip rājativp·A·3s«√rāj dyumatjmsn«√dyut |
     jyotisnnsn«√jyot viśvajnsa«√viś svarnnsa dṛśev···D··«√dṛś 

18. O becoming pure, thy essence --- the mental power ---
    shines forth --- having the power to illuminate
    all-pervading light to behold sva`r.

yáste mádo váreṇyasténā pavasvā́ndʰasā |
devāvī́ragʰaśaṃsahā́ || 19||

19. yasr3msn tvamr2msg madanmsn«√mad vareṇyajmsn«√vṛ2  
     sasr3msi pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū andʰasnnsi«√andʰ |
     (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmsn (agʰajms«√agʰ-śaṃsanms«√śaṃs-hanjms«√han)nmsn 

19. Which intoxication, [caused by] thee, [is] to be preferred [to all others]
    by means of that herb become distilled,
    arousing deva-s, destroying malevolence.

jágʰnirvṛtrámamitríyaṃ sásnirvā́jaṃ divédive |
goṣā́ u aśvasā́ asi || 20||

20. jagʰnijmsn«√han vṛtrannsa«√vṛ amitriyajmsa«a~√mitʰ  
     sasnijmsn«√san vājanmsa«√vāj (divanmsl-divanmsl)a |
     (gonfs-sanjms«√san)jmsn uc (aśvanms«√aś-sanjms«√san)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

20. Every day thou are striking an unfriendly Vṛtra
    giving [us] access to the rush of vigour,
    procuring [for us] cows and horses.

sámmiślo aruṣó bʰava sūpastʰā́bʰirná dʰenúbʰiḥ |
sī́dañcʰyenó ná yónimā́ || 21||

21. sammiślajmsn«sam~√miś aruṣajmsn«√ruṣ bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū  
     sūpastʰājfpi«su-upa~√stʰā nac dʰenunfpi«√dʰe |
     sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad śyenanmsn nac yoninmsa«√yu āp 

21. Become well-mixed, tempered 
    with as-if-well-sheltering milk,
    taking seat hawk-like in the womb!

sá pavasva yá ā́vitʰéndraṃ vṛtrā́ya hántave |
vavrivā́ṃsaṃ mahī́rapáḥ || 22||

22. sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū yasr3msn āvitʰavp·I·2s«√av  
     indraNmsa«√ind vṛtrannsd«√vṛ hantavev···D··«√han |
     vavrivaṃstp·Imsa«√vṛ mahījfpa«√mah apnfpa 

22. Such thou, become pure, [thou] who leads Indra
    to Vṛtra --- to slay
    [him] who concealed potent waters!

suvī́rāso vayáṃ dʰánā jáyema soma mīḍʰvaḥ |
punānó vardʰa no gíraḥ || 23||

23. suvīrajmpn«su~√vīr vayamr1mpn dʰanannpa«√dʰan  
     jayemavp·Ai1p«√ji somaNmsv«√su mīḷhvaṃstp·Imsv«√mih |
     punānajmsn«√pū vardʰavp·Ao2s«√vṛdʰ vayamr1mpg girnfpa«√gṝ 

23. Very manly, may we win races, 
    O emitting abundantly Soma;
    purifying self, strengthen our chants!

tvótāsastávā́vasā syā́ma vanvánta āmúraḥ |
sóma vratéṣu jāgṛhi || 24||

24. (tvamr2msi-ūtajms«√av)jmpn tvamr2msg avasnnsi«√av  
     syāmavp·Ai1p«√as vanvanttp·Ampn«√van āmurjmpa«ā~√mṛ |
     somaNmsv«√su vratannpl«√vṛ2 jāgṛhivp·Ao2s«√jāgṛ 

24. Favored by thee, with thy protection,
    we might be procuring deadly (enemies).
    O Soma, be wakeful during [our] practices!

apagʰnánpavate mṛ́dʰó'pa sómo árāvṇaḥ |
gácʰanníndrasya niṣkṛtám || 25||

25. apagʰnanttp·Amsn«apa~√han pavateva·A·3s«√pū mṛdʰasnfpa«√mṛdʰ  
     apap somanmsn«√su arāvanjmpa«a~√rā |
     gacʰanttp·Amsn«√gam indraNmsg«√ind niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ 

25. Brushing off inhibitions, he becomes pure;
    Soma, [brushing] off those⁸ that hold back [the flow],
    [is] going to a place where Indra comes out.

mahó no rāyá ā́ bʰara pávamāna jahī́ mṛ́dʰaḥ |
rā́svendo vīrávadyáśaḥ || 26||

26. mahjmsg«√mah vayamr1mpd rainmsg«√rā āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ  
     pavamānanmsv«√pū jahivp·Ao2s«√han mṛdʰasnfpa«√mṛdʰ |
     rāsvava·Uo2s«√rā induNmsv«√ind vīravatjnsa«√vīr yaśasnnsa«√yaś 

26. Bring us [a lot] of the abundant treasure!
    O becoming pure, ward off inhibitions,
    grant [us], O Indu, manly glory!

ná tvā śatáṃ caná hrúto rā́dʰo dítsantamā́ minan |
yátpunānó makʰasyáse || 27||

27. nac tvamr2msa śatau canac hrutnfpn«√hvṛ  
     rādʰasnnsa«√rādʰ ditsanttp·Amsa«√dā āp minanvp·AE3p«√mī |
     yadc punānajmsn«√pū makʰasyaseva·A·2s«√maṅkʰ 

27. Not even a hundred pitfalls shall curtail thee, 
    [who is] imparting the accomplishment of [our] desires,
    when thou, purifying self, are in a fighting spirit.

pávasvendo vṛ́ṣā sutáḥ kṛdʰī́ no yaśáso jáne |
víśvā ápa dvíṣo jahi || 28||

28. pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū induNmsv«√ind vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ sutajmsn«√su  
     kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ vayamr1mpa yaśasjmpn«√yaś jananmsl«√jan |
     viśvajfpa«√viś apap dviṣnfpa«√dviṣ jahivp·Ao2s«√han 

28. Become pure, O Indu, impregnating, extracted!
    Make us esteemed among the people,
    repel everything hostile!

ásya te sakʰyé vayáṃ távendo dyumná uttamé |
sāsahyā́ma pṛtanyatáḥ || 29||

29. ayamr3msg tvamr2msg sakʰyannsl«√sac vayamr1mpn  
     tvamr2msg induNmsv«√ind dyumnannsl uttamajnsl |
     sāsahyāmavp·Ii1p«√sah pṛtanyantnmpa«√pṛtany 

29. When we are in tune⁹ with this one, [and] with thee,
    when thy, O Indu, power to illuminate [was] the greatest,
    we were able to overcome those who assailed us.

yā́ te bʰīmā́nyā́yudʰā tigmā́ni sánti dʰū́rvaṇe |
rákṣā samasya no nidáḥ || 30||

30. yadr3npn tvamr2msg bʰīmajnpn«√bʰī āyudʰannpn«ā~√yudʰ  
     tigmajnpn«√tij santivp·A·3p«√as dʰūrvannnsd«√dʰūrv |
     rakṣavp·Ao2s«√rakṣ samar3msg vayamr1mpa nidnfsb«√nid 

30. Which thy fearsome weapons
    are sharp [enough] to make one mischievous,
    [with those] protect us anyone's imposed constraint.

1 Indra
2 avāhan --- on the strength of 4.30.14c
3 āvitʰa --- on the strength of 1.54.6
4 lit. ``like-mindedness''
5 vowels a ā i ī u ū ṛ e o aṃ
6 that is, the inner Soma
7 a word or a phrase that triggers flow of inner Soma
8 bādʰa-s, impulses to suppress
9 lit. ``like-minded''

Sūkta 9.62 

eté asṛgramíndavastiráḥ pavítramāśávaḥ |
víśvānyabʰí saúbʰagā || 1||

1.  etasr3mpn asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj indunmpn«√ind  
    tirasa«√tṝ pavitrannsa«√pū āśujmpn«√aś |
    viśvajnpa«√viś abʰip saubʰagannpa«su~√bʰaj 

1.  These drops poured forth,
    quick through the filter
    [to bring] all blessings,

vigʰnánto duritā́ purú sugā́ tokā́ya vājínaḥ |
tánā kṛṇvánto árvate || 2||

2.  vigʰnanttp·Amsn«vi~√han duritajnpa«dus~√i purua«√pṝ  
    sugajmpn«su~√gam tokannsd«√tuc vājinnmsg«√vāj |
    tanāa«√tan kṛṇvanttp·Ampn«√kṛ arvatnmsd«√ṛ 

2.  often shattering obstacles,
    [and] continuously creating easy pathways for an offspring¹ 
    of him who possesses the rush of vigour --- for the courser.

kṛṇvánto várivo gáve'bʰyàrṣanti suṣṭutím |
íḷāmasmábʰyaṃ saṃyátam || 3||

3.  kṛṇvanttp·Ampn«√kṛ varivasnnsa«√vṛ gonfsd  
    abʰip arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ suṣṭutinfsa«su~√stu |
    iḷānfsa vayamr1mpd saṃyatjfsa«sam~√yam 

3.  Creating mental space for a cow²,
    they, flowing, bring a beautiful hymn,
    a libation that brings to us coherence.

ásāvyaṃśúrmádāyāpsú dákṣo giriṣṭʰā́ḥ |
śyenó ná yónimā́sadat || 4||

4.  asāvivp·U·3s«√su aṃśunmsn«√aś madanmsd«√mad  
    apnfpl dakṣajmsn«√dakṣ (girinms-stʰājms«√stʰā)jmsn |
    śyenanmsn nac yoninmsa«√yu āp asadatvp·U·3s«√sad 

4.  A stalk was pressed out into waters for an exhilaration,
    suitable [for making the wine], residing in the mountains;
    he, [Soma,] settled hawk-like into the womb.

śubʰrámándʰo devávātamapsú dʰūtó nṛ́bʰiḥ sutáḥ |
svádanti gā́vaḥ páyobʰiḥ || 5||

5.  śubʰrajnsn«√śubʰ andʰasnnsn«√andʰ (devanms«√div-vātajns«√van)jnsn  
    apnfpl dʰūtajmsn«√dʰū nṛnmpi sutajmsn«√su |
    svadantivp·A·3p«√svad gonfpa payasnnpi«√pī 

5.  Desired by deva-s herb, enhancing [Soma substance],
    is pressed out, rinsed [out] by men in waters ---
    they season milk with [herb's] juices.

ā́dīmáśvaṃ ná hétāró'śūśubʰannamṛ́tāya |
mádʰvo rásaṃ sadʰamā́de || 6||

6.  ātc īmr3msa aśvanmsa«√aś nac hetṛnmpn«√hi  
    aśūśubʰanva·U·3p«√śubʰ amṛtannsd«a~√mṛ |
    madʰunnsg«√madʰ rasanmsa«√ras (sadʰap-mādanms«√mad)nmsl 

6.  Then, as riders [prepare] a horse [for a race],
    they arrayed [him to make] an ambrosia ---
    the mead's essence [to be enjoyed] during a drinking party.

yā́ste dʰā́rā madʰuścútó'sṛgraminda ūtáye |
tā́bʰiḥ pavítramā́sadaḥ || 7||

7.  yār3fpn tvamr2msg dʰārānfpn«√dʰṛ (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmpn  
    asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj indunmsv«√ind ūtinfsd«√av |
    tār3fpi pavitrannsa«√pū āp asadasvp·Aa2s«√sad 

7.  Which thy, overflowing with sweetness streams, O Indu, 
    poured forth to help [us], 
    together with them thou settled into the filter.

só arṣéndrāya pītáye tiró rómāṇyavyáyā |
sī́danyónā váneṣvā́ || 8||

8.  sasr3msn arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā  
    tirasa«√tṝ romannnpa«√ruh avyayajnpa |
    sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad yoninmsl«√yu vanannpl«√van āp 

8.  Such thou, flow through interstices in the wool ---
    for Indra to drink;
    taking seat in the womb, in wooden [goblets].

tvámindo pári srava svā́diṣṭʰo áṅgirobʰyaḥ |
varivovídgʰṛtáṃ páyaḥ || 9||

9.  tvamr2msn indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru  
    svādiṣṭʰajmsn«√svad aṅgirasnmpd«√aṅg |
    (varivasnns«√vṛ-vidjms«√vid)jnsn gʰṛtajnsn«√gʰṛ payasnnsn«√pī 

9.  Thou, O Indu, pour out,
    for Aṅgiras-es most sweet!
    [thou, who are] ghee-like juice that finds mental space.

ayáṃ vícarṣaṇirhitáḥ pávamānaḥ sá cetati |
hinvāná ā́pyaṃ bṛhát || 10||

10. ayamr3msn vicarṣaṇijmsn«vi~√kṛṣ hitajmsn«√hi  
     pavamānanmsn«√pū sasr3msn cetativp·A·3s«√cit |
     hinvānata·Amsn«√hi āpyannsa«√āp bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh 

10. This one, disengaging, incited, 
    becoming pure, attends to
    a great alliance³, urging [it].

eṣá vṛ́ṣā vṛ́ṣavrataḥ pávamāno aśastihā́ |
káradvásūni dāśúṣe || 11||

11. eṣasr3msn vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ (vṛṣanms«√vṛṣ-vratanns«√vṛ2)jmsn  
     pavamānanmsn«√pū (aśastinfs«√śas-hanjms«√han)jmsn |
     karatvp·Ae3s«√kṛ vasunnpa«√vas dāśvaṅstp·Imsd«√dāś 

11. That one --- a bull, bearing strong sway ---
    [is] becoming pure, removing curses
    so that he may effect beneficial things for a worshiper!

ā́ pavasva sahasríṇaṃ rayíṃ gómantamaśvínam |
puruścandráṃ puruspṛ́ham || 12||

12. āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū sahasrinjmsa  
     rayinmsa«√rā gomatjmsa aśvinjmsa«√aś |
     (purua«√pṝ-ścandrajms«√ścand)jmsa (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jmsa 

12. Distill the treasure that leads to a thousand different things, 
    that is rich in cows, rich in horses,
    much desired [and] brightly radiant!

eṣá syá pári ṣicyate marmṛjyámāna āyúbʰiḥ |
urugāyáḥ kavíkratuḥ || 13||

13. eṣasr3msn syar3msn parip sicyatevp·A·3s«√sic  
     marmṛjyamānatp·Amsn«√mṛj āyujmpi«√i |
     (urua«√ṛ-gāyajms«√gā)jmsn (kavinms«√kū-kratunms«√kṛ)nmsn 

13. That one is spread around
    becoming free from impurities with [the help of] agitated [men],
    he, who is making large strides, whose designs are full of insights.

sahásrotiḥ śatā́magʰo vimā́no rájasaḥ kavíḥ |
índrāya pavate mádaḥ || 14||

14. (sahasrau-ūtinfs«√av)jmsn (śatau-magʰajms«√maṃh)jmsn  
     vimānajmsn«vi~√man rajasnnsg«√raj kavinmsn«√kū |
     indraNmsd«√ind pavateva·A·3s«√pū madanmsn«√mad 

14. Having thousand side-effects and hundred gifts,
    regulating the region [of thoughts], gifted with insight,
    the wine becomes pure for Indra.

girā́ jātá ihá stutá índuríndrāya dʰīyate |
víryónā vasatā́viva || 15||

15. gīrnfsi«√gṝ jātajmsn«√jan ihaa stutajmsn«√stu  
     indunmsn«√ind indraNmsd«√ind dʰīyatevp·A·3s«√dʰā |
     vinmsn yoninmsl«√yu vasatinfsl«√vas ivac 

15. Inhere Indu is engendered with a chant and praised;
    for Indra he is placed into the womb
    as a bird into a nest.

pávamānaḥ sutó nṛ́bʰiḥ sómo vā́jamivāsarat |
camū́ṣu śákmanāsádam || 16||

16. pavamānanmsn«√pū sutajmsn«√su nṛnmpi  
     somanmsn«√su vājanmsa«√vāj ivac asaratvp·Aa3s«√sṛ |
     camūnfpl śakmannmsi«√śak āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

16. Becoming pure, extracted by men,
    Soma speeds as if to a battle
    to ably settle between bowls.

táṃ tripṛṣṭʰé trivandʰuré rátʰe yuñjanti yā́tave |
ṛ́ṣīṇāṃ saptá dʰītíbʰiḥ || 17||

17. sasr3msa (triu-pṛṣṭʰanns«pra~√stʰā)jmsl (triu-vannfs«√van-dʰurajms«√dʰṛ)jmsl  
     ratʰanmsl«√ṛ yuñjantivp·A·3p«√yuj yātavev···D··«√yā |
     ṛṣinmpg«√ṛṣ saptau dʰītinfpi«√dʰī 

17. With the seven contemplations of the sages
    they join him to the chariot that has three bases
    and three seats --- [for him] to advance.

táṃ sotāro dʰanaspṛ́tamāśúṃ vā́jāya yā́tave |
háriṃ hinota vājínam || 18||

18. sasr3msa sotṛnmpv«√su (dʰananns«√dʰan-spṛtjms«√spṛ)jmsa  
     āśujmsa«√aś vājanmsd«√vāj yātavev···D··«√yā |
     harijmsa«√hṛ hinotavp·Ao2p«√hi vājinnmsa«√vāj 

18. Him, O pressers, who carries away the prize, [who is] agile, 
    impel to advance for the sake of the rush of vigour, 
    [him] who enchants [the mind], who possesses the rush of vigour.

āviśánkaláśaṃ sutó víśvā árṣannabʰí śríyaḥ |
śū́ro ná góṣu tiṣṭʰati || 19||

19. āviśanttp·Amsn«ā~√viś kalaśanmsa«√kal? sutajmsn«√su  
     viśvajfpa«√viś arṣanttp·Ams?«√ṛṣ abʰip śrīnfpa«√śrī |
     śūranmsn«√śūr nac gonfpl tiṣṭʰativp·A·3s«√stʰā 

19. Extracted, entering the goblet, 
    flowing towards everything that diffuses light,
    like an agent of change he stays among cows⁴.

ā́ ta indo mádāya káṃ páyo duhantyāyávaḥ |
devā́ devébʰyo mádʰu || 20||

20. āp sasr3mpn induNmsv«√ind madanmsd«√mad kamc  
     payasnnsa«√pī duhantivp·A·3p«√duh āyujmpn«√i |
     devanmpn«√div devanmpd«√div madʰunnsa«√madʰ 

20. Here they, O Indu, agitated [men], 
    milk the juice for an exhilaration;
    deva-s [milk] the nectar for deva-s.

ā́ naḥ sómaṃ pavítra ā́ sṛjátā mádʰumattamam |
devébʰyo devaśrúttamam || 21||

21. āp vayamr1mpd somanmsa«√su pavitrannsl«√pū āp  
     sṛjatava·AE3p«√sṛj madʰumattamajmsa«√madʰ |
     devanmpd«√div (devanms«√div-śruttamajms«√śru)jmsa 

21. Here, into the filter,
    they shall pour Soma --- for us the sweetest,
    for deva-s --- the one they listen to most readily.

eté sómā asṛkṣata gṛṇānā́ḥ śrávase mahé |
madíntamasya dʰā́rayā || 22||

22. etasr3mpn somanmpn«√su asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj  
     gṛṇānatp·Ampn«√gṝ śravasnnsd«√śru mahjnsd«√mah |
     madintamajmsg«√mad dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ 

22. Those Soma [drops] have poured forth 
    being extolled to [impart] a mighty auditory impression;
    with a stream of the most intoxicating [drink⁵]

abʰí gávyāni vītáye nṛmṇā́ punānó arṣasi |
sanádvājaḥ pári srava || 23||

23. abʰip gavyajnpa vītinfsd«√vī  
     (nṛnms-mnanfs«√man)nnpa punānajmsn«√pū arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ |
     (sanata«√san-vājanms«√vāj)jmsn parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

23. thou flow, purifying self, towards [raiments⁶] coming from cows, 
    towards manly powers --- to arouse [deva-s];
    always vigorous, pour out!

utá no gómatīríṣo víśvā arṣa pariṣṭúbʰaḥ |
gṛṇānó jamádagninā || 24||

24. utac vayamr1mpd gomatījfpa iṣnfpa«√iṣ  
     viśvājfpa«√viś arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ pariṣṭubʰjfpa«pari~√stubʰ |
     gṛṇānatp·Amsn«√gṝ (jamatjms«√jam-agninms«√aṅg)Nmsi 

24. And [bring] to us rich in cows draughts; 
    bring by flowing all exulting embellishments [for our songs],
    [thou,] being extolled by Jamadagni.

pávasva vācó agriyáḥ sóma citrā́bʰirūtíbʰiḥ |
abʰí víśvāni kā́vyā || 25||

25. pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū vācnfsg«√vac agriyanmsn«√aṅg  
     somaNmsv«√su citrajfpi«√cit ūtinfpi«√av |
     abʰip viśvajnpa«√viś kāvyannpa«√kū 

25. Become pure, [thou, who is] a precursor of speech!
    O Soma, by means of various side-effects
    [flow] towards all poems [to be recited here]!

tváṃ samudríyā apò'griyó vā́ca īráyan |
pávasva viśvamejaya || 26||

26. tvamr2msn samudriyajfpa«sam~√ud apnfpa  
     agriyanmsn«√aṅg vācnfpa«√vac īrayanttp·Amsn«√īr |
     pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (viśvannsa«√viś-ejayajms«√ej)jmsv 

26. Thou, a precursor [of speech], stirring up sounds of speech
    [and] waters flowing into the sea,
    become pure, causing all to tremble!

túbʰyemā́ bʰúvanā kave mahimné soma tastʰire |
túbʰyamarṣanti síndʰavaḥ || 27||

27. tvamr2msd ayamr3npn bʰuvanannpn«√bʰū kavinmsv«√kū  
     mahimannmsd«√mah somaNmsv«√su tastʰireva·I·3p«√stʰā |
     tvamr2msd arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ sindʰunmpn«√sindʰ 

27. These places of existence, O gifted with insight,
    remained for thee, for [thy] power to increase, O Soma, 
    for thee the rivers flow.

prá te divó ná vṛṣṭáyo dʰā́rā yantyasaścátaḥ |
abʰí śukrā́mupastíram || 28||

28. prap tvamr2msg dyunmsb nac vṛṣṭinfpn«√vṛṣ  
     dʰārānfpn«√dʰṛ yantivp·A·3s«√i asaścatjfpn«a~√sac |
     abʰip śukranfsa«√śuc upastirnfsa«upa~√stṛ 

28. Like rains from the Heaven
    thy uncommitted streams 
    move forth towards the translucent substratum⁷.

índrāyénduṃ punītanográṃ dákṣāya sā́dʰanam |
īśānáṃ vītírādʰasam || 29||

29. indraNmsd«√ind indunmsa«√ind punītanavp·Ao2p«√pū  
     ugrajmsa«√vaj dakṣanmsd«√dakṣ sādʰanajmsa«√sādʰ |
     īśānajmsa«√īś (vītinfs«√vī-rādʰasnns«√rādʰ)jmsa 

29. For Indra ye purify Indu [who is]
    ferocious, enhancing mental power, capable [to exhilarate],
    full draught of which is an accomplishment of [Indra's] wishes.

pávamāna ṛtáḥ kavíḥ sómaḥ pavítramā́sadat |
dádʰatstotré suvī́ryam || 30||

30. pavamānanmsn«√pū ṛtajmsn«√ṛ kavinmsn«√kū  
     somanmsn«√su pavitrannsa«√pū āp asadatvp·U·3s«√sad |
     dadʰattp·Amsn«√dʰā stotṛnmsd«√stu suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

30. He who is becoming pure [is] a poet who links within with without;
    Soma settled into the filter,
    imparting the potency to him who sings a hymn. 

1 the inner Soma
2 evocative expression
3 ṛta
4 ``evocative expressions''
5 extract of Soma plant
6 vastrāṇi --- on the strength of 9.8.6
7 juice of Soma plant

Sūkta 9.63 

ā́ pavasva sahasríṇaṃ rayíṃ soma suvī́ryam |
asmé śrávāṃsi dʰāraya || 1||

1.  āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū sahasrinjmsa  
    rayinmsa«√rā somaNmsv«√su suvīryannsa«su~√vīr |
    vayamr1mpd śravasnnpa«√śru dʰārayavp·Ao2s«√dʰṛ 

1.  Distill the potent treasure 
    that leads to a thousand different things, O Soma,
    make it to maintain for us the auditory impressions.

íṣamū́rjaṃ ca pinvasa índrāya matsaríntamaḥ |
camū́ṣvā́ ní ṣīdasi || 2||

2.  iṣnfsa«√iṣ ūrjjfsa«√ūrj cac pinvaseva·A·2s«√pinv  
    indraNmsd«√ind (madnfs«√mad-sarintamajms«√sṛ)jmsn |
    camūnfpl āp nip sīdasivp·A·2s«√sad 

2.  Thou swell an invigorating [for us] 
    most exhilarating for Indra draught;
    thou rest in bowls.

sutá índrāya víṣṇave sómaḥ kaláśe akṣarat |
mádʰumām̐ astu vāyáve || 3||

3.  sutajmsn«√su indraNmsd«√ind viṣṇuNmsd«√viṣ  
    somaNmsn«√su kalaśanmsl«√kal? akṣaratvp·Aa3s«√kṣar |
    madʰumantjmsn«√madʰ astuva·Ao3s«√as vāyuNmsd«√vā 

3.  Pressed out for Indra, for Viṣṇu 
    Soma trickled into the goblet;
    may it be honey-full for Vāyu.

eté asṛgramāśávó'ti hvárāṃsi babʰrávaḥ |
sómā ṛtásya dʰā́rayā || 4||

4.  etasr3mpn asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj āśujmpn«√aś  
    atip hvarasnnpa«√hvṛ babʰrujmpn«√bʰṛ |
    somanmpn«√su ṛtannsg«√ṛ dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ 

4.  These agile tenacious Soma juices
    poured past the declivities
    with a stream of ṛta ---

índraṃ várdʰanto aptúraḥ kṛṇvánto víśvamā́ryam |
apagʰnánto árāvṇaḥ || 5||

5.  indraNmsa«√ind vardʰanttp·Ampn«√vṛdʰ (apnfs-turjms«√tur)jmpn  
    kṛṇvanttp·Ampn«√kṛ viśvajnsa«√viś āryajnsa«√ṛ |
    apagʰnanttp·Amsn«apa~√han arāvanjmpa«a~√rā 

5.  [they,] strengthening Indra, crossing the waters, 
    making every [station] to conduct upwards [the energy in the spine],
    brushing off those¹ that hold back [the flow of inner Soma].

sutā́ ánu svámā́ rájo'bʰyàrṣanti babʰrávaḥ |
índraṃ gácʰanta índavaḥ || 6||

6.  sutajmpn«√su anup svama āp rajasnnsa«√raj  
    abʰip arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ babʰrujmpn«√bʰṛ |
    indraNmsa«√ind gacʰanttp·Ampn«√gam indunmpn«√ind 

6.  Extracted, tenacious ---
    the drops, going to Indra,
    flow on their own up to the [human²] region.

ayā́ pavasva dʰā́rayā yáyā sū́ryamárocayaḥ |
hinvānó mā́nuṣīrapáḥ || 7||

7.  ar3nsi pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛr3fsi sūryanmsa«√sūr arocayasvp·Aa2s«√ruc |
    hinvānata·Amsn«√hi mānuṣījfpa«√man apnfpa 

7.  Thus do become pure with a [steady] stream [of sounds]
    with which thou made the sun shine,
    [thou,] stimulating favorable to humans waters³!

áyukta sū́ra étaśaṃ pávamāno manā́vádʰi |
antárikṣeṇa yā́tave || 8||

8.  ayuktava·U·3s«√yuj sūranmsn«√sūr etaśajmsa  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū manunmsl«√man adʰip |
    (antara-īkṣajms«√īkṣ)nnsi yātavev···D··«√yā 

8.  He⁴ who vivifies, who is becoming pure, 
    has yoked the flickering one⁵ at the human⁶ [region]
    to speed through the middle region.

utá tyā́ haríto dáśa sū́ro ayukta yā́tave |
índuríndra íti bruván || 9||

9.  utac syar3mpa haritnfpa«√hṛ daśau  
    sūranmsn«√sūr ayuktava·U·3s«√yuj yātavev···D··«√yā |
    indunmsn«√ind indraNmsn«√ind itia bruvanttp·A?sn«√brū 

9.  Moreover, he⁷ who vivifies
    yoked these ten bay mares to speed along.
    Indu is uttering ``Indra.''

párītó vāyáve sutáṃ gíra índrāya matsarám |
ávyo vā́reṣu siñcata || 10||

10. parip ir3nsb vāyuNmsd«√vā sutajmsa«√su  
     girnfpn«√gṝ indraNmsd«√ind (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsa |
     avinmsg vārannpl«√vṛ2 siñcatava·AE3p«√sic 

10. From this moment [our] chants shall spread throughout the woolen threads
    extracted for Vāyu
    exhilarating to Indra [Soma].

pávamāna vidā́ rayímasmábʰyaṃ soma duṣṭáram |
yó dūṇā́śo vanuṣyatā́ || 11||

11. pavamānanmsv«√pū vidāsvp·Ae2s«√vid rayinmsa«√rā  
     vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su duṣṭarajmsa«dus~√tṝ |
     yasr3msn dūṇāśajmsn«dus~√naś vanuṣyattp·Amsi«√van 

11. O becoming pure, do thou find,
    O Soma, for us the unmatched treasure⁸,
    which is difficult to attain by [anyone] eager to win.

abʰyàrṣa sahasríṇaṃ rayíṃ gómantamaśvínam |
abʰí vā́jamutá śrávaḥ || 12||

12. abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ sahasrinjmsa  
     rayinmsa«√rā gomatjmsa aśvinjmsa«√aś |
     abʰip vājanmsa«√vāj utac śravasnnsa«√śru 

12. Flow to bring the treasure that leads to a thousand different things,
    that is rich in cows, rich in horses,
    [to bring] the rush of vigour and an auditory impression.

sómo devó ná sū́ryó'dribʰiḥ pavate sutáḥ |
dádʰānaḥ kaláśe rásam || 13||

13. somanmsn«√su devanmsn«√div nac sūryanmsn«√sūr  
     adrinmpi«√dṛ pavateva·A·3s«√pū sutajmsn«√su |
     dadʰānatp·Imsn«√dʰā kalaśanmsl«√kal? rasanmsa«√ras 

13. Soma is like the deva Sun;
    he, extracted with stones, becomes pure;
    [he has] placed [his] essence into the goblet.

eté dʰā́mānyā́ryā śukrā́ ṛtásya dʰā́rayā |
vā́jaṃ gómantamakṣaran || 14||

14. eṣasr3mpn dʰāmannnpa«√dʰā āryajnpa«√ṛ  
     śukranmpn«√śuc ṛtannsg«√ṛ dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
     vājanmsa«√vāj gomatjmsa akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar 

14. Towards abodes that conduct [the energy in the spine] upwards
    these resplendent [drops flow] with the stream of ṛta.
    They oozed rich in cows rush of vigour.

sutā́ índrāya vajríṇe sómāso dádʰyāśiraḥ |
pavítramátyakṣaran || 15||

15. sutajmpn«√su indraNmsd«√ind vajrinjmsd«√vaj  
     somanmpn«√su (dadʰinns-āśirnfs«ā~√śrī)jmpn |
     pavitrannsa«√pū atip akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar 

15. Pressed out for wielding a thunderbolt Indra,
    Soma drops [are] mixed with coagulated milk.
    They oozed beyond the filter.

prá soma mádʰumattamo rāyé arṣa pavítra ā́ |
mádo yó devavī́tamaḥ || 16||

16. prap somaNmsv«√su madʰumattamajmsn«√madʰ  
     rainmsd«√rā arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ pavitrannsl«√pū āp |
     madanmsn«√mad yasr3msn (devanms«√div-vītamajms«√vī)jmsn 

16. [To impart] the treasure, O Soma, 
    flow forth, into the filter,
    [being] the sweetest wine that is the best at arousing deva-s.

támī mṛjantyāyávo háriṃ nadī́ṣu vājínam |
índumíndrāya matsarám || 17||

17. sasr3msa īc mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj āyujmpn«√i  
     harijmsa«√hṛ nadīnfpl«√nad vājinnmsa«√vāj |
     indunmsa«√ind indraNmsd«√ind (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsa 

17. Agitated [men] make free from impurities him,
    who enchants [the mind], who midst flowing waters possesses the rush of vigour,
    Indu, exhilarating to Indra.

ā́ pavasva híraṇyavadáśvāvatsoma vīrávat |
vā́jaṃ gómantamā́ bʰara || 18||

18. āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū hiraṇyavatjmsn«√hṛ  
     aśvāvatjmsn«√aś somaNmsv«√su vīravatjmsn«√vīr |
     vājanmsa«√vāj gomatjmsa āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

18. Become pure, O Soma, rich in gold,
    rich in horses like a hero [is];
    bring the rush of vigour rich in cows.

pári vā́je ná vājayúmávyo vā́reṣu siñcata |
índrāya mádʰumattamam || 19||

19. parip vājanmsl«√vāj nac (vājanms«√vāj-yujms«√yu)jmsa  
     avinmsg vārannpl«√vṛ2 siñcatava·AE3p«√sic |
     indraNmsd«√ind madʰumattamajmsa«√madʰ 

19. [Him, who is] evoking, as [it happens] in a battle, the rush of vigour,
    [our chants⁹] shall spread throughout the woolen threads ---
    exhilarating to Indra [Soma].

kavíṃ mṛjanti márjyaṃ dʰībʰírvíprā avasyávaḥ |
vṛ́ṣā kánikradarṣati || 20||

20. kavinmsa«√kū mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj marjyajmsa«√mṛj  
     dʰīnfpi«√dʰī vipranmpn«√vip (avasnns«√av-yujfs«√yu)jmpn |
     vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ kanikrattp·Amsn«√krand arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ 

20. Inspired [men] who seek a favour make free from impurities him,
    who is to be cleansed with dʰī-s, who is gifted with insight;
    calling out, the bull flows. 

vṛ́ṣaṇaṃ dʰībʰíraptúraṃ sómamṛtásya dʰā́rayā |
matī́ víprāḥ sámasvaran || 21||

21. vṛṣaṇajmsa«√vṛṣ dʰīnfpi«√dʰī (apnfs-turjms«√tur)jmsa  
     somanmsa«√su ṛtannsg«√ṛ dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
     matinfsi«√man vipranmpn«√vip samp asvaranvp·U·3p«√svṛ 

21. [Him] who impregnates with dʰī-s,
    [who is] crossing waters --- Soma,
    [men], inspired by a stream of ṛta, intone with a sacred utterance.

pávasva devāyuṣágíndraṃ gacʰatu te mádaḥ |
vāyúmā́ roha dʰármaṇā || 22||

22. pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū devanmsv«√div (āyujms«√i-saknfs«√sac)a  
     indraNmsa«√ind gacʰatuvp·Ao3s«√gam tvamr2msg madanmsn«√mad |
     vāyuNmsa«√vā āp rohava·Ao2s«√ruh dʰarmannnsi«√dʰṛ 

22. Become pure, O deva, assisted by agitated [men];
    let thy exhilaration go towards Indra,
    mount Vāyu as is thy habit.

pávamāna ní tośase rayíṃ soma śravā́yyam |
priyáḥ samudrámā́ viśa || 23||

23. pavamānanmsv«√pū nip tośaseva·A·2s«√tuś  
     rayinmsa«√rā somaNmsv«√su śravāyyajmsa«√śru |
     priyajmsn«√prī samudranmsa«sam~√ud āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

23. O becoming pure, 
    garner the praiseworthy treasure, O Soma!
    Wanted, enter the sea!

apagʰnánpavase mṛ́dʰaḥ kratuvítsoma matsaráḥ |
nudásvā́devayuṃ jánam || 24||

24. apagʰnanttp·Amsn«apa~√han pavaseva·A·2s«√pū mṛdʰasnfpa«√mṛdʰ  
     (kratunms«√kṛ-vidjms«√vid)jmsn somanmsv«√su (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsn |
     nudasvava·Ao2s«√nud (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsa jananmsa«√jan 

24. Warding off inhibitions, thou become pure.
    Knowing the path to understanding, O Soma, exhilarating,
    drive away a non-wishing-to-attract-deva-s man.

pávamānā asṛkṣata sómāḥ śukrā́sa índavaḥ |
abʰí víśvāni kā́vyā || 25||

25. pavamānajmpn«√pū asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj  
     somajmpn«√su śukrajmpn«√śuc indunmpn«√ind |
     abʰip viśvajnpa«√viś kāvyannpa«√kū 

25. Becoming pure Soma juices,
    the translucent drops flow off
    towards all poems [to be recited here].

pávamānāsa āśávaḥ śubʰrā́ asṛgramíndavaḥ |
gʰnánto víśvā ápa dvíṣaḥ || 26||

26. pavamānajmpn«√pū āśujmpn«√aś  
     śubʰrajmpn«√śubʰ asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj indunmpn«√ind |
     gʰnanttp·Ampn«√han viśvajfpa«√viś apap dviṣnfpa«√dviṣ 

26. Becoming pure, moving quickly, enhancing,
    the drops poured forth
    repelling everything hostile.

pávamānā diváspáryantárikṣādasṛkṣata |
pṛtʰivyā́ ádʰi sā́navi || 27||

27. pavamānajmpn«√pū dyunmsb parip  
     (antara-īkṣajms«√īkṣ)nnsb asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj |
     pṛtʰivīnfsb«√pṛtʰ adʰip sānunnsl«√san 

27. Becoming pure [drops], poured out from the Heaven, 
    from the middle region,
    from the Earth onto the summit.

punānáḥ soma dʰā́rayéndo víśvā ápa srídʰaḥ |
jahí rákṣāṃsi sukrato || 28||

28. punānajmsn«√pū somanmsv«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
     indunmsv«√ind viśvajfpa«√viś apap sridʰnfpa«√sridʰ |
     jahivp·Ao2s«√han rakṣasnnpa«√rakṣ sukratunmsv«su~√kṛ 

28. Purifying self, O Soma, in a stream,
    repel all errors, O Indu, 
    shatter defenses, O skillful one!

apagʰnánsoma rakṣáso'bʰyàrṣa kánikradat |
dyumántaṃ śúṣmamuttamám || 29||

29. apagʰnanttp·Amsn«apa~√han somanmsv«√su rakṣasjmpa«√rakṣ  
     abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand |
     dyumantjmsa«√dyut śuṣmanmsa«√śuṣ uttamajmsa 

29. Warding off guarding [impulses¹⁰], O Soma,
    flow, calling out, 
    [to effect] the ultimate lucid fervor [in us].

asmé vásūni dʰāraya sóma divyā́ni pā́rtʰivā |
índo víśvāni vā́ryā || 30||

30. vayamr1mpd vasunnpa«√vas dʰārayavp·Ao2s«√dʰṛ  
     somaNmsv«√su divyajnpa«√div pārtʰivajnpa«√pṛtʰ |
     indunmsv«√ind viśvajnpa«√viś vāryājnpa«√vṛ2 

30. Maintain for us beneficial things, O Soma,
    celestial, earthly ---
    everything desirable, O Indu!

1 bādʰa-s, impulses to suppress
2 manu --- on the strength of 9.63.8
3 See 6.50.7
4 the inner Soma
5 sap of Soma plant (see 9.16.1)
6 that is, ``material''
7 inner Soma
8 likely sva`r
9 giraḥ --- on the strength of 9.63.10
10 savās

Sūkta 9.64 

vṛ́ṣā soma dyumā́m̐ asi vṛ́ṣā deva vṛ́ṣavrataḥ |
vṛ́ṣā dʰármāṇi dadʰiṣe || 1||

1.  vṛṣanjmsn«√vṛṣ somanmsv«√su dyumatjmsn«√dyut asivp·A·2s«√as  
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ devanmsv«√div (vṛṣanms«√vṛṣ-vratanns«√vṛ2)jmsn |
    vṛṣanjmsn«√vṛṣ dʰarmannnpa«√dʰṛ dadʰiṣeva·I·2s«√dʰā 

1.  O Soma, thou are impregnating, having the power to illuminate;
    O deva, a bull bearing strong sway,
    impregnating, thou established practices.

vṛ́ṣṇaste vṛ́ṣṇyaṃ śávo vṛ́ṣā vánaṃ vṛ́ṣā mádaḥ |
satyáṃ vṛṣanvṛ́ṣédasi || 2||

2.  vṛṣannmsb«√vṛṣ tvamr2msg (vṛṣṇinms«√vṛṣ-yatnfs«√yat)jnsn śavasnnsn«√śvi  
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ vanannsa«√van vṛṣanjmsn«√vṛṣ madanmsn«√mad |
    satyama«√as vṛṣannmsv«√vṛṣ vṛṣanjmsn«√vṛṣ idc asivp·A·2s«√as 

2.  From the bull¹ [is] thy daring power to change,
    impregnating is the wooden cup; impregnating is the exhilaration;
    truly, O bull, thou are impregnating.

áśvo ná cakrado vṛ́ṣā sáṃ gā́ indo sámárvataḥ |
ví no rāyé dúro vṛdʰi || 3||

3.  aśvanmsn«√aś nac cakradasvp·U·2s«√krand vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ  
    samp gonfpa indunmsv«√ind samp arvatnmpa«√ṛ |
    vip vayamr1mpd rainmsd«√rā durnfpa vṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√vṛ 

3.  Like a horse [by neighing], thou, a bull, gather by roaring
    cows together and coursers together.
    O Indu, for the sake of the treasure reveal to us [celestial golden]² gates.

ásṛkṣata prá vājíno gavyā́ sómāso aśvayā́ |
śukrā́so vīrayā́śávaḥ || 4||

4.  asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj prap vājinnmpn«√vāj  
    gavījfsi somajmpn«√su aśvājfsi«√aś |
    śukrajmpn«√śuc vīrājfsi«√vīr āśujmpn«√aś 

4.  They poured forth, possessing the rush of vigour,
    Soma juices --- [with a stream³] rich in cows, [with a stream] rich in horses,
    translucent, quick [drops] --- [with a stream] rich in virility.

śumbʰámānā ṛtāyúbʰirmṛjyámānā gábʰastyoḥ |
pávante vā́re avyáye || 5||

5.  śumbʰamānata·Ampn«√śubʰ (ṛtanns«√ṛ-yujms«√yu)jmpi  
    mṛjyamānata·Ampn«√mṛj gabʰastinmdl |
    pavanteva·A·3p«√pū vāranmsl«√vṛ2 avyayajmsl 

5.  Arraying themselves with the help of those who seek ṛta,
    rubbed off between two hands,
    they become pure in the woolen sieve.

té víśvā dāśúṣe vásu sómā divyā́ni pā́rtʰivā |
pávantāmā́ntárikṣyā || 6||

6.  sasr3mpn viśvajnpa«√viś dāśvaṅstp·Imsd«√dāś vasunnpa«√vas  
    somajmpn«√su divyajnpa«√div pārtʰivajnpa«√pṛtʰ |
    pavatāmva·Ao3p«√pū āp (antara-īkṣyajms«√ikṣ)jnpa 

6.  May they, Soma drops, purify for him, who is worshiping,
    everything beneficial: celestial, earthly,
    or belonging to the middle region.

pávamānasya viśvavitprá te sárgā asṛkṣata |
sū́ryasyeva ná raśmáyaḥ || 7||

7.  pavamānanmsg«√pū (viśvanns«√viś-vidjms«√vid)jmsv  
    prap tvamr2msg sarganmpn«√sṛj asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj |
    sūryanmsg«√sūr ivac nac raśminmpn«√raś 

7.  Gushes of thee, who is becoming pure,
    O finding everything,
    poured forth just as Sun's rays.

ketúṃ kṛṇvándiváspári víśvā rūpā́bʰyarṣasi |
samudráḥ soma pinvase || 8||

8.  ketunmsa«√cit kṛṇvanttp·Amsn«√kṛ dyunmsb parip  
    viśvajnpa«√viś rūpannpa abʰip arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ |
    samudranmsn«sam~√ud somanmsv«√su pinvaseva·A·2s«√pinv 

8.  Intense enough to attract attention thou flow from the Heaven
    for the sake of all forms [of perception].
    O Soma, [being like] a lake, thou swell.

hinvānó vā́camiṣyasi pávamāna vídʰarmaṇi |
ákrāndevó ná sū́ryaḥ || 9||

9.  hinvānata·Amsn«√hi vācnfsa«√vac iṣyasivp·A·2s«√iṣ  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū vidʰarmannmsl«vi~√dʰṛ |
    akrānvp·U·2s«√kram devanmsn«√div nac sūryanmsn«√sūr 

9.  Stimulating, thou pour out speech.
    O becoming pure! In the receptacle
    thou called out like deva Sun.

índuḥ paviṣṭa cétanaḥ priyáḥ kavīnā́ṃ matī́ |
sṛjádáśvaṃ ratʰī́riva || 10||

10. indunmsn«√ind paviṣṭava·UE3s«√pū cetanajmsn«√cit  
     priyajmsn«√prī kavinmpg«√kū matinfsi«√man |
     sṛjatvp·AE3s«√sṛj aśvanmsa«√aś ratʰīnmsn«√ṛ ivac 

10. Indu should have became pure, [he is] perceptible, wanted.
    With the sacred utterance of poets 
    he shall let loose --- like a charioteer a horse ---

ūrmíryáste pavítra ā́ devāvī́ḥ paryákṣarat |
sī́dannṛtásya yónimā́ || 11||

11. ūrminmsn«√ṛ yasr3msn tvamr2msg pavitrannsl«√pū āp  
     (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmsn paryakṣaratvp·Aa3s«pari~√kṣar |
     sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsa«√yu āp 

11. that wave of thee⁴ that is in the filter. 
    Arousing deva-s, it has overflown,
    taking seat in the womb of ṛta.

sá no arṣa pavítra ā́ mádo yó devavī́tamaḥ |
índavíndrāya pītáye || 12||

12. sasr3msn vayamr1mpd arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ pavitrannsl«√pū āp  
     madanmsn«√mad yasr3msn (devanms«√div-vītamajms«√vī)jmsn |
     indunmsv«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

12. Such (thou), flow quickly through the filter for us,
    [being] the wine that is the best at arousing deva-s,
    O Indu, for Indra to drink.

iṣé pavasva dʰā́rayā mṛjyámāno manīṣíbʰiḥ |
índo rucā́bʰí gā́ ihi || 13||

13. iṣnfsd«√iṣ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
     mṛjyamānata·Amsn«√mṛj manīṣinnmpi«√man |
     indunmsv«√ind rucnfsi«√ruc abʰip gonfpa ihivp·Ao2s«√i 

13. For a refreshing draught, become pure with a [steady] stream [of sounds],
    freed from impurities by those who possess the [correct] conception!
    O Indu, with the radiance approach the cows⁵.

punānó várivaskṛdʰyū́rjaṃ jánāya girvaṇaḥ |
háre sṛjāná āśíram || 14||

14. punānajmsn«√pū varivasnnsa«√vṛ kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ  
     ūrjnfsa«√ūrj jananmsd«√jan (girnfs«√gṝ-vanasnns«√van)jmsv |
     harijmsv«√hṛ sṛjānata·Amsn«√sṛj āśirnfsa«ā~√śrī 

14. Purifying self, create mental space
    the strength for [this] living being, O longing for a chant,
    O pale green-yellow, [thou are] discharging the mixture.

punānó devávītaya índrasya yāhi niṣkṛtám |
dyutānó vājíbʰiryatáḥ || 15||

15. punānajmsn«√pū (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd  
     indraNmsg«√ind yāhivp·Ao2s«√yā niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ |
     dyutānata·Amsn«√dyut vājinnmpi«√vāj yatajmsn«√yam 

15. Purifying self to arouse deva-s,
    journey to a place where Indra comes out,
    shining, controlled by them who possess the rush of vigour.

prá hinvānā́sa índavó'cʰā samudrámāśávaḥ |
dʰiyā́ jūtā́ asṛkṣata || 16||

16. prap hinvānata·Ampn«√hi indunmpn«√ind  
     acʰāp samudranmsa«sam~√ud āśujmpn«√aś |
     dʰīnfsi«√dʰī jūtajmpn«√jū asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj 

16. Stimulating drops of Soma, 
    moving quickly, pressed forward with a dʰī,
    poured forth towards the sea.

marmṛjānā́sa āyávo vṛ́tʰā samudrámíndavaḥ |
ágmannṛtásya yónimā́ || 17||

17. marmṛjānatp·Ampn«√mṛj āyujmpn«√i  
     vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 samudranmsa«sam~√ud indunmpn«√ind |
     agmanvp·Aa3p«√gam ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsa«√yu āp 

17. Becoming free from impurities lively drops
    effortlessly came to the sea, 
    [then set out] towards the womb of ṛta.

pári ṇo yāhyasmayúrvíśvā vásūnyójasā |
pāhí naḥ śárma vīrávat || 18||

18. parip vayamr1mpd yāhivp·Ao2s«√yā (vayamr1mpa-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
     viśvajnpa«√viś vasunnpa«√vas ojasnnsi«√vaj |
     pāhivp·Ao2s«√pā2 vayamr1mpa śarmannnsn«√śri vīravatjnsn«√vīr 

18. For our sake, attracting us, encompass 
    everything beneficial with [thy] vigour;
    protects us, [by making] a refuge consisting of heroes.

mímāti váhnirétaśaḥ padáṃ yujāná ṛ́kvabʰiḥ |
prá yátsamudrá ā́hitaḥ || 19||

19. mimātiva·A·3s«√mā vahninmsn«√vah etaśajmsn  
     padannsa«√pad yujānata·Amsn«√yuj ṛkvannmpi«√ṛc |
     prap yada samudranmsl«sam~√ud āhitajmsn«ā~√dʰā 

19. The flickering carrier⁶ measures out a step
    [thus] becoming suitable for those who recite verses
    [and going] forward when deposited into the sea.

ā́ yádyóniṃ hiraṇyáyamāśúrṛtásya sī́dati |
jáhātyápracetasaḥ || 20||

20. āp yada yoninmsa«√yu hiraṇyayajmsa«√hṛ  
     āśujmsn«√aś ṛtannsg«√ṛ sīdativp·A·3s«√sad |
     jahātivp·A·3s«√hā apracetasjmpa«a-

20. And when the agile one reaches
    the golden womb of ṛta,
    he abandons those who are not foresighted.

abʰí venā́ anūṣatéyakṣanti prácetasaḥ |
májjantyávicetasaḥ || 21||

21. abʰip venajmpn«√ven anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
     iyakṣantivp·A·3p«√yaj pracetasjmpn«pra~√cit |
     majjantivp·A·3p«√majj avicetasjmpn«a-

21. Those who are eager welcomed [Soma with shouts of joy],
    those who are foresighted --- desire to make an offering,
    those who are not discerning --- become ruined.

índrāyendo marútvate pávasva mádʰumattamaḥ |
ṛtásya yónimāsádam || 22||

22. indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind marutvantjmsd  
     pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madʰumattamajmsn«√madʰ |
     ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsa«√yu āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

22. For Indra accompanied by Marut-s,
    become pure, O Indu, being most sweet,
    to dwell in the womb of ṛta!

táṃ tvā víprā vacovídaḥ pári ṣkṛṇvanti vedʰásaḥ |
sáṃ tvā mṛjantyāyávaḥ || 23||

23. sasr3msa tvamr2msa vipranmpn«√vip (vacasnns«√vac-vidjms«√vid)jmpn  
     parip skṛṇvantivp·A·3p«√kṛ vedʰasjmpn«√vidʰ |
     samp tvamr2msa mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj āyujmpn«√i 

23. Enthusiastic, inspired, skillful with speech
    [poets] prepare such thou;
    agitated, they make thee completely free from impurities.

rásaṃ te mitró aryamā́ píbanti váruṇaḥ kave |
pávamānasya marútaḥ || 24||

24. rasanmsa«√ras tvamr2msg mitraNmsn«√mitʰ aryamanNmsn«√ṛ  
     pibantivp·A·3p«√pā varuṇaNmsn«√vṛ kavinmsv«√kū |
     pavamānanmsg«√pū marutNmpn 

24. Mitra, Varuṇa, 
    Aryaman, Marut-s drink
    the essence of thee, who is becoming pure, O gifted with insight! 

tváṃ soma vipaścítaṃ punānó vā́camiṣyasi |
índo sahásrabʰarṇasam || 25||

25. tvamr2msn somaNmsv«√su (vipnfpa«√vip-citjms«√ci)jfsa  
     punānajmsn«√pū vācnfsa«√vac iṣyasivp·A·2s«√iṣ |
     indunmsv«√ind (sahasrau-bʰarṇasnns«√bʰṛ)jfsa 

25. Thou, O Soma, purifying self, 
    send out piling-up-pulsations speech
    [that is] thousandfold, O Indu!

utó sahásrabʰarṇasaṃ vā́caṃ soma makʰasyúvam |
punāná indavā́ bʰara || 26||

26. utac uc (sahasrau-bʰarṇasnns«√bʰṛ)jfsa  
     vācnfsa«√vac somaNmsv«√su (makʰasnns«√maṅkʰ-yujfs«√yu)jfsa |
     punānajmsn«√pū indunmsv«√ind āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

26. Moreover, purifying self, do bring
    O Soma, a thousandfold speech
    [that is] attracting the fighting spirit, O Indu!

punāná indaveṣāṃ púruhūta jánānām |
priyáḥ samudrámā́ viśa || 27||

27. punānajmsn«√pū indunmsv«√ind ayamr3mpg  
     (purua«√pṝ-hūtajms«√hu)jmsv jananmpg«√jan |
     priyajmsn«√prī samudranmsa«sam~√ud āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

27. Purifying self, O Indu, 
    dear to these men, O much invoked,
    enter the sea,

dávidyutatyā rucā́ pariṣṭóbʰantyā kṛpā́ |
sómāḥ śukrā́ gávāśiraḥ || 28||

28. davidyutatītp·Afsi«√dyut rucnfsi«√ruc  
     pariṣṭobʰantītp·Afsi«pari~√stubʰ kṛpjfsi«√kṛp |
     somajmpn«√su śukrajmpn«√śuc (gonfs-āśirnfs«√śrī)jmpn 

28. accompanied by radiance that illuminates,
    by shouts of exaltation ---
    resplendent Soma drops [are being] mixed with milk.

hinvānó hetṛ́bʰiryatá ā́ vā́jaṃ vājyàkramīt |
sī́danto vanúṣo yatʰā || 29||

29. hinvānata·Amsn«√hi hetṛnmpi«√hi yatajmsn«√yam  
     āp vājanmsa«√vāj vājinnmsn«√vāj akramītvp·U·3s«√kram |
     sīdanttp·Ampn«√sad vanusjmpn«√van yadr3nsi 

29. Stimulating, controlled by inciters, 
    he who possesses the rush of vigour moved a step closer to the rush of vigour --- 
    as [did] sitting [around] anxious [for it worshipers].

ṛdʰáksoma svastáye saṃjagmānó diváḥ kavíḥ |
pávasva sū́ryo dṛśé || 30||

30. (ṛdʰnfs«√ṛdʰ-añcjms«√añc)a somaNmsv«√su svastinfsd«su~√as  
     saṃjagmānata·Imsn«sam~√gam dyunmsb«√dyu kavinmsn«√kū |
     pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū sūryanmsn«√sūr dṛśev···D··«√dṛś 

30. Gifted with insight, having come from the Heaven
    solely for [our] wellbeing, O Soma,
    become pure --- a sun to behold!

1 extract of Soma plant
2 devī́r hiraṇyáyīḥ --- 9.5.5
3 dʰārā
4 the inner Soma
5 evocative expressions
6 the sap of Soma plant

Sūkta 9.65 

hinvánti sū́ramúsrayaḥ svásāro jāmáyaspátim |
mahā́mínduṃ mahīyúvaḥ || 1||

1.  hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi sūranmsa«√sūr usrinfpn«√usṛ  
    svasṛnfpn jāminfpn«√jan patinmsa«√pā2 |
    mahāntjmsa«√mah indunmsa«√ind (mahījfs«√mah-yūjfs«√yu)jfpn 

1.  Morning lights impel him¹ who vivifies,
    the siblings --- the sovereign;
    attracting potent [waters] [dʰī-s] --- the great Indu.

pávamāna rucā́rucā devó devébʰyaspári |
víśvā vásūnyā́ viśa || 2||

2.  pavamānanmsv«√pū (rucānfsi«√ruc-rucānfsi«√ruc)a  
    devanmsn«√div devanmpd«√div parip |
    viśvajnpa«√viś vasunnpa«√vas āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

2.  O becoming pure, along with every hue of [dawn]
    [thou,] a deva [churned²] for deva-s,
    do pervade everything beneficial!

ā́ pavamāna suṣṭutíṃ vṛṣṭíṃ devébʰyo dúvaḥ |
iṣé pavasva saṃyátam || 3||

3.  āp pavamānanmsv«√pū suṣṭutijfsa«su~√stu  
    vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ devanmpd«√div duvasnnsa«√dū |
    iṣnfsd«√iṣ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū saṃyatjfsa«sam~√yam 

3.  O becoming pure, [distill]
    a beautiful hymn, a rain [from Heaven], a reverence for deva-s;
    for [our] enjoyment distill [libation³] that brings coherence!

vṛ́ṣā hyási bʰānúnā dyumántaṃ tvā havāmahe |
pávamāna svādʰyàḥ || 4||

4.  vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ hic asivp·A·2s«√as bʰānunmsi«√bʰā  
    dyumatjmsa«√dyut tvamr2msa havāmaheva·A·1p«√hū |
    pavamānanmsv«√pū svādʰījmpn«su-

4.  Because thou are impregnating, 
    it is thou, luminous in appearance,
    we, possessing of good insight, call upon, O becoming pure!

ā́ pavasva suvī́ryaṃ mándamānaḥ svāyudʰa |
ihó ṣvindavā́ gahi || 5||

5.  āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū suvīryannsa«su~√vīr  
    mandamānata·Amsn«√mand svāyudʰajmsv«su-ā~√yudʰ |
    ihaa uc sup indunmsv«√ind āp gahivp·Ao2s«√gam 

5.  Distill the potency!
    Thyself becoming inflamed, O well-armed,
    come here forthwith O Indu!

yádadbʰíḥ pariṣicyáse mṛjyámāno gábʰastyoḥ |
drúṇā sadʰástʰamaśnuṣe || 6||

6.  yada apnfpi pariṣicyasevp·A·2s«pari~√sic  
    mṛjyamānata·Amsn«√mṛj gabʰastinmdl |
    drunmsi«√dru (sadʰaa-stʰajms«√stʰā)nnsa aśnuṣeva·A·2s«√aś 

6.  When with water thou are scattered around, 
    being rubbed between two hands,
    using wood thou reach the meeting place.

prá sómāya vyaśvavátpávamānāya gāyata |
mahé sahásracakṣase || 7||

7.  prap somaNmsd«√su vyaśvavata«vi~√aś  
    pavamānanmsd«√pū gāyatavp·AE2p«√gai |
    mahjmsd«√mah (sahasrau-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)jmsd 

7.  Ye⁴ shall sing --- like Vyaśva [did] --- to Soma,
    to abundant, having thousand forms [one]
    [who is] becoming pure.

yásya várṇaṃ madʰuścútaṃ háriṃ hinvántyádribʰiḥ |
índumíndrāya pītáye || 8||

8.  yasr3msg varṇanmsa«√vṛ (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa  
    harijmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    indunmsa«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

8.  Whose form [is] overflowing with sweets ---
    the enchanting one they impel with stones ---
    Indu for Indra to drink.

tásya te vājíno vayáṃ víśvā dʰánāni jigyúṣaḥ |
sakʰitvámā́ vṛṇīmahe || 9||

9.  sasr3msg tvamr2msg vājinjmsg«√vāj vayamr1mpn  
    viśvajnpa«√viś dʰanannpa«√dʰan jigīvaṃsjmpa«√ji |
    sakʰitvannsa«√sac āp vṛṇīmaheva·A·1p«√vṛ2 

9.  We choose compatibility with such thee ---
    possessing the rush of vigour,
    with the winning all prizes one.

vṛ́ṣā pavasva dʰā́rayā marútvate ca matsaráḥ |
víśvā dádʰāna ójasā || 10||

10. vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
     marutvatjmsd cac (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsn |
     viśvajnpa«√viś dadʰānatp·Imsn«√dʰā ojasnnsi«√vaj 

10. Impregnating, become pure with a [steady] stream [of sounds], 
    exhilarating for him⁵ who is attended by the Marut-s,
    energetically obtain everything [beneficial for us].

táṃ tvā dʰartā́ramoṇyòḥ pávamāna svardṛ́śam |
hinvé vā́jeṣu vājínam || 11||

11. sasr3msa tvamr2msa dʰartṛnmsa«√dʰṛ oṇīnmdl«√oṇ  
     pavamānanmsv«√pū (svarnnsa-dṛśjms«√dṛś)jmsa |
     hinveva·A·3s«√hi vājanmpl«√vāj vājinnmsa«√vāj 

11. Such thee, a supporter between two protectors⁶,
    O becoming pure, [thee ---] beholding sva`r
    possessing the rush of vigour, I bring into battles.

ayā́ cittó vipā́náyā háriḥ pavasva dʰā́rayā |
yújaṃ vā́jeṣu codaya || 12||

12. ar3nsi cittajmsn«√cit vipnfsi«√vip ayamr3fsi  
     harijmsn«√hṛ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
     yujnmsa«√yuj vājanmpl«√vāj codayavp·Ao2s«√cud 

12. Thus, having become through this trembling noticeable,
    enchanting [the mind], become pure with this stream [of sounds]!
    In battles incite [thy] companion⁷!

ā́ na indo mahī́míṣaṃ pávasva viśvádarśataḥ |
asmábʰyaṃ soma gātuvít || 13||

13. āp vayamr1mpd indunmsv«√ind mahījfsa«√mah iṣnfsa«√iṣ  
     pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (viśvanns«√viś-darśatajms«√dṛś)jmsn |
     vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su (gātunms«√gā-vidjms«√vid)jmsn 

13. [Bring] us, O Indu, a potent draught,
    become pure, perceived by all!
    O Soma, [thou will] find for us an unimpeded way!

ā́ kaláśā anūṣaténdo dʰā́rābʰirójasā |
éndrasya pītáye viśa || 14||

14. āp kalaśanmpn«√kal? anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
     indunmsv«√ind dʰārānfpi«√dʰṛ ojasnnsi«√vaj |
     āp indraNmsg«√ind pītinfsd«√pā viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

14. Goblets resounded.
    O Indu, vigorously,
    with the streams enter [them] for Indra's drink!

yásya te mádyaṃ rásaṃ tīvráṃ duhántyádribʰiḥ |
sá pavasvābʰimātihā́ || 15||

15. yasr3msg tvamr2msg madyajmsa«√mad rasanmsa«√ras  
     tīvrajmsa«√tu duhantivp·A·3p«√duh adrinmpi«√dṛ |
     sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (abʰimātinfs«√man-hanjms«√han)jmsn 

15. Whose exhilarating, pungent sap
    they milk with stones,
    such thou, a slayer of plotting enemies, become pure!

rā́jā medʰā́bʰirīyate pávamāno manā́vádʰi |
antárikṣeṇa yā́tave || 16||

16. rājannmsn«√rāj medʰānfpi«√midʰ īyatevp·A·3s«√i  
     pavamānanmsn«√pū manujmsl«√man adʰip |
     (antara-īkṣajms«√ikṣ)nnsi yātavev···D··«√yā 

16. The sovereign is moved by powers of resolve, 
    becoming pure [he is] above the human⁸ [region] 
    to rush through the middle region.

ā́ na indo śatagvínaṃ gávāṃ póṣaṃ sváśvyam |
váhā bʰágattimūtáye || 17||

17. āp vayamr1mpd indunmsv«√ind (śatau-gvinnms)nmsa  
     gonfpg poṣanmsa«√puṣ svaśvyannsa«su~√aś |
     vahavp·Ao2s«√vah (bʰaganms«√bʰaj-dattinfs«√dā)nfsa ūtinfsd«√av 

17. Convey to us, O Indu, 
    a hundredfold increase of cows, a good number of horses,
    a gift of well-being to help [us].

ā́ naḥ soma sáho júvo rūpáṃ ná várcase bʰara |
suṣvāṇó devávītaye || 18||

18. āp vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su sahasnnsa«√sah juvasnnsa«√jū  
     rūpannsa nac varcasnnsd«√ruc bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ |
     suṣvāṇata·Amsn«√su (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd 

18. Bring us, O Soma, overwhelming strength,
    [mental] agility [that is for thee] like a shape for the power to illuminate,
    [thou,] exuding to arouse deva-s.

árṣā soma dyumáttamo'bʰí dróṇāni róruvat |
sī́dañcʰyenó ná yónimā́ || 19||

19. arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ somaNmsv«√su dyumattamajmsn«√dyut  
     abʰip droṇannpa«√dru roruvattp·Amsn«√ru |
     sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad śyenanmsn nac yoninmsa«√yu āp 

19. Flow, O Soma, most radiant,
    to wooden vessels, roaring
    taking seat hawk-like in the womb!

apsā́ índrāya vāyáve váruṇāya marúdbʰyaḥ |
sómo arṣati víṣṇave || 20||

20. (apnfs-sanjms«√san)jmsn indraNmsd«√ind vāyuNmsd«√vā  
     varuṇaNmsd«√vṛ marutNmpd |
     somaNmsn«√su arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ viṣṇuNmsd«√viṣ 

20. Gaining waters for Indra, Vāyu, 
    Varuṇa, Marut-s
    Soma flows for Viṣṇu.

íṣaṃ tokā́ya no dádʰadasmábʰyaṃ soma viśvátaḥ |
ā́ pavasva sahasríṇam || 21||

21. iṣnfsa«√iṣ tokannsd«√tuc vayamr1mpg dadʰadvp·Ae3s«√dʰā  
     vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su viśvatasa«√viś |
     āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū sahasrinjmsa 

21. May thou bestow, O Soma, to our children a refreshing draught;
    distill for us, O Soma, in every station
    [this] leading to a thousand different things [treasure].

yé sómāsaḥ parāváti yé arvāváti sunviré |
yé vādáḥ śaryaṇā́vati || 22||

22. yasr3mpn somanmpn«√su parāvatjmsl«√pṛ  
     yasr3mpn arvāvatjmsl sunvirevp·I·3p«√su |
     yasr3mpnc adasc śaryaṇāvatnmsl«√śrī 

22. Which Soma juices have exuded
    faraway or close-by
    or [done] so in Śaryaṇāvat⁹,

yá ārjīkéṣu kṛ́tvasu yé mádʰye pastyā̀nām |
yé vā jáneṣu pañcásu || 23||

23. yasr3mpn ārjīkanmpl«√ṛj kṛtvanjmpl«√kṛ  
     yasr3mpn madʰyanmsl pastyānfpg«√pas |
     yasr3mpnc jananmpl«√jan pañcau 

23. which among busy Ārjīka-s,
    which in the middle of stalls,
    which among five tribes,--

té no vṛṣṭíṃ diváspári pávantāmā́ suvī́ryam |
suvānā́ devā́sa índavaḥ || 24||

24. sasr3mpn vayamr1mpd vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ dyunmsb parip  
     pavantāmva·Ao3p«√pū āp suvīryannsa«su~√vīr |
     suvānata·Ampn«√su devajmpn«√div indunmpn«√ind 

24. may those, purify for us
    the rain from Heaven and the potency,
    [they,] divine pure exuding Soma drops.

pávate haryató hárirgṛṇānó jamádagninā |
hinvānó górádʰi tvací || 25||

25. pavateva·A·3s«√pū haryatajmsn«√hary harijmsn«√hṛ  
     gṛṇānatp·Amsn«√gṝ (jamatjms«√jam-agninms«√aṅg)Nmsi |
     hinvānata·Amsn«√hi gonfsg adʰip tvacnfsl«√tvac 

25. He becomes pure, delighted-in pale green-yellow,
    being extolled by Jamadagni,
    hastening on over the tongue's surface.

prá śukrā́so vayojúvo hinvānā́so ná sáptayaḥ |
śrīṇānā́ apsú mṛñjata || 26||

26. prap śukrajmpn«√śuc (vayasnns«√vī-jūjms«√jū)jmpn  
     hinvānata·Ampn«√hi nac saptinmpn |
     śrīṇānāta·A?pn«√śrī apnfpl mṛñjatavp·AE3p«√mṛj 

26. Translucent, exciting mental and bodily energy like [speeding] coursers,
    [pressed out Soma juices] shall make themselves free from impurities
    by mixing in the waters [with honey].

táṃ tvā sutéṣvābʰúvo hinviré devátātaye |
sá pavasvānáyā rucā́ || 27||

27. sasr3msa tvamr2msa sutanmpl«√su ābʰūjmpn«ā~√bʰū  
     hinvireva·I·3p«√hi (devanms«√div-tātinms«√tan)nmsd |
     sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū ayamr3fsi rucnfsi«√ruc 

27. Such thee of [all] pressed out [juices], those present here
    set in motion for the thrill of being in presence of the divine; 
    such thou, become pure along with this radiance [of the rising sun]!

ā́ te dákṣaṃ mayobʰúvaṃ váhnimadyā́ vṛṇīmahe |
pā́ntamā́ puruspṛ́ham || 28||

28. āp tvamr2msg dakṣanmsa«√dakṣ (mayasnns«√mā-bʰūjms«√bʰū)jmsa  
     vahninmsa«√vah adyaa vṛṇīmaheva·A·1p«√vṛ2 |
     pāntajmsa«√pā āp (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jmsa 

28. We now have recourse to thy mental power that brings balance,
    to the carrier [of the treasure] ---
    as a drink desired by many,

ā́ mandrámā́ váreṇyamā́ vípramā́ manīṣíṇam |
pā́ntamā́ puruspṛ́ham || 29||

29. āp mandrajmsa«√mand āp vareṇyajmsa«√vṛ2 āp  
     viprajmsa«√vip āp manīṣinjmsa«√man |
     pāntajmsa«√pā āp (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jmsa 

29. to agreeable, to preferred [for protection], to inspired,
    to possessing correct conception [inner Soma] ---
    as a drink desired by many,

ā́ rayímā́ sucetúnamā́ sukrato tanū́ṣvā́ |
pā́ntamā́ puruspṛ́ham || 30||

30. āp rayinmsa«√rā āp sucetunajmsa«su~√cit  
     āp sukratunmsn«su~√kṛ tanūnfpl«√tan āp |
     pāntajmsa«√pā āp (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jmsa 

30. to the treasure, to the rational, skillful [state of mind]
    among [various] extensions [of consciousness] ---
    as a drink desired by many.

1 the Sun
2 devébʰyaspári is here treated by analogy with devébʰyo matʰitáṃ pári of 3.9.5c
3 iḷā --- on the strength of 9.62.3c
4 worshipers
5 Indra
6 likely ``the Earth and the Heaven''
7 Indra
8 that is, material
9 prob. the pathways of air to the lungs

Sūkta 9.66 

pávasva viśvacarṣaṇe'bʰí víśvāni kā́vyā |
sákʰā sákʰibʰya ī́ḍyaḥ || 1||

1.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (viśvajms«√viś-carṣaṇijms«√kṛṣ)jmsv  
    abʰip viśvajnpa«√viś kāvyannpa«√kū |
    sakʰinmsn«√sac sakʰinmpd«√sac īḍyajmsn«√īḍ 

1.  Become pure, O drawing to thyself all [deva-s],
    [flow] towards all poems [to be recited here],
    a like-minded one to be invoked for like-minded [participants of the sacrifice].

tā́bʰyāṃ víśvasya rājasi yé pavamāna dʰā́manī |
pratīcī́ soma tastʰátuḥ || 2||

2.  tadr3ndi viśvannsg«√viś rājasivp·A·2s«√rāj  
    yadr3ndn pavamānanmsv«√pū dʰāmannndn«√dʰā |
    pratyañcjndn«prati~√añc somaNmsv«√su tastʰaturvp·I·3d«√stʰā 

2.  Thou rule over everything
    with those two abodes¹, O becoming pure, 
    that remain inward, O Soma!

pári dʰā́māni yā́ni te tváṃ somāsi viśvátaḥ |
pávamāna ṛtúbʰiḥ kave || 3||

3.  parip dʰāmannnpa«√dʰā yadr3npa tvamr2msg  
    tvamr2msn somaNmsv«√su asivp·A·2s«√as viśvatasa«√viś |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū ṛtunmpi«√ṛ kavinmsv«√kū 

3.  Around abodes that are yours,
    thou, O Soma, are everywhere
    becoming pure at defined points of time, O gifted with insight!

pávasva janáyanníṣo'bʰí víśvāni vā́ryā |
sákʰā sákʰibʰya ūtáye || 4||

4.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū janayanttp·Amsn«√jan iṣnfpa«√iṣ  
    abʰip viśvajnpa«√viś vāryajnpa«√vṛ2 |
    sakʰinmsn«√sac sakʰinmpd«√sac ūtinfsd«√av 

4.  Become pure, giving existence to refreshing draughts,
    [flow] towards everything desirable ---
    a like-minded one to help like-minded [participants of the sacrifice].

táva śukrā́so arcáyo diváspṛṣṭʰé ví tanvate |
pavítraṃ soma dʰā́mabʰiḥ || 5||

5.  tvamr2msg śukrajmpn«√śuc arcinmpn«√arc  
    dyunmsg pṛṣṭʰannsl«pra~√stʰā vip tanvateva·A·3p«√tan |
    pavitrannsa«√pū somaNmsv«√su dʰāmannnpi«√dʰā 

5.  Thine resplendent rays spread out
    in the base of the Heaven, O Soma,
    through abodes along the filter.

távemé saptá síndʰavaḥ praśíṣaṃ soma sisrate |
túbʰyaṃ dʰāvanti dʰenávaḥ || 6||

6.  tvamr2msg ayamr3mpn saptau sindʰunmpn«√sindʰ  
    praśiṣnfsa«pra~√śās somaNmsv«√su sisratevp·A·3p«√sṛ |
    tvamr2msd dʰāvantivp·A·3p«√dʰāv dʰenunfpn«√dʰe 

6.  These seven rivers flow
    at thy command, O Soma,
    the cows hasten for thy sake.

prá soma yāhi dʰā́rayā sutá índrāya matsaráḥ |
dádʰāno ákṣiti śrávaḥ || 7||

7.  prap somaNmsv«√su yāhivp·Ao2s«√yā dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    sutajmsn«√su indraNmsd«√ind (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsn |
    dadʰānata·Imsn«√dʰā akṣitijnsa«√kṣi3 śravasnnsa«√śru 

7.  O Soma, journey with a [steady] stream [of sounds],
    extracted, exhilarating for Indra,
    having conceived an unfading auditory impression.

sámu tvā dʰībʰírasvaranhinvatī́ḥ saptá jāmáyaḥ |
vípramājā́ vivásvataḥ || 8||

8.  samp uc tvamr2msa dʰīnfpi«√dʰī asvaranvp·Aa3p«√svṛ  
    hinvatījfpn«√hi saptau jāminfpn«√jan |
    viprajmsa«√vip ājinmsl«√aj vivasvatNmsg«√vas 

8.  With dʰī-s the seven siblings, impelling, 
    intone thee, [thee, who is] inwardly stirred
    in the course of the sacrificer's contest.

mṛjánti tvā sámagrúvó'vye jīrā́vádʰi ṣváṇi |
rebʰó yádajyáse váne || 9||

9.  mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj tvamr2msa samp agrūnfpn«√grū  
    avyajnsl jīrinfsl«√jinv adʰip svaninnsa«√svan |
    rebʰajmsn«√ribʰ yadc ajyaseva·A·2s«√añj vanannsl«√van 

9.  They, the unwed ones², thoroughly rub thee³ off into the woolen [filter] 
    in waters flowing over that⁴ which resounds;
    [thou are] murmuring when made to appear in the thicket.

pávamānasya te kave vā́jinsárgā asṛkṣata |
árvanto ná śravasyávaḥ || 10||

10. pavamānanmsg«√pū tvamr2msg kavinmsv«√kū  
     vājinnmsv«√vāj sarganmpn«√sṛj asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj |
     arvantnmpn«√ṛ nac (śravasnns«√śru-yujms«√yu)jmpn 

10. Gushes of thee, who is becoming pure, 
    O possessing the rush of vigour poet,
    poured forth like coursers seeking fame.

ácʰā kóśaṃ madʰuścútamásṛgraṃ vā́re avyáye |
ávāvaśanta dʰītáyaḥ || 11||

11. acʰāp kośanmsa«√kuś (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa  
     asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj vāranmsl«√vṛ2 avyayajmsl |
     avāvaśantavp·U·3p«√vāś dʰītinfpn«√dʰī 

11. [The streams] have flown through the woolen sieve
    towards overflowing with sweetness subtle body;
    visualizations resounded.

ácʰā samudrámíndavó'staṃ gā́vo ná dʰenávaḥ |
ágmannṛtásya yónimā́ || 12||

12. acʰāp samudranmsa«sam~√ud indunmpn«√ind  
     astannsa gonfpn nac dʰenunfpn«√dʰe |
     agmanvp·Aa3p«√gam ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsa«√yu āp 

12. Soma drops went towards the sea,
    to the womb of ṛta,
    like milch-cows --- home.

prá ṇa indo mahé ráṇa ā́po arṣanti síndʰavaḥ |
yádgóbʰirvāsayiṣyáse || 13||

13. prap vayamr1mpg indunmsv«√ind mahjmsd«√mah raṇanmsd«√raṇ  
     apnfpn arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ sindʰunmpn«√sindʰ |
     yadc gonfpi vāsayiṣyaseva·B·2s«√vas 

13. O Indu, the waters, the rivers flow forth
    [to give] us great delight
    when thou are about to clothe thyself with milk⁵.

ásya te sakʰyé vayámíyakṣantastvótayaḥ |
índo sakʰitvámuśmasi || 14||

14. ayamr3msg tvamr2msg sakʰyannsl«√sac vayamr1mpn  
     iyakṣanttp·A?pn«√yaj (tvamr2msi-ūtinfs«√av)jmpn |
     indunmsv«√ind sakʰitvannsa«√sac uśmasiva·A·1p«√vaś 

14. When we are in tune⁶ with this one⁷, [and] with thee,
    we are desirous to make a fire offering, helped by thee!
    O Indu, we long for a compatibility⁸ [with thee].

ā́ pavasva gáviṣṭaye mahé soma nṛcákṣase |
éndrasya jaṭʰáre viśa || 15||

15. āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (gonfs-iṣṭinfs«√iṣ)nmsd  
     mahjmsd«√mah somaNmsv«√su (nṛnms-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)nmsd |
     āp indraNmsg«√ind jaṭʰarannsl viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

15. Become pure, O Soma⁹, for a mighty foray for cows,
    for the sake of him¹⁰ who guides men,
    [then] enter into Indra's belly!

mahā́m̐ asi soma jyéṣṭʰa ugrā́ṇāminda ójiṣṭʰaḥ |
yúdʰvā sáñcʰáśvajjigetʰa || 16||

16. mahatjmsn«√mah asivp·A·2s«√as somaNmsv«√su jyeṣṭʰajmsn«√jyā  
     ugrajmpg«√vaj indunmsv«√ind ojiṣṭʰajmsn«√vaj |
     yudʰvannmsn«√yudʰ santtp·Ams?«√as śaśvata«√śaś jigetʰavp·I·2s«√ji 

16. Mighty thou are, O Soma, overpowering, 
    most fierce of all violent [substances],
    being a warrior, thou always have conquered [vṛtra-s].

yá ugrébʰyaścidójīyāñcʰū́rebʰyaścicʰū́rataraḥ |
bʰūridā́bʰyaścinmáṃhīyān || 17||

17. yasr3msn ugrajmpb«√vaj cidc ojīyaṃsjmsn«√vaj  
     śūrajmpb«√śūr cidc śūratarajmsn«√śūr |
     (bʰūrijms«√bʰū-dājms«√dā)jmpb cidc maṃhīyaṃsjmsn«√maṃh 

17. Who is fiercest among violent [substances],
    the agent of change among agents of change,
    the most generous among munificent,

tváṃ soma sū́ra éṣastokásya sātā́ tanū́nām |
vṛṇīmáhe sakʰyā́ya vṛṇīmáhe yújyāya || 18||

18. tvamr2msn somaNmsv«√su sūranmsn«√sūr āp iṣnfpa«√iṣ  
     tokannsg«√tuc sātinfsl«√san tanūnfpg«√tan |
     vṛṇīmaheva·A·1p«√vṛ2 sakʰyannsd«√sac vṛṇīmaheva·A·1p«√vṛ2 yujyannsd«√yuj 

18. thou [are], O Soma, [thou] who vivifies! [Bring us] refreshing draughts 
    while bestowing children¹¹ of extensions [of consciousness]!
    We have recourse to compatibility [with thee], we have recourse to an alliance [with thee].

ágna ā́yūṃṣi pavasa ā́ suvórjamíṣaṃ ca naḥ |
āré bādʰasva ducʰúnām || 19||

19. agninmsv«√aṅg āyusnnpa«√i pavaseva·A·2s«√pū  
     āp suvavp·Ao2s«√sū ūrjnfsa«√ūrj iṣnfsa«√iṣ cac vayamr1mpd |
     ārea«√ṛ bādʰasvava·Ao2s«√bādʰ ducʰunānfsa«dus~√śvi 

19. O Agni, thou purify the vital powers ---
    yield to us strength and a libation,
    drive far away misfortune.

agnírṛ́ṣiḥ pávamānaḥ pā́ñcajanyaḥ puróhitaḥ |
támīmahe mahāgayám || 20||

20. agniNmsn«√aṅg ṛṣinmsn«√ṛṣ pavamānajmsn«√pū  
     (pañcau-janyanms«√jan)jmsn (purasa«√pṝ-hitajms«√dʰā)jmsn |
     sasr3msa īmaheva·A·1p«√i (mahatjms«√mah-gayanms«√gam)jmsa 

20. Agni --- a seer who is becoming pure, 
    who exists among the five [tribes], who [in an offering] is arranged first ---
    him we approach, whose spoils are great.

ágne pávasva svápā asmé várcaḥ suvī́ryam |
dádʰadrayíṃ máyi póṣam || 21||

21. agninmsv«√aṅg pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū svapasjmsn  
     vayamr1mpd varcasnnsa«√ruc suvīryajnsa«su~√vīr |
     dadʰadvp·Ae3s«√dʰā rayinmsa«√rā ahamr1msl poṣanmsa«√puṣ 

21. O Agni, skillful, refine for us
    the potent vital power!
    May he bestow the treasure --- an abundance in me [of the vital power].

pávamāno áti srídʰo'bʰyàrṣati suṣṭutím |
sū́ro ná viśvádarśataḥ || 22||

22. pavamānanmsn«√pū atip sridʰnfpb«√sridʰ  
     abʰip arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ suṣṭutinfsa«su~√stu |
     sūranmsn«√sūr nac (viśvanns«√viś-darśatajms«√dṛś)jmsn 

22. He who is becoming pure [is] beyond error;
    by flowing he brings [us] a beautiful hymn;
    like the [morning] sun [he is] perceived by all.

sá marmṛjāná āyúbʰiḥ práyasvānpráyase hitáḥ |
índurátyo vicakṣaṇáḥ || 23||

23. sasr3msn marmṛjānatp·Amsn«√mṛj āyu