
Sūkta 9.1 

svā́diṣṭʰayā mádiṣṭʰayā pávasva soma dʰā́rayā |
índrāya pā́tave sutáḥ || 1||

1.  svādiṣṭʰajfsi«√svad madiṣṭʰajfsi«√mad  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somanmsv«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰā |
    indraNmsd«√ind pātavev···D··«√pā sutajmsn«√su 

1. Flow, Soma, in a most sweet and exhilarating stream,
   effused for Indra to drink.

rakṣohā́ viśvácarṣaṇirabʰí yónimáyohatam |
drúṇā sadʰástʰamā́sadat || 2||

2.  (rakṣasnns«√rakṣ-hanjms«√han)nmsn (viśvajms«√viś-carṣaṇijms«√kṛṣ)jmsn  
    abʰip yoninmsa«√yu (ayasnms-hatajms«√han)jmsa |
    drunmsi«√dru (sadʰaa-stʰajms«√stʰā)nnsa āp asadatvp·U·3s«√sad 

2. The all-beholding destroyer of Rakshasas has stepped upon
   his gold-smitten birthplace, united with the wooden cask.

varivodʰā́tamo bʰava máṃhiṣṭʰo vṛtrahántamaḥ |
párṣi rā́dʰo magʰónām || 3||

3.  (varivasnns«√vṛ-dʰātamajms«√dʰā)jmsn bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū  
    maṃhiṣṭʰajmsn«√maṃh (vṛtraNns«√vṛ-hantamajms«√han)jmsn |
    parṣivp·Ao2s«√pṛ rādʰasnnsa«√rādʰ magʰavannmpg«√maṃh 

3. Be the lavish giver of wealth, most bounteous, the destroyer of enemies;
   bestow on us the riches of the affluent.

abʰyàrṣa mahā́nāṃ devā́nāṃ vītímándʰasā |
abʰí vā́jamutá śrávaḥ || 4||

4.  abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ mahajmpg«√mah  
    devanmpg«√div vītinfsa«√vī andʰasnnsi«√andʰ |
    abʰip vājanmsa«√vaj utac śravasnnsa«√śru 

4. Come with food to the sacrifice of the mighty gods,
   and bring to us strength and sustenance.

tvā́mácʰā carāmasi tádídártʰaṃ divédive |
índo tvé na āśásaḥ || 5||

5.  tvamr2msa acʰāp carāmasivp·A·1p«√car tadr3nsn  
    idc artʰannsn«√artʰ (divanmsl-divanmsl)a |
    induNmsv«√ind tvamr2msl vayamr1mpg āśasnfpn«√aś 

5. To thee we come, O dropping (Soma); for thee only is this our worship day by day,
   our prayers are to thee, none other.

punā́ti te parisrútaṃ sómaṃ sū́ryasya duhitā́ |
vā́reṇa śáśvatā tánā || 6||

6.  punātivp·A·3s«√pū tvamr2msd parisrutajmsa«pari~√sru  
    somanmsa«√su sūryanmsg«√sūr duhitṛnfsn«√duh |
    vāranmsi«√vṛ2 śaśvatjnsi«√śaś tannfsi«√tan 

6. The daughter of the Sun purifies thy gushing streams
   through the eternal outstretched hair.

támīmáṇvīḥ samaryá ā́ gṛbʰṇánti yóṣaṇo dáśa |
svásāraḥ pā́rye diví || 7||

7.  sasr3msa īmr3msa aṇvījfpn samaryannsl«sam~√rī āp  
    gṛbʰṇantivp·A·3p«√grah yoṣannfpn«√yu daśau |
    svasṛnfpn pāryajmsl«√pṛ dyunmsl 

7. The ten sister-fingers seize thee in the sacrifice,
   on the final day (of the oblation).

támīṃ hinvantyagrúvo dʰámanti bākuráṃ dṛ́tim |
tridʰā́tu vāraṇáṃ mádʰu || 8||

8.  sasr3msa īmr3msa hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi agrūnfpn«√grū  
    dʰamantivp·A·3p«√dʰam bākuranmsa«√bak dṛtijmsa«√dṝ |
    (triu-dʰātunns«√dʰā)jnsn vāraṇajnsn«√vṛ madʰunnsn«√madʰ 

8. The fingers press the Soma, they squeeze it glittering like a water-skin;
   its juice becomes three-fold, enemy-averting.

abʰī̀mámágʰnyā utá śrīṇánti dʰenávaḥ śíśum |
sómamíndrāya pā́tave || 9||

9.  abʰip ayamr3msa agʰnyājfpn«a~√han utac  
    śrīṇantivp·A·3p«√śrī dʰenunfpn«√dʰe śiśunmsa«√śū |
    somanmsa«√su indraNmsd«√ind pātavev···D··«√pā 

9. The inviolable kine mingle this fresh Soma
   with their milk for Indra to drink.

asyédíndro mádeṣvā́ víśvā vṛtrā́ṇi jigʰnate |
śū́ro magʰā́ ca maṃhate || 10||

10. ayamr3msg idc indraNmsn«√ind madanmpl«√mad āp  
     viśvajmpa«√viś vṛtrannpa«√vṛ jigʰnateva·A·3s«√han |
     śūranmsn«√śūr magʰannpa«√maṃh cac maṃhateva·A·3s«√maṃh 

10. In the exhilaration of this draught the hero Indra smites
   all his enemies and bestows wealth (on his worshippers).

Sūkta 9.2 

pávasva devavī́ráti pavítraṃ soma ráṃhyā |
índramindo vṛ́ṣā́ viśa || 1||

1.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmsn atip  
    pavitrannsa«√pū somaNmsv«√su raṃhinfsi«√raṃh |
    indraNmsa«√ind induNmsv«√ind vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

1. Flow on, Soma, seeking the gods, hastening on in thy purifying course;
   enter Indra, O Indu, the showerer.

ā́ vacyasva máhi psáro vṛ́ṣendo dyumnávattamaḥ |
ā́ yóniṃ dʰarṇasíḥ sadaḥ || 2||

2.  āp vacyasvava·Ao2s«√vañc mahijnsn«√mah psarasnnsn«√psā  
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ induNmsv«√ind dyumnavattamajmsn |
    āp yoninmsa«√yu dʰarṇasijmsn«√dʰṛ sadasvp·AE2s«√sad 

2. O Indu, do thou, the mighty showerer (of blessings), most glorious upholder,
   send us food, and sit down in thine own place.

ádʰukṣata priyáṃ mádʰu dʰā́rā sutásya vedʰásaḥ |
apó vasiṣṭa sukrátuḥ || 3||

3.  adʰukṣatava·U·3p«√duh priyajnsa«√prī madʰunnsa«√madʰ  
    dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ sutajmsg«√su vedʰasjmpn«√vidʰ |
    apnfpa vasiṣṭava·UE3s«√vas sukratujmsn«su~√kṛ 

3. The stream of the effused creative Soma milks out the joy-giving ambrosia;
   the accomplisher of holy rites veils itself in the waters.

mahā́ntaṃ tvā mahī́ránvā́po arṣanti síndʰavaḥ |
yádgóbʰirvāsayiṣyáse || 4||

4.  mahāntajmsa«√mah tvamr2msa mahījfpa«√mah anup  
    apnfpa arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ sindʰunfpn«√sindʰ |
    yadc gonfpi vāsayiṣyaseva·B·2s«√vas 

4. (Soma,) when thou wilt veil thyself in the milk,
   the mighty streaming waters flow to thee, the mighty one.

samudró apsú māmṛje viṣṭambʰó dʰarúṇo diváḥ |
sómaḥ pavítre asmayúḥ || 5||

5.  samudranmsn«sam~√ud apnfpl māmṛjeva·I·3s«√mṛj  
    viṣṭambʰanmsn«√stambʰ dʰaruṇanmsn«√dʰṛ dyunmsg |
    somanmsn«√su pavitrannsl«√pū (vayamr1mpa-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

5. The juice-distilling Soma, the sustainer, the supporter of heaven, is purified in the water,---
  favouring us, (it is poured) into the straining cloth.

ácikradadvṛ́ṣā hárirmahā́nmitró ná darśatáḥ |
sáṃ sū́ryeṇa rocate || 6||

6.  acikradatva·U·3s«√krand vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ harijmsn«√hṛ  
    mahatjmsn«√mah mitranmsn«√mitʰ nac darśatajmsn«√dṛś |
    samp sūryanmsi«√sūr rocateva·A·3s«√ruc 

6. The mighty golden-hued showerer of blessings utters a sound as it drops, beautiful as a friend;
   it shines in the heavens with the sun.

gírasta inda ójasā marmṛjyánte apasyúvaḥ |
yā́bʰirmádāya śúmbʰase || 7||

7.  girnfpa«√gṝ tvamr2msd induNmsv«√ind ojasnnsi«√uj  
    marmṛjyanteva·A·3p«√mṛj (apasnns-yujms«√yu)nmpn |
    yār3fpi madanmsd«√mad śumbʰasevp·A·2s«√śubʰ 

7. O Indu, by thy power the busy voices are hallowed which adorn thee
   as thou droppest for our exhilaration.

táṃ tvā mádāya gʰṛ́ṣvaya u lokakṛtnúmīmahe |
táva práśastayo mahī́ḥ || 8||

8.  sasr3msa tvamr2msa madanmsd«√mad gʰṛṣvijmsd«√hṛṣ  
    (ulokanms«√lok-kṛtnujms«√kṛ)jmsa īmahevp·A·1p«√i |
    tvamr2msg praśastijfpn«pra~√śaṃs mahīnfpn«√mah 

8. We ask thee for exhilaration, thee the giver of the highest world
   to thy foe-crushing worshipper, great are thy praises.

asmábʰyamindavindrayúrmádʰvaḥ pavasva dʰā́rayā |
parjányo vṛṣṭimā́m̐ iva || 9||

9.  vayamr1mpd induNmsv«√ind (indraNms«√ind-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
    madʰunnsg«√madʰ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    parjanyanmsn«√pṛc vṛṣṭimantjmsn«√vṛṣ ivac 

9. Indu, do thou, longing for Indra, stream upon us
   with a shower of ambrosia, like a raining cloud.

goṣā́ indo nṛṣā́ asyaśvasā́ vājasā́ utá |
ātmā́ yajñásya pūrvyáḥ || 10||

10. (gonfs-sanjms«√san)jmsn induNmsv«√ind (nṛnms-sanjms«√san)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as  
     (aśvanms«√aś-sanjms«√san)jmsn (vājanms«√vāj-sanjms«√san)jmsn utac |
     ātmannmsn«√an yajñanmsg«√yaj pūrvyajmsn«√pṝ 

10. Indu, thou art the giver of kine, of children, of horses, and of food;
   thou art the primeval soul of the sacrifice.

Sūkta 9.3 

eṣá devó ámartyaḥ parṇavī́riva dīyati |
abʰí dróṇānyāsádam || 1||

1.  eṣasr3msn devanmsn«√div amartyajmsn«a~√mṛ  
    (parṇanns«√pṛ-vījms«√vī)jmsn ivac dīyativp·A·3s«√dā |
    abʰip droṇannpa«√dru āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

1. This divine immortal (Soma) hastens as a bird
   to settle on the sacrificial vessels.

eṣá devó vipā́ kṛtó'ti hvárāṃsi dʰāvati |
pávamāno ádābʰyaḥ || 2||

2.  eṣasr3msn devanmsn«√div vipnfsi«√vip kṛtajmsn«√kṛ  
    atip hvarasnnpa«√hvṛ dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū adābʰyajmsn«a~√dabʰ 

2. This divine (Soma), expressed by the fingers, and dropping inviolable,
   rushes against the enemies.

eṣá devó vipanyúbʰiḥ pávamāna ṛtāyúbʰiḥ |
hárirvā́jāya mṛjyate || 3||

3.  eṣasr3msn devanmsn«√div vipanyujmpi«√vip  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū (ṛtanns«√ṛ-yujms«√yu)jmpi |
    harijmsn«√hṛ vājanmsd«√vāj mṛjyatevp·A·3s«√mṛj 

3. This divine (Soma), as it drops, is adorned with hymns
   by the sacrifice-desiring priests as a horse for battle.

eṣá víśvāni vā́ryā śū́ro yánniva sátvabʰiḥ |
pávamānaḥ siṣāsati || 4||

4.  eṣasr3msn viśvajnpa«√viś vāryannpa«√vṛ2  
    śūranmsn«√śūr yanttp·Amsn«√i ivac satvanjmpi«√as |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū siṣāsativp·A·3s«√san 

4. This strong one, as it drops, seems to encompass all desirable things
   with its power and seeks to bestow them upon us.

eṣá devó ratʰaryati pávamāno daśasyati |
āvíṣkṛṇoti vagvanúm || 5||

5.  eṣasr3msn devanmsn«√div ratʰaryativp·A·3s«√ṛ  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū daśasyativp·A·3s«√daś |
    āvisa«ā~√vid kṛṇotivp·A·3s«√kṛ vagvanunnsa«√vac 

5. This divine (Soma), as it drops, prepares its chariot to come to us;
   it flings us our boons, it utters a sound.

eṣá víprairabʰíṣṭuto'pó devó ví gāhate |
dádʰadrátnāni dāśúṣe || 6||

6.  eṣasr3msn viprajmpi«√vip abʰiṣṭutajmsn«abʰi~√stu  
    apnfpa devanmsn«√div vip gāhateva·A·3s«√gāh |
    dadʰattp·Amsn«√dʰā ratnannpa«√rā dāśvaṅstp·Imsd«√dāś 

6. This divine (Soma), praised by the priests and giving wealth to the worshipper,
   plunges into the waters.

eṣá dívaṃ ví dʰāvati tiró rájāṃsi dʰā́rayā |
pávamānaḥ kánikradat || 7||

7.  eṣasr3msn dyunmsa vip dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv  
    tirasa«√tṝ rajasnnpa«√raj dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand 

7. Making a sound as it drops in a continued stream,
   it rushes across the worlds into heaven.

eṣá dívaṃ vyā́sarattiró rájāṃsyáspṛtaḥ |
pávamānaḥ svadʰvaráḥ || 8||

8.  eṣasr3msn dyunmsa vip āp asaratvp·Aa3s«√sṛ  
    tirasa«√tṝ rajasnnpa«√raj aspṛtanmsn«a~√spṛ |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū svadʰvarajmsn 

8. As it drops, completing the sacrifice,
   it passes across the worlds inviolable to heaven.

eṣá pratnéna jánmanā devó devébʰyaḥ sutáḥ |
háriḥ pavítre arṣati || 9||

9.  eṣasr3msn pratnajmsi janmannmsi«√jan  
    devanmsn«√div devanmpd«√div sutajmsn«√su |
    harijmsn«√hṛ pavitrannsl«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ 

9. Divine and expressed for the gods by an ancient birth,
   the golden-hued (Soma) flows into the straining-cloth.

eṣá u syá puruvrató jajñānó janáyanníṣaḥ |
dʰā́rayā pavate sutáḥ || 10||

10. eṣasr3msn uc syar3msn (purujms«√pṝ-vratanns«√vṛ2)jmsn  
     jajñānatp·Imsn«√jan janayanttp·Amsn«√jan iṣnfpa«√iṣ |
     dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ pavateva·A·3s«√pū sutajmsn«√su 

10. Produced at our rite and producing abundant food, the Soma,
   efficacious in sacrifices, flows effused in a stream.

Sūkta 9.4 

sánā ca soma jéṣi ca pávamāna máhi śrávaḥ |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 1||

1.  sanāvp·Ao2s«√san cac somaNmsv«√su jeṣivp·A·2s«√ji cac  
    pavamānaNmsv«√pū mahijnsa«√mah śravasnnsa«√śru |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

1. Pure-dropping (Soma), bounteous food, welcome (the gods at our rite) and overcome (the demons);
   and make us happy.

sánā jyótiḥ sánā svàrvíśvā ca soma saúbʰagā |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 2||

2.  sanāvp·Ao2s«√san jyotisnnsa«√jyot sanāvp·Ao2s«√san svarnnsa  
    viśvajnpa«√viś cac somaNmsv«√su saubʰagannpa«su~√bʰaj |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

2. Soma, give us brightness, give us heaven, give us all good things;
   and make us happy.

sánā dákṣamutá krátumápa soma mṛ́dʰo jahi |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 3||

3.  sanāvp·Ao2s«√san dakṣanmsa«√dakṣ utac kratunmsa«√kṛ  
    apap somaNmsv«√su mṛdʰasnfpa«√mṛdʰ jahivp·Ao2s«√han |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

3. Soma, give us strength, give us wisdom, drive away our enemies;
   and make us happy.

pávītāraḥ punītána sómamíndrāya pā́tave |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 4||

4.  pavītṛnmpv«√pū punītanavp·Ao2p«√pū  
    somanmsa«√su indraNmsd«√ind pātaveva·A·3s«√pā |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

4. Priests, press out the Soma for Indra to drink;
   (O Soma,) make us happy.

tváṃ sū́rye na ā́ bʰaja táva krátvā távotíbʰiḥ |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 5||

5.  tvamr2msn sūryanmsl«√sū vayamr1mpd āp bʰajavp·Ao2s«√bʰaj  
    tvamr2msg kratunmsi«√kṛ tvamr2msg ūtinfpi«√av |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

5. Do thou, (O Soma,) by thy power and thy protections bring us to the sun,
   and make us happy.

táva krátvā távotíbʰirjyókpaśyema sū́ryam |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 6||

6.  tvamr2msg kratunmsi«√kṛ tvamr2msg ūtinfpi«√av  
    jyoka paśyemavp·Ai1p«√paś sūryanmsa«√sūr |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

6. By thy wisdom and thy protections may we long behold the sun;
   and do thou make us happy.

abʰyàrṣa svāyudʰa sóma dvibárhasaṃ rayím |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 7||

7.  abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ svāyudʰajmsv«su-ā~√yudʰ ​
    somaNmsv«√su (dviu-barhasnns)jmsa rayinmsa«√rā |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

7. Bright-weaponed Soma, shower upon us wealth abundant for both worlds;
   and make us happy.

abʰyàrṣā́napacyuto rayíṃ samátsu sāsahíḥ |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 8||

8.  abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ anapacyutajmsn«a-apa~√cyu ​
    rayinmsa«√rā samadnfpl«sa~√mad sāsahijmsn«√sah |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

8. O thou who art unvanquished in battle, smiter of enemies, shower wealth upon us,
   and make us happy.

tvā́ṃ yajñaíravīvṛdʰanpávamāna vídʰarmaṇi |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 9||

9.  tvamr2msa yajñanmpi«√yaj avīvṛdʰanva·U·3p«√vṛdʰ  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū vidʰarmannmsl«vi~√dʰṛ |
    atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

9. Pure-dropping (Soma), they glorify thee with the holy rites for their own upholding;
   make us happy.

rayíṃ naścitrámaśvínamíndo viśvā́yumā́ bʰara |
átʰā no vásyasaskṛdʰi || 10||

10. rayinmsa«√rā vayamr1mpa citrama«√cit aśvinjmsa«√aś  
     indunmsv«√ind (viśvajns«√viś-āyujns«√i)nnsa āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ |
     atʰāa vayamr1mpa vasyasjmpa«√vas kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

10. Indu, bring to us varied wealth, abundant in horses and all-reaching;
   and make us happy.

Sūkta 9.5 

sámiddʰo viśvátaspátiḥ pávamāno ví rājati |
prīṇánvṛ́ṣā kánikradat || 1||

1.  samiddʰajmsn«sam~√indʰ viśvatasa«√viś patinmsn«√pā2  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū vip rājativp·A·3s«√rāj |
    prīṇantjmsn«√prī vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand 

1. The pure-flowing (Soma) shines forth in its brightness,
   the universal lord, --- the showerer of blessings, the rejoicer, uttering a loud sound.

tánūnápātpávamānaḥ śṛ́ṅge śíśāno arṣati |
antárikṣeṇa rā́rajat || 2||

2.  (tanūjms«√tan-napātnms«√nap?)nmsn pavamānanmsn«√pū  
    śṛṅgannsl«√śṛṅ? śiśānata·Amsn«√śi arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    (antara-īkṣajms«√īkṣ)nnsi rārajattp·Amsn«√rāj 

2. The pure-flowing Tanunapat rushes sharpening its splendour on the height
   and hastens through the sky.

īḷényaḥ pávamāno rayírví rājati dyumā́n |
mádʰordʰā́rābʰirójasā || 3||

3.  īḷenyajmsn«√īḷ pavamānanmsn«√pū  
    rayinmsn«√rā vip rājativp·A·3s«√rāj dyumatjmsn«√dyut |
    madʰunnsg«√madʰ dʰārānfpi«√dʰṛ ojasnnsi«√vaj 

3. The pure-flowing bright (Soma), the bounteous giver, worthy of all praise,
   shines forth in its might with the streams of water.

barhíḥ prācī́namójasā pávamāna stṛṇánháriḥ |
devéṣu devá īyate || 4||

4.  barhisnnsa«√barh prācīnama«pra~√añc ojasnnsi«√vaj  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū stṛṇanttp·Amsn«√stṛ harijmsn«√hṛ |
    devanmpl«√div devanmsn«√div īyatevp·A·3s«√i 

4. The bright golden-hued pure-flowing one rushes in its might,
   strewing the sacred grass in the sacrifice with its points towards the east.

údā́tairjihate bṛháddvā́ro devī́rhiraṇyáyīḥ |
pávamānena súṣṭutāḥ || 5||

5.  udp ātanmpi«ā~√tan jihateva·A·3s«√hā bṛhata«√bṛh  
    dvārnfpa«√dvṛ devījfpa«√div hiraṇyayījfpa«√hṛ |
    pavamānanmsi«√pū suṣṭutajfpa«su~√stu 

5. The bright golden doors, praised by the priests together with the Soma,
   rise up from the vast horizon.

suśilpé bṛhatī́ mahī́ pávamāno vṛṣaṇyati |
náktoṣā́sā ná darśaté || 6||

6.  suśilpajnda bṛhatjnda«√bṛh mahjnda«√mah  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū vṛṣaṇyativp·A·3s«√vṛṣ |
    (naktanns-uṣasnfs«√vas2)nnda nac darśatajnda«√dṛś 

6. The pure-flowing (Soma) longs for the fair-formed wide-reaching
   mighty Night and Dawn not yet visible.

ubʰā́ devā́ nṛcákṣasā hótārā daívyā huve |
pávamāna índro vṛ́ṣā || 7||

7.  ubʰajmda devanmda«√div (nṛnms-cakṣasnns«√cakṣ)jmda  
    hotṛnmda«√hu daivyajmda«√div huvevp·A·1s«√hve |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū indraNmsn«√ind vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ 

7. I invoke the two divine priests, the two deities who behold men ---
   the pure-flowing (Soma) is radiant and the showerer of benefits.

bʰā́ratī pávamānasya sárasvatī́ḷā mahī́ |
imáṃ no yajñámā́ gamantisró devī́ḥ supéśasaḥ || 8||

8.  bʰāratīNfsn«√bʰṛ pavamānanmsg«√pū  
    sarasvatīNfsn«sa~√ras īḷāNfsn«√īḷ mahījfsn«√mah |
    ayamr3msa vayamr1mpg yajñanmsa«√yaj āp gamanva·AE3p«√gam  
    triu devīnfpn«√div supeśasjfpn«su~√piś 

8. May the three beautiful goddesses, Bharati, Saraswati, and mighty Ila,
   come to this our offering of the Soma.

tváṣṭāramagrajā́ṃ gopā́ṃ puroyā́vānamā́ huve |
índuríndro vṛ́ṣā háriḥ pávamānaḥ prajā́patiḥ || 9||

9.  tvaṣṭṛNmsa«√tvakṣ (agranns«√aṅg-janjms«√jan)jmsa (gonfs-pājms«√pā2)nmsa  
    (purasa«√pṝ-yāvanjms«√yā)jmsa āp huvevp·A·1s«√hve |
    induNmsn«√ind indraNmsn«√ind vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ harijmsn«√hṛ  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū (prajānfs«pra~√jan-patinms«√pā)Nmsn 

9. I invoke Twashtri, the first-born, the protector, the leader;
   the golden-coloured pure-flowing Indu is Indra, the showerer, the lord of all creatures.

vánaspátiṃ pavamāna mádʰvā sámaṅgdʰi dʰā́rayā |
sahásravalśaṃ háritaṃ bʰrā́jamānaṃ hiraṇyáyam || 10||

10. (vanasnns«√van-patinms«√pā2)nmsa pavamānanmsv«√pū  
     madʰujfsi«√madʰ samp aṅgdʰivp·Ao2s«√añj dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
     (sahasrau-valśanms)jmsa haritajmsa«√hṛ  
     bʰrājamānata·Amsa«√bʰrāj hiraṇyayajmsa«√hṛ 

10. Pure Soma, consecrate with thy streaming ambrosia
   the green bright golden-hued Vanaspati with its thousand branches.

víśve devāḥ svā́hākṛtiṃ pávamānasyā́ gata |
vāyúrbṛ́haspátiḥ sū́ryo'gníríndraḥ sajóṣasaḥ || 11||

11. viśvajmpn«√viś devanmpn«√div (svāhānfs«su~√ah-kṛtinfs«√kṛ)nfsa  
     pavamānanmsg«√pū āp gatavp·Ao3p«√gam |
     vāyuNmsn«√vā (bṛhnfsg«√bṛh-patinms«√pā2)Nmsn sūryaNmsn«√sūr  
     agniNmsn«√aṅg indraNmsn«√ind sajoṣasjmpn«sa~√juṣ 

11. O all ye gods, come together to the consecration of
   the Soma, Vayu, Vrihaspati, Surya, Agni, and Indra.

Sūkta 9.6 

mandráyā soma dʰā́rayā vṛ́ṣā pavasva devayúḥ |
ávyo vā́reṣvasmayúḥ || 1||

1.  mandrajfsi«√mand somanmsv«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsn |
    avinmsg vārannpl«√vṛ2 (vayamr1mpa-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

1. Soma, who art the showerer (of benefits), devoted to the gods, favourable to us,
   flow with thy exhilarating stream into the woollen sieve.

abʰí tyáṃ mádyaṃ mádamíndavíndra íti kṣara |
abʰí vājíno árvataḥ || 2||

2.  abʰip tyamr3msa madyajmsa«√mad madanmsa«√mad  
    indunmsv«√ind indraNmsn«√ind itia kṣaravp·Ao2s«√kṣar |
    abʰip vājinnmpa«√vāj arvatnmpa«√ṛ 

2. Indu, do thou, as sovereign, effuse that exhilarating juice,
   and pour forth vigorous steeds.

abʰí tyáṃ pūrvyáṃ mádaṃ suvānó arṣa pavítra ā́ |
abʰí vā́jamutá śrávaḥ || 3||

3.  abʰip tyamr3msa pūrvyajmsa«√pṝ madanmsa«√mad  
    suvānata·Amsn«√su arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ pavitrannsl«√pū āp |
    abʰip vājanmsa«√vāj utac śravasnnsa«√śru 

3. Rain out through the filter, while pressed, that ancient exhilarating fluid,
   and pour us forth strength and food.

ánu drapsā́sa índava ā́po ná pravátāsaran |
punānā́ índramāśata || 4||

4.  anup drapsanmpn indunmpn«√ind  
    apnfpn nac pravatnfsi asaranvp·Aa3p«√sṛ |
    punānajmpn«√pū indraNmsa«√ind āśatava·A·3p«√āś 

4. The quickly-falling drops, as they filter, follow Indra and reach him,
   like waters rushing down a declivity.

yámátyamiva vājínaṃ mṛjánti yóṣaṇo dáśa |
váne krī́ḷantamátyavim || 5||

5.  yasr3msa atyanmsa«√at? ivac vājinnmsa«√vāj  
    mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj yoṣannfpn«√yu daśau |
    vanannsl«√van krīḷanttp·Amsa«√krīḷ atyavijmsa 

5. That which sporting in the wood and spurting beyond the sieve, the ten sisters press,
   as (men rub down) a strong horse.

táṃ góbʰirvṛ́ṣaṇaṃ rásaṃ mádāya devávītaye |
sutáṃ bʰárāya sáṃ sṛja || 6||

6.  sasr3msa gonfpi vṛṣaṇajmsa«√vṛṣ rasanmsa«√ras  
    madanmsd«√mad (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd |
    sutajmsa«√su bʰaranmsd«√bʰṛ samp sṛjavp·Ao2s«√sṛj 

6. That desire-showering liquor, effused for the drink of the gods and for our exhilaration, ---
   mix with milk for prowess in battle.

devó devā́ya dʰā́rayéndrāya pavate sutáḥ |
páyo yádasya pīpáyat || 7||

7.  devanmsn«√div devanmsd«√div dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    indraNmsd«√ind pavateva·A·3s«√pū sutajmsn«√su |
    payasnnsn«√pī yadc ayamr3msg pīpayatvp·Ae3s«√pī 

7. The divine Soma, when effused, flows to the divine Indra in a stream,
   since its milk fattens him.

ātmā́ yajñásya ráṃhyā suṣvāṇáḥ pavate sutáḥ |
pratnáṃ ní pāti kā́vyam || 8||

8.  ātmannmsn«√an yajñanmsg«√yaj raṃhinfsi«√raṃh  
    suṣvāṇata·Amsn«√su pavateva·A·3s«√pū sutajmsn«√su |
    pratnajmsa nip pātivp·A·3s«√pā2 kāvyannsa«√kū 

8. The soul of the sacrifice, the effused Soma, flows with speed bringing blessings,
   and maintains his ancient seerhood.

evā́ punāná indrayúrmádaṃ madiṣṭʰa vītáye |
gúhā ciddadʰiṣe gíraḥ || 9||

9.  evac punānajmsn«√pū (indraNms«√ind-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
    madanmsa«√mad madiṣṭʰajmsv«√mad vītinfsd«√vī |
    guhānfsl«√guh cidc dadʰiṣeva·I·2s«√dʰā girnfpa«√gṝ 

9. Most exciting (Soma), devoted to Indra, as thou pourest forth the exhilarating juice for his drinking,
   thou emittest sounds in the secret hall of sacrifice.

Sūkta 9.7 

ásṛgramíndavaḥ patʰā́ dʰármannṛtásya suśríyaḥ |
vidānā́ asya yójanam || 1||

1.  asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj indunmpn«√ind patʰinnmsi«√pantʰ  
    dʰarmannnsl«√dʰṛ ṛtannsg«√ṛ suśrījmpn«su~√śrī |
    vidānata·Ampn«√vid ayamr3msg yojanannsa«√yuj 

1. The excellent streams (of the Soma), feeling a union with Indra,
   flow forth in the ceremony by the path of sacrifice.

prá dʰā́rā mádʰvo agriyó mahī́rapó ví gāhate |
havírhavíṣṣu vándyaḥ || 2||

2.  prap dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ madʰunnsg«√madʰ agriyanmsn«√aṅg  
    mahījfpa«√mah apnfpa vip gāhateva·A·3s«√gāh |
    havisnnsn«√hu havisnnpl«√hu vandyajmsn«√vand 

2. That which is to be praised as the oblation among oblations is immersed in the great (holy) waters,
   the stream of honey, the preeminent.

prá yujó vācó agriyó vṛ́ṣā́va cakradadváne |
sádmābʰí satyó adʰvaráḥ || 3||

3.  prap yujnmsb«√yuj vācnfsg«√vac agriyanmsn«√aṅg  
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ avap cakradatvp·U·3s«√krand vanannsl«√van |
    sadmannnsa«√sad abʰip satyajmsn«√as adʰvaranmsn 

3. The pre-eminent (Soma), the showerer of benefits, the truthful, the indestructible,
   utters continuous sounds, in the water, towards the sacrificial hall.

pári yátkā́vyā kavírnṛmṇā́ vásāno árṣati |
svàrvājī́ siṣāsati || 4||

4.  parip yadc kāvijmsi«√kū kavinmsn«√kū  
    (nṛnms-mnanfs«√man)nnpa vasānata·Amsn«√vas arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    svarnnsa«√svar vājinnmsn«√vāj siṣāsativp·A·3s«√san 

4. When the seer (Soma), wearing ample treasures, goes round the praises (of his worshippers),
   then the mighty (Indra) in heaven is eager to repair to the oblation.

pávamāno abʰí spṛ́dʰo víśo rā́jeva sīdati |
yádīmṛṇvánti vedʰásaḥ || 5||

5.  pavamānanmsn«√pū abʰip spṛdʰnfpa«√spardʰ  
    viśnfsg«√viś rājannmsn«√rāj ivac sīdativp·A·3s«√sad |
    yadc īmr3msa ṛṇvantivp·A·3p«√ṛ vedʰasjmpn«√vidʰ 

5. When the priests excite it, the flowing Soma like a king destroys opposing (demons and) men.

ávyo vā́re pári priyó hárirváneṣu sīdati |
rebʰó vanuṣyate matī́ || 6||

6.  avinmsg vāranmsl«√vṛ2 parip priyajmsn«√prī  
    harijmsn«√hṛ vanannpl«√van sīdativp·A·3s«√sad |
    rebʰajmsn«√ribʰ vanuṣyateva·A·3s«√van matinfsi«√man 

6. The green-tinted (Soma), dear to the gods, commingled with the water, sits down upon the woollen sieve;
   uttering a sound it is greeted by praise.

sá vāyúmíndramaśvínā sākáṃ mádena gacʰati |
ráṇā yó asya dʰármabʰiḥ || 7||

7.  sasr3msn vāyuNmsa«√vā indraNmsa«√ind aśvinNmda«√aś  
    sākama«sa~√añc madanmsi«√mad gacʰativp·A·3s«√gam |
    raṇanmsi«√raṇ yasr3msn ayamr3msg dʰarmannnpi«√dʰṛ 

7. He who is assiduous in the functions of (providing and preparing) the Soma,
   goes with exhilaration to Vayu, Indra, and the Asvins.

ā́ mitrā́váruṇā bʰágaṃ mádʰvaḥ pavanta ūrmáyaḥ |
vidānā́ asya śákmabʰiḥ || 8||

8.  āp (mitraNmda«√mitʰ-varuṇaNmda«√vṛ)Nmda bʰagaNmsa«√bʰaj  
    madʰunnsg«√madʰ pavantevp·A·3p«√pū ūrminmpn«√ṛ |
    vidānajmpn«√vid ayamr3msg śakmannnpi«√śak 

8. The streams of the sweet Soma flow to Mitra and Varuna and to Bhaga;
   the worshippers knowing its (virtues are rewarded) with happiness.

asmábʰyaṃ rodasī rayíṃ mádʰvo vā́jasya sātáye |
śrávo vásūni sáṃ jitam || 9||

9.  vayamr1mpd rodasnndv rayinmsa«√rā  
    madʰunnsg«√madʰ vājanmsg«√vāj sātinfsi«√san |
    śravasnnsa«√śru vasunnpa«√vas samp jitamvp·Ao2d«√ji 

9. Heaven and earth, for the acquisition of this exhilarating Soma food,
   win for us wealth, food, and treasures.

Sūkta 9.8 

eté sómā abʰí priyámíndrasya kā́mamakṣaran |
várdʰanto asya vīryàm || 1||

1.  etasr3mpn somanmpn«√su abʰip priyajmsa«√prī  
    indraNmsg«√ind kāmanmsa«√kam akṣaranvp·U·3p«√kṣar |
    vardʰanttp·Ampn«√vṛdʰ ayamr3msg vīryannsa«√vīr 

1. These Soma juices distill the dear desire of Indra,
   increasing his vigour.

punānā́saścamūṣádo gácʰanto vāyúmaśvínā |
té no dʰāntu suvī́ryam || 2||

2.  punānajmpn«√pū (camūnfs-sadjms«√sad)jmpn  
    gacʰanttp·Ampn«√gam vāyuNmsa«√vā aśvinNmda«√aś |
    sasr3mpn vayamr1mpd dʰāntuvp·Ao3p«√dʰā suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

2. Pure-flowing, filling the ladles, and proceeding to Vayu and the Asvins,
   may they sustain our energy.

índrasya soma rā́dʰase punānó hā́rdi codaya |
ṛtásya yónimāsádam || 3||

3.  indraNmsg«√ind somaNmsv«√su rādʰasnnsd«√rādʰ  
    punānajmsn«√pū hārdinnsa«√hṛ codayavp·Ao2s«√cud |
    ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsa«√yu āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

3. Soma, pure-flowing, desired for the gratification of Indra,
   do thou impel him to sit in the place of sacrifice.

mṛjánti tvā dáśa kṣípo hinvánti saptá dʰītáyaḥ |
ánu víprā amādiṣuḥ || 4||

4.  mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj tvamr2msa daśau kṣipnfpn«√kṣip  
    hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi saptau dʰītinfpn«√dʰī |
    anup vipranmpn«√vip amādiṣurvp·U·3p«√mad 

4. The ten fingers strain thee, the seven priests caress thee,
   the worshippers gladden thee.

devébʰyastvā mádāya káṃ sṛjānámáti meṣyàḥ |
sáṃ góbʰirvāsayāmasi || 5||

5.  devanmpd«√div tvamr2msa madanmsd«√mad kasr3msa  
    sṛjānata·Amsn«√sṛj atip meṣīnfpa«√miṣ |
    samp gonfpi vāsayāmasivp·A·1p«√vas 

5. As thou streamest on the water and the woollen sieve,
   we wrap thee up with milk for the exhilaration of the gods.

punānáḥ kaláśeṣvā́ vástrāṇyaruṣó háriḥ |
pári gávyānyavyata || 6||

6.  punānajmsn«√pū kalaśanmpl«√kal? āp  
    vastrannpa«√vas aruṣajmsn«√ruṣ harijmsn«√hṛ |
    parip gavyajnpa avyatava·U·3s«√vye 

6. Purified in the pitchers, radiant, and green-tinted,
   the Soma puts on the raiment derived from the cow.

magʰóna ā́ pavasva no jahí víśvā ápa dvíṣaḥ |
índo sákʰāyamā́ viśa || 7||

7.  magʰavanjmpa«√maṃh āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū vayamr1mpd  
    jahivp·Ao2s«√han viśvajfpa«√viś apap dviṣnfpa«√dviṣ |
    indunmsv«√ind sakʰinmsa«√sac āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

7. Flow to us, thy wealthy (worshippers); destroy all our enemies;
   Indu, enter thy friend.

vṛṣṭíṃ diváḥ pári srava dyumnáṃ pṛtʰivyā́ ádʰi |
sáho naḥ soma pṛtsú dʰāḥ || 8||

8.  vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ dyunmsb parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru  
    dyumnannsa pṛtʰivīnfsb«√pṛtʰ adʰip |
    sahasnnsa«√sah vayamr1mpd somanmsv«√su pṛtnfpl«√pṛc dʰāsvp·UE2s«√dʰā 

8. Pour down rain from heaven, and abundance upon the earth;
   uphold our strength, Soma, in battles.

nṛcákṣasaṃ tvā vayámíndrapītaṃ svarvídam |
bʰakṣīmáhi prajā́míṣam || 9||

9.  (nṛnms-cakṣasnns«√cakṣ)nmsa tvamr2msa vayamr1mpn  
    (indraNms«√ind-pītajms«√pā)jmsa (svarnns-vidjms«√vid)jmsa |
    bʰakṣīmahiva·Ai1p«√bʰakṣ prajānfsa«pra~√jan iṣnfsa«√iṣ 

9. (Adoring) thee, the contemplator of men, the beverage of Indra and the knower of all things,
   may we be blessed with progeny and food.

Sūkta 9.9 

pári priyā́ diváḥ kavírváyāṃsi naptyòrhitáḥ |
suvānó yāti kavíkratuḥ || 1||

1.  parip priyajnpa«√prī dyunmsg kavinmsn«√kū  
    vayasnnpa«√vī naptīnfdl«√nap? hitajmsn«√dʰā |
    suvānata·Amsn«√su yātivp·A·3s«√yā (kavinms«√kū-kratunms«√kṛ)jmsn 

1. The seer (Soma) having wise designs, when placed between the two boards and effused,
   proceeds to the stones which are most dear to heaven.

prápra kṣáyāya pányase jánāya júṣṭo adrúhe |
vītyàrṣa cániṣṭʰayā || 2||

2.  prap kṣayanmsd«√kṣi2 panyasjmsd«√pan  
    jananmsd«√jan juṣṭajmsn«√juṣ adruhjmsd«a~√druh |
    vītinfsi«√vī arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ caniṣṭʰanfsi«√can 

2. Go forth in a most abundant stream, ample for his sustenance,
   to the guileless man, thine owner, who praises thee.

sá sūnúrmātárā śúcirjātó jāté arocayat |
mahā́nmahī́ ṛtāvṛ́dʰā || 3||

3.  sasr3msn sūnunmsn«√sū mātṛnfda«√mā śucijmsn«√śuc  
    jātajmsn«√jan jātajfda«√jan arocayatvp·Aa3s«√ruc |
    mahatjmsn«√mah mahījfda«√mah (ṛtanns«√ṛ-āvṛdʰjfs«ā~√vṛdʰ)jfda 

3. That mighty and pure son, when born, illumines his mighty parents (heaven and earth),
   the progenitors of all things, the augmenters of the sacrifice.

sá saptá dʰītíbʰirhitó nadyò ajinvadadrúhaḥ |
yā́ ékamákṣi vāvṛdʰúḥ || 4||

4.  sasr3msn saptau dʰītinfpi«√dʰī hitajmsn«√hi  
    nadīnfpa«√nad ajinvadvp·Aa3s«√jinv adruhjfpa«a~√druh |
    yār3fpn ekau akṣinnsa vāvṛdʰurvp·I·3p«√vṛdʰ 

4. Effused by the fingers, (Soma) gladdens the seven guileless rivers,
   who have magnified him one and undecaying.

tā́ abʰí sántamástṛtaṃ mahé yúvānamā́ dadʰuḥ |
índumindra táva vraté || 5||

5.  tār3fpn abʰip santtp·Amsa«√as astṛtajmsa«a~√stṛ  
    mahev···D··«√mah yuvanjmsa«√yu āp dadʰurva·I·3p«√dʰā |
    indunmsa«√ind indraNmsv«√ind tvamr2msg vratannsl«√vṛ2 

5. Indra, at thy worship, they (the fingers) have provided the present,
   indestructible, and ever-youthful Indu for thy solemn service.

abʰí váhnirámartyaḥ saptá paśyati vā́vahiḥ |
krívirdevī́ratarpayat || 6||

6.  abʰip vahninmsn«√vah amartyajmsn«a~√mṛ  
    saptau paśyativp·A·3s«√paś vāvahijmsn«√vah |
    krivijmsn«√kṛ devīnfpa«√div atarpayatvp·Aa3s«√tṛp 

6. The immortal bearer (of the oblation), the conveyer (of content to the gods), beholds the seven rivers, --- full as a well,
   he has satisfied the divine streams.

ávā kálpeṣu naḥ pumastámāṃsi soma yódʰyā |
tā́ni punāna jaṅgʰanaḥ || 7||

7.  avap kalpanmpl«√klṛp vayamr1mpg puṃsnmsv  
    tamasnnpa«√tam somaNmsv«√su yodʰyajnpa«√yudʰ |
    tadr3npa punānajmsv«√pū jaṅgʰanasvp·Ae3s«√han 

7. Protect us, manly Soma, in the days of sacrifice;
   purifier, destroy those powers of darkness against which we must contend.

nū́ návyase návīyase sūktā́ya sādʰayā patʰáḥ |
pratnavádrocayā rúcaḥ || 8||

8.  nua navyasjnsd«√nu navīyaṃsjnsd«√nu  
    sūktannsd«su~√vac sādʰayavp·Ao2s«√sādʰ patʰnmpa«√pantʰ |
    pratnavata rocayavp·Ao2s«√ruc rucnfpa«√ruc 

8. Quickly speed on the road for our new praise-worthy hymn;
   as of old display thy radiance.

pávamāna máhi śrávo gā́máśvaṃ rāsi vīrávat |
sánā medʰā́ṃ sánā svàḥ || 9||

9.  pavamānanmsv«√pū mahijnsa«√mah śravasnnsa«√śru  
    gonfsa aśvanmsa«√aś rāsivp·A·2s«√rā vīravatjmsn«√vīr |
    sanavp·Ao2s«√san medʰānfsa«√midʰ sanavp·Ao2s«√san svarnnsa 

9. Purifier (Soma), thou grantest us abundant food with male offspring, and cattle and horses; give us understanding, give us all (we desire).

Sūkta 9.10 

prá svānā́so rátʰā ivā́rvanto ná śravasyávaḥ |
sómāso rāyé akramuḥ || 1||

1.  prap svānajmpn«√svan ratʰanmpn«√ṛ ivac  
    arvantnmpn«√ṛ nac (śravasnns«√śru-yujms«√yu)jmpn |
    somanmpn«√su rāyinmsd«√rā akramurvp·U·3p«√kram 

1. Longing for food the Soma-juices, uttering a sound like chariots or like horses,
   have come for the sake of riches.

hinvānā́so rátʰā iva dadʰanviré gábʰastyoḥ |
bʰárāsaḥ kāríṇāmiva || 2||

2.  hinvānata·Ampn«√hi ratʰanmpn«√ṛ ivac  
    dadʰanvireva·I·3p«√dʰanv gabʰastinmdl |
    bʰaranmpn«√bʰṛ kārinnmpg«√kṛ ivac 

2. Coming like chariots (to the sacrifice), they are upheld in the arms (of the priests)
   as burdens (in the arms) of labourers.

rā́jāno ná práśastibʰiḥ sómāso góbʰirañjate |
yajñó ná saptá dʰātṛ́bʰiḥ || 3||

3.  rājānata·Amsn«√rāj nac praśastinfpi«pra~√śaṃs  
    somajmpn«√su gonfpi añjateva·A·3p«√añj |
    yajñanmsn«√yaj nac saptau dʰātṛnmpi«√dʰā 

3. The libations are anointed with milk as kings with praises,
   and (tended) as a sacrifice by seven priests.

pári suvānā́sa índavo mádāya barháṇā girā́ |
sutā́ arṣanti dʰā́rayā || 4||

4.  parip suvānata·Ampn«√su indunmpn«√ind  
    madanmsd«√mad barhaṇājfsi«√bṛh girnfsi«√gṝ |
    sutajmpn«√su arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ 

4. The Soma-juices, when poured forth, are effused with loud praise,
   and proceed in a stream to excite exhilaration.

āpānā́so vivásvato jánanta uṣáso bʰágam |
sū́rā áṇvaṃ ví tanvate || 5||

5.  āpānatp·Impn«√āp vivasvatNmsg«√vas  
    janantjmpn«√jan uṣasnfsg«√vas2 bʰaganmsa«√bʰaj |
    sūrajmpn«√sūr aṇunmsa vip tanvateva·A·3p«√tan 

5. The beverages of Vivaswat and producing the glory of the dawn,
   the issuing juices spread their sound.

ápa dvā́rā matīnā́ṃ pratnā́ ṛṇvanti kārávaḥ |
vṛ́ṣṇo hárasa āyávaḥ || 6||

6.  apap dvārannpa«√dvṛ matinfpg«√man  
    pratnajmpn ṛṇvantivp·A·3p«√ṛ kārunmpn«√kṛ2 |
    vṛṣannmsg«√vṛṣ harasnnsd«√hṛ āyujmpn«√i 

6. The old makers of hymns, men the offerers of the Soma,
   throw open the doors (of the sacrifice).

samīcīnā́sa āsate hótāraḥ saptájāmayaḥ |
padámékasya píprataḥ || 7||

7.  samīcīnajfpn«sam~√añc āsatevp·A·3p«√ās  
    hotṛnmpn«√hu (saptau-jāminfs«√jan)nfpn |
    padannsa«√pad ekajmsg piprattp·Ampn«√pṛ 

7. The seven associated ministers like so many kinsmen, filling the receptacle of the single (Soma),
   sit down (at the sacrifice).

nā́bʰā nā́bʰiṃ na ā́ dade cákṣuścitsū́rye sácā |
kavérápatyamā́ duhe || 8||

8.  nābʰinfsl«√nabʰ nābʰinfsa«√nabʰ vayamr1mpg āp dadevp·I·3s«√dā  
    cakṣusnnsa«√cakṣ cidc sūryanmsl«√sūr sacāa«√sac |
    kavinmsg«√kū apatyannsa āp duhevp·A·3s«√duh 

8. I take into my navel the navel of the sacrifice, my eye becomes associated with the sun,
   I fill the offspring of the sage.

abʰí priyā́ diváspadámadʰvaryúbʰirgúhā hitám |
sū́raḥ paśyati cákṣasā || 9||

9.  abʰip priyājnpa«√prī dyunmsg«√dyu padannsa«√pad  
    (adʰvaranms-yujms«√yu)jmpi guhānfsl«√guh hitajnsa«√dʰā |
    sūranmsn«√sūr paśyativp·A·3s«√paś cakṣasnnsi«√cakṣ 

9. The powerful (Indra) looks with the eye of his own resplendent self on the acceptable place of the Soma,
   fixed by the priests in the heart.

Sūkta 9.11 

úpāsmai gāyatā naraḥ pávamānāyéndave |
abʰí devā́m̐ íyakṣate || 1||

1.  upap ayamr3msd gāyatavp·AE2p«√gai nṛnmpv  
    pavamānajmsd«√pū indunmsd«√ind |
    abʰip devanmpa«√div iyakṣateva·A·3s«√yaj 

1. Sing, leaders of rites, to this pure-flowing Indu,
   who is desirous of offering worship to the gods.

abʰí te mádʰunā páyó'tʰarvāṇo aśiśrayuḥ |
deváṃ devā́ya devayú || 2||

2.  abʰip tvamr2msg madʰunnsi«√madʰ payasnnsa«√pī  
    atʰarvannmpn«√atʰar? aśiśrayurvp·I·3p«√śri |
    devanmsa«√div devanmsd«√div (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jnsa 

2. The Atharvans have mixed with sweet milk for the deity (Indra)
   thy divine and god-devoted juice.

sá naḥ pavasva śáṃ gáve śáṃ jánāya śámárvate |
śáṃ rājannóṣadʰībʰyaḥ || 3||

3.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū śamnfsa«√śam gonfsd  
    śamnfsa«√śam jananmsd«√jan śamnfsa«√śam arvatnmsd«√ṛ |
    śamnfsa«√śam rājannmsv«√rāj (oṣanms«√uṣ-dʰijfs«√dʰā)nfpd 

3. Radiant (Soma), do thou pour prosperity upon our cattle,
   upon our people, upon our horses, and upon our plants.

babʰráve nú svátavase'ruṇā́ya divispṛ́śe |
sómāya gātʰámarcata || 4||

4.  babʰrujmsd«√bʰṛ nuc svatavasjmsd«sva~√tu  
    aruṇajmsd«√ṛ (dyunmsl-spṛśjms«√spṛś)jmsd |
    somanmsd«√su gātʰanmsa«√gai arcatavp·AE2p«√ṛc 

4. Recite praises to the brown-coloured self-vigorous
   red heaven-touching Soma.

hástacyutebʰirádribʰiḥ sutáṃ sómaṃ punītana |
mádʰāvā́ dʰāvatā mádʰu || 5||

5.  (hastanms-cyutajms«√cyu)jmpi adrinmpi«√dṛ  
    sutajmsa«√su somanmsa«√su punītanavp·Ao2p«√pū |
    madʰunnsl«√madʰ āp dʰāvatāvp·Ao2p«√dʰāv madʰunnsa«√madʰ 

5. Purify the Soma which has been effused by the stones whirled by the hands;
   mix the sweet (milk) in the inebriating juice.

námasédúpa sīdata dadʰnédabʰí śrīṇītana |
índumíndre dadʰātana || 6||

6.  namasnnsi«√nam idc upap sīdatavp·Ao2p«√sad  
    dadʰannnsi idc abʰip śrīṇītanavp·AE2p«√śrī |
    indunmsa«√ind indraNmsl«√ind dadʰātanavp·AE2p«√dʰā 

6. Approach with reverence, mix (the libation) with the curds,
   offer the Soma to Indra.

amitrahā́ vícarṣaṇiḥ pávasva soma śáṃ gáve |
devébʰyo anukāmakṛ́t || 7||

7.  (amitranms«a~√mitʰ-hanjms«√han)jmsn vicarṣaṇijmsn«vi~√kṛṣ  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū śama«√śam gonfsd |
    devanmpd«√div (anup-kāmanms«√kam-kṛtjms«√kṛ)jmsn 

7. Soma, slayer of our enemies, the wise one, the fulfiller of the desires of the gods,
   do thou shed prosperity on our cattle.

índrāya soma pā́tave mádāya pári ṣicyase |
manaścínmánasaspátiḥ || 8||

8.  indraNmsd«√ind somaNmsv«√su pātavev···D··«√pā  
    madanmsd«√mad parip sicyasevp·A·2s«√sic |
    (manasnns«√man-citjms«√cit)jmsn manasnnsg«√man patinmsn«√pā 

8. Soma, who art cognizant of the mind, lord of the mind,
   thou art poured forth for Indra to drink for his exhilaration.

pávamāna suvī́ryaṃ rayíṃ soma rirīhi naḥ |
índavíndreṇa no yujā́ || 9||

9.  pavamānanmsv«√pū suvīryannsa«su~√vīr  
    rayinmsa«√rā somaNmsv«√su rirīhivp·Ao2s«√rā vayamr1mpd |
    indunmsv«√ind indraNmsi«√ind vayamr1mpa yujnfsi«√yuj 

9. Pure-dropping Soma, grant us wealth with excellent male offspring,
   grant it to us, Indu, with Indra as our ally.

Sūkta 9.12 

sómā asṛgramíndavaḥ sutā́ ṛtásya sā́dane |
índrāya mádʰumattamāḥ || 1||

1.  somajmpn«√su asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj indunmpn«√ind  
    sutajmpn«√su ṛtannsg«√ṛ sādanannsl«√sad |
    indraNmsd«√ind madʰumattamajmpn«√madʰ 

1. The most sweet-flavoured Soma-libations are poured forth
   to Indra in the hall of sacrifice.

abʰí víprā anūṣata gā́vo vatsáṃ ná mātáraḥ |
índraṃ sómasya pītáye || 2||

2.  abʰip viprajmpn«√vip anūṣatava·U·3p«√nu  
    gonfpn vatsanmsa nac mātṛnfpn«√mā |
    indraNmsa«√ind somanmsg«√su pītinfsd«√pā 

2. The wise (priests) call upon Indra to drink the Soma
   as the mother kine low to their calves.

madacyútkṣeti sā́dane síndʰorūrmā́ vipaścít |
sómo gaurī́ ádʰi śritáḥ || 3||

3.  (madanms«√mad-cyutjms«√cyu)jmsn kṣetivp·A·3s«√kṣi2 sādanannsl«√sad  
    sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ūrminmsl«√ṛ (vipnfpa«√vip-citjms«√ci)jmsn |
    somanmsn«√su gaurīnfsl adʰip śritajmsn«√śri 

3. The wise Soma, the bestower of exhilaration, dwells in the hall (of sacrifice),
   mixed with the waves of the river to a chant in the middle tone.

divó nā́bʰā vicakṣaṇó'vyo vā́re mahīyate |
sómo yáḥ sukrátuḥ kavíḥ || 4||

4.  dyunmsg«√dyu nābʰinfsl«√nabʰ vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ  
    avinmsg vāranmsl«√vṛ2 mahīyateva·A·3s«√mah |
    somanmsn«√su yasr3msn sukratujmsn«su~√kṛ kavinmsn«√kū 

4. Soma, the observant, who is the wise seer, is worshipped
   in the navel of the sky, the woollen filter.

yáḥ sómaḥ kaláśeṣvā́m̐ antáḥ pavítra ā́hitaḥ |
támínduḥ pári ṣasvaje || 5||

5.  yasr3msn somanmsn«√su kalaśanmpl«√kal? āp  
    antara pavitrannsl«√pū āhitajmsn«ā~√dʰā |
    sasr3msa indunmsn«√ind parip sasvajevp·I·3s«√svaj 

5. Indu has embraced that Soma which is collected in the ewers
   and has been passed through the filter.

prá vā́camínduriṣyati samudrásyā́dʰi viṣṭápi |
jínvankóśaṃ madʰuścútam || 6||

6.  prap vācnfsa«√vac indunmsn«√ind iṣyativp·A·3s«√iṣ  
    samudranmsg«sam~√ud adʰip viṣṭapnfsl«vi~√stambʰ |
    jinvanttp·Amsn«√jinv kośanmsa«√kuś (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa 

6. Indu emits a sound, abiding in the firmament of the sky,
   and delighting the nectar-shedding cloud.

nítyastotro vánaspátirdʰīnā́mantáḥ sabardúgʰaḥ |
hinvānó mā́nuṣā yugā́ || 7||

7.  (nityajns«√ni-stotranns«√stu)jmsn (vanasnns«√van-patinms«√pā2)nmsn  
    dʰīnfpg«√dʰī antara (sabarnns-dugʰajms«√duh)jmsn |
    hinvānata·Amsn«√hi mānuṣajnpa«√man yugannpa«√yuj 

7. Soma, whose praise is eternal, the lord of forests, the shedder of nectar,
   and rejoicing the generations of men, (is present) in the midst of our sacred rites.

abʰí priyā́ diváspadā́ sómo hinvānó arṣati |
víprasya dʰā́rayā kavíḥ || 8||

8.  abʰip priyajnpa«√prī dyunmsg padannpa«√pad  
    somanmsn«√su hinvānata·Amsn«√hi arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    viprajmsg«√vip dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ kavinmsn«√kū 

8. The sage Soma, urged from heaven, flows in a stream
   to the beloved abodes of his devout (worshipper).

ā́ pavamāna dʰāraya rayíṃ sahásravarcasam |
asmé indo svābʰúvam || 9||

9.  āp pavamānanmsv«√pū dʰārayavp·Ao2s«√dʰṛ  
    rayinmsa«√rā (sahasrau-varcasnns«√ruc)jmsa |
    vayamr1mpl indunmsv«√ind svābʰūjmsa«su-

9. Purifying Indu, bestow upon us wealth of a thousand radiances,
   excellent in its nature.

Sūkta 9.13 

sómaḥ punānó arṣati sahásradʰāro átyaviḥ |
vāyóríndrasya niṣkṛtám || 1||

1.  somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ  
    (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn atyavijmsn |
    vāyuNmsg«√vā indraNmsg«√ind niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ 

1. The purifying Soma, flowing in a thousand streams and passing through the woollen filter,
   proceeds to the prepared vessel for Vayu and Indra.

pávamānamavasyavo vípramabʰí prá gāyata |
suṣvāṇáṃ devávītaye || 2||

2.  pavamānanmsa«√pū (avasnns«√av-yujms«√yu)jmpv  
    viprajmsa«√vip abʰip prap gāyatavp·AE2p«√gai |
    suṣvāṇata·Amsa«√su (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd 

2. Sing aloud, ye who are desirous of (divine) protection, to the purifying wise Soma,
   effused for the beverage of the gods.

pávante vā́jasātaye sómāḥ sahásrapājasaḥ |
gṛṇānā́ devávītaye || 3||

3.  pavanteva·A·3p«√pū (vājanms«√vāj-sātinfs«√san)nfsd  
    somanmpn«√su (sahasrau-pājasnns«√pāj)jmpn |
    gṛṇānatp·Ampn«√gṝ (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd 

3. The Soma-juices flow for the attainment of food, giving abundance of strength
   and hymned (to become) the beverage of the gods.

utá no vā́jasātaye pávasva bṛhatī́ríṣaḥ |
dyumádindo suvī́ryam || 4||

4.  utac vayamr1mpd (vājanms«√vāj-sātinfs«√san)nfsd  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū bṛhatījfpa«√bṛh iṣnfpa«√iṣ |
    dyumatjnsa«√dyut induNmsv«√ind suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

4. Yea, Indu, for our attainment of food pour forth abundant streams,
   and splendid and excellent vigour.

té naḥ sahasríṇaṃ rayíṃ pávantāmā́ suvī́ryam |
suvānā́ devā́sa índavaḥ || 5||

5.  sasr3mpn vayamr1mpd sahasrinjmsa rayinmsa«√rā  
    pavantāmva·Ao3p«√pū āp suvīryannsa«su~√vīr |
    suvānata·Ampn«√su devajmpn«√div indunmpn«√ind 

5. May those divine libations, when effused, bring to us
   thousand-fold wealth and excellent vigour.

átyā hiyānā́ ná hetṛ́bʰirásṛgraṃ vā́jasātaye |
ví vā́ramávyamāśávaḥ || 6||

6.  atyanmpn«√at? hiyānata·Ampn«√hi nac hetṛnmpi«√hi  
    asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj (vājanms«√vāj-sātinfs«√san)nfsd |
    vip vāranmsa«√vṛ2 avyajmsa āśujmpn«√aś 

6. Like horses urged to battle by their drivers,
   the swift-flowing juices hasten through the woollen fleece.

vāśrā́ arṣantī́ndavo'bʰí vatsáṃ ná dʰenávaḥ |
dadʰanviré gábʰastyoḥ || 7||

7.  vāśrājmpn«√vāś arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ indunmpn«√ind  
    abʰip vatsanmsa nac dʰenunfpn«√dʰe |
    dadʰanvireva·I·3p«√dʰanv gabʰastinmdl 

7. Making a loud noise, the libations flow (to the the vessel) like cows lowing to their calves; they are held in the arms (of the priests).

júṣṭa índrāya matsaráḥ pávamāna kánikradat |
víśvā ápa dvíṣo jahi || 8||

8.  juṣṭajmsn«√juṣ indraNmsd«√ind (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmsn  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand |
    viśvajfpa«√viś apap dviṣnfpa«√dviṣ jahivp·Ao2s«√han 

8. Acceptable and giving delight to Indra, pure (Soma), do thou,
   as thou utterest a sound, destroy all our enemies.

apagʰnánto árāvṇaḥ pávamānāḥ svardṛ́śaḥ |
yónāvṛtásya sīdata || 9||

9.  apagʰnanttp·Ampn«apa~√han arāvanjmpa«a~√rā  
    pavamānajmpn«√pū (svarnns-dṛśjms«√dṛś)jmpn |
    yoninmsl«√yu ṛtannsg«√ṛ sīdatavp·Ao2p«√sad 

9. Pure (libations), beholding all things and destroying those who worship not,
   sit down in the place of sacrifice.

Sūkta 9.14 

pári prā́siṣyadatkavíḥ síndʰorūrmā́vádʰi śritáḥ |
kāráṃ bíbʰratpuruspṛ́ham || 1||

1.  parip prap asiṣyadatva·U·3s«√syand kavinmsn«√kū  
    sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ūrminmsl«√ṛ adʰip śritajmsn«√śri |
    kāranmsa«√kṛ bibʰrattp·Amsn«√bʰṛ (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jmsa 

1. The wise (Soma) flows widely round, betaking itself to the waves of the river,
   and uttering a sound desired by many.

girā́ yádī sábandʰavaḥ páñca vrā́tā apasyávaḥ |
pariṣkṛṇvánti dʰarṇasím || 2||

2.  girnfsi«√gṝ yadr3nsl sabandʰujmpn«sa~√bandʰ  
    pañcau vrātanmpn«√vṛ2 (apasnns-yujms«√yu)nmpn |
    pariṣkṛṇvantivp·A·3p«pari~√kṛ dʰarṇasijmsa«√dʰṛ 

2. When the five kindred sacrificing races, desirous of accomplishing pious rites,
   honour the sustaining (Soma) with their praise,---

ā́dasya śuṣmíṇo ráse víśve devā́ amatsata |
yádī góbʰirvasāyáte || 3||

3.  ātc ayamr3msg śuṣminjmsg«√śuṣ rasanmsl«√ras  
    viśvajmpn«√viś devanmpn«√div amatsatavp·U·3p«√mad |
    yadr3nsl gonfpi vasāyateva·A·3s«√vas 

3. Then all the gods rejoice in the juice of this powerful (libation),
   when it is enveloped with milk and curds.

niriṇānó ví dʰāvati jáhacʰáryāṇi tā́nvā |
átrā sáṃ jigʰnate yujā́ || 4||

4.  niriṇānajmsn«ni~√rī vip dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv  
    jahattp·Amsn«√hā śaryannpa«√śrī tānvajnpa«√tan |
    ar3nsl samp jigʰnateva·A·3s«√han yujnmsi«√yuj 

4. Descending from the filters it hastens (into the vessel), and passing through the cloth's interstices,
   it becomes united in this (sacrifice) with its friend (Indra).

naptī́bʰiryó vivásvataḥ śubʰró ná māmṛjé yúvā |
gā́ḥ kṛṇvānó ná nirṇíjam || 5||

5.  naptīnfpi«√nap? yasr3msn vivasvatNmsg«√vas  
    śubʰrajmsn«√śubʰ nac māmṛjeva·I·3s«√mṛj yuvannmsn«√yu |
    gonfpa kṛṇvānata·Amsn«√kṛ nac nirṇijnfsa«nis~√nij 

5. He who is rubbed down by the grandchildren of the sacrificer like a handsome young (horse),
   and renders his form like the produce of the kine.

áti śritī́ tiraścátā gavyā́ jigātyáṇvyā |
vagnúmiyarti yáṃ vidé || 6||

6.  atip śritinfda«√śri (tirasa«√tṝ-catāa«√añc)a  
    gavīnfsi jigātivp·A·3s«√gā aṇvījfsi«√aṇ? |
    vagnunmsa«√vac iyartivp·A·3s«√ṛ yasr3msa videv···D··«√vid 

6. Expressed by the fingers, he proceeds obliquely to the produce of the cow to mix with it;
   it utters a sound which (the worshipper) recognizes.

abʰí kṣípaḥ sámagmata marjáyantīriṣáspátim |
pṛṣṭʰā́ gṛbʰṇata vājínaḥ || 7||

7.  abʰip kṣipnfpn«√kṣip samp agmatava·U·3p«√gam  
    marjayantītp·Afpa«√mṛj iṣnfsg«√iṣ patinmsa«√pā2 |
    pṛṣṭʰannpa«pra~√stʰā gṛbʰṇatavp·AE3p«√grah vājinnmsg«√vāj 

7. The fingers combine expressing the lord of food,
   and they grasp the back of the vigorous (Soma).

pári divyā́ni mármṛśadvíśvāni soma pā́rtʰivā |
vásūni yāhyasmayúḥ || 8||

8.  parip divyajnpa«√div marmṛśatv···D··«√mṛś  
    viśvajnpa«√viś somaNmsv«√su pārtʰivajnpa«√pṛtʰ |
    vasunnpa«√vas yāhivp·Ao2s«√yā (vayamr1mpa-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

8. Soma, who holdest all the treasures of heaven and earth,
   come favourably disposed to us.

Sūkta 9.15 

eṣá dʰiyā́ yātyáṇvyā śū́ro rátʰebʰirāśúbʰiḥ |
gácʰanníndrasya niṣkṛtám || 1||

1.  eṣasr3msn dʰīnfsi«√dʰī yātivp·A·3s«√yā aṇvījfsi  
    śūranmsn«√śūr ratʰanmpi«√ṛ āśujmpi«√aś |
    gacʰanttp·Ampn«√gam indraNmsg«√ind niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ 

1. This heroic Soma expressed by the fingers proceeds by the sacrifice,
   hastening with swift chariots to Indra's abode.

eṣá purū́ dʰiyāyate bṛhaté devátātaye |
yátrāmṛ́tāsa ā́sate || 2||

2.  eṣasr3msn purua«√pṝ dʰiyāyateva·A·3s«√dʰī  
    bṛhatjmsd«√bṛh (devanms«√div-tātinms«√tan)nmsd |
    yadr3nsl amṛtajmpn«a~√mṛ āsatevp·A·3p«√ās 

2. This Soma engages in many holy rites for the great sacrifice
   where the immortals sit.

eṣá hitó ví nīyate'ntáḥ śubʰrā́vatā patʰā́ |
yádī tuñjánti bʰū́rṇayaḥ || 3||

3.  eṣasr3msn hitajmsn«√hi vip nīyatevp·A·3s«√nī  
    antara śubʰrāvantjmsi«√śubʰ patʰinnmsi«√pantʰ |
    yadr3nsl tuñjantivp·A·3p«√tuj bʰūrṇijfpn«√bʰur 

3. Placed (in the cart) he is brought by a brilliant path,
   when the offerers of the libation present him.

eṣá śṛ́ṅgāṇi dódʰuvacʰíśīte yūtʰyò vṛ́ṣā |
nṛmṇā́ dádʰāna ójasā || 4||

4.  eṣasr3msn śṛṅgannpa«√śṛṅ? dodʰuvattp·Amsn«√dʰū  
    śiśīteva·A·3s«√śo yūtʰyajmsn«√yu vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ |
    (nṛnms-mnanfs«√man)nnpa dadʰānatp·Imsn«√dʰā ojasnnsi«√vaj 

4. He tosses his horns as a bull, the lord of the herd, sharpens his,
   bearing treasures (for us) by his might.

eṣá rukmíbʰirīyate vājī́ śubʰrébʰiraṃśúbʰiḥ |
pátiḥ síndʰūnāṃ bʰávan || 5||

5.  eṣasr3msn rukminjmpi«√ruc īyateva·A·3s«√i  
    vājinnmsn«√vāj śubʰrajmpi«√śubʰ aṃśunmpi«√aś |
    patinmsn«√pā2 sindʰunmpg«√sindʰ bʰavantstp·A?sn«√bʰū 

5. He proceeds along impetuous with golden brilliant rays,
   a the lord of streams.

eṣá vásūni pibdanā́ páruṣā yayivā́m̐ áti |
áva śā́deṣu gacʰati || 6||

6.  eṣasr3msn vasunnpa«√vas pibdanajnpa«api~√pad  
    paruṣajnpa«√parv yayivanttp·Ams?«√yā atip |
    avap śādanmpl«√śad gacʰativp·A·3s«√gam 

6. Overpowering at the juncture of time the discomfited concealers (the Rakshasas),
   he descends upon those doomed to destruction.

etáṃ mṛjanti márjyamúpa dróṇeṣvāyávaḥ |
pracakrāṇáṃ mahī́ríṣaḥ || 7||

7.  etasr3msa mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj marjyajmsa«√mṛj  
    upap droṇannpl«√dru āyujmpn«√i |
    pracakrāṇajmsa«pra~√kṛ mahījfpa«√mah iṣnfpa«√iṣ 

7. The priests express into the vessels this juice
   which is to be purified, the bestower of abundant food.

etámu tyáṃ dáśa kṣípo mṛjánti saptá dʰītáyaḥ |
svāyudʰáṃ madíntamam || 8||

8.  eṣasr3msa uc syar3mpn daśau kṣipnfpn«√kṣip  
    mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj saptau dʰītinfpn«√dʰī |
    svāyudʰajmsa«su-ā~√yudʰ madintamajmsa«√mad 

8. The ten fingers, the seven priests, express this (juice),
   well-weaponed, and yielding great exhilaration.

Sūkta 9.16 

prá te sotā́ra oṇyò rásaṃ mádāya gʰṛ́ṣvaye |
sárgo ná taktyétaśaḥ || 1||

1.  prap tvamr2msg sotṛnmpn«√su oṇīnmdl«√oṇ  
    rasanmsa«√ras madanmsd«√mad gʰṛṣvijmsd«√hṛṣ |
    sarganmsn«√sṛj nac taktivp·A·3s«√tak etaśajmsn 

1. They who express thee, the juice of heaven and earth, do it for the foe-destroying exhilaration (of Indra);
   thy flow rushes as a swift horse.

krátvā dákṣasya ratʰyàmapó vásānamándʰasā |
goṣā́máṇveṣu saścima || 2||

2.  kratunmsi«√kṛ dakṣanmsg«√dakṣ ratʰīnmsa«√ṛ  
    apnfpa vasānata·Amsa«√vas andʰasnnsi«√andʰ |
    (gonfs-sanjms«√san)nmsa aṇvanmpl saścimava·I·1p«√sac 

2. In pious rite by our fingers we mix with the milk (the Soma),
   the bringer of strength, the sender of kine, who envelopes the water.

ánaptamapsú duṣṭáraṃ sómaṃ pavítra ā́ sṛja |
punīhī́ndrāya pā́tave || 3||

3.  anaptajmsa apnfpl duṣṭarajmsa«dus~√tṝ  
    somanmsa«√su pavitrannsl«√pū āp sṛjavp·Ao2s«√sṛj |
    punīhivp·Ao2s«√pū indraNmsd«√ind pātavev···D··«√pā 

3. Cast into the filtering cloth the unassailable invincible (Soma),
   abiding in the waters (of the firmament); purify it for the drinking of Indra.

prá punānásya cétasā sómaḥ pavítre arṣati |
krátvā sadʰástʰamā́sadat || 4||

4.  prap punānajmsg«√pū cetasnnsi«√cit  
    somanmsn«√su pavitrannsl«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    kratunmsi«√kṛ (sadʰaa-stʰajms«√stʰā)nnsa āp asadatvp·U·3s«√sad 

4. The Soma of him who is purified by worship
   flows upon the filter and settles in the place common with the ceremony.

prá tvā námobʰiríndava índra sómā asṛkṣata |
mahé bʰárāya kāríṇaḥ || 5||

5.  prap tvamr2msa namasnnpi«√nam indunmpn«√ind  
    indraNmsv«√ind somajmpn«√su asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj |
    mahjmsd«√mah bʰaranmsd«√bʰṛ kārinjmpn«√kṛ 

5. The Soma juices flow to thee, Indra, with praises,
   giving thee vigour for the great conflict.

punānó rūpé avyáye víśvā árṣannabʰí śríyaḥ |
śū́ro ná góṣu tiṣṭʰati || 6||

6.  punānajmsn«√pū rūpannsl avyayajnsl«√i  
    viśvajfpa«√viś arṣanttp·Ams?«√ṛṣ abʰip śrīnfpa«√śrī |
    śūranmsn«√śūr nac gonfpl tiṣṭʰativp·A·3s«√stʰā 

6. Purified in his woollen robe, and attaining all honours,
   he stands as a hero amidst the kine.

divó ná sā́nu pipyúṣī dʰā́rā sutásya vedʰásaḥ |
vṛ́tʰā pavítre arṣati || 7||

7.  dyunmsg nac sānunnsn«√san pipyuṣījfsn«√pī  
    dʰārānfsn«√dʰṛ sutajmsg«√su vedʰasjmpa«√vidʰ |
    vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 pavitrannsl«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ 

7. As the lofty rain from heaven, the nutritious stream of the invigorating Soma
   falls easily upon the straining cloth.

tváṃ soma vipaścítaṃ tánā punāná āyúṣu |
ávyo vā́raṃ ví dʰāvasi || 8||

8.  tvamr2msn somaNmsv«√su (vipnfpa«√vip-citjms«√ci)jfsa  
    tannfsi«√tan punānajmsn«√pū āyujmpl«√i |
    avinmsg vāranmsa«√vṛ2 vip dʰāvasivp·A·2s«√dʰāv 

8. Thou, Soma, (protectest) the worshipper amongst men,
   and purified by the cloth thou wanderest through the woollen filter.

Sūkta 9.17 

prá nimnéneva síndʰavo gʰnánto vṛtrā́ṇi bʰū́rṇayaḥ |
sómā asṛgramāśávaḥ || 1||

1.  prap nimnannsi«√ni ivac sindʰunfpn«√sindʰ  
    gʰnantjmpn«√han vṛtrannpa«√vṛ bʰūrṇijmpn |
    somanmpn«√su asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj āśujmpn«√aś 

1. Like rivers falling down a steep place,
   so the rapid foe-destroying pervading Soma-streams hurry (to the pitcher).

abʰí suvānā́sa índavo vṛṣṭáyaḥ pṛtʰivī́miva |
índraṃ sómāso akṣaran || 2||

2.  abʰip suvānata·Ampn«√su indunmpn«√ind  
    vṛṣṭinfpn«√vṛṣ pṛtʰivīnfsa«√pṛtʰ ivac |
    indraNmsa«√ind somajmpn«√su akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar 

2. The Soma-drops, as they are expressed, flow to Indra
   like the rains falling upon the earth.

átyūrmirmatsaró mádaḥ sómaḥ pavítre arṣati |
vigʰnánrákṣāṃsi devayúḥ || 3||

3.  atyūrminmsn«ati~√ṛ (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmsn madanmsn«√mad  
    somaNmsn«√su pavitrannsl«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    vigʰnanttp·Amsn«vi~√han rakṣasnnpa«√rakṣ (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

3. Soma, with swelling waves, exhilarating, inebriating, flows to the straining-cloth,
   destroying the Rakshasas, and devoted to the gods.

ā́ kaláśeṣu dʰāvati pavítre pári ṣicyate |
uktʰaíryajñéṣu vardʰate || 4||

4.  āp kalaśanmpl«√kal? dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv  
    pavitrannsl«√pū parip sicyatevp·A·3s«√sic |
    uktʰannpi«√vac yajñanmpl«√yaj vardʰateva·A·3s«√vṛdʰ 

4. It flows to the pitchers, it is poured out upon the straining-cloth,
   it is magnified at sacrifices by praises.

áti trī́ soma rocanā́ róhanná bʰrājase dívam |
iṣṇánsū́ryaṃ ná codayaḥ || 5||

5.  atip trīu somaNmsv«√su rocanannpa«√ruc  
    rohanttp·Amsn«√ruh nac bʰrājaseva·A·2s«√bʰrāj dyunmsa |
    iṣṇanttp·Amsn«√iṣ sūryanmsa«√sūr nac codayasvp·UE2s«√cud 

5. Soma, mounting beyond the three worlds, thou illuminest heaven,
   and, moving, thou urgest on the sun.

abʰí víprā anūṣata mūrdʰányajñásya kārávaḥ |
dádʰānāścákṣasi priyám || 6||

6.  abʰip vipranmpn«√vip anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
    mūrdʰannnsl yajñanmsg«√yaj kārunmpn«√kṛ2 |
    dadʰānatp·Impn«√dʰā cakṣasnnsl«√cakṣ priyajmsa«√prī 

6. The sage performers (of pious rites) glorify (the Soma) at the head of the sacrifice
   entertaining affection for him the all-beholding.

támu tvā vājínaṃ náro dʰībʰírvíprā avasyávaḥ |
mṛjánti devátātaye || 7||

7.  sasr3msa uc tvamr2msa vājinnmsa«√vāj nṛnmpn  
    dʰīnfpi«√dʰī viprajmpn«√vip (avasnns«√av-yujms«√yu)jmpn |
    mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj (devanms«√div-tātinms«√tan)nmsd 

7. Sages, leaders of rites, desirous of sustenance, purify thee
   who art the giver of food, with pious rites for the offering.

mádʰordʰā́rāmánu kṣara tīvráḥ sadʰástʰamā́sadaḥ |
cā́rurṛtā́ya pītáye || 8||

8.  madʰunnsg«√madʰ dʰārānfsa«√dʰṛ anup kṣaravp·Ao2s«√kṣar  
    tīvrajmsn«√tu (sadʰaa-stʰajms«√stʰā)nnsa āp asadasvp·Aa2s«√sad |
    cārujmsn«√can ṛtannsd«√ṛ pītinfsd«√pā 

8. Pour forth the stream of the sweet beverage; sit down, sharp-flavoured in the receptacle,
   alert for drinking at the sacrifice.

Sūkta 9.18 

pári suvānó giriṣṭʰā́ḥ pavítre sómo akṣāḥ |
mádeṣu sarvadʰā́ asi || 1||

1.  parip suvānata·Amsn«√su (girinms-stʰājfs«√stʰā)jmsn  
    pavitrannsl«√pū somanmsn«√su akṣāsvp·Ae2s«√aś |
    madanmpl«√mad (sarvanns-dʰājfs«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

1. Effused while pressed between the stones, the Soma flows upon the straining cloth;
   thou art the giver of all things to those who praise thee.

tváṃ víprastváṃ kavírmádʰu prá jātámándʰasaḥ |
mádeṣu sarvadʰā́ asi || 2||

2.  tvamr2msn viprajmsn«√vip tvamr2msn kavinmsn«√kū madʰunnsn«√madʰ  
    prap jātajnsn«√jan andʰasnnsb«√andʰ |
    madanmpl«√mad (sarvanns-dʰājfs«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

2. Thou art wise, thou art a seer, thou bestowest the sweet (beverage) produced from the Soma plant;
   thou art the giver of all things to those who praise thee.

táva víśve sajóṣaso devā́saḥ pītímāśata |
mádeṣu sarvadʰā́ asi || 3||

3.  tvamr2msg viśvajmpn«√viś sajoṣasjmpn«sa~√juṣ  
    devanmpn«√div pītinfsa«√pā āśatava·A·3p«√āś |
    madanmpl«√mad (sarvanns-dʰājfs«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

3. All the gods together pleased enjoy thy drinking;
   thou art the giver of all things to those who praise thee.

ā́ yó víśvāni vā́ryā vásūni hástayordadʰé |
mádeṣu sarvadʰā́ asi || 4||

4.  āp yasr3msn viśvajnpa«√viś vāryajnpa«√vṛ2  
    vasunnpa«√vas hastanmdl dadʰeva·I·3s«√dʰā |
    madanmpl«√mad (sarvanns-dʰājfs«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

4. (Thou art he) who places in the hands (of the worshipper) all desirable riches;
   thou art the giver of all things to those who praise thee.

yá imé ródasī mahī́ sáṃ mātáreva dóhate |
mádeṣu sarvadʰā́ asi || 5||

5.  yasr3msn ayamr3nda rodasnnda mahjnda«√mah  
    samp mātṛnfda«√mā ivac dohateva·A·3s«√duh |
    madanmpl«√mad (sarvanns-dʰājfs«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

5. (Thou art he) who milks this great heaven and earth like two mothers;
   thou art the giver of all things to those who praise thee.

pári yó ródasī ubʰé sadyó vā́jebʰirárṣati |
mádeṣu sarvadʰā́ asi || 6||

6.  parip yasr3msn rodasnnda ubʰajnda  
    sadyasa vājanmpi«√vāj arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    madanmpl«√mad (sarvanns-dʰājfs«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

6. (Thou art he) who at once supplies both heaven and earth with viands;
   thou art the giver of all things to those who praise thee.

sá śuṣmī́ kaláśeṣvā́ punānó acikradat |
mádeṣu sarvadʰā́ asi || 7||

7.  sasr3msn śuṣminjmsn«√śuṣ kalaśanmpl«√kal? āp  
    punānajmsn«√pū acikradatvp·U·3s«√krand |
    madanmpl«√mad (sarvanns-dʰājfs«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

7. This vigorous Soma, while being purified, murmurs in the pitchers;
   thou art the giver of all things to those who praise thee.

Sūkta 9.19 

yátsoma citrámuktʰyàṃ divyáṃ pā́rtʰivaṃ vásu |
tánnaḥ punāná ā́ bʰara || 1||

1.  yadr3nsa somaNmsv«√su citrajnsa«√ci uktʰyajnsa«√vac  
    divyajnsa«√div pārtʰivajnsa«√pṛtʰ vasunnsa«√vas |
    tadr3nsa vayamr1mpd punānajmsn«√pū āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

1. Whatever wonderful glorious wealth there be in heaven or in earth,
   do thou, Soma, being purified, bring it to us.

yuváṃ hí stʰáḥ svàrpatī índraśca soma gópatī |
īśānā́ pipyataṃ dʰíyaḥ || 2||

2.  tvamr2mdn hic stʰasvp·A·2d«√as (svarnns-patinms«√pā2)nmdn  
    indraNmsn«√ind cac somaNmsv«√su (gonfs-patinms«√pā2)nmdn |
    īśānajmdn«√īś pipyatamvp·UE2d«√pī dʰīnfpa«√dʰī 

2. Thou, Soma and Indra, are the lords of all, the lords of cattle,---
  do ye, the rulers, prosper our rites.

vṛ́ṣā punāná āyúṣu stanáyannádʰi barhíṣi |
háriḥ sányónimā́sadat || 3||

3.  vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ punānata·Amsn«√pū āyujmpl«√i  
    stanayanttp·Amsn«√stan adʰip barhisnnsl«√barh |
    harijmsn«√hṛ santp·A?sn«√as yoninmsa«√yu āp asadatvp·U·3s«√sad 

3. The showerer (of benefits) being purified amongst men (lies) murmuring upon the sacred grass,---
   green-tinted he sits down in his proper place.

ávāvaśanta dʰītáyo vṛṣabʰásyā́dʰi rétasi |
sūnórvatsásya mātáraḥ || 4||

4.  avāvaśantavp·U·3p«√vāś dʰītinfpn«√dʰī  
    (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsg adʰip retasnnsl«√rī |
    sūnunmsg«√sū vatsajmsg mātṛnfpn«√mā 

4. The mothers of the male calf, which are sucked by him,
   long to cherish the bull with their strength.

kuvídvṛṣaṇyántībʰyaḥ punānó gárbʰamādádʰat |
yā́ḥ śukráṃ duhaté páyaḥ || 5||

5.  (kuc-idc)c vṛṣaṇyantītp·Afpd«√vṛṣ  
    punānajmsn«√pū garbʰanmsa«√grah ādadʰattp·Amsn«ā~√dʰā |
    yār3fpn śukrajmsa«√śuc duhateva·A·3p«√duh payasnnsa«√pī 

5. The purified Soma has implanted many a germ in those (waters) desirous of conception,
   which yield bright milk.

úpa śikṣāpatastʰúṣo bʰiyásamā́ dʰehi śátruṣu |
pávamāna vidā́ rayím || 6||

6.  upap śikṣavp·Ao2s«√śak apatastʰivaṅstp·Impa«apa~√stʰā  
    bʰiyasnmsa«√bʰī āp dʰehivp·Ao2s«√dʰā śatrunmpl«√śad |
    pavamānanmsv«√pū vidāsvp·Ae2s«√vid rayinmsa«√rā 

6. Bring near to us those who stand aloof, strike terror into our foes;
   pure-flowing one, thou dost transfer to us their riches.

ní śátroḥ soma vṛ́ṣṇyaṃ ní śúṣmaṃ ní váyastira |
dūré vā sató ánti vā || 7||

7.  nip śatrunmsg«√śad somaNmsv«√su (vṛṣṇinms«√vṛṣ-yatnfs«√yat)nnsa  
    nip śuṣmanmsa«√śuṣ nip vayasnnsa«√vī tiravp·Ao2s«√tṝ |
    dūrajmsl«√duc satajmsn«√as antiac 

7. Destroy, Soma, the vigour, the energy, the subsistence of our enemy,
   whether he be far off or nigh.

Sūkta 9.20 

prá kavírdevávītayé'vyo vā́rebʰirarṣati |
sāhvā́nvíśvā abʰí spṛ́dʰaḥ || 1||

1.  prap kavinmsn«√kū (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd  
    avinmsg vārannpi«√vṛ2 arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    sāhvaṃstp·Imsn«√sah viśvajfpa«√viś abʰip spṛdʰnfpa«√spardʰ 

1. The seer passes through the woollen fleece for the beverage of the gods,
   triumphing over all adversaries.

sá hí ṣmā jaritṛ́bʰya ā́ vā́jaṃ gómantamínvati |
pávamānaḥ sahasríṇam || 2||

2.  sasr3msn hic smac jaritṛnmsd«√jṛ āp  
    vājanmsa«√vāj gomatjmsa invativp·A·3s«√inv |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū sahasrinjmsa 

2. Verily he, the pure-flowing, bestows upon his praisers
   thousands of victuals with cattle.

pári víśvāni cétasā mṛśáse pávase matī́ |
sá naḥ soma śrávo vidaḥ || 3||

3.  parip viśvannpa«√viś cetasnnsi«√cit  
    mṛśaseva·A·2s«√mṛś pavaseva·A·2s«√pū matinfsi«√man |
    saa vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su śravasnnsa«√śru vidasvp·AE2s«√vid 

3. By thy favour thou givest to us all kinds of wealth, thou flowest at our praise;
   grant us, O Soma, food.

abʰyàrṣa bṛhádyáśo magʰávadbʰyo dʰruváṃ rayím |
íṣaṃ stotṛ́bʰya ā́ bʰara || 4||

4.  abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh yaśasjnsa«√yaś  
    magʰavannmpd«√maṃh dʰruvajmsa«√dʰṛ rayinmsa«√rā |
    iṣnfsa«√iṣ stotṛnmpd«√stu āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

4. Bestow upon us great renown, grant durable riches to those
   who are profuse in their libations, bring food to thy praisers.

tváṃ rā́jeva suvrató gíraḥ somā́ viveśitʰa |
punānó vahne adbʰuta || 5||

5.  tvamr2msn rājannmsn«√rāj ivaa suvratajmsn«su~√vṛ2  
    girnfpa«√gṝ somanmsv«√su āp viveśitʰavp·I·2s«√viś |
    punānata·A?sn«√pū vahninmsv«√vah (atc-bʰutajms«√bʰū)jmsv 

5. Purified one, doer of good deeds, thou, Soma, enterest our praises like a king,
   O wonderful bearer (of our offerings).

sá váhnirapsú duṣṭáro mṛjyámāno gábʰastyoḥ |
sómaścamū́ṣu sīdati || 6||

6.  sasr3msn vahninmsn«√vah apnfpl duṣṭarajmsn«dus~√tṝ  
    mṛjyamānatp·Amsn«√mṛj gabʰastinmdl |
    somanmsn«√su camūnfpl sīdativp·A·3s«√sad 

6. Soma, the bearer (of oblations), abiding in the waters of the firmament,
   difficult to be surpassed, being cleansed by our hands reposes in the vessels.

krīḷúrmakʰó ná maṃhayúḥ pavítraṃ soma gacʰasi |
dádʰatstotré suvī́ryam || 7||

7.  krīḷujmsn«√krīḷ makʰanmsn«√maṅkʰ nac (maṃhanms«√maṃh-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
    pavitrannsa«√pū somaNmsv«√su gacʰasivp·A·2s«√gam |
    dadʰattp·Amsn«√dʰā stotṛnmsd«√stu suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

7. Soma, thou proceedest to the straining-cloth, sportive and generous,
   like a gift, giving excellent vigour to him who praises thee.

Sūkta 9.21 

eté dʰāvantī́ndavaḥ sómā índrāya gʰṛ́ṣvayaḥ |
matsarā́saḥ svarvídaḥ || 1||

1.  etasr3mpn dʰāvantivp·A·3p«√dʰāv indunmpn«√ind  
    somajmpn«√su indraNmsd«√ind gʰṛṣvijmpn«√hṛṣ |
    (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmpn (svarnns-vidjms«√vid)jmpn 

1. These flowing Soma-juices, foe-destroying, exhilarating,
   heaven-conferring, hasten to Indra,---

pravṛṇvánto abʰiyújaḥ súṣvaye varivovídaḥ |
svayáṃ stotré vayaskṛ́taḥ || 2||

2.  pravṛṇvantjmpn«pra~√vṛ abʰiyujjmpa«abʰi~√yuj  
    suṣvinmsd«√su (varivasnns«√vṛ-vidjms«√vid)jmpn |
    svayama stotṛnmsd«√stu (vayasnns«√vī-kṛtjms«√kṛ)jmpn 

2. Showing favour, assailing foes, giving wealth to him who rightly effuses them,
   and bestowing food spontaneously on their praiser.

vṛ́tʰā krī́ḷanta índavaḥ sadʰástʰamabʰyékamít |
síndʰorūrmā́ vyakṣaran || 3||

3.  vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 krīḷanttp·Ampn«√krīḷ indunmpn«√ind  
    (sadʰaa-stʰajms«√stʰā)nnsa abʰip ekajnsa idc |
    sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ūrminmsl«√ṛ vip akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar 

3. The effused juices come sporting lightly to the common receptacle,
   they drop into the wave of the river.

eté víśvāni vā́ryā pávamānāsa āśata |
hitā́ ná sáptayo rátʰe || 4||

4.  etasr3mpn viśvajnpa«√viś vāryajnpa«√vṛ2  
    pavamānajmpn«√pū āśatava·A·3p«√āś |
    hitajmpn«√dʰā nac saptinmpn ratʰanmsl«√ṛ 

4. Like horses harnessed to a car these pure juices bring (to us)
   all desirable blessings.

ā́sminpiśáṅgamindavo dádʰātā venámādíśe |
yó asmábʰyamárāvā || 5||

5.  āp ayamr3msl (piśnfs«√piś-aṅganms«√aṅg)jmsa induNmpv«√ind  
    dadʰātavp·AE3p«√dʰā venanmsa«√ven ādiśev···D··«ā~√diś |
    yasr3msn vayamr1mpd arāvanjmsn«a~√rā 

5. Effused Soma-juices, at our indication bestow manifold blessings on this (institutor of the sacrifice),
   who (at present) has given us nothing.

ṛbʰúrná rátʰyaṃ návaṃ dádʰātā kétamādíśe |
śukrā́ḥ pavadʰvamárṇasā || 6||

6.  ṛbʰunmsn«√rabʰ nac ratʰyanmsa«√ṛ navajmsa«√nu  
    dadʰātavp·Ao2p«√dʰā ketanmsa«√cit ādiśev···D··«√diś |
    śukrajmpn«√śuc pavadʰvamva·Ao2p«√pū arṇasnnsi 

6. As a great man sets before him a commendable charioteer,
   so do you grant knowledge to our lord, and flow glistening with water.

etá u tyé avīvaśankā́ṣṭʰāṃ vājíno akrata |
satáḥ prā́sāviṣurmatím || 7||

7.  etasr3mpn uc syar3mpn avīvaśanvp·U·3p«√vaś  
    kāṣṭʰānfsa vājinnmpn«√vāj akratava·U·3p«√kṛ |
    satjmsg«√as prap asāviṣurvp·U·3p«√sū matinfsa«√man 

7. These effused juices have desired (the sacrifice); powerful they have made for themselves an abiding-place;
   they have animated the intellect of the pious institutor of the rite.

Sūkta 9.22 

eté sómāsa āśávo rátʰā iva prá vājínaḥ |
sárgāḥ sṛṣṭā́ aheṣata || 1||

1.  etasr3mpn somajmpn«√su āśujmpn«√aś  
    ratʰanmpn«√ṛ ivac prap vājinjmpn«√vāj |
    sargajmpn«√sṛj sṛṣṭajmpn«√sṛj aheṣatava·U·3p«√hi 

1. These Soma-juices, when let out, neigh as they leap swiftly forth
   like chariots or rapid steeds let loose.

eté vā́tā ivorávaḥ parjányasyeva vṛṣṭáyaḥ |
agnériva bʰramā́ vṛ́tʰā || 2||

2.  etasr3mpn vātanmpn«√vā ivac urujmpn«√vṛ  
    parjanyanmsg«√pṛc ivac vṛṣṭinfpn«√vṛṣ |
    agninmsg«√aṅg ivac bʰramanmpn«√bʰram vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 

2. Like strong winds, like the rains of Parjanya,
   like the swift-whirling (flames) of fire,

eté pūtā́ vipaścítaḥ sómāso dádʰyāśiraḥ |
vipā́ vyānaśurdʰíyaḥ || 3||

3.  eṣasr3mpn pūtajmpn«√pū (vipnfpa«√vip-citjms«√ci)jmpn  
    somanmpn«√su (dadʰinns-āśirnfs«ā~√śrī)jmpn |
    vipnfsi«√vip vip ānaśurvp·I·3p«√aś dʰīnfpa«√dʰī 

3. These pure Soma-juices, sagacious, mixed with curds,
   easily pervade our ceremonies with their intelligence.

eté mṛṣṭā́ ámartyāḥ sasṛvā́ṃso ná śaśramuḥ |
íyakṣantaḥ patʰó rájaḥ || 4||

4.  etasr3mpn mṛṣṭajmpn«√mṛj amartyajmpn«a~√mṛ  
    sasṛvāṃstp·I?p?«√sṛ nac śaśramurvp·I·3p«√śram |
    iyakṣanttp·A?pn«√yaj patʰinnmpa«√pantʰ rajasnnsa«√raj 

4. Purified, immortal, issuing from the vessels, eager to traverse
   their (assigned) paths and the universe, they are never wearied.

eté pṛṣṭʰā́ni ródasorviprayánto vyā̀naśuḥ |
utédámuttamáṃ rájaḥ || 5||

5.  etasr3mpn pṛṣṭʰannpa«pra~√stʰā rodasnndg  
    viprayantjmpn«vi-pra~√i vyānaśurvp·I·3p«vi~√aś |
    utac ayamr3nsn uttamajnsn rajasnnsn«√raj 

5. Spreading in various directions, they pervade the surface of earth and sky,
   yea, and this highest heaven.

tántuṃ tanvānámuttamámánu praváta āśata |
utédámuttamā́yyam || 6||

6.  tantunmsa«√tan tanvānajmsa«√tan uttamajmsa  
    anup pravatnfpa āśatava·A·3p«√āś |
    utac ayamr3nsn (uttamajms-āyyajms«√i)jnsn 

6. Descending rivers follow this excellent (Soma) as it spreads out the sacrifice;
   this rite is glorified thereby.

tváṃ soma paṇíbʰya ā́ vásu gávyāni dʰārayaḥ |
tatáṃ tántumacikradaḥ || 7||

7.  tvamr2msn somaNmsv«√su paṇinmpb āp  
    vasunnsa«√vas gavyannpa dʰārayasvp·AE2s«√dʰṛ |
    tatajmsa«√tan tantunmsa«√tan acikradasvp·U·2s«√krand 

7. Thou, Soma, boldest the wealth of kine which thou hast won from the Panis;
   thou hast called aloud at the outspread sacrifice.

Sūkta 9.23 

sómā asṛgramāśávo mádʰormádasya dʰā́rayā |
abʰí víśvāni kā́vyā || 1||

1.  somanmpn«√su asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj āśujmpn«√aś  
    madʰujmsg«√madʰ madanmsg«√mad dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    abʰip viśvajnpa«√viś kāvyannpa«√kū 

1. The swift-flowing Soma-juices have issued in a stream of the sweet exhilarating (beverage),
   at (the recital of) all the praises (of the sages).

ánu pratnā́sa āyávaḥ padáṃ návīyo akramuḥ |
rucé jananta sū́ryam || 2||

2.  anup pratnajmpn āyujmpn«√i  
    padannsa«√pad navīyasjnsa«√nu akramurvp·U·3p«√kram |
    rucnfsl«√ruc janantavp·Ue3p«√jan sūryanmsa«√sūr 

2. Ancient swift-going (horses), they (the juices) have traversed a new field,---
   they have generated the sun to give light.

ā́ pavamāna no bʰarāryó ádāśuṣo gáyam |
kṛdʰí prajā́vatīríṣaḥ || 3||

3.  āp pavamānanmsv«√pū vayamr1mpd bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ  
    arijmsg«√rā adāśvaṅstp·Imsg«a~√dāś gayanmsa«√gam |
    kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ prajāvatījfpa«pra~√jan iṣnfpa«√iṣ 

3. Bring to us, purifier, the house of our enemy who presents no libations,
   bestow upon us progeny-abounding food.

abʰí sómāsa āyávaḥ pávante mádyaṃ mádam |
abʰí kóśaṃ madʰuścútam || 4||

4.  abʰip somanmpn«√su āyujmpn«√i  
    pavanteva·A·3p«√pū madyajmsa«√mad madanmsa«√mad |
    abʰip kośanmsa«√kuś (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa 

4. The swift-flowing Soma-juices diffuse exhilarating wine,---
   they flow to the honey-shedding receptacle.

sómo arṣati dʰarṇasírdádʰāna indriyáṃ rásam |
suvī́ro abʰiśastipā́ḥ || 5||

5.  somanmsn«√su arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ dʰarṇasijmsn«√dʰṛ  
    dadʰānatp·Imsn«√dʰā indriyajmsa«√ind rasanmsa«√ras |
    suvīrajmsn«su~√vīr (abʰiśastinfs«√śas-pājms«√pā)nmsn 

5. The Soma flows, the sustainer (of the world), bearing a sense-invigorating essence,---
  heroic --- a protector against calumny.

índrāya soma pavase devébʰyaḥ sadʰamā́dyaḥ |
índo vā́jaṃ siṣāsasi || 6||

6.  indraNmsd«√ind somanmsv«√su pavasevp·A·2s«√pū  
    devanmpd«√div (sadʰaa-mādyanms«√mad)nmsn |
    indunmsb«√ind vājanmsa«√vāj siṣāsasivp·A·2s«√san 

6. Soma, who art worthy of the sacrifice, thou flowest to Indra and to the gods;
   thou, Indu, vouchsafest to give us food.

asyá pītvā́ mádānāmíndro vṛtrā́ṇyapratí |
jagʰā́na jagʰánacca nú || 7||

7.  ayamr3msg pītvātp·A???«√pā madanmpg«√mad  
    indraNmsn«√ind vṛtrannpa«√vṛ apratia |
    jagʰānavp·U·3s«√han jagʰanatvp·Ae3s«√han cac nuc 

7. Having drunk of this chief of exhilarating draughts,
   Indra irresistible has slain his foes, and may he ever slay them.

Sūkta 9.24 

prá sómāso adʰanviṣuḥ pávamānāsa índavaḥ |
śrīṇānā́ apsú mṛñjata || 1||

1.  prap somajmpn«√su adʰanviṣurvp·U·3p«√dʰanv  
    pavamānajmpn«√pū indunmpn«√ind |
    śrīṇānāta·A?pn«√śrī apnfpl mṛñjatavp·AE3p«√mṛj 

1. The purified effused Soma-juices have flowed forth,---
   mixing with curds and milk they are cleansed in the waters.

abʰí gā́vo adʰanviṣurā́po ná pravátā yatī́ḥ |
punānā́ índramāśata || 2||

2.  abʰip gonfpn adʰanviṣurvp·U·3p«√dʰanv  
    apnfpn nac pravatnfsi yatita·Afpn«√i |
    punānata·A?p?«√pū indraNmsa«√ind āśatava·A·3p«√āś 

2. The flowing juices rush (to the filter), like waters flowing down a declivity;
   purified they gratify Indra.

prá pavamāna dʰanvasi sóméndrāya pā́tave |
nṛ́bʰiryató ví nīyase || 3||

3.  prap pavamānata·A?sv«√pū dʰanvasivp·A·2s«√dʰanv  
    somanmsv«√su indraNmsd«√ind pātavev···D··«√pā |
    nṛnmpi yatajmsn«√yam vip nīyasevp·A·2s«√nī 

3. Purifier, Soma, thou proceedest to Indra for his drinking,---
   thence art thou brought by the priests.

tváṃ soma nṛmā́danaḥ pávasva carṣaṇīsáhe |
sásniryó anumā́dyaḥ || 4||

4.  tvamr2msn somanmsv«√su (nṛnms-mādanajms«√mad)jmsn  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (carṣaṇijms«√kṛṣ-sahjms«√sah)jmsd |
    sasnijmsn«√san yasr3msn anumādyanmsn«anu~√mad 

4. Thou, Soma, who art the exhilarator of men, flow to (Indra),
   the conqueror of enemies, thou who art pure and to be worshipped.

índo yádádribʰiḥ sutáḥ pavítraṃ paridʰā́vasi |
áramíndrasya dʰā́mne || 5||

5.  indunmsv«√ind yadc adrinmpi«√dṛ sutajmsn«√su  
    pavitrannsa«√pū paridʰāvasivp·A·2s«pari~√dʰāv |
    arama«√ṛ indraNmsg«√ind dʰāmannnsd«√dʰā 

5. When, Indu, effused by the stones, thou hastenest to the filtering-cloth,
   thou art an ample portion for Indra's belly.

pávasva vṛtrahantamoktʰébʰiranumā́dyaḥ |
śúciḥ pāvakó ádbʰutaḥ || 6||

6.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (vṛtraNns«√vṛ-hantamajms«√han)jmsv  
    uktʰanmpi«√vac anumādyanmsn«anu~√mad |
    śucijmsn«√śuc pāvakajmsn«√pū (atc-bʰutajms«√bʰū)jmsn 

6. Utter destroyer of enemies, flow forth, to be propitiated by praises,
   pure, purifying, wonderful.

śúciḥ pāvaká ucyate sómaḥ sutásya mádʰvaḥ |
devāvī́ragʰaśaṃsahā́ || 7||

7.  śucijmsn«√śuc pāvakajmsn«√pū ucyatevp·A·3s«√vac  
    somanmsn«√su sutajnsg«√su madʰunnsg«√madʰ |
    (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmsn (agʰajms«√agʰ-śaṃsanms«√śaṃs-hanjms«√han)nmsn 

7. Soma, (the yielder) of the exhilarating effusion, is called the pure,
   the purifier, the gratifier of the gods, the slayer of the wicked.

Sūkta 9.25 

pávasva dakṣasā́dʰano devébʰyaḥ pītáye hare |
marúdbʰyo vāyáve mádaḥ || 1||

1.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (dakṣanms«√dakṣ-sādʰananms«√sādʰ)jmsn  
    devanmpd«√div pītinfsd«√pā harinmsv«√hṛ |
    marutnmpd vāyuNmsd«√vā madanmsn«√mad 

1. Green-tinted (Soma), do thou who art bestower of strength, the exhilarating,
   flow as a beverage for the gods, for the Maruts and for Vayu.

pávamāna dʰiyā́ hitò'bʰí yóniṃ kánikradat |
dʰármaṇā vāyúmā́ viśa || 2||

2.  pavamānanmsv«√pū dʰīnfsi«√dʰī hitajmsn«√hi  
    abʰip yoninmsa«√yu kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand |
    dʰarmannnsi«√dʰṛ vāyuNmsa«√vā āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

2. Purifying (Soma), placed suitably by the sacred rite, (enter) uttering a cry the (appointed) place,
   enter by the sacred function into Vayu.

sáṃ devaíḥ śobʰate vṛ́ṣā kavíryónāvádʰi priyáḥ |
vṛtrahā́ devavī́tamaḥ || 3||

3.  samp devanmpi«√div śobʰateva·A·3s«√śubʰ vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ  
    kavinmsn«√kū yoninmsl«√yu adʰip priyajmsn«√prī |
    (vṛtranns«√vṛ-hannms«√han)nmsn (devanms«√div-vītamajms«√vī)jmsn 

3. This Soma, the showerer (of benefits), the seer, the beloved, the destroyer of foes,
   the most devout, shines in its appointed place along with the gods.

víśvā rūpā́ṇyāviśánpunānó yāti haryatáḥ |
yátrāmṛ́tāsa ā́sate || 4||

4.  viśvajnpa«√viś rūpannpa āviśanttp·Amsn«ā~√viś  
    punānajmsn«√pū yātivp·A·3s«√yā haryatajmsn«√hary |
    yadr3nsl amṛtajmpn«a~√mṛ āsatevp·A·3p«√ās 

4. Pervading all forms, the pure, the desirable goes to the place
   where the immortals abide.

aruṣó janáyangíraḥ sómaḥ pavata āyuṣák |
índraṃ gácʰankavíkratuḥ || 5||

5.  aruṣajmsn«√ruṣ janayanttp·Amsn«√jan girnfpa«√gṝ  
    somanmsn«√su pavateva·A·2s«√pū (āyujms«√i-sacjms«√sac)a |
    indraNmsa«√ind gacʰanttp·Amsn«√gam (kavinms«√kū-kratunms«√kṛ)nmsn 

5. Endowed with wisdom of the past, the brilliant Soma, generating sounds,
   flows forth continually proceeding to Indra.

ā́ pavasva madintama pavítraṃ dʰā́rayā kave |
arkásya yónimāsádam || 6||

6.  āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madintamajmsv«√mad  
    pavitrannsa«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ kavinmsv«√kū |
    arkanmsg«√arc yoninmsa«√yu āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

6. Most exhilarating and sage (Soma), flow through the filter in a stream,
   to attain the station of the adorable Indra.

Sūkta 9.26 

támamṛkṣanta vājínamupástʰe áditerádʰi |
víprāso áṇvyā dʰiyā́ || 1||

1.  sasr3msa amṛkṣantava·U·3p«√mṛj vājinnmsa«√vāj  
    upastʰanmsl«upa~√stʰā aditiNfsg«a~√dā adʰip |
    viprajmpn«√vip aṇvījfsi dʰīnfsi«√dʰī 

1. The priests have cleansed that Soma, (swift as) a horse, on the lap of Aditi
   with fingers and with hymns.

táṃ gā́vo abʰyànūṣata sahásradʰāramákṣitam |
índuṃ dʰartā́ramā́ diváḥ || 2||

2.  sasr3msa gonfpn abʰip anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
    (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsa akṣitajmsa«a~√kṣi3 |
    indunmsa«√ind dʰartṛnmsa«√dʰṛ āp dyunmsb 

2. The chants celebrate that Indu flowing in a thousand streams, inexhaustible,
   the supporter of heaven.

táṃ vedʰā́ṃ medʰáyāhyanpávamānamádʰi dyávi |
dʰarṇasíṃ bʰū́ridʰāyasam || 3||

3.  sasr3msa vedʰasjmsa«√vidʰ medʰānfsi«√midʰ ahyanvp·U·3p«√hi  
    pavamānanmsa«√pū adʰip dyunmsl |
    dʰarṇasijmsa«√dʰṛ (bʰūrijms«√bʰū-dʰāyasjms«√dʰā)jmsa 

3. They have elevated to heaven by their praise that creative purifying (Soma),
   the sustainer, the maker of many.

támahyanbʰuríjordʰiyā́ saṃvásānaṃ vivásvataḥ |
pátiṃ vācó ádābʰyam || 4||

4.  sasr3msa ahyanvp·U·3p«√hi bʰurijnmdl dʰīnfsi«√dʰī  
    saṃvasānata·Amsa«sam~√vas vivasvatNmsg«√vas |
    patinmsa«√pā2 vācnfsg«√vac adābʰyajmsa«a~√dabʰ 

4. The worshippers have elevated by the fingers of their arms that unconquerable lord of praise
   abiding (in the vessels).

táṃ sā́nāvádʰi jāmáyo háriṃ hinvantyádribʰiḥ |
haryatáṃ bʰū́ricakṣasam || 5||

5.  sasr3msa sānunmsl«√san adʰip jāminmpn«√jan  
    harijmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    haryatajmsa«√hary (bʰūrijms«√bʰū-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)jmsa 

5. The sister-fingers in a raised place press out by the grinding stones that green-tinted (Soma),
   desirable and far-beholding.

táṃ tvā hinvanti vedʰásaḥ pávamāna girāvṛ́dʰam |
índavíndrāya matsarám || 6||

6.  sasr3msa tvamr2msa hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi vedʰasjmpn«√vidʰ  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū (girnfsi«√gṝ-vṛdʰjms«√vṛdʰ)jmsa |
    indunmsv«√ind indraNmsd«√ind (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmsa 

6. The worshippers offer thee to Indra, purifier Indu,
   filled with praise and bestowing exhilaration.

Sūkta 9.27 

eṣá kavírabʰíṣṭutaḥ pavítre ádʰi tośate |
punānó gʰnánnápa srídʰaḥ || 1||

1.  eṣasr3msn kavinmsn«√kū abʰiṣṭutajmsn«abʰi~√stu  
    pavitrannsl«√pū adʰip tośateva·A·3s«√tuś |
    punānajmsn«√pū gʰnanttp·A?sn«√han apap sridʰnfpa«√sridʰ 

1. This seer, the purifying (Soma), lauded by us, passes through the filtering-cloth,
   driving away foes.

eṣá índrāya vāyáve svarjítpári ṣicyate |
pavítre dakṣasā́dʰanaḥ || 2||

2.  eṣasr3msn indraNmsd«√ind vāyuNmsd«√vā  
    (svarnns-jitjms«√ji)jmsn parip sicyatevp·A·3s«√sic |
    pavitrannsl«√pū (dakṣanms«√dakṣ-sādʰananms«√sādʰ)jmsn 

2. This invigorating heaven-conquering Soma is poured upon the filter
   for Indra and Vayu.

eṣá nṛ́bʰirví nīyate divó mūrdʰā́ vṛ́ṣā sutáḥ |
sómo váneṣu viśvavít || 3||

3.  eṣasr3msn nṛnmpi vip nīyatevp·A·3s«√nī  
    dyunmsg mūrdʰannmsn vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ sutajmsn«√su |
    somanmsn«√su vanannpl«√van (viśvanns«√viś-vidjms«√vid)jmsn 

3. This Soma, the showerer (of benefits), the summit of heaven, the all-knowing,
   being expressed is brought by the priests into the wooden vessels.

eṣá gavyúracikradatpávamāno hiraṇyayúḥ |
índuḥ satrājídástṛtaḥ || 4||

4.  eṣasr3msn (gonfs-yujms«√yu)jmsn acikradatvp·U·3s«√krand  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū (hiraṇyanms«√hṛ-yujms«√yu)jmsn |
    indunmsn«√ind (satrāa-jitjms«√ji)jmsn astṛtajmsn«a~√stṛ 

4. This Indu resounds as it drops, yearning to give us cattle and gold,
   the conqueror of foes, the irresistible.

eṣá sū́ryeṇa hāsate pávamāno ádʰi dyávi |
pavítre matsaró mádaḥ || 5||

5.  eṣasr3msn sūryanmsi«√sūr hāsateva·A·3s«√hā  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū adʰip dyunmsl |
    pavitrannsl«√pū (madnfs«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsn madanmsn«√mad 

5. This pure-flowing exhilarating Soma is abandoned by the sun
   in the filtering-cloth the sky.

eṣá śuṣmyàsiṣyadadantárikṣe vṛ́ṣā háriḥ |
punāná índuríndramā́ || 6||

6.  eṣasr3msn śuṣminnmsn«√śuṣ asiṣyadatva·U·3s«√syand  
    (antara-īkṣajms«√īkṣ)nnsl vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ harijmsn«√hṛ |
    punānajmsn«√pū indunmsn«√ind indraNmsa«√ind āp 

6. This powerful and purifying showerer (of benefits), the green-tinted Indu,
   flows through the firmament to Indra.

Sūkta 9.28 

eṣá vājī́ hitó nṛ́bʰirviśvavínmánasaspátiḥ |
ávyo vā́raṃ ví dʰāvati || 1||

1.  eṣasr3msn vājinnmsn«√vāj hitajmsn«√hi nṛnmpi  
    (viśvanns«√viś-vidjms«√vid)jmsn manasnnsg«√man patinmsn«√pā2 |
    avinmsg vāranmsa«√vṛ2 vip dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv 

1. This swift-flowing (Soma) placed (in the vessels) by the priests, all-knowing,
   the lord of praise, hastens to the woollen (filter).

eṣá pavítre akṣaratsómo devébʰyaḥ sutáḥ |
víśvā dʰā́mānyāviśán || 2||

2.  eṣasr3msn pavitrannsl«√pū akṣaratvp·Aa3s«√kṣar  
    somanmsn«√su devanmpd«√div sutajmsn«√su |
    viśvajnpa«√viś dʰāmannnpa«√dʰā āviśanttp·Amsn«ā~√viś 

2. This Soma, effused for the gods, flows into the filter,
   penetrating all the divine forms.

eṣá deváḥ śubʰāyaté'dʰi yónāvámartyaḥ |
vṛtrahā́ devavī́tamaḥ || 3||

3.  eṣasr3msn devanmsn«√div śubʰāyateva·A·3s«√śubʰ  
    adʰip yoninmsl«√yu amartyajmsn«a~√mṛ |
    (vṛtraNns«√vṛ-hanjms«√han)nmsn (devanms«√div-vītamajms«√vī)jmsn 

3. This divine immortal (Soma) is brilliant in his own place,
   the slayer of enemies, the most devoted to the gods.

eṣá vṛ́ṣā kánikradaddaśábʰirjāmíbʰiryatáḥ |
abʰí dróṇāni dʰāvati || 4||

4.  eṣasr3msn vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand  
    daśanfpi jāminfpi«√jan yatajmsn«√yam |
    abʰip droṇannpa«√dru dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv 

4. This showerer (of desires), expressed by the ten fingers,
   hastens uttering a sound to the pitchers.

eṣá sū́ryamarocayatpávamāno vícarṣaṇiḥ |
víśvā dʰā́māni viśvavít || 5||

5.  eṣasr3msn sūryanmsa«√sūr arocayatvp·Aa3s«√ruc  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū vicarṣaṇijmsn«vi~√kṛṣ |
    viśvajnpa«√viś dʰāmannnpa«√dʰā (viśvanns«√viś-vidjms«√vid)jmsn 

5. This purified, all-contemplating, all-knowing (Soma) gives radiance
   to the sun and all the spheres (of light).

eṣá śuṣmyádābʰyaḥ sómaḥ punānó arṣati |
devāvī́ragʰaśaṃsahā́ || 6||

6.  eṣasr3msn śuṣminjmsn«√śuṣ adābʰyajmsn«a~√dabʰ  
    somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmsn (agʰajms«√agʰ-śaṃsanms«√śaṃs-hanjms«√han)nmsn 

6. This powerful invincible purifying Soma proceeds the protector of the gods,
   the destroyer of the wicked.

Sūkta 9.29 

prā́sya dʰā́rā akṣaranvṛ́ṣṇaḥ sutásyaújasā |
devā́m̐ ánu prabʰū́ṣataḥ || 1||

1.  prap ayamr3msg dʰārānfsn«√dʰṛ akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar  
    vṛṣannmsg«√vṛṣ sutajmsg«√su ojasnnsi«√vaj |
    devanmpa«√div anup prabʰūṣattp·Amsg«pra~√bʰū 

1. The streams of this effused (Soma), the showerer (of benefits), flow forth,
   as it seeks to surpass the gods in strength.

sáptiṃ mṛjanti vedʰáso gṛṇántaḥ kārávo girā́ |
jyótirjajñānámuktʰyàm || 2||

2.  saptinmsa mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj vedʰasjmpn«√vidʰ  
    gṛṇanttp·Ampn«√gṝ kārunmpn«√kṛ2 girnfsi«√gṝ |
    jyotisnnsa«√jyot jajñānata·Insa«√jan uktʰyajnsa«√vac 

2. The pious performers (of holy rites), the utterers of praise, purify by their laudation
   the radiant courser (the Soma) as soon as generated and meriting to be hymned.

suṣáhā soma tā́ni te punānā́ya prabʰūvaso |
várdʰā samudrámuktʰyàm || 3||

3.  suṣahajnpn«su~√sah somanmsv«√su tadr3npn tvamr2msd  
    punānajmsd«√pū (prabʰūnns«pra~√bʰū-vasunns«√vas)jmsv |
    vardʰavp·Ao2s«√vṛdʰ samudranmsa«sam~√ud uktʰyajmsa«√vac 

3. Soma, distributor of abundant wealth, those radiances of thine when thou art purified are overpowering;
   fill therefore the praiseworthy ocean-like (pitcher).

víśvā vásūni saṃjáyanpávasva soma dʰā́rayā |
inú dvéṣāṃsi sadʰryàk || 4||

4.  viśvajnpa«√viś vasunnpa«√vas saṃjayantjmsn«sam~√ji  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somanmsv«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    inuvp·Ao2s«√inv dveṣasnnpa«√dviṣ (sadʰria«√sadʰ-añcjms«√anj)a 

4. Flow, Soma, in a full stream, conquering for us all treasures,---
   drive our enemies away together.

rákṣā sú no áraruṣaḥ svanā́tsamasya kásya cit |
nidó yátra mumucmáhe || 5||

5.  rakṣavp·Ao2s«√rakṣ sup vayamr1mpa ararivasnmsb«a~√rā  
    svananmsb«√svan samar3msg kasr3msg cidc |
    nidnfsb«√nid yadr3nsl mumucmaheva·I·1p«√muc 

5. Preserve us from the reproach of every one who makes no offerings,who utters blame,---
   that we may be free.

éndo pā́rtʰivaṃ rayíṃ divyáṃ pavasva dʰā́rayā |
dyumántaṃ śúṣmamā́ bʰara || 6||

6.  āp indunmsv«√ind pārtʰivajmsa«√pṛtʰ rayinmsa«√rā  
    divyajmsa«√div pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    dyumatjmsa śuṣmanmsa«√śuṣ āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

6. Indu, pour to us in a stream terrestrial and celestial riches,
   bring brilliant vigour.

Sūkta 9.30 

prá dʰā́rā asya śuṣmíṇo vṛ́tʰā pavítre akṣaran |
punānó vā́camiṣyati || 1||

1.  prap dʰārānfsn«√dʰṛ ayamr3msg śuṣminjmsg«√śuṣ  
    vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 pavitrannsl«√pū akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar |
    punānajmsn«√pū vācnfsa«√vac iṣyativp·A·3s«√iṣ 

1. The streams of this strong Soma flow without effort into the filtering-cloth;
   purified, he excites praise.

índurhiyānáḥ sotṛ́bʰirmṛjyámānaḥ kánikradat |
íyarti vagnúmindriyám || 2||

2.  indunmsn«√ind hiyānata·Amsn«√hi sotṛnmpi«√su  
    mṛjyamānatp·Amsn«√mṛj kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand |
    iyartivp·A·3s«√ṛ (vacnfs«√vac-nunfs«√nū)nmsa indriyajmsa«√ind 

2. This Indu, urged by the priests, and purified with a sound in the filter,
   utters a loud voice (in the oblation).

ā́ naḥ śúṣmaṃ nṛṣā́hyaṃ vīrávantaṃ puruspṛ́ham |
pávasva soma dʰā́rayā || 3||

3.  āp vayamr1mpd śuṣmanmsa«√śuṣ (nṛnms-sāhyajms«√sah)jmsa  
    vīravantjmsa«√vīr (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jmsa |
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somanmsv«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ 

3. Pour upon us in a stream, Soma, foe-subduing strength,
   associated with male offspring and desired by many.

prá sómo áti dʰā́rayā pávamāno asiṣyadat |
abʰí dróṇānyāsádam || 4||

4.  prap somanmsn«√su atip dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū asiṣyadatva·U·3s«√syand |
    abʰip droṇannpa«√dru āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

4. This purified Soma flows out in a stream
   to take its place in the pitchers .

apsú tvā mádʰumattamaṃ háriṃ hinvantyádribʰiḥ |
índavíndrāya pītáye || 5||

5.  apnfpl tvamr2msa madʰumattamajmsa«√madʰ  
    harinmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    indunmsv«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

5. Indu, they press thee forth by the stones, most sweet-flavoured and green-tinted,
   into the waters for Indra to drink.

sunótā mádʰumattamaṃ sómamíndrāya vajríṇe |
cā́ruṃ śárdʰāya matsarám || 6||

6.  sunotavp·Ao2p«√su madʰumattamajmsa«√madʰ  
    somanmsa«√su indraNmsd«√ind vajrinjmsd«√vaj |
    cārujmsa«√can śardʰanmsd«√śṛdʰ (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsa 

6. (Priests) express the most sweet-flavoured beautiful exhilarating Soma
   for Indra the thunderer, and for our invigoration.

Sūkta 9.31 

prá sómāsaḥ svādʰyàḥ pávamānāso akramuḥ |
rayíṃ kṛṇvanti cétanam || 1||

1.  prap somanmpn«√su svādʰījmpn«su-ā~√dʰī ​
    pavamānajmpn«√pū akramurvp·U·3p«√kram |
    rayinmsa«√rā kṛṇvantivp·A·3p«√kṛ cetanajmsa«√cit 

1. The benevolent juices being purified flow forth,
   they confer intellectual wealth.

diváspṛtʰivyā́ ádʰi bʰávendo dyumnavárdʰanaḥ |
bʰávā vā́jānāṃ pátiḥ || 2||

2.  dyunmsg pṛtʰivīnfsb«√pṛtʰ adʰip  
    bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū indunmsv«√ind (dyumnanns-vardʰanajms«√vṛdʰ)nmsn |
    bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū vājanmpg«√vāj patinmsn«√pā2 

2. Indu be (to us) the augmenter of the riches of heaven and earth,
   be the lord of food.

túbʰyaṃ vā́tā abʰipríyastúbʰyamarṣanti síndʰavaḥ |
sóma várdʰanti te máhaḥ || 3||

3.  tvamr2msd vātanmpn«√vā abʰiprījmpn«abʰi~√prī  
    tvamr2msd arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ sindʰunmpn«√sindʰ |
    somanmsv«√su vardʰantivp·A·3p«√vṛdʰ tvamr2msg mahasnnsa«√mah 

3. For thee, Soma, the winds are gracious, for thee the rivers flow,
   they magnify thy greatness.

ā́ pyāyasva sámetu te viśvátaḥ soma vṛ́ṣṇyam |
bʰávā vā́jasya saṃgatʰé || 4||

4.  āp pyāyasvava·Ao2s«√pyai samp etuvp·Ao3s«√i tvamr2msg  
    viśvatasa«√viś somanmsv«√su (vṛṣṇinms«√vṛṣ-yatnfs«√yat)nnsn |
    bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū vājanmsg«√vāj saṃgatʰanmsl«sam~√gam 

4. Be well nourished, Soma; may vigour come to thee from all sides,
   be (the giver) of strength in battle.

túbʰyaṃ gā́vo gʰṛtáṃ páyo bábʰro duduhré ákṣitam |
várṣiṣṭʰe ádʰi sā́navi || 5||

5.  tvamr2msd gonfpn gʰṛtajnsa«√gʰṛ payasnnsa«√pī  
    babʰrujmsv«√bʰṛ duduhreva·I·3p«√duh akṣitajnsa«a~√kṣi3 |
    varṣiṣṭʰajmsl«√vṛdʰ adʰip sānunnsl«√san 

5. Tawny-tinted (Soma), the cows yield butter and milk inexhaustible
   for thee (set) on the highest summit.

svāyudʰásya te sató bʰúvanasya pate vayám |
índo sakʰitvámuśmasi || 6||

6.  svāyudʰajmsg«su-ā~√yudʰ tvamr2msd satjmsg«√as  
    bʰuvanannsg«√bʰū patinmsv«√pā2 vayamr1mpn |
    indunmsv«√ind sakʰitvannsa«√sac uśmasiva·A·1p«√vaś 

6. Indu, lord of beings, we desire the friendship of thee,
   the well-armed.

Sūkta 9.32 

prá sómāso madacyútaḥ śrávase no magʰónaḥ |
sutā́ vidátʰe akramuḥ || 1||

1.  prap somanmpn«√su (madanms«√mad-cyutjms«√cyu)jmsn  
    śravasnnsd«√śru vayamr1mpg magʰavanjmsb«√maṃh |
    sutajmpn«√su vidatʰannsl«√vid akramurvp·U·3p«√kram 

1. The Soma juices, diffusing exhilaration, rush forth effused at the sacrifice
   for the sustenance of us abounding in oblations.

ā́dīṃ tritásya yóṣaṇo háriṃ hinvantyádribʰiḥ |
índumíndrāya pītáye || 2||

2.  ātc īmr3msa tritaNmsg yoṣannfpn«√yu  
    harinmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    indunmsa«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

2. And the fingers of Trita express this green-tinted Soma
   with the stones for Indra's drinking.

ā́dīṃ haṃsó yátʰā gaṇáṃ víśvasyāvīvaśanmatím |
átyo ná góbʰirajyate || 3||

3.  ātc īmc haṃsanmsn«√han yadr3nsi gaṇanmsa«√gaṇ  
    viśvajmsg«√viś avīvaśatvp·U·3s«√vāś matinfsa«√man |
    atyanmsn«√at? nac gonfpi ajyatevp·A·3s«√añj 

3. And like a swan entering its own flock, the Soma excites the praise of all,---
   like a horse, it is bathed with milk.

ubʰé somāvacā́kaśanmṛgó ná taktó arṣasi |
sī́dannṛtásya yónimā́ || 4||

4.  ubʰajnda somanmsv«√su avacākaśattp·A?sn«ava~√kāś  
    mṛganmsn«√mṛg nac taktajmsn«√tak arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ |
    sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsl«√yu āp 

4. Beholding both worlds, Soma, thou hurriest, swift as a deer,
   taking thy seat on the place of sacrifice.

abʰí gā́vo anūṣata yóṣā jārámiva priyám |
ágannājíṃ yátʰā hitám || 5||

5.  abʰip gonfpn anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
    yoṣānfsn«√yu jāranmsa«√jṝ ivac priyajmsa«√prī |
    aganvp·Aa3s«√gam ājinmsa«√aj yadr3nsi hitajmsa«√dʰā 

5. Praises commend thee (Soma) as a woman praises a dear lover;
   (thou hastenest to the vessel) as a hero hastens to the welcome contest.

asmé dʰehi dyumádyáśo magʰávadbʰyaśca máhyaṃ ca |
saníṃ medʰā́mutá śrávaḥ || 6||

6.  vayamr1mpd dʰehivp·Ao2s«√dʰā dyumatjnsa«√dyut yaśasjnsa«√yaś  
    magʰavanjmpd«√maṃh cac ahamr1msd cac |
    sanijfsa«√san medʰānfsa«√midʰ utaa śravasnnsa«√śru 

6. Give to us who are affluent (in oblations), and also to me,
   brilliant fame, wealth, intelligence, and glory.

Sūkta 9.33 

prá sómāso vipaścíto'pā́ṃ ná yantyūrmáyaḥ |
vánāni mahiṣā́ iva || 1||

1.  prap somanmpn«√su (vipnfpa«√vip-citjms«√ci)jmpa  
    apnfpg nac yantivp·A·3p«√i ūrminmpn«√ṛ |
    vanannpa«√van mahiṣanmpn«√mah ivac 

1. The intelligent Soma juices rush along like waves of water,
   like buffaloes to the forests.

abʰí dróṇāni babʰrávaḥ śukrā́ ṛtásya dʰā́rayā |
vā́jaṃ gómantamakṣaran || 2||

2.  abʰip droṇannpa«√dru babʰrujmpn«√bʰṛ  
    śukrajmpn«√śuc ṛtannsg«√ṛ dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    vājanmsa«√vāj gomatjmsa akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar 

2. The tawny-coloured bright juices hasten to the pitchers with a stream of ambrosia,
   they pour forth sustenance, accompanied with cattle.

sutā́ índrāya vāyáve váruṇāya marúdbʰyaḥ |
sómā arṣanti víṣṇave || 3||

3.  sutajmpn«√su indraNmsd«√ind vāyuNmsd«√vā  
    varuṇaNmsd«√vṛ marutNmpd |
    somanmpn«√su arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ viṣṇuNmsd«√viṣ 

3. The libations effused proceed to Indra, to Vayu, to Varuna,
   to the Maruts, to Vishnu.

tisró vā́ca údīrate gā́vo mimanti dʰenávaḥ |
hárireti kánikradat || 4||

4.  triu vācnfpn«√vac udp īrateva·A·3p«√īr  
    gonfpa mimantivp·A·3p«√mā dʰenunfpn«√dʰe |
    harijmsn«√hṛ etivp·A·3s«√i kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand 

4. The priests utter the three sacred texts, the milch kine low (on being milked),
   the green-tinted Soma goes sounding (to the vessels).

abʰí bráhmīranūṣata yahvī́rṛtásya mātáraḥ |
marmṛjyánte diváḥ śíśum || 5||

5.  abʰip brahmījfpa«√brahm anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
    yahvījfpn«√yah ṛtannsg«√ṛ mātṛnfpn«√mā |
    marmṛjyanteva·A·3p«√mṛj dyunmsg śiśunmsa«√śū 

5. The many sacred hymns, the mothers of the sacrifice, give praise,
   they purify (the Soma), the infant of heaven.

rāyáḥ samudrā́m̐ścatúro'smábʰyaṃ soma viśvátaḥ |
ā́ pavasva sahasríṇaḥ || 6||

6.  rainmsg«√rā samudranmpa«sam~√ud caturu  
    vayamr1mpd somanmsv«√su viśvatasa«√viś |
    āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū sahasrinjmsg 

6. From every side, Soma, pour upon us four oceans of riches,
   grant us thousands (of desires).

Sūkta 9.34 

prá suvānó dʰā́rayā tánéndurhinvānó arṣati |
rujáddṛḷhā́ vyójasā || 1||

1.  prap suvānata·Amsn«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ tannfsi«√tan  
    indunmsn«√ind hinvānata·Amsn«√hi arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    rujatvp·U·3s«√ruj dṛḷhajnpa«√dṛh vip ojasnnsi«√vaj 

1. Indu, when effused and expressed (by the priests), flows in a stream to the filtering-cloth,
   breaking down strong places by its strength.

sutá índrāya vāyáve váruṇāya marúdbʰyaḥ |
sómo arṣati víṣṇave || 2||

2.  sutajmsn«√su indraNmsd«√ind vāyuNmsd«√vā  
    varuṇaNmsd«√vṛ marutNmpd |
    somanmsn«√su arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ viṣṇuNmsd«√viṣ 

2. The Soma effused proceeds to Indra, to Vayu, to Varuna,
   to the Maruts, to Vishnu.

vṛ́ṣāṇaṃ vṛ́ṣabʰiryatáṃ sunvánti sómamádribʰiḥ |
duhánti śákmanā páyaḥ || 3||

3.  vṛṣannmsa«√vṛṣ vṛṣannmpi«√vṛṣ yatajmsa«√yam  
    sunvantivp·A·3p«√su somaNmsa«√su adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    duhantivp·A·3p«√duh śakmannmsi«√śak payasnnsa«√pī 

3. They press the crushed Soma as it pours forth its juice between the effusing stones,
   they milk out its juice by their acts.

bʰúvattritásya márjyo bʰúvadíndrāya matsaráḥ |
sáṃ rūpaírajyate háriḥ || 4||

4.  bʰuvatvp·Ue3s«√bʰū tritaNmsg marjyajmsn«√mṛj  
    bʰuvatvp·Ue3s«√bʰū indraNmsd«√ind (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsn |
    samp rūpannpi ajyatevp·A·3s«√añj harijmsn«√hṛ 

4. The exhilarating Soma is to be cleansed (for the sacrifice) of Trita, and for the drinking of Indra;
   the green-tinted (juice) is mixed with the ingredients.

abʰī́mṛtásya viṣṭápaṃ duhaté pṛ́śnimātaraḥ |
cā́ru priyátamaṃ havíḥ || 5||

5.  abʰip īmc ṛtannsg«√ṛ viṣṭapnfsa«vi~√stambʰ  
    duhateva·A·3p«√duh (pṛśniNfs«√spṛś-mātṛnfs«√mā)jmpn |
    cārujnsa«√can priyatamajnsa«√prī havisnnsa«√hu 

5. The sons of Prsni milk this Soma at the place of sacrifice,
   the most beautiful and grateful oblation (to the gods).

sámenamáhrutā imā́ gíro arṣanti sasrútaḥ |
dʰenū́rvāśró avīvaśat || 6||

6.  samp enar3msa ahrutajfpn«a~√hvṛ ayamr3fpn  
    girnfpn«√gṝ arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ sasrutjfpn«sa~√sru |
    dʰenunfpa«√dʰe vāśrajmsn«√vāś avīvaśatvp·U·3s«√vāś 

6. Our sincere smooth-flowing praises approach him,
   and he uttering a sound welcomes the milch kine.

Sūkta 9.35 

ā́ naḥ pavasva dʰā́rayā pávamāna rayíṃ pṛtʰúm |
yáyā jyótirvidā́si naḥ || 1||

1.  āp vayamr1mpd pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū rayinmsa«√rā pṛtʰujmsa«√pṛtʰ |
    yār3fsi jyotisnnsa«√jyot vidāsivp·Ae2s«√vid vayamr1mpd 

1. Pour upon us, purifier, ample riches with that stream
   wherewith thou bestowest upon us light.

índo samudramīṅkʰaya pávasva viśvamejaya |
rāyó dʰartā́ na ójasā || 2||

2.  indunmsv«√ind (samudranmsa«sam~√ud-īṅkʰayajms«√īṅkʰ)jmsv  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (viśvannsa«√viś-ejayajms«√ej)jmsv |
    rainmsg«√rā dʰartṛnmsn«√dʰṛ vayamr1mpd ojasnnsi«√vaj 

2. Indu, impeller of the waters, confounder of all our foes,
   flow forth by thy power as the supporter of wealth to us.

tváyā vīréṇa vīravo'bʰí ṣyāma pṛtanyatáḥ |
kṣárā ṇo abʰí vā́ryam || 3||

3.  tvamr2msi vīranmsi«√vīr vīravāṃsjmsv«√vīr  
    abʰip syāmavp·Ai1p«√as pṛtanyantnmpa«√pṛtany |
    kṣaravp·Ao2s«√kṣar vayamr1mpa abʰip vāryajmsa«√vṛ2 

3. With thee, heroic Soma, as our hero, may we overcome our enemies,
   pour upon us desirable riches.

prá vā́jamínduriṣyati síṣāsanvājasā́ ṛ́ṣiḥ |
vratā́ vidāná ā́yudʰā || 4||

4.  prap vājanmsa«√vāj indunmsn«√ind iṣyativp·A·3s«√iṣ  
    siṣāsantp·A?s?«√san (vājanms«√vāj-sājms«√san)jmsn ṛṣinmsn«√ṛṣ |
    vratannpa«√vṛ2 vidānata·Amsn«√vid āyudʰannpa«ā~√yudʰ 

4. Indu the bestower of food, the seer, sends food to the worshipper,
   showing his favour, acquainted with sacred rites and arms.

táṃ gīrbʰírvācamīṅkʰayáṃ punānáṃ vāsayāmasi |
sómaṃ jánasya gópatim || 5||

5.  sasr3msa girnfpi«√gṝ (vācnfsa«√vac-īṅkʰayajms«√īṅkʰ)jmsa  
    punānajmsa«√pū vāsayāmasivp·A·1p«√vas |
    somanmsa«√su jananmsg«√jan (gonfs-patinms«√pā2)nmsa 

5. We clothe with praises that Soma who is the inspirer of praise,
   the purified, the shepherd of men.

víśvo yásya vraté jáno dādʰā́ra dʰármaṇaspáteḥ |
punānásya prabʰū́vasoḥ || 6||

6.  viśvanmsn«√viś yasr3msg vratannsl«√vṛ2 jananmsn«√jan  
    dādʰāravp·I·3s«√dʰṛ dʰarmannnsg«√dʰṛ patinmsg«√pā2 |
    punānajmsg«√pū (prabʰūnns«pra~√bʰū-vasunns«√vas)jmsg 

6. On the worship of whom all men fix their thoughts, the lord of pious acts,
   the purified, the possessor of abundant wealth.

Sūkta 9.36 

ásarji rátʰyo yatʰā pavítre camvòḥ sutáḥ |
kā́rṣmanvājī́ nyàkramīt || 1||

1.  asarjivp·U·3s«√sṛj ratʰyanmsn«√ṛ yadr3nsi  
    pavitrannsl«√pū camūnfdl sutajmsn«√su |
    kārṣmannnsl«√kṛṣ vājinnmsn«√vāj nip akramītvp·U·3s«√kram 

1. Pressed between the boards, the Soma has been let loose, like a chariot-horse,
   upon the straining-cloth, the courser steps out on the field.

sá váhniḥ soma jā́gṛviḥ pávasva devavī́ráti |
abʰí kóśaṃ madʰuścútam || 2||

2.  sasr3msn vahninmsn«√vah somaNmsv«√su jāgṛvijmsn«√jāgṛ  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmsn atip |
    abʰip kośanmsa«√kuś (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa 

2. Soma, bearer of oblations, vigilant, devoted to the gods,
   flow past the hooey-dropping filter-cloth into the vessel.

sá no jyótīṃṣi pūrvya pávamāna ví rocaya |
krátve dákṣāya no hinu || 3||

3.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd jyotisnnpa«√jyot pūrvyajmsv«√pṝ  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū vip rocayavp·Ao2s«√ruc |
    kratunmsd«√kṛ dakṣanmsd«√dakṣ vayamr1mpa hinuvp·Ao2s«√hi 

3. Ancient purifier, illume for us the luminaries of heaven,
   animate us for strength-bestowing sacrifice.

śumbʰámāna ṛtāyúbʰirmṛjyámāno gábʰastyoḥ |
pávate vā́re avyáye || 4||

4.  śumbʰamānata·Amsn«√śubʰ (ṛtanns«√ṛ-yujms«√yu)jmpi  
    mṛjyamānata·Amsn«√mṛj gabʰastinmdl |
    pavateva·A·3s«√pū vāranmsl«√vṛ2 avyayajmsl 

4. Beautified by the ministers of the rite, expressed by their hands,
   the Soma flows through the woollen filter.

sá víśvā dāśúṣe vásu sómo divyā́ni pā́rtʰivā |
pávatāmā́ntárikṣyā || 5||

5.  sasr3msn viśvajnpa«√viś dāśvaṅstp·Imsd«√dāś vasunnpa«√vas  
    somaNmsn«√su divyajnpa«√div pārtʰivajnpa«√pṛtʰ |
    pavatāmva·Ao3s«√pū āp (antara-īkṣyajms«√ikṣ)jnpa 

5. May that Soma bestow upon the donor of the libation all treasures,
   whether of heaven or earth or the firmament.

ā́ diváspṛṣṭʰámaśvayúrgavyayúḥ soma rohasi |
vīrayúḥ śavasaspate || 6||

6.  āp dyunmsg pṛṣṭʰannsa«pra~√stʰā (aśvanms«√aś-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
    (gavyanns-yujms«√yu)jmsn somaNmsv«√su rohasivp·A·2s«√ruh |
    (vīranms«√vīr-yujms«√yu)jmsn śavasnnsg«√śvi patinmsv«√pā2 

6. Soma, lord of food, thou ascendest to the summit of the sky,
   desirous of horses, kine, and male progeny.

Sūkta 9.37 

sá sutáḥ pītáye vṛ́ṣā sómaḥ pavítre arṣati |
vigʰnánrákṣāṃsi devayúḥ || 1||

1.  sasr3msn sutajmsn«√su pītinfsd«√pā vṛṣanjmsn«√vṛṣ  
    somaNmsn«√su pavitrannsl«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    vigʰnanttp·Amsn«vi~√han rakṣasnnpa«√rakṣ (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

1. Soma, the showerer of benefits, when effused for the drinking of the gods,
   rushes to the filter, destroying the Rakshasas, devoted to the gods.

sá pavítre vicakṣaṇó hárirarṣati dʰarṇasíḥ |
abʰí yóniṃ kánikradat || 2||

2.  sasr3msn pavitrannsl«√pū vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ  
    harijmsn«√hṛ arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ dʰarṇasijmsn«√dʰṛ |
    abʰip yoninmsa«√yu kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand 

2. The all-beholding Soma, green-tinted, all-sustaining, rushes to the filter and
   thence crying aloud to the pitcher.

sá vājī́ rocanā́ diváḥ pávamāno ví dʰāvati |
rakṣohā́ vā́ramavyáyam || 3||

3.  sasr3msn vājinnmsn«√vāj rocanannpa«√ruc dyunmsg  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū vip dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv |
    (rakṣasnns«√rakṣ-hannms«√han)nmsn vāranmsa«√vṛ2 avyayajmsa 

3. Fleet as a horse, the pure Soma, the illumer of heaven, hastens,
   the destroyer of Rakshasas, past the woollen fleece.

sá tritásyā́dʰi sā́navi pávamāno arocayat |
jāmíbʰiḥ sū́ryaṃ sahá || 4||

4.  sasr3msn tritaNmsg adʰip sānunnsl«√san  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū arocayatvp·Aa3s«√ruc |
    jāminfpi«√jan sūryanmsa«√sūr sahap 

4. The pure Soma upon the high place of the sacrifice of Trita,
   attended by its kindred rays, has lighted up the Sun.

sá vṛtrahā́ vṛ́ṣā sutó varivovídádābʰyaḥ |
sómo vā́jamivāsarat || 5||

5.  sasr3msn (vṛtraNns«√vṛ-hanjms«√han)nmsn vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ sutajmsn«√su  
    (varivasnns«√vṛ-vidjms«√vid)jmsn adābʰyajmsn«a~√dabʰ |
    somanmsn«√su vājanmsa«√vāj ivac asaratvp·Aa3s«√sṛ 

5. The slayer of Vrtra, the showerer of benefits, the giver of wealth, the invincible,
   the effused Soma proceeds to the pitcher as a horse to battle.

sá deváḥ kavíneṣitò'bʰí dróṇāni dʰāvati |
índuríndrāya maṃhánā || 6||

6.  sasr3msn devanmsn«√div kavinmsi«√kū iṣitajmsn«√iṣ  
    abʰip droṇannpa«√dru dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv |
    induNmsn«√ind indraNmsd«√ind maṃhanāa«√maṃh 

6. The divine Soma, when effused by the priest,
   hastens in his might to the pitchers for Indra.

Sūkta 9.38 

eṣá u syá vṛ́ṣā rátʰó'vyo vā́rebʰirarṣati |
gácʰanvā́jaṃ sahasríṇam || 1||

1.  eṣasr3msn uc syac vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ ratʰanmsn«√ṛ  
    avinfsg vārannpi«√vṛ2 arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    gacʰanttp·Amsn«√gam vājanmsa«√vāj sahasrinjmsa 

1. This Soma, the showerer of benefits, the chariot, dashes through the woollen fleece,
   bearing to the worshipper thousandfold food.

etáṃ tritásya yóṣaṇo háriṃ hinvantyádribʰiḥ |
índumíndrāya pītáye || 2||

2.  etasr3msa tritaNmsg yoṣannfpn«√yu  
    harijmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    induNmsa«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

2. The fingers of Trita effuse by the stones
   this green-tinted juice for Indra's drinking.

etáṃ tyáṃ haríto dáśa marmṛjyánte apasyúvaḥ |
yā́bʰirmádāya śúmbʰate || 3||

3.  etasr3msa syar3msa haritnfpn«√hṛ daśau  
    marmṛjyanteva·A·3p«√mṛj (apasnns-yūjfs«√yu)jfpn |
    yār3fpi madanmsd«√mad śumbʰateva·A·3s«√śubʰ 

3. The ten fingers, eager in the work, express that Soma,
   and by them it is purified for the exhilaration of Indra.

eṣá syá mā́nuṣīṣvā́ śyenó ná vikṣú sīdati |
gácʰañjāró ná yoṣítam || 4||

4.  eṣasr3msn syar3msn mānuṣījfpl«√man āp  
    śyenanmsn nac viśnfpl«√viś sīdativp·A·3s«√sad |
    gacʰanttp·Amsn«√gam jāranmsn«√jṝ nac yoṣitnfsa«√yu 

4. That Soma sits down amongst human beings like a falcon,
   hastening as a gallant to his mistress.

eṣá syá mádyo rásó'va caṣṭe diváḥ śíśuḥ |
yá índurvā́ramā́viśat || 5||

5.  eṣasr3msn syar3msn madyajmsn«√mad rasanmsn«√ras  
    avap caṣṭeva·A·3s«√cakṣ dyunmsg śiśunmsn«√śū |
    yasr3msn induNmsn«√ind vāranmsa«√vṛ2 āp aviśatvp·Aa3s«√viś 

5. That exhilarating juice beholds all, Indu, the child of heaven,
   that percolates through the fleece.

eṣá syá pītáye sutó hárirarṣati dʰarṇasíḥ |
krándanyónimabʰí priyám || 6||

6.  eṣasr3msn syar3msn pītinfsd«√pā sutajmsn«√su  
    harijmsn«√hṛ arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ dʰarṇasijmsn«√dʰṛ |
    krandantp·A?s?«√krand yoninmsa«√yu abʰip priyajmsa«√prī 

6. That green-tinted, all-sustaining Soma, when effused for the drinking of the gods,
   rushes crying aloud to its beloved place.

Sūkta 9.39 

āśúrarṣa bṛhanmate pári priyéṇa dʰā́mnā |
yátra devā́ íti brávan || 1||

1.  āśujmsn«√aś arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ (bṛhatjms«√bṛh-matinfs«√man)jmsv  
    parip priyajmsi«√prī dʰāmannnsi«√dʰā |
    yadr3nsl devanmpn«√div itia bravanvp·Ae3p«√brū 

1. Great-minded Soma, go swift with thy body that is most dear to the gods,
   saying, "Where are the gods?"

pariṣkṛṇvánnániṣkṛtaṃ jánāya yātáyanníṣaḥ |
vṛṣṭíṃ diváḥ pári srava || 2||

2.  pariṣkṛṇvantp·Amsn«pari~√kṛ aniṣkṛtajmsa«a-nis~√kṛ ​
    jananmsd«√jan yātayantp·Amsn«√yat iṣnfpa«√iṣ |
    vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ dyunmsb parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

2. Sanctifying the unconsecrated worshipper bringing food for the offerer,
   pour down rain from heaven.

sutá eti pavítra ā́ tvíṣiṃ dádʰāna ójasā |
vicákṣāṇo virocáyan || 3||

3.  sutajmsn«√su etivp·A·3s«√i pavitrannsl«√pū āp  
    tviṣinfsa«√tviṣ dadʰānatp·Imsn«√dʰā ojasnnsi«√vaj |
    vicakṣāṇata·Amsn«vi~√cakṣ virocayantp·Amsn«vi~√ruc 

3. The Soma when effused enters the filter with force, giving forth light,
   beholding and illuminating all things.

ayáṃ sá yó diváspári ragʰuyā́mā pavítra ā́ |
síndʰorūrmā́ vyákṣarat || 4||

4.  ayamr3msn sasr3msn yasr3msn dyunmsb parip  
    (ragʰujns«√raṃh-yāmannns«√yām)jmsn pavitrannsl«√pū āp |
    sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ūrminmsl«√ṛ vip akṣaratvp·Aa3s«√kṣar 

4. This Soma, who light of movement mounts to heaven,
   flows through the filter in a stream of water.

āvívāsanparāváto átʰo arvāvátaḥ sutáḥ |
índrāya sicyate mádʰu || 5||

5.  āvivāsanttp·Amsn«ā~√van parāvatnfsb«√pṛ  
    atʰāa uc arvāvatnfsb sutajmsn«√su |
    indraNmsd«√ind sicyatevp·A·3s«√sic madʰunnsn«√madʰ 

5. The effused Soma honouring the gods, whether he is far off or nigh,
   is poured out as madhu for Indra.

samīcīnā́ anūṣata háriṃ hinvantyádribʰiḥ |
yónāvṛtásya sīdata || 6||

6.  samīcīnajfpn«sam~√añc anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
    harijmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    yoninmsl«√yu ṛtannsg«√ṛ sīdatavp·Ao2p«√sad 

6. The united worshippers praise him, they squeeze him forth green-tinted with the stones;
   sit down O gods at the place of sacrifice.

Sūkta 9.40 

punānó akramīdabʰí víśvā mṛ́dʰo vícarṣaṇiḥ |
śumbʰánti vípraṃ dʰītíbʰiḥ || 1||

1.  punānajmsn«√pū akramītvp·U·3s«√kram abʰip  
    viśvajfpa«√viś mṛdʰnfpa«√mṛdʰ vicarṣaṇijmsn«vi~√kṛṣ |
    śumbʰantivp·A·3p«√śubʰ viprajmsa«√vip dʰītinfpi«√dʰī 

1. The pure all-seeing Soma has overcome all enemies;
   the worshippers grace the sage Soma with their praises.

ā́ yónimaruṇó ruhadgámadíndraṃ vṛ́ṣā sutáḥ |
dʰruvé sádasi sīdati || 2||

2.  āp yoninmsa«√yu aruṇajmsn«√ṛ ruhatvp·U·3s«√ruh  
    gamatvp·Ae3s«√gam indraNmsa«√ind vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ sutajmsn«√su |
    dʰruvajnsl«√dʰṛ sadasnnsl«√sad sīdativp·A·3s«√sad 

2. The tawny-hued showerer of benefits when effused ascends to his place;
   he goes to Indra: he dwells in the fixed abode of heaven.

nū́ no rayíṃ mahā́mindo'smábʰyaṃ soma viśvátaḥ |
ā́ pavasva sahasríṇam || 3||

3.  nūc vayamr1mpa rayinmsa«√rā mahāntjmsa«√mah induNmsv«√ind  
    vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su viśvatasa«√viś |
    āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū sahasrinjmsa 

3. O Indu, O Soma, quickly pour upon us from all quarters
   vast and infinite riches.

víśvā soma pavamāna dyumnā́nīndavā́ bʰara |
vidā́ḥ sahasríṇīríṣaḥ || 4||

4.  viśvajnpa«√viś somaNmsv«√su pavamānanmsv«√pū  
    dyumnannpa induNmsv«√ind āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ |
    vidāsvp·Ae2s«√vid sahasriṇījfpa iṣnfpa«√iṣ 

4. O purified Soma, O Indu, bring all sorts of wealth,
   bestow unlimited food.

sá naḥ punāná ā́ bʰara rayíṃ stotré suvī́ryam |
jaritúrvardʰayā gíraḥ || 5||

5.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd punānajmsn«√pū āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ  
    rayinmsa«√rā stotṛnmsd«√stu suvīryannsa«su~√vīr |
    jaritṛnmsg«√gṝ vardʰayavp·Ao2s«√vṛdʰ girnfpa«√gṝ 

5. O Soma, being purified, bring us thy worshippers wealth with male offspring,
   recompense the praises of him who glorifies thee.

punāná indavā́ bʰara sóma dvibárhasaṃ rayím |
vṛ́ṣannindo na uktʰyàm || 6||

6.  punānajmsn«√pū induNmsv«√ind āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ  
    somaNmsv«√su (dviu-barhasjms«√bṛh)jmsa rayinmsa«√rā |
    vṛṣannmsv«√vṛṣ induNmsv«√ind vayamr1mpd uktʰyajnsa«√vac 

6. Indu, Soma, being purified, bring us wealth from both worlds;
   Indu, showerer of benefits, bring us glorious wealth.

Sūkta 9.41 

prá yé gā́vo ná bʰū́rṇayastveṣā́ ayā́so ákramuḥ |
gʰnántaḥ kṛṣṇā́mápa tvácam || 1||

1.  prap yasr3mpn gonfpn nac bʰūrṇijmpn  
    tveṣajmpn«√tviṣ ayāsnmpn«a~√yas akramurvp·U·3p«√kram |
    gʰnantjmpn«√han kṛṣṇājfsa«√kṛṣ apap tvacnfsa«√tvac 

1. Praise the Soma-juices which descend like streams of water, swift, brilliant, rapid,
   driving off the black-skinned Raksasas.

suvitásya manāmahé'ti sétuṃ durāvyàm |
sāhvā́ṃso dásyumavratám || 2||

2.  suvitajmsg«su~√i manāmaheva·A·1p«√man  
    atip setunmsa«√si durāvījmsa«dus~√vī |
    sāhvaṃstp·Impn«√sah (dasnfs«√das-yujms«√yu)nmsa avratajmsa«a~√vṛ2 

2. We praise the auspicious Soma's imprisonment of the Rakshasas and hostile intent against them,
   whilst we triumph over the enemy who performs no rites.

śṛṇvé vṛṣṭériva svanáḥ pávamānasya śuṣmíṇaḥ |
cáranti vidyúto diví || 3||

3.  śṛṇveva·A·3s«√śru vṛṣṭinfsg«√vṛṣ ivac svananmsn«√svan  
    pavamānanmsg«√pū śuṣminjmsg«√śuṣ |
    carantivp·A·3p«√car vidyutnfpn«vi~√dyut dyunmsl«√dyu 

3. The sound of the purified, powerful Soma is heard like that of rain;
   his lightnings move in the sky.

ā́ pavasva mahī́míṣaṃ gómadindo híraṇyavat |
áśvāvadvā́javatsutáḥ || 4||

4.  āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū mahījfsa«√mah iṣnfsa«√iṣ  
    gomatjmsn induNmsv«√ind hiraṇyavatjmsn«√hṛ |
    aśvāvatjmsn«√aś vājavatjmsn«√vāj sutajmsn«√su 

4. When effused, Indu, pour forth much food
   with cows, gold, horses, and strength.

sá pavasva vicarṣaṇa ā́ mahī́ ródasī pṛṇa |
uṣā́ḥ sū́ryo ná raśmíbʰiḥ || 5||

5.  sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū vicarṣaṇijmsv«vi~√kṛṣ  
    āp mahjnda«√mah rodasnnda pṛṇavp·Ao2s«√pṝ |
    uṣāsnfsn«√vas sūryanmsn«√sūr nac raśminmpi«√raś 

5. Flow, all-seeing Soma, fill the vast heaven and earth,
   as the sun fills the days with his beams.

pári ṇaḥ śarmayántyā dʰā́rayā soma viśvátaḥ |
sárā raséva viṣṭápam || 6||

6.  parip vayamr1mpa śarmayantinfsi«√śri  
    dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ somaNmsv«√su viśvatasa«√viś |
    saravp·Ao2s«√sṛ rasānfsn«√ras ivac viṣṭapnfsa«vi~√stambʰ 

6. Flow round us, Soma, on all sides in a bliss-bestowing stream,
   like a river down a steep place.

Sūkta 9.42 

janáyanrocanā́ divó janáyannapsú sū́ryam |
vásāno gā́ apó háriḥ || 1||

1.  janayanttp·Ansn«√jan rocanannpa«√ruc dyunmsg  
    janayanttp·Ansn«√jan apnfpl sūryanmsa«√sūr |
    vasānata·Amsn«√vas gonfpa apnfpa harijmsn«√hṛ 

1. The green-tinted Soma generating the luminaries of heaven, generating the sun in the firmament,
   clothing himself with the descending waters-

eṣá pratnéna mánmanā devó devébʰyaspári |
dʰā́rayā pavate sutáḥ || 2||

2.  eṣasr3msn pratnajnsi manmannnsi«√man  
    devanmsn«√div devanmpd«√div parip |
    dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ pavateva·A·3s«√pū sutajmsn«√su 

2. He with ancient praise when effused flows in a stream,
   a god for the gods.

vāvṛdʰānā́ya tū́rvaye pávante vā́jasātaye |
sómāḥ sahásrapājasaḥ || 3||

3.  vāvṛdʰānatp·Amsd«√vṛdʰ tūrvijmsd«√turv  
    pavanteva·A·3p«√pū (vājanms«√vāj-sātinfs«√san)nfsd |
    somanmpn«√su (sahasrau-pājasnns«√pāj)jmpn 

3. The Soma juices of unbounded vigour flow
   for the increasing, rapid acquisition of food.

duhānáḥ pratnámítpáyaḥ pavítre pári ṣicyate |
krándandevā́m̐ ajījanat || 4||

4.  duhānajmsn«√duh pratnajnsa idc payasnnsa«√pī  
    pavitrannsl«√pū parip sicyatevp·A·3s«√sic |
    krandantp·A?s?«√krand devanmpa«√div ajījanatvp·U·3s«√jan 

4. Milking forth the ancient fluid, the Soma is poured into the filter
   and crying out generates the gods.

abʰí víśvāni vā́ryābʰí devā́m̐ ṛtāvṛ́dʰaḥ |
sómaḥ punānó arṣati || 5||

5.  abʰip viśvajmpa«√viś vāryajmpa«√vṛ2 abʰip  
    devanmpa«√div (ṛtanns«√ṛ-āvṛdʰjms«ā~√vṛdʰ)jmpa |
    somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ 

5. Soma being purified hastens towards all desirable wealth,
   towards the gods who favour the sacrifice.

gómannaḥ soma vīrávadáśvāvadvā́javatsutáḥ |
pávasva bṛhatī́ríṣaḥ || 6||

6.  gomatjnsa vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su vīravantjnsa«√vīr  
    aśvāvantjnsa«√aś vājavantjnsa«√vāj sutajmsn«√su |
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū bṛhatījfpa«√bṛh iṣnfpa«√iṣ 

6. Soma, being effused pour down upon us wealth consisting of kine,
   male offspring, horses and strength, and abundant food.

Sūkta 9.43 

yó átya iva mṛjyáte góbʰirmádāya haryatáḥ |
táṃ gīrbʰírvāsayāmasi || 1||

1.  yasr3msn atyanmsn«√at? ivac mṛjyatevp·A·3s«√mṛj  
    gonfpi madanmsd«√mad haryatajmsn«√hary |
    sasr3msa girnfpi«√gṝ vāsayāmasivp·A·1p«√vas 

1. We invest with praises that Soma who, beloved, is cleansed like a horse with milk
   for the exhilaration of the gods.

táṃ no víśvā avasyúvo gíraḥ śumbʰanti pūrvátʰā |
índumíndrāya pītáye || 2||

2.  sasr3msa vayamr1mpg viśvajfpn«√viś (avasnns«√av-yūjfs«√yu)jfpn  
    gīrnfpn«√gṝ śumbʰantivp·A·3p«√śubʰ pūrvatʰāa«√pur |
    indunmsa«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

2. This Indu all our praises desiring protection, beautify now
   as of old for Indra to drink.

punānó yāti haryatáḥ sómo gīrbʰíḥ páriṣkṛtaḥ |
víprasya médʰyātitʰeḥ || 3||

3.  punānajmsn«√pū yātivp·A·3s«√yā haryatajmsn«√hary  
    somanmsn«√su gīrnfpi«√gṝ pariṣkṛtajmsn«pari~√kṛ |
    vipranmsg«√vip (medʰyajms«√medʰ-atitʰijms«√at)Nmsg 

3. Pure flows the beloved Soma, beautified by the praises
   of the sage MEDHYATITHI.

pávamāna vidā́ rayímasmábʰyaṃ soma suśríyam |
índo sahásravarcasam || 4||

4.  pavamānanmsv«√pū vidāsvp·Ae2s«√vid rayinmsa«√rā  
    vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su suśriyajmsa«su~√śrī |
    indunmsv«√ind (sahasrau-varcasnns«√ruc)jmsa 

4. Purified Soma, grant us auspicious wealth
   with infinite splendour, O Indu.

índurátyo ná vājasṛ́tkánikranti pavítra ā́ |
yádákṣāráti devayúḥ || 5||

5.  indunmsn«√ind atyanmsn«√at? nac (vājanms«√vāj-sṛtjms«√sṛ)jmsn  
    kanikrantivp·A·3s«√krand pavitrannsl«√pū āp |
    yadr3nsn akṣārvp·U·3s«√kṣar atip (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

5. Indu, like a horse rushing into battle, sounds in the sieve,
   when he flows through, beloved of the gods.

pávasva vā́jasātaye víprasya gṛṇató vṛdʰé |
sóma rā́sva suvī́ryam || 6||

6.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (vājanms«√vāj-sātinfs«√san)nfsd  
    vipranmsg«√vip gṛṇattp·Ampa«√gṝ vṛdʰnfsd«√vṛdʰ |
    somaNmsv«√su rāsvavp·Uo2s«√rā suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

6. Flow for the acquisition of food, for the prosperity of the sage who praiseth thee;
   O Soma, grant me excellent male offspring.

Sūkta 9.44 

prá ṇa indo mahé tána ūrmíṃ ná bíbʰradarṣasi |
abʰí devā́m̐ ayā́syaḥ || 1||

1.  prap vayamr1mpd induNmsv«√ind mahjfsd«√mah tannfsd«√tan  
    ūrminmsa«√ṛ nac bibʰrattp·Amsn«√bʰṛ arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ |
    abʰip devanmpa«√div ayāsyajmsn«a~√yas 

1. Indu, thou advancest to give us abundant wealth;
   AYASYA bearing thy waves goeth towards the gods to sacrifice.

matī́ juṣṭó dʰiyā́ hitáḥ sómo hinve parāváti |
víprasya dʰā́rayā kavíḥ || 2||

2.  matinfsi«√man juṣṭajmsn«√juṣ dʰīnfsi«√dʰī hitajmsn«√hi  
    somanmsn«√su hinveva·A·3s«√hi parāvatnmsl«√pṛ |
    vipranmsg«√vip dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ kavinmsn«√kū 

2. The sage Soma gratified by the praise of the pious worshipper prepared for the sacrifice
   is sent in a stream at a distance from the filter.

ayáṃ devéṣu jā́gṛviḥ sutá eti pavítra ā́ |
sómo yāti vícarṣaṇiḥ || 3||

3.  ayamr3msn devanmpl«√div jāgṛvijmsn«√jāgṛ  
    sutajmsn«√su etivp·A·3s«√i pavitrannsl«√pū āp |
    somanmsn«√su yātivp·A·3s«√yā vicarṣaṇijmsn«vi~√kṛṣ 

3. This vigilant Soma effused for the gods approaches,
   all-beholding he goes to the filter.

sá naḥ pavasva vājayúścakrāṇáścā́rumadʰvarám |
barhíṣmām̐ ā́ vivāsati || 4||

4.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (vājanms«√vāj-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
    cakrāṇajmsn«√kṛ cārujmsa«√can adʰvaranmsa |
    barhiṣmantjmsn«√barh āp vivāsativp·A·3s«√van 

4. Flow for us food-desiring, making our sacrifice auspicious;
   O Soma, whom the priest with the sacred grass adores.

sá no bʰágāya vāyáve vípravīraḥ sadā́vṛdʰaḥ |
sómo devéṣvā́ yamat || 5||

5.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd bʰaganmsd«√bʰaj vāyunmsd«√vā  
    (viprajms«√vip-vīranms«√vīr)nmsn (sadāa-vṛdʰajms«√vṛdʰ)jmsn |
    somanmsn«√su devanmpl«√div āp yamatvp·Ae3s«√yam 

5. May Soma who is pressed forth by the seers for BHAGA and Vayu, ever prospering,
   grant us wealth placed amongst the gods.

sá no adyá vásuttaye kratuvídgātuvíttamaḥ |
vā́jaṃ jeṣi śrávo bṛhát || 6||

6.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd adyaa (vasunns«√vas-dattinfs«√dā)nfsd  
    (kratunms«√kṛ-vidjms«√vid)jmsn (gātunms«√gā-vittamajms«√vid)jmsn |
    vājanmsa«√vāj jeṣivp·Ao2s«√ji śravasnnsa«√śru bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh 

6. Receiver of sacrifices, knower of pious paths, grant us this day
   abundant food and strength for the acquisition of wealth.

Sūkta 9.45 

sá pavasva mádāya káṃ nṛcákṣā devávītaye |
índavíndrāya pītáye || 1||

1.  sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madanmsd«√mad kamc  
    (nṛnms-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)nmsn (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd |
    indunmsv«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

1. Indu, do thou the beholder of men flow pleasantly for the banquet of the gods,
   for Indra's drinking and exhilaration.

sá no arṣābʰí dūtyàṃ tvámíndrāya tośase |
devā́nsákʰibʰya ā́ váram || 2||

2.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ abʰip dūtyannsa«√du  
    tvamr2msn indraNmsd«√ind tośaseva·A·2s«√tuś |
    devanmpa«√div sakʰinmpb«√sac āp varanmsa«√vṛ2 

2. Approach the office of messenger for us: thou who art drunk for INDRA,
   pour on the gods wealth for us their friends.

utá tvā́maruṇáṃ vayáṃ góbʰirañjmo mádāya kám |
ví no rāyé dúro vṛdʰi || 3||

3.  utac tvamr2msa aruṇajmsa«√ruh vayamr1mpn  
    gonfpi añjmasvp·A·1p«√añj madanmsd«√mad kamc |
    vip vayamr1mpd rainmsd«√rā durnfpa vṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√vṛ 

3. And we adorn thee, the purple-tinted, with milk and curds for the purpose of exhilaration,
   open the doors for our riches.

átyū pavítramakramīdvājī́ dʰúraṃ ná yā́mani |
índurdevéṣu patyate || 4||

4.  atip uc pavitrannsa«√pū akramītvp·U·3s«√kram  
    vājinnmsn«√vāj dʰuranmsa«√dʰṛ nac yāmannnsl«√yā |
    indunmsn«√ind devanmpl«√div patyateva·A·3s«√pat 

4. Indu passes the filter as a horse in going passes the shaft of the chariot;
   he proceeds to the midst of the gods.

sámī sákʰāyo asvaranváne krī́ḷantamátyavim |
índuṃ nāvā́ anūṣata || 5||

5.  samp īmr3msa sakʰinmpn«√sac asvaranvp·U·3p«√svṛ  
    vanannsl«√van krīḷanttp·Amsa«√krīḷ atyavijmsa |
    indunmsa«√ind nāvanmpn«√nū anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū 

5. His friends praise Indu sporting in the water and passing through the fleece;
   their hymns glorify him.

táyā pavasva dʰā́rayā yáyā pītó vicákṣase |
índo stotré suvī́ryam || 6||

6.  tār3fsi pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛr3fsi pītajmsn«√pā vicakṣaseva·A·2s«vi~√cakṣ |
    indunmsv«√ind stotṛnmsd«√stu suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

6. Flow, Indu, with that stream wherewith when drunk thou bestowest much vigour
   on thy discerning worshipper.

Sūkta 9.46 

ásṛgrandevávītayé'tyāsaḥ kṛ́tvyā iva |
kṣárantaḥ parvatāvṛ́dʰaḥ || 1||

1.  asṛgranva·U·3p«√sṛj (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd  
    atyanmpn«√at? kṛtvyajmpn«√kṛ ivac |
    kṣarantjmpn«√kṣar (parvatanms-āvṛdʰjms«ā~√vṛdʰ)jmpn 

1. Begotten by the stones the flowing Soma juices are effused
   for the banquet of the gods like active horses.

páriṣkṛtāsa índavo yóṣeva pítryāvatī |
vāyúṃ sómā asṛkṣata || 2||

2.  pariṣkṛtajmpn«pari~√kṛ indunmpn«√ind  
    yoṣānfsn«√yu ivac pitryāvatījfsn |
    vāyuNmsa«√vā somajmpn«√su asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj 

2. The Soma-juices pressed at the sacrifice adorned
   like a bride who hath a father flow to Vayu.

eté sómāsa índavaḥ práyasvantaścamū́ sutā́ḥ |
índraṃ vardʰanti kármabʰiḥ || 3||

3.  etasr3mpn somajmpn«√su indunmpn«√ind  
    prayasvantjmpn«√prī camūnfsl sutajmpn«√su |
    indraNmsa«√ind vardʰantivp·A·3p«√vṛdʰ karmannnpi«√kṛ 

3. These brilliant Soma-juices, bestowing pleasant food, expressed into the vessel,
   gratify Indra with the ceremonies.

ā́ dʰāvatā suhastyaḥ śukrā́ gṛbʰṇīta mantʰínā |
góbʰiḥ śrīṇīta matsarám || 4||

4.  āp dʰāvatavp·Ao2p«√dʰāv suhastījmpv  
    śukranmda«√śuc gṛbʰṇītavp·Ao2p«√grah mantʰinnmda«√mantʰ |
    gonfpi śrīṇītavp·Ao2p«√śrī (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsa 

4. Dexterous priests hasten to me, take with the ladle the pure Soma,
   mix the exhilarating Soma with milk and curds.

sá pavasva dʰanaṃjaya prayantā́ rā́dʰaso maháḥ |
asmábʰyaṃ soma gātuvít || 5||

5.  sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (dʰanannsa«√dʰan-jayajms«√ji)jmsv  
    prayantṛnmsn«pra~√yam rādʰasnnsg«√rādʰ mahjnsg«√mah |
    vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su (gātunms«√gā-vidjms«√vid)jmsn 

5. Soma, conqueror of wealth, who knowest the way to fulfill my desires,
   flow forth the bestower of vast wealth upon us.

etáṃ mṛjanti márjyaṃ pávamānaṃ dáśa kṣípaḥ |
índrāya matsaráṃ mádam || 6||

6.  etasr3msa mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj marjyajmsa«√mṛj  
    pavamānanmsa«√pū daśau kṣipnfpn«√kṣip |
    indraNmsd«√ind (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsa madanmsa«√mad 

6. The ten fingers purify this purifiable pure-flowing
   exhilarating juice for Indra.

Sūkta 9.47 

ayā́ sómaḥ sukṛtyáyā maháścidabʰyàvardʰata |
mandāná údvṛṣāyate || 1||

1.  ar3nsi somanmsn«√su sukṛtyājfsi«su~√kṛ  
    mahajmsn«√mah cidc abʰip avardʰatava·Aa3s«√vṛdʰ |
    mandānanmsn«√mand udp vṛṣāyateva·A·3s«√vṛṣ 

1. By this sacred solemnity the Soma is magnified before the mighty gods:
   exulting he moves like a bull.

kṛtā́nī́dasya kártvā cétante dasyutárhaṇā |
ṛṇā́ ca dʰṛṣṇúścayate || 2||

2.  kṛtannpn«√kṛ idc ayamr3msg kartvajnpn«√kṛ  
    cetanteva·A·3p«√cit (dasnfs«√das-yujms«√yu-tarhaṇajms«√tṛh)jnpn |
    ṛṇannpa«√ṛṇ cac dʰṛṣṇujmsn«√dʰṛṣ cayatevp·A·3s«√ci 

2. They publish his exploits, his acts of Dasyu-crushing:
   resolute he acquits the debts of the worshipper.

ā́tsóma indriyó ráso vájraḥ sahasrasā́ bʰuvat |
uktʰáṃ yádasya jā́yate || 3||

3.  ātc somaNmsn«√su indriyajmsn«√ind rasanmsn«√ras  
    vajranmsn«√vaj (sahasrau-sanjms«√san)jmsn bʰuvatvp·Ue3s«√bʰū |
    uktʰannsa«√vac yadc ayamr3msg jāyatevp·A·3s«√jan 

3. When the praise of Indra is recited, then the juice dear to him,
   vigorous as a thunderbolt, gives us unlimited wealth.

svayáṃ kavírvidʰartári víprāya rátnamicʰati |
yádī marmṛjyáte dʰíyaḥ || 4||

4.  svayama kavinmsn«√kū vidʰartṛnmsl«vi~√dʰṛ  
    viprajmsd«√vip ratnannsa«√rā icʰativp·A·3s«√iṣ2 |
    yadr3nsl marmṛjyateva·A·3s«√mṛj dʰīnfpa«√dʰī 

4. When the sage Soma is cleansed by the fingers, he of his own accord desires wealth
   for the pious worshipper in Indra, the granter of wishes!

siṣāsátū rayīṇā́ṃ vā́jeṣvárvatāmiva |
bʰáreṣu jigyúṣāmasi || 5||

5.  siṣāsaturvp·I·3d«√san rayinmpg«√rā  
    vājanmpl«√vāj arvatnmpg«√ṛ ivac |
    bʰaranmpl«√bʰṛ jigīvaṃstp·Impg«√ji asivp·A·2s«√as 

5. Thou desirest to give wealth to those who conquer in combat
   as men offer fodder to horses in battle.

Sūkta 9.48 

táṃ tvā nṛmṇā́ni bíbʰrataṃ sadʰástʰeṣu mahó diváḥ |
cā́ruṃ sukṛtyáyemahe || 1||

1.  sasr3msa tvamr2msa (nṛnms-mnanfs«√man)nnpa bibʰrattp·A?sa«√bʰṛ  
    (sadʰaa-stʰajms«√stʰā)nnpl mahjmsb«√mah dyunmsb |
    cārujmsa«√can sukṛtyājfsi«su~√kṛ īmaheva·A·1p«√i 

1. By sacred rites we solicit wealth of thee, auspicious bearing wealth
   abiding in the regions of the vast heaven-

sáṃvṛktadʰṛṣṇumuktʰyàṃ mahā́mahivrataṃ mádam |
śatáṃ púro rurukṣáṇim || 2||

2.  (saṃvṛktajms«sam~√vṛj-dʰṛṣṇua«√dʰṛṣ)jmsa uktʰyajmsa«√vac  
    (mahatjns«√mah-mahijns«√mah-vratanns«√vṛ2)jmsa madanmsa«√mad |
    śatau purnfpa«√pur rurukṣaṇinmsa«√ruj 

2. The overthrower of the resolute foe, the praiseworthy, to whom many solemn observances are addressed,
   the exhilarator, the destroyer of a hundred cities of the Asuras .

átastvā rayímabʰí rā́jānaṃ sukrato diváḥ |
suparṇó avyatʰírbʰarat || 3||

3.  ar3nsb tvamr2msa rayinmsa«√rā abʰip  
    rājannmsa«√rāj sukratujmsv«su~√kṛ dyunmsb |
    suparṇajmsn«su~√pṛ avyatʰijmsn«√vyatʰ bʰaratvp·AE3s«√bʰṛ 

3. O Soma, doer of good deeds, the unwearied hawk brought thee,
   king over riches, from this heaven.

víśvasmā ítsvàrdṛśé sā́dʰāraṇaṃ rajastúram |
gopā́mṛtásya vírbʰarat || 4||

4.  viśvajmsd«√viś idc svarnnsa dṛśev···D··«√dṛś  
    sādʰāraṇajmsa«sa-ā~√dʰṛ (rajasnns«√raj-turjns«√tvar)jmsa |
    (gonfs-pājms«√pā2)nmsa ṛtannsg«√ṛ vinmsn bʰaratvp·AE3s«√bʰṛ 

4. The bird brought thee the showerer of water the protector of the sacrifice,
   the common property of every god.

ádʰā hinvāná indriyáṃ jyā́yo mahitvámānaśe |
abʰiṣṭikṛ́dvícarṣaṇiḥ || 5||

5.  adʰāc hinvānata·Amsn«√hi indriyannsa«√ind  
    jyāyasjnsa«√jyā mahitvannsa«√mah ānaśevp·I·3s«√aś |
    (abʰiṣṭinfs«√as-kṛtjms«√kṛ)jmsn vicarṣaṇijmsn«vi~√kṛṣ 

5. The contemplator of all, the granter of desires, putting forth his energy
   obtains superior greatness.

Sūkta 9.49 

pávasva vṛṣṭímā́ sú no'pā́mūrmíṃ diváspári |
ayakṣmā́ bṛhatī́ríṣaḥ || 1||

1.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ āp sup  
    vayamr1mpd apnfpg ūrminmsa«√ṛ dyunmsb parip |
    ayakṣmājfpa«√yakṣ bṛhatījfpa«√bṛh iṣnfpa«√iṣ 

1. Pour down upon us a shower from heaven, a stream of waters,
   wholesome and abundant food.

táyā pavasva dʰā́rayā yáyā gā́va ihā́gáman |
jányāsa úpa no gṛhám || 2||

2.  tār3fsi pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛr3fsi gonfpa ihaa āgamattp·A?sn«ā~√gam |
    janyajmpn«√jan upap vayamr1mpg gṛhanmsa 

2. Flow in such a stream that the cattle belonging to the enemy's nation
   may come here to our dwelling.

gʰṛtáṃ pavasva dʰā́rayā yajñéṣu devavī́tamaḥ |
asmábʰyaṃ vṛṣṭímā́ pava || 3||

3.  gʰṛtannsa«√gʰṛ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    yajñanmpl«√yaj (devanms«√div-vītamajms«√vī)jmsn |
    vayamr1mpd vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ āp pavavp·Ao2s«√pū 

3. Thou who art most dear to the gods at sacrifices,
   shower down water in a stream, pour thy rain upon us.

sá na ūrjé vyàvyáyaṃ pavítraṃ dʰāva dʰā́rayā |
devā́saḥ śṛṇávanhí kam || 4||

4.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpg ūrjnfsd«√ūrj vip avyayajnsa  
    pavitrannsa«√pū dʰāvavp·Ao2s«√dʰāv dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    devanmpn«√div śṛṇavanvp·Ae3p«√śru hic kamc 

4. Do thou for our sustenance hasten to the woollen filter with thy stream;
   let the gods hear thy sound.

pávamāno asiṣyadadrákṣāṃsyapajáṅgʰanat |
pratnavádrocáyanrúcaḥ || 5||

5.  pavamānanmsn«√pū asiṣyadatva·U·3s«√syand  
    rakṣasnnpa«√rakṣ apajaṅgʰanattp·Amsn«apa~√han |
    pratnavata rocayantp·Amsn«√ruc rucnfpa«√ruc 

5. The purifier the Soma flows forth destroying the Raksasas,
   flashing out brilliance as of old.

Sūkta 9.50 

útte śúṣmāsa īrate síndʰorūrmériva svanáḥ |
vāṇásya codayā pavím || 1||

1.  udp tvamr2msg śuṣmanmpn«√śuṣ īrateva·A·3p«√īr  
    sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ūrminmsb«√ṛ ivac svananmsn«√svan |
    vāṇanmsg«√vāṇ codayavp·Ao2s«√cud pavinfsa«√pū 

1. Forth flow thy mighty streams, like the roar issuing from the ocean wave:
   emit thy sound like that of a rushing arrow.

prasavé ta údīrate tisró vā́co makʰasyúvaḥ |
yádávya éṣi sā́navi || 2||

2.  prasavanmsl«pra~√su tvamr2msg udp īrateva·A·3p«√īr  
    triu vācnfpn«√vac (makʰasnns«√maṅkʰ-yujms«√yu)jfpn |
    yadc avyajnsl eṣivp·A·2s«√i sānunnsl«√san 

2. At thy birth the three voices of the worshipper are uttered
   when thou goest to the summit of the fleece.

ávyo vā́re pári priyáṃ háriṃ hinvantyádribʰiḥ |
pávamānaṃ madʰuścútam || 3||

3.  avinmsg vāranmsl«√vṛ2 parip priyajmsa«√prī  
    harijmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    pavamānanmsa«√pū (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa 

3. The priests effuse with the stones into the fleece
   the beloved green-tinted purifying honey-dropping Soma.

ā́ pavasva madintama pavítraṃ dʰā́rayā kave |
arkásya yónimāsádam || 4||

4.  āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madintamajmsv«√mad  
    pavitrannsa«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ kavinmsv«√kū |
    arkanmsg«√arc yoninmsa«√yu āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

4. Most exhilarating sage Soma, flow in a stream to the filter
   to sit on Indra's lap!

sá pavasva madintama góbʰirañjānó aktúbʰiḥ |
índavíndrāya pītáye || 5||

5.  sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madintamajmsv«√mad  
    gonfpi añjānatp·Amsn«√añj aktunmpi«√añj |
    indunmsv«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

5. Most exhilarating Indu, being anointed with the unguents of milk and curds,
   flow forth for Indra's drinking.

Sūkta 9.51 

ádʰvaryo ádribʰiḥ sutáṃ sómaṃ pavítra ā́ sṛja |
punīhī́ndrāya pā́tave || 1||

1.  (adʰvaranms-yujms«√yu)jmsv adrinmpi«√dṛ sutajmsa«√su  
    somanmsa«√su pavitrannsl«√pū āp sṛjavp·Ao2s«√sṛj |
    punīhivp·Ao2s«√pū indraNmsd«√ind pātavev···D··«√pā 

1. Adhvaryu, pour upon the filter the Soma that has been expressed with the stones,
   purify it for Indra's drinking.

diváḥ pīyū́ṣamuttamáṃ sómamíndrāya vajríṇe |
sunótā mádʰumattamam || 2||

2.  dyunmsg pīyūṣanmsa«√pyai uttamajmsa  
    somanmsa«√su indraNmsd«√ind vajrinjmsd«√vaj |
    sunotavp·Ao2p«√su madʰumattamajmsa«√madʰ 

2. Adhvaryus, effuse the most sweet-flavoured Soma, the best ambrosia of heaven for Indra,
   the wielder of the thunderbolt.

táva tyá indo ándʰaso devā́ mádʰorvyàśnate |
pávamānasya marútaḥ || 3||

3.  tvamr2msg syar3msl indunmsv«√ind andʰasnnsg«√andʰ  
    devanmpn«√div madʰunnsg«√madʰ vip aśnateva·A·3p«√aś2 |
    pavamānanmsg«√pū marutNmpn 

3. Indu, the gods and the Maruts partake
   of thy sweet purifying beverage.

tváṃ hí soma vardʰáyansutó mádāya bʰū́rṇaye |
vṛ́ṣanstotā́ramūtáye || 4||

4.  tvamr2msn hic somaNmsv«√su vardʰayanttp·Amsn«√vṛdʰ  
    sutajmsn«√su madanmsd«√mad bʰūrṇijmsd |
    vṛṣannmsv«√vṛṣ stotṛnmsa«√stu ūtinfsd«√av 

4. For thou, Soma, being effused, approachest the worshipper
   for speedy exhilaration and protection.

abʰyàrṣa vicakṣaṇa pavítraṃ dʰā́rayā sutáḥ |
abʰí vā́jamutá śrávaḥ || 5||

5.  abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ vicakṣaṇajmsv«vi~√cakṣ  
    pavitrannsa«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ sutajmsn«√su |
    abʰip vājanmsa«√vāj utac śravasnnsa«√śru 

5. Hasten, sagacious Soma, when thou art effused, to the filter in a stream:
   bestow upon us food and fame.

Sūkta 9.52 

pári dyukṣáḥ sanádrayirbʰáradvā́jaṃ no ándʰasā |
suvānó arṣa pavítra ā́ || 1||

1.  parip (dyunms-kṣajms«√kṣi)nmsn (sanatjms«√san-rayinms«√rā)jmsn  
    bʰaratvp·AE3s«√bʰṛ vājanmsa«√vāj vayamr1mpd andʰasnnsi«√andʰ |
    suvānata·Amsn«√su arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ pavitrannsl«√pū āp 

1. May the glittering Soma, the acquirer of wealth, bestow upon us strength together with food;
   hasten when effused to the filter.

táva pratnébʰirádʰvabʰirávyo vā́re pári priyáḥ |
sahásradʰāro yāttánā || 2||

2.  tvamr2msg pratnajmpi adʰvannmpi  
    avinmsg vāranmsl«√vṛ2 parip priyajmsn«√prī |
    (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn yātvp·AE3s«√yā tannfsi«√tan 

2. Thy juice dear to the gods, flowing in a thousand streams,
   proceeds by ancient paths to the fleecy filter.

carúrná yástámīṅkʰayéndo ná dā́namīṅkʰaya |
vadʰaírvadʰasnavīṅkʰaya || 3||

3.  carunmsn nac yasr3msn sasr3msa īṅkʰayavp·Ao2s«√īṅkʰ  
    indunmsv«√ind nac dānannsa«√dā īṅkʰayavp·Ao2s«√īṅkʰ |
    vadʰanmpi«√vadʰ vadʰasnujmsv«√vadʰ īṅkʰayavp·Ao2s«√īṅkʰ 

3. Soma, send us him who is like a pot; Indu, send us now wealth;
   swift-flowing Soma, send it with blows of the stones.

ní śúṣmamindaveṣāṃ púruhūta jánānām |
yó asmā́m̐ ādídeśati || 4||

4.  nip śuṣmanmsa«√śuṣ indunmsv«√ind ayamr3mpg  
    (purua«√pṝ-hūtajms«√hu)jmsv jananmpg«√jan |
    yasr3msn vayamr1mpa ādideśativp·Ae3s«ā~√diś 

4. Indu, the invoked of many, overthrow the strength
   of those people which challenges us.

śatáṃ na inda ūtíbʰiḥ sahásraṃ vā śúcīnām |
pávasva maṃhayádrayiḥ || 5||

5.  śatau vayamr1mpa indunmsv«√ind ūtinfpi«√av  
    sahasrauc śucijfpg«√śuc |
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (maṃhayatjms«√maṃh-rayinms«√rā)jmsn 

5. Indu, do thou who art the distributor of riches, pour forth for our protection
   a hundred or a thousand of thy pure streams.

Sūkta 9.53 

útte śúṣmāso astʰū rákṣo bʰindánto adrivaḥ |
nudásva yā́ḥ parispṛ́dʰaḥ || 1||

1.  udp tvamr2msg śuṣmanmpn«√śuṣ astʰurvp·U·3p«√stʰā  
    rakṣasnnsa«√rakṣ bʰindanttp·Ampn«√bʰid adrivatjmsv«√dṛ |
    nudasvava·Ao2s«√nudr3fpa parispṛdʰnfpa«pari~√spṛdʰ 

1. Soma armed with the stones, a thy powerful streams rise up scattering the Rakshasas;
   drive away those who are our adversaries.

ayā́ nijagʰnírójasā ratʰasaṃgé dʰáne hité |
stávā ábibʰyuṣā hṛdā́ || 2||

2.  ar3nsi nijagʰnijmsn«ni~√han ojasnnsi«√vaj  
    (ratʰanms«√ṛ-saṃganms«saṃ~√gam)nmsl dʰanannsl«√dʰan hitajnsl«√dʰā |
    stavaiva·Ae1s«√stu abibʰīvaṃstp·I?si«a~√bʰī hṛdnnsi 

2. Thou art by this strength the discomfiter of foes: I praise thee with a fearless heart
   for the sake of our line of chariots ranged against the foe and for the sake of wealth.

ásya vratā́ni nā́dʰṛ́ṣe pávamānasya dūḍʰyā̀ |
rujá yástvā pṛtanyáti || 3||

3.  ayamr3msg vratannpa«√vṛ2 nac ādʰṛṣev···D··«ā~√dʰṛṣ  
    pavamānanmsg«√pū dūḍʰīnfsi«dus~√dʰī |
    rujava·Ao2s«√ruj yasr3msn tvamr2msa pṛtanyativp·A·3s«√pṛtany 

3. The prowess of thee Soma as thou art poured forth is irresistible against the malignant Rakshasas:
   destroy him who defies thee to battle.

táṃ hinvanti madacyútaṃ háriṃ nadī́ṣu vājínam |
índumíndrāya matsarám || 4||

4.  sasr3msa hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi (madanms«√mad-cyutjms«√cyu)jmsa  
    harijmsa«√hṛ nadīnfpl«√nad vājinnmsa«√vāj |
    indunmsa«√ind indraNmsd«√ind (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsa 

4. The priests plunge Indu, honey-dropping, green-tinted,
   vigorous, exhilarating, into the water for Indra.

Sūkta 9.54 

asyá pratnā́mánu dyútaṃ śukráṃ duduhre áhrayaḥ |
páyaḥ sahasrasā́mṛ́ṣim || 1||

1.  ayamr3msg pratnajfsa anup dyutnfsa«√dyut  
    śukrajnsa«√śuc duduhreva·I·3p«√duh ahrījmpn«a~√hrī |
    payasnnsa«√pī (sahasrau-sanjms«√san)jmsa ṛṣinmsa«√ṛṣ 

1. Towards Soma ancient body the seen milk the flashing:
   fluid, the sage who grants a thousand boons.

ayáṃ sū́rya ivopadṛ́gayáṃ sárāṃsi dʰāvati |
saptá praváta ā́ dívam || 2||

2.  ayamr3msn sūryanmsn«√sūr ivac upadṛknfsn«upa~√dṛś  
    ayamr3msn sarasnnpa«√sṛ dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv |
    saptau pravatnfpa āp dyunmsa 

2. He like the sun is the supervisor of all acts: he hastens to the lakes,
   he unites with the seven down-descending rivers from heaven.

ayáṃ víśvāni tiṣṭʰati punānó bʰúvanopári |
sómo devó ná sū́ryaḥ || 3||

3.  ayamr3msn viśvajnpa«√viś tiṣṭʰativp·A·3s«√stʰā  
    punānajmsn«√pū bʰuvanannpa«√bʰū uparia |
    somanmsn«√su devanmsn«√div nac sūryanmsn«√sūr 

3. The purified Soma, like the divine sun,
   abides above all regions.

pári ṇo devávītaye vā́jām̐ arṣasi gómataḥ |
punāná indavindrayúḥ || 4||

4.  parip vayamr1mpd (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd  
    vājanmpa«√vāj arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ gomatjmpa |
    punānajmsn«√pū indunmsv«√ind (indraNms«√ind-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

4. Purified Indu, who art devoted to Indra, pour down for our sacrifice
   food with milk and curds.

Sūkta 9.55 

yávaṃyavaṃ no ándʰasā puṣṭámpuṣṭaṃ pári srava |
sóma víśvā ca saúbʰagā || 1||

1.  (yavanmsa-yavanmsa)a vayamr1mpd andʰasnnsi«√andʰ  
    (puṣṭajmsa«√puṣ-puṣṭajmsa«√puṣ)a parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru |
    somaNmsv«√su viśvannsa«√viś cac saubʰagānnpa«su~√bʰaj 

1. Soma, pour forth in a stream of food, abundant oft-collected juice,
   and all good things.

índo yátʰā táva stávo yátʰā te jātámándʰasaḥ |
ní barhíṣi priyé sadaḥ || 2||

2.  induNmsv«√ind yadr3nsi tvamr2msg stavanmsn«√stu  
    yadr3nsi tvamr2msg jātannsn«√jan andʰasnnsb«√andʰ |
    nip barhisnnsl«√barh priyajnsl«√prī sadasvp·AE2s«√sad 

2. Indu, since the praise of thee as food, since thy birth has appeared,
   sit down upon the grass that pleases thee.

utá no govídaśvavítpávasva somā́ndʰasā |
makṣū́tamebʰiráhabʰiḥ || 3||

3.  utac vayamr1mpd (gonfs-vidjms«√vid)jmsn (aśvanms«√aś-vidjms«√vid)jmsn  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somanmsv«√su andʰasnnsi«√andʰ |
    makṣūtamajnpi ahannpi 

3. And Soma, do thou who art the giver of cattle, the giver of horses,
   flow to us in a stream of food as the days quickly pass.

yó jinā́ti ná jī́yate hánti śátrumabʰī́tya |
sá pavasva sahasrajit || 4||

4.  yasr3msn jinātivp·A·3s«√jyā nac jīyatevp·A·3s«√jyā  
    hantivp·A·3s«√han śatrunmsa«√śad abʰītyaa«abʰi~√i |
    sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (sahasrau-jitjms«√ji)jmsv 

4. Flow forth, O conqueror of thousands, who conquers and is not conquered,
   and attacking slays his foe.

Sūkta 9.56 

pári sóma ṛtáṃ bṛhádāśúḥ pavítre arṣati |
vigʰnánrákṣāṃsi devayúḥ || 1||

1.  parip somanmsn«√su ṛtannsa«√ṛ bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh  
    āśujmsn«√aś pavitrannsl«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    vigʰnanttp·Amsn«vi~√han rakṣasnnpa«√rakṣ (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

1. The swift Soma devoted to the gods destroying the Rakshasas
   in the filter bestows abundant food on us;

yátsómo vā́jamárṣati śatáṃ dʰā́rā apasyúvaḥ |
índrasya sakʰyámāviśán || 2||

2.  yada somanmsn«√su vājanmsa«√vāj arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ  
    śatau dʰārānfpa«√dʰṛ (apasnns-yūjfs«√yu)jfpa |
    indraNmsg«√ind sakʰyannsa«√sac āviśanttp·Amsn«ā~√viś 

2. When the hundred rite-loving streams of the Soma obtain the friendship of Indra,
   then the Soma brings us food.

abʰí tvā yóṣaṇo dáśa jāráṃ ná kanyā̀nūṣata |
mṛjyáse soma sātáye || 3||

3.  abʰip tvamr2msa yoṣannfpn«√yu daśau  
    jāranmsa«√jṝ nac kanyānfsn«√kan anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū |
    mṛjyasevp·A·2s«√mṛj somaNmsv«√su sātinfsd«√san 

3. The ten fingers commend thee, Soma, as a maiden her lover, thou art cleansed
   in order to bestow wealth on us.

tvámíndrāya víṣṇave svādúrindo pári srava |
nṝ́nstotṝ́npāhyáṃhasaḥ || 4||

4.  tvamr2msn indraNmsd«√ind viṣṇuNmsd«√viṣ  
    svādujmsn«√svad induNmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru |
    nṛnmpa stotṛnmpa«√stu pāhivp·Ao2s«√pā2 aṃhasnnsb«√aṃh 

4. Do thou, Indu, who art sweet-flavoured flow for Indra and Vishnu,
   preserve the worshippers thy praisers from sin.

Sūkta 9.57 

prá te dʰā́rā asaścáto divó ná yanti vṛṣṭáyaḥ |
ácʰā vā́jaṃ sahasríṇam || 1||

1.  prap tvamr2msg dʰārānfpn«√dʰṛ asaścatjfpn«a~√sac  
    dyunmsb nac yantivp·A·3p«√i vṛṣṭinfpn«√vṛṣ |
    acʰāp vājanmsa«√vāj sahasrinjmsa 

1. Thy unconnected streams advance towards infinite food for us
   like the showers from heaven.

abʰí priyā́ṇi kā́vyā víśvā cákṣāṇo arṣati |
háristuñjāná ā́yudʰā || 2||

2.  abʰip priyajnpa«√prī kāvyannpa«√kū  
    viśvajnpa«√viś cakṣāṇata·Amsn«√cakṣ arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    harijmsn«√hṛ tuñjānata·Amsn«√tuj āyudʰannpa«ā~√yudʰ 

2. The green-tinted Soma contemplating all the holy acts that are pleasing to the gods rushes to the sacrifice
   brandishing his weapons against the Rakshasas.

sá marmṛjāná āyúbʰiríbʰo rā́jeva suvratáḥ |
śyenó ná váṃsu ṣīdati || 3||

3.  sasr3msn marmṛjānatp·Amsn«√mṛj āyujmpi«√i  
    (ir3ms-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsn rājannmsn«√rāj ivac suvratajmsn«su~√vṛ2 |
    śyenanmsn nac vannfpl sīdativp·A·3s«√sad 

3. He, the object of pious observances, cleansed by the priests, fearless as a king,
   sits on the waters like a hawk.

sá no víśvā divó vásūtó pṛtʰivyā́ ádʰi |
punāná indavā́ bʰara || 4||

4.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd viśvajnpa«√viś dyunmsb vasunnpa«√vas  
    utac uc pṛtʰivīnfsb«√pṛtʰ adʰip |
    punānajmsn«√pū indunmsv«√ind āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

4. Indu, when thou art purified, bring us all the treasures
   that are in heaven and upon earth.

Sūkta 9.58 

táratsá mandī́ dʰāvati dʰā́rā sutásyā́ndʰasaḥ |
táratsá mandī́ dʰāvati || 1||

1.  taratvp·AE3s«√tṝ sasr3msn mandinnmsn«√mand dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv  
    dʰārānfsn«√dʰṛ sutajmsg«√su andʰasnnsb«√andʰ |
    taratvp·AE3s«√tṝ sasr3msn mandinnmsn«√mand dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv 

1. He the delighter of the gods flows rescuing his worshippers from sin;
   the stream of the effused beverage flows; he the delighter of the gods flows rescuing his worshippers from sin.

usrā́ veda vásūnāṃ mártasya devyávasaḥ |
táratsá mandī́ dʰāvati || 2||

2.  usrānfsn«√vas vedavp·I·3s«√vid vasunnpg«√vas  
    martanmsg«√mṛ devīnfsn«√div avasnnpa«√av |
    taratvp·AE3s«√tṝ sasr3msn mandinmsn«√mand dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv 

2. The brilliant stream, the bestower of riches, knows how to protect the worshipper:
   he the delighter of the gods flows rescuing his worshippers from sin.

dʰvasráyoḥ puruṣántyorā́ sahásrāṇi dadmahe |
táratsá mandī́ dʰāvati || 3||

3.  dʰvasranmdg«√dʰvaṃs (purujms«√pṝ-santinfs«√san)nmdg  
    āp sahasrannpa dadmaheva·A·1p«√dā |
    taratvp·AE3s«√tṝ sasr3msn mandinmsn«√man dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv 

3. We have received thousands from Dhvasra and Purushanti: he the delighter of the gods
   flows rescuing his worshippers from sin.

ā́ yáyostriṃśátaṃ tánā sahásrāṇi ca dádmahe |
táratsá mandī́ dʰāvati || 4||

4.  āp yasr3mdg (triu-śatau)u tannfsi«√tan  
    sahasrannpa cac dadmaheva·A·1p«√dā |
    taratvp·AE3s«√tṝ sasr3msn mandinmsn«√mand dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv 

4. We have received from those two three hundred thousand garments:
   he the delighter of the gods flows rescuing his worshippers from sin.

Sūkta 9.59 

pávasva gojídaśvajídviśvajítsoma raṇyajít |
prajā́vadrátnamā́ bʰara || 1||

1.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (gonfs-jitjms«√ji)jmsn (aśvanms«√aś-jitjms«√ji)jmsn  
    (viśvanns«√viś-jitjms«√ji)jmsn somanmsv«√su (raṇyanns«√raṇ-jitjms«√ji)jmsn |
    prajāvatjnsa«pra~√jan ratnannsa«√rā āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

1. Flow, Soma, conqueror of cattle, of horses, of all things, of desirable wealth;
   bring us riches with male offspring.

pávasvādbʰyó ádābʰyaḥ pávasvaúṣadʰībʰyaḥ |
pávasva dʰiṣáṇābʰyaḥ || 2||

2.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū apnfpd adābʰyajmsn«a~√dabʰ  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (oṣanms«√uṣ-dʰijfs«√dʰā)nfpd |
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (dʰīnfs«√dʰī-sanājms«√san)nfpd 

2. Flow with waters and with filaments, flow with herbs,
   flow with the stones.

tváṃ soma pávamāno víśvāni duritā́ tara |
kavíḥ sīda ní barhíṣi || 3||

3.  tvamr2msn somanmsv«√su pavamānajmsn«√pū  
    viśvannpa«√viś duritannpa«dus~√i taravp·Ao2s«√tṝ |
    kavinmsn«√kū sīdavp·Ao2s«√sad nip barhisnnsl«√barh 

3. Soma, do thou who art the purifier, the sage, overcome all hindrances;
   sit down on the sacred grass.

pávamāna svàrvido jā́yamāno'bʰavo mahā́n |
índo víśvām̐ abʰī́dasi || 4||

4.  pavamānajmsv«√pū svarnnsa vidasvp·AE2s«√vid  
    jāyamānatp·Amsn«√jan abʰavasvp·Aa2s«√bʰū mahatjmsn«√mah |
    indunmsv«√ind viśvajmpa«√viś abʰip idc asivp·A·2s«√as 

4. O purifying Soma, grant all boons; as soon as thou art born thou art great;
   Indu, thou overcomest all foes.

Sūkta 9.60 

prá gāyatréṇa gāyata pávamānaṃ vícarṣaṇim |
índuṃ sahásracakṣasam || 1||

1.  prap gāyatranmsi«√gai gāyatavp·AE2p«√gai  
    pavamānajmsa«√pū vicarṣaṇijmsa«vi~√kṛṣ |
    indunmsa«√ind (sahasrau-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)jmsa 

1. Hymn with a Gayatri hymn Indu the purifier,
   the all-beholding, the thousand-eyed.

táṃ tvā sahásracakṣasamátʰo sahásrabʰarṇasam |
áti vā́ramapāviṣuḥ || 2||

2.  sasr3msa tvamr2msa (sahasrau-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)jmsa  
    atʰāa uc (sahasrau-bʰarṇasnns«√bʰṛ)jmsn |
    atip vāranmsa«√vṛ2 apāviṣurvp·U·3p«√pū 

2. Thee, the thousand-eyed, and the supporter of thousands,
   they make to flow through the filter.

áti vā́rānpávamāno asiṣyadatkaláśām̐ abʰí dʰāvati |
índrasya hā́rdyāviśán || 3||

3.  atip vāranmpa«√vṛ2 pavamānajmsn«√pū  
    asiṣyadatva·U·3s«√syand kalaśanmpa«√kal? abʰip dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv |
    indraNmsg«√ind hārdinnsa«√hṛ āviśanttp·Ams?«ā~√viś 

3. The purifier trickles through the hairs of the filter;
   he hastens to the pitchers, entering Indra's heart.

índrasya soma rā́dʰase śáṃ pavasva vicarṣaṇe |
prajā́vadréta ā́ bʰara || 4||

4.  indraNmsg«√ind somanmsv«√su rādʰasnnsd«√rādʰ  
    śama«√śam pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū vicarṣaṇinmsv«vi~√kṛṣ |
    prajāvatjnsa«pra~√jan retasnnsa«√rī āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

4. All-beholding Soma, flow pleasantly for Indra's gratification;
   bring us food with male offspring.

Sūkta 9.61 

ayā́ vītī́ pári srava yásta indo mádeṣvā́ |
avā́hannavatī́rnáva || 1||

1.  ar3nsi vītinfsi«√vī parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru  
    yasr3msn tvamr2msg indunmsv«√ind madanmpl«√mad āp |
    avāhanvp·U·3s«ava~√han navatīnfpa navau 

1. Flow, Indu, for Indra's food with that juice of thine
   which in battles overthrew ninety and nine cities of the foe.

púraḥ sadyá ittʰā́dʰiye dívodāsāya śámbaram |
ádʰa tyáṃ turváśaṃ yádum || 2||

2.  purnfpa«√pṝ sadyasa (ittʰāc-ādʰījms«ā~√dʰī)jmsd  
    (dyunmsg-dāsanms«√dās)Nmsd śambaraNmsa |
    adʰaa syar3msa turvaśaNmsa«√turv yaduNmsa 

2. Which overturned the cities in a moment, and for the sake of the devout Divodasa
   subdued Sambara, and then that Turvasa and Yadu.

pári ṇo áśvamaśvavídgómadindo híraṇyavat |
kṣárā sahasríṇīríṣaḥ || 3||

3.  parip vayamr1mpd aśvanmsa«√aś (aśvanms«√aś-vidjms«√vid)jmsn  
    gomatjmpn indunmsv«√ind hiraṇyavatjmsn«√hṛ |
    kṣarava·Ao2s«√kṣar sahasriṇījfpa iṣnfpa«√iṣ 

3. Indu, conqueror of horses, shower forth
   horses with cattle and gold and unbounded food.

pávamānasya te vayáṃ pavítramabʰyundatáḥ |
sakʰitvámā́ vṛṇīmahe || 4||

4.  pavamānanmsg«√pū tvamr2msg vayamr1mpn  
    pavitrannsa«√pū abʰyundattp·A?sg«abʰi~√ud |
    sakʰitvannsa«√sac āp vṛṇīmaheva·A·1p«√vṛ2 

4. We solicit thy friendship
   as thou droppest flowing over the filter.

yé te pavítramūrmáyo'bʰikṣáranti dʰā́rayā |
tébʰirnaḥ soma mṛḷaya || 5||

5.  yasr3mpn tvamr2msg pavitrannsa«√pū ūrminmpn«√ṛ  
    abʰikṣarantivp·A·3p«abʰi~√kṣar dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    sasr3mpi vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su mṛḷayavp·Ao2s«√mṛḷ 

5. Delight us, Soma, with those thy undulations
   which flow over the filter in a stream.

sá naḥ punāná ā́ bʰara rayíṃ vīrávatīmíṣam |
ī́śānaḥ soma viśvátaḥ || 6||

6.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd punānajmsn«√pū āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ  
    rayinmsa«√rā vīravatījfsa«√vīr iṣnfsa«√iṣ |
    īśānajmsn«√īś somaNmsv«√su viśvatasa«√viś 

6. Soma, who art lord over all, the purifier,
   bring us riches and food with male offspring.

etámu tyáṃ dáśa kṣípo mṛjánti síndʰumātaram |
sámādityébʰirakʰyata || 7||

7.  etasr3msa uc syar3msa daśau kṣipnfpn«√kṣip  
    mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj (sindʰunms«√sindʰ-mātṛnfsa«√mā)jmsa |
    samp ādityanmpi«a~√dā akʰyatava·Aa3s«√kʰyā 

7. The ten fingers cleanse this Soma, whose parents are the rivers;
   he is associated with the Adityas.

sámíndreṇotá vāyúnā sutá eti pavítra ā́ |
sáṃ sū́ryasya raśmíbʰiḥ || 8||

8.  samp indraNmsi«√ind utac vāyuNmsi«√vā  
    sutajmsn«√su etivp·A·3s«√i pavitrannsl«√pū āp |
    samp sūryanmsg«√sūr raśminmpi«√raś 

8. When effused he proceeds to the filter,
   with Indra and Vayu, and with the sun's rays.

sá no bʰágāya vāyáve pūṣṇé pavasva mádʰumān |
cā́rurmitré váruṇe ca || 9||

9.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd bʰagaNmsd«√bʰaj vāyuNmsd«√vā  
    pūṣanNmsd«√pūṣ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madʰumantjmsn«√madʰ |
    cārujmsn«√can mitraNmsl«√mitʰ varuṇaNmsl«√vṛ cac 

9. Do thou who art sweet-flavoured and beautiful flow at our sacrifice
   for Bhaga, Vayu, Pushan, Mitra, and Varuna.

uccā́ te jātámándʰaso diví ṣádbʰū́myā́ dade |
ugráṃ śárma máhi śrávaḥ || 10||

10. uccāa«ud~√añc tvamr2msg jātannsn«√jan andʰasnnsb«√andʰ  
     dyunmsl sattp·Amsn«√as bʰūminfsl«√bʰū āp dadevp·I·1s«√dā |
     ugrajnsa«√vaj śarmannnsa«√śri mahijnsa«√mah śravasnnsa«√śru 

10. The birth of thy juice is on high: the earth has received thy intense happiness and abundant food,
   though these exist naturally in heaven.

enā́ víśvānyaryá ā́ dyumnā́ni mā́nuṣāṇām |
síṣāsanto vanāmahe || 11||

11. enar3npa viśvajnpa«√viś arijmsb«√ṛ āp  
     dyumnannpa mānuṣanmpg«√man |
     siṣāsanttp·Ampn«√san vanāmaheva·A·1p«√van 

11. By this Soma obtaining and desiring to enjoy
   all the good things that belong to men we enjoy them.

sá na índrāya yájyave váruṇāya marúdbʰyaḥ |
varivovítpári srava || 12||

12. sasr3msn vayamr1mpd indraNmsd«√ind (yajnfs«√yaj-yujms«√yu)jmsd  
     varuṇaNmsd«√vṛ marutNmpd |
     (varivasnns«√vṛ-vidjms«√vid)jmsn parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

12. O thou who art the possessor of wealth flow for us,
   for the adorable Indra, for Varuna and Maruts.

úpo ṣú jātámaptúraṃ góbʰirbʰaṅgáṃ páriṣkṛtam |
índuṃ devā́ ayāsiṣuḥ || 13||

13. upap uc sup jātannsa«√jan (apnfs-turjms«√tur)jmsa  
     gonfpi bʰaṅgajmsa«√bʰaṅj pariṣkṛtajmsa«pari~√kṛ |
     indunmsa«√ind devanmpn«√div ayāsiṣurvp·U·3p«√yā 

13. The gods approach Indu, who is completely generated, sent forth by the waters,
   the demolisher of foes, adorned with milk and curds.

támídvardʰantu no gíro vatsáṃ saṃśíśvarīriva |
yá índrasya hṛdaṃsániḥ || 14||

14. sasr3msa idc vardʰantuvp·Ao3p«√vṛdʰ vayamr1mpg girnfpn«√gṝ  
     vatsanmsa saṃśiśvarīnfpn«sam~√śū ivac |
     yasr3msn indraNmsg«√ind (hṛdnnsa-saninms«√san)nmsn 

14. May our praises foster him who wins the heart of Indra,
   as cows who have young ones foster their calf.

árṣā ṇaḥ soma śáṃ gáve dʰukṣásva pipyúṣīmíṣam |
várdʰā samudrámuktʰyàm || 15||

15. arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su śama«√śam gonfsd  
     dʰukṣasvava·Ao2s«√duh pipyuṣījfsa«√pī iṣnfsa«√iṣ |
     vardʰavp·Ao2s«√vṛdʰ samudranmsa«sam~√ud uktʰyajmsa«√vac 

15. Soma, pour prosperity upon our cattle, milk forth for us nutritious food;
   augment the laudable water.

pávamāno ajījanaddiváścitráṃ ná tanyatúm |
jyótirvaiśvānaráṃ bṛhát || 16||

16. pavamānajmsn«√pū ajījanatvp·U·3s«√jan  
     dyunmsb citrajmsa«√cit nac tanyatunmsa«√tan |
     jyotisnnsa«√jyot (vaiśvajms«√viś-naranms)jnsa bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh 

16. The pure Soma has generated in heaven the great Vaishvanara light
   like the wonderful thunder.

pávamānasya te ráso mádo rājannaducʰunáḥ |
ví vā́ramávyamarṣati || 17||

17. pavamānanmsg«√pū tvamr2msg rasanmsn«√ras  
     madajmsn«√mad rājannmsv«√rāj aducʰunajmsn«a-dus~√śū |
     vip vāranmsa«√vṛ2 avyajmsa arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ 

17. Bright shining Soma, the juice of thee when thou flowest
   enters the woollen filter, exhilarating, free from evil.

pávamāna rásastáva dákṣo ví rājati dyumā́n |
jyótirvíśvaṃ svàrdṛśé || 18||

18. pavamānanmsv«√pū rasanmsn«√ras tvamr2msg  
     dakṣanmsn«√dakṣ vip rājativp·A·3s«√rāj dyumatjmsn«√dyut |
     jyotisnnsn«√jyot viśvajnsa«√viś svarnnsa dṛśev···D··«√dṛś 

18. Purified Soma, thy juice as it increases shines bright;
   it makes a pervading universal light to be seen.

yáste mádo váreṇyasténā pavasvā́ndʰasā |
devāvī́ragʰaśaṃsahā́ || 19||

19. yasr3msn tvamr2msg madanmsn«√mad vareṇyajmsn«√vṛ2  
     sasr3msi pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū andʰasnnsi«√andʰ |
     (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmsn (agʰajms«√agʰ-śaṃsanms«√śaṃs-hanjms«√han)nmsn 

19. Flow forth with that juice of thine which is exhilarating,
   the best, gratifying the gods, the slayer of Rakshasas.

jágʰnirvṛtrámamitríyaṃ sásnirvā́jaṃ divédive |
goṣā́ u aśvasā́ asi || 20||

20. jagʰnijmsn«√han vṛtrannsa«√vṛ amitriyajmsa«a~√mitʰ  
     sasnijmsn«√san vājanmsa«√vāj (divanmsl-divanmsl)a |
     (gonfs-sanjms«√san)jmsn uc (aśvanms«√aś-sanjms«√san)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

20. Thou art the slayer of the hostile Vrtra, the enjoyer of battle day by day,
   the giver of kine and the giver of horses.

sámmiślo aruṣó bʰava sūpastʰā́bʰirná dʰenúbʰiḥ |
sī́dañcʰyenó ná yónimā́ || 21||

21. sammiślajmsn«sam~√miś aruṣajmsn«√ruṣ bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū  
     sūpastʰājfpi«su-upa~√stʰā nac dʰenunfpi«√dʰe |
     sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad śyenanmsn nac yoninmsa«√yu āp 

21. Be now resplendent, mixed with the supporting products of the milch kine,
   alighting like a falcon on thy place.

sá pavasva yá ā́vitʰéndraṃ vṛtrā́ya hántave |
vavrivā́ṃsaṃ mahī́rapáḥ || 22||

22. sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū yasr3msn āvitʰavp·I·2s«√av  
     indraNmsa«√ind vṛtrannsd«√vṛ hantavev···D··«√han |
     vavrivaṃstp·Imsa«√vṛ mahījfpa«√mah apnfpa 

22. Flow thou who didst help Indra to slay the Vrtra,
   who obstructed the great waters.

suvī́rāso vayáṃ dʰánā jáyema soma mīḍʰvaḥ |
punānó vardʰa no gíraḥ || 23||

23. suvīrajmpn«su~√vīr vayamr1mpn dʰanannpa«√dʰan  
     jayemavp·Ai1p«√ji somaNmsv«√su mīḷhvaṃstp·Imsv«√mih |
     punānajmsn«√pū vardʰavp·Ao2s«√vṛdʰ vayamr1mpg girnfpa«√gṝ 

23. May we, possessed of excellent male offspring, conquer the wealth of our enemies, O Soma, the sprinkler;
   being purified, accept our praises.

tvótāsastávā́vasā syā́ma vanvánta āmúraḥ |
sóma vratéṣu jāgṛhi || 24||

24. (tvamr2msi-ūtajms«√av)jmpn tvamr2msg avasnnsi«√av  
     syāmavp·Ai1p«√as vanvanttp·Ampn«√van āmurjmpa«ā~√mṛ |
     somaNmsv«√su vratannpl«√vṛ2 jāgṛhivp·Ao2s«√jāgṛ 

24. Protected by thee, through thy protection may we be victorious, slaying our enemies;
   be vigilant, Soma, at our sacrifices.

apagʰnánpavate mṛ́dʰó'pa sómo árāvṇaḥ |
gácʰanníndrasya niṣkṛtám || 25||

25. apagʰnanttp·Amsn«apa~√han pavateva·A·3s«√pū mṛdʰasnfpa«√mṛdʰ  
     apap somanmsn«√su arāvanjmpa«a~√rā |
     gacʰanttp·Amsn«√gam indraNmsg«√ind niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ 

25. The Soma flows, slaying the malignant, slaying the withholders of wealth,
   proceeding to Indra's consecrated station.

mahó no rāyá ā́ bʰara pávamāna jahī́ mṛ́dʰaḥ |
rā́svendo vīrávadyáśaḥ || 26||

26. mahjmsg«√mah vayamr1mpd rainmsg«√rā āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ  
     pavamānanmsv«√pū jahivp·Ao2s«√han mṛdʰasnfpa«√mṛdʰ |
     rāsvava·Uo2s«√rā induNmsv«√ind vīravatjnsa«√vīr yaśasnnsa«√yaś 

26. Bring us, purifier, much wealth: conquer our foes;
   grant us, Indu, fame and male offspring.

ná tvā śatáṃ caná hrúto rā́dʰo dítsantamā́ minan |
yátpunānó makʰasyáse || 27||

27. nac tvamr2msa śatau canac hrutnfpn«√hvṛ  
     rādʰasnnsa«√rādʰ ditsanttp·Amsa«√dā āp minanvp·AE3p«√mī |
     yadc punānajmsn«√pū makʰasyaseva·A·2s«√maṅkʰ 

27. A hundred foes harm thee, not purposing to give wealth
   when being purified thou art benevolently inclined.

pávasvendo vṛ́ṣā sutáḥ kṛdʰī́ no yaśáso jáne |
víśvā ápa dvíṣo jahi || 28||

28. pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū induNmsv«√ind vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ sutajmsn«√su  
     kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ vayamr1mpa yaśasjmpn«√yaś jananmsl«√jan |
     viśvajfpa«√viś apap dviṣnfpa«√dviṣ jahivp·Ao2s«√han 

28. Thou, Indu, when effused, the showerer of benefits,
   make us celebrated amongst men: slay all our enemies.

ásya te sakʰyé vayáṃ távendo dyumná uttamé |
sāsahyā́ma pṛtanyatáḥ || 29||

29. ayamr3msg tvamr2msg sakʰyannsl«√sac vayamr1mpn  
     tvamr2msg induNmsv«√ind dyumnannsl uttamajnsl |
     sāsahyāmavp·Ii1p«√sah pṛtanyantnmpa«√pṛtany 

29. Enjoying the friendship of thee here and thy excellent food, Indu,
   may we overcome our assailants.

yā́ te bʰīmā́nyā́yudʰā tigmā́ni sánti dʰū́rvaṇe |
rákṣā samasya no nidáḥ || 30||

30. yadr3npn tvamr2msg bʰīmajnpn«√bʰī āyudʰannpn«ā~√yudʰ  
     tigmajnpn«√tij santivp·A·3p«√as dʰūrvannnsd«√dʰūrv |
     rakṣavp·Ao2s«√rakṣ samar3msg vayamr1mpa nidnfsb«√nid 

30. With thy weapons which are formidable and sharp for slaying the foe,
   defend us from the scorn of our enemies.

Sūkta 9.62 

eté asṛgramíndavastiráḥ pavítramāśávaḥ |
víśvānyabʰí saúbʰagā || 1||

1.  etasr3mpn asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj indunmpn«√ind  
    tirasa«√tṝ pavitrannsa«√pū āśujmpn«√aś |
    viśvajnpa«√viś abʰip saubʰagannpa«su~√bʰaj 

1. These rapid Soma juices have been directed
   through the filter to obtain all good things-

vigʰnánto duritā́ purú sugā́ tokā́ya vājínaḥ |
tánā kṛṇvánto árvate || 2||

2.  vigʰnanttp·Amsn«vi~√han duritajnpa«dus~√i purua«√pṝ  
    sugajmpn«su~√gam tokannsd«√tuc vājinnmsg«√vāj |
    tanāa«√tan kṛṇvanttp·Ampn«√kṛ arvatnmsd«√ṛ 

2. Powerful, repelling many evils, bestowing
   happiness and riches upon our sons and horses.

kṛṇvánto várivo gáve'bʰyàrṣanti suṣṭutím |
íḷāmasmábʰyaṃ saṃyátam || 3||

3.  kṛṇvanttp·Ampn«√kṛ varivasnnsa«√vṛ gonfsd  
    abʰip arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ suṣṭutinfsa«su~√stu |
    iḷānfsa vayamr1mpd saṃyatjfsa«sam~√yam 

3. They advance towards our fair praise, granting to us
   and our cattle sustaining wealth and food.

ásāvyaṃśúrmádāyāpsú dákṣo giriṣṭʰā́ḥ |
śyenó ná yónimā́sadat || 4||

4.  asāvivp·U·3s«√su aṃśunmsn«√aś madanmsd«√mad  
    apnfpl dakṣajmsn«√dakṣ (girinms-stʰājms«√stʰā)jmsn |
    śyenanmsn nac yoninmsa«√yu āp asadatvp·U·3s«√sad 

4. The mountain-born Soma flows for exhilaration, mighty in the Vasativari waters:
    he alights like a falcon on his own place.

śubʰrámándʰo devávātamapsú dʰūtó nṛ́bʰiḥ sutáḥ |
svádanti gā́vaḥ páyobʰiḥ || 5||

5.  śubʰrajnsn«√śubʰ andʰasnnsn«√andʰ (devanms«√div-vātajns«√van)jnsn  
    apnfpl dʰūtajmsn«√dʰū nṛnmpi sutajmsn«√su |
    svadantivp·A·3p«√svad gonfpa payasnnpi«√pī 

5. The cattle sweeten with their milk the beautiful food that is asked for by the gods;
    the Soma when effused by the priests is cleansed in the water.

ā́dīmáśvaṃ ná hétāró'śūśubʰannamṛ́tāya |
mádʰvo rásaṃ sadʰamā́de || 6||

6.  ātc īmr3msa aśvanmsa«√aś nac hetṛnmpn«√hi  
    aśūśubʰanva·U·3p«√śubʰ amṛtannsd«a~√mṛ |
    madʰunnsg«√madʰ rasanmsa«√ras (sadʰap-mādanms«√mad)nmsl 

6. Then the ministering priests in the assembly beautify the juice of the exhilarating Soma
   like a horse, for the sake of immortality.

yā́ste dʰā́rā madʰuścútó'sṛgraminda ūtáye |
tā́bʰiḥ pavítramā́sadaḥ || 7||

7.  yār3fpn tvamr2msg dʰārānfpn«√dʰṛ (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmpn  
    asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj indunmsv«√ind ūtinfsd«√av |
    tār3fpi pavitrannsa«√pū āp asadasvp·Aa2s«√sad 

7. Sit down, Indu, on the filter with those streams the shedders of sweet juice,
   which are let fall for our protection.

só arṣéndrāya pītáye tiró rómāṇyavyáyā |
sī́danyónā váneṣvā́ || 8||

8.  sasr3msn arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā  
    tirasa«√tṝ romannnpa«√ruh avyayajnpa |
    sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad yoninmsl«√yu vanannpl«√van āp 

8. Passing obliquely through the sheep's hairs, hasten for Indra's drinking,
   sitting in thy place
in the wooden vessels.

tvámindo pári srava svā́diṣṭʰo áṅgirobʰyaḥ |
varivovídgʰṛtáṃ páyaḥ || 9||

9.  tvamr2msn indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru  
    svādiṣṭʰajmsn«√svad aṅgirasnmpd«√aṅg |
    (varivasnns«√vṛ-vidjms«√vid)jnsn gʰṛtajnsn«√gʰṛ payasnnsn«√pī 

9. Indu, who art most sweet-flavoured, the bestower of riches,
   drop for the Angirasas butter and

ayáṃ vícarṣaṇirhitáḥ pávamānaḥ sá cetati |
hinvāná ā́pyaṃ bṛhát || 10||

10. ayamr3msn vicarṣaṇijmsn«vi~√kṛṣ hitajmsn«√hi  
     pavamānanmsn«√pū sasr3msn cetativp·A·3s«√cit |
     hinvānata·Amsn«√hi āpyannsa«√āp bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh 

10. This all-seeing Pavamana Soma deposited in the vessels, sending forth abundant food,
   the product of the waters, is known by all.

eṣá vṛ́ṣā vṛ́ṣavrataḥ pávamāno aśastihā́ |
káradvásūni dāśúṣe || 11||

11. eṣasr3msn vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ (vṛṣanms«√vṛṣ-vratanns«√vṛ2)jmsn  
     pavamānanmsn«√pū (aśastinfs«√śas-hanjms«√han)jmsn |
     karatvp·Ae3s«√kṛ vasunnpa«√vas dāśvaṅstp·Imsd«√dāś 

11. This Pavamana Soma, the sprinkler of benefits, engaged in sprinkling,
   the destroyer of the Rakshasas, bestows riches upon the donor of the oblation.

ā́ pavasva sahasríṇaṃ rayíṃ gómantamaśvínam |
puruścandráṃ puruspṛ́ham || 12||

12. āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū sahasrinjmsa  
     rayinmsa«√rā gomatjmsa aśvinjmsa«√aś |
     (purua«√pṝ-ścandrajms«√ścand)jmsa (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jmsa 

12. Pour forth thousand-fold wealth, together with cattle and horses,
   delighting many, desired by many.

eṣá syá pári ṣicyate marmṛjyámāna āyúbʰiḥ |
urugāyáḥ kavíkratuḥ || 13||

13. eṣasr3msn syar3msn parip sicyatevp·A·3s«√sic  
     marmṛjyamānatp·Amsn«√mṛj āyujmpi«√i |
     (urua«√ṛ-gāyajms«√gā)jmsn (kavinms«√kū-kratunms«√kṛ)nmsn 

13. This Soma the many-hymned, having wise designs,
   being cleansed by the priests, is sprinkled forth.

sahásrotiḥ śatā́magʰo vimā́no rájasaḥ kavíḥ |
índrāya pavate mádaḥ || 14||

14. (sahasrau-ūtinfs«√av)jmsn (śatau-magʰajms«√maṃh)jmsn  
     vimānajmsn«vi~√man rajasnnsg«√raj kavinmsn«√kū |
     indraNmsd«√ind pavateva·A·3s«√pū madanmsn«√mad 

14. Offering thousand-fold protection, having hundred-fold wealth,
   the measurer of the world, the sage, the exhilarating Soma flows for Indra.

girā́ jātá ihá stutá índuríndrāya dʰīyate |
víryónā vasatā́viva || 15||

15. gīrnfsi«√gṝ jātajmsn«√jan ihaa stutajmsn«√stu  
     indunmsn«√ind indraNmsd«√ind dʰīyatevp·A·3s«√dʰā |
     vinmsn yoninmsl«√yu vasatinfsl«√vas ivac 

15. Generated and praised by song Indu at this sacrifice is deposited in his place for Indra,
   like a bird on its nest.

pávamānaḥ sutó nṛ́bʰiḥ sómo vā́jamivāsarat |
camū́ṣu śákmanāsádam || 16||

16. pavamānanmsn«√pū sutajmsn«√su nṛnmpi  
     somanmsn«√su vājanmsa«√vāj ivac asaratvp·Aa3s«√sṛ |
     camūnfpl śakmannmsi«√śak āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

16. The pure Soma effused by the priests rushes forth as if to battle,
   to alight vigorously upon the ladles.

táṃ tripṛṣṭʰé trivandʰuré rátʰe yuñjanti yā́tave |
ṛ́ṣīṇāṃ saptá dʰītíbʰiḥ || 17||

17. sasr3msa (triu-pṛṣṭʰanns«pra~√stʰā)jmsl (triu-vannfs«√van-dʰurajms«√dʰṛ)jmsl  
     ratʰanmsl«√ṛ yuñjantivp·A·3p«√yuj yātavev···D··«√yā |
     ṛṣinmpg«√ṛṣ saptau dʰītinfpi«√dʰī 

17. They attach him by seven ceremonies to the three-backed three-benched chariot
   of the Rishis to go to the gods.

táṃ sotāro dʰanaspṛ́tamāśúṃ vā́jāya yā́tave |
háriṃ hinota vājínam || 18||

18. sasr3msa sotṛnmpv«√su (dʰananns«√dʰan-spṛtjms«√spṛ)jmsa  
     āśujmsa«√aś vājanmsd«√vāj yātavev···D··«√yā |
     harijmsa«√hṛ hinotavp·Ao2p«√hi vājinnmsa«√vāj 

18. Effusers of the Soma, urge forward that wealth-bestowing
   rapid vigorous steed to go to the battle.

āviśánkaláśaṃ sutó víśvā árṣannabʰí śríyaḥ |
śū́ro ná góṣu tiṣṭʰati || 19||

19. āviśanttp·Amsn«ā~√viś kalaśanmsa«√kal? sutajmsn«√su  
     viśvajfpa«√viś arṣanttp·Ams?«√ṛṣ abʰip śrīnfpa«√śrī |
     śūranmsn«√śūr nac gonfpl tiṣṭʰativp·A·3s«√stʰā 

19. Entering when effused into the pitcher, bringing us all success
   like a hero he stands amongst the cattle.

ā́ ta indo mádāya káṃ páyo duhantyāyávaḥ |
devā́ devébʰyo mádʰu || 20||

20. āp sasr3mpn induNmsv«√ind madanmsd«√mad kamc  
     payasnnsa«√pī duhantivp·A·3p«√duh āyujmpn«√i |
     devanmpn«√div devanmpd«√div madʰunnsa«√madʰ 

20. The devout priests milk forth thy sweet juice, Indu,
   for the gods for the purpose of exhilaration.

ā́ naḥ sómaṃ pavítra ā́ sṛjátā mádʰumattamam |
devébʰyo devaśrúttamam || 21||

21. āp vayamr1mpd somanmsa«√su pavitrannsl«√pū āp  
     sṛjatava·AE3p«√sṛj madʰumattamajmsa«√madʰ |
     devanmpd«√div (devanms«√div-śruttamajms«√śru)jmsa 

21. Pour upon the filter for us for the sake of the gods
   the most sweet-flavoured Soma, most audible to the gods.

eté sómā asṛkṣata gṛṇānā́ḥ śrávase mahé |
madíntamasya dʰā́rayā || 22||

22. etasr3mpn somanmpn«√su asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj  
     gṛṇānatp·Ampn«√gṝ śravasnnsd«√śru mahjnsd«√mah |
     madintamajmsg«√mad dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ 

22. These lauded Soma juices are let flow for the sake of abundant food
   in a stream of the most exhilarating juice.

abʰí gávyāni vītáye nṛmṇā́ punānó arṣasi |
sanádvājaḥ pári srava || 23||

23. abʰip gavyajnpa vītinfsd«√vī  
     (nṛnms-mnanfs«√man)nnpa punānajmsn«√pū arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ |
     (sanata«√san-vājanms«√vāj)jmsn parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

23. Being purified thou hastenest to the treasures of the kine to enjoy them;
   flow forth thou who grantest food.

utá no gómatīríṣo víśvā arṣa pariṣṭúbʰaḥ |
gṛṇānó jamádagninā || 24||

24. utac vayamr1mpd gomatījfpa iṣnfpa«√iṣ  
     viśvājfpa«√viś arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ pariṣṭubʰjfpa«pari~√stubʰ |
     gṛṇānatp·Amsn«√gṝ (jamatjms«√jam-agninms«√aṅg)Nmsi 

24. And hasten for us towards all widely renowned food with cattle,
   being hymned by Jamadagni.

pávasva vācó agriyáḥ sóma citrā́bʰirūtíbʰiḥ |
abʰí víśvāni kā́vyā || 25||

25. pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū vācnfsg«√vac agriyanmsn«√aṅg  
     somaNmsv«√su citrajfpi«√cit ūtinfpi«√av |
     abʰip viśvajnpa«√viś kāvyannpa«√kū 

25. Soma, who art most excellent, flow with thy marvelous protections
   towards our praises, towards all hymns of praise.

tváṃ samudríyā apò'griyó vā́ca īráyan |
pávasva viśvamejaya || 26||

26. tvamr2msn samudriyajfpa«sam~√ud apnfpa  
     agriyanmsn«√aṅg vācnfpa«√vac īrayanttp·Amsn«√īr |
     pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (viśvannsa«√viś-ejayajms«√ej)jmsv 

26. Agitator of all, do thou who art the most excellent, raising thy voice,
   pour forth the waters of the firmament.

túbʰyemā́ bʰúvanā kave mahimné soma tastʰire |
túbʰyamarṣanti síndʰavaḥ || 27||

27. tvamr2msd ayamr3npn bʰuvanannpn«√bʰū kavinmsv«√kū  
     mahimannmsd«√mah somaNmsv«√su tastʰireva·I·3p«√stʰā |
     tvamr2msd arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ sindʰunmpn«√sindʰ 

27. O sage Soma in thy might do these worlds stand;
   to thee the rivers hasten.

prá te divó ná vṛṣṭáyo dʰā́rā yantyasaścátaḥ |
abʰí śukrā́mupastíram || 28||

28. prap tvamr2msg dyunmsb nac vṛṣṭinfpn«√vṛṣ  
     dʰārānfpn«√dʰṛ yantivp·A·3s«√i asaścatjfpn«a~√sac |
     abʰip śukranfsa«√śuc upastirnfsa«upa~√stṛ 

28. Thy unconnected streams descend like the rain from heaven
   upon the white outspread fleece.

índrāyénduṃ punītanográṃ dákṣāya sā́dʰanam |
īśānáṃ vītírādʰasam || 29||

29. indraNmsd«√ind indunmsa«√ind punītanavp·Ao2p«√pū  
     ugrajmsa«√vaj dakṣanmsd«√dakṣ sādʰanajmsa«√sādʰ |
     īśānajmsa«√īś (vītinfs«√vī-rādʰasnns«√rādʰ)jmsa 

29. Purify for Indra the fierce Indu, the means of strength,
   the lord of wealth, the giver of riches.

pávamāna ṛtáḥ kavíḥ sómaḥ pavítramā́sadat |
dádʰatstotré suvī́ryam || 30||

30. pavamānanmsn«√pū ṛtajmsn«√ṛ kavinmsn«√kū  
     somanmsn«√su pavitrannsa«√pū āp asadatvp·U·3s«√sad |
     dadʰattp·Amsn«√dʰā stotṛnmsd«√stu suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

30. The truthful seer, Pavamana Soma, sits down upon the filter,
   giving great energy to the worshipper.

Sūkta 9.63 

ā́ pavasva sahasríṇaṃ rayíṃ soma suvī́ryam |
asmé śrávāṃsi dʰāraya || 1||

1.  āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū sahasrinjmsa  
    rayinmsa«√rā somaNmsv«√su suvīryannsa«su~√vīr |
    vayamr1mpd śravasnnpa«√śru dʰārayavp·Ao2s«√dʰṛ 

1. Pour upon us, Soma, thousand-fold wealth with excellent male progeny,
   secure to us ample food.

íṣamū́rjaṃ ca pinvasa índrāya matsaríntamaḥ |
camū́ṣvā́ ní ṣīdasi || 2||

2.  iṣnfsa«√iṣ ūrjjfsa«√ūrj cac pinvaseva·A·2s«√pinv  
    indraNmsd«√ind (madnfs«√mad-sarintamajms«√sṛ)jmsn |
    camūnfpl āp nip sīdasivp·A·2s«√sad 

2. Thou who art most exhilarating effusest food and drink for Indra;
   thou sittest on the ladles.

sutá índrāya víṣṇave sómaḥ kaláśe akṣarat |
mádʰumām̐ astu vāyáve || 3||

3.  sutajmsn«√su indraNmsd«√ind viṣṇuNmsd«√viṣ  
    somaNmsn«√su kalaśanmsl«√kal? akṣaratvp·Aa3s«√kṣar |
    madʰumantjmsn«√madʰ astuva·Ao3s«√as vāyuNmsd«√vā 

3. Soma effused for Indra and Vishnu and Vayu drops into the pitcher;
   may he be sweet-flavoured.

eté asṛgramāśávó'ti hvárāṃsi babʰrávaḥ |
sómā ṛtásya dʰā́rayā || 4||

4.  etasr3mpn asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj āśujmpn«√aś  
    atip hvarasnnpa«√hvṛ babʰrujmpn«√bʰṛ |
    somanmpn«√su ṛtannsg«√ṛ dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ 

4. These swift-flowing tawny-coloured Soma-juices, with a stream of water
   are let loose upon the Rakshasas -

índraṃ várdʰanto aptúraḥ kṛṇvánto víśvamā́ryam |
apagʰnánto árāvṇaḥ || 5||

5.  indraNmsa«√ind vardʰanttp·Ampn«√vṛdʰ (apnfs-turjms«√tur)jmpn  
    kṛṇvanttp·Ampn«√kṛ viśvajnsa«√viś āryajnsa«√ṛ |
    apagʰnanttp·Amsn«apa~√han arāvanjmpa«a~√rā 

5. Augmenting Indra, urging the waters, making all our acts prosperous,
   destroying the withholders of oblations.

sutā́ ánu svámā́ rájo'bʰyàrṣanti babʰrávaḥ |
índraṃ gácʰanta índavaḥ || 6||

6.  sutajmpn«√su anup svama āp rajasnnsa«√raj  
    abʰip arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ babʰrujmpn«√bʰṛ |
    indraNmsa«√ind gacʰanttp·Ampn«√gam indunmpn«√ind 

6. The effused tawny-coloured Soma-juices going to Indra
    hasten to their own place.

ayā́ pavasva dʰā́rayā yáyā sū́ryamárocayaḥ |
hinvānó mā́nuṣīrapáḥ || 7||

7.  ar3nsi pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛr3fsi sūryanmsa«√sūr arocayasvp·Aa2s«√ruc |
    hinvānata·Amsn«√hi mānuṣījfpa«√man apnfpa 

7. Flow with that stream with which thou, Soma, lightest up the sun,
    urging on the waters beneficial to man.

áyukta sū́ra étaśaṃ pávamāno manā́vádʰi |
antárikṣeṇa yā́tave || 8||

8.  ayuktava·U·3s«√yuj sūranmsn«√sūr etaśajmsa  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū manunmsl«√man adʰip |
    (antara-īkṣajms«√īkṣ)nnsi yātavev···D··«√yā 

8. The purified Soma harnesses the horse of the sun
    to travel through the firmament to man.

utá tyā́ haríto dáśa sū́ro ayukta yā́tave |
índuríndra íti bruván || 9||

9.  utac syar3mpa haritnfpa«√hṛ daśau  
    sūranmsn«√sūr ayuktava·U·3s«√yuj yātavev···D··«√yā |
    indunmsn«√ind indraNmsn«√ind itia bruvanttp·A?sn«√brū 

9. And Indu exclaiming "Indra!" harnesses the horse of the sun
    to go towards these ten regions.

párītó vāyáve sutáṃ gíra índrāya matsarám |
ávyo vā́reṣu siñcata || 10||

10. parip ir3nsb vāyuNmsd«√vā sutajmsa«√su  
     girnfpn«√gṝ indraNmsd«√ind (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsa |
     avinmsg vārannpl«√vṛ2 siñcatava·AE3p«√sic 

10. Sprinkle, worshippers, upon the woollen fleece the exhilarating Soma
    that has been effused in all directions for Vayu and for Indra.

pávamāna vidā́ rayímasmábʰyaṃ soma duṣṭáram |
yó dūṇā́śo vanuṣyatā́ || 11||

11. pavamānanmsv«√pū vidāsvp·Ae2s«√vid rayinmsa«√rā  
     vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su duṣṭarajmsa«dus~√tṝ |
     yasr3msn dūṇāśajmsn«dus~√naś vanuṣyattp·Amsi«√van 

11. Purified Soma, grant us wealth unassailable by our foes,
    and which cannot be destroyed by the enemy.

abʰyàrṣa sahasríṇaṃ rayíṃ gómantamaśvínam |
abʰí vā́jamutá śrávaḥ || 12||

12. abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ sahasrinjmsa  
     rayinmsa«√rā gomatjmsa aśvinjmsa«√aś |
     abʰip vājanmsa«√vāj utac śravasnnsa«√śru 

12. Bring to us thousand-fold wealth with cattle and horses;
    bring vigour and food.

sómo devó ná sū́ryó'dribʰiḥ pavate sutáḥ |
dádʰānaḥ kaláśe rásam || 13||

13. somanmsn«√su devanmsn«√div nac sūryanmsn«√sūr  
     adrinmpi«√dṛ pavateva·A·3s«√pū sutajmsn«√su |
     dadʰānatp·Imsn«√dʰā kalaśanmsl«√kal? rasanmsa«√ras 

13. Soma, like the radiant sun, when effused flows forth,
    depositing its juice in the pitcher.

eté dʰā́mānyā́ryā śukrā́ ṛtásya dʰā́rayā |
vā́jaṃ gómantamakṣaran || 14||

14. eṣasr3mpn dʰāmannnpa«√dʰā āryajnpa«√ṛ  
     śukranmpn«√śuc ṛtannsg«√ṛ dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
     vājanmsa«√vāj gomatjmsa akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar 

14. These brilliant Soma-juices flowing towards the dwellings of respectable worshippers,
    effuse food and cattle in a stream of water.

sutā́ índrāya vajríṇe sómāso dádʰyāśiraḥ |
pavítramátyakṣaran || 15||

15. sutajmpn«√su indraNmsd«√ind vajrinjmsd«√vaj  
     somanmpn«√su (dadʰinns-āśirnfs«ā~√śrī)jmpn |
     pavitrannsa«√pū atip akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar 

15. The Soma-juices mixed with curds effused for Indra,
    the wielder of the thunderbolt, flow through the filter.

prá soma mádʰumattamo rāyé arṣa pavítra ā́ |
mádo yó devavī́tamaḥ || 16||

16. prap somaNmsv«√su madʰumattamajmsn«√madʰ  
     rainmsd«√rā arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ pavitrannsl«√pū āp |
     madanmsn«√mad yasr3msn (devanms«√div-vītamajms«√vī)jmsn 

16. Soma, pour into the filter to bring us wealth thy juice,
    which is most sweet-flavoured, exhilarating, and most desired by the gods.

támī mṛjantyāyávo háriṃ nadī́ṣu vājínam |
índumíndrāya matsarám || 17||

17. sasr3msa īc mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj āyujmpn«√i  
     harijmsa«√hṛ nadīnfpl«√nad vājinnmsa«√vāj |
     indunmsa«√ind indraNmsd«√ind (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsa 

17. The priests cleanse in the Vasativari waters
    the green-tinted powerful exhilarating Indu for Indra.

ā́ pavasva híraṇyavadáśvāvatsoma vīrávat |
vā́jaṃ gómantamā́ bʰara || 18||

18. āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū hiraṇyavatjmsn«√hṛ  
     aśvāvatjmsn«√aś somaNmsv«√su vīravatjmsn«√vīr |
     vājanmsa«√vāj gomatjmsa āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

18. Soma, pour forth wealth of gold, horses, and male offspring:
    bring us food and cattle.

pári vā́je ná vājayúmávyo vā́reṣu siñcata |
índrāya mádʰumattamam || 19||

19. parip vājanmsl«√vāj nac (vājanms«√vāj-yujms«√yu)jmsa  
     avinmsg vārannpl«√vṛ2 siñcatava·AE3p«√sic |
     indraNmsd«√ind madʰumattamajmsa«√madʰ 

19. Sprinkle upon the woollen fleece for Indra the most sweet Soma,
    desiring battle as if in battle.

kavíṃ mṛjanti márjyaṃ dʰībʰírvíprā avasyávaḥ |
vṛ́ṣā kánikradarṣati || 20||

20. kavinmsa«√kū mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj marjyajmsa«√mṛj  
     dʰīnfpi«√dʰī vipranmpn«√vip (avasnns«√av-yujfs«√yu)jmpn |
     vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ kanikrattp·Amsn«√krand arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ 

20. The worshippers desiring protection, cleanse with their fingers the purifiable Soma the sage;
    with a noise the sprinkler of benefits flows forth.

vṛ́ṣaṇaṃ dʰībʰíraptúraṃ sómamṛtásya dʰā́rayā |
matī́ víprāḥ sámasvaran || 21||

21. vṛṣaṇajmsa«√vṛṣ dʰīnfpi«√dʰī (apnfs-turjms«√tur)jmsa  
     somanmsa«√su ṛtannsg«√ṛ dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
     matinfsi«√man vipranmpn«√vip samp asvaranvp·U·3p«√svṛ 

21. The wise priests in a stream of water send forth with their fingers and with praise
    the sprinkler of benefits, the shedder of water.

pávasva devāyuṣágíndraṃ gacʰatu te mádaḥ |
vāyúmā́ roha dʰármaṇā || 22||

22. pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū devanmsv«√div (āyujms«√i-saknfs«√sac)a  
     indraNmsa«√ind gacʰatuvp·Ao3s«√gam tvamr2msg madanmsn«√mad |
     vāyuNmsa«√vā āp rohava·Ao2s«√ruh dʰarmannnsi«√dʰṛ 

22. Flow, brilliant Soma, let thy exhilarating juice proceed in continuous order to Indra,
    rise with thy supporting juice to Vayu.

pávamāna ní tośase rayíṃ soma śravā́yyam |
priyáḥ samudrámā́ viśa || 23||

23. pavamānanmsv«√pū nip tośaseva·A·2s«√tuś  
     rayinmsa«√rā somaNmsv«√su śravāyyajmsa«√śru |
     priyajmsn«√prī samudranmsa«sam~√ud āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

23. Purified Soma, thou squeezest forth the celebrated riches of the enemy;
    do thou who art beloved enter the ocean.

apagʰnánpavase mṛ́dʰaḥ kratuvítsoma matsaráḥ |
nudásvā́devayuṃ jánam || 24||

24. apagʰnanttp·Amsn«apa~√han pavaseva·A·2s«√pū mṛdʰasnfpa«√mṛdʰ  
     (kratunms«√kṛ-vidjms«√vid)jmsn somanmsv«√su (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsn |
     nudasvava·Ao2s«√nud (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsa jananmsa«√jan 

24. Soma, thou who art exhilarating, flowest defeating the enemies, bestowing knowledge on us;
    drive off the people who love not the gods.

pávamānā asṛkṣata sómāḥ śukrā́sa índavaḥ |
abʰí víśvāni kā́vyā || 25||

25. pavamānajmpn«√pū asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj  
     somajmpn«√su śukrajmpn«√śuc indunmpn«√ind |
     abʰip viśvajnpa«√viś kāvyannpa«√kū 

25. The brilliant purified Soma-juices are let full
    amidst all praises.

pávamānāsa āśávaḥ śubʰrā́ asṛgramíndavaḥ |
gʰnánto víśvā ápa dvíṣaḥ || 26||

26. pavamānajmpn«√pū āśujmpn«√aś  
     śubʰrajmpn«√śubʰ asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj indunmpn«√ind |
     gʰnanttp·Ampn«√han viśvajfpa«√viś apap dviṣnfpa«√dviṣ 

26. The purified Soma-juices flow swift and bright,
    destroying all enemies.

pávamānā diváspáryantárikṣādasṛkṣata |
pṛtʰivyā́ ádʰi sā́navi || 27||

27. pavamānajmpn«√pū dyunmsb parip  
     (antara-īkṣajms«√īkṣ)nnsb asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj |
     pṛtʰivīnfsb«√pṛtʰ adʰip sānunnsl«√san 

27. The purified juices are poured forth from heaven and from the firmament
    upon the summit of the ground.

punānáḥ soma dʰā́rayéndo víśvā ápa srídʰaḥ |
jahí rákṣāṃsi sukrato || 28||

28. punānajmsn«√pū somanmsv«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
     indunmsv«√ind viśvajfpa«√viś apap sridʰnfpa«√sridʰ |
     jahivp·Ao2s«√han rakṣasnnpa«√rakṣ sukratunmsv«su~√kṛ 

28. Brilliant Soma, do thou, purified in a stream, achieving great acts,
    destroy all foes and the Rakshasas.

apagʰnánsoma rakṣáso'bʰyàrṣa kánikradat |
dyumántaṃ śúṣmamuttamám || 29||

29. apagʰnanttp·Amsn«apa~√han somanmsv«√su rakṣasjmpa«√rakṣ  
     abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand |
     dyumantjmsa«√dyut śuṣmanmsa«√śuṣ uttamajmsa 

29. Destroying the Rakshasas, pour forth, Soma, with a noise,
    brilliant and excellent vigour.

asmé vásūni dʰāraya sóma divyā́ni pā́rtʰivā |
índo víśvāni vā́ryā || 30||

30. vayamr1mpd vasunnpa«√vas dʰārayavp·Ao2s«√dʰṛ  
     somaNmsv«√su divyajnpa«√div pārtʰivajnpa«√pṛtʰ |
     indunmsv«√ind viśvajnpa«√viś vāryājnpa«√vṛ2 

30. Bestow upon us, Soma, celestial and terrestrial treasures:
    bestow, Indu, all desirable things.

Sūkta 9.64 

vṛ́ṣā soma dyumā́m̐ asi vṛ́ṣā deva vṛ́ṣavrataḥ |
vṛ́ṣā dʰármāṇi dadʰiṣe || 1||

1.  vṛṣanjmsn«√vṛṣ somanmsv«√su dyumatjmsn«√dyut asivp·A·2s«√as  
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ devanmsv«√div (vṛṣanms«√vṛṣ-vratanns«√vṛ2)jmsn |
    vṛṣanjmsn«√vṛṣ dʰarmannnpa«√dʰṛ dadʰiṣeva·I·2s«√dʰā 

1. Thou, Soma, art the bright sprinkler; thou
shining Soma art the sprinkler whose occupation
is sprinkling; thou, the sprinkler, sustainest the
rites of men and gods.

vṛ́ṣṇaste vṛ́ṣṇyaṃ śávo vṛ́ṣā vánaṃ vṛ́ṣā mádaḥ |
satyáṃ vṛṣanvṛ́ṣédasi || 2||

2.  vṛṣannmsb«√vṛṣ tvamr2msg (vṛṣṇinms«√vṛṣ-yatnfs«√yat)jnsn śavasnnsn«√śvi  
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ vanannsa«√van vṛṣanjmsn«√vṛṣ madanmsn«√mad |
    satyama«√as vṛṣannmsv«√vṛṣ vṛṣanjmsn«√vṛṣ idc asivp·A·2s«√as 

2. O sprinkler, the strength of thee the sprinkler
consists in sprinkling, thy worship consists in
sprinkling, thy juice consists in sprinkling; thou
truly art always the sprinkler.

áśvo ná cakrado vṛ́ṣā sáṃ gā́ indo sámárvataḥ |
ví no rāyé dúro vṛdʰi || 3||

3.  aśvanmsn«√aś nac cakradasvp·U·2s«√krand vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ  
    samp gonfpa indunmsv«√ind samp arvatnmpa«√ṛ |
    vip vayamr1mpd rainmsd«√rā durnfpa vṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√vṛ 

3. Indu, the sprinkler, thou neighest like a horse;
thou givest us cattle, thou givest us horses: open
the doors for our wealth.

ásṛkṣata prá vājíno gavyā́ sómāso aśvayā́ |
śukrā́so vīrayā́śávaḥ || 4||

4.  asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj prap vājinnmpn«√vāj  
    gavījfsi somajmpn«√su aśvājfsi«√aś |
    śukrajmpn«√śuc vīrājfsi«√vīr āśujmpn«√aś 

4. The powerful, brilliant, rapid Soma-juices are
effused in the hope of obtaining cattle, horses, and
male offspring.

śumbʰámānā ṛtāyúbʰirmṛjyámānā gábʰastyoḥ |
pávante vā́re avyáye || 5||

5.  śumbʰamānata·Ampn«√śubʰ (ṛtanns«√ṛ-yujms«√yu)jmpi  
    mṛjyamānata·Ampn«√mṛj gabʰastinmdl |
    pavanteva·A·3p«√pū vāranmsl«√vṛ2 avyayajmsl 

5. The Soma-juices beautified by those desirous
of sacrifice, cleansed by their hands, flow through
the woollen fleece.

té víśvā dāśúṣe vásu sómā divyā́ni pā́rtʰivā |
pávantāmā́ntárikṣyā || 6||

6.  sasr3mpn viśvajnpa«√viś dāśvaṅstp·Imsd«√dāś vasunnpa«√vas  
    somajmpn«√su divyajnpa«√div pārtʰivajnpa«√pṛtʰ |
    pavatāmva·Ao3p«√pū āp (antara-īkṣyajms«√ikṣ)jnpa 

6. May those Soma-juices pour forth for the
offerer of libations all the treasures of heaven
and earth and of the firmament.

pávamānasya viśvavitprá te sárgā asṛkṣata |
sū́ryasyeva ná raśmáyaḥ || 7||

7.  pavamānanmsg«√pū (viśvanns«√viś-vidjms«√vid)jmsv  
    prap tvamr2msg sarganmpn«√sṛj asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj |
    sūryanmsg«√sūr ivac nac raśminmpn«√raś 

7. All-beholding Soma, thy streams as thou art
being purified are sent forth like the rays of the
sun at present.

ketúṃ kṛṇvándiváspári víśvā rūpā́bʰyarṣasi |
samudráḥ soma pinvase || 8||

8.  ketunmsa«√cit kṛṇvanttp·Amsn«√kṛ dyunmsb parip  
    viśvajnpa«√viś rūpannpa abʰip arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ |
    samudranmsn«sam~√ud somanmsv«√su pinvaseva·A·2s«√pinv 

8. Soma, thou who art the ocean, bestowing
knowledge, hastenest from heaven to all our various
forms, and bestowest various kinds of wealth on

hinvānó vā́camiṣyasi pávamāna vídʰarmaṇi |
ákrāndevó ná sū́ryaḥ || 9||

9.  hinvānata·Amsn«√hi vācnfsa«√vac iṣyasivp·A·2s«√iṣ  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū vidʰarmannmsl«vi~√dʰṛ |
    akrānvp·U·2s«√kram devanmsn«√div nac sūryanmsn«√sūr 

9. Purified Soma, when sent forth thou utterest
a cry; when thy juice like the sun god passed
through the supporting filter.

índuḥ paviṣṭa cétanaḥ priyáḥ kavīnā́ṃ matī́ |
sṛjádáśvaṃ ratʰī́riva || 10||

10. indunmsn«√ind paviṣṭava·UE3s«√pū cetanajmsn«√cit  
     priyajmsn«√prī kavinmpg«√kū matinfsi«√man |
     sṛjatvp·AE3s«√sṛj aśvanmsa«√aś ratʰīnmsn«√ṛ ivac 

10. Indu the enlightener, beloved of the gods,
flows forth at the praise of the sages; he lets loose
his wave as a charioteer his horse-

ūrmíryáste pavítra ā́ devāvī́ḥ paryákṣarat |
sī́dannṛtásya yónimā́ || 11||

11. ūrminmsn«√ṛ yasr3msn tvamr2msg pavitrannsl«√pū āp  
     (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmsn paryakṣaratvp·Aa3s«pari~√kṣar |
     sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsa«√yu āp 

11. Thy wave which, devoted to the gods flows
to the filter, alighting upon the place of sacrifice.

sá no arṣa pavítra ā́ mádo yó devavī́tamaḥ |
índavíndrāya pītáye || 12||

12. sasr3msn vayamr1mpd arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ pavitrannsl«√pū āp  
     madanmsn«√mad yasr3msn (devanms«√div-vītamajms«√vī)jmsn |
     indunmsv«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

12. Indu, who art exhilarating and most devoted
to the gods, hasten to the filter for Indra to drink.

iṣé pavasva dʰā́rayā mṛjyámāno manīṣíbʰiḥ |
índo rucā́bʰí gā́ ihi || 13||

13. iṣnfsd«√iṣ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
     mṛjyamānata·Amsn«√mṛj manīṣinnmpi«√man |
     indunmsv«√ind rucnfsi«√ruc abʰip gonfpa ihivp·Ao2s«√i 

13. Cleansed by the priests, Indu, flow in a
stream for our food; approach the cattle with food.

punānó várivaskṛdʰyū́rjaṃ jánāya girvaṇaḥ |
háre sṛjāná āśíram || 14||

14. punānajmsn«√pū varivasnnsa«√vṛ kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ  
     ūrjnfsa«√ūrj jananmsd«√jan (girnfs«√gṝ-vanasnns«√van)jmsv |
     harijmsv«√hṛ sṛjānata·Amsn«√sṛj āśirnfsa«ā~√śrī 

14. Green-tinted Soma lauded by hymns, being
dropped into the curds and milk and being purified,
bestow wealth and food upon the worshipper.

punānó devávītaya índrasya yāhi niṣkṛtám |
dyutānó vājíbʰiryatáḥ || 15||

15. punānajmsn«√pū (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd  
     indraNmsg«√ind yāhivp·Ao2s«√yā niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ |
     dyutānata·Amsn«√dyut vājinnmpi«√vāj yatajmsn«√yam 

15. Purified for the banquet of the gods, go to
Indra's station radiant, collected together by the
vigorous worshippers.

prá hinvānā́sa índavó'cʰā samudrámāśávaḥ |
dʰiyā́ jūtā́ asṛkṣata || 16||

16. prap hinvānata·Ampn«√hi indunmpn«√ind  
     acʰāp samudranmsa«sam~√ud āśujmpn«√aś |
     dʰīnfsi«√dʰī jūtajmpn«√jū asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj 

16. The rapid Soma-juices being sent towards
the firmament, are poured forth expressed by the

marmṛjānā́sa āyávo vṛ́tʰā samudrámíndavaḥ |
ágmannṛtásya yónimā́ || 17||

17. marmṛjānatp·Ampn«√mṛj āyujmpn«√i  
     vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 samudranmsa«sam~√ud indunmpn«√ind |
     agmanvp·Aa3p«√gam ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsa«√yu āp 

17. The swift Soma-juices being cleansed go to
the firmament without an effort; they go to the
abode of the water.

pári ṇo yāhyasmayúrvíśvā vásūnyójasā |
pāhí naḥ śárma vīrávat || 18||

18. parip vayamr1mpd yāhivp·Ao2s«√yā (vayamr1mpa-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
     viśvajnpa«√viś vasunnpa«√vas ojasnnsi«√vaj |
     pāhivp·Ao2s«√pā2 vayamr1mpa śarmannnsn«√śri vīravatjnsn«√vīr 

18. Soma, who art devoted to us, guard all our
treasures with thy might; protect our home and

mímāti váhnirétaśaḥ padáṃ yujāná ṛ́kvabʰiḥ |
prá yátsamudrá ā́hitaḥ || 19||

19. mimātiva·A·3s«√mā vahninmsn«√vah etaśajmsn  
     padannsa«√pad yujānata·Amsn«√yuj ṛkvannmpi«√ṛc |
     prap yada samudranmsl«sam~√ud āhitajmsn«ā~√dʰā 

19. The horse of burden neighs, yoked to the
sacrifice by the priests, when placed in the ocean.

ā́ yádyóniṃ hiraṇyáyamāśúrṛtásya sī́dati |
jáhātyápracetasaḥ || 20||

20. āp yada yoninmsa«√yu hiraṇyayajmsa«√hṛ  
     āśujmsn«√aś ṛtannsg«√ṛ sīdativp·A·3s«√sad |
     jahātivp·A·3s«√hā apracetasjmpa«a-

20. When the swift Soma takes his place on the
golden seat of sacrifice, he abandons the sacrifice
of the foolish man.

abʰí venā́ anūṣatéyakṣanti prácetasaḥ |
májjantyávicetasaḥ || 21||

21. abʰip venajmpn«√ven anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
     iyakṣantivp·A·3p«√yaj pracetasjmpn«pra~√cit |
     majjantivp·A·3p«√majj avicetasjmpn«a-

21. Devoted worshippers glorify Soma; the
well-disposed desire to sacrifice; the perverse-minded
sink into hell.

índrāyendo marútvate pávasva mádʰumattamaḥ |
ṛtásya yónimāsádam || 22||

22. indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind marutvantjmsd  
     pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madʰumattamajmsn«√madʰ |
     ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsa«√yu āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

22. Flow, Indu, for Indra associated with the
Maruts, thou who art most sweet-flavoured, and
take thy seat on the place of the sacrifice.

táṃ tvā víprā vacovídaḥ pári ṣkṛṇvanti vedʰásaḥ |
sáṃ tvā mṛjantyāyávaḥ || 23||

23. sasr3msa tvamr2msa vipranmpn«√vip (vacasnns«√vac-vidjms«√vid)jmpn  
     parip skṛṇvantivp·A·3p«√kṛ vedʰasjmpn«√vidʰ |
     samp tvamr2msa mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj āyujmpn«√i 

23. The wise who are the performers of pious
acts, who are acquainted with holy texts, adorn
thee: men purify thee.

rásaṃ te mitró aryamā́ píbanti váruṇaḥ kave |
pávamānasya marútaḥ || 24||

24. rasanmsa«√ras tvamr2msg mitraNmsn«√mitʰ aryamanNmsn«√ṛ  
     pibantivp·A·3p«√pā varuṇaNmsn«√vṛ kavinmsv«√kū |
     pavamānanmsg«√pū marutNmpn 

24. Mitra, Aryaman, Varuna and the Maruts
drink, sage Soma, thy juice as thou droppest.

tváṃ soma vipaścítaṃ punānó vā́camiṣyasi |
índo sahásrabʰarṇasam || 25||

25. tvamr2msn somaNmsv«√su (vipnfpa«√vip-citjms«√ci)jfsa  
     punānajmsn«√pū vācnfsa«√vac iṣyasivp·A·2s«√iṣ |
     indunmsv«√ind (sahasrau-bʰarṇasnns«√bʰṛ)jfsa 

25. Brilliant Soma, when purified thou utterest
a sapient speech, feeding thousands.

utó sahásrabʰarṇasaṃ vā́caṃ soma makʰasyúvam |
punāná indavā́ bʰara || 26||

26. utac uc (sahasrau-bʰarṇasnns«√bʰṛ)jfsa  
     vācnfsa«√vac somaNmsv«√su (makʰasnns«√maṅkʰ-yujfs«√yu)jfsa |
     punānajmsn«√pū indunmsv«√ind āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ 

26. Brilliant Soma, when purified bring us a
voice, feeding thousands and desiring wealth.

punāná indaveṣāṃ púruhūta jánānām |
priyáḥ samudrámā́ viśa || 27||

27. punānajmsn«√pū indunmsv«√ind ayamr3mpg  
     (purua«√pṝ-hūtajms«√hu)jmsv jananmpg«√jan |
     priyajmsn«√prī samudranmsa«sam~√ud āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

27. Indu, invoked by many, do thou, being
purified and being loved by these thy worshippers,
enter the ocean.

dávidyutatyā rucā́ pariṣṭóbʰantyā kṛpā́ |
sómāḥ śukrā́ gávāśiraḥ || 28||

28. davidyutatītp·Afsi«√dyut rucnfsi«√ruc  
     pariṣṭobʰantītp·Afsi«pari~√stubʰ kṛpjfsi«√kṛp |
     somajmpn«√su śukrajmpn«√śuc (gonfs-āśirnfs«√śrī)jmpn 

28. The bright Soma-juices with their shining
radiance and resounding stream are mixed with the
milk and curds.

hinvānó hetṛ́bʰiryatá ā́ vā́jaṃ vājyàkramīt |
sī́danto vanúṣo yatʰā || 29||

29. hinvānata·Amsn«√hi hetṛnmpi«√hi yatajmsn«√yam  
     āp vājanmsa«√vāj vājinnmsn«√vāj akramītvp·U·3s«√kram |
     sīdanttp·Ampn«√sad vanusjmpn«√van yadr3nsi 

29. The powerful Soma urged by the urging
worshippers goes collected to the battle like
warriors entering the battle-field.

ṛdʰáksoma svastáye saṃjagmānó diváḥ kavíḥ |
pávasva sū́ryo dṛśé || 30||

30. (ṛdʰnfs«√ṛdʰ-añcjms«√añc)a somaNmsv«√su svastinfsd«su~√as  
     saṃjagmānata·Imsn«sam~√gam dyunmsb«√dyu kavinmsn«√kū |
     pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū sūryanmsn«√sūr dṛśev···D··«√dṛś 

30. Soma, who art a sage mighty and prospering,
approaching flow from heaven for our prosperity
and view.

Sūkta 9.65 

hinvánti sū́ramúsrayaḥ svásāro jāmáyaspátim |
mahā́mínduṃ mahīyúvaḥ || 1||

1.  hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi sūranmsa«√sūr usrinfpn«√usṛ  
    svasṛnfpn jāminfpn«√jan patinmsa«√pā2 |
    mahāntjmsa«√mah indunmsa«√ind (mahījfs«√mah-yūjfs«√yu)jfpn 

1. The kindred fingers diligently operating,
eager to squeeze thee forth, send out the invigorating,
the lord of all, the mighty Indu.

pávamāna rucā́rucā devó devébʰyaspári |
víśvā vásūnyā́ viśa || 2||

2.  pavamānanmsv«√pū (rucānfsi«√ruc-rucānfsi«√ruc)a  
    devanmsn«√div devanmpd«√div parip |
    viśvajnpa«√viś vasunnpa«√vas āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

2. Filtered Soma, who with reiterated radiance
shinest in the presence of the gods, obtain all boons for us.

ā́ pavamāna suṣṭutíṃ vṛṣṭíṃ devébʰyo dúvaḥ |
iṣé pavasva saṃyátam || 3||

3.  āp pavamānanmsv«√pū suṣṭutijfsa«su~√stu  
    vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ devanmpd«√div duvasnnsa«√dū |
    iṣnfsd«√iṣ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū saṃyatjfsa«sam~√yam 

3. Pour, purified Soma, a well-praised shower
for the worship of the gods: pour a continual
shower for our food.

vṛ́ṣā hyási bʰānúnā dyumántaṃ tvā havāmahe |
pávamāna svādʰyàḥ || 4||

4.  vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ hic asivp·A·2s«√as bʰānunmsi«√bʰā  
    dyumatjmsa«√dyut tvamr2msa havāmaheva·A·1p«√hū |
    pavamānanmsv«√pū svādʰījmpn«su-

4. We who perform good works praise thee,
purified Soma, brilliant with radiance, for thou art
the showerer of benefits.

ā́ pavasva suvī́ryaṃ mándamānaḥ svāyudʰa |
ihó ṣvindavā́ gahi || 5||

5.  āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū suvīryannsa«su~√vīr  
    mandamānata·Amsn«√mand svāyudʰajmsv«su-ā~√yudʰ |
    ihaa uc sup indunmsv«√ind āp gahivp·Ao2s«√gam 

5. Well-armed a Soma who dost exhilarate the
gods, pour forth for us male offspring; come Indu
favourably to our sacrifice.

yádadbʰíḥ pariṣicyáse mṛjyámāno gábʰastyoḥ |
drúṇā sadʰástʰamaśnuṣe || 6||

6.  yada apnfpi pariṣicyasevp·A·2s«pari~√sic  
    mṛjyamānata·Amsn«√mṛj gabʰastinmdl |
    drunmsi«√dru (sadʰaa-stʰajms«√stʰā)nnsa aśnuṣeva·A·2s«√aś 

6. When cleansed by the hands thou art sprinkled
with the water, taken up with the wooden vessel
thou attainest thy abode.

prá sómāya vyaśvavátpávamānāya gāyata |
mahé sahásracakṣase || 7||

7.  prap somaNmsd«√su vyaśvavata«vi~√aś  
    pavamānanmsd«√pū gāyatavp·AE2p«√gai |
    mahjmsd«√mah (sahasrau-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)jmsd 

7. Sing, as Vyashwa did, to the filtered Soma, the
great, the all-beholding-

yásya várṇaṃ madʰuścútaṃ háriṃ hinvántyádribʰiḥ |
índumíndrāya pītáye || 8||

8.  yasr3msg varṇanmsa«√vṛ (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa  
    harijmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ |
    indunmsa«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pītinfsd«√pā 

8. That Soma whose juice they squeeze out
with the stones, foe-repelling, honey-dropping,
green-tinted, for Indra to drink-

tásya te vājíno vayáṃ víśvā dʰánāni jigyúṣaḥ |
sakʰitvámā́ vṛṇīmahe || 9||

9.  sasr3msg tvamr2msg vājinjmsg«√vāj vayamr1mpn  
    viśvajnpa«√viś dʰanannpa«√dʰan jigīvaṃsjmpa«√ji |
    sakʰitvannsa«√sac āp vṛṇīmaheva·A·1p«√vṛ2 

9. We, who have heaped up oblations, solicit his
friendship, the friendship of thee who hast won
all the riches of the foe.

vṛ́ṣā pavasva dʰā́rayā marútvate ca matsaráḥ |
víśvā dádʰāna ójasā || 10||

10. vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
     marutvatjmsd cac (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsn |
     viśvajnpa«√viś dadʰānatp·Imsn«√dʰā ojasnnsi«√vaj 

10. Flow in a stream, thou who art the showerer
of benefits and be exhilarating to the lord of
the Maruts, granting us all wealth by thy power.

táṃ tvā dʰartā́ramoṇyòḥ pávamāna svardṛ́śam |
hinvé vā́jeṣu vājínam || 11||

11. sasr3msa tvamr2msa dʰartṛnmsa«√dʰṛ oṇīnmdl«√oṇ  
     pavamānanmsv«√pū (svarnnsa-dṛśjms«√dṛś)jmsa |
     hinveva·A·3s«√hi vājanmpl«√vāj vājinnmsa«√vāj 

11. Thee, the supporter of heaven and earth,
O purified Soma, the beholder of heaven, the powerful
one, I send forth to battle.

ayā́ cittó vipā́náyā háriḥ pavasva dʰā́rayā |
yújaṃ vā́jeṣu codaya || 12||

12. ar3nsi cittajmsn«√cit vipnfsi«√vip ayamr3fsi  
     harijmsn«√hṛ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
     yujnmsa«√yuj vājanmpl«√vāj codayavp·Ao2s«√cud 

12. Expressed by these flexible a fingers of mine,
do thou who art green-tinted flow forth in a stream;
excite Indra our ally to battle.

ā́ na indo mahī́míṣaṃ pávasva viśvádarśataḥ |
asmábʰyaṃ soma gātuvít || 13||

13. āp vayamr1mpd indunmsv«√ind mahījfsa«√mah iṣnfsa«√iṣ  
     pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (viśvanns«√viś-darśatajms«√dṛś)jmsn |
     vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su (gātunms«√gā-vidjms«√vid)jmsn 

13. Swift-flowing Soma, who art the illuminator
of the universe, pour down upon us abundant food,
and be to us the revealer of the path to heaven.

ā́ kaláśā anūṣaténdo dʰā́rābʰirójasā |
éndrasya pītáye viśa || 14||

14. āp kalaśanmpn«√kal? anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
     indunmsv«√ind dʰārānfpi«√dʰṛ ojasnnsi«√vaj |
     āp indraNmsg«√ind pītinfsd«√pā viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

14. Indu, they praise the vessels together with
thy streams who art endowed with strength;
enter for Indra's drinking.

yásya te mádyaṃ rásaṃ tīvráṃ duhántyádribʰiḥ |
sá pavasvābʰimātihā́ || 15||

15. yasr3msg tvamr2msg madyajmsa«√mad rasanmsa«√ras  
     tīvrajmsa«√tu duhantivp·A·3p«√duh adrinmpi«√dṛ |
     sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (abʰimātinfs«√man-hanjms«√han)jmsn 

15. Do thou whose sharp exhilarating juice the
priests express with the stones, flow the destroyer
of the evil-minded:

rā́jā medʰā́bʰirīyate pávamāno manā́vádʰi |
antárikṣeṇa yā́tave || 16||

16. rājannmsn«√rāj medʰānfpi«√midʰ īyatevp·A·3s«√i  
     pavamānanmsn«√pū manujmsl«√man adʰip |
     (antara-īkṣajms«√ikṣ)nnsi yātavev···D··«√yā 

16. The king Soma purified at the sacrifice is
urged by the priests to pass through the firmament.

ā́ na indo śatagvínaṃ gávāṃ póṣaṃ sváśvyam |
váhā bʰágattimūtáye || 17||

17. āp vayamr1mpd indunmsv«√ind (śatau-gvinnms)nmsa  
     gonfpg poṣanmsa«√puṣ svaśvyannsa«su~√aś |
     vahavp·Ao2s«√vah (bʰaganms«√bʰaj-dattinfs«√dā)nfsa ūtinfsd«√av 

17. Bring to us, Indu, for our protection increase
of kine with hundreds of cattle and a gift of
fortune with beautiful horses.

ā́ naḥ soma sáho júvo rūpáṃ ná várcase bʰara |
suṣvāṇó devávītaye || 18||

18. āp vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su sahasnnsa«√sah juvasnnsa«√jū  
     rūpannsa nac varcasnnsd«√ruc bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ |
     suṣvāṇata·Amsn«√su (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd 

18. Be expressed for the banquet of the gods:
bestow on us, Soma, strength, speed and a form for

árṣā soma dyumáttamo'bʰí dróṇāni róruvat |
sī́dañcʰyenó ná yónimā́ || 19||

19. arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ somaNmsv«√su dyumattamajmsn«√dyut  
     abʰip droṇannpa«√dru roruvattp·Amsn«√ru |
     sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad śyenanmsn nac yoninmsa«√yu āp 

19. Hasten, Soma, who art most radiant, with
a roar to the wooden vessels; as a hawk flying to its nest.

apsā́ índrāya vāyáve váruṇāya marúdbʰyaḥ |
sómo arṣati víṣṇave || 20||

20. (apnfs-sanjms«√san)jmsn indraNmsd«√ind vāyuNmsd«√vā  
     varuṇaNmsd«√vṛ marutNmpd |
     somaNmsn«√su arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ viṣṇuNmsd«√viṣ 

20. Soma, the enjoyer of the water, hasten to
the vessels for Indra, Vayu, Varuna, the Maruts, and Vishnu.

íṣaṃ tokā́ya no dádʰadasmábʰyaṃ soma viśvátaḥ |
ā́ pavasva sahasríṇam || 21||

21. iṣnfsa«√iṣ tokannsd«√tuc vayamr1mpg dadʰadvp·Ae3s«√dʰā  
     vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su viśvatasa«√viś |
     āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū sahasrinjmsa 

21. Bestowing food upon our offspring, Soma,
pour from all quarters thousand-fold wealth.

yé sómāsaḥ parāváti yé arvāváti sunviré |
yé vādáḥ śaryaṇā́vati || 22||

22. yasr3mpn somanmpn«√su parāvatjmsl«√pṛ  
     yasr3mpn arvāvatjmsl sunvirevp·I·3p«√su |
     yasr3mpnc adasc śaryaṇāvatnmsl«√śrī 

22. May those Soma-juices which are effused
at a distance or nigh or on this Saryanavat lake,-

yá ārjīkéṣu kṛ́tvasu yé mádʰye pastyā̀nām |
yé vā jáneṣu pañcásu || 23||

23. yasr3mpn ārjīkanmpl«√ṛj kṛtvanjmpl«√kṛ  
     yasr3mpn madʰyanmsl pastyānfpg«√pas |
     yasr3mpnc jananmpl«√jan pañcau 

23. Or amongst the Rijikas, or the Kritwas, or
in the neighbourhood of the rivers Saraswati, etc.,
or in the five castes,

té no vṛṣṭíṃ diváspári pávantāmā́ suvī́ryam |
suvānā́ devā́sa índavaḥ || 24||

24. sasr3mpn vayamr1mpd vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ dyunmsb parip  
     pavantāmva·Ao3p«√pū āp suvīryannsa«su~√vīr |
     suvānata·Ampn«√su devajmpn«√div indunmpn«√ind 

24. May those brilliant Soma-juices when expressed
pour down upon us from heaven rain with
male progeny.

pávate haryató hárirgṛṇānó jamádagninā |
hinvānó górádʰi tvací || 25||

25. pavateva·A·3s«√pū haryatajmsn«√hary harijmsn«√hṛ  
     gṛṇānatp·Amsn«√gṝ (jamatjms«√jam-agninms«√aṅg)Nmsi |
     hinvānata·Amsn«√hi gonfsg adʰip tvacnfsl«√tvac 

25. The delightful green-tinted Soma, praised by
Jamadagni, urged on the cow-hide flows to the vessels.

prá śukrā́so vayojúvo hinvānā́so ná sáptayaḥ |
śrīṇānā́ apsú mṛñjata || 26||

26. prap śukrajmpn«√śuc (vayasnns«√vī-jūjms«√jū)jmpn  
     hinvānata·Ampn«√hi nac saptinmpn |
     śrīṇānāta·A?pn«√śrī apnfpl mṛñjatavp·AE3p«√mṛj 

26. The bright Soma-juices, the dispensers of
food, being mixed with the curds and milk, are
cleansed in the waters like horses urged by the charioteers.

táṃ tvā sutéṣvābʰúvo hinviré devátātaye |
sá pavasvānáyā rucā́ || 27||

27. sasr3msa tvamr2msa sutanmpl«√su ābʰūjmpn«ā~√bʰū  
     hinvireva·I·3p«√hi (devanms«√div-tātinms«√tan)nmsd |
     sasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū ayamr3fsi rucnfsi«√ruc 

27. The priests who are present send thee forth
at the rites at which thou art effused for the whole
of the gods; do thou flow with this splendour.

ā́ te dákṣaṃ mayobʰúvaṃ váhnimadyā́ vṛṇīmahe |
pā́ntamā́ puruspṛ́ham || 28||

28. āp tvamr2msg dakṣanmsa«√dakṣ (mayasnns«√mā-bʰūjms«√bʰū)jmsa  
     vahninmsa«√vah adyaa vṛṇīmaheva·A·1p«√vṛ2 |
     pāntajmsa«√pā āp (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jmsa 

28. We have recourse today to thy strength,
the source of happiness, the bearer of good things,
the defender against foes, the desired of many-

ā́ mandrámā́ váreṇyamā́ vípramā́ manīṣíṇam |
pā́ntamā́ puruspṛ́ham || 29||

29. āp mandrajmsa«√mand āp vareṇyajmsa«√vṛ2 āp  
     viprajmsa«√vip āp manīṣinjmsa«√man |
     pāntajmsa«√pā āp (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jmsa 

29. The exhilarating, the desirable, the wise, the intelligent,
the defender of all, the desired of many.

ā́ rayímā́ sucetúnamā́ sukrato tanū́ṣvā́ |
pā́ntamā́ puruspṛ́ham || 30||

30. āp rayinmsa«√rā āp sucetunajmsa«su~√cit  
     āp sukratunmsn«su~√kṛ tanūnfpl«√tan āp |
     pāntajmsa«√pā āp (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jmsa 

30. We have recourse to thy wealth and intelligence
for our posterity, O thou to whom fair
sacrifices are offered, and to thee the defender of
all, the desired of many.

Sūkta 9.66 

pávasva viśvacarṣaṇe'bʰí víśvāni kā́vyā |
sákʰā sákʰibʰya ī́ḍyaḥ || 1||

1.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (viśvajms«√viś-carṣaṇijms«√kṛṣ)jmsv  
    abʰip viśvajnpa«√viś kāvyannpa«√kū |
    sakʰinmsn«√sac sakʰinmpd«√sac īḍyajmsn«√īḍ 

1. All-seeing Soma, who art the adorable friend
of the worshippers, flow for us thy friends towards
all our hymns of praise.

tā́bʰyāṃ víśvasya rājasi yé pavamāna dʰā́manī |
pratīcī́ soma tastʰátuḥ || 2||

2.  tadr3ndi viśvannsg«√viś rājasivp·A·2s«√rāj  
    yadr3ndn pavamānanmsv«√pū dʰāmannndn«√dʰā |
    pratyañcjndn«prati~√añc somaNmsv«√su tastʰaturvp·I·3d«√stʰā 

2. Thou, purified Soma, rulest the universe by
those two halves of the lunar month which stand
facing thee.

pári dʰā́māni yā́ni te tváṃ somāsi viśvátaḥ |
pávamāna ṛtúbʰiḥ kave || 3||

3.  parip dʰāmannnpa«√dʰā yadr3npa tvamr2msg  
    tvamr2msn somaNmsv«√su asivp·A·2s«√as viśvatasa«√viś |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū ṛtunmpi«√ṛ kavinmsv«√kū 

3. Since thy splendours abound, thou purified
sage Soma art everywhere associated with the seasons.

pávasva janáyanníṣo'bʰí víśvāni vā́ryā |
sákʰā sákʰibʰya ūtáye || 4||

4.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū janayanttp·Amsn«√jan iṣnfpa«√iṣ  
    abʰip viśvajnpa«√viś vāryajnpa«√vṛ2 |
    sakʰinmsn«√sac sakʰinmpd«√sac ūtinfsd«√av 

4. Soma, who art a friend, do thou for the sake
of all our desirable praises approach generating
food for us thy friends for our support.

táva śukrā́so arcáyo diváspṛṣṭʰé ví tanvate |
pavítraṃ soma dʰā́mabʰiḥ || 5||

5.  tvamr2msg śukrajmpn«√śuc arcinmpn«√arc  
    dyunmsg pṛṣṭʰannsl«pra~√stʰā vip tanvateva·A·3p«√tan |
    pavitrannsa«√pū somaNmsv«√su dʰāmannnpi«√dʰā 

5. Soma, the shining rays of thee who art accompanied
by brilliance, spread the purifying
water over the surface of heaven.

távemé saptá síndʰavaḥ praśíṣaṃ soma sisrate |
túbʰyaṃ dʰāvanti dʰenávaḥ || 6||

6.  tvamr2msg ayamr3mpn saptau sindʰunmpn«√sindʰ  
    praśiṣnfsa«pra~√śās somaNmsv«√su sisratevp·A·3p«√sṛ |
    tvamr2msd dʰāvantivp·A·3p«√dʰāv dʰenunfpn«√dʰe 

6. These thy seven rivers flow, Soma, at thy command:
 the milch kine hasten to thee.

prá soma yāhi dʰā́rayā sutá índrāya matsaráḥ |
dádʰāno ákṣiti śrávaḥ || 7||

7.  prap somaNmsv«√su yāhivp·Ao2s«√yā dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    sutajmsn«√su indraNmsd«√ind (madnms«√mad-sarajms«√sṛ)jmsn |
    dadʰānata·Imsn«√dʰā akṣitijnsa«√kṣi3 śravasnnsa«√śru 

7. Proceed, Soma, in a stream when effused,
giving exhilaration to Indra, bestowing upon us
inexhaustible food.

sámu tvā dʰībʰírasvaranhinvatī́ḥ saptá jāmáyaḥ |
vípramājā́ vivásvataḥ || 8||

8.  samp uc tvamr2msa dʰīnfpi«√dʰī asvaranvp·Aa3p«√svṛ  
    hinvatījfpn«√hi saptau jāminfpn«√jan |
    viprajmsa«√vip ājinmsl«√aj vivasvatNmsg«√vas 

8. The seven kindred priests uttering praises
and worshipping the gods with oblations invoked
thee the sage at the sacrifice with hymns.

mṛjánti tvā sámagrúvó'vye jīrā́vádʰi ṣváṇi |
rebʰó yádajyáse váne || 9||

9.  mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj tvamr2msa samp agrūnfpn«√grū  
    avyajnsl jīrinfsl«√jinv adʰip svaninnsa«√svan |
    rebʰajmsn«√ribʰ yadc ajyaseva·A·2s«√añj vanannsl«√van 

9. The fingers cleanse thee in the quickly made
loud-sounding woollen filter, when with a noise
thou art sprinkled with the water.

pávamānasya te kave vā́jinsárgā asṛkṣata |
árvanto ná śravasyávaḥ || 10||

10. pavamānanmsg«√pū tvamr2msg kavinmsv«√kū  
     vājinnmsv«√vāj sarganmpn«√sṛj asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj |
     arvantnmpn«√ṛ nac (śravasnns«√śru-yujms«√yu)jmpn 

10. Sage Soma, possessor of food, thy food desiring
streams when thou art filtered are let
loose like horses.

ácʰā kóśaṃ madʰuścútamásṛgraṃ vā́re avyáye |
ávāvaśanta dʰītáyaḥ || 11||

11. acʰāp kośanmsa«√kuś (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa  
     asṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj vāranmsl«√vṛ2 avyayajmsl |
     avāvaśantavp·U·3p«√vāś dʰītinfpn«√dʰī 

11. They are let loose in the woollen filter to
go towards the honey-dropping vessel; our fingers
have desired them.

ácʰā samudrámíndavó'staṃ gā́vo ná dʰenávaḥ |
ágmannṛtásya yónimā́ || 12||

12. acʰāp samudranmsa«sam~√ud indunmpn«√ind  
     astannsa gonfpn nac dʰenunfpn«√dʰe |
     agmanvp·Aa3p«√gam ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsa«√yu āp 

12. The Soma-juices go to the ocean, as milch
kine to their stall; they go to the place of sacrifice.

prá ṇa indo mahé ráṇa ā́po arṣanti síndʰavaḥ |
yádgóbʰirvāsayiṣyáse || 13||

13. prap vayamr1mpg indunmsv«√ind mahjmsd«√mah raṇanmsd«√raṇ  
     apnfpn arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ sindʰunmpn«√sindʰ |
     yadc gonfpi vāsayiṣyaseva·B·2s«√vas 

13. Indu, the flowing waters hasten to our great
sacrifices when thou art mixed with the curds and

ásya te sakʰyé vayámíyakṣantastvótayaḥ |
índo sakʰitvámuśmasi || 14||

14. ayamr3msg tvamr2msg sakʰyannsl«√sac vayamr1mpn  
     iyakṣanttp·A?pn«√yaj (tvamr2msi-ūtinfs«√av)jmpn |
     indunmsv«√ind sakʰitvannsa«√sac uśmasiva·A·1p«√vaś 

14. Indu, we abiding in thy friendship, desiring
to sacrifice, depending on thy protection, desire
thy friendship.

ā́ pavasva gáviṣṭaye mahé soma nṛcákṣase |
éndrasya jaṭʰáre viśa || 15||

15. āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (gonfs-iṣṭinfs«√iṣ)nmsd  
     mahjmsd«√mah somaNmsv«√su (nṛnms-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)nmsd |
     āp indraNmsg«√ind jaṭʰarannsl viśavp·Ao2s«√viś 

15. Flow, Soma, for the mighty cattle-seeker, the
beholder of men, enter Indra's belly.

mahā́m̐ asi soma jyéṣṭʰa ugrā́ṇāminda ójiṣṭʰaḥ |
yúdʰvā sáñcʰáśvajjigetʰa || 16||

16. mahatjmsn«√mah asivp·A·2s«√as somaNmsv«√su jyeṣṭʰajmsn«√jyā  
     ugrajmpg«√vaj indunmsv«√ind ojiṣṭʰajmsn«√vaj |
     yudʰvannmsn«√yudʰ santtp·Ams?«√as śaśvata«√śaś jigetʰavp·I·2s«√ji 

16. Soma, thou art great, most worthy to be
praised; Indu, thou art the most vigorous of the
mighty; engaged in battle thou ever triumphest.

yá ugrébʰyaścidójīyāñcʰū́rebʰyaścicʰū́rataraḥ |
bʰūridā́bʰyaścinmáṃhīyān || 17||

17. yasr3msn ugrajmpb«√vaj cidc ojīyaṃsjmsn«√vaj  
     śūrajmpb«√śūr cidc śūratarajmsn«√śūr |
     (bʰūrijms«√bʰū-dājms«√dā)jmpb cidc maṃhīyaṃsjmsn«√maṃh 

17. Thou who art mightier than the mighty,
braver than the brave, more generous than the

tváṃ soma sū́ra éṣastokásya sātā́ tanū́nām |
vṛṇīmáhe sakʰyā́ya vṛṇīmáhe yújyāya || 18||

18. tvamr2msn somaNmsv«√su sūranmsn«√sūr āp iṣnfpa«√iṣ  
     tokannsg«√tuc sātinfsl«√san tanūnfpg«√tan |
     vṛṇīmaheva·A·1p«√vṛ2 sakʰyannsd«√sac vṛṇīmaheva·A·1p«√vṛ2 yujyannsd«√yuj 

18. Thou, Soma, who art a hero, bestow upon
us food, be the giver of sons to us; we choose
thee for thy friendship, we choose thee for thy

ágna ā́yūṃṣi pavasa ā́ suvórjamíṣaṃ ca naḥ |
āré bādʰasva ducʰúnām || 19||

19. agninmsv«√aṅg āyusnnpa«√i pavaseva·A·2s«√pū  
     āp suvavp·Ao2s«√sū ūrjnfsa«√ūrj iṣnfsa«√iṣ cac vayamr1mpd |
     ārea«√ṛ bādʰasvava·Ao2s«√bādʰ ducʰunānfsa«dus~√śvi 

19. Agni, thou supportest our lives, send us
nutriment and food, drive far off the Rakshasas.

agnírṛ́ṣiḥ pávamānaḥ pā́ñcajanyaḥ puróhitaḥ |
támīmahe mahāgayám || 20||

20. agniNmsn«√aṅg ṛṣinmsn«√ṛṣ pavamānajmsn«√pū  
     (pañcau-janyanms«√jan)jmsn (purasa«√pṝ-hitajms«√dʰā)jmsn |
     sasr3msa īmaheva·A·1p«√i (mahatjms«√mah-gayanms«√gam)jmsa 

20. Agni, the all-beholding, who is in the form
of the Pavamana, the benefactor of the five orders,
the preceder at sacrifices: him we solicit, who is
hymned by the great.

ágne pávasva svápā asmé várcaḥ suvī́ryam |
dádʰadrayíṃ máyi póṣam || 21||

21. agninmsv«√aṅg pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū svapasjmsn  
     vayamr1mpd varcasnnsa«√ruc suvīryajnsa«su~√vīr |
     dadʰadvp·Ae3s«√dʰā rayinmsa«√rā ahamr1msl poṣanmsa«√puṣ 

21. Agni, who art the doer of good, pour upon
us brightness and fair offspring; may he make me
wealth and plenty.

pávamāno áti srídʰo'bʰyàrṣati suṣṭutím |
sū́ro ná viśvádarśataḥ || 22||

22. pavamānanmsn«√pū atip sridʰnfpb«√sridʰ  
     abʰip arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ suṣṭutinfsa«su~√stu |
     sūranmsn«√sūr nac (viśvanns«√viś-darśatajms«√dṛś)jmsn 

22. The purified Soma hastens past the adversaries
towards the fair praise of the worshippers,
visible to all like the sun.

sá marmṛjāná āyúbʰiḥ práyasvānpráyase hitáḥ |
índurátyo vicakṣaṇáḥ || 23||

23. sasr3msn marmṛjānatp·Amsn«√mṛj āyujmpi«√i  
     prayasvantjmsn«√prī prayasnnsd«√prī hitajmsn«√hi |
     indunmsn«√ind atyanmsn«√at? vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ 

23. Repeatedly purified by the priests, Indu,
abounding with food, placed for food, the beholder
of all continually goes to the gods.

pávamāna ṛtáṃ bṛhácʰukráṃ jyótirajījanat |
kṛṣṇā́ támāṃsi jáṅgʰanat || 24||

24. pavamānanmsn«√pū ṛtannsa«√ṛ bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh  
     śukrajnsa«√śuc jyotisnnsa«√jyot ajījanatvp·U·3s«√jan |
     kṛṣṇajnpa«√kṛṣ tamasnnpa«√tam jaṅgʰanattp·Amsn«√han 

24. The purified Soma generated the veracious
all-pervading bright-shining light, destroying the
black darkness.

pávamānasya jáṅgʰnato háreścandrā́ asṛkṣata |
jīrā́ ajiráśociṣaḥ || 25||

25. pavamānanmsg«√pū jaṅgʰanattp·Amsg«√han  
     harijmsg«√hṛ candrajmpn«√ścand asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj |
     jīrajmpn«√jinv (ajirajns«√aj-śocisnns«√śuc)jmpn 

25. The gladsome swift-moving streams of the
purified, green-tinted, unfadingly radiant Soma,
the destroyer of darkness, have been let forth.

pávamāno ratʰī́tamaḥ śubʰrébʰiḥ śubʰráśastamaḥ |
háriścandro marúdgaṇaḥ || 26||

26. pavamānanmsn«√pū ratʰītamajmsn«√ṛ  
     śubʰrajmpi«√śubʰ (śubʰrajms«√śubʰ-śastamajms«√śaṃs)jmsn |
     (harijms«√hṛ-ścandrajms«√ścand)jmsn (marutNms-gaṇanms«√gaṇ)jmsn 

26. The purified Soma, possessing many chariots,
most radiant with beauteous splendours, having
green-tinted streams, attended by the Maruts-

pávamāno vyàśnavadraśmíbʰirvājasā́tamaḥ |
dádʰatstotré suvī́ryam || 27||

27. pavamānanmsn«√pū vip aśnavatvp·Ae3s«√aś  
     raśminmpi«√raś (vājanms«√vāj-sātamajms«√san)jmsn |
     dadʰattp·Amsn«√dʰā stotṛnmsd«√stu suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

27. May the purified Soma, the most liberal dispenser
of food, pervade the world with his rays,
granting excellent male offspring to the worshipper.

prá suvāná índurakṣāḥ pavítramátyavyáyam |
punāná índuríndramā́ || 28||

28. prap suvānata·Amsn«√su indunmsn«√ind akṣārvp·U·3s«√kṣar  
     pavitrannsa«√pū atip avyayajmsa |
     punānajmsn«√pū indunmsn«√ind indraNmsa«√ind āp 

28. Indu when effused drops through the fleecy
filter into the vessel; being filtered Indu enters
into Indra.

eṣá sómo ádʰi tvací gávāṃ krīḷatyádribʰiḥ |
índraṃ mádāya jóhuvat || 29||

29. eṣasr3msn somanmsn«√su adʰip tvacnfsl«√tvac  
     gonfpg krīḷativp·A·3s«√krīḷ adrinmpi«√dṛ |
     indraNmsa«√ind madanmsd«√mad johuvattp·Amsn«√hve 

29. This Soma sports with the stones upon the
cowhide, calling Indra for exhilaration.

yásya te dyumnávatpáyaḥ pávamānā́bʰṛtaṃ diváḥ |
téna no mṛḷa jīváse || 30||

30. yadr3nsg tvamr2msg dyumnavatjnsn payasnnsn«√pī  
     pavamānanmsv«√pū ābʰṛtajnsn«ā~√bʰṛ dyunmsb |
     tadr3nsi vayamr1mpa mṛḷavp·Ao2s«√mṛḷ jīvasev···D··«√jīv 

30. Purified Soma, bless us with long life by
means of that thy nutritious milk which has been
brought from heaven.

Sūkta 9.67 

tváṃ somāsi dʰārayúrmandrá ójiṣṭʰo adʰvaré |
pávasva maṃhayádrayiḥ || 1||

1.  tvamr2msn somaNmsv«√su asivp·A·2s«√as (dʰāranms«√dʰṛ-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
    mandrajmsn«√mand ojiṣṭʰajmsn«√vaj adʰvaranmsl |
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (maṃhayatjms«√maṃh-rayinms«√rā)jmsn 

1. Thou, Soma, who art most exhilarating, most
powerful, art disposed to shed thy stream at our
sacrifice: flow then thou who art the giver of

tváṃ sutó nṛmā́dano dadʰanvā́nmatsaríntamaḥ |
índrāya sūrírándʰasā || 2||

2.  tvamr2msn sutajmsn«√su (nṛnms-mādanajms«√mad)jmsn  
    dadʰanvaṃstp·Insn«√dʰanv (madnfs«√mad-sarintamajms«√sṛ)jmsn |
    indraNmsd«√ind sūrinmsn«√su andʰasnnsi«√andʰ 

2. Thou who art the exhilarator of the priests,
bestowing wealth upon them and intelligent, do
thou when effused together with food be the especial
cause of exhilaration to Indra.

tváṃ suṣvāṇó ádribʰirabʰyàrṣa kánikradat |
dyumántaṃ śúṣmamuttamám || 3||

3.  tvamr2msn suṣvāṇata·Amsn«√su adrinmpi«√dṛ  
    abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand |
    dyumatjmsa«√dyut śuṣmanmsa«√śuṣ uttamajmsa 

3. Do thou when effused by the stones proceed
resounding to the vessel: grant bright excellent

índurhinvānó arṣati tiró vā́rāṇyavyáyā |
hárirvā́jamacikradat || 4||

4.  indunmsn«√ind hinvānata·Amsn«√hi arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ  
    tirasa«√tṝ vārannpa«√vṛ2 avyayajnpa |
    harijmsn«√hṛ vājanmsa«√vāj acikradatvp·U·3s«√krand 

4. Indu effused by the stones passes through
the woollen filter; green-tinted he roars forth food.

índo vyávyamarṣasi ví śrávāṃsi ví saúbʰagā |
ví vā́jānsoma gómataḥ || 5||

5.  indunmsv«√ind vip avyajnsa arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ vip  
    śravasnnpa«√śru vip saubʰagannpa«su~√bʰaj |
    vip vājanmpa«√vāj somaNmsv«√su gomatjmpa 

5. Indu, thou hastenest through the fleece, thou
grantest us food and wealth; therefore grant us,
Soma, strength of flocks.

ā́ na indo śatagvínaṃ rayíṃ gómantamaśvínam |
bʰárā soma sahasríṇam || 6||

6.  āp vayamr1mpd indunmsv«√ind (śatau-gvinnms)nmsa  
    rayinmsa«√rā gomatjmsa aśvinjmsa«√aś |
    bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ somaNmsv«√su sahasrinjmsa 

6. Indu, Soma, bring us thousand-fold wealth,
consisting of hundreds of cows, having excellent
cows and horses.

pávamānāsa índavastiráḥ pavítramāśávaḥ |
índraṃ yā́mebʰirāśata || 7||

7.  pavamānajmpn«√pū indunmpn«√ind  
    tirasa«√tṝ pavitrannsa«√pū āśujmpn«√aś |
    indraNmsa«√ind yāmanmpi«√yām āśatava·A·3p«√āś 

7. The purified swift-flowing Soma-juices passing
through the filter reach Indra by their own paths.

kakuháḥ somyó rása índuríndrāya pūrvyáḥ |
āyúḥ pavata āyáve || 8||

8.  kakuhajmsn somyajmsn«√su rasanmsn«√ras  
    indunmsn«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pūrvyajmsn«√pṝ |
    āyujmsn«√i pavateva·A·3s«√pū āyujmsd«√i 

8. The excellent juice of the Soma dropping into
the vessels poured forth by men of old, the goer
to Indra, is filtered for Indra the goer.

hinvánti sū́ramúsrayaḥ pávamānaṃ madʰuścútam |
abʰí girā́ sámasvaran || 9||

9.  hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi sūranmsa«√sūr usrinfpn«√usṛ  
    pavamānanmsa«√pū (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa |
    abʰip gīrnfsi«√gṝ samp asvaranvp·Aa3p«√svṛ 

9. The fingers express the purified honey-dropping
heroic Soma: the worshippers hail him with praise.

avitā́ no ajā́śvaḥ pūṣā́ yā́maniyāmani |
ā́ bʰakṣatkanyā̀su naḥ || 10||

10. avitṛnmsn«√av vayamr1mpg (ajanms«√aj-aśvanms«√aś)jmsn  
     pūṣanNmsn«√pūṣ (yāmannnsl«√yām-yāmannnsl«√yām)a |
     āp bʰakṣatvp·Ae3s«√bʰaj kanyānfpl«√kan vayamr1mpd 

10. May the goat-borne Pushan in all his paths
be our protector: may he bestow maidens on us.

ayáṃ sómaḥ kapardíne gʰṛtáṃ ná pavate mádʰu |
ā́ bʰakṣatkanyā̀su naḥ || 11||

11. ayamr3msn somanmsn«√su (kaparnms-dinjms«√dā)jmsd  
     gʰṛtajnsn«√gʰṛ nac pavateva·A·3s«√pū madʰunnsn«√madʰ |
     āp bʰakṣatvp·Ae3s«√bʰaj kanyānfpl«√kan vayamr1mpd 

11. This Soma flows to Pushan, who wears a
beautiful tiara like exhilarating ghee; may he
bestow maidens on us.

ayáṃ ta āgʰṛṇe sutó gʰṛtáṃ ná pavate śúci |
ā́ bʰakṣatkanyā̀su naḥ || 12||

12. ayamr3msn tvamr2msd āgʰṛṇijmsv«√gʰṛ sutajmsn«√su  
     gʰṛtannsn«√gʰṛ nac pavateva·A·3s«√pū śucijnsn«√śuc |
     āp bʰakṣatvp·Ae3s«√bʰaj kanyānfpl«√kan vayamr1mpd 

12. This Soma poured forth for thee, shining
Pushan flows like pure ghee: may he bestow
maidens on us.

vācó jantúḥ kavīnā́ṃ pávasva soma dʰā́rayā |
devéṣu ratnadʰā́ asi || 13||

13. vācnfsg«√vac jantunmsn«√jan kavinmpg«√kū  
     pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somaNmsv«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
     devanmpl«√div (ratnanns«√rā-dʰājms«√dʰā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

13. Soma, generator of the praises of the wise,
flow in a stream; thou art the dispenser of treasure
among the gods.

ā́ kaláśeṣu dʰāvati śyenó várma ví gāhate |
abʰí dróṇā kánikradat || 14||

14. āp kalaśanmpl«√kal? dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv  
     śyenanmsn varmannnsa«√vṛ vip gāhateva·A·3s«√gāh |
     abʰip droṇannpa«√dru kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand 

14. He hastens to the vessels as a falcon enters
its nest, and enters the wooden vessels with a cry.

pári prá soma te rásó'sarji kaláśe sutáḥ |
śyenó ná taktó arṣati || 15||

15. parip prap somaNmsv«√su tvamr2msg rasanmsn«√ras  
     asarjivp·U·3s«√sṛj kalaśanmsl«√kal? sutajmsn«√su |
     śyenanmsn nac taktajmsn«√tak arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ 

15. Thy juice, Soma, spreads around when effused
into the vessel as a swift falcon rushes along.

pávasva soma mandáyanníndrāya mádʰumattamaḥ || 16||

16. pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somaNmsv«√su mandayantp·Amsn«√mand  
     indraNmsd«√ind madʰumattamajmsn«√madʰ 

16. Flow, Soma, who art most sweet-flavoured,
giving exhilaration to Indra.

ásṛgrandevávītaye vājayánto rátʰā iva || 17||

17. asṛgranva·U·3p«√sṛj (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd  
     vājayantjmpn«√vāj ratʰanmpn«√ṛ ivac 

17. The Soma-juices are let loose for the banquet
of the gods like chariots desiring the wealth of the

té sutā́so madíntamāḥ śukrā́ vāyúmasṛkṣata || 18||

18. sasr3mpn sutajmpn«√su madintamajmpn«√mad  
     śukrajmpn«√śuc vāyuNmsa«√vā asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj 

18. These effused Soma-juices, brilliant and
extremely exhilarating, are let forth for Vayu.

grā́vṇā tunnó abʰíṣṭutaḥ pavítraṃ soma gacʰasi |
dádʰatstotré suvī́ryam || 19||

19. grāvannmsi«√gṝ tunnajmsn«√tud abʰiṣṭutajmsn«abʰi~√stu  
     pavitrannsa«√pū somaNmsv«√su gacʰasivp·A·2s«√gam |
     dadʰattp·Amsn«√dʰā stotṛnmsd«√stu suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

19. Bruised with the stones and effused by the
worshippers thou, Soma, enterest the filter, bestowing
upon thy praiser wealth, accompanied with
excellent male offspring.

eṣá tunnó abʰíṣṭutaḥ pavítramáti gāhate |
rakṣohā́ vā́ramavyáyam || 20||

20. eṣasr3msn tunnajmsn«√tud abʰiṣṭutajmsn«abʰi~√stu  
     pavitrannsa«√pū atip gāhateva·A·3s«√gāh |
     (rakṣasnns«√rakṣ-hannms«√han)nmsn vāranmsa«√vṛ2 avyayajmsa 

20. This Soma, bruised with the stones, and
praised by all, the slayer of Rakshasas, plunges
through the woollen filter into the vessel.

yádánti yácca dūraké bʰayáṃ vindáti mā́mihá |
pávamāna ví tájjahi || 21||

21. yadr3nsn antia yadr3nsn cac dūrakanmsl«√dū  
     bʰayannsn«√bʰī vindativp·A·3s«√vid ahamr1msa ihaa |
     pavamānanmsv«√pū vip tadr3nsa jahivp·Ao2s«√han 

21. Whatever fear seizes me, near, afar off,
here, purified Soma dispel that fear.

pávamānaḥ só adyá naḥ pavítreṇa vícarṣaṇiḥ |
yáḥ potā́ sá punātu naḥ || 22||

22. pavamānanmsn«√pū sasr3msn adyaa vayamr1mpd  
     pavitrannsi«√pū vicarṣaṇijmsn«vi~√kṛṣ |
     yasr3msn potṛnmsn«√pū sasr3msn punātuvp·Ao3s«√pū vayamr1mpa 

22. May that purified Soma, the beholder of all,
who is the purifier, purify us now by his purifying

yátte pavítramarcíṣyágne vítatamantárā́ |
bráhma téna punīhi naḥ || 23||

23. yadr3nsn tvamr2msg pavitrannsn«√pū arcisnnsl«√arc  
     agniNmsv«√aṅg vitatajnsn«vi~√tan antara āp |
     brahmannsa«√bṛh tadr3nsi punīhivp·Ao2s«√pū vayamr1mpa 

23. Purify, Agni, our divine body with thy
purifying light, which is diffused in the midst of
the light.

yátte pavítramarcivádágne téna punīhi naḥ |
brahmasavaíḥ punīhi naḥ || 24||

24. yadr3nsn tvamr2msg pavitrannsn«√pū arcivatjnsn«√arc  
     agniNmsv«√aṅg tadr3nsi punīhivp·Ao2s«√pū vayamr1mpa |
     (brahmanns«√bṛh-savanms«√su)nmpi punīhivp·Ao2s«√pū vayamr1mpa 

24. Purify us, Agni, with thy purifying light
which possesses the light; purify us with the
effusions of the Soma.

ubʰā́bʰyāṃ deva savitaḥ pavítreṇa savéna ca |
mā́ṃ punīhi viśvátaḥ || 25||

25. ubʰajndi devanmsv«√div savitṛNmsv«√sū  
     pavitrannsi«√pū savajnsi«√sū cac |
     ahamr1msa punīhivp·Ao2s«√pū viśvatasa«√viś 

25. Shining Soma, urger of all things, purify
me by both, by thy purifying light and by the
effusion of the Soma; purify me in every way.

tribʰíṣṭváṃ deva savitarvárṣiṣṭʰaiḥ soma dʰā́mabʰiḥ |
ágne dákṣaiḥ punīhi naḥ || 26||

26. triu tvamr2msn devanmsv«√div savitṛNmsv«√sū  
     varṣiṣṭʰajnpi«√vṛdʰ somaNmsv«√su dʰāmannnpi«√dʰā |
     agniNmsv«√aṅg dakṣanmpi«√dakṣ punīhivp·Ao2s«√pū vayamr1mpa 

26. Purify us, shining Agni Pavamana, urger of
all things, with thy three most mighty powerful

punántu mā́ṃ devajanā́ḥ punántu vásavo dʰiyā́ |
víśve devāḥ punītá mā jā́tavedaḥ punīhí mā || 27||

27. punantuvp·Ao3p«√pū ahamr1msa (devanms«√div-jananms«√jan)nmpn  
     punantuvp·Ao3p«√pū vasujmpn«√vas dʰīnfsi«√dʰī |
     viśvajmpv«√viś devanmpv«√div punītavp·Ao2p«√pū ahamr1msa (jātanms«√jan-vedajms«√vid)nmsn punīhivp·Ao2s«√pū ahamr1msa 

27. May the worshippers purify me, may the
Vasus purify me by their acts; purify me, all ye
gods, Agni the intelligent purify me.

prá pyāyasva prá syandasva sóma víśvebʰiraṃśúbʰiḥ |
devébʰya uttamáṃ havíḥ || 28||

28. prap pyāyasvava·Ao2s«√pyai prap syandasvava·Ao2s«√syand  
     somaNmsv«√su viśvajmpi«√viś aṃśunmpi«√aś |
     devanmpd«√div uttamajmsa havisnnsa«√hu 

28. Soma, nourish us, pour forth for the gods
with all thy juices the most excellent oblation.

úpa priyáṃ pánipnataṃ yúvānamāhutīvṛ́dʰam |
áganma bíbʰrato námaḥ || 29||

29. upap priyajmsa«√prī panipanattp·Amsa«√pan  
     yuvānanmsa«√yu (āhutinfs«ā~√hu-vṛdʰjms«√vṛdʰ)jmsa |
     aganmavp·Aa1p«√gam bibʰrattp·Ampn«√bʰṛ namasnnsa«√nam 

29. Let us approach bearing the beloved loud-sounding
youthful oblation fostered by our offerings.

alā́yyasya paraśúrnanāśa támā́ pavasva deva soma |
ākʰúṃ cidevá deva soma || 30||

30. alāyyanmsg«√ṛ (parajms«√pṛ-śujms«√śo)nmsn nanāśavp·I·3s«√naś  
     sasr3msa āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū devanmsv«√div somaNmsv«√su |
     ākʰunmsa«ā~√kʰan cidc evac devanmsv«√div somaNmsv«√su 

30. May the battle-axe of the foe destroy the
foe alone: flow to us, bright Soma; slay the
villain only, bright Soma.

yáḥ pāvamānī́radʰyétyṛ́ṣibʰiḥ sámbʰṛtaṃ rásam |
sárvaṃ sá pūtámaśnāti svaditáṃ mātaríśvanā || 31||

31. yasr3msn pāvamānīnfpa«√pū adʰyetivp·A·3s«adʰi~√i  
     ṛṣinmpi«√ṛṣ sambʰṛtajmsa«sam~√bʰṛ rasanmsa«√ras |
     sarvannsa sasr3msn pūtajnsa«√pū aśnātivp·A·3s«√aś2 svaditajnsa«√svad (mātṛnfsl«√mā-śvanjms«√śvi)Nmsi 

31. He who reads the hymns to Pavamana, the
essence of the Veda collected by the Rishis
all his food purified, sweetened by Matarishwan

pāvamānī́ryó adʰyétyṛ́ṣibʰiḥ sámbʰṛtaṃ rásam |
tásmai sárasvatī duhe kṣīráṃ sarpírmádʰūdakám || 32||

32. pāvamānīnfpa«√pū yasr3msn adʰyetivp·A·3s«adʰi~√i  
     ṛṣinmpi«√ṛṣ sambʰṛtajmsa«√bʰṛ rasanmsa«√ras |
     sasr3msd sarasvatīNfsn«sa~√ras duhevp·A·3s«√duh kṣīrannsa«√kṣar sarpisnnsa madʰunnsa«√madʰ udakannsa«√ud 

32. For him who reads the hymns to Pavamana,
the essence of the Veda collected by the Rishis,
Saraswati milks milk, ghee, and exhilarating Soma.

Sūkta 9.68 

prá devámácʰā mádʰumanta índavó'siṣyadanta gā́va ā́ ná dʰenávaḥ |
barhiṣádo vacanā́vanta ū́dʰabʰiḥ parisrútamusríyā nirṇíjaṃ dʰire || 1||

1.  prap devanmsa«√div acʰāp madʰumantjmpn«√madʰ indunmpn«√ind  
    asiṣyadantavp·U·3p«√syand gonfpn āp nac dʰenunfpn«√dʰe |
    (barhisnns«√barh-sadjms«√sad)jmpn vacanāvantjmpn«√vac ūdʰannnpi«√ūdʰ  
    parisrutjfsa«pari~√sru usriyajmpn nirṇijnfsa«nis~√nij dʰireva·A·3p«√dʰā 

1. The exhilarating Soma-juices flow towards
the shining Indra, as milch kine hasten to their
calves: the lowing kine sitting on the barhis grass
hold in their udders the pure juice welling up.

sá róruvadabʰí pū́rvā acikradadupārúhaḥ śratʰáyansvādate háriḥ |
tiráḥ pavítraṃ pariyánnurú jráyo ní śáryāṇi dadʰate devá ā́ váram || 2||

2.  sasr3msn roruvattp·Amsn«√ru abʰip pūrvanfpa«√pur acikradatva·U·3s«√krand  
    upāruhnfpa«upa-ā~√ruh śratʰayanttp·Amsn«√śratʰ svādateva·A·3s«√svad harijmsn«√hṛ |
    tirasa«√tṝ pavitrannsa«√pū pariyanttp·Amsn«pari~√i urujnsa«√vṛ jrayasnnsa«√jri  
    nip śaryannpa«√śrī dadʰateva·A·3s«√dʰā devanmsn«√div āp varanmsa«√vṛ 

2. He with a noise reechoes the principal
praises: separating the growing herbs, the green-tinted
Soma sweetens them; passing through the
filter, he exerts great speed, he annihilates the
Rakshasas, the shining Soma bestows wealth upon
the worshippers.

ví yó mamé yamyā̀ saṃyatī́ mádaḥ sākaṃvṛ́dʰā páyasā pinvadákṣitā |
mahī́ apāré rájasī vivévidadabʰivrájannákṣitaṃ pā́ja ā́ dade || 3||

3.  vip yasr3msn mameva·I·3s«√mā yamījfda«√yam saṃyatījfda«sam~√i madanmsn«√mad  
    (sākama«sa~√añc-vṛdʰjms«√vṛdʰ)jfda payasnnsi«√pī pinvatvp·AE3s«√pinv akṣitjnsi«a~√kṣi3 |
    mahjnda«√mah apārajnda«a~√pṛ rajasnnda«√raj vivevidattp·Amsn«vi~√vid  
    abʰivrajanttp·Amsn«abʰi~√vraj akṣitajnsa«a~√kṣi3 pājasnnsa«√pāj āp dadevp·I·3s«√dā 

3. The exhilarating Soma who constructed the
twin united heaven and earth doth by means of
his juice maintain them growing together, imperishable
he has distinguished these two great
unbounded worlds, wandering everywhere, he has
assumed imperishable strength.

sá mātárā vicáranvājáyannapáḥ prá médʰiraḥ svadʰáyā pinvate padám |
aṃśúryávena pipiśe yató nṛ́bʰiḥ sáṃ jāmíbʰirnásate rákṣate śíraḥ || 4||

4.  sasr3msn mātṛnfda«√mā vicaranttp·Amsn«vi~√car vājayanttp·Amsn«√vāj apnfpa  
    prap medʰirajmsn«√midʰ (svanms-dʰājfs«√dʰā)nfsi pinvateva·A·3s«√pinv padannsa«√pad |
    aṃśunmsn«√aś yavanmsi pipiśevp·I·3s«√piś yatajmsn«√yam nṛnmpi  
    samp jāmijfpi«√jan nasatetp·Amsd«√nas rakṣatetp·Amsd«√rakṣ śirasnnsa 

4. The wise Soma wandering through the two
worlds, sending forth the waters, fattens his station
with food: the Soma-juice collected by the priests
is mixed with the barley: it is united by the
fingers: it protects the head.

sáṃ dákṣeṇa mánasā jāyate kavírṛtásya gárbʰo níhito yamā́ paráḥ |
yū́nā ha sántā pratʰamáṃ ví jajñaturgúhā hitáṃ jánima némamúdyatam || 5||

5.  samp dakṣajnsi«√dakṣ manasnnsi«√man jāyateva·A·3s«√jan kavinmsn«√kū  
    ṛtannsg«√ṛ garbʰanmsn«√grah nihitajmsn«ni~√dʰā yamanmda«√yam parasa«√pṛ |
    yuvanjmdn«√yu hac santjndn«√as pratʰamama vip jajñaturvp·I·3d«√jan  
    guhānfsl«√guh hitajnsn«√dʰā janimannnsn«√jan nemajnsn udyatajnsn«√yam 

5. The sage Soma is born with developed mind;
having his place in the womb of the water, he is
deposited by the gods by rule from far off: even
when young these two were distinct; the birth of
one half was placed in secret, the other half was

mandrásya rūpáṃ vividurmanīṣíṇaḥ śyenó yádándʰo ábʰaratparāvátaḥ |
táṃ marjayanta suvṛ́dʰaṃ nadī́ṣvā́m̐ uśántamaṃśúṃ pariyántamṛgmíyam || 6||

6.  mandrajmsg«√mand rūpannsa«√rūp vividurvp·I·3p«√vid manīṣinnmpn«√man  
    śyenanmsn yadc andʰasnnsa«√andʰ abʰaratvp·Aa3s«√bʰṛ parāvatnfsb«√pṛ |
    sasr3msa marjayantavp·A·3p«√mṛj suvṛdʰajmsa«su~√vṛdʰ nadīnfpl«√nad āp  
    uśanttp·Ams?«√vaś aṃśunmsa«√aś pariyantjmsa«pari~√i (ṛcnfs«√ṛc-mīnfs«√mā)jmsa 

6. The wise worshippers know the form of the
exhilarating Soma-juice, the food that the falcon
brought from far; they cleanse in the waters the
fostering Soma delighting the gods, flowing
around, and deserving laudation.

tvā́ṃ mṛjanti dáśa yóṣaṇaḥ sutáṃ sóma ṛ́ṣibʰirmatíbʰirdʰītíbʰirhitám |
ávyo vā́rebʰirutá deváhūtibʰirnṛ́bʰiryató vā́jamā́ darṣi sātáye || 7||

7.  tvamr2msa mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj daśau yoṣannfpn«√yu sutajmsa«√su  
    somaNmsv«√su ṛṣinmpi«√ṛṣ matinfpi«√man dʰītinfpi«√dʰī hitajmsa«√hi |
    avinmsg vārannpi«√vṛ2 utac (devanms«√div-hūtinfs«√hve)nfpi  
    nṛnmpi yatajmsn«√yam vājanmsa«√vāj āp darṣivp·Ao2s«√dṝ sātinfsd«√san 

7. The ten fingers cleanse thee, Soma, when
effused and placed in the vessels by the Rishis,
with praises, religious rites, and woollen filters;
and collected by the priests with oblations to the
gods thou bestowest food upon the worshippers
for a gift.

pariprayántaṃ vayyàṃ suṣaṃsádaṃ sómaṃ manīṣā́ abʰyànūṣata stúbʰaḥ |
yó dʰā́rayā mádʰumām̐ ūrmíṇā divá íyarti vā́caṃ rayiṣā́ḷámartyaḥ || 8||

8.  pariprayantjmsa«pari-pra~√i vayyanmsa«√vī suṣaṃsadjmsa«su-sam~√sad ​
    somanmsa«√su manīṣānfpn«√man abʰip anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū stubʰnfpn«√stubʰ |
    yasr3msn dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ madʰumantjmsn«√madʰ ūrminmsi«√ṛ dyunmsb  
    iyartivp·A·3s«√ṛ vācnfsa«√vac (rayinms«√rā-ṣāṭjms«√sah)jmsn amartyajmsn«a~√mṛ 

8. Intelligent praises celebrate the wide-flowing
god-delighting Soma who sits in good company,
who exhilarating falls in a stream with his water
from the sky and wealth-conquering, immortal,
sends out his voice.

ayáṃ divá iyarti víśvamā́ rájaḥ sómaḥ punānáḥ kaláśeṣu sīdati |
adbʰírgóbʰirmṛjyate ádribʰiḥ sutáḥ punāná índurvárivo vidatpriyám || 9||

9.  ayamr3msn dyunmsb iyartivp·A·3s«√ṛ viśvannsa«√viś āp rajasnnsa«√raj  
    somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū kalaśanmpl«√kal? sīdativp·A·3s«√sad |
    apnfpi gonfpi mṛjyatevp·A·3s«√mṛj adrinmpi«√dṛ sutajmsn«√su  
    punānajmsn«√pū indunmsn«√ind varivasnnsa«√vṛ vidatvp·UE3s«√vid priyajnsa«√prī 

9. This Soma sends from heaven all water; being
filtered he settles in the vessels; effused with the
stones he is cleansed with water and milk; the
filtered Indu bestows delightful wealth.

evā́ naḥ soma pariṣicyámāno váyo dádʰaccitrátamaṃ pavasva |
adveṣé dyā́vāpṛtʰivī́ huvema dévā dʰattá rayímasmé suvī́ram || 10||

10. evac vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su pariṣicyamānatp·Amsn«pari~√sic  
     vayasnnsa«√vī dadʰattp·Amsn«√dʰā citratamajnsa«√cit pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū |
     adveṣajndn«a~√dviṣ (dyunmda-pṛtʰivīnfda«√pṛtʰ)nfda huvemavp·Ai1p«√hū  
     devanmpn«√div dʰattavp·Ao2p«√dʰā rayinmsa«√rā vayamr1mpl suvīrajmsa«su~√vīr 

10. Soma offering wealth as soon as thou art
sprinkled with the water and milk, pour various
kinds of food upon us; let us invoke the friendly
heaven and earth: do ye, O gods, grant us wealth
with excellent male offspring.

Sūkta 9.69 

íṣurná dʰánvanpráti dʰīyate matírvatsó ná mātúrúpa sarjyū́dʰani |
urúdʰāreva duhe ágra āyatyásya vratéṣvápi sóma iṣyate || 1||

1.  iṣunmsn«√iṣ nac dʰanvannnsa«√dʰan pratip dʰīyatevp·A·3s«√dʰā matinfsn«√man  
    vatsanmsn nac mātṛnfsg«√mā upap sarjivp·U·3s«√sṛj ūdʰannfsl«√ūdʰ |
    (urujfs«√vṛ-dʰārānfs«√dʰṛ)nfsi ivac duhevp·A·3s«√duh agrannsl«√aṅg āyatīnfsn«ā~√i  
    ayamr3msg vratannpl«√vṛ2 apip somanmsn«√su iṣyateva·A·3s«√iṣ 

1. Our praise is attached to Indra as an
arrow to the bow; the Soma-juice is let loose
to Indra the fosterer as a calf to the udder of
its mother; Indra sheds blessings as a cow having
a copious stream of milk yields it when coming
into the presence of the calf; in Indra's sacrifices
the Soma is stimulated.

úpo matíḥ pṛcyáte sicyáte mádʰu mandrā́janī codate antárāsáni |
pávamānaḥ saṃtaníḥ pragʰnatā́miva mádʰumāndrapsáḥ pári vā́ramarṣati || 2||

2.  upap uc matinfsn«√man pṛcyatevp·A·3s«√pṛc sicyatevp·A·3s«√sic madʰunnsn«√madʰ  
    (mandranms«√mand-ajanīnfs«√aj)nfsn codateva·A·3s«√cud antara āsannnsl«√ās |
    pavamānanmsn«√pū saṃtanijmsn«sam~√stan pragʰnattp·Ampg«pra~√han ivac  
    madʰumantjmsn«√madʰ drapsanmsn parip vāranmsa«√vṛ2 arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ 

2. The praise is united to Indra; the excellent Soma
is sprinkled: the Soma stream
emitting pleasant juice is driven into Indra's
mouth: the filtered diffused exhilarating swift-flowing
Soma hastens to the fleece like the arrow'
of the combatants.

ávye vadʰūyúḥ pavate pári tvací śratʰnīté naptī́ráditerṛtáṃ yaté |
hárirakrānyajatáḥ saṃyató mádo nṛmṇā́ śíśāno mahiṣó ná śobʰate || 3||

3.  avyajnsl (vadʰūnfs«√vah-yujms«√yu)jmsn pavateva·A·3s«√pū parip tvacnfsl«√tvac  
    śratʰnīteva·A·3s«√śratʰ naptīnfsn«√nap? aditiNfsg«a~√dā ṛtannsa«√ṛ yattp·Amsd«√i |
    harijmsn«√hṛ akrānvp·Aa3s«√krand yajatajmsn«√yaj saṃyatajmsn«sam~√yam madanmsn«√mad  
    (nṛnms-mnanfs«√man)nnpa śiśānata·Amsn«√śi mahiṣanmsn«√mah nac śobʰateva·A·3s«√śubʰ 

3. Soma seeking his spouse is filtered in the
sheepskin; he separates his granddaughters on
the earth for the sacrificer: green-tinted, adorable,
collected in the ladles, exhilarating, he overcomes
his foes; sharpening his vigour he shines like
one of might.

ukṣā́ mimāti práti yanti dʰenávo devásya devī́rúpa yanti niṣkṛtám |
átyakramīdárjunaṃ vā́ramavyáyamátkaṃ ná niktáṃ pári sómo avyata || 4||

4.  ukṣannmsn«√ukṣ mimātiva·A·3s«√mā pratip yantivp·A·3p«√i dʰenunfpn«√dʰe  
    devanmsg«√div devīnfpn«√div upap yantivp·A·3p«√i niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ |
    atip akramītvp·U·3s«√kram arjunajmsa«√raj vāranmsa«√vṛ2 avyayajmsa  
    atkanmsa nac niktajmsa«√nij parip somanmsn«√su avyatava·U·3s«√vye 

4. The bull lows, the cows flock around him:
the divine praises gather round the station of the
radiant Soma: Soma passes through the white
sheep-skin; he clothes himself with it as it were
burnished armour.

ámṛktena rúśatā vā́sasā hárirámartyo nirṇijānáḥ pári vyata |
diváspṛṣṭʰáṃ barháṇā nirṇíje kṛtopastáraṇaṃ camvòrnabʰasmáyam || 5||

5.  amṛktajnsi«a~√mṛc ruśatjnsi«√ruc vāsasnnsi«√vas harijmsn«√hṛ  
    amartyajmsn«a~√mṛ nirṇijānata·Amsn«nis~√nij parip vyatava·UE3s«√vye |
    dyunmsg pṛṣṭʰannsa«pra~√stʰā barhaṇāa«√barh nirṇijev···D··«nis~√nij kṛtavp·Ao3s«√kṛ  
    upastaraṇannsa«upa~√stṛ camūnfdl nabʰasmayajnsa«√nabʰ 

5. The immortal green-tinted Soma when purified
is arranged in an on cleansed shining vestment;
he has created Aditya who stands on the back of
the sky for the destruction of sin and purification,
and has created Aditya's brilliance, the cover of
the two worlds.

sū́ryasyeva raśmáyo drāvayitnávo matsarā́saḥ prasúpaḥ sākámīrate |
tántuṃ tatáṃ pári sárgāsa āśávo néndrādṛté pavate dʰā́ma kíṃ caná || 6||

6.  sūryanmsg«√sūr ivac raśminmpn«√raś drāvayitnujmpn«√dru  
    (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmpn prasupjmpa«pra~√svap sākama«sa~√añc īratevp·A·3p«√īr |
    tantunmsa«√tan tatajmsa«√tan parip sarganmpn«√sṛj āśujmpn«√aś  
    nac indraNmsb«√ind ṛtannsl«√ṛ pavateva·A·3s«√pū dʰāmannnsn«√dʰā kimr3nsn canac 

6. The rushing exhilarating foe-slaying Soma-juices
when let loose flow together round the extended
cloth like the sun's rays: they flow to no
other person except Indra.

síndʰoriva pravaṇé nimná āśávo vṛ́ṣacyutā mádāso gātúmāśata |
śáṃ no niveśé dvipáde cátuṣpade'smé vā́jāḥ soma tiṣṭʰantu kṛṣṭáyaḥ || 7||

7.  sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ivac pravaṇanmsl«pra~√vaṇ nimnannsl«√ni āśujmpn«√aś  
    (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-cyutajms«√cyut)jmpn madajmpn«√mad gātunmsa«√gā āśatava·A·3p«√āś |
    śama«√śam vayamr1mpd niveśanmsl«ni~√viś (dviu-padjms«√pad)nnsd (caturu-padjms«√pad)nnsd  
    vayamr1mpd vājajmpn«√vāj somaNmsv«√su tiṣṭʰantuvp·Ao3p«√stʰā kṛṣṭinfpn«√kṛṣ 

7. The exhilarating Soma-juices poured forth
by the sprinklers effect their way to Indra as in
a waterfall of a river the pervading waters find
their way to dry ground; bless on our return
our two-footed and four-footed things; may food
and offspring ever abide with us.

ā́ naḥ pavasva vásumaddʰíraṇyavadáśvāvadgómadyávamatsuvī́ryam |
yūyáṃ hí soma pitáro máma stʰána divó mūrdʰā́naḥ prástʰitā vayaskṛ́taḥ || 8||

8.  āp vayamr1mpd pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū vasumatjnsa«√vas hiraṇyavatjnsa«√hṛ  
    aśvāvatjnsa«√aś gomatjnsa yavamatjnsa suvīryannsa«su~√vīr |
    tvamr2mpn hic somaNmsv«√su pitṛnmpn ahamr1msg stʰanavp·A·3p«√as  
    dyunmsg mūrdʰannmpn prastʰitajmpn«pra~√stʰā (vayasnns«√vī-kṛtjms«√kṛ)jmpn 

8. Pour upon us wealth, comprising treasure,
gold, horses, cattle, barley, and excellent male offspring;
you, Soma, are my progenitors, the chiefs
of heaven, placed for sacrifices, the offerers of

eté sómāḥ pávamānāsa índraṃ rátʰā iva prá yayuḥ sātímácʰa |
sutā́ḥ pavítramáti yantyávyaṃ hitvī́ vavríṃ haríto vṛṣṭímácʰa || 9||

9.  etasr3mpn somanmpn«√su pavamānajmpn«√pū indraNmsa«√ind  
    ratʰanmpn«√ṛ ivac prap yayusvp·I·3p«√yā sātinfsa«√san acʰāp |
    sutajmpn«√su pavitrannsa«√pū atip yantivp·A·3p«√i avyajnsa  
    hitvītp·A???«√hā vavrinmsa«√vṛ haritnfpn«√hṛ vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ acʰāp 

9. These filtered Soma-juices advance to Indra
worthy of honour, as Indra's chariots advance
to battle; expressed with the stones they pass
through the woollen filter, casting off infirmity
the horses go towards the rain.

índavíndrāya bṛhaté pavasva sumṛḷīkó anavadyó riśā́dāḥ |
bʰárā candrā́ṇi gṛṇaté vásūni devaírdyāvāpṛtʰivī prā́vataṃ naḥ || 10||

10. indunmsn«√ind indraNmsd«√ind bṛhatjmsd«√bṛh pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū  
     sumṛḷīkajmsn«su~√mṛḷ anavadyajmsn«an-a~√vad (riśanms«√riś-adasnns«√ad)nmsn |
     bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ candrannpa«√ścand gṛṇattp·Amsd«√gṝ vasunnpa«√vas  
     devanmpi«√div (dyunmda-pṛtʰivīnfda«√pṛtʰ)nfdv prap avatamvp·AE2p«√av vayamr1mpa 

10. Indu, who dost make men very happy, the
blameless one, the destroyer of foes, flow for mighty
Indra; bring to me thy worshipper gratifying
riches; heaven and earth, protect us with auspicious riches.

Sūkta 9.70 

trírasmai saptá dʰenávo duduhre satyā́māśíraṃ pūrvyé vyomani |
catvā́ryanyā́ bʰúvanāni nirṇíje cā́rūṇi cakre yádṛtaírávardʰata || 1||

1.  triu ayamr3msd saptau dʰenunfpn«√dʰe duduhreva·I·3p«√duh  
    satyajfsa«√as āśirnfsa«ā~√śrī pūrvyajnsl«√pṝ vyomannnsl«√vye |
    caturu anyajnpa bʰuvanannpa«√bʰū nirṇijv···D··«nis~√nij  
    cārujnpa«√can cakrevp·I·3s«√kṛ yada ṛtannpi«√ṛ avardʰatava·Aa3s«√vṛdʰ 

1. For him in the ancient sacrifice thrice seven
milch kine milk forth the right mixture; he makes
four other beautiful waters for purification when
he is nourished with the sacrifices.

sá bʰíkṣamāṇo amṛ́tasya cā́ruṇa ubʰé dyā́vā kā́vyenā ví śaśratʰe |
téjiṣṭʰā apó maṃhánā pári vyata yádī devásya śrávasā sádo vidúḥ || 2||

2.  sasr3msn bʰikṣamāṇata·Amsn«√bʰaj amṛtannsg«√mṛ cārujnsg«√can  
    ubʰajmda dyunmda kāvyannsi«√kū vip śaśratʰeva·I·3s«√śratʰ |
    tejiṣṭʰājfpa«√tej apnfpa maṃhanāa«√maṃh parip vyatava·UE3s«√vye  
    yadr3nsl devanmsg«√div śravasnnsi«√śru sadasnnsa«√sad vidurvp·I·3p«√vid 

2. He being solicited for auspicious ambrosia
opens both heaven and earth by his intelligence;
he covers the lustrous waters with his greatness,
when the priests with the oblation recognize the
station of the radiant Soma.

té asya santu ketávó'mṛtyavó'dābʰyāso janúṣī ubʰé ánu |
yébʰirnṛmṇā́ ca devyā̀ ca punatá ā́dídrā́jānaṃ manánā agṛbʰṇata || 3||

3.  sasr3mpn ayamr3msg santuvp·Ao3p«√as ketujmpn«√cit amṛtyujmpn«a~√mṛ  
    adābʰyajmpn«a~√dabʰ janusnnda«√jan ubʰajnda anup |
    yasr3mpi (nṛnms-mnanfs«√man)nnpa cac devyājnpa«√div cac punatevp·Ae3s«√pū  
    ātc idc rājannmsa«√rāj mananajmpn«√man agṛbʰṇatava·Aa3s«√grah 

3. May those, his immortal, inviolable rays
protect both classes of beings, wherewith he
stimulates human strength and divine food;
thereupon praises reach the royal Soma.

sá mṛjyámāno daśábʰiḥ sukármabʰiḥ prá madʰyamā́su mātṛ́ṣu pramé sácā |
vratā́ni pānó amṛ́tasya cā́ruṇa ubʰé nṛcákṣā ánu paśyate víśau || 4||

4.  sasr3msn mṛjyamānata·Amsn«√mṛj daśau sukarmanjnpi«su~√kṛ  
    prap madʰyamajfpl mātṛnfpl«√mā pramev···D··«pra~√mā sacāa«√sac |
    vratannpa«√vṛ2 pānajmsn«√pā2 amṛtannsg«a~√mṛ cārujnsg«√can  
    ubʰajfda (nṛnms-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)nmsn anup paśyateva·A·3s«√paś viśnfda«√viś 

4. Cleansed by the ten well-working fingers,
the companion of the waters stands amongst the
midmost mothers to measure the worlds; the
beholder of men protecting sacred rites for the
sake of auspicious ambrosia looks after both

sá marmṛjāná indriyā́ya dʰā́yasa óbʰé antā́ ródasī harṣate hitáḥ |
vṛ́ṣā śúṣmeṇa bādʰate ví durmatī́rādédiśānaḥ śaryahéva śurúdʰaḥ || 5||

5.  sasr3msn marmṛjānatp·Amsn«√mṛj indriyajnsd«√ind dʰāyasnnsd«√dʰe  
    āp ubʰajnda antara rodasnnda harṣateva·A·3s«√hṛṣ hitajmsn«√dʰā |
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ śuṣmanmsi«√śuṣ bādʰateva·A·3s«√bādʰ vip durmatinfpa«dus~√man  
    ādediśānatp·Amsn«ā~√diś (śaryanns«√śrī-hanjms«√han)nmsn ivac śurudʰnfpa 

5. Being filtered for Indra's world-supporting
strength, stationed in the midst of both worlds he
goes everywhere; the showerer destroys the evil-minded
by his vigour, challenging the Asuras like
an archer.

sá mātárā ná dádṛśāna usríyo nā́nadadeti marútāmiva svanáḥ |
jānánnṛtáṃ pratʰamáṃ yátsvàrṇaraṃ práśastaye kámavṛṇīta sukrátuḥ || 6||

6.  sasr3msn mātṛnmdn«√mā nac dadṛśānata·Imsn«√dṛś usriyajmsn  
    nānadattp·Amsn«√nad etivp·A·3s«√i marutNmpg ivac svananmsn«√svan |
    jānanttp·Amsn«√jñā ṛtannsa«√ṛ pratʰamajnsa yadr3nsn svarṇarajnsn  
    praśastinfsd«pra~√śaṃs kamc avṛṇītava·Aa3s«√vṛ2 sukratujmsn«su~√kṛ 

6. He repeatedly beholding his parents heaven
and earth proceeds with a loud noise, like cows
looking at their calves and lowing, and with a
roar like the troop of Maruts; knowing that
water to be the best which is good for all men, the
intelligent Pavamana chose man to be the offerer
of his praise.

ruváti bʰīmó vṛṣabʰástaviṣyáyā śṛ́ṅge śíśāno háriṇī vicakṣaṇáḥ |
ā́ yóniṃ sómaḥ súkṛtaṃ ní ṣīdati gavyáyī tvágbʰavati nirṇígavyáyī || 7||

7.  ruvativp·A·3s«√ru bʰīmajmsn«√bʰī (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsn taviṣyānfsi«√tu  
    śṛṅgannda«√śṛṅ? śiśānata·Amsn«√śi harijnda«√hṛ vicakṣaṇajmsn«√cakṣ |
    āp yoninmsa«√yu somanmsn«√su sukṛtajmsa«su~√kṛ nip sīdativp·A·3s«√sad  
    gavyayījfsn tvacnfsn«√tvac bʰavativp·A·3s«√bʰū nirṇijnfsn«nis~√nij avyayījfsn 

7. The formidable showerer, the contemplator of
all, through desire for strength roars, sharpening
his green-tinted horns; the Soma settles on his
well-prepared station; the cowhide is his cleanser
and the sheepskin too.

śúciḥ punānástanvàmarepásamávye hárirnyàdʰāviṣṭa sā́navi |
júṣṭo mitrā́ya váruṇāya vāyáve tridʰā́tu mádʰu kriyate sukármabʰiḥ || 8||

8.  śucijmsn«√śuc punānajmsn«√pū tanūnfsa«√tan arepasjfsa«a~√rip  
    avyajnsl harijmsn«√hṛ nip adʰāviṣṭavp·U·3s«√dʰāv sānunnsl«√san |
    juṣṭajmsn«√juṣ mitraNmsd«√mitʰ varuṇaNmsd«√vṛ vāyuNmsd«√vā  
    (triu-dʰātunns«√dʰā)jnsa madʰunnsa«√madʰ kriyatevp·A·3s«√kṛ sukarmannmpi«su~√kṛ 

8. Brilliant, cleansing his sinless body, the green-tinted
Soma is placed on the high-placed fleece;
sufficient for Mitra, Varuna, and Vayu the exhilarating
Soma mixed with the three ingredients s
is prepared by the performers of good rites.

pávasva soma devávītaye vṛ́ṣéndrasya hā́rdi somadʰā́namā́ viśa |
purā́ no bādʰā́dduritā́ti pāraya kṣetravíddʰí díśa ā́hā vipṛcʰaté || 9||

9.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somaNmsv«√su (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ  
    indraNmsg«√ind hārdinnsa«√hṛ (somanms«√su-dʰānajms«√dʰā)nnsa āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś |
    purāa«√pṝ vayamr1mpa bādʰanmsb«√bādʰ duritannpa«dus~√i atip pārayavp·Ao2s«√pṛ  
    (kṣetranns«√kṣi2-vidjms«√vid)jmsn hic diśnfpa«√diś āhavp·A·3s«√ah vipṛcʰattp·Amsd«vi~√pracʰ 

9. Flow Soma, the showerer, for the banquet of
the gods; enter the Soma-vessel dear to Indra;
bring us safe past the hostile Rakshasas before
they oppress us; for he who knows the country
tells the direction to him who asks the way.

hitó ná sáptirabʰí vā́jamarṣéndrasyendo jaṭʰáramā́ pavasva |
nāvā́ ná síndʰumáti parṣi vidvā́ñcʰū́ro ná yúdʰyannáva no nidá spaḥ || 10||

10. hitajmsn«√hi nac saptinmsn abʰip vājanmsa«√vāj arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ  
     indraNmsg«√ind indunmsv«√ind jaṭʰarannsa āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū |
     naunfsi nac sindʰunmsa«√sindʰ atip parṣivp·Ue2s«√pṛ vidvaṅstp·Imsn«√vid  
     śūranmsn«√śūr nac yudʰyattp·Amsn«√yudʰ avap vayamr1mpa nidnfsb«√nid sparvp·UE2s«√spṛ 

10. Hasten to the vessel as a horse when urged
hastens to the battle; How Indu into Indra's
belly; all-knowing Soma bear us safe across, as
boatmen bear people across a river in a boat;
fighting like a hero, defend us from the reviling of the foe.

Sūkta 9.71 

ā́ dákṣiṇā sṛjyate śuṣmyā̀sádaṃ véti druhó rakṣásaḥ pāti jā́gṛviḥ |
háriropaśáṃ kṛṇute nábʰaspáya upastíre camvòrbráhma nirṇíje || 1||

1.  āp dakṣiṇānfsn«√dakṣ sṛjyatevp·A·3s«√sṛj śuṣminnmsn«√śuṣ āsadanmsa«ā~√sad  
    vetivp·A·3s«√vī druhnmsg«√druh rakṣasnnsb«√rakṣ pātivp·A·3s«√pā2 jāgṛvijmsn«√jāgṛ |
    harijmsn«√hṛ opaśanmsa«upa~√śī kṛṇuteva·A·3s«√kṛ nabʰasnnsa«√nabʰ payasnnsa«√pī  
    upastṛv···D··«upa~√stṛ camūnfdl brahmannsa«√bṛh nirṇijgv···D··«nis~√nij 

1. The donation is given; the vigorous Soma
enters his resting-place, and, vigilant, guards his
worshippers against the malignant Rakshasas; the
green-tinted Soma produces the all-sustaining water
of the sun; he places the mighty sun to cover
the two worlds, to purify created things.

prá kṛṣṭihéva śūṣá eti róruvadasuryàṃ varṇaṃ ní riṇīte asya tám |
jáhāti vavríṃ pitúreti niṣkṛtámupaprútaṃ kṛṇute nirṇíjaṃ tánā || 2||

2.  prap (kṛṣṭinfs«√kṛṣ-hanjms«√han)jmsn ivac śūṣajmsn«√śvi etivp·A·3s«√i roruvattp·Amsn«√ru  
    asuryajmsa«√as varṇanmsa«√vṛ nip riṇīteva·A·3s«√rī ayamr3msg sasr3msa |
    jahātivp·A·3s«√hā vavrinmsa«√vṛ pitṛnmsg etivp·A·3s«√i niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ  
    upaprutjfsa«upa~√plu kṛṇuteva·A·3s«√kṛ nirṇijnfsa«nis~√nij tannfsi«√tan 

2. The powerful Soma advances with a roar
like a slayer of men; he puts forth that Asura-slaying
tint of his; he abandons bodily infirmity;
the food goes to the prepared altar; he assumes
a form advancing to the outstretched filter.

ádribʰiḥ sutáḥ pavate gábʰastyorvṛṣāyáte nábʰasā vépate matī́ |
sá modate násate sā́dʰate girā́ nenikté apsú yájate párīmaṇi || 3||

3.  adrinmpi«√dṛ sutajmsn«√su pavateva·A·3s«√pū gabʰastinmdl  
    vṛṣāyateva·A·3s«√vṛṣ nabʰasnnsi«√nabʰ vepateva·A·3s«√vip matinfsi«√man |
    sasr3msn modateva·A·3s«√mud nasateva·A·3s«√nas sādʰateva·A·3s«√sādʰ girnfsi«√gṝ  
    nenikteva·A·3s«√nij apnfpl yajateva·A·3s«√yaj parīmannmsl«√pṝ 

3. Expressed with the stones by the hands the
Soma flows: he moves like a bull; worshipped
with praise he wanders through the firmament; he
rejoices, he is embraced; praised with a hymn
he fulfills the desire of the worshippers, he is
cleansed in the waters, he is honoured at the god-
protected sacrifice.

pári dyukṣáṃ sáhasaḥ parvatāvṛ́dʰaṃ mádʰvaḥ siñcanti harmyásya sakṣáṇim |
ā́ yásmingā́vaḥ suhutā́da ū́dʰani mūrdʰáñcʰrīṇántyagriyáṃ várīmabʰiḥ || 4||

4.  parip (dyunms-kṣajms«√kṣi)jmsa sahasjfpn«√sah (parvatanms-āvṛdʰjms«ā~√vṛdʰ)jmsa  
    madʰunnsg«√madʰ siñcantivp·A·3p«√sic harmyajnsg«√gṛh sakṣaṇijmsa«√sac |
    āp yasr3msl gonfpn (suhutanms«su~√hū-adjms«√ad)jfpn ūdʰannfsl«√ūdʰ  
    mūrdʰannmsl śrīṇantivp·A·3p«√śrī agriyanmsa«√aṅg varīmannnpi«√vṛ2 

4. The powerful exhilarating Soma-juices besprinkle
Indra who dwells in heaven, the augmenter
of the clouds, the destroyer of the dwelling
of the foe; in whom, on account of his greatnesses,
the cows, the eaters of the oblations, mix
the best of their milk contained in the uplifted

sámī rátʰaṃ ná bʰuríjoraheṣata dáśa svásāro áditerupástʰa ā́ |
jígādúpa jrayati górapīcyàṃ padáṃ yádasya matútʰā ájījanan || 5||

5.  samp īc ratʰanmsa«√ṛ nac bʰurijnmdl aheṣatava·U·3p«√hi  
    daśau svasṛnfpn aditiNfsg«a~√dā upastʰanmsl«upa~√stʰā āp |
    jigātvp·UE3s«√gā upap jrayativp·A·3s«√jri gonfsb apīcyajnsa«api~√añc  
    padannsa«√pad yadr3nsa ayamr3msg matutʰajmpn«√man ajījananvp·U·3p«√jan 

5. The ten fingers of the arms urge him near to
the ground of the sacrificial altar like a chariot;
he goes to the vessels, he approaches the concealed
milk of the cow when the praisers produce his

śyenó ná yóniṃ sádanaṃ dʰiyā́ kṛtáṃ hiraṇyáyamāsádaṃ devá éṣati |
é riṇanti barhíṣi priyáṃ girā́śvo ná devā́m̐ ápyeti yajñíyaḥ || 6||

6.  śyenanmsn nac yoninmsa«√yu sadanannsa«√sad dʰīnfsi«√dʰī kṛtajmsa«√kṛ  
    hiraṇyayajmsa«√hṛ āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad devanmsn«√div āp īṣativp·A·3s«√īṣ |
    āp īc riṇantivp·A·3p«√rī barhisnnsl«√barh priyajmsa«√prī girnfsi«√gṝ  
    aśvanmsn«√aś nac devanmpa«√div apip etivp·A·3s«√i yajñiyajmsn«√yaj 

6. The shining Soma approaches the golden
seat, the station constructed by his holy rites, as
a falcon approaches his nest; the worshippers
send the well-beloved by their praise to the sacred
grass; the adorable Soma proceeds to the gods like
a horse.

párā vyàkto aruṣó diváḥ kavírvṛ́ṣā tripṛṣṭʰó anaviṣṭa gā́ abʰí |
sahásraṇītiryátiḥ parāyátī rebʰó ná pūrvī́ruṣáso ví rājati || 7||

7.  parāa«√pṛ vyaktajmsn«vi~√añj aruṣajmsn«√ruṣ dyunmsb kavinmsn«√kū  
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ (triu-pṛṣṭʰanns«pra~√stʰā)jmsn anaviṣṭava·U·3s«√nū gonfpa abʰip |
    (sahasrau-nītinfs«√nī)jmsn yasr3mpa (parāa«√pṛ-yasr3ms)jmpa  
    rebʰaNmsn«√ribʰ nac pūrvījfpa«√pṝ uṣasnfpa«√vas2 vip rājativp·A·3s«√rāj 

7. Radiant, wise, flowing in separate streams, the
Soma descends from the firmament; the showerer
offered at the three libations responds to the praises
of the worshippers; led in a thousand directions,
coming and going, he shines at many a sunrise
like one who sings praises to the gods.

tveṣáṃ rūpáṃ kṛṇute várṇo asya sá yátrā́śayatsámṛtā sédʰati sridʰáḥ |
apsā́ yāti svadʰáyā daívyaṃ jánaṃ sáṃ suṣṭutī́ násate sáṃ góagrayā || 8||

8.  tveṣajnsa«√tviṣ rūpannsa«√rūp kṛṇuteva·A·3s«√kṛ varṇanmsn«√vṛ ayamr3msg sasr3msn  
    yadr3nsl aśayatvp·Aa3s«√śī samṛtinfsl«sam~√ṛ sedʰattp·Ansl«√sidʰ sridʰnfpa«√sridʰ |
    (apnfs-sanjms«√san)jmsn yātivp·A·3s«√yā (svanms-dʰājfs«√dʰā)nfsi daivyajmsa«√div jananmsa«√jan  
    samp suṣṭutinfpa«su~√stu nasateva·A·3s«√nas samp (gonfs-agranns«√aṅg)jfsi 

8. His ray creates a shining form; at whatever
battle it is present, it beats down the adversaries;
the giver of water goes with the oblation to the
divine people, it meets with good praise: Soma
is joined by a hymn demanding kine as the
chief boon.

ukṣéva yūtʰā́ pariyánnarāvīdádʰi tvíṣīradʰita sū́ryasya |
divyáḥ suparṇó'va cakṣata kṣā́ṃ sómaḥ pári krátunā paśyate jā́ḥ || 9||

9.  ukṣannmsn«√ukṣ ivac yūtʰannpa«√yu pariyanttp·Amsn«pari~√i arāvītvp·U·3s«√ru  
    adʰip tviṣinfpa«√tviṣ adʰitavp·U·3s«√dʰā sūryanmsg«√sūr |
    divyajmsn«√div suparṇajmsn«su~√pṛ avap cakṣatavp·U·3s«√cakṣ kṣamnfsa  
    somanmsn«√su parip kratunmsi«√kṛ paśyateva·A·3s«√paśjfpa«√jan 

9. Like a bull approaching the herds Soma
roars as he approaches the praises: he appropriates
the lustre of the sun; celestial, flying
gracefully he looks down upon the earth; by his
wisdom Soma contemplates mankind.

Sūkta 9.72 

háriṃ mṛjantyaruṣó ná yujyate sáṃ dʰenúbʰiḥ kaláśe sómo ajyate |
údvā́camīráyati hinváte matī́ puruṣṭutásya káti citparipríyaḥ || 1||

1.  harijmsa«√hṛ mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj aruṣajmsn«√ruṣ nac yujyatevp·A·3s«√yuj  
    samp dʰenunfpi«√dʰe kalaśanmsl«√kal? somanmsn«√su ajyatevp·A·3s«√añj |
    udp vācnfsa«√vac īrayativp·A·3s«√īr hinvateva·A·3s«√hi matinfsi«√man  
    (purua«√pṝ-stutajms«√stu)jmsg katia cidc pariprījfpn«pari~√prī 

1. They cleanse the green-tinted Soma: he is
harnessed like a swift horse; the Soma is combined
in the pitcher with the products of the kine. He
utters a sound, the worshippers send forth praise;
how many boons abundantly delighting the
utterer of many praises doth Soma bestow.

sākáṃ vadanti bahávo manīṣíṇa índrasya sómaṃ jaṭʰáre yádāduhúḥ |
yádī mṛjánti súgabʰastayo náraḥ sánīḷābʰirdaśábʰiḥ kā́myaṃ mádʰu || 2||

2.  sākama«sa~√añc vadantivp·A·3p«√vad bahujmpn«√baṃh manīṣinjmpn«√man  
    indraNmsg«√ind somanmsa«√su jaṭʰarannsl yadc āduhurvp·Aa3p«ā~√duh |
    yadr3nsl mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj sugabʰastijmpn nṛnmpn  
    sanīḷānfpi«sa-ni~√sad daśau kāmyajnsa«√kam madʰunnsa«√madʰ 

2. Many wise men utter praise together, when
they have milked the Soma into Indra's belly,
when fair-armed men cleanse the delightful exhilarating
juice with their ten united fingers.

áramamāṇo átyeti gā́ abʰí sū́ryasya priyáṃ duhitústiró rávam |
ánvasmai jóṣamabʰaradvinaṃgṛsáḥ sáṃ dvayī́bʰiḥ svásṛbʰiḥ kṣeti jāmíbʰiḥ || 3||

3.  aramamāṇajmsn«a~√ram atip etivp·A·3s«√i gonfpa abʰip  
    sūryanmsg«√sūr priyajmsa«√prī duhitṛnfsg«√duh tirasa«√tṝ ravanmsa«√ru |
    anup ayamr3msd joṣanmsa«√juṣ abʰaratvp·Aa3s«√bʰṛ vinaṃgṛsajmsn  
    samp dvayījfpi svasṛnfpi kṣetivp·A·3s«√kṣi2 jāminfpi«√jan 

3. Unceasing the Soma goes to mix with the
products of the kine; he utters a cry dear to the
daughter of the sun. The praiser brings delight
to him; he is united to the two kindred sisters
the hands.

nṛ́dʰūto ádriṣuto barhíṣi priyáḥ pátirgávāṃ pradíva índurṛtvíyaḥ |
púraṃdʰivānmánuṣo yajñasā́dʰanaḥ śúcirdʰiyā́ pavate sóma indra te || 4||

4.  (nṛnms-dʰūtajms«√dʰū)jmsn (adrinms«√dṛ-sutajms«√su)jmsn barhisnnsl«√barh priyajmsn«√prī  
    patinmsn«√pā2 gonfpg pradivasa indunmsn«√ind ṛtviyajmsn«√ṛ |
    (purnfsa«√pṝ-dʰivantjms«√dʰā)jmsn manusnmsg«√man (yajñanms«√yaj-sādʰanajms«√sādʰ)jmsn  
    śucijmsn«√śuc dʰīnfsi«√dʰī pavateva·A·3s«√pū somanmsn«√su indraNmsv«√ind tvamr2msd 

4. Shaken by the men, expressed by the stones,
the delighter of the gods, the lord of cattle,
ancient, distilling in the vessels, born in due
season, the Soma is placed on the sacred grass; intelligent,
the material of the sacrifice of man, pure,
the Soma flows for thee, Indra, of his own accord.

nṛ́bāhúbʰyāṃ coditó dʰā́rayā sutò'nuṣvadʰáṃ pavate sóma indra te |
ā́prāḥ krátūnsámajairadʰvaré matī́rvérná druṣáccamvòrā́sadaddʰáriḥ || 5||

5.  (nṛnms-bāhunms«√bah)nmdi coditajmsn«√cud dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ sutajmsn«√su  
    (svajms-dʰajms«√dʰā)a pavateva·A·3s«√pū somanmsn«√su indraNmsv«√ind tvamr2msd |
    āp aprāsvp·U·2s«√prā kratunmpa«√kṛ samp ajairvp·U·2s«√ji adʰvaranmsl matinfpa«√man  
    vinmsn nac (drunms«√dru-sadjms«√sad)jmsn camūnfdl āp asadatvp·U·3s«√sad harijmsn«√hṛ 

5. Urged by the arms of men, poured forth in
a stream the Soma flows for thee, Indra, for
strength; thou accomplishest the rites, thou
overcomest enemies at the sacrifice; the green-tinted
Soma rests upon the cups like a bird perching
on a tree.

aṃśúṃ duhanti stanáyantamákṣitaṃ kavíṃ kaváyo'páso manīṣíṇaḥ |
sámī gā́vo matáyo yanti saṃyáta ṛtásya yónā sádane punarbʰúvaḥ || 6||

6.  aṃśunmsa«√aś duhantivp·A·3p«√duh stanayanttp·Amsa«√stan akṣitajmsa«a~√kṣi3  
    kavijmsa«√kū kavinmpn«√kū apasjmpn«√ap manīṣinnmpn«√man |
    samp īc gonfpn matinfpn«√man yantivp·A·3p«√i saṃyatasa«sam~√yat  
    ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsl«√yu sadanannsl«√sad (punara-bʰūjms«√bʰū)nfsg 

6. The seers, the experienced performers of holy
acts, milk forth the seer, the loud-sounding non-decaying
Soma; the regenerated cattle and the
praises combined repair to him at the place of birth
of the sacrifice.

nā́bʰā pṛtʰivyā́ dʰarúṇo mahó divò'pā́mūrmaú síndʰuṣvantárukṣitáḥ |
índrasya vájro vṛṣabʰó vibʰū́vasuḥ sómo hṛdé pavate cā́ru matsaráḥ || 7||

7.  nābʰinfsl«√nabʰ pṛtʰivīnfsg«√pṛtʰ dʰaruṇanmsn«√dʰṛ mahjmsg«√mah dyunmsg  
    apnfpg ūrminmsl«√ṛ sindʰunmpl«√sindʰ antara ukṣitajmsn«√ukṣ |
    indraNmsg«√ind vajranmsn«√vaj (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsn (vibʰūjms«vi~√bʰū-vasunns«√vas)jmsn  
    somanmsn«√su hṛdnnsd pavateva·A·3s«√pū cārujmsn«√can (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmsn 

7. The supporter of the vast heaven, placed
upon the navel of the earth, moistened amongst
the rivers in the wave of the waters, the thunderbolt
of Indra, the showerer of benefits, the
possessor of wealth, Soma auspiciously exhilarating
distills into Indra's heart.

sá tū́ pavasva pári pā́rtʰivaṃ rája stotré śíkṣannādʰūnvaté ca sukrato |
mā́ no nírbʰāgvásunaḥ sādanaspṛ́śo rayíṃ piśáṅgaṃ bahuláṃ vasīmahi || 8||

8.  sasr3msn tuc pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū parip pārtʰivajnsa«√pṛtʰ rajasnnsa«√raj  
    stotṛnmsd«√stu śikṣanttp·Amsn«√śak ādʰūnvatnmsd«ā~√dʰu cac sukratujmsv«su~√kṛ |
    māc vayamr1mpa nirp bʰākvp·UE2s«√bʰaj vasunnsb«√vas (sādananns«√sad-spṛśjms«√spṛś)jnsb  
    rayinmsa«√rā (piśnfs«√piś-aṅganms«√aṅg)jmsa bahulajmsa«√baṃh vasīmahivp·Ui1p«√van 

8. Performer of good deeds, flow quickly round the
terrestrial region, giving riches to the worshipper
and the shaker of the libation; do not deprive
us of the wealth that enriches our dwellings; may
we be invested with abundant wealth of divers

ā́ tū́ na indo śatádātváśvyaṃ sahásradātu paśumáddʰíraṇyavat |
úpa māsva bṛhatī́ revátīríṣó'dʰi stotrásya pavamāna no gahi || 9||

9.  āp tuc vayamr1mpa indunmsv«√ind (śatau-dātujms«√dā)jnsa aśvyajmsa«√aś  
    (sahasrau-dātujms«√dā)jnsa paśumatjnsa«√paś hiraṇyavatjnsa«√hṛ |
    upap māsvava·Ao2s«√mā bṛhatījfpa«√bṛh revatījfpa«√rā iṣnfpa«√iṣ  
    adʰip stotrannsg«√stu pavamānanmsv«√pū vayamr1mpa gahivp·Ao2s«√gam 

9. O Indu, bring us quickly wealth with a
hundred gifts, with horses, with a thousand gifts,
with cattle and with gold; measure unto us
abundant riches and food; come, purified one, to
hear our praise.

Sūkta 9.73 

srákve drapsásya dʰámataḥ sámasvarannṛtásya yónā sámaranta nā́bʰayaḥ |
trī́nsá mūrdʰnó ásuraścakra ārábʰe satyásya nā́vaḥ sukṛ́tamapīparan || 1||

1.  srakvanmsl«√sṛj drapsanmsg dʰamattp·Ampn«√dʰam samp asvaranvp·U·3p«√svṛ  
    ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsl«√yu samp arantava·U·3p«√ṛ nābʰinfpn«√nabʰ |
    triu sasr3msn mūrdʰannmpa asuranmsn cakreva·I·3s«√kṛ ārabʰev···D··«ā~√rabʰ  
    satyajnsg«√as naunfpn sukṛtjmsa«su~√kṛ apīparanvp·U·3p«√pṛ 

1. The streams of the dripping effused Soma
sound together on the jaw of the sacrifice, the
Soma juices flow together to the place of sacrifice.
The powerful Soma has made the three exalted
worlds for the use of men and gods; the ships
of the truthful Soma satisfy the pious worshipper.

samyáksamyáñco mahiṣā́ aheṣata síndʰorūrmā́vádʰi venā́ avīvipan |
mádʰordʰā́rābʰirjanáyanto arkámítpriyā́míndrasya tanvàmavīvṛdʰan || 2||

2.  samyaka«sam~√añc samyañcjmpn«sam~√añc mahiṣajmpn«√mah aheṣatava·U·3p«√hi  
    sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ūrminmsl«√ṛ adʰip venajmpn«√ven avīvipanvp·U·3p«√vip |
    madʰunnsg«√madʰ dʰārānfpi«√dʰṛ janayanttp·Ampn«√jan arkanmsa«√arc idc  
    priyājfsa«√prī indraNmsg«√ind tanūnfsa«√tan avīvṛdʰanvp·U·3p«√vṛdʰ 

2. The mighty priests assembled together send
forth the Soma together; desirous of heaven
they drive it to the wave of the river; generating
praise they nourish the precious body of Indra
with the streams of the exhilarating Soma.

pavítravantaḥ pári vā́camāsate pitaíṣāṃ pratnó abʰí rakṣati vratám |
maháḥ samudráṃ váruṇastiró dadʰe dʰī́rā ícʰekurdʰarúṇeṣvārábʰam || 3||

3.  pavitravantjmpn«√pū parip vācnfsa«√vac āsateva·A·3p«√ās  
    pitṛnmsn ayamr3mpg pratnajmsn abʰip rakṣativp·A·3s«√rakṣ vratannsa«√vṛ2 |
    mahasa«√mah samudranmsa«sam~√ud varuṇaNmsn«√vṛ tirasa«√tṝ dadʰeva·I·3s«√dʰā  
    dʰīrajmpn«√dʰī idc śekurvp·I·3p«√śak dʰaruṇanmpl«√dʰṛ ārabʰamv···D··«ā~√rabʰ 

3. The rays of the Soma having the means of
purification sit round the voice of the firmament,
their ancient father protects their light-giving
work: Soma the all-enveloper has overspread the
mighty firmament with them: the skilful priests
are able to conduct the Soma to the all-sustaining

sahásradʰāré'va té sámasvarandivó nā́ke mádʰujihvā asaścátaḥ |
ásya spáśo ná ní miṣanti bʰū́rṇayaḥ padépade pāśínaḥ santi sétavaḥ || 4||

4.  (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsl avap sasr3mpn samp asvaranvp·U·3p«√svṛ  
    dyunmsg nākanmsl«√nam (madʰunns«√madʰ-jihvanms)jmpn asaścatjmpn«a~√sac |
    ayamr3msg spaśnmpn«√spaś nac nip miṣantivp·A·3p«√miṣ bʰūrṇijmpn  
    (padannsl«√pad-padannsl«√pad)a pāśinnmpn«√paś santivp·A·3p«√as setujmpn«√si 

4. The Soma rays in the firmament of a thousand
streams unite with the earth below; in the
summit of heaven, sweet-tongued, in separate
drops, his rays, swiftly moving, never shut their
eyes; fixed each in his place, they are the
molesters of sinners.

pitúrmātúrádʰyā́ yé samásvarannṛcā́ śócantaḥ saṃdáhanto avratā́n |
índradviṣṭāmápa dʰamanti māyáyā tvácamásiknīṃ bʰū́mano diváspári || 5||

5.  pitṛnmsb mātṛnfsb«√mā adʰip āp yasr3mpn samasvaranvp·U·3p«sam~√svṛ  
    ṛcnfsi«√ṛc śocanttp·Ampn«√śuc saṃdahanttp·Ampn«sam~√dah avratajmpa«a~√vṛ2 |
    (indraNms«√ind-dviṣṭajms«√dviṣ)jfsa apap dʰamantivp·A·3s«√dʰam māyānfsi«√mā  
    tvacnfsa«√tvac asiknījfsa«a~√si bʰūmannnsg«√bʰū dyunmsb parip 

5. The rays which were manifested in heaven
and earth, illumined by the hymn of praise,
consuming the impious sacrificers, drive away
by their wisdom from earth and heaven the black-skinned
 Rakshasas hated by Indra.

pratnā́nmā́nādádʰyā́ yé samásvarañcʰlókayantrāso rabʰasásya mántavaḥ |
ápānakṣā́so badʰirā́ ahāsata ṛtásya pántʰāṃ ná taranti duṣkṛ́taḥ || 6||

6.  pratnajmsb mānanmsb«√mā adʰip āp yasr3mpn samasvaranvp·U·3p«sam~√svṛ  
    (ślokanms«√śru-yantranns«√yam)jmpn rabʰasajmsg«√rabʰ mantunmpn«√man |
    apap anakṣajmpn badʰirajmpn«√bandʰ ahāsatava·U·3p«√hā  
    ṛtannsg«√ṛ patʰinnmsa«√pantʰ nac tarantivp·A·3p«√tṝ duṣkṛtjmpn«dus~√kṛ 

6. The rays which regulating praise and purposing
celerity were manifested from the ancient
firmament, them the blind and deaf avoid; the
wicked traverse not the path of truth.

sahásradʰāre vítate pavítra ā́ vā́caṃ punanti kaváyo manīṣíṇaḥ |
rudrā́sa eṣāmiṣirā́so adrúha spáśaḥ sváñcaḥ sudṛ́śo nṛcákṣasaḥ || 7||

7.  (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsl vitatajmsl«vi~√tan pavitrannsl«√pū āp  
    vācnfsa«√vac punantivp·A·3p«√pū kavinmpn«√kū manīṣinnmpn«√man |
    rudrajmpn«√rud ayamr3mpg iṣirajmpn«√iṣ adruhjmpn«a~√druh  
    spaśnmpn«√spaś svañcjmpn«su~√añc sudṛśjmpn«su~√dṛś (nṛnms-cakṣasnns«√cakṣ)jmpn 

7. The intelligent sages extol the voice of the
firmament in the purifying extended Soma with
its thousand streams; the Rudras are their servants,
swift-moving, inviolable, reverend, of goodly aspect,
the beholders of men.

ṛtásya gopā́ ná dábʰāya sukrátustrī́ ṣá pavítrā hṛdyàntárā́ dadʰe |
vidvā́nsá víśvā bʰúvanābʰí paśyatyávā́juṣṭānvidʰyati karté avratā́n || 8||

8.  ṛtannsg«√ṛ (gonfs«√go-pājms«√pā2)nmsn nac dabʰanmsd«√dabʰ sukratujmsn«su~√kṛ  
    trīu sasr3msn pavitrannpa«√pū hṛdnnsl antara āp dadʰeva·I·3s«√dʰā |
    vidvaṅstp·Imsn«√vid sasr3msn viśvajnpa«√viś bʰuvanannpa«√bʰū abʰip paśyativp·A·3s«√paś  
    avap ajuṣṭajmpa«a~√juṣ vidʰyativp·A·3s«√vyadʰ kartanmsl«√kṛ avratajmpa«a~√vṛ2 

8. Soma the protector of the sacrifice, the doer
of good deeds cannot be resisted; he places in his
heart the three purifiers; he the all-wise looks
over all worlds; he censures those who are hostile
in action, who sacrifice not.

ṛtásya tánturvítataḥ pavítra ā́ jihvā́yā ágre váruṇasya māyáyā |
dʰī́rāścittátsamínakṣanta āśatā́trā kartámáva padātyáprabʰuḥ || 9||

9.  ṛtannsg«√ṛ tantunmsn«√tan vitatajmsn«vi~√tan pavitrannsl«√pū āp  
    jihvānfsg agrannsl«√aṅg varuṇaNmsg«√vṛ māyānfsi«√mā |
    dʰīrajmpn«√dʰī cidc tadr3nsa saminakṣantatp·Ampn«sam~√naś āśatava·A·3p«√āś  
    ar3nsl kartanmsa«√kṛ avap padātivp·Ae3s«√pad aprabʰujmsn«a-

9. The thread of the sacrifice spread over the
filter extends by its act to the tip of Varuna's
tongue; the wise approaching reached it; but
he who is incompetent for the rite sinks to hell
even in this world.

Sūkta 9.74 

śíśurná jātó'va cakradadváne svàryádvājyàruṣáḥ síṣāsati |
divó rétasā sacate payovṛ́dʰā támīmahe sumatī́ śárma saprátʰaḥ || 1||

1.  śiśunmsn«√śū nac jātanmsn«√jan avap cakradatvp·U·3s«√krand vanannsl«√van  
    svarnnsa yadc vājinnmsn«√vāj aruṣajmsn«√ruṣ siṣāsativp·A·3s«√san |
    dyunmsb retasnnsi«√rī sacateva·A·3s«√sac (payasnns«√pī-vṛdʰjfs«√vṛdʰ)jnsi  
    sasr3msa īmaheva·A·1p«√i sumatinfsi«su~√man śarmannnsa«√śri sapratʰasjnsa«sa~√pratʰ 

1. Born in the water the Soma cries out like
a child, when powerful and brilliant he wishes to
enjoy heaven: he comes from the sky to mix with
the water that nourisheth the kine; we ask him
by our praises for an opulent dwelling.

divó yá skambʰó dʰarúṇaḥ svā̀tata ā́pūrṇo aṃśúḥ paryéti viśvátaḥ |
sémé mahī́ ródasī yakṣadāvṛ́tā samīcīné dādʰāra sámíṣaḥ kavíḥ || 2||

2.  dyunmsg yasr3msn skambʰanmsn«√skambʰ dʰaruṇanmsn«√dʰṛ svātatajmsn«su-ā~√tan ​
    āpūrṇajmsn«ā~√pṝ aṃśunmsn«√aś paryetivp·A·3s«pari~√i viśvatasa«√viś |
    tasr3msn ayamr3nda mahjnda«√mah rodasnnda yakṣatvp·Ue3s«√yaj āvṛta«ā~√vṛt  
    samīcīnajnda«sam~√añc dādʰāravp·I·3s«√dʰṛ samp iṣnfpa«√iṣ kavinmsn«√kū 

2. The supporter of heaven, the prop of the
earth, the Soma-juice who, widely spreading, filling
the vessels, flows in all directions-may he
unite the two great worlds by his own strength;
he has upheld them combined: may he the sage
bestow food upon his worshippers.

máhi psáraḥ súkṛtaṃ somyáṃ mádʰūrvī́ gávyūtiráditerṛtáṃ yaté |
ī́śe yó vṛṣṭéritá usríyo vṛ́ṣāpā́ṃ netā́ yá itáūtirṛgmíyaḥ || 3||

3.  mahijnsn«√mah psarasnnsn«√psā sukṛtajnsn«su~√kṛ somyajnsn«√su madʰunnsn«√madʰ  
    urvījfsn«√vṛ (gonfs-yūtinfs«√yu)nfsn aditiNfsg«a~√dā ṛtannsa«√ṛ yatjmsd«√i |
    īśeva·A·3s«√īś yasr3msn vṛṣṭinfsg«√vṛṣ ir3nsb usriyajmsn vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ  
    apnfpg netṛnmsn«√ni yasr3msn (ir3nsb-ūtinfs«√av)jmsn ṛgmiyajmsn«√ṛc 

3. There is abundant food well-prepared made
of Soma and sweet for Indra who comes to the
sacrifice; the way to earth is broad: for Indra
who is the lord of the rain that falls here, the
possessor of cattle, the showerer of water, the
leader of the sacrifice, whose road is hither, who
is deserving of praise.

ātmanvánnábʰo duhyate gʰṛtáṃ páya ṛtásya nā́bʰiramṛ́taṃ ví jāyate |
samīcīnā́ḥ sudā́navaḥ prīṇanti táṃ náro hitámáva mehanti péravaḥ || 4||

4.  ātmanvatjnsn«√an nabʰasnnsn«√nabʰ duhyatevp·A·3s«√duh gʰṛtajnsa«√gʰṛ payasnnsa«√pī  
    ṛtannsg«√ṛ nābʰinfsn«√nabʰ amṛtannsa«a~√mṛ vip jāyatevp·A·3s«√jan |
    samīcīnajmpn«sam~√añc sudānujmpn«su~√dā prīṇantivp·A·3p«√prī sasr3msa  
    nṛnmpn hitajmsa«√dʰā avap mehantivp·A·3p«√mih perujmpn«√pṛ 

4. Full of sap the butter and milk is milked
from heaven, the bond of the sacrifice, the water is
generated: the assembled liberal givers delight him:
the Soma-juices the leaders, the protectors shower
down the accumulated water.

árāvīdaṃśúḥ sácamāna ūrmíṇā devāvyàṃ manuṣe pinvati tvácam |
dádʰāti gárbʰamáditerupástʰa ā́ yéna tokáṃ ca tánayaṃ ca dʰā́mahe || 5||

5.  arāvītvp·U·3s«√ru aṃśunmsn«√aś sacamānata·Amsn«√sac ūrminmsi«√ṛ  
    (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmsn manusnmsd«√man pinvativp·A·3s«√pinv tvacnfsa«√tvac |
    dadʰātivp·A·3s«√dʰā garbʰanmsa«√grah aditiNfsg«a~√dā upastʰanmsl«upa~√stʰā āp  
    yasr3msi tokannsa«√tuc cac tanayanmsa«√tan cac dʰāmaheva·A·1p«√dʰā 

5. Combining with the wave the Soma utters a
cry; he sprinkles his god-protecting body for the
worshipper; he places the germ upon the lap of the
earth, whereby we acquire sons and grandsons.

sahásradʰāré'va tā́ asaścátastṛtī́ye santu rájasi prajā́vatīḥ |
cátasro nā́bʰo níhitā avó divó havírbʰarantyamṛ́taṃ gʰṛtaścútaḥ || 6||

6.  (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsl avapr3fpn asaścatjfpn«a~√sac  
    tṛtīyajnsl santuvp·Ao3p«√as rajasnnsl«√raj prajāvatījfpn«pra~√jan |
    catasṛu nābʰnfpn«√nabʰ nihitajfpn«ni~√dʰā avasa dyunmsb  
    havisnnsa«√hu bʰarantivp·A·3p«√bʰṛ amṛtannsa«a~√mṛ (gʰṛtanns«√gʰṛ-ścutjms«√ścut)jfpa 

6. May those juices which are in the third world,
the world of many streams, unconnected,
bestowing progeny, descend; the four digits of
the Soma sent down from heaven bearing water
bring the oblation and the nectar.

śvetáṃ rūpáṃ kṛṇute yátsíṣāsati sómo mīḍʰvā́m̐ ásuro veda bʰū́manaḥ |
dʰiyā́ śámī sacate sémabʰí praváddiváskávandʰamáva darṣadudríṇam || 7||

7.  śvetajnsa«√śvit rūpannsa«√rūp kṛṇuteva·A·3s«√kṛ yada siṣāsativp·A·3s«√san  
    somanmsn«√su mīḷhvaṃstp·Imsn«√mih asuranmsn vedavp·I·3s«√vid bʰūmannnsg«√bʰū |
    dʰīnfsi«√dʰī śaminjmsn«√śam sacateva·A·3s«√sac sasr3msn īmc abʰip pravatnnsa  
    dyunmsg (kavannms-dʰajms«√dʰā)nnsa avap darṣatvp·Ue3s«√dṝ udrinnmsa«√ud 

7. When the Soma seeks to gain heaven he
assumes a white colour; showering benefits,
powerful he knows how to bestow abundant
wealth upon the worshippers. He by his wisdom
is associated with excellent rites; he bursts asunder
the rain cloud from heaven.

ádʰa śvetáṃ kaláśaṃ góbʰiraktáṃ kā́rṣmannā́ vājyàkramītsasavā́n |
ā́ hinvire mánasā devayántaḥ kakṣī́vate śatáhimāya gónām || 8||

8.  adʰaa śvetajmsa«√śvit kalaśanmsa«√kal? gonfpi aktajmsa«√añj  
    kārṣmannnsl«√kṛṣ āp vājinnmsn«√vāj akramītvp·U·3s«√kram sasavaṃstp·Imsn«√san |
    āp hinvireva·A·3p«√hi manasnnsi«√man devayantjmpn«√div  
    kakṣīvatNmsd (śatau-himanms)jmsd gonfpg 

8. Anon the Soma successfully reaches the
white water-besprinkled pitcher like a horse
reaching the goal: the devout priests stimulate
him with their praise; he bestows cattle upon
Kakshivat who has seen a hundred winters.

adbʰíḥ soma papṛcānásya te rásó'vyo vā́raṃ ví pavamāna dʰāvati |
sá mṛjyámānaḥ kavíbʰirmadintama svádasvéndrāya pavamāna pītáye || 9||

9.  apnfpi somaNmsv«√su papṛcānata·Imsg«√pṛc tvamr2msg rasanmsn«√ras  
    avinmsg vāranmsa«√vṛ2 vip pavamānajmsv«√pū dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv |
    sasr3msn mṛjyamānata·Amsn«√mṛj kavinmpi«√kū madintamajmsv«√mad  
    svadasvava·Ao2s«√svad indraNmsd«√ind pavamānajmsv«√pū pītinfsd«√pā 

9. Purified Soma, when thou art diluted with
the water thy juice passes through the woollen
fleece; cleansed by the sages, O exhilarating
purified Soma, be sweet-flavoured for Indra to

Sūkta 9.75 

abʰí priyā́ṇi pavate cánohito nā́māni yahvó ádʰi yéṣu várdʰate |
ā́ sū́ryasya bṛható bṛhánnádʰi rátʰaṃ víṣvañcamaruhadvicakṣaṇáḥ || 1||

1.  abʰip priyajnpa«√prī pavateva·A·3s«√pū (canasnns«√can-hitajms«√dʰā)jmsn  
    nāmannnpa«√nam yahvajmsn«√yah adʰip yasr3npl vardʰateva·A·3s«√vṛdʰ |
    āp sūryanmsg«√sūr bṛhatjmsb«√bṛh bṛhatjmsn«√bṛh adʰip  
    ratʰanmsa«√ṛ (viṣua-añcjms«√añc)jmsa aruhatvp·U·3s«√ruh vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ 

1. The Soma fit for food flows towards the
delightful waters in which the mighty Soma is
fostered; the beholder of all, the great Soma
mounts the mighty sun's chariot which goeth

ṛtásya jihvā́ pavate mádʰu priyáṃ vaktā́ pátirdʰiyó asyā́ ádābʰyaḥ |
dádʰāti putráḥ pitrórapīcyàṃ nāma tṛtī́yamádʰi rocané diváḥ || 2||

2.  ṛtannsg«√ṛ jihvānfsn pavateva·A·3s«√pū madʰunnsn«√madʰ priyajnsn«√prī  
    vaktṛnmsn«√vac patinmsn«√pā2 dʰīnfsg«√dʰī ayamr3fsg adābʰyajmpn«a~√dabʰ |
    dadʰātivp·A·3s«√dʰā putranmsn«√puṣ pitṛnmdl apīcyajnsa«api~√añc nāmannnsa«√nam  
    tṛtīyajnsa adʰip rocanannsl«√ruc dyunmsg 

2. The tongue of the sacrifice Soma distills the
delightful exhilarating juice, speaking, lord of
this rite, unassailable; the son the sacrificer
assumes a third name unknown to his parents
in the brilliance of heaven.

áva dyutānáḥ kaláśām̐ acikradannṛ́bʰiryemānáḥ kóśa ā́ hiraṇyáye |
abʰī́mṛtásya dohánā anūṣatā́dʰi tripṛṣṭʰá uṣáso ví rājati || 3||

3.  avap dyutānata·Amsn«√dyut kalaśanmpa«√kal? acikradatvp·U·3s«√krand  
    nṛnmpi yemānata·Imsn«√yam kośanmsl«√kuś āp hiraṇyayajmsl«√hṛ |
    abʰip īmr3msa ṛtannsg«√ṛ dohanajfpn«√duh anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
    adʰip (triu-pṛṣṭʰanns«pra~√stʰā)jmsn uṣasnfpa«√vas2 vip rājativp·A·3s«√rāj 

3. Shining, he cries aloud descending into the
vessels, pressed by the priests into the golden
receptacle; the milkers of the sacrifice glorify
him; the supporter of the three sacrifices shines
most on the days of sacrifice.

ádribʰiḥ sutó matíbʰiścánohitaḥ prarocáyanródasī mātárā śúciḥ |
rómāṇyávyā samáyā ví dʰāvati mádʰordʰā́rā pínvamānā divédive || 4||

4.  adrinmpi«√dṛ sutajmsn«√su matinfpi«√man (canasnns«√can-hitajms«√dʰā)jmsn  
    prarocayantp·Amsn«pra~√ruc rodasnnda mātṛnmda«√mā śucijmsn«√śuc |
    romannnpa«√ruh avyajnpa samayāa vip dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv  
    madʰunnsg«√madʰ dʰārānfsn«√dʰṛ pinvamānata·Afsn«√pinv (divanmsl-divanmsl)a 

4. Effused by the stones and by the praises, fit
for food, illuminating heaven and earth the parents
of the universe, pure, the Soma flows between
the sheep's hairs; diluted with the water the
stream of the exhilarating beverage is purified
day by day.

pári soma prá dʰanvā svastáye nṛ́bʰiḥ punānó abʰí vāsayāśíram |
yé te mádā āhanáso víhāyasastébʰiríndraṃ codaya dā́tave magʰám || 5||

5.  parip somanmsv«√su prap dʰanvavp·Ao2s«√dʰanv svastinfsd«su~√as  
    nṛnmpi punānajmsn«√pū abʰip vāsayavp·Ao2s«√vas āśirnfsa«ā~√śrī |
    yasr3mpn tvamr2msd madajmpn«√mad āhanasjmpn«ā~√han vihāyasjmpn«√hā  
    sasr3mpi indraNmsa«√ind codayavp·Ao2s«√cud dātavev···D··«√dā magʰanmsa«√maṃh 

5. Soma, flow forth for our welfare; purified by
the priests clothe thyself in the milky mixture:
with the exhilarating loud-sounding mighty juices
which thou hast, inspire Indra to bestow affluence
upon us.

Sūkta 9.76 

dʰartā́ diváḥ pavate kṛ́tvyo ráso dákṣo devā́nāmanumā́dyo nṛ́bʰiḥ |
háriḥ sṛjānó átyo ná sátvabʰirvṛ́tʰā pā́jāṃsi kṛṇute nadī́ṣvā́ || 1||

1.  dʰartṛnmsn«√dʰṛ dyunmsg pavateva·A·3s«√pū kṛtvyajmsn«√kṛ rasanmsn«√ras  
    dakṣajmsn«√dakṣ devanmpg«√div anumādyanmsn«anu~√mad nṛnmpi |
    harijmsn«√hṛ sṛjānata·Amsn«√sṛj atyanmsn«√at? nac satvannmpi«√as  
    vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 pājasnnpa«√pāj kṛṇuteva·A·3s«√kṛ nadīnfpl«√nad āp 

1. Soma the sustainer of all flows from the
firmament, the purifiable juice, the invigorator of
the gods, worthy to be praised by the priests;
green-tinted like a horse let loose by the charioteers
he easily restores his vigour in the waters.

śū́ro ná dʰatta ā́yudʰā gábʰastyoḥ svàḥ síṣāsanratʰiró gáviṣṭiṣu |
índrasya śúṣmamīráyannapasyúbʰiríndurhinvānó ajyate manīṣíbʰiḥ || 2||

2.  śūranmsn«√śūr nac dʰatteva·A·3s«√dʰā āyudʰannpa«ā~√yudʰ gabʰastinmdl  
    svarnnsa siṣāsantp·Amsn«√san ratʰirajmsn«√ṛ (gonfs-iṣṭinfs«√iṣ)nmpl |
    indraNmsg«√ind śuṣmanmsa«√śuṣ īrayanttp·Amsn«√īr (apasnns-yujms«√yu)nmpi  
    indunmsn«√ind hinvānata·Amsn«√hi ajyatevp·A·3s«√añj manīṣinnmpi«√man 

2. Like a hero he carries weapons in his hands,
desirous of enjoying felicity, mounting his chariot
in quest of the cattle of the worshipper, animating
the strength of Indra, Indu, urged by the wise
performers of pious acts, is anointed with the milk
and curds.

índrasya soma pávamāna ūrmíṇā taviṣyámāṇo jaṭʰáreṣvā́ viśa |
prá ṇaḥ pinva vidyúdabʰréva ródasī dʰiyā́ ná vā́jām̐ úpa māsi śáśvataḥ || 3||

3.  indraNmsg«√ind somaNmsv«√su pavamānajmsn«√pū ūrminmsi«√ṛ  
    taviṣyamāṇajmsn«√tu jaṭʰarannpl āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś |
    prap vayamr1mpd pinvavp·Ao2s«√pinv vidyutnfsn«vi~√dyut abʰrannpa ivac rodasnnda  
    dʰīnfsi«√dʰī nac vājanmpa«√vāj upap māsivp·A·2s«√mā śaśvatjmpa«√śaś 

3. Soma, who art purified, who desirest strength
enter Indra's belly in a mighty stream; milk
heaven and earth for us as lightning milks the
clouds; now with the rite mete unto us abundant

víśvasya rā́jā pavate svardṛ́śa ṛtásya dʰītímṛṣiṣā́ḷavīvaśat |
yáḥ sū́ryasyā́sireṇa mṛjyáte pitā́ matīnā́másamaṣṭakāvyaḥ || 4||

4.  viśvannsg«√viś rājannmsn«√rāj pavateva·A·3s«√pū (svarnnsa-dṛśjms«√dṛś)jmpa  
    ṛtannsg«√ṛ dʰītinfsa«√dʰī (ṛṣinms«√ṛṣ-sahjms«√sah)jmsn avīvaśatvp·U·3s«√vāś |
    yasr3msn sūryanmsg«√sūr asiranmsi«√as mṛjyatevp·A·3s«√mṛj  
    pitṛnmsn matinfpg«√man (asamaṣṭajms«√aś-kāvyanns«√kū)jmsn 

4. Soma the sovereign of the universe flows
forth; surpassing the Rishis he desired the worship
of the all-seeing truthful Indra; he who is
cleansed by the ray of the sun, the father of praise,
the unequalled sage.

vṛ́ṣeva yūtʰā́ pári kóśamarṣasyapā́mupástʰe vṛṣabʰáḥ kánikradat |
sá índrāya pavase matsaríntamo yátʰā jéṣāma samitʰé tvótayaḥ || 5||

5.  vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ ivac yūtʰannpa«√yu parip kośanmsa«√kuś arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ  
    apnfpg upastʰanmsl«upa~√stʰā (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsn kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand |
    sasr3msn indraNmsd«√ind pavaseva·A·2s«√pū (madnfs«√mad-sarintamajms«√sṛ)jmsn  
    yadr3nsi jeṣāmavp·Ae1p«√ji samitʰanmsl«sam~√i (tvamr2msi-ūtinfs«√av)jmpn 

5. As a bull entering the herd thou rushest
to the receptacle, on the top of the waters,
showering benefits crying aloud; thou flowest for
Indra, most exhilarating, so that we may be
victorious in battle protected by thee.

Sūkta 9.77 

eṣá prá kóśe mádʰumām̐ acikradadíndrasya vájro vápuṣo vápuṣṭaraḥ |
abʰī́mṛtásya sudúgʰā gʰṛtaścúto vāśrā́ arṣanti páyaseva dʰenávaḥ || 1||

1.  eṣasr3msn prap kośanmsl«√kuś madʰumantjmsn«√madʰ acikradatvp·U·3s«√krand  
    indraNmsg«√ind vajranmsn«√vaj vapusjmsg«√vap vapuṣṭarajmsn«√vap |
    abʰip īmr3msa ṛtannsg«√ṛ sudugʰajfpn«su~√duh (gʰṛtanns«√gʰṛ-ścutjfs«√ścut)jfpn  
    vāśrajfpn«√vāś arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ payasnnsi«√pī ivac dʰenunfpn«√dʰe 

1. The sweet-flavoured beverage sounds in the
pitcher, the thunderbolt of Indra, more beautiful
than the beautiful: the streams of this veracious
Soma approach yielding much milk, dropping
water, lowing like kine laden with milk.

sá pūrvyáḥ pavate yáṃ diváspári śyenó matʰāyádiṣitástiró rájaḥ |
sá mádʰva ā́ yuvate vévijāna ítkṛśā́norásturmánasā́ha bibʰyúṣā || 2||

2.  sasr3msn pūrvyajmsn«√pṝ pavateva·A·3s«√pū yasr3msa dyunmsb parip  
    śyenanmsn matʰāyatvp·Ae3s«√matʰ iṣitajmsn«√iṣ tirasa«√tṝ rajasnnsa«√raj |
    sasr3msn madʰunnsg«√madʰ āp yuvateva·A·3s«√yu vevijānata·Amsn«√vij idc  
    kṛśānunmsb«√kṛś astṛnmsb«√as manasnnsi«√man ahaa bibʰīvastp·Insi«√bʰī 

2. That ancient Soma flows, which the hawk,
dispatches for the purpose, brought down from
heaven passing through the third world; he
detaches the sweet-flavoured Soma flying downward,
with mind full of fear of the archer Krisanu.

té naḥ pū́rvāsa úparāsa índavo mahé vā́jāya dʰanvantu gómate |
īkṣeṇyā̀so ahyò ná cā́ravo bráhmabrahma yé jujuṣúrhavírhaviḥ || 3||

3.  sasr3mpn vayamr1mpd pūrvajmpn«√pur uparajmpn indunmpn«√ind  
    mahjmsd«√mah vājanmsd«√vāj dʰanvantuvp·Ao3p«√dʰanv gomatjmsd |
    īkṣeṇyajmpn«√īkṣ ahīnmpn«√aṃh nac cārujmpn«√can  
    (brahmannns«√bṛh-brahmannns«√bṛh)nnsa yasr3mpn jujuṣurvp·I·3p«√juṣ (havisnns«√hu-havisnns«√hu)nnsa 

3. May the former and the latter Soma-juices
flow to give us abundant food and milk, pleasing
to look upon like beautiful well-adorned women,
which juices perform every prayer and every

ayáṃ no vidvā́nvanavadvanuṣyatá índuḥ satrā́cā mánasā puruṣṭutáḥ |
inásya yáḥ sádane gárbʰamādadʰé gávāmurubjámabʰyárṣati vrajám || 4||

4.  ayamr3msn vayamr1mpg vidvaṅstp·Imsn«√vid vanavatvp·Ae3s«√van vanuṣyattp·Amsg«√van  
    indunmsn«√ind (satrāa-acjms«√añc)jnsi manasnnsi«√man (purua«√pṝ-stutajms«√stu)jmsn |
    inajmsg«√i yasr3msn sadanannsl«√sad garbʰanmsa«√grah ādadʰevp·I·3s«ā~√dʰā  
    gonfpg (urjfs«√vṛ-ubjjfs«√ubj)nfsa abʰip arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ vrajamtp·A???«√vraj 

4. May this Indu, praised of many, knowing
those who desire to slay us, slay them with united
mind; who being in the dwelling of the lord
Agni deposits a germ in the herds and hastens
to our milk-giving herd of cattle.

cákrirdiváḥ pavate kṛ́tvyo ráso mahā́m̐ ádabdʰo váruṇo hurúgyaté |
ásāvi mitró vṛjáneṣu yajñíyó'tyo ná yūtʰé vṛṣayúḥ kánikradat || 5||

5.  cakrijmsn«√kṛ dyunmsb pavateva·A·3s«√pū kṛtvyajmsn«√kṛ rasanmsn«√ras  
    mahatjmsn«√mah adabdʰajmsn«a~√dabʰ varuṇaNmsn«√vṛ huruka yatjmsd«√i |
    asāvivp·U·3s«√su mitranmsn«√mitʰ vṛjanannpl«√vṛj yajñiyajmsn«√yaj  
    atyanmsn«√at? nac yūtʰannsl«√yu (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-yujms«√yu)jmsn kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand 

5. The maker of all, clever in work, the juice,
mighty unassailable Varuna flows from heaven
for the sake of him who goeth hither and thither;
the friend of all the adorable Soma is effused in
affliction uttering a sound like an ardent horse
amidst a herd of mares.

Sūkta 9.78 

prá rā́jā vā́caṃ janáyannasiṣyadadapó vásāno abʰí gā́ iyakṣati |
gṛbʰṇā́ti riprámávirasya tā́nvā śuddʰó devā́nāmúpa yāti niṣkṛtám || 1||

1.  prap rājannmsn«√rāj vācnfsa«√vac janayanttp·Amsn«√jan asiṣyadatva·U·3s«√syand  
    apnfpa vasānata·Amsn«√vas abʰip gonfpa iyakṣativp·A·3s«√yaj |
    gṛbʰṇātivp·A·3s«√grah riprannsa«√rip avinfsn ayamr3msg tānūnfsi«√tan  
    śuddʰajmsn«√śudʰ devanmpg«√div upap yātivp·A·3s«√yā niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ 

1. This royal Soma producing a sound flows
forth; clothing himself with the water he advances
towards the praises of the worshipper; the sheep
with its fleece lays hold of the impure form:
purified he approaches the station of the gods.

índrāya soma pári ṣicyase nṛ́bʰirnṛcákṣā ūrmíḥ kavírajyase váne |
pūrvī́rhí te srutáyaḥ sánti yā́tave sahásramáśvā hárayaścamūṣádaḥ || 2||

2.  indraNmsd«√ind somaNmsv«√su parip sicyasevp·A·2s«√sic nṛnmpi  
    (nṛnms-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)nmsn ūrminmsn«√ṛ kavinmsn«√kū ajyaseva·A·2s«√añj vanannsl«√van |
    pūrvījfpn«√pṝ hic tvamr2msg srutinfpn«√sru santivp·A·3p«√as yātavev···D··«√yā  
    sahasramu aśvanmpn«√aś harijmpn«√hṛ (camūnfs-sadjms«√sad)jmpn 

2. Thou art effused by the priests, Soma, for
Indra; thou the observer of men, stimulated,
intelligent, art immersed in the water; many are
the paths for thee to follow, infinite are the spreading
green-tinted streams alighting on the cups.

samudríyā apsaráso manīṣíṇamā́sīnā antárabʰí sómamakṣaran |
tā́ īṃ hinvanti harmyásya sakṣáṇiṃ yā́cante sumnáṃ pávamānamákṣitam || 3||

3.  samudriyajfpn«sam~√ud (apnfs-sarasnns«√sṛ)nfpn manīṣinjmsa«√man  
    āsīnajfpn«√ās antara abʰip somanmsa«√su akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar |
    tār3fpn īmr3msa hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi harmyajmsg«√gṛh sakṣaṇijmsa«√sac  
    yācanteva·A·3p«√yāc sumnajmsa«su~√man pavamānajmsa«√pū akṣitajmsa«a~√kṣi3 

3. The nymphs of the firmament seated in the
midst flow towards the sagacious Soma; they
cherish him the sprinkler of the hall of sacrifice:
the worshippers solicit Pavamana the undecaying
for a boon.

gojínnaḥ sómo ratʰajíddʰiraṇyajítsvarjídabjítpavate sahasrajít |
yáṃ devā́saścakriré pītáye mádaṃ svā́diṣṭʰaṃ drapsámaruṇáṃ mayobʰúvam || 4||

4.  (gonfs-jitjms«√ji)jmsn vayamr1mpd somanmsn«√su (ratʰanms«√ṛ-jitjms«√ji)jmsn (hiraṇyanms«√hṛ-jitjms«√ji)jmsn  
    (svarnns-jitjms«√ji)jmsn (apnfs-jitjms«√ji)jmsn pavateva·A·3s«√pū (sahasrau-jitjms«√ji)jmsn |
    yasr3msa devanmpn«√div cakrireva·I·3p«√kṛ pītinfsd«√pā madanmsa«√mad  
    svādiṣṭʰajmsa«√svad drapsanmsa aruṇajmsa«√ruh (mayasnns«√mā-bʰuvanns«√bʰū)jmsa 

4. Soma flows for us, the conqueror of cattle,
of chariots, of gold, of heaven, of water, of
thousand-fold wealth, whom the gods have made
for their drinking, exhilarating, most sweet-flavoured,
dropping, purple, causing happiness.

etā́ni soma pávamāno asmayúḥ satyā́ni kṛṇvándráviṇānyarṣasi |
jahí śátrumantiké dūraké ca yá urvī́ṃ gávyūtimábʰayaṃ ca naskṛdʰi || 5||

5.  etadr3npa somaNmsv«√su pavamānajmsn«√pū (vayamr1mpa-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
    satyajnpa«√as kṛṇvanttp·Amsn«√kṛ draviṇannpa«√dru arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ |
    jahivp·Ao2s«√han śatrunmsa«√śad antikajmsl dūrakajmsl«√dū cac yasr3msn  
    urvījfsa«√vṛ (gonfs-yūtinfs«√yu)nfsa abʰayannsa«a~√bʰī cac vayamr1mpd kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ 

5. Bestowing all these true riches, loving us thou
flowest, Soma, purified; destroy our enemy whether
he be far or nigh; grant us a free road and freedom
from danger.

Sūkta 9.79 

acodáso no dʰanvantvíndavaḥ prá suvānā́so bṛháddiveṣu hárayaḥ |
ví ca náśanna iṣó árātayo'ryó naśanta sániṣanta no dʰíyaḥ || 1||

1.  acodasjmpa«a~√cud vayamr1mpa dʰanvantuvp·Ao3p«√dʰanv indunmpn«√ind prap  
    suvānata·Ampn«√su (bṛhatjms«√bṛh-divanms)nmpl harijmpn«√hṛ |
    vip cac naśanvp·AE3p«√naś vayamr1mpa iṣnfsg«√iṣ arātijfpn«a~√rā  
    arijmsb«√ṛ naśantava·AE3p«√naś saniṣantava·Ue3p«√san vayamr1mpg dʰīnfpn«√dʰī 

1. May the spontaneous Soma-juices flow to us
at the brilliant sacrifices, green-tinted, effused;
may they be destroyed who are the withholders of
food from us; may our foes be destroyed; may
the gods enjoy our pious acts.

prá ṇo dʰanvantvíndavo madacyúto dʰánā vā yébʰirárvato junīmási |
tiró mártasya kásya citpárihvṛtiṃ vayáṃ dʰánāni viśvádʰā bʰaremahi || 2||

2.  prap vayamr1mpd dʰanvantuvp·Ao3p«√dʰanv indunmpn«√ind (madanms«√mad-cyutjms«√cyut)jmpn  
    dʰanānnpn«√dʰanc yadr3npi arvatnmpa«√ṛ junīmasiva·A·1p«√jū |
    tirasa«√tṝ martanmsg«√mṛ kasr3msg cidc parihvṛtinfsa«pari~√hvṛ  
    vayamr1mpn dʰanannpa«√dʰan (viśvanns«√viś-dʰājfs«√dʰā)a bʰaremahiva·Ai1p«√bʰṛ 

2. May they flow to us, may they bring us riches -
the honey-dropping Soma-juices by whose aid
we encounter the powerful enemy; may we overcoming
the opposition of every man always bear
off his wealth.

utá svásyā árātyā arírhí ṣá utā́nyásyā árātyā vṛ́ko hí ṣáḥ |
dʰánvanná tṛ́ṣṇā sámarīta tā́m̐ abʰí sóma jahí pavamāna durādʰyàḥ || 3||

3.  utac svajfsg arātinfsb«a~√rā arijmsn«√ṛ hic sasr3msn  
    utac anyajfsg arātinfsb«a~√rā vṛkajmsn hic sasr3msn |
    dʰanvannnsl«√dʰan nac tṛṣṇānfsn«√tṛṣ samp arītava·Ui3s«√ṛ sasr3mpa abʰip  
    somaNmsv«√su jahivp·Ao2s«√han pavamānajmsv«√pū durādʰījmpa«dus-

3. For the Soma verily is the foe of his own
enemy and the destroyer of the enemy of another;
as thirst overcomes one in a desert, so purified Soma,
who art irresistible, slay both those adversaries.

diví te nā́bʰā paramó yá ādadé pṛtʰivyā́ste ruruhuḥ sā́navi kṣípaḥ |
ádrayastvā bapsati górádʰi tvacyàpsú tvā hástairduduhurmanīṣíṇaḥ || 4||

4.  dyunmsl tvamr2msg nābʰinfsl«√nabʰ paramajmsn«√pṛ yasr3msn ādadevp·I·3s«ā~√dā  
    pṛtʰivīnfsb«√pṛtʰ tvamr2msd ruruhurvp·I·3p«√ruh sānunnsl«√san kṣipnfpn«√kṣip |
    adrinmpn«√dṛ tvamr2msa bapsativp·A·3p«√bʰas gonfsg adʰip tvacnfsl«√tvac  
    apnfpl tvamr2msa hastanmpi duduhurvp·I·3p«√duh manīṣinjmpn«√man 

4. Thy best juice dwells in the navel of heaven,
that which receives the oblation; thy members
grow up thrown upon the summit of the earth;
the stones devour thee upon the cowhide; the
wise priests milk thee into the water with their

evā́ ta indo subʰvàṃ supéśasaṃ rásaṃ tuñjanti pratʰamā́ abʰiśríyaḥ |
nídaṃnidaṃ pavamāna ní tāriṣa āvíste śúṣmo bʰavatu priyó mádaḥ || 5||

5.  evac tvamr2msg induNmsv«√ind subʰūjmsa«su~√bʰū supeśasjmsa«su~√piś  
    rasanmsa«√ras tuñjantivp·A·3p«√tuj pratʰamajmpn abʰiśrījmpn«abʰi~√śrī |
    (nidnfsa«√nid-nidnfsa«√nid)a pavamānajmsv«√pū nip tāriṣasvp·Ue2s«√tṝ  
    āvisa«ā~√vid tvamr2msg śuṣmanmsn«√śuṣ bʰavatuvp·Ao3s«√bʰū priyajmsn«√prī madanmsn«√mad 

5. Thus, Indu, the chief priests making the
mixture send forth thy well-lodged, well-formed
juice; purified Soma destroy our reviler; let thy
potent, delightful, exhilarating juice appear.

Sūkta 9.80 

sómasya dʰā́rā pavate nṛcákṣasa ṛténa devā́nhavate diváspári |
bṛ́haspáte ravátʰenā ví didyute samudrā́so ná sávanāni vivyacuḥ || 1||

1.  somanmsg«√su dʰārānfsn«√dʰṛ pavateva·A·3s«√pū (nṛnms-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)nmsg  
    ṛtannsi«√ṛ devanmpa«√div havateva·A·3s«√hū dyunmsb parip |
    (bṛhnfsg«√bṛh-patinms«√pā2)Nmsg ravatʰanmsi«√ru vip didyuteva·I·3s«√dyut  
    samudranmpn«sam~√ud nac savanannpn«√su vivyacurvp·I·3p«√vyac 

1. The stream of the Soma, the contemplator of
man, flows forth; it invites by the sacrifice the
gods who dwell above the sky; it shines forth
at the voice of the sacrificer; the libations cover
the earth like rivers.

yáṃ tvā vājinnagʰnyā́ abʰyánūṣatā́yohataṃ yónimā́ rohasi dyumā́n |
magʰónāmā́yuḥ pratiránmáhi śráva índrāya soma pavase vṛ́ṣā mádaḥ || 2||

2.  yasr3msa tvamr2msa vājinnmsv«√vāj agʰnyājfpn«a~√han abʰip anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
    (ayasnms-hatajms«√han)jmsa yoninmsa«√yu āp rohasivp·A·2s«√ruh dyumatjmsn«√dyut |
    magʰavannmpg«√maṃh āyusnnsa«√i pratiranttp·Amsn«pra~√tṝ mahijnsa«√mah śravasnnsa«√śru  
    indraNmsd«√ind somaNmsv«√su pavaseva·A·2s«√pū vṛṣanjmsn«√vṛṣ madanmsn«√mad 

2. Giver of food, whom the kine praise, thou
mountest, bright-shining, thy station fashioned by
golden-hands; thou, Soma, the health of the worshippers,
increasing their abundant food flowest
for Indra, the showerer of benefits, the giver of

éndrasya kukṣā́ pavate madíntama ū́rjaṃ vásānaḥ śrávase sumaṅgálaḥ |
pratyáṅsá víśvā bʰúvanābʰí papratʰe krī́ḷanhárirátyaḥ syandate vṛ́ṣā || 3||

3.  āp indraNmsg«√ind kukṣinmsl pavateva·A·3s«√pū madintamajmsn«√mad  
    ūrjnfsa«√ūrj vasānata·Amsn«√vas śravasnnsd«√śru sumaṅgalajmsn«su~√maṅg |
    pratyañcjmsn«prati~√añc sasr3msn viśvajnpa«√viś bʰuvanannpa«√bʰū abʰip papratʰeva·I·3s«√pratʰ  
    krīḷanttp·Amsn«√krīḷ harijmsn«√hṛ atyanmsn«√at? syandateva·A·3s«√syand vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ 

3. The Soma flows to Indra's belly for his
food, giving extreme exhilaration, clothed with
vigour, giving good fortune he spreads forth towards
all beings; sporting on the altar, green-tinted,
swift-moving, the showerer of benefits, he
flows forth.

táṃ tvā devébʰyo mádʰumattamaṃ náraḥ sahásradʰāraṃ duhate dáśa kṣípaḥ |
nṛ́bʰiḥ soma prácyuto grā́vabʰiḥ sutó víśvāndevā́m̐ ā́ pavasvā sahasrajit || 4||

4.  sasr3msa tvamr2msa devanmpd«√div madʰumattamajmsa«√madʰ nṛnmpn  
    (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsa duhateva·A·3p«√duh daśau kṣipnfpn«√kṣip |
    nṛnmpi somaNmsv«√su pracyutajmsn«pra~√cyu grāvannmpi«√gṝ sutajmsn«√su  
    viśvajmpa«√viś devanmpa«√div āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (sahasrau-jitjms«√ji)jmsv 

4. The priests, the ten fingers, milk thee forth
for the gods, most sweet-flavoured, flowing in a
thousand streams; effused by the men, expressed
with the stones, do thou, Sou, the winner of
thousand-fold wealth, flow to all the gods.

táṃ tvā hastíno mádʰumantamádribʰirduhántyapsú vṛṣabʰáṃ dáśa kṣípaḥ |
índraṃ soma mādáyandaívyaṃ jánaṃ síndʰorivormíḥ pávamāno arṣasi || 5||

5.  sasr3msa tvamr2msa hastinnmpn madʰumantjmsa«√madʰ adrinmpi«√dṛ  
    duhantivp·A·3p«√duh apnfpl (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsa daśau kṣipnfpn«√kṣip |
    indraNmsa«√ind somaNmsv«√su mādayanttp·Amsn«√mad daivyajmsa«√div jananmsa«√jan  
    sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ivac ūrminmsn«√ṛ pavamānajmsn«√pū arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ 

5. The ten fingers of the skilful one milk thee
forth with the stones into the water most sweet-
flavoured, the showerer of benefits; Soma, exhilarating
Indra and the celestial people, thou
rushest forth, when filtered, like the wave of a

Sūkta 9.81 

prá sómasya pávamānasyormáya índrasya yanti jaṭʰáraṃ supéśasaḥ |
dadʰnā́ yádīmúnnītā yaśásā gávāṃ dānā́ya śū́ramudámandiṣuḥ sutā́ḥ || 1||

1.  prap somanmsg«√su pavamānajmsg«√pū ūrminmpn«√ṛ  
    indraNmsg«√ind yantivp·A·3p«√i jaṭʰarannsa supeśasjmpn«su~√piś |
    dadʰinnsi yadc īmc unnītajmpn«ud~√nī yaśasjnsi«√yaś gonfpg  
    dānanmsd«√dā śūranmsa«√śūr udamandiṣurva·U·3p«ud~√mand sutajmpn«√su 

1. The graceful waves of the purified Soma flow
into Indra's belly when being effused and drawn
forth together with the potent curds of the kine,
they excite the hero to bestow gifts to the worshipper.

ácʰā hí sómaḥ kaláśām̐ ásiṣyadadátyo ná vóḷhā ragʰúvartanirvṛ́ṣā |
átʰā devā́nāmubʰáyasya jánmano vidvā́m̐ aśnotyamúta itáśca yát || 2||

2.  acʰāp hic somanmsn«√su kalaśanmpa«√kal? asiṣyadatva·U·3s«√syand  
    atyanmsn«√at? nac voḷhṛnmsn«√vah (ragʰujms«√raṃh-vartaninfs«√vṛt)jmsn vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ |
    atʰāa devanmpg«√div ubʰayajmsg janmannnsg«√jan  
    vidvaṅstp·Imsn«√vid aśnotivp·A·3s«√aś amutasa ir3nsb cac yadr3nsa 

2. The Soma flows towards the pitchers, like a
draught horse, lightly moving, the showerer; and
knowing both races of gods-those who come to
the sacrifice from the other world and those who
come from this world.

ā́ naḥ soma pávamānaḥ kirā vásvíndo bʰáva magʰávā rā́dʰaso maháḥ |
śíkṣā vayodʰo vásave sú cetúnā mā́ no gáyamāré asmátpárā sicaḥ || 3||

3.  āp vayamr1mpd somaNmsv«√su pavamānajmsn«√pū kiravp·Ao2s«√kṛ vasunnsa«√vas  
    indunmsv«√ind bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū magʰavanjmsn«√maṃh rādʰasnnsg«√rādʰ mahjnsg«√mah |
    śikṣavp·Ao2s«√śak (vayasnns«√vī-dʰājms«√dʰā)jmsv vasunnsd«√vas sup cetunmsi«√citc vayamr1mpg gayanmsa«√gam ārea«√ṛ vayamr1mpb parāa«√pṛ sicasvp·AE2s«√sic 

3. Soma, when purified, strew upon us wealth;
Indu, who art possessed of affluence, be the donor
of ample riches; dispenser of food, grant to Vasu
prosperity through thy intelligence, scatter not
our riches far from us.

ā́ naḥ pūṣā́ pávamānaḥ surātáyo mitró gacʰantu váruṇaḥ sajóṣasaḥ |
bṛ́haspátirmarúto vāyúraśvínā tváṣṭā savitā́ suyámā sárasvatī || 4||

4.  āp vayamr1mpd pūṣanNmsn«√pūṣ pavamānajmsn«√pū surātijmpn«su~√rā  
    mitraNmsn«√mitʰ gacʰantuvp·Ao3p«√gam varuṇaNmsn«√vṛ sajoṣasjmpn«sa~√juṣ |
    (bṛhnfsg«√bṛh-patinms«√pā2)Nmsn marutNmpn vāyuNmsn«√vā aśvinNmdn«√aś  
    tvaṣṭṛNmsn«√tvakṣ savitṛNmsn«√sū suyamājfsn«su~√yam sarasvatīNfsn«sa~√ras 

4. May the generous gods met together come
to us - Pusan Pavamana, Mitra, Varuna, Brihaspati,
the Maruts, Vayu, the Aswins, Twastri
Savitri, and beautiful Saraswati.

ubʰé dyā́vāpṛtʰivī́ viśvaminvé aryamā́ devó áditirvidʰātā́ |
bʰágo nṛ́śáṃsa urvàntárikṣaṃ víśve devā́ḥ pávamānaṃ juṣanta || 5||

5.  ubʰanfdn (dyunmda-pṛtʰivīnfda«√pṛtʰ)nfdn (viśvannsa«√viś-invajms«√inv)jfdn  
    aryamanNmsn«√ṛ devanmsn«√div aditiNfsn«a~√dā vidʰātṛnmsn«vi~√dʰā |
    bʰagaNmsn«√bʰaj (nṛnms-śaṃsajms«√śaṃs)jmsn urujnsn«√vṛ (antara-īkṣajms«√ikṣ)nnsn  
    viśvajmpn«√viś devanmpn«√div pavamānajmsa«√pū juṣantava·Ae3p«√juṣ 

5. The all-pervading couple heaven and earth,
the divine Aryaman, Aditi, Vidhatri, Bhaga
deserving the praise of men, the spacious firmament,
all the gods honour the purified Soma.

Sūkta 9.82 

ásāvi sómo aruṣó vṛ́ṣā hárī rā́jeva dasmó abʰí gā́ acikradat |
punānó vā́raṃ páryetyavyáyaṃ śyenó ná yóniṃ gʰṛtávantamāsádam || 1||

1.  asāvivp·U·3s«√su somanmsn«√su aruṣajmsn«√ruṣ vṛṣanjmsn«√vṛṣ harijmsn«√hṛ  
    rājannmsn«√rāj ivac dasmajmsn«√daṃs abʰip gonfpa acikradatvp·U·3s«√krand |
    punānajmsn«√pū vāranmsa«√vṛ2 parip etivp·A·3s«√i avyayajmsa  
    śyenanmsn nac yoninmsa«√yu gʰṛtavantjmsa«√gʰṛ āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

1. The Soma has been effused radiant, the
showerer, green-tinted; magnificent as a king,
he cries aloud when approaching the waters;
purified, he passes through the sheep's fleece, to
alight on the water-moistened seat like a hawk
on its nest.

kavírvedʰasyā́ páryeṣi mā́hinamátyo ná mṛṣṭó abʰí vā́jamarṣasi |
apasédʰanduritā́ soma mṛḷaya gʰṛtáṃ vásānaḥ pári yāsi nirṇíjam || 2||

2.  kavinmsn«√kū (vedʰasnms«√vidʰ-yamjms«√yam)jmsi parip eṣivp·A·2s«√i māhinjmsa«√mah  
    atyanmsn«√at? nac mṛṣṭajmsn«√mṛj abʰip vājanmsa«√vāj arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ |
    apasedʰanttp·Amsn«apa~√sidʰ duritannpa«dus~√i somaNmsv«√su mṛḷayavp·Ao2s«√mṛḷ  
    gʰṛtannsa«√gʰṛ vasānata·Amsn«√vas parip yāsivp·A·2s«√yā nirṇijnfsa«√nij 

2. Thou, who art wise, passest through the
adorable filter with a desire to perform the
sacrifice; being cleansed thou rushest like a horse
to the battle. Driving away misfortunes be
gracious to us, Soma; clothed in water thou
proceedest to the cleansing vessel.

parjányaḥ pitā́ mahiṣásya parṇíno nā́bʰā pṛtʰivyā́ giríṣu kṣáyaṃ dadʰe |
svásāra ā́po abʰí gā́ utā́saransáṃ grā́vabʰirnasate vīté adʰvaré || 3||

3.  parjanyanmsn«√pṛc pitṛnmsn mahiṣajmsg«√mah parṇinjmsg«√pṛ  
    nābʰinfsl«√nabʰ pṛtʰivīnfsg«√pṛtʰ girinmpl kṣayanmsa«√kṣi2 dadʰeva·I·3s«√dʰā |
    svasṛnfpn apnfpn abʰip gonfpa utac asaranvp·Aa3p«√sṛ  
    samp grāvannmpi«√gṝ nasateva·A·3s«√nas vītajmsl«√vī adʰvaranmsl 

3. The mighty winged Soma whose father is
Parjanya has placed his dwelling on the navel
of the earth among the mountains; the sisters,
the waters flow to the produce of the kine; he
meets with the stones at the beloved sacrifice.

jāyéva pátyāvádʰi śéva maṃhase pájrāyā garbʰa śṛṇuhí brávīmi te |
antárvā́ṇīṣu prá carā sú jīváse'nindyó vṛjáne soma jāgṛhi || 4||

4.  jāyānfsn«√jan ivac patinmsl«√pā2 adʰip śevannsv«√śvi maṃhasevp·A·2s«√maṃh  
    pajrājfsg«√paj garbʰanmsv«√grah śṛṇuhivp·Ao2s«√śru bravīmivp·A·1s«√brū tvamr2msd |
    antara vāṇīnfpl«√vaṇ prap caravp·Ao2s«√car sup jīvasev···D··«√jīv  
    anindyajmsn«a~√nid vṛjanannsl«√vṛj somaNmsv«√su jāgṛhivp·Ao2s«√jāgṛ 

4. As a wife to her husband, so thou affordest
delight to thy worshipper; Soma, offspring of
Pajra, listen to the praises I address to thee;
in the midst of our adorations advance to grant us
life; Soma, who art irreproachable, be vigilant
against our foe.

yátʰā pū́rvebʰyaḥ śatasā́ ámṛdʰraḥ sahasrasā́ḥ paryáyā vā́jamindo |
evā́ pavasva suvitā́ya návyase táva vratámánvā́paḥ sacante || 5||

5.  yadr3nsi pūrvajmpd«√pur (śatau-sanjms«√san)jmsn (amṛjms«√mṛ-dʰarajms«√dʰṛ)jmsn  
    (sahasrau-sanjms«√san)jmsn paryayāsvp·Aa2s«pari~√yā vājanmsa«√vāj indunmsv«√ind |
    evac pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū suvitajmsd«su~√i navyasea  
    tvamr2msg vratannsa«√vṛ2 anup apnfpn sacanteva·A·3p«√sac 

5. As thou, Indu, didst attain strength for the
ancient rishis, giving them hundredfold wealth
invulnerable, giving them thousandfold wealth;
so now flow for our modern prosperity; the waters
wait upon thy functions.

Sūkta 9.83 

pavítraṃ te vítataṃ brahmaṇaspate prabʰúrgā́trāṇi páryeṣi viśvátaḥ |
átaptatanūrná tádāmó aśnute śṛtā́sa ídváhantastátsámāśata || 1||

1.  pavitrannsn«√pū tvamr2msd vitatajnsn«vi~√tan brahmannnsg«√bṛh patinmsn«√pā2  
    prabʰujmsn«pra~√bʰū gātrannpa«√gā parip eṣivp·A·2s«√i viśvatasa«√viś |
    (ataptajms«a~√tap-tanūnfs«√tan)jmsn nac tadr3nsa āmajmsn aśnuteva·A·3s«√aś  
    śṛtajmpn«√śrā idc vahanttp·A?pn«√vah tadr3nsa samp āśatava·A·3p«√āś 

1. Lord of prayer, thy filter is stretched out;
thou who art the sovereign, enterest its members
from all sides; the raw liquid whose mass is not
heated attains not this filter; it is the boiled
liquids bearing the sacrifice which attain it.

tápoṣpavítraṃ vítataṃ diváspadé śócanto asya tántavo vyàstʰiran |
ávantyasya pavītā́ramāśávo diváspṛṣṭʰámádʰi tiṣṭʰanti cétasā || 2||

2.  tapujmsg«√tap pavitrannsn«√pū vitatajnsn«vi~√tan dyunmsg padannsl«√pad  
    śocanttp·Ampn«√śuc ayamr3msg tantunmpn«√tan vip astʰiranva·U·3p«√stʰā |
    avantivp·A·3p«√av ayamr3msg pavītṛnmsa«√pū āśujmpn«√aś  
    dyunmsg pṛṣṭʰannsa«pra~√stʰā adʰip tiṣṭʰantivp·A·3p«√stʰā cetasnnsi«√cit 

2. The filter of the foe-scorching Soma is spread
on the summit of heaven; his shining filaments are
separated; his swift-flowing juices protect the
purifier the worshipper; they dwell upon the
summit of the sky in their wish to approach
the gods.

árūrucaduṣásaḥ pṛ́śniragriyá ukṣā́ bibʰarti bʰúvanāni vājayúḥ |
māyāvíno mamire asya māyáyā nṛcákṣasaḥ pitáro gárbʰamā́ dadʰuḥ || 3||

3.  arūrucatvp·U·3s«√ruc uṣasnfpa«√vas2 pṛśnijmsn«√spṛś agriyajmsn«√aṅg  
    ukṣannmsn«√ukṣ bibʰartivp·A·3s«√bʰṛ bʰuvanannpa«√bʰū (vājanms«√vāj-yujms«√yu)jmsn |
    māyāvinjmpn«√mā mamireva·I·3p«√mā ayamr3msg māyānfsi«√mā  
    (nṛnms-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)nmpn pitṛnmpn garbʰanmsa«√grah āp dadʰurvp·I·3p«√dʰā 

3. The chief sun of the dawn the Soma shines
forth; sprinkler of water, he nourishes the worlds,
wishing to give them food: by his intelligence the
intelligent build, the pitris, the beholders of men,
support the germ of vegetation.

gandʰarvá ittʰā́ padámasya rakṣati pā́ti devā́nāṃ jánimānyádbʰutaḥ |
gṛbʰṇā́ti ripúṃ nidʰáyā nidʰā́patiḥ sukṛ́ttamā mádʰuno bʰakṣámāśata || 4||

4.  gandʰarvanmsn ittʰāc padannsa«√pad ayamr3msg rakṣativp·A·3s«√rakṣ  
    pātivp·A·3s«√pā2 devanmpg«√div janimannnpa«√jan (atc-bʰutajms«√bʰū)jmsn |
    gṛbʰṇātivp·A·3s«√grah ripujmsa«√rip nidʰānfsi«ni~√dʰā (nidʰānfs«ni~√dʰā-patinms«√pā2)nmsn  
    sukṛttamajmpn«su~√kṛ madʰunnsg«√madʰ bʰakṣanmsa«√bʰaj āśatava·A·3p«√āś 

4. The Gandharva verily protects his station;
the marvelous Soma preserves the races of the
gods; the lord of cattle seizes our enemy with
a snare, the doers of good attain the drinking of
the sweet-juiced Soma.

havírhaviṣmo máhi sádma daívyaṃ nábʰo vásānaḥ pári yāsyadʰvarám |
rā́jā pavítraratʰo vā́jamā́ruhaḥ sahásrabʰṛṣṭirjayasi śrávo bṛhát || 5||

5.  havisnnsn«√hu haviṣmantjmsv«√hu mahijnsn«√mah sadmannnsn«√sad daivyajnsn«√div  
    nabʰasnnsa«√nabʰ vasānata·Amsn«√vas parip yāsivp·A·2s«√yā adʰvaranmsa |
    rājannmsn«√rāj (pavitranns«√pū-ratʰanms«√ṛ)jmsn vājanmsa«√vāj āp aruhasvp·Aa2s«√ruh  
    (sahasrau-bʰṛṣṭinfs«√bʰrajj)jmsn jayasivp·A·2s«√ji śravasnnsa«√śru bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh 

5. Possessed of water, thou goest clothed in the
liquid water, to the great celestial abode to take
the sacrifice; as king thou ascendest to the battle, a
mounted on thy filter-chariot; armed with a thousand
weapons thou winnest us abundant food.

Sūkta 9.84 

pávasva devamā́dano vícarṣaṇirapsā́ índrāya váruṇāya vāyáve |
kṛdʰī́ no adyá várivaḥ svastimádurukṣitaú gṛṇīhi daívyaṃ jánam || 1||

1.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (devanms«√div-mādanajms«√mad)jmsn vicarṣaṇijmsn«vi~√kṛṣ  
    (apnfs-sanjms«√san)jmsn indraNmsd«√ind varuṇaNmsd«√vṛ vāyuNmsd«√vā |
    kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ vayamr1mpd adyaa varivasnnsa«√vṛ svastimatjnsa«su~√as  
    (urujms«√vṛ-kṣitinfs«√kṣi2)nfsl gṛṇīhivp·Ao2s«√gṝ daivyajmsa«√div jananmsa«√jan 

1. Flow, the exhilarator of the gods, the farseeing,
the giver of water, for Indra, Varuna, and
Vayu; grant us this day wealth and health; call
the celestial people on the spacious ground of the

ā́ yástastʰaú bʰúvanānyámartyo víśvāni sómaḥ pári tā́nyarṣati |
kṛṇvánsaṃcṛ́taṃ vicṛ́tamabʰíṣṭaya índuḥ siṣaktyuṣásaṃ ná sū́ryaḥ || 2||

2.  āp yasr3msn tastʰauvp·I·3s«√stʰā bʰuvanannpa«√bʰū amartyajmsn«a~√mṛ  
    viśvajnpa«√viś somanmsn«√su parip tadr3npa arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    kṛṇvanttp·Amsn«√kṛ saṃcṛtnfsa«sam~√cṛt vicṛtnfsa«vi~√cṛt abʰiṣṭinmsd«abʰi~√as  
    indunmsn«√ind siṣaktivp·A·3s«√sac uṣasnfsa«√vas2 nac sūryanmsn«√sūr 

2. The immortal Soma who is stationed upon the
worlds, goes round about them all; Indu, binding
and unloosing, accompanies the sacrifice for its
protection, as the sun the dawn.

ā́ yó góbʰiḥ sṛjyáta óṣadʰīṣvā́ devā́nāṃ sumná iṣáyannúpāvasuḥ |
ā́ vidyútā pavate dʰā́rayā sutá índraṃ sómo mādáyandaívyaṃ jánam || 3||

3.  āp yasr3msn gonfpi sṛjyatevp·A·3s«√sṛj (oṣanms«√uṣ-dʰijfs«√dʰā)nfpl āp  
    devanmpg«√div sumnannsl«su~√man iṣayanttp·Amsn«√iṣ upāvasujmsn«upa~√vas |
    āp vidyutnfsi«vi~√dyut pavateva·A·3s«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ sutajmsn«√su  
    indraNmsa«√ind somanmsn«√su mādayanttp·Amsn«√mad daivyajmsa«√div janannsa«√jan 

3. The Soma who is created by the sun's rays,
and whom they place in the herbs for the gratification
of the gods, desiring to go to the gods,
taking wealth from the foe, flows when effused
in a brilliant stream, exhilarating Indra and the
people of heaven.

eṣá syá sómaḥ pavate sahasrajíddʰinvānó vā́camiṣirā́muṣarbúdʰam |
índuḥ samudrámúdiyarti vāyúbʰiréndrasya hā́rdi kaláśeṣu sīdati || 4||

4.  eṣasr3msn syar3msn somanmsn«√su pavateva·A·3s«√pū (sahasrau-jitjms«√ji)jmsn  
    hinvānata·Amsn«√hi vācnfsa«√vac iṣirajfsa«√iṣ (uṣasnfs«√vas2-budʰjfs«√budʰ)jfsa |
    indunmsn«√ind samudranmsa«sam~√ud udp iyartivp·A·3s«√ṛ vāyunmpi«√vā  
    āp indraNmsg«√ind hārdinnsa«√hṛ kalaśanmpl«√kal? sīdativp·A·3s«√sad 

4. This is the Soma, the conqueror of thousands,
who flows stimulating the rapid voice of the priests,
awaked at dawn; Indu sends forth his ocean with
the winds, and sinks into the pitchers into Indra's

abʰí tyáṃ gā́vaḥ páyasā payovṛ́dʰaṃ sómaṃ śrīṇanti matíbʰiḥ svarvídam |
dʰanaṃjayáḥ pavate kṛ́tvyo ráso vípraḥ kavíḥ kā́vyenā svàrcanāḥ || 5||

5.  abʰip syar3msa gonfpn payasnnsi«√pī (payasnns«√pī-vṛdʰjfs«√vṛdʰ)jmsa  
    somanmsa«√su śrīṇantivp·A·3p«√śrī matinfpi«√man (svarnns-vidjfs«√vid)jmsa |
    (dʰanannsa«√dʰan-jayajms«√ji)jmsn pavateva·A·3s«√pū kṛtvyajmsn«√kṛ rasanmsn«√ras  
    viprajmsn«√vip kavinmsn«√kū kāvyannsi«√kū (svarnns-canasjms«√can)jmsn 

5. The kine dilute with their milk that milk-augmenting
Soma who bestows all things by means
of praises; the Soma the winner of our foes'
wealth flows purified by the rite, apt for the rite,
wise, experienced, the giver of all food.

Sūkta 9.85 

índrāya soma súṣutaḥ pári sravā́pā́mīvā bʰavatu rákṣasā sahá |
mā́ te rásasya matsata dvayāvíno dráviṇasvanta ihá santvíndavaḥ || 1||

1.  indraNmsd«√ind somaNmsv«√su suṣutajmsn«su~√su parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru  
    apap amīvānfsn«√am bʰavatuvp·Ao3s«√bʰū rakṣasnnsi«√rakṣ sahap |
    māc tvamr2msg rasanmsg«√ras matsatavp·U·3p«√mad dvayāvinjmpn  
    draviṇasvantjmpn«√dru ihaa santuvp·Ao3p«√as indunmpn«√ind 

1. Flow forth, Soma, well-effused for Indra;
may disease and the Rakshasas be kept far off;
let not the double-dealers be exhilarated by thy
liquor; may the Soma-juices be full of wealth at
this sacrifice.

asmā́nsamaryé pavamāna codaya dákṣo devā́nāmási hí priyó mádaḥ |
jahí śátrūm̐rabʰyā́ bʰandanāyatáḥ píbendra sómamáva no mṛ́dʰo jahi || 2||

2.  vayamr1mpa samaryannsl«sa~√rī pavamānajmsv«√pū codayavp·Ao2s«√cud  
    dakṣanmsn«√dakṣ devanmpg«√div asivp·A·2s«√as hic priyajmsn«√prī madanmsn«√mad |
    jahivp·Ao2s«√han śatrunmpa«√śad abʰip āp bʰandanāyattp·Ampa«√bʰand  
    pibavp·Ao2s«√pā indraNmsv«√ind somanmsa«√su avap vayamr1mpg mṛdʰasnfpa«√mṛdʰ jahivp·Ao2s«√han 

2. Purified Soma, animate us in battle; for
thou art powerful, dear to the gods, the exhilarator.
Slay our foes, approach us who desire to propitiate
thee by praises; Indra, drink the Soma,
destroy our adversaries.

ádabdʰa indo pavase madíntama ātméndrasya bʰavasi dʰāsíruttamáḥ |
abʰí svaranti bahávo manīṣíṇo rā́jānamasyá bʰúvanasya niṃsate || 3||

3.  adabdʰajmsn«a~√dabʰ induNmsv«√ind pavaseva·A·2s«√pū madintamajmsn«√mad  
    ātmannmsn«√an indraNmsg«√ind bʰavasivp·A·2s«√bʰū dʰāsinmsn«√dʰā uttamajmsn |
    abʰip svarantivp·A·3p«√svar bahujmpn«√baṃh manīṣinnmpn«√man  
    rājannmsa«√rāj ayamr3msg bʰuvanannsg«√bʰū niṃsateva·A·3p«√niṃs 

3. Thou flowest, Indu, the inviolable, the most
exhilarating; thou art thyself the best support
of Indra; many sages approach and glorify thee
the ruler of this world.

sahásraṇītʰaḥ śatádʰāro ádbʰuta índrāyénduḥ pavate kā́myaṃ mádʰu |
jáyankṣétramabʰyàrṣā jáyannapá urúṃ no gātúṃ kṛṇu soma mīḍʰvaḥ || 4||

4.  (sahasrau-nītʰajms«√nī)jmsn (śatau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn (atc-bʰutajms«√bʰū)jmsn  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsn«√ind pavateva·A·3s«√pū kāmyajnsn«√kam madʰunnsn«√madʰ |
    jayanttp·Amsn«√ji kṣetrannsa«√kṣi2 abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ jayanttp·Amsn«√ji apnfpa  
    urujmsa«√vṛ vayamr1mpd gātunmsa«√gā kṛṇuvp·Ao2s«√kṛ somaNmsv«√su mīḷhvaṃstp·Imsv«√mih 

4. The guide of thousands, flowing in a hundred
streams, marvelous, Indu flows forth for Indra,
his beloved beverage; approach the filter winning
us land, winning water, O Soma, sprinkler, make
our path broad.

kánikradatkaláśe góbʰirajyase vyàvyáyaṃ samáyā vā́ramarṣasi |
marmṛjyámāno átyo ná sānasíríndrasya soma jaṭʰáre sámakṣaraḥ || 5||

5.  kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand kalaśanmsl«√kal? gonfpi ajyaseva·A·2s«√añj  
    vip avyayajmsa (samajms-ijms«√i)nmsi vāranmsa«√vṛ2 arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ |
    marmṛjyamānatp·Amsn«√mṛj atyanmsn«√at? nac sānasijmsn«√san  
    indraNmsg«√ind somaNmsv«√su jaṭʰarannsl samp akṣarasvp·Aa2s«√kṣi3 

5. Crying aloud thou art blended in the pitcher
with curds and milk, thou passest through the
woollen fleece in the midst; being cleansed like a
horse, distributing gifts, thou flowest, Soma, into
Indra's belly.

svādúḥ pavasva divyā́ya jánmane svādúríndrāya suhávītunāmne |
svādúrmitrā́ya váruṇāya vāyáve bṛ́haspátaye mádʰumām̐ ádābʰyaḥ || 6||

6.  svādujmsn«√svad pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū divyannsd«√div janmannnsd«√jan  
    svādujmsn«√svad indraNmsd«√ind (suhavītujms«su~√hve-nāmannns«√nam)jmsd |
    svādujmsn«√svad mitraNmsd«√mitʰ varuṇaNmsd«√vṛ vāyuNmsd«√vā  
    (bṛhnfsg«√bṛh-patinms«√pā2)Nmsd madʰumantjmsn«√madʰ adābʰyajmsn«a~√dabʰ 

6. Flow sweet for the celestial people, flow sweet
for Indra, whose name is worthily invoked; sweet
for Mitra, Varuna, Vayu, Brihaspati, thou who
art sweet-flavoured, inviolable.

átyaṃ mṛjanti kaláśe dáśa kṣípaḥ prá víprāṇāṃ matáyo vā́ca īrate |
pávamānā abʰyàrṣanti suṣṭutíméndraṃ viśanti madirā́sa índavaḥ || 7||

7.  atyanmsa«√at? mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj kalaśanmsl«√kal? daśau kṣipnfpn«√kṣip  
    prap viprajmpg«√vip matinfpn«√man vācnfpn«√vac īrateva·A·3p«√īr |
    pavamānajmsn«√pū abʰip arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ suṣṭutinfsa«√stu āp  
    indraNmsa«√ind viśantivp·A·3p«√viś madirajmpn«√mad indunmpn«√ind 

7. The ten fingers clean the horse in the
pitcher; among the vipras the worshippers send
forth praises; the filtered juices hasten to the
fair praise, the exhilarating Soma juices enter

pávamāno abʰyàrṣā suvī́ryamurvī́ṃ gávyūtiṃ máhi śárma saprátʰaḥ |
mā́kirno asyá páriṣūtirīśaténdo jáyema tváyā dʰánaṃdʰanam || 8||

8.  pavamānanmsn«√pū abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ suvīryannsa«su~√vīr urvījfsa«√vṛ  
    (gonfs-yūtinfs«√yu)nfsa mahijnsa«√mah śarmannnsa«√śri sapratʰasjnsa«sa~√pratʰ |
    mākisa vayamr1mpa ayamr3msg pariṣūtinfsn«pari~√sū īśatavp·AE3s«√īś  
    induNmsv«√ind jayemavp·Ai1p«√ji tvamr2msi (dʰananns«√dʰan-dʰananns«√dʰan)a 

8. Soma, when filtered, bring us male progeny,
extensive pastures, a large and spacious mansion;
let no hinderer of this rite be lord over us; Indu,
through thee may we win all wealth.

ádʰi dyā́mastʰādvṛṣabʰó vicakṣaṇó'rūrucadví divó rocanā́ kavíḥ |
rā́jā pavítramátyeti róruvaddiváḥ pīyū́ṣaṃ duhate nṛcákṣasaḥ || 9||

9.  adʰip dyunmsa astʰātvp·U·3s«√stʰā (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsn vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ  
    arūrucatvp·U·3s«√ruc vip dyunmsg rocanānfsi«√ruc kavinmsn«√kū |
    rājannmsn«√rāj pavitranmsa«√pū atip etivp·A·3s«√i roruvattp·Amsn«√ru  
    dyunmsg pīyūṣanmsa«√pyai duhateva·A·3p«√duh (nṛnms-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)nmpn 

9. The showerer, the beholder, has taken his
station upon heaven, the seer has illumined the
luminaries of heaven; the king passes through the
filter with a shout, the Soma juices the beholders
of men milk forth the ambrosia of heaven.

divó nā́ke mádʰujihvā asaścáto venā́ duhantyukṣáṇaṃ giriṣṭʰā́m |
apsú drapsáṃ vāvṛdʰānáṃ samudrá ā́ síndʰorūrmā́ mádʰumantaṃ pavítra ā́ || 10||

10. dyunmsg nākanmsl«√nam (madʰunns«√madʰ-jihvanms)jmpn asaścatjmpn«a~√sac  
     venajmpn«√ven duhantivp·A·3p«√duh ukṣannmsa«√ukṣ (girinms-stʰājms«√stʰā)jmsa |
     apnfpl drapsanmsa vāvṛdʰānatp·Amsa«√vṛdʰ samudranmsl«sam~√ud āp  
     sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ūrminmsl«√ṛ madʰumantjmsa«√madʰ pavitrannsl«√pū āp 

10. In the heaven of the bright sacrifice
the sweet-voiced Venas severally milk forth the
sprinkler, the mountain-haunting Soma; they
sprinkle him nourished in the waters, juicy,
in the ocean-like pitcher, in the wave of the
river; they sprinkle him sweet-flavoured, in
the filter.

nā́ke suparṇámupapaptivā́ṃsaṃ gíro venā́nāmakṛpanta pūrvī́ḥ |
śíśuṃ rihanti matáyaḥ pánipnataṃ hiraṇyáyaṃ śakunáṃ kṣā́maṇi stʰā́m || 11||

11. nākanmsl«√nam suparṇajmsa«su~√pṛ upapaptivaṃstp·Amsa«upa~√pad  
     girnfpn«√gṝ venajmpg«√ven akṛpantavp·Aa3p«√kṛp pūrvījfpn«√pṝ |
     śiśunmsa«√śū rihantivp·A·3p«√rih matinfpn«√man panipnattp·Amsa«√pan  
     hiraṇyayajmsa«√hṛ śakunajmsa«√śak kṣāmannmsl stʰājmsa«√stʰā 

11. The many voices of the Venas praise the
Soma who dwells in heaven, well-winged, falling
to earth; praises soothe the crying infant, the
golden bird, reposing on the earth.

ūrdʰvó gandʰarvó ádʰi nā́ke astʰādvíśvā rūpā́ praticákṣāṇo asya |
bʰānúḥ śukréṇa śocíṣā vyàdyautprā́rūrucadródasī mātárā śúciḥ || 12||

12. ūrdʰvajmsn«√vṛdʰ gandʰarvanmsn adʰip nākanmsl«√nam astʰātvp·U·3s«√stʰā  
     viśvajnpa«√viś rūpannpa«√rūp praticakṣāṇajmsn«prati~√cakṣ ayamr3msg |
     bʰānunmsn«√bʰā śukrajnsi«√śuc śocisnnsi«√śuc vip adyautvp·U·2s«√dyut  
     prap arūrucatvp·U·3s«√ruc rodasnnda mātṛnmda«√mā śucijmsn«√śuc 

12. The elevated Gandharva abides above the
sun contemplating all its forms; the sun shines
with white light, radiant he illumines the creative
heaven and earth.

Sūkta 9.86 

prá ta āśávaḥ pavamāna dʰījávo mádā arṣanti ragʰujā́ iva tmánā |
divyā́ḥ suparṇā́ mádʰumanta índavo madíntamāsaḥ pári kóśamāsate || 1||

1.  prap tvamr2msg āśujmpn«√aś pavamānajmsv«√pū (dʰīnfs«√dʰī-jūjms«√jū)jmpn  
    madajmpn«√mad arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ (ragʰunms«√raṃh-jajms«√jan)jmpn ivac tmanāa«√an |
    divyajmpn«√div suparṇajmpn«su~√pṛ madʰumantjmpn«√madʰ indunmpn«√ind  
    madintamajmpn«√mad parip kośanmsa«√kuś āsateva·A·3p«√ās 

1. Thy juices, purified Soma, all-pervading,
quick as thought, go of themselves like the offspring
of swift mares; the celestial well-winged sweet-flavoured
juices, great exciters of exhilaration, alight
upon the receptacle.

prá te mádāso madirā́sa āśávó'sṛkṣata rátʰyāso yátʰā pṛ́tʰak |
dʰenúrná vatsáṃ páyasābʰí vajríṇamíndramíndavo mádʰumanta ūrmáyaḥ || 2||

2.  prap tvamr2msg madajmpn«√mad madirajmpn«√mad āśujmsn«√aś  
    asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj ratʰyajmpn«√ṛ yadr3nsi (pṛtʰjms«√pṛtʰ-añcjms«√añc)a |
    dʰenunfsn«√dʰe nac vatsanmsa payasnnsi«√pī abʰip vajrinnmsa«√vaj  
    indraNmsa«√ind indunmpn«√ind madʰumantjmpn«√madʰ ūrminmpn«√ṛ 

2. Thy exhilarating all-pervading juices are let
loose separately like chariot-horses; the sweet-flavoured
Soma waves go to Indra the wielder of
the thunderbolt as a cow with her milk to the calf.

átyo ná hiyānó abʰí vā́jamarṣa svarvítkóśaṃ divó ádrimātaram |
vṛ́ṣā pavítre ádʰi sā́no avyáye sómaḥ punāná indriyā́ya dʰā́yase || 3||

3.  atyanmsn«√at? nac hiyānata·Amsn«√hi abʰip vājanmsa«√vāj arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ  
    (svarnns-vidjms«√vid)jmsn kośanmsa«√kuś dyunmsg (adrinms«√dṛ-mātṛnfs«√mā)nmsa |
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ pavitrannsl«√pū adʰip sānunmsl«√san avyayajmsl  
    somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū indriyajnsd«√ind dʰāyasnnsd«√dʰe 

3. Like a horse urged on to battle, do thou who
art all-knowing rush from heaven to the receptacle
whose mother is the cloud; Soma the showerer of
benefits is being purified at the top upon the
woollen filter for Indra's strength which supports
the world.

prá ta ā́śvinīḥ pavamāna dʰījúvo divyā́ asṛgranpáyasā dʰárīmaṇi |
prā́ntárṛ́ṣaya stʰā́virīrasṛkṣata yé tvā mṛjántyṛṣiṣāṇa vedʰásaḥ || 4||

4.  prap tvamr2msg āśvinījfpa«√aś pavamānajmsv«√pū (dʰīnfs«√dʰī-jūjfs«√jū)jfpa  
    divyajfpa«√div asṛgranva·U·3p«√sṛj payasnnsi«√pī dʰarīmannmsl«√dʰṛ |
    prap antara ṛṣinmpn«√ṛṣ stʰāvirījfpa«√stʰū asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj  
    yasr3mpn tvamr2msa mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj (ṛṣinms«√ṛṣ-sānajms«√san)jmsn vedʰasjmpn«√vidʰ 

4. Purified Soma, thy celestial steed-like
streams as quick as thought are poured along
with the milk into the receptacle; the rishis, the
ordainers of sacrifice, who cleanse thee, O rishi-enjoyed
Soma, pour thy continuous streams into
the midst of the vessel.

víśvā dʰā́māni viśvacakṣa ṛ́bʰvasaḥ prabʰóste satáḥ pári yanti ketávaḥ |
vyānaśíḥ pavase soma dʰármabʰiḥ pátirvíśvasya bʰúvanasya rājasi || 5||

5.  viśvajnpa«√viś dʰāmannnpa«√dʰā (viśvanns«√viś-cakṣasjms«√cakṣ)jmsv ṛbʰvasjmsg«√rabʰ  
    prabʰunmsg«pra~√bʰū tvamr2msg sattp·Amsg«√as parip yantivp·A·3p«√i ketujmpn«√cit |
    (vyānanns«vi~√an-śijms«√śī)jmsn pavaseva·A·2s«√pū somaNmsv«√su dʰarmannnpi«√dʰṛ  
    patinmsn«√pā2 viśvajnsg«√viś bʰuvanannsg«√bʰū rājasivp·A·2s«√rāj 

5. All-seeing Soma, the mighty rays of thee,
who art the lord, encompass all the sphere; pervading
all things thou flowest, Soma, through thy
functions; thou rulest lord of the whole world.

ubʰayátaḥ pávamānasya raśmáyo dʰruvásya satáḥ pári yanti ketávaḥ |
yádī pavítre ádʰi mṛjyáte háriḥ sáttā ní yónā kaláśeṣu sīdati || 6||

6.  ubʰayatasa pavamānajmsg«√pū raśminmpn«√raś  
    dʰruvajmsg«√dʰṛ sattp·Amsg«√as parip yantivp·A·3p«√i ketujmpn«√cit |
    yadr3nsl pavitrannsl«√pū adʰip mṛjyatevp·A·3s«√mṛj harijmsn«√hṛ  
    sattṛjmsn«√sad nip yoninmsl«√yu kalaśanmpl«√kal? sīdativp·A·3s«√sad 

6. The rays, the tokens of the extant, steady,
purified Soma, circulate from both worlds; when
the green-tinted juice is cleansed upon the filter,
reposing it alights upon its station, the pitchers.

yajñásya ketúḥ pavate svadʰvaráḥ sómo devā́nāmúpa yāti niṣkṛtám |
sahásradʰāraḥ pári kóśamarṣati vṛ́ṣā pavítramátyeti róruvat || 7||

7.  yajñanmsg«√yaj ketunmsn«√cit pavateva·A·3s«√pū svadʰvarajmsn  
    somanmsn«√su devanmpg«√div upap yātivp·A·3s«√yā niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ |
    (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn parip kośanmsa«√kuś arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ  
    vṛṣanmsn«√vṛṣ pavitrannsa«√pū atip etivp·A·3s«√i roruvattp·Amsn«√ru 

7. Soma, the signal of sacrifice, the object of
pious worship, flows filtered; it approaches the
abode of the gods; the thousand-streamed rushes
to the receptacle, the showerer passes roaring
through the filter.

rā́jā samudráṃ nadyò ví gāhate'pā́mūrmíṃ sacate síndʰuṣu śritáḥ |
ádʰyastʰātsā́nu pávamāno avyáyaṃ nā́bʰā pṛtʰivyā́ dʰarúṇo mahó diváḥ || 8||

8.  rājannmsn«√rāj samudranmsa«sam~√ud nadīnfpa«√nad vip gāhateva·A·3s«√gāh  
    apnfpg ūrminmsa«√ṛ sacateva·A·3s«√sac sindʰunmpl«√sindʰ śritajmsn«√śri |
    adʰip astʰātvp·U·3s«√stʰā sānunnsa«√san pavamānanmsn«√pū avyayajmsa  
    nābʰinfsl«√nabʰ pṛtʰivīnfsg«√pṛtʰ dʰaruṇanmsn«√dʰṛ mahjmsg«√mah dyunmsg 

8. The royal Soma plunges into the firmament,
and the rivers thereof, mixed with the streams,
he associates with the wave of the waters; being
filtered he stands upon the uplifted woollen filter
on the navel of the earth, the upholder of the vast

divó ná sā́nu stanáyannacikradaddyaúśca yásya pṛtʰivī́ ca dʰármabʰiḥ |
índrasya sakʰyáṃ pavate vivévidatsómaḥ punānáḥ kaláśeṣu sīdati || 9||

9.  dyunmsg nac sānunnsa«√san stanayanttp·Amsn«√stan acikradatvp·U·3s«√krand  
    dyunmsn cac yasr3msg pṛtʰivīnfsn«√pṛtʰ cac dʰarmannnpi«√dʰṛ |
    indraNmsg«√ind sakʰyannsa«√sac pavateva·A·3s«√pū vivevidattp·Amsn«√vid  
    somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū kalaśanmpl«√kal? sīdativp·A·3s«√sad 

9. Thundering like the summit of the sky the
Soma roars, by whose support both heaven and
earth are upheld; the Soma flows acquiring
Indra's friendship, purified he alights upon the

jyótiryajñásya pavate mádʰu priyáṃ pitā́ devā́nāṃ janitā́ vibʰū́vasuḥ |
dádʰāti rátnaṃ svadʰáyorapīcyàṃ madíntamo matsará indriyó rásaḥ || 10||

10. jyotisnnsn«√jyot yajñanmsg«√yaj pavateva·A·3s«√pū madʰunnsn«√madʰ priyajnsn«√prī  
     pitṛnmsn devanmpg«√div janitṛnmsn«√jan (vibʰūjns«vi~√bʰū-vasunns«√vas)jmsn |
     dadʰātivp·A·3s«√dʰā ratnannsa«√rā (svanms-dʰājfs«√dʰā)nfdl apīcyajnsa«api~√añc  
     madintamajmsn«√mad (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmsn indriyajmsn«√ind rasanmsn«√ras 

10. The light of the sacrifice, he distills sweet
juice delightful to the gods, the parent of the
gods, the generator of all, possessed of ample
wealth; he supports the hidden wealth of heaven
and earth, the most exhilarating, the exciting
Soma, the nourisher of Indra, the juice.

abʰikrándankaláśaṃ vājyàrṣati pátirdiváḥ śatádʰāro vicakṣaṇáḥ |
hárirmitrásya sádaneṣu sīdati marmṛjānó'vibʰiḥ síndʰubʰirvṛ́ṣā || 11||

11. abʰikrandanttp·Amsn«abʰi~√krand kalaśanmsa«√kal? vājinnmsn«√vāj arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ  
     patinmsn«√pā2 dyunmsg (śatau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ |
     harijmsn«√hṛ mitranmsg«√mitʰ sadanannpl«√sad sīdativp·A·3s«√sad  
     marmṛjānata·Amsn«√mṛj avijnpi«√av sindʰunmpi«√sindʰ vṛṣanjmsn«√vṛṣ 

11. The rapid Soma the lord of heaven, the
thousand-streamed, the beholder of all, rushes
crying aloud to the pitcher; the green-tinted one
alights upon Mitra's dwelling-place, cleansed by
the sheep's hairs and the waters, the showerer.

ágre síndʰūnāṃ pávamāno arṣatyágre vācó agriyó góṣu gacʰati |
ágre vā́jasya bʰajate mahādʰanáṃ svāyudʰáḥ sotṛ́bʰiḥ pūyate vṛ́ṣā || 12||

12. agrannsl«√aṅg sindʰunmpg«√sindʰ pavamānajmsn«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ  
     agrannsl«√aṅg vācnfsg«√vac agriyanmsn«√aṅg gonfpl gacʰativp·A·3s«√gam |
     agrannsl«√aṅg vājanmsg«√vāj bʰajateva·A·3s«√bʰaj (mahatjns«√mah-dʰananns«√dʰan)nnsa  
     svāyudʰajmsn«su-ā~√yudʰ sotṛnmpi«√su pūyatevp·A·3s«√pū vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ 

12. In the front of the waters rushes the filtered
Soma, foremost he rushes in the front of the
voice, he goes amongst the rays; in the front he
engages in battle to win food; well-armed, the
showerer of benefits he is purified by the offerers
of the oblation.

ayáṃ matávāñcʰakunó yátʰā hitó'vye sasāra pávamāna ūrmíṇā |
táva krátvā ródasī antarā́ kave śúcirdʰiyā́ pavate sóma indra te || 13||

13. ayamr3msn matavatjmsn«√man śakunajmsn«√śak yadr3nsi hitajmsn«√hi  
     avyajnsl sasāravp·I·3s«√sṛ pavamānanmsn«√pū ūrminmsi«√ṛ |
     tvamr2msg kratunmsi«√kṛ rodasnnda antarāa kavinmsv«√kū  
     śucijmsn«√śuc dʰīnfsi«√dʰī pavateva·A·3s«√pū somanmsn«√su indraNmsv«√ind tvamr2msd 

13. This Soma possessed of agreeable praise,
filtered, and sent forth, quick as a bird goes with
a stream of juice through the fleece; by thy
sustaining act, by thy intelligence, sage Indra, the
pure Soma flows purified through both heaven and

drāpíṃ vásāno yajató divispṛ́śamantarikṣaprā́ bʰúvaneṣvárpitaḥ |
svàrjajñānó nábʰasābʰyàkramītpratnámasya pitáramā́ vivāsati || 14||

14. drāpinmsa«√drā vasānata·Amsn«√vas yajatajmsn«√yaj (dyunmsl-spṛśjms«√spṛś)jmsa  
     (antara-īkṣajms«√ikṣ-prājms«√pṛ)jmsn bʰuvanannpl«√bʰū arpitajmsn«√ṛ |
     svarnnsl jajñānata·Imsn«√jan nabʰasnnsi«√nabʰ abʰip akramītvp·U·3s«√kram  
     pratnajmsa ayamr3msg pitṛnmsa āp vivāsativp·A·3s«√van 

14. Wearing a coat of mail reaching to heaven,
the adorable Soma, who fills the firmament with
rain, placed in the waters, generating heaven,
passes with the water, and worships its ancient
parent Indra.

só asya viśé máhi śárma yacʰati yó asya dʰā́ma pratʰamáṃ vyānaśé |
padáṃ yádasya paramé vyomanyáto víśvā abʰí sáṃ yāti saṃyátaḥ || 15||

15. sasr3msn ayamr3msg viśnfsd«√viś mahijnsa«√mah śarmannnsa«√śri yacʰativp·A·3s«√yam  
     yasr3msn ayamr3msg dʰāmannnsn«√dʰā pratʰamajnsn (vyānanns«vi~√an-śajms«√śī)jmsl |
     padannsn«√pad yadc ayamr3msg paramajnsl«√pṛ vyomannnsl«√vye ar3nsb  
     viśvajfpa«√viś abʰip samp yātivp·A·3s«√yā saṃyatasa«sam~√yat 

15. Soma, who first reached Indra's glorious
body, gives great happiness to the entrance of
Indra; that Soma, whose station is in the highest
heaven, and through whom Indra triumphs in
all contests.

pró ayāsīdínduríndrasya niṣkṛtáṃ sákʰā sákʰyurná prá mināti saṃgíram |
márya iva yuvatíbʰiḥ sámarṣati sómaḥ kaláśe śatáyāmnā patʰā́ || 16||

16. prap uc ayāsītvp·U·3s«√yā indunmsn«√ind indraNmsg«√ind niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ  
     sakʰinmsn«√sac sakʰinmsg«√sac nac prap minātivp·A·3s«√mī saṃgirnfsa«sam~√gṝ |
     maryanmsn«√mṛ ivac yuvatinfpi«√yu samp arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ  
     somanmsn«√su kalaśanmsl«√kal? (śatau-yāmannns«√yā)jmsi patʰinnmsi«√pantʰ 

16. Indu goes to Indra's abode, the friend leaves
not the stomach of his friend; as a young man
meets maidens, so the Soma meets the pitcher by
a hundred paths.

prá vo dʰíyo mandrayúvo vipanyúvaḥ panasyúvaḥ saṃvásaneṣvakramuḥ |
sómaṃ manīṣā́ abʰyànūṣata stúbʰo'bʰí dʰenávaḥ páyasemaśiśrayuḥ || 17||

17. prap tvamr2mpg dʰīnfpn«√dʰī (mandranms«√mand-yūjfs«√yu)jfpn vipanyūjfpn«√vip  
     (panasnns«√pan-yūjfs«√yu)jfpn saṃvasanannpl«sam~√vas akramurvp·U·3p«√kram |
     somanmsa«√su manīṣājfpn«√man abʰip anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū stubʰnfpn«√stubʰ  
     abʰip dʰenunfpn«√dʰe payasnnsi«√pī īmr3msa aśiśrayurvp·U·3p«√śri 

17. Your thoughtful worshippers Soma, desiring
an exhilarating sound, purposing praise, advance
into the halls of sacrifice; the praisers the lords of
intellect praise Soma, the milch kine approach him
with their milk.

ā́ naḥ soma saṃyátaṃ pipyúṣīmíṣamíndo pávasva pávamāno asrídʰam |
yā́ no dóhate tríráhannásaścuṣī kṣumádvā́javanmádʰumatsuvī́ryam || 18||

18. āp vayamr1mpd somanmsv«√su saṃyatjfsa«sam~√yam pipyuṣījfsa«√pī iṣnfsa«√iṣ  
     indunmsv«√ind pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū pavamānanmsn«√pū asridʰjfsa«a~√sridʰ |
     yār3fsn vayamr1mpd dohateva·A·3s«√duh trisa ahannmsl asaścuṣījfsn«a~√sac  
     kṣumatjnsa«√kṣu vājavatjnsa«√vāj madʰumatjnsa«√madʰ suvīryannsa«su~√vīr 

18. Radiant Soma, when filtered, pour upon us
accumulated unwasting nutritious food, which is
milked for us three times a day, without hindrance,
giving forth a sound, yielding strength and madhu
and fair male offspring.

vṛ́ṣā matīnā́ṃ pavate vicakṣaṇáḥ sómo áhnaḥ pratarītóṣáso diváḥ |
krāṇā́ síndʰūnāṃ kaláśām̐ avīvaśadíndrasya hā́rdyāviśánmanīṣíbʰiḥ || 19||

19. vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ matinfpg«√man pavateva·A·3s«√pū vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ  
     somanmsn«√su ahannmsg pratarītṛnmsn«pra~√tṝ uṣasnfsg«√vas2 dyunmsg |
     krāṇnmsi«√kṛ sindʰunmpg«√sindʰ kalaśanmpa«√kal? avīvaśatvp·U·3s«√vāś  
     indraNmsg«√ind hārdinnsa«√hṛ āviśanttp·Amsn«ā~√viś manīṣinnmpi«√man 

19. The all-observant Soma the showerer of the
desires of his eulogists, the increaser of the day,
the dawn, the sun; maker of rivers he desires to
enter the pitchers, penetrating to Indra's heart,
praised by the wise.

manīṣíbʰiḥ pavate pūrvyáḥ kavírnṛ́bʰiryatáḥ pári kóśām̐ acikradat |
tritásya nā́ma janáyanmádʰu kṣaradíndrasya vāyóḥ sakʰyā́ya kártave || 20||

20. manīṣinnmpi«√man pavateva·A·3s«√pū pūrvyajmsn«√pṝ kavinmsn«√kū  
     nṛnmpi yatajmsn«√yam parip kośanmpa«√kuś acikradatvp·U·3s«√krand |
     tritaNmsg nāmannnsa«√nam janayanttp·Amsn«√jan madʰunnsn«√madʰ kṣaratva·UE3s«√kṣar  
     indraNmsg«√ind vāyuNmsg«√vā sakʰyannsd«√sac kartavev···D··«√kṛ 

20. The ancient sage Soma is purified by the
wise, guided by the priests he roars into the
receptacles; generating the water of the threefold
Indra, he distills sweet juice to gain Indra's and
Vayu's friendship.

ayáṃ punāná uṣáso ví rocayadayáṃ síndʰubʰyo abʰavadu lokakṛ́t |
ayáṃ tríḥ saptá duduhāná āśíraṃ sómo hṛdé pavate cā́ru matsaráḥ || 21||

21. ayamr3msn punānajmsn«√pū uṣasnfpa«√vas2 vip arocayatvp·Aa3s«√ruc  
     ayamr3msn sindʰunmpd«√sindʰ abʰavatvp·Aa3s«√bʰū (ulokanms«√lok-kṛtjms«√kṛ)jmsn |
     ayamr3msn trisu saptau duduhānata·Imsn«√duh āśirnfsa«ā~√śrī  
     somanmsn«√su hṛdnnsd pavateva·A·3s«√pū cārujmsn«√can (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmsn 

21. It is he who, when purified, illumines the
dawn; he the maker of the world is prosperous
for the rivers; this Soma, having milked the thrice
seven cows of their curds and milk, exhilarating,
flows pleasantly to go to the heart.

pávasva soma divyéṣu dʰā́masu sṛjāná indo kaláśe pavítra ā́ |
sī́danníndrasya jaṭʰáre kánikradannṛ́bʰiryatáḥ sū́ryamā́rohayo diví || 22||

22. pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somanmsv«√su divyajnpl«√div dʰāmannnpl«√dʰā  
     sṛjānata·Amsn«√sṛj indunmsv«√ind kalaśanmsl«√kal? pavitrannsl«√pū āp |
     sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad indraNmsg«√ind jaṭʰarannsl kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand  
     nṛnmpi yatajmsn«√yam sūryanmsa«√sūr āp arohayasvp·Aa2s«√ruh dyunmsl 

22. Flow, Soma, to the heavenly abodes; let
forth, O Indu, proceed to the pitcher, to the filter;
alighting upon Indra's belly with a noise, guided
by the priests, make the sun ascend the sky.

ádribʰiḥ sutáḥ pavase pavítra ā́m̐ índavíndrasya jaṭʰáreṣvāviśán |
tváṃ nṛcákṣā abʰavo vicakṣaṇa sóma gotrámáṅgirobʰyo'vṛṇorápa || 23||

23. adrinmpi«√dṛ sutajmsn«√su pavaseva·A·2s«√pū pavitrannsl«√pū āp  
     indunmsv«√ind indraNmsg«√ind jaṭʰarannpl āviśanttp·Amsn«ā~√viś |
     tvamr2msn (nṛnms-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)nmsn abʰavasvp·Aa2s«√bʰū vicakṣaṇajmsv«vi~√cakṣ  
     somanmsv«√su (gonfs-trajns«√trai)nnsa aṅgirasnmpd«√aṅg avṛṇosvp·Aa2s«√vṛ apap 

23. Effused with the stones, thou flowest, Indu,
into the filter entering the belly of Indra; Soma,
the contemplator, thou dost look upon man with
affection; thou didst open the cloud for the

tvā́ṃ soma pávamānaṃ svādʰyó'nu víprāso amadannavasyávaḥ |
tvā́ṃ suparṇá ā́bʰaraddiváspárī́ndo víśvābʰirmatíbʰiḥ páriṣkṛtam || 24||

24. tvamr2msa somanmsv«√su pavamānajmsa«√pū svādʰījmpn«su-ā~√dʰī anup  
     viprajmpn«√vip amadanvp·Aa3p«√mad (avasnns«√av-yujfs«√yu)jmpn |
     tvamr2msa suparṇajmsn«su~√pṛ āp abʰaratvp·Aa3s«√bʰṛ dyunmsb parip  
     indunmsv«√ind viśvajfpi«√viś matinfpi«√man pariṣkṛtajmsa«pari~√kṛ 

24. The pious worshippers desirous of preservation
have glorified thee, Soma, when being purified;
the hawk brought thee from heaven, Indu, adorned
with all praises.

ávye punānáṃ pári vā́ra ūrmíṇā háriṃ navante abʰí saptá dʰenávaḥ |
apā́mupástʰe ádʰyāyávaḥ kavímṛtásya yónā mahiṣā́ aheṣata || 25||

25. avyajmsl punānajmsa«√pū parip vāranmsl«√vṛ2 ūrminmsi«√ṛ  
     harijmsa«√hṛ navanteva·A·3p«√nu abʰip saptau dʰenunfpn«√dʰe |
     apnfpg upastʰanmsl«upa~√stʰā adʰip āyujmpn«√i kavinmsa«√kū  
     ṛtannsg«√ṛ yoninmsl«√yu mahiṣajmpn«√mah aheṣatava·U·3p«√hi 

25. The seven milch kine approach the green-tinted
Soma who flows purified in a stream through
the woollen fleece, mighty men urge thee the sage
on the lap of the waters to the place of sacrifice.

índuḥ punānó áti gāhate mṛ́dʰo víśvāni kṛṇvánsupátʰāni yájyave |
gā́ḥ kṛṇvānó nirṇíjaṃ haryatáḥ kavírátyo ná krī́ḷanpári vā́ramarṣati || 26||

26. indunmsn«√ind punānajmsn«√pū atip gāhateva·A·3s«√gāh mṛdʰasnfpa«√mṛdʰ  
     viśvajnpa«√viś kṛṇvanttp·Amsn«√kṛ supatʰannpa«su~√pantʰ (yajnfs«√yaj-yujms«√yu)jmsd |
     gonfpa kṛṇvānata·Amsn«√kṛ nirṇijnfsa«√nij haryatajmsn«√hary kavinmsn«√kū  
     atyanmsn«√at? nac krīḷanttp·Amsn«√krīḷ parip vāranmsa«√vṛ2 arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ 

26. Indu, purified, plunges through his foes making
all things easy of access to the worshipper; making
his body liquid, lovable and wise, he rushes through
the filter sporting like a horse.

asaścátaḥ śatádʰārā abʰiśríyo háriṃ navanté'va tā́ udanyúvaḥ |
kṣípo mṛjanti pári góbʰirā́vṛtaṃ tṛtī́ye pṛṣṭʰé ádʰi rocané diváḥ || 27||

27. asaścatjfpn«a~√sac (śatau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jfpn abʰiśrījfpn«abʰi~√śrī  
     harijmsa«√hṛ navanteva·A·3p«√nu avapr3fpn (udannns«√ud-yūjfs«√yu)jfpn |
     kṣipnfpn«√kṣip mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj parip gonfpi āvṛtajmsa«ā~√vṛt  
     tṛtīyajnsl pṛṣṭʰannsl«pra~√stʰā adʰip rocanannsl«√ruc dyunmsg 

27. Separate, hundred streamed, commingling
with the Soma, water-desiring, the sun's rays
approach the green-tinted Soma; the fingers
cleanse him pervaded by rays, in the third sphere
illumined by the sun.

távemā́ḥ prajā́ divyásya rétasastváṃ víśvasya bʰúvanasya rājasi |
átʰedáṃ víśvaṃ pavamāna te váśe tvámindo pratʰamó dʰāmadʰā́ asi || 28||

28. tvamr2msg ayamr3fpn prajānfpn«pra~√jan divyannsg«√div retasnnsg«√rī  
     tvamr2msn viśvajnsg«√viś bʰuvanannsg«√bʰū rājasivp·A·2s«√rāj |
     atʰāa ayamr3nsa viśvajnsa«√viś pavamānanmsv«√pū tvamr2msg vaśanmsl«√vaś  
     tvamr2msn indunmsv«√ind pratʰamajmsn (dʰāmannns«√dʰā-dʰājms«√dʰā)nmsn asivp·A·2s«√as 

28. All these are the offspring of thy celestial
effluence; thou art the ruler of the whole world;
so, purified Soma, this universe is in subjection to
thee; thou, Indu, art the foremost, the supporter
of the house.

tváṃ samudró asi viśvavítkave távemā́ḥ páñca pradíśo vídʰarmaṇi |
tváṃ dyā́ṃ ca pṛtʰivī́ṃ cā́ti jabʰriṣe táva jyótīṃṣi pavamāna sū́ryaḥ || 29||

29. tvamr2msn samudranmsn«sam~√ud asivp·A·2s«√as (viśvanns«√viś-vidjms«√vid)jmsn kavinmsv«√kū  
     tvamr2msg ayamr3fpn pañcau pradiśnfpn«pra~√diś vidʰarmannmsl«vi~√dʰṛ |
     tvamr2msn dyunmsa cac pṛtʰivīnfsa«√pṛtʰ cac atip jabʰriṣeva·I·2s«√bʰṛ  
     tvamr2msg jyotisnnpn«√jyot pavamānanmsv«√pū sūryanmsn«√sūr 

29. Thou, O sage, art the ocean, thou art omniscient;
these five regions rest on thy support;
thou sustainest both heaven and earth; the sun,
O Pavamana, nourishes thy luminaries.

tváṃ pavítre rájaso vídʰarmaṇi devébʰyaḥ soma pavamāna pūyase |
tvā́muśíjaḥ pratʰamā́ agṛbʰṇata túbʰyemā́ víśvā bʰúvanāni yemire || 30||

30. tvamr2msn pavitrannsl«√pū rajasnnsg«√raj vidʰarmannmsl«vi~√dʰṛ  
     devanmpd«√div somanmsv«√su pavamānajmsv«√pū pūyasevp·A·2s«√pū |
     tvamr2msa uśijnmpn«√vaś pratʰamajmpn agṛbʰṇatava·Aa3p«√grah  
     tvamr2msd ayamr3npn viśvajnpn«√viś bʰuvanannpn«√bʰū yemireva·I·3p«√yam 

30. Purified Soma, thou art purified for the gods
in the filter the supporter of the world; the chief
priests desiring thee lay hold of thee, all these
worlds offer themselves to thee.

prá rebʰá etyáti vā́ramavyáyaṃ vṛ́ṣā váneṣváva cakradaddʰáriḥ |
sáṃ dʰītáyo vāvaśānā́ anūṣata śíśuṃ rihanti matáyaḥ pánipnatam || 31||

31. prap rebʰajmsn«√ribʰ etivp·A·3s«√i atip vāranmsa«√vṛ2 avyayajmsa  
     vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ vanannpl«√van avap cakradatvp·U·3s«√krand harijmsn«√hṛ |
     samp dʰītinfpn«√dʰī vāvaśānata·Afpn«√vāś anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
     śiśunmsa«√śū rihantivp·A·3p«√rih matinfpn«√man panipnattp·Amsa«√pan 

31. The sounding Soma passes through the
woollen fleece; the green-tinted showerer cries in
the waters; the worshippers desiring the Soma
praise him together, the laudations soothe the infant
as he cries.

sá sū́ryasya raśmíbʰiḥ pári vyata tántuṃ tanvānástrivṛ́taṃ yátʰā vidé |
náyannṛtásya praśíṣo návīyasīḥ pátirjánīnāmúpa yāti niṣkṛtám || 32||

32. sasr3msn sūryanmsg«√sūr raśminmpi«√raś parip vyatava·UE3s«√vye  
     tantunmsa«√tan tanvānajmsn«√tan (triu-vṛtjms«√vṛ)jmsa yadr3nsi videv···D··«√vid |
     nayanttp·Amsn«√nī ṛtannsg«√ṛ praśiṣnfpa«pra~√śās navīyasījfpa  
     patinmsn«√pā2 janīnfpg«√jan upap yātivp·A·3s«√yā niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ 

32. He invests himself with the rays of the sun
stretching out the triple thread in the way he
knows; guiding the recent adorations of the truthful
worshipper, the protector of women passes to
the consecrated vessel.

rā́jā síndʰūnāṃ pavate pátirdivá ṛtásya yāti patʰíbʰiḥ kánikradat |
sahásradʰāraḥ pári ṣicyate háriḥ punānó vā́caṃ janáyannúpāvasuḥ || 33||

33. rājannmsn«√rāj sindʰunmpg«√sindʰ pavateva·A·3s«√pū patinmsn«√pā2 dyunmsg  
     ṛtannsg«√ṛ yātivp·A·3s«√yā patʰinnmpi«√pantʰ kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand |
     (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn parip sicyatevp·A·3s«√sic harijmsn«√hṛ  
     punānajmsn«√pū vācnfsa«√vac janayanttp·Amsn«√jan upāvasunmsn«upa~√vas 

33. The sovereign of rivers flows pure, the lord
of heaven goes with a shout by the paths of the
sacrifice; the thousand -streamed green-tinted Soma
is poured out, uttering a sound while being filtered,
the bringer of wealth.

pávamāna máhyárṇo ví dʰāvasi sū́ro ná citró ávyayāni pávyayā |
gábʰastipūto nṛ́bʰirádribʰiḥ sutó mahé vā́jāya dʰányāya dʰanvasi || 34||

34. pavamānannsv«√pū mahijnsn«√mah arṇasnnsn vip dʰāvasivp·A·2s«√dʰāv  
     sūranmsn«√sūr nac citrajmsn«√cit avyayajnpa pavyayannpa«√pū |
     (gabʰastinms-pūtajms«√pū)jmsn nṛnmpi adrinmpi«√dṛ sutajmsn«√su  
     mahjmsd«√mah vājanmsd«√vāj dʰanyajmsd«√dʰan dʰanvasivp·A·2s«√dʰanv 

34. Purified Soma, thou pourest forth abundant
juice; like the wonderful sun thou approachest the
fleecy filters; purified by the hands of the priests,
expressed with the stones thou flowest for a mighty
wealth-yielding conflict.

íṣamū́rjaṃ pavamānābʰyàrṣasi śyenó ná váṃsu kaláśeṣu sīdasi |
índrāya mádvā mádyo mádaḥ sutó divó viṣṭambʰá upamó vicakṣaṇáḥ || 35||

35. iṣnfsa«√iṣ ūrjjfsa«√ūrj pavamānanmsv«√pū abʰip arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ  
     śyenanmsn nac vannmpl kalaśanmpl«√kal? sīdasivp·A·2s«√sad |
     indraNmsd«√ind madvanjmsn«√mad madyajmsn«√mad madanmsn«√mad sutajmsn«√su  
     dyunmsg viṣṭambʰanmsn«vi~√stambʰ upamajmsn vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ 

35. Thou rushest, Pavamana, to bring food and
strength; thou alightest on the pitchers like a
falcon on its nest; thou the exhilarating effused
juice giving exhilaration to Indra, resembling the
support of heaven, beholding all things.

saptá svásāro abʰí mātáraḥ śíśuṃ návaṃ jajñānáṃ jényaṃ vipaścítam |
apā́ṃ gandʰarváṃ divyáṃ nṛcákṣasaṃ sómaṃ víśvasya bʰúvanasya rājáse || 36||

36. saptau svasṛnfpn abʰip mātṛnfpn«√mā śiśunmsa«√śū  
     navajmsa jajñānata·Amsa«√jan jenyajmsa«√jan (vipnfpa«√vip-citjms«√ci)jmsa |
     apnfpg gandʰarvanmsa divyajmsa«√div (nṛnms-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)nmsa  
     somanmsa«√su viśvajnsg«√viś bʰuvanannsg«√bʰū rājasev···D··«√rāj 

36. The seven sister mothers approach the newborn
victorious sagacious infant, Soma, abiding
amidst the waters, supporter of water, divine, the
contemplator of men, to make him the ruler of the
whole world.

īśāná imā́ bʰúvanāni vī́yase yujāná indo harítaḥ suparṇyàḥ |
tā́ste kṣarantu mádʰumadgʰṛtáṃ páyastáva vraté soma tiṣṭʰantu kṛṣṭáyaḥ || 37||

37. īśānajmsn«√īś ayamr3npa bʰuvanannpa«√bʰū vip īyasevp·A·2s«√i  
     yujānata·Amsn«√yuj indunmsv«√ind haritnfpa«√hṛ suparṇīnfpa«su~√pṛ |
     tār3fpn tvamr2msd kṣarantuvp·Ao3p«√kṣar madʰumatjnsa«√madʰ gʰṛtajnsa«√gʰṛ payasnnsa«√pī  
     tvamr2msg vratannsl«√vṛ2 somaNmsv«√su tiṣṭʰantuvp·Ao3p«√stʰā kṛṣṭinfpn«√kṛṣ 

37. Indu, who art the lord, thou goest through
these worlds, harnessing to thy car thy swift-moving
steeds; let them dispense the sweet-flavoured shining
liquor, may all men be present, Soma, at thy worship.

tváṃ nṛcákṣā asi soma viśvátaḥ pávamāna vṛṣabʰa tā́ ví dʰāvasi |
sá naḥ pavasva vásumaddʰíraṇyavadvayáṃ syāma bʰúvaneṣu jīváse || 38||

38. tvamr2msn (nṛnms-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as somaNmsv«√su viśvatasa«√viś  
     pavamānanmsv«√pū (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsv tadr3npa vip dʰāvasivp·A·2s«√dʰāv |
     sasr3msn vayamr1mpd pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū vasumatjnsa«√vas hiraṇyavatjnsa«√hṛ  
     vayamr1mpn syāmavp·Ai1p«√as bʰuvanannpl«√bʰū jīvasev···D··«√jīv 

38. Thou, Soma, art everywhere, the contemplator
of men; thou, Pavamana, the showerer,
hastenest to these waters; do thou pour forth
upon us wealth, comprising various treasures and
gold; may we be able to live in the worlds.

govítpavasva vasuvíddʰiraṇyavídretodʰā́ indo bʰúvaneṣvárpitaḥ |
tváṃ suvī́ro asi soma viśvavíttáṃ tvā víprā úpa girémá āsate || 39||

39. (gonfs-vidjms«√vid)jmsn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (vasunns«√vas-vidjms«√vid)jmsn (hiraṇyanms«√hṛ-vidjms«√vid)jmsn  
     (retasnns«√rī-dʰājms«√dʰā)jmsn indunmsv«√ind bʰuvanannpl«√bʰū arpitajmsn«√ṛ |
     tvamr2msn suvīrajmsn«su~√vīr asivp·A·2s«√as somaNmsv«√su (viśvanns«√viś-vidjms«√vid)jmsn  
     sasr3msa tvamr2msa viprajmpn«√vip upap girnfsi«√gṝ ayamr3mpn āsateva·A·3p«√ās 

39. Flow, Indu, who art the winner of cattle,
wealth, and gold, the fructifier, placed upon the
waters; thou, Soma, art a hero, omniscient; thee
these sages approach with praise.

únmádʰva ūrmírvanánā atiṣṭʰipadapó vásāno mahiṣó ví gāhate |
rā́jā pavítraratʰo vā́jamā́ruhatsahásrabʰṛṣṭirjayati śrávo bṛhát || 40||

40. udp madʰunnsg«√madʰ ūrminmsn«√ṛ vananānfpa«√van atiṣṭʰipatvp·U·3s«√stʰā  
     apnfpa vasānata·Amsn«√vas mahiṣajmsn«√mah vip gāhateva·A·3s«√gāh |
     rājannmsn«√rāj (pavitranns«√pū-ratʰanms«√ṛ)jmsn vājanmsa«√vāj āp aruhatvp·U·3s«√ruh  
     (sahasrau-bʰṛṣṭinfs«√bʰrajj)jmsn jayativp·A·3s«√ji śravasnnsa«√śru bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh 

40. The wave of the sweet-flavoured Soma
excites voices of praise; clothed in water the
mighty one plunges into the pitcher: the king
whose chariot is the filter mounts for the conflict,
and, armed with a thousand weapons, wins ample
sustenance for us.

sá bʰandánā údiyarti prajā́vatīrviśvā́yurvíśvāḥ subʰárā áhardivi |
bráhma prajā́vadrayímáśvapastyaṃ pītá indavíndramasmábʰyaṃ yācatāt || 41||

41. sasr3msn bʰandanānfpa«√bʰand udp iyartivp·A·3s«√ṛ prajāvatījfpa«pra~√jan  
     (viśvajms«√viś-āyusnns«√i)nnsn viśvajfpa«√viś subʰarajfpa«su~√bʰṛ (aharnns-dyunmsl)a |
     brahmannnsa«√bṛh prajāvatjnsa«pra~√jan rayinmsa«√rā (aśvanms«√aś-pastyanms«√pas)jmsa  
     pītajmsn«√pā indunmsv«√ind indraNmsa«√ind vayamr1mpd yācatātvp·Ao2s«√yāc 

41. The all-pervading Soma excites both day
and night all praises easily borne, productive of
prosperity; Indu, when drunk, solicit Indra to
give us food productive of progeny and riches
filling our homes.

só ágre áhnāṃ hárirharyató mádaḥ prá cétasā cetayate ánu dyúbʰiḥ |
dvā́ jánā yātáyannantárīyate nárā ca śáṃsaṃ daívyaṃ ca dʰartári || 42||

42. sasr3msn agrannsl«√aṅg ahannmpg harijmsn«√hṛ haryatajmsn«√hary madanmsn«√mad  
     prap cetasnnsi«√cit cetayateva·A·3s«√cit anup dyunmpi |
     dvau jananmda«√jan yātayanttp·Amsn«√yat antara īyatevp·A·3s«√i  
     nṛnmsi cac śaṃsanmsa«√śaṃs daivyajmsa«√div cac dʰartṛnmsl«√dʰṛ 

42. At the beginning of the day the green-tinted
delightful exhilarating Soma is recognized
by the intelligence of the praisers and by their
praises; approaching the two men a he passes in
the midst of heaven and earth, bestowing upon
the upholder of the rite both human and divine

añjáte vyàñjate sámañjate krátuṃ rihanti mádʰunābʰyàñjate |
síndʰorucʰvāsé patáyantamukṣáṇaṃ hiraṇyapāvā́ḥ paśúmāsu gṛbʰṇate || 43||

43. añjateva·A·3p«√añj vip añjateva·A·3p«√añj samp añjateva·A·3p«√añj kratunmsa«√kṛ  
     rihantivp·A·3p«√rih madʰunnsi«√madʰ abʰip añjateva·A·3p«√añj |
     sindʰunmsg«√sindʰ ucʰvāsanmsl«ud~√śvas patayanttp·Amsa«√pat ukṣaṇjmsa«√ukṣ  
     (hiraṇyajms«√hṛ-pāvajms«√pū)jmpn paśunmsa«√paś2 ayamr3fpl gṛbʰṇateva·A·3p«√grah 

43. The priests smear and grease and anoints
the Soma with milk; the gods taste the invigorating
juice; they smear it o'er with sweet milk.
Purifying it with gold, they plunge it into those
waters the sprinkler, the beholder, falling into
the seething torrent.

vipaścíte pávamānāya gāyata mahī́ ná dʰā́rā́tyándʰo arṣati |
áhirná jūrṇā́máti sarpati tvácamátyo ná krī́ḷannasaradvṛ́ṣā háriḥ || 44||

44. (vipnfpa«√vip-citjms«√ci)jmsd pavamānanmsd«√pū gāyatavp·AE2p«√gai  
     mahījfsn«√mah nac dʰārānfsn«√dʰṛ atip andʰasnnsn«√andʰ arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
     ahinmsn«√aṃh nac jūrṇājfsa«√jṝ atip sarpativp·A·3s«√sṛp tvacnfsa«√tvac  
     atyanmsn«√at? nac krīḷanttp·Amsn«√krīḷ asaratvp·Aa3s«√sṛ vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ harijmsn«√hṛ 

44. Sing ye priests to the intelligent Pavamana;
like a mighty shower he sends forth food; like a
snake he glides out of his old skin, sporting like
a horse he hastens forth, the showerer, green-tinted.

agregó rā́jā́pyastaviṣyate vimā́no áhnāṃ bʰúvaneṣvárpitaḥ |
hárirgʰṛtásnuḥ sudṛ́śīko arṇavó jyotī́ratʰaḥ pavate rāyá okyàḥ || 45||

45. (agrannsl«√aṅg-gajms«√gam)jmsn rājannmsn«√rāj apyajmsn taviṣyateva·A·3s«√tu  
     vimānajmsn«vi~√man ahannmpg bʰuvanannpl«√bʰū arpitajmsn«√ṛ |
     harijmsn«√hṛ (gʰṛtanns«√gʰṛ-snujms«√snu)jmsn sudṛśīkajmsn«su~√dṛś arṇavajmsn«√ṛṇ  
     (jyotisnns«√jyot-ratʰanms«√ṛ)jmsn pavateva·A·3s«√pū rainmsd«√rā okyajmsn«√uc 

45. Soma going foremost, radiant, sanctified by
water, placed in the firmament as the measurer of
days is glorified; green-tinted, shedding water, of
goodly aspect, the source of moisture, borne in a
chariot of light he flows giving wealth, friendly to
the house.

ásarji skambʰó divá údyato mádaḥ pári tridʰā́turbʰúvanānyarṣati |
aṃśúṃ rihanti matáyaḥ pánipnataṃ girā́ yádi nirṇíjamṛgmíṇo yayúḥ || 46||

46. asarjivp·U·3s«√sṛj skambʰanmsn«√skambʰ dyunmsg udyatajmsn«√yam madanmsn«√mad  
     parip (triu-dʰātunns«√dʰā)jmsn bʰuvanannpa«√bʰū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
     aṃśunmsa«√aś rihantivp·A·3p«√rih matinfpn«√man panipnattp·Amsa«√pan  
     girnfsi«√gṝ yadr3nsl nirṇijnfsa«√nij ṛgminnmpn«√ṛc yayuvp·I·3p«√yā 

46. The supporter of heaven the prepared exhilarating
Soma is let loose, the triple liquor
rushes to the waters; the worshippers taste the
sounding Soma juice, when the reciters of holy texts
approach the embodied beverage with praise.

prá te dʰā́rā átyáṇvāni meṣyàḥ punānásya saṃyáto yanti ráṃhayaḥ |
yádgóbʰirindo camvòḥ samajyása ā́ suvānáḥ soma kaláśeṣu sīdasi || 47||

47. prap tvamr2msg dʰārānfpn«√dʰṛ atip aṇvajnpa meṣīnfsg«√miṣ  
     punānajmsg«√pū saṃyatjfpn«sam~√yam yantivp·A·3p«√i raṃhinfpn«√raṃh |
     yadc gonfpi indunmsv«√ind camūnfdl samajyaseva·A·2s«sam~√añj āp  
     suvānata·A?sn«√su somaNmsv«√su kalaśanmpl«√kal? sīdasivp·A·2s«√sad 

47. The rapid streams of thee when thou art
purified, being collected together pass through the
interstices of the fleece; when thou art mixed with
water in the ladles, thou, Soma, on being effused
alightest on the pitchers.

pávasva soma kratuvínna uktʰyó'vyo vā́re pári dʰāva mádʰu priyám |
jahí víśvānrakṣása indo atríṇo bṛhádvadema vidátʰe suvī́rāḥ || 48||

48. pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somaNmsv«√su (kratunms«√kṛ-vidjms«√vid)jmsn vayamr1mpd uktʰyajmsn«√vac  
     avinmsg vāranmsl«√vṛ2 parip dʰāvavp·Ao2s«√dʰāv madʰunnsn«√madʰ priyajnsn«√prī |
     jahivp·Ao2s«√han viśvajmpa«√viś rakṣasnmpa«√rakṣ indunmsv«√ind atrinnmpa«√ad  
     bṛhata«√bṛh vademavp·Ai1p«√vad vidatʰannsl«√vid suvīrajmpn«su~√vīr 

48. Flow for us, Soma, cognisant of our worship
and deserving praise; pour thy beloved sweet-flavoured
juice upon the woollen fleece; slay, Indu,
all the voracious Rakshasas; blessed with excellent
male offspring may we offer ample praises at the

Sūkta 9.87 

prá tú drava pári kóśaṃ ní ṣīda nṛ́bʰiḥ punānó abʰí vā́jamarṣa |
áśvaṃ ná tvā vājínaṃ marjáyantó'cʰā barhī́ raśanā́bʰirnayanti || 1||

1.  prap tuc dravavp·Ao2s«√dru parip kośanmsa«√kuś nip sīdavp·Ao2s«√sad  
    nṛnmpi punānajmsn«√pū abʰip vājanmsa«√vāj arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ |
    aśvanmsa«√aś nac tvamr2msa vājinnmsa«√vāj marjayanttp·Ampn«√mṛj  
    acʰāp barhisnnsa«√barh raśanānfpi«√raś nayantivp·A·3p«√nī 

1. Flow fast Soma, sit down on the receptacle,
purified by the priests hasten showing food to the
sacrificer; cleansing thee like a strong horse, they
guide thee with their fingers for reins to the sacred

svāyudʰáḥ pavate devá índuraśastihā́ vṛjánaṃ rákṣamāṇaḥ |
pitā́ devā́nāṃ janitā́ sudákṣo viṣṭambʰó divó dʰarúṇaḥ pṛtʰivyā́ḥ || 2||

2.  svāyudʰajmsn«su-ā~√yudʰ pavateva·A·3s«√pū devanmsn«√div indunmsn«√ind  
    (aśastinfs«√śas-hanjms«√han)jmsn vṛjanannsa«√vṛj rakṣamāṇajmsn«√rakṣ |
    pitṛnmsn devanmpg«√div janitṛnmsn«√jan sudakṣajmsn«su~√dakṣ  
    viṣṭambʰanmsn«vi~√stambʰ dyunmsg dʰaruṇanmsn«√dʰṛ pṛtʰivīnfsg«√pṛtʰ 

2. The divine Indu well-armed flows forth, the
destroyer of Rakshasas, averting calamity, the protector
of the gods, the progenitor, the powerful one,
the prop of heaven, the support of the earth.

ṛ́ṣirvípraḥ puraetā́ jánānāmṛbʰúrdʰī́ra uśánā kā́vyena |
sá cidviveda níhitaṃ yádāsāmapīcyàṃ guhyaṃ nā́ma gónām || 3||

3.  ṛṣinmsn«√ṛṣ viprajmsn«√vip (purasa«√pṝ-etṛnms«√i)nmsn jananmpg«√jan  
    ṛbʰujmsn«√rabʰ dʰīrajmsn«√dʰī uśanasnmsn«√vaś kāvyannsi«√kū |
    sasr3msn cidc vivedavp·I·3s«√vid nihitajnsa«ni~√dʰā yadc ayamr3fpg  
    apīcyajnsa«api~√añc guhyajnsa«√guh nāmannnsa«√nam gonfpg 

3. The rishi, the sage, the foremost of men, the
far shining intelligent Ushanas - he verily by his
poetic gift discovered the secret milk of those cows
which was hidden and concealed.

eṣá syá te mádʰumām̐ indra sómo vṛ́ṣā vṛ́ṣṇe pári pavítre akṣāḥ |
sahasrasā́ḥ śatasā́ bʰūridā́vā śaśvattamáṃ barhírā́ vājyàstʰāt || 4||

4.  eṣasr3msn syar3msn tvamr2msd madʰumantjmsn«√madʰ indraNmsv«√ind somanmsn«√su  
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ vṛṣannmsd«√vṛṣ parip pavitrannsl«√pū akṣārvp·U·3s«√kṣar |
    (sahasrau-sanjms«√san)jmsn (śatau-sanjms«√san)jmsn (bʰūrijms«√bʰū-dāvanjms«√dā)jmsn  
    śaśvattamama«√śaś barhisnnsa«√barh āp vājinnmsn«√vāj astʰātvp·U·3s«√stʰā 

4. For thee, Indra, the showerer, this sweet-flavoured
Soma the showerer has been poured into
the filter; the giver of thousandfold wealth, the
giver of hundredfold wealth, the giver of abundant
wealth, the powerful is present at the eternal

eté sómā abʰí gavyā́ sahásrā mahé vā́jāyāmṛ́tāya śrávāṃsi |
pavítrebʰiḥ pávamānā asṛgrañcʰravasyávo ná pṛtanā́jo átyāḥ || 5||

5.  etasr3mpn somanmpn«√su abʰip gavyajnpa sahasrajnpa  
    mahjmsd«√mah vājanmsd«√vāj amṛtannsd«a~√mṛ śravasnnpa«√śru |
    pavitrannpi«√pū pavamānajmpn«√pū asṛgranva·U·3p«√sṛj  
    (śravasnns«√śru-yujms«√yu)jmpn nac (pṛtanānfs«√pṛc-ajjms«√aj)jmpn atyanmpn«√at? 

5. These Soma juices, going towards the thousand
viands produced by the kine, purified by the filters,
are let loose for ample food and ambrosia, desiring
food like horses victorious over a host.

pári hí ṣmā puruhūtó jánānāṃ víśvā́saradbʰójanā pūyámānaḥ |
átʰā́ bʰara śyenabʰṛta práyāṃsi rayíṃ túñjāno abʰí vā́jamarṣa || 6||

6.  parip hic smac (purua«√pṝ-hūtajms«√hu)jmsn jananmpg«√jan  
    viśvajnpa«√viś asaratvp·Aa3s«√sṛ bʰojanannpa«√bʰuj pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū |
    atʰaa āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ (śyenanms-bʰṛtajms«√bʰṛ)jmsv prayasnnpa«√prī  
    rayinmsa«√rā tuñjānata·Amsn«√tuj abʰip vājanmsa«√vāj arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ 

6. Invoked by many, the Soma, undergoing
purification, pours forth all food for the sake of
men; falcon-borne, bring us food, conveying wealth
send forth thy juice.

eṣá suvānáḥ pári sómaḥ pavítre sárgo ná sṛṣṭó adadʰāvadárvā |
tigmé śíśāno mahiṣó ná śṛ́ṅge gā́ gavyánnabʰí śū́ro ná sátvā || 7||

7.  eṣasr3msn suvānata·A?sn«√su parip somanmsn«√su pavitrannsl«√pū  
    sarganmsn«√sṛj nac sṛṣṭajmsn«√sṛj adadʰāvatvp·U·3s«√dʰāv arvannmsn«√ṛ |
    tigmajnda«√tij śiśānata·Amsn«√śi mahiṣajmsn«√mah nac śṛṅgannda«√śṛṅ?  
    gonfpa gavyanttp·Amsn«√go abʰip śūranmsn«√śūr nac satvanjmsn«√as 

7. When effused, this quick-flowing Soma hastens
to the filter like a steed let loose; whilst alighting
he moves like a buffalo sharpening his pointed
horns, like a warrior on a foray for cattle.

eṣā́ yayau paramā́dantárádreḥ kū́citsatī́rūrvé gā́ viveda |
divó ná vidyútstanáyantyabʰraíḥ sómasya te pavata indra dʰā́rā || 8||

8.  eṣār3fsn āp yayauvp·I·3s«√yā paramajmsb«√pṛ antara adrinmsg«√dṛ  
    kūcidc satījfpa«√as ūrvajmsl«√vṛ gonfpa vivedavp·I·3s«√vid |
    dyunmsb nac vidyutnfsn«vi~√dyut stanayanttp·Afsn«√stan (apnfs-bʰrajms«√bʰṛ)nnpi  
    somanmsg«√su tvamr2msd pavateva·A·3s«√pū indraNmsv«√ind dʰārānfsn«√dʰṛ 

8. This Soma stream has come from on high and
has detected the cattle which were in a stall
hidden somewhere within the mountain; the
stream of the Soma flows for thee, Indra, thundering
like lightning emitted by the clouds from

utá sma rāśíṃ pári yāsi gónāmíndreṇa soma sarátʰaṃ punānáḥ |
pūrvī́ríṣo bṛhatī́rjīradāno śíkṣā śacīvastáva tā́ upaṣṭút || 9||

9.  utac smac rāśinmsa parip yāsivp·A·2s«√yā gonfpg  
    indraNmsi«√ind somanmsv«√su saratʰama«sa~√ṛ punānajmsn«√pū |
    pūrvījfpa«√pṝ iṣnfpa«√iṣ bṛhatījfpa«√bṛh (jīrajms«√jinv-dānujms«√dā)jmsv  
    śikṣavp·Ao2s«√śak śacīvatjmsv«√śak tvamr2msgr3fsn upaṣṭutjfsn«upa~√stu 

9. And being purified, Soma, thou pursuest the
herd of stolen cattle in the same chariot with
Indra; O thou who givest quickly, give us when
invoked plentiful and abundant viands, for they are
thy property, O thou who aboundest in food.

Sūkta 9.88 

ayáṃ sóma indra túbʰyaṃ sunve túbʰyaṃ pavate tvámasya pāhi |
tváṃ ha yáṃ cakṛṣé tváṃ vavṛṣá índuṃ mádāya yújyāya sómam || 1||

1.  ayamr3msn somanmsn«√su indraNmsv«√ind tvamr2msd sunveva·U·3s«√su  
    tvamr2msd pavateva·A·3s«√pū tvamr2msn ayamr3msg pāhivp·Ao2s«√pā |
    tvamr2msn hac yasr3msa cakṛṣeva·I·2s«√kṛ tvamr2msn vavṛṣeva·I·2s«√vṛ2  
    indunmsa«√ind madanmsd«√mad yujyannsd«√yuj somanmsa«√su 

1. This Soma is expressed for thee, Indra; for
thee it is filtered; do thou drink of it; it is the
Indu Soma which thou hast made, which thou hast
chosen for thine exhilaration, thy companion.

sá īṃ rátʰo ná bʰuriṣā́ḷayoji maháḥ purū́ṇi sātáye vásūni |
ā́dīṃ víśvā nahuṣyā̀ṇi jātā́ svàrṣātā vána ūrdʰvā́ navanta || 2||

2.  sasr3msn īmc ratʰanmsn«√ṛ nac (bʰuria«√bʰū-ṣāṭjms«√sah)jmsn ayojivp·U·3s«√yuj  
    mahajmsn«√mah purujnpa«√pṝ sātinfsd«√san vasunnpa«√vas |
    ātc īmr3msa viśvajnpn«√viś nahuṣyajnpn«√nah jātajnpn«√jan  
    (svarnns-sātinfs«√san)jfsl vanannsl«√van ūrdʰvajnpn«√vṛdʰ navantava·Ae3p«√nu 

2. It has been harnessed like a great wagon
that bears heavy burdens in order to bring us many
treasures; after this may all the races of men
expecting our attack go to the desirable battle.

vāyúrná yó niyútvām̐ iṣṭáyāmā nā́satyeva háva ā́ śámbʰaviṣṭʰaḥ |
viśvávāro draviṇodā́ iva tmánpūṣéva dʰījávano'si soma || 3||

3.  vāyuNmsn«√vā nac yasr3msn niyutvantjmsn«ni~√yu (iṣṭanns«√iṣ-yāmanjms«√yā)jmsn  
    nāsatyanmdn«√nas ivac havanmsl«√hve āp (śamnfs«√śam-bʰaviṣṭʰajms«√bʰū)jmsn |
    (viśvajms«√viś-vārajms«√vṛ2)jmsn (draviṇasnns«√dru-dājms«√dā)jmsn ivac  
    tmana«√an pūṣanNmsn«√pūṣ ivac (dʰīnfs«√dʰī-javanajms«√jū)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as somaNmsv«√su 

3. Thou, Soma, who like Vayu with his Niyut
steeds goest where thou listest, who like the
Nasatyas on hearing the invocation dost grant
abundant felicity, thou art of thyself desired by
all like the giver of wealth, thou art like Pushan,
swift as thought.

índro ná yó mahā́ kármāṇi cákrirhantā́ vṛtrā́ṇāmasi soma pūrbʰít |
paidvó ná hí tvámáhināmnāṃ hantā́ víśvasyāsi soma dásyoḥ || 4||

4.  indraNmsn«√ind nac yasr3msn mahajnpa«√mah karmannnpa«√kṛ cakrijmsn«√kṛ  
    hantṛnmsn«√han vṛtrannpg«√vṛ asivp·A·2s«√as somaNmsv«√su (purnfs-bʰidjms«√bʰid)jmsn |
    paidvanmsn nac hic tvamr2msn (ahinms«√aṃh-nāmannns«√nam)jnpg  
    hantṛnmsn«√han viśvannsg«√viś asivp·A·2s«√as somaNmsv«√su (dasnfs«√das-yujms«√yu)nmsg 

4. Thou, Soma, who like Indra performest mighty
acts, art the slayer of the Vrtras, the destroyer of
strongholds; like the horse of Pedu thou art the
slayer of those who are called serpents; thou art
the slayer of every Dasyu.

agnírná yó vána ā́ sṛjyámāno vṛ́tʰā pā́jāṃsi kṛṇute nadī́ṣu |
jáno ná yúdʰvā mahatá upabdíríyarti sómaḥ pávamāna ūrmím || 5||

5.  agninmsn«√aṅg nac yasr3msn vanannsl«√van āp sṛjyamānatp·Amsn«√sṛj  
    vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 pājasnnpa«√pāj kṛṇuteva·A·3s«√kṛ nadīnfpl«√nad |
    jananmsn«√jan nac yudʰvanjmsn«√yudʰ mahatjmsg«√mah upabdinmsn  
    iyartivp·A·3s«√ṛ somanmsn«√su pavamānajmsn«√pū ūrminmsa«√ṛ 

5. Soma who, like Agni let loose in a forest,
easily manifests his might in the waters like a man
who fights shouting against his mighty foe -so
Soma when purified urges on his wave.

eté sómā áti vā́rāṇyávyā divyā́ ná kóśāso abʰrávarṣāḥ |
vṛ́tʰā samudráṃ síndʰavo ná nī́cīḥ sutā́so abʰí kaláśām̐ asṛgran || 6||

6.  etasr3mpn somanmpn«√su atip vārannpa«√vṛ2 avyajnpa  
    divyajmpn«√div nac kośanmpn«√kuś (apnfs-bʰrajms«√bʰṛ-varṣajms«√vṛṣ)jmpn |
    vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 samudranmsa«sam~√ud sindʰunfpn«√sindʰ nac nīcinfpn«ni~√añc  
    sutajmpn«√su abʰip kalaśanmpa«√kal? asṛgranva·U·3p«√sṛj 

6. These Soma juices pass through the woollen
fleece, like the rains of heaven showered by the
clouds; the effused juices flow promptly to the
pitchers as rivers running downward flow into
the ocean.

śuṣmī́ śárdʰo ná mā́rutaṃ pavasvā́nabʰiśastā divyā́ yátʰā víṭ |
ā́po ná makṣū́ sumatírbʰavā naḥ sahásrāpsāḥ pṛtanāṣā́ṇná yajñáḥ || 7||

7.  śuṣminnmsn«√śuṣ śardʰasnnsn«√śṛdʰ nac mārutajnsn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū  
    anabʰiśastājfsn«an-abʰi~√śas divyājfsn«√div yadr3nsi viśnfsn«√viś |
    apnfpn nac makṣūa sumatijmsn«su~√man bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū vayamr1mpd  
    (sahasrau-apnfs-sanjms«√san)jmsn (pṛtanānfs«√pṛc-ṣāṭjms«√sah)jmsn nac yajñanmsn«√yaj 

7. Flow strong as the army of the Maruts, like
the divine blameless folk; like waters become
quickly favourable to us; thou art of a thousand
shapes, adorable like Indra the victor in battle.

rā́jño nú te váruṇasya vratā́ni bṛhádgabʰīráṃ táva soma dʰā́ma |
śúciṣṭvámasi priyó ná mitró dakṣā́yyo aryamévāsi soma || 8||

8.  rājannmsg«√rāj nuc tvamr2msg varuṇaNmsg«√vṛ vratannpn«√vṛ2  
    bṛhatjnsn«√bṛh gabʰīrajnsn«√gambʰ tvamr2msg somaNmsv«√su dʰāmannnsn«√dʰā |
    śucijmsn«√śuc tvamr2msn asivp·A·2s«√as priyajmsn«√prī nac mitranmsn«√mitʰ  
    dakṣāyyajmsn«√dakṣ aryamanNmsn«√ṛ ivac asivp·A·2s«√as somaNmsv«√su 

8. Thy acts are like those of the royal Varuna
vast and profound, Soma, is thine abode; thou art
pure as the beloved Mitra, munificent art thou,
Soma, as Aryaman.

Sūkta 9.89 

pró syá váhniḥ patʰyā̀bʰirasyāndivó ná vṛṣṭíḥ pávamāno akṣāḥ |
sahásradʰāro asadannyàsmé mātúrupástʰe vána ā́ ca sómaḥ || 1||

1.  prap uc syar3msn vahninmsn«√vah patʰyānfpi«√pantʰ asyānvp·U·3s«√syand  
    dyunmsb nac vṛṣṭinfsn«√vṛṣ pavamānanmsn«√pū akṣārvp·U·3s«√kṣar |
    (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn asadatvp·U·3s«√sad nip vayamr1mpd  
    mātṛnfsg«√mā upastʰanmsl«upa~√stʰā vanannsl«√van āp cac somanmsn«√su 

1. This horse of burden moves forth by the
sacrificial paths; when purified thou flowest like
the rain from heaven; the thousand-streamed Soma
sits down amongst us on his mother's lap in the

rā́jā síndʰūnāmavasiṣṭa vā́sa ṛtásya nā́vamā́ruhadrájiṣṭʰām |
apsú drapsó vāvṛdʰe śyenájūto duhá īṃ pitā́ duhá īṃ pitúrjā́m || 2||

2.  rājannmsn«√rāj sindʰunmpg«√sindʰ avasiṣṭava·U·3s«√vas vāsanmsn«√vas  
    ṛtannsg«√ṛ naunfsa āp aruhatvp·U·3s«√ruh rajiṣṭʰājfsa«√ṛñj |
    apnfpl drapsanmsn vāvṛdʰeva·I·3s«√vṛdʰ (śyenanms-jūtajms«√jū)jmsn  
    duhevp·A·3s«√duh īmr3msa pitṛnmsn duhevp·A·3s«√duh īmr3msa pitṛnmsgjmsa«√jan 

2. The sovereign Soma has put on the vestment
of the waters, he has ascended the most straight-going
ship of sacrifice; the dripping juice brought
by the falcon has increased in the waters; the
father milks him-milks him the son of the father.

siṃháṃ nasanta mádʰvo ayā́saṃ hárimaruṣáṃ divó asyá pátim |
śū́ro yutsú pratʰamáḥ pṛcʰate gā́ ásya cákṣasā pári pātyukṣā́ || 3||

3.  siṃhanmsa«√sah nasantava·Ae3p«√nas madʰunnsg«√madʰ ayāsjmsa«√i  
    harijmsa«√hṛ aruṣajmsa«√ruṣ dyunmsg ayamr3msg patinmsa«√pā2 |
    śūranmsn«√śūr yudʰnfpl«√yudʰ pratʰamajmsn pṛcʰateva·A·3s«√pracʰ gonfpa  
    ayamr3msg cakṣasnmsi«√cakṣ parip pātivp·A·3s«√pā2 ukṣannmsn«√ukṣ 

3. The worshippers reach the lion-like Soma
the dispenser of water, green-tinted, red, the protector
of this heaven; a hero in battles, first among the gods
he seeks the stolen cows; by his might
the sprinkler Indra protects the universe.

mádʰupṛṣṭʰaṃ gʰorámayā́samáśvaṃ rátʰe yuñjantyurucakrá ṛṣvám |
svásāra īṃ jāmáyo marjayanti sánābʰayo vājínamūrjayanti || 4||

4.  (madʰunns«√madʰ-pṛṣṭʰanns«pra~√stʰā)jmsa gʰorajmsa«√gʰur ayāsjmsa«√i aśvanmsa«√aś  
    ratʰanmsl«√ṛ yuñjantivp·A·3p«√yuj (urujms«√vṛ-cakranns«√kṛ)jmsl ṛṣvajmsa«√ṛṣ |
    svasṛnfpn īmr3msa jāminfpn«√jan marjayantivp·A·3p«√mṛj  
    sanābʰijmpn«sa~√nabʰ vājinnmsa«√vāj ūrjayantivp·A·3p«√ūṛj 

4. The priests attach to the broad-wheeled car
the glossy-backed terrible active graceful horse;
the sister fingers cleanse him; the kinsfolk invigorate
the mighty Soma.

cátasra īṃ gʰṛtadúhaḥ sacante samāné antárdʰarúṇe níṣattāḥ |
tā́ īmarṣanti námasā punānā́stā́ īṃ viśvátaḥ pári ṣanti pūrvī́ḥ || 5||

5.  caturu īmc (gʰṛtanns«√gʰṛ-duhjfs«√duh)jfpn sacanteva·A·3p«√sac  
    samānanmsl«sam~√an antara dʰaruṇanmsl«√dʰṛ niṣattājfpn«ni~√sad |
    tār3fpn īmr3msa arṣantivp·A·3p«√ṛṣ namasnnsi«√nam punānājfpn«√pūr3fpn īmr3msa viśvatasa«√viś parip santivp·A·3p«√as pūrvījfpn«√pṝ 

5. The four yielders of butter wait upon him,
stationed in a common asylum; being purified
they approach him with food, they surround him in
numbers on every side.

viṣṭambʰó divó dʰarúṇaḥ pṛtʰivyā́ víśvā utá kṣitáyo háste asya |
ásatta útso gṛṇaté niyútvānmádʰvo aṃśúḥ pavata indriyā́ya || 6||

6.  viṣṭambʰanmsn«vi~√stambʰ dyunmsg dʰaruṇanmsn«√dʰṛ pṛtʰivīnfsg«√pṛtʰ  
    viśvajfpn«√viś utac kṣitinfpn«√kṣi2 hastanmsl ayamr3msg |
    asatvp·Ae3s«√as tvamr2msg utsanmsn«√ud gṛṇattp·Amsd«√gṝ niyutvantjmsn«ni~√yu  
    madʰunnsg«√madʰ aṃśunmsn«√aś pavateva·A·3s«√pū indriyannsd«√ind 

6. The prop of heaven, the support of earth-all
beings are in his hands; may Soma the fountain
of desires be possessed of horses for thee his
adorer; the filament of the sweet-flavoured Soma
is purified for the sake of winning strength.

vanvánnávāto abʰí devávītimíndrāya soma vṛtrahā́ pavasva |
śagdʰí maháḥ puruścandrásya rāyáḥ suvī́ryasya pátayaḥ syāma || 7||

7.  vanvanttp·Amsn«√van avātajmsn«a~√van abʰip (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsa  
    indraNmsd«√ind somaNmsv«√su (vṛtraNns«√vṛ-hanjms«√han)nmsn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū |
    śagdʰivp·Ao2s«√śak mahjmsg«√mah (purua«√pṝ-ścandrajms«√ścand)jmsg  
    rainmsg«√rā suvīryannsg«su~√vīr patinmpn«√pā2 syāmavp·Ai1p«√as 

7. Conquering and unconquered approach the
banquet of the gods: Soma, who art the slayer of
Vrtra, flow for Indra; grant us abundant and
splendid riches, may we be masters of excellent male

Sūkta 9.90 

prá hinvānó janitā́ ródasyo rátʰo ná vā́jaṃ saniṣyánnayāsīt |
índraṃ gácʰannā́yudʰā saṃśíśāno víśvā vásu hástayorādádʰānaḥ || 1||

1.  prap hinvānata·Amsn«√hi janitṛnmsn«√jan rodasnndg  
    ratʰanmsn«√ṛ nac vājanmsa«√vāj saniṣyanttp·Amsn«√syand ayāsītvp·U·3s«√yā |
    indraNmsa«√ind gacʰanttp·Amsn«√gam āyudʰannpa«ā~√yudʰ saṃśiśānata·Amsn«sam~√śi  
    viśvajnpa«√viś vasunnsa«√vas hastanmdl ādadʰānata·Imsn«ā~√dʰā 

1. Urged by the priests the generator of heaven
and earth advances like a chariot, wishing
to distribute food; going to Indra, sharpening his
weapons, holding all treasures in his hands.

abʰí tripṛṣṭʰáṃ vṛ́ṣaṇaṃ vayodʰā́māṅgūṣā́ṇāmavāvaśanta vā́ṇīḥ |
vánā vásāno váruṇo ná síndʰūnví ratnadʰā́ dayate vā́ryāṇi || 2||

2.  abʰip (triu-pṛṣṭʰanns«pra~√stʰā)jmsa vṛṣaṇajmsa«√vṛṣ (vayasnns«√vī-dʰājms«√dʰā)jmsa  
    āṅgūṣanmpg«√aṅg avāvaśantavp·U·3p«√vāś vāṇīnfpn«√vaṇ |
    vanannpa vasānata·Amsn«√vas varuṇaNmsn«√vṛ nac sindʰunmpa«√sindʰ  
    vip (ratnanns«√rā-dʰājms«√dʰā)jmsn dayateva·A·3s«√dā vāryannpa«√vṛ2 

2. The voices of the worshippers resound about
him the triple-backed, the showerer of benefits,
the giver of food is arrayed in water as Varuna
is arrayed in the rivers, the giver of precious
wealth he bestows desirable riches.

śū́ragrāmaḥ sárvavīraḥ sáhāvāñjétā pavasva sánitā dʰánāni |
tigmā́yudʰaḥ kṣiprádʰanvā samátsváṣāḷhaḥ sāhvā́npṛ́tanāsu śátrūn || 3||

3.  (śūranms«√śūr-grāmanms)jmsn (sarvajms-vīranms«√vīr)jmsn sahāvantjmsn«√sah  
    jetṛnmsn«√ji pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū sanitṛjmsn«√san dʰanannpa«√dʰan |
    (tigmajns«√tij-āyudʰanns«ā~√yudʰ)jmsn (kṣiprajns«√kṣip-dʰanvannns«√dʰan)jmsn samadnfpl«sa~√mad  
    aṣāḷhajmsn sāhvanttp·Amsn«√sah pṛtanānfpl«√pṛc śatrunmpa«√śad 

3. Flow thou who hast a host of warriors, who
hast all the heroes, full of strength, victorious, the
giver of riches, sharp-weaponed, rapid bowman,
irresistible in battle, overthrowing the enemy
arrayed in hostile armies.

urúgavyūtirábʰayāni kṛṇvánsamīcīné ā́ pavasvā púraṃdʰī |
apáḥ síṣāsannuṣásaḥ svàrgā́ḥ sáṃ cikrado mahó asmábʰyaṃ vā́jān || 4||

4.  (urujms«√vṛ-gonfs-yūtinms«√yu)nfsn abʰayannpa«a~√bʰī kṛṇvanttp·Amsn«√kṛ  
    samīcīnajnda«sam~√añc āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (purnfsa«√pṝ-dʰijms«√dʰā)jfsi |
    apnfpa siṣāsantp·Amsn«√san uṣasnfsg«√vas2 svarnnsa gonfpa  
    samp cikradasvp·UE2s«√krand mahasa«√mah vayamr1mpd vājanmpa«√vāj 

4. Flow thou whose paths are broad, giving
security to the worshipper, uniting heaven and
earth, wishing to enjoy the waters of dawn the sun
and his rays thou criest aloud, to bestow upon
us ample food.

mátsi soma váruṇaṃ mátsi mitráṃ mátsī́ndramindo pavamāna víṣṇum |
mátsi śárdʰo mā́rutaṃ mátsi devā́nmátsi mahā́míndramindo mádāya || 5||

5.  matsivp·Ao2s«√mad somaNmsv«√su varuṇaNmsa«√vṛ matsivp·Ao2s«√mad mitraNmsa«√mitʰ  
    matsivp·Ao2s«√mad indraNmsa«√ind indunmsv«√ind pavamānanmsv«√pū viṣṇuNmsa«√viṣ |
    matsivp·Ao2s«√mad śardʰasnnsa«√śṛdʰ mārutajnsa matsivp·Ao2s«√mad devanmpa«√div  
    matsivp·Ao2s«√mad mahāntjmsa«√mah indraNmsa«√ind induNmsv«√ind madanmsd«√mad 

5. Soma, exhilarate Varuna, exhilarate Mitra;
O Soma Pavamana, exhilarate Indra and Vishnu,
exhilarate the company of the Maruts, exhilarate
the gods, exhilarate the mighty Indra, O Indu, for
his exhilaration.

evā́ rā́jeva krátumām̐ ámena víśvā gʰánigʰnadduritā́ pavasva |
índo sūktā́ya vácase váyo dʰā yūyáṃ pāta svastíbʰiḥ sádā naḥ || 6||

6.  evac rājannmsn«√rāj ivac kratumantjmsn«√kṛ amanmsi«√am  
    viśvajnpa«√viś gʰanigʰnattp·Amsn«√han duritannpa«dus~√i pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū |
    induNmsv«√ind sūktannsd«√vac vacasnnsd«√vac vayasnnsa«√vī dʰāvp·UE2s«√dʰā  
    tvamr2mpn pātavp·Ao2p«√pā2 svastinnpi«su~√as sadāa vayamr1mpa 

6. Thus glorified, do thou Soma like a king,
performing thy functions, flow on destroying all
evils by thy might; Indu, give food in answer to
our well-recited praise; do you O gods cherish
us ever with blessings.

Sūkta 9.91 

ásarji vákvā rátʰye yátʰājaú dʰiyā́ manótā pratʰamó manīṣī́ |
dáśa svásāro ádʰi sā́no ávyé'janti váhniṃ sádanānyácʰa || 1||

1.  asarjivp·U·3s«√sṛj vakvannmsn«√vak ratʰyannsl«√ṛ yadr3nsi ājinmsl«√aj  
    dʰīnfsi«√dʰī manotṛnmsn«√man pratʰamajmsn manīṣinjmsn«√man |
    daśau svasṛnfpn adʰip sānunmsl«√san avyajmsl  
    ajantivp·A·3p«√aj vahninmsa«√vah sadanannpa«√sad acʰāp 

1. Soma on whom the minds of the gods are
fixed, chief of the gods, recipient of praise, is let
loose with a shout by ceremony as a horse is let
loose by the finger in a battle of chariots; the
ten sister fingers drive the bearer of the oblation
on the elevated place to the halls of sacrifice.

vītī́ jánasya divyásya kavyaírádʰi suvānó nahuṣyèbʰirínduḥ |
prá yó nṛ́bʰiramṛ́to mártyebʰirmarmṛjānó'vibʰirgóbʰiradbʰíḥ || 2||

2.  vītinfsl«√vī jananmsg«√jan divyajmsg«√div kavyanmpi«√kū  
    adʰip suvānata·A?sn«√su nahuṣyajmpi«√nah indunmsn«√ind |
    prap yasr3msn nṛnmpi amṛtajmsn«a~√mṛ martyajmpi«√mṛ  
    marmṛjānata·Amsn«√mṛj avijmpi«√av gonfpi apnfpi 

2. The Soma juice effused by pious mortals
comes down to the sacrifice for the food of the
celestial people; which immortal liquor is purified
by mortal priests with the filter, the curds and
milk and the waters.

vṛ́ṣā vṛ́ṣṇe róruvadaṃśúrasmai pávamāno rúśadīrte páyo góḥ |
sahásramṛ́kvā patʰíbʰirvacovídadʰvasmábʰiḥ sū́ro áṇvaṃ ví yāti || 3||

3.  vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ vṛṣannmsd«√vṛṣ roruvattp·Amsn«√ru aṃśunmsn«√aś ayamr3msd  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū ruśatjmsn«√ruc īrteva·A·3s«√īr payasnnsa«√pī gonfsg |
    sahasrau ṛkvanjmsn«√ṛc patʰinnmpi«√pantʰ (vacasnns«√vac-vidjms«√vid)jmsn  
    adʰvasmannmpi«a~√dʰvaṃs sūranmsn«√sū aṇvanmsa vip yātivp·A·3s«√yā 

3. The Soma juice the showerer of benefits
roaring to the showerer Indra goes when being
purified to mix with the glistening milk of the
cow; greeted with laudation, cognisant of sacred
praise, the hero passes through the filter by a
thousand imperishable paths.

rujā́ dṛḷhā́ cidrakṣásaḥ sádāṃsi punāná inda ūrṇuhi ví vā́jān |
vṛścópáriṣṭāttujatā́ vadʰéna yé ánti dūrā́dupanāyámeṣām || 4||

4.  rujavp·Ao2s«√ruj dṛḷhajnpa«√dṛh cidc rakṣasnnsg«√rakṣ sadasnnpa«√sad  
    punānajmsn«√pū indunmsv«√ind ūrṇuhivp·Ao2s«√ūrnu vip vājanmpa«√vāj |
    vṛścavp·Ao2s«√vraśc upariṣṭanmsb«upari~√stʰā tujanttp·Amsi«√tuj vadʰanmsi«√vadʰ  
    yasr3mpn antia dūrāta«√dū upanāyanmsa«upa~√nī ayamr3mpg 

4. Demolish the strong dwellings of the Rakshasa;
Indu, when purified put on his strength; cut
to pieces with thy destructive weapon the Rakshasas
who come from above, from nigh, or from afar
and their leader.

sá pratnavánnávyase viśvavāra sūktā́ya patʰáḥ kṛṇuhi prā́caḥ |
yé duḥṣáhāso vanúṣā bṛhántastā́m̐ste aśyāma purukṛtpurukṣo || 5||

5.  sasr3msn pratnavata navyasjnsd (viśvanms«√viś-vārajms«√vṛ2)nmsv  
    sūktannsd«√vac patʰnmpa«√pantʰ kṛṇuhivp·Ao2s«√kṛ prāñcjmpa«pra~√añc |
    yasr3mpn duḥṣahajmpn«dus~√sah vanusjmsi«√van bṛhatjmpn«√bṛh  
    sasr3mpa tvamr2msd aśyāmavp·Ai1p«√aś (purua«√pṝ-kṛtjms«√kṛ)jmsv (purua«√pṝ-kṣujms«√kṣu)jmsv 

5. Adorable Soma, do thou as of old grant
the ancient paths to thy new worshipper; doer of
many acts, utterer of many sounds, may we obtain
those portions of thee which are difficult to defeat,
inflicting injury on foes and mighty.

evā́ punānó apáḥ svàrgā́ asmábʰyaṃ tokā́ tánayāni bʰū́ri |
śáṃ naḥ kṣétramurú jyótīṃṣi soma jyóṅnaḥ sū́ryaṃ dṛśáye rirīhi || 6||

6.  evac punānajmsn«√pū apnfpa svarnnsa gonfpa  
    vayamr1mpd tokannpa«√tuc tanayannpa«√tan bʰūria«√bʰū |
    śama vayamr1mpd kṣetrannsa«√kṣi2 urujnsa«√vṛ jyotisnnpa«√jyot somaNmsv«√su  
    jyoka vayamr1mpd sūryanmsa«√sūr dṛśinfsd«√dṛś rirīhivp·Ao2s«√rā 

6. Thus, being purified, bestow upon us the
firmament and heaven and earth and many sons
and grandsons; make our land prosper, diffuse the
luminaries widely in the firmament and grant us
long to see the sun.

Sūkta 9.92 

pári suvānó háriraṃśúḥ pavítre rátʰo ná sarji sanáye hiyānáḥ |
ā́pacʰlókamindriyáṃ pūyámānaḥ práti devā́m̐ ajuṣata práyobʰiḥ || 1||

1.  parip suvānata·A?sn«√su harinmsn«√hṛ aṃśunmsn«√aś pavitrannsl«√pū  
    ratʰanmsn«√ṛ nac asarjivp·U·3s«√sṛj saninmsd«√san hiyānata·Amsn«√hi |
    āpatvp·U·3s«√āp ślokanmsa«√śru indriyajmsa«√ind pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū  
    pratip devanmpa«√div ajuṣatavp·U·3s«√juṣ prayasnnpi«√prī 

1. The green-tinted Soma effused and sent forth
by the priests is let loose, like a chariot upon the
filter, for the acquisition of riches; being filtered
he acquires Indra's praise, he gratifies the gods
with conciliatory oblations.

ácʰā nṛcákṣā asaratpavítre nā́ma dádʰānaḥ kavírasya yónau |
sī́danhóteva sádane camū́ṣū́pemagmannṛ́ṣayaḥ saptá víprāḥ || 2||

2.  acʰāp (nṛnms-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)jmsn asaratvp·Aa3s«√sṛ pavitrannsl«√pū  
    nāmannnsa«√nam dadʰānatp·Imsn«√dʰā kavinmsn«√kū ayamr3msg yoninmsl«√yu |
    sīdanttp·Ams?«√sad hotṛnmsn«√hu ivac sadanannsl«√sad camūnfpl  
    upap īmr3msa agmanvp·Aa3p«√gam ṛṣinmpn«√ṛṣ saptau viprajmpn«√vip 

2. The sage, the observer of men, retaining the
water proceeds to his place on the filter; like a
ministrant priest sitting at the sacrifice the Soma
flows into the cups; the seven wise rishis
approach him with praise.

prá sumedʰā́ gātuvídviśvádevaḥ sómaḥ punānáḥ sáda eti nítyam |
bʰúvadvíśveṣu kā́vyeṣu rántā́nu jánānyatate páñca dʰī́raḥ || 3||

3.  prap sumedʰasjmsn«su~√midʰ (gātunms«√gā-vidjms«√vid)jmsn (viśvajms«√viś-devanms«√div)nmsn  
    somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū sadasnnsa«√sad etivp·A·3s«√i nityama«√ni |
    bʰuvatvp·Ue3s«√bʰū viśvajnpl«√viś kāvyannpl«√kū rantṛnmsn«√ram  
    anup jananmpa«√jan yatateva·A·3s«√yat pañcau dʰīrajmsn«√dʰī 

3. Soma, the intelligent, the knower of the right
path, accompanied by all the gods, undergoing
purification goes to his constant abode; he is one
who delights in all sacred praises; the sage endeavors
to approach the five classes of beings.

táva tyé soma pavamāna niṇyé víśve devā́stráya ekādaśā́saḥ |
dáśa svadʰā́bʰirádʰi sā́no ávye mṛjánti tvā nadyàḥ saptá yahvī́ḥ || 4||

4.  tvamr2msg syar3mpn somanmsv«√su pavamānajmsv«√pū niṇyajmsl  
    viśvajmpn«√viś devanmpn«√div trayajmsn (ekau-daśau)jmpn |
    daśau (svanms-dʰājfs«√dʰā)nfpi adʰip sānunmsl«√san avyajmsl  
    mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj tvamr2msa nadīnfpn«√nad saptau yahvījfpn«√yah 

4. O Soma Pavamana, thine are the thrice eleven
universal gods abiding in the secret heaven; the
ten fingers cleanse thee with the waters upon the
elevated fleece, the seven great rivers cleanse thee.

tánnú satyáṃ pávamānasyāstu yátra víśve kārávaḥ saṃnásanta |
jyótiryádáhne ákṛṇodu lokáṃ prā́vanmánuṃ dásyave karabʰī́kam || 5||

5.  tadr3nsa nuc satyajnsa«√as pavamānanmsg«√pū astuva·Ao3s«√as  
    yadr3nsl viśvajmpn«√viś kārunmpn«√kṛ2 saṃnasantava·UE3p«sam~√nas |
    jyotisnnsa«√jyot yadc ahannmsd akṛṇotvp·Aa3s«√kṛ uc lokanmsa«√lok  
    prap āvatvp·Aa3s«√av manunmsa«√man (dasnfs«√das-yujms«√yu)nmsd karvp·Ae3s«√kṛ abʰīkannsa«abʰi~√añc 

5. May that place of the truthful Pavamana be
quickly ours, where all the worshippers assemble
to praise him; the light of the Soma which gave
manifestation to the day protected Manu-Soma
made it triumphant over the Dasyu.

pári sádmeva paśumā́nti hótā rā́jā ná satyáḥ sámitīriyānáḥ |
sómaḥ punānáḥ kaláśām̐ ayāsītsī́danmṛgó ná mahiṣó váneṣu || 6||

6.  parip sadmannnsa«√sad ivac paśumantjnpa«√paś hotṛnmsn«√hu  
    rājannmsn«√rāj nac satyajmsn«√as samitinfpa«sam~√i iyānata·Amsn«√i |
    somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū kalaśanmpa«√kal? ayāsītvp·U·3s«√yā  
    sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad mṛganmsn«√mṛg nac mahiṣajmsn«√mah vanannpl 

6. As the ministrant priest proceeds to the hall
where the victim is stationed, as a just king marches
to battle, the Soma undergoing purification enters
the pitchers like the wild buffalo in the waters.

Sūkta 9.93 

sākamúkṣo marjayanta svásāro dáśa dʰī́rasya dʰītáyo dʰánutrīḥ |
háriḥ páryadravajjā́ḥ sū́ryasya dróṇaṃ nanakṣe átyo ná vājī́ || 1||

1.  (sākama«√añc-ukṣjms«√ukṣ)jfpn marjayantavp·A·3p«√mṛj svasṛnfpn  
    daśau dʰīrajmsg«√dʰī dʰītinfpn«√dʰī dʰanutrījfpa«√dʰanv |
    harinmsn«√hṛ parip adravatvp·Aa3s«√drujfpa«√jan sūryanmsg«√sūr  
    droṇannsa«√dru nanakṣevp·I·3s«√nakṣ atyanmsn«√at? nac vājinnmsn«√vāj 

1. The sisterfingers sprinkling together cleanse
the Soma, the ten fingers are the effusers of the
sagacious Soma; the green-tinted one flows round
the wives of the sun, he hastens like a swift horse
to the pitcher.

sáṃ mātṛ́bʰirná śíśurvāvaśānó vṛ́ṣā dadʰanve puruvā́ro adbʰíḥ |
máryo ná yóṣāmabʰí niṣkṛtáṃ yánsáṃ gacʰate kaláśa usríyābʰiḥ || 2||

2.  samp mātṛnfpi«√mā nac śiśunmsn«√śū vāvaśānata·Amsn«√vāś  
    vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ dadʰanvevp·I·3s«√dʰanv (purua«√pṝ-vārajms«√vṛ2)jmsn apnfpi |
    maryajmsn«√mṛ nac yoṣānfsa«√yu abʰip niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ yantp·Amsn«√i  
    samp gacʰateva·A·3s«√gam kalaśanmsl«√kal? usriyājfpi 

2. Longing for the deities the showerer of
benefits the desired of many the Soma is sustained
by the consecrated waters as the infant by its
mother; going to his station like a bridegroom to
his bride, he combines in the pitcher with the curds
and milk.

utá prá pipya ū́dʰarágʰnyāyā índurdʰā́rābʰiḥ sacate sumedʰā́ḥ |
mūrdʰā́naṃ gā́vaḥ páyasā camū́ṣvabʰí śrīṇanti vásubʰirná niktaíḥ || 3||

3.  utac prap pipyevp·I·3s«√pī ūdʰarnnsa«√vah agʰnyānfsg«a~√han  
    indunmsn«√ind dʰārānfpi«√dʰṛ sacateva·A·3s«√sac sumedʰasjmsn«su~√midʰ |
    mūrdʰannmsa gonfpn payasnnsi«√pī camūnfpl  
    abʰip śrīṇantivp·A·3p«√śrī vasunnpi«√vas nac niktanmpi«√nij 

3. And he nourishes the cow's udder; the
intelligent Indu is associated with his streams; the
cows clothe the elevated Soma in the ladles with
their milk as with newly washed robes.

sá no devébʰiḥ pavamāna radéndo rayímaśvínaṃ vāvaśānáḥ |
ratʰirāyátāmuśatī́ púraṃdʰirasmadryàgā́ dāváne vásūnām || 4||

4.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpa devanmpi«√div pavamānanmsv«√pū radavp·Ao2s«√rad  
    indunmsv«√ind rayinmsa«√rā aśvinjmsa«√aś vāvaśānata·Amsn«√vāś |
    ratʰirāyatjmpg«√ṛ uśatītp·Afsn«√vaś (purnfsa«√pṝ-dʰijms«√dʰā)jfsn  
    (vayamr1mpb-añcjms«√añc)a āp dāvannnsd«√dā vasunnpg«√vas 

4. Indu Pavamana, do thou with the gods, who
dost long for our good bestow upon us riches
comprising horses; may thy capacious mind longing
for those who possess chariots come towards us to
bestow treasures upon us.

nū́ no rayímúpa māsva nṛvántaṃ punānó vātā́pyaṃ viśváścandram |
prá vanditúrindo tāryā́yuḥ prātármakṣū́ dʰiyā́vasurjagamyāt || 5||

5.  nūc vayamr1mpd rayinmsa«√rā upap māsvava·Ao2s«√mā nṛvantjmsa  
    punānajmsn«√pū (vātanms«√van-āpyajms«√ap)jmsa (viśvanns«√viś-ścandrajms«√ścand)jmsa |
    prap vanditṛnmsg«√vand indunmsv«√ind tārivp·U·3s«√tṝ āyusnnsn«√i  
    prātara makṣūa (dʰīnfsi«√dʰī-vasujms«√vas)jmsn jagamyātvp·Ai3s«√gam 

5. Soma, when thou art purified, measure out to
us riches and dependents and all-gratifying water.
Indu, may the life of thy praiser be prolonged;
may Soma who acquires wealth by his intelligence
come quickly at dawn.

Sūkta 9.94 

ádʰi yádasminvājínīva śúbʰa spárdʰante dʰíyaḥ sū́rye ná víśaḥ |
apó vṛṇānáḥ pavate kavīyánvrajáṃ ná paśuvárdʰanāya mánma || 1||

1.  adʰip yadc ayamr3msl vājinnmsl«√vāj ivac śubʰnfpn«√śubʰ  
    spardʰantevp·A·3p«√spardʰ dʰīnfpn«√dʰī sūryanmsl«√sūr nac viśnfpn«√viś |
    apnfpa vṛṇānata·Amsn«√vṛ pavateva·A·3s«√pū kavīyanttp·Amsn«√kū  
    vrajanmsa«√vṛj nac (paśunms«√paś2-vardʰanajms«√vṛdʰ)nmsd manmannnsa«√man 

1. When the fingers vie with each other in this
Soma, as the trappings on a horse or the rays in
the sun, clothed in the waters he flows desiring his
worshippers like a cowherd going to a pleasant
cow-stall for the nourishment of his cattle.

dvitā́ vyūrṇvánnamṛ́tasya dʰā́ma svarvíde bʰúvanāni pratʰanta |
dʰíyaḥ pinvānā́ḥ svásare ná gā́va ṛtāyántīrabʰí vāvaśra índum || 2||

2.  dvitāa vyūrṇvanttp·Amsn«vi~√vṛ amṛtannsg«a~√mṛ dʰāmannnsa«√dʰā  
    (svarnns-vidjms«√vid)jmsd bʰuvanannpn«√bʰū pratʰantava·U·3p«√pratʰ |
    dʰīnfpn«√dʰī pinvānātp·Afpn«√pinv (svajms-saranms«√sṛ)nmsl nac gonfpn  
    ṛtāyantījfpn«√ṛ abʰip vāvaśreva·I·3p«√vāś indunmsa«√ind 

2. Opening out the abode of the ambrosia on
both sides he passes between; for him, the
omniscient, the worlds expand. Gratifying laudations
eager for the sacrifice, call upon Indu, like
kine lowing towards their stall.

pári yátkavíḥ kā́vyā bʰárate śū́ro ná rátʰo bʰúvanāni víśvā |
devéṣu yáśo mártāya bʰū́ṣandákṣāya rāyáḥ purubʰū́ṣu návyaḥ || 3||

3.  parip yadc kavinmsn«√kū kāvyannpa«√kū bʰarateva·A·3s«√bʰṛ  
    śūranmsn«√śūr nac ratʰanmsn«√ṛ bʰuvanannpa«√bʰū viśvajnpa«√viś |
    devanmpl«√div yaśasnnsa«√yaś martanmsd«√mṛ bʰūṣanttp·Amsn«√bʰūṣ  
    dakṣanmsd«√dakṣ rainmsg«√rā (purua«√pṝ-bʰūjms«√bʰū)jmpl navyasjnsa 

3. When the sage Soma goes round the praises
of the wise like a hostile chariot going round all
the regions of the battle-field, then desirous of
bestowing upon mortals the wealth that abides with
the gods, he is to be glorified in the many places
of sacrifice for the preservation of the riches he has

śriyé jātáḥ śriyá ā́ níriyāya śríyaṃ váyo jaritṛ́bʰyo dadʰāti |
śríyaṃ vásānā amṛtatvámāyanbʰávanti satyā́ samitʰā́ mitádrau || 4||

4.  śrīnfsd«√śrī jātajmsn«√jan śrīnfsd«√śrī āp nirp iyāyava·I·3s«√i  
    śrīnfsa«√śrī vayasnnsa«√vī jaritṛnmpd«√gṝ dadʰātivp·A·3s«√dʰā |
    śrīnfsa«√śrī vasānata·Ampn«√vas amṛtatvannsa«a~√mṛ āyanvp·Aa3p«√i  
    bʰavantivp·A·3p«√bʰū satyajnpn«√as samitʰannpn«sam~√i (mitajms«√mi-drujms«√dru)jmsl 

4. He is generated for prosperity, for prosperity
he issues forth, he gives prosperity and sustenance
to those who praise him; clothing themselves in
his prosperity, they obtain immortality; their
conflicts are successful through the aid of the Soma
who moves with measured tread.

íṣamū́rjamabʰyàrṣā́śvaṃ gā́murú jyótiḥ kṛṇuhi mátsi devā́n |
víśvāni hí suṣáhā tā́ni túbʰyaṃ pávamāna bā́dʰase soma śátrūn || 5||

5.  iṣnfsa«√iṣ ūrjjfsa«√ūrj abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ aśvanmsa«√aś gonfsa urunnsa«√vṛ  
    jyotisnnsa«√jyot kṛṇuhivp·Ao2s«√kṛ matsivp·Ao2s«√mad devanmpa«√div |
    viśvajnpn«√viś hic suṣahajnpn«√sah tadr3npn tvamr2msd  
    pavamānanmsn«√pū bādʰaseva·A·2s«√bādʰ somaNmsv«√su śatrunmpa«√śad 

5. Bring us food and drink, horses, cattle and
ample light, exhilarate the gods; for all the
Rakshasas are easily subdued by thee; Soma
Pavamana, destroy all foes.

Sūkta 9.95 

kánikranti hárirā́ sṛjyámānaḥ sī́danvánasya jaṭʰáre punānáḥ |
nṛ́bʰiryatáḥ kṛṇute nirṇíjaṃ gā́ áto matī́rjanayata svadʰā́bʰiḥ || 1||

1.  kanikrantivp·A·3s«√krand harijmsn«√hṛ āp sṛjyamānatp·Amsn«√sṛj  
    sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad vanannsg jaṭʰarannsl punānajmsn«√pū |
    nṛnmpi yatajmsn«√yam kṛṇuteva·A·3s«√kṛ nirṇijnfsa«nis~√nij gonfpa  
    ar3nsb matinfpa«√man janayatava·AE3s«√jan (svanms-dʰājfs«√dʰā)nfpi 

1. The green-tinted Soma cries aloud when let
loose, sitting when filtered in the belly of the
pitcher; collected by the priests, he assumes his
shape, putting on the products the kine, therefore
raise praises to him with oblations.

háriḥ sṛjānáḥ patʰyā̀mṛtásyéyarti vā́camaritéva nā́vam |
devó devā́nāṃ gúhyāni nā́māvíṣkṛṇoti barhíṣi pravā́ce || 2||

2.  harijmsn«√hṛ sṛjānata·Amsn«√sṛj patʰyānfsa«√pantʰ ṛtannsg«√ṛ  
    iyartivp·A·3s«√ṛ vācnfsa«√vac aritṛnmsn«√ṛ ivac nāvanfsa |
    devanmsn«√div devanmpg«√div guhyannpa«√guh nāmannnsa«√nam āvisa«ā~√vid  
    kṛṇotivp·A·3s«√kṛ barhisnnsl«√barh pravācev···D··«pra~√vac 

2. The green-tinted Soma being let loose propels
the voice that indicates the path of truth as the
boatman propels his boat; the bright Soma
reveals to his worshipper on the sacred grass the
secret names of the god.

apā́mivédūrmáyastárturāṇāḥ prá manīṣā́ īrate sómamácʰa |
namasyántīrúpa ca yánti sáṃ cā́ ca viśantyuśatī́ruśántam || 3||

3.  apnfpg ivac idc ūrminmpn«√ṛ tarturāṇata·Ampn«√tur  
    prap manīṣānfpn«√man īrateva·A·3p«√īr somanmsa«√su acʰāp |
    namasyantītp·Afpn«√nam upap cac yantivp·A·3p«√i samp cac  
    āp cac viśantivp·A·3p«√viś uśatītp·Afpn«√vaś uśanttp·Amsa«√vaś 

3. The priests hurrying like the waves of the
waters dispatch praises towards Soma; adoring him
they approach and come up together, longing for him
who longs for them they enter him.

táṃ marmṛjānáṃ mahiṣáṃ ná sā́nāvaṃśúṃ duhantyukṣáṇaṃ giriṣṭʰā́m |
táṃ vāvaśānáṃ matáyaḥ sacante tritó bibʰarti váruṇaṃ samudré || 4||

4.  sasr3msa marmṛjānata·Amsa«√mṛj mahiṣanmsa«√mah nac sānunmsl«√san  
    aṃśunmsa«√aś duhantivp·A·3p«√duh ukṣaṇnmsa«√ukṣ (girinms«√gṝ-stʰājms«√stʰā)jmsa |
    sasr3msa vāvaśānata·Amsa«√vaś matinfpn«√man sacanteva·A·3p«√sac  
    tritaNmsn bibʰartivp·A·3s«√bʰṛ varuṇaNmsa«√vṛ samudranmsl«sam~√ud 

4. The priests milk forth the Soma cleansed
dwelling on a high place like a buffalo, the
sprinkler, placed between the grinding-stones;
praises attend upon the longing Soma; Indra
who dwells in three abodes supports him, the
defeater of enemies, in the firmament.

íṣyanvā́camupavaktéva hótuḥ punāná indo ví ṣyā manīṣā́m |
índraśca yátkṣáyatʰaḥ saúbʰagāya suvī́ryasya pátayaḥ syāma || 5||

5.  iṣyanttp·Amsn«√iṣ vācnfsa«√vac upavaktṛnmsn«upa~√vac ivac hotṛnmsg«√hu  
    punānajmsn«√pū indunmsv«√ind vip syavp·Ao2s«√si manīṣānfsa«√man |
    indraNmsn«√ind cac yadc kṣayatʰasvp·A·2d«√kṣi saubʰagannsd«su~√bʰaj  
    suvīryannsg«su~√vīr patinmpn«√pā2 syāmavp·Ai1p«√as 

5. Indu, being purified, stimulating the praise
of the worshippers like the answerer of the Hotri
set free the understanding; when thou and Indra
are present together at the sacrifice may we
be prosperous, may we become the possessors of
excellent male progeny.

Sūkta 9.96 

prá senānī́ḥ śū́ro ágre rátʰānāṃ gavyánneti hárṣate asya sénā |
bʰadrā́nkṛṇvánnindrahavā́nsákʰibʰya ā́ sómo vástrā rabʰasā́ni datte || 1||

1.  prap (senānfs«√si-nījms«√nī)nmsn śūranmsn«√śūr agrannsl«√aṅg ratʰanmpg«√ṛ  
    gavyanttp·Amsn«√go etivp·A·3s«√i harṣatevp·A·3s«√hṛṣ ayamr3msg senānfsn«√si |
    bʰadrajmpa«√bʰaj kṛṇvanttp·Amsn«√kṛ (indraNms«√ind-havajms«√hve)nmpa sakʰinmpd«√sac  
    āp somanmsn«√su vastrannpa«√vas rabʰasajnpa«√rabʰ datteva·A·3s«√dā 

1. The leader of the host, a hero, advances in
front of the chariots intent on seizing the cattle
of the enemy; his army exults: making their
oblations to Indra prosperous for the friendly
worshippers, Soma assumes the hastily made
robes of curds and milk.

sámasya háriṃ hárayo mṛjantyaśvahayaírániśitaṃ námobʰiḥ |
ā́ tiṣṭʰati rátʰamíndrasya sákʰā vidvā́m̐ enā sumatíṃ yātyácʰa || 2||

2.  samp ayamr3msg harijmsa«√hṛ harijmpn«√hṛ mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj  
    (aśvanms«√aś-hayajms«√hi)jnpi aniśitajmsa«√śī namasnnpi«√nam |
    āp tiṣṭʰativp·A·3s«√stʰā ratʰanmsa«√ṛ indraNmsg«√ind sakʰinmsn«√sac  
    vidvaṅstp·Imsn«√vid ayamr3msi sumatinfsa«su~√man yātivp·A·3s«√yā acʰāp 

2. The priests express his green-tinted juice;
he mounts the chariot unyoked by the horse-driving
salutations; the wise Soma the friend of Indra goes
to meet the worshipper.

sá no deva devátāte pavasva mahé soma psárasa indrapā́naḥ |
kṛṇvánnapó varṣáyandyā́mutémā́murórā́ no varivasyā punānáḥ || 3||

3.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpd devanmsv«√div (devanms«√div-tātnfs«√tan)nfsd pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū  
    mahjnsd«√mah somanmsv«√su psarasnnsd«√psā (indraNms«√ind-pānanns«√pā)nmsn |
    kṛṇvanttp·Amsn«√kṛ apnfpa varṣayanttp·Amsn«√vṛṣ dyunmsa utac ayamr3fsa  
    urujfsb«√vṛ āp vayamr1mpd varivasyavp·Ao2s«√vṛ punānajmsn«√pū 

3. Divine Soma, who art the beverage of Indra,
flow at our sacrifice for his abundant food; sending
water, causing rain to fall upon heaven and
upon this earth, come from the wide firmament,
and being purified bestow upon us wealth.

ájītayé'hataye pavasva svastáye sarvátātaye bṛhaté |
táduśanti víśva imé sákʰāyastádaháṃ vaśmi pavamāna soma || 4||

4.  ajītinfsd«a~√jyā ahatinfsd«a~√han pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū  
    svastinfsd«su~√as (sarvajms-tātinfs«√tan)nfsd bṛhatjfsd«√bṛh |
    tadr3nsa uśantivp·A·3p«√vaś viśvajmpn«√viś ayamr3mpn sakʰinmpn«√sac  
    tadr3nsa ahamr1msn vaśmivp·A·1s«√vaś pavamānanmsv«√pū somaNmsv«√su 

4. Flow for our immunity from defeat and
slaughter, flow for our welfare, for the great
sacrifice for all the gods; all these my friends
desire this; this I desire, O Soma Pavamana.

sómaḥ pavate janitā́ matīnā́ṃ janitā́ divó janitā́ pṛtʰivyā́ḥ |
janitā́gnérjanitā́ sū́ryasya janiténdrasya janitótá víṣṇoḥ || 5||

5.  somanmsn«√su pavateva·A·3s«√pū janitṛnmsn«√jan matinfpg«√man  
    janitṛnmsn«√jan dyunmsg janitṛnmsn«√jan pṛtʰivīnfsg«√pṛtʰ |
    janitṛnmsn«√jan agninmsg«√aṅg janitṛnmsn«√jan sūryanmsg«√sūr  
    janitṛnmsn«√jan indraNmsg«√ind janitṛnmsn«√jan utac viṣṇuNmsg«√viṣ 

5. The Soma flows the generator of praises,
the generator of heaven, the generator of earth,
the generator of Agni, the generator of the sun,
the generator of Indra and the generator of Vishnu.

brahmā́ devā́nāṃ padavī́ḥ kavīnā́mṛ́ṣirvíprāṇāṃ mahiṣó mṛgā́ṇām |
śyenó gṛ́dʰrāṇāṃ svádʰitirvánānāṃ sómaḥ pavítramátyeti rébʰan || 6||

6.  brahmannmsn«√bṛh devanmpg«√div (padanns«√pad-vījms«√vī)nmsn kavinmpg«√kū  
    ṛṣinmsn«√ṛṣ viprajmpg«√vip mahiṣanmsn«√mah mṛganmpg«√mṛg |
    śyenanmsn gṛdʰranmpg«√gṛdʰ (svanms-dʰitinfs«√dʰi)nmsn vanannpg  
    somanmsn«√su pavitrannsa«√pū atip etivp·A·3s«√i rebʰanttp·Amsn«√ribʰ 

6. The Brahma of the gods, the guide of the
sages, the rishi of the pious, the buffalo of wild
animals, the falcon of the vultures, the hatchet of
deadly weapons, the Soma passes through the filter
with a roar.

prā́vīvipadvācá ūrmíṃ ná síndʰurgíraḥ sómaḥ pávamāno manīṣā́ḥ |
antáḥ páśyanvṛjánemā́varāṇyā́ tiṣṭʰati vṛṣabʰó góṣu jānán || 7||

7.  prap avīvipatvp·U·3s«√vip vācnfpa«√vac ūrminmsa«√ṛ nac sindʰunmsn«√sindʰ  
    girnfpa«√gṝ somanmsn«√su pavamānanmsn«√pū manīṣānfpa«√man |
    antara paśyanttp·Amsn«√paś vṛjanannpa«√vṛj ayamr3npa avarajnpa  
    āp tiṣṭʰativp·A·3s«√stʰā (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsn gonfpl jānanttp·Amsn«√jñā 

7. The purified Soma excites gratifying praises as
a river excites the wave of sound; the showerer of
benefits beholding the hidden treasure presides over
these irresistible powers, knowing about the cattle.

sá matsaráḥ pṛtsú vanvánnávātaḥ sahásraretā abʰí vā́jamarṣa |
índrāyendo pávamāno manīṣyàṃśorūrmímīraya gā́ iṣaṇyán || 8||

8.  sasr3msn (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmsn pṛtnfpl«√pṛc vanvanttp·Amsn«√van avātajmsn«a~√van  
    (sahasrau-retasnns«√rī)jmsn abʰip vājanmsa«√vāj arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ |
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind pavamānajmsn«√pū manīṣinjmsn«√man  
    aṃśunmsb«√aś ūrminmsa«√ṛ īrayavp·Ao2s«√īr gonfpa iṣaṇyanttp·Amsn«√iṣ 

8. Soma who art the exhilarator, harming the foe
in battles, thyself unharmed, who hast a
thousand streams, rush against the strength of the
enemy; Indu, who art being purified, the sage,
uttering cries, urge on for Indra the wave of juice.

pári priyáḥ kaláśe devávāta índrāya sómo ráṇyo mádāya |
sahásradʰāraḥ śatávāja índurvājī́ ná sáptiḥ sámanā jigāti || 9||

9.  parip priyajmsn«√prī kalaśanmsl«√kal? (devanms«√div-vātajms«√van)jmsn  
    indraNmsd«√ind somanmsn«√su raṇyajmsn«√raṇ madanmsd«√mad |
    (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn (śatau-vājanms«√vāj)jmsn indunmsn«√ind  
    vājinnmsn«√vāj nac saptinmsn samanannpa«sam~√an jigātivp·A·3s«√gā 

9. The pleasing delightful Soma approached by
gods proceeds to the pitcher to exhilarate Indra;
Indu the thousand-streamed and vigorous proceeds
like a strong horse to battle.

sá pūrvyó vasuvíjjā́yamāno mṛjānó apsú duduhānó ádrau |
abʰiśastipā́ bʰúvanasya rā́jā vidádgātúṃ bráhmaṇe pūyámānaḥ || 10||

10. sasr3msn pūrvyajmsn«√pṝ (vasunns«√vas-vidjms«√vid)jmsn jāyamānatp·Amsn«√jan  
     mṛjānata·Amsn«√mṛj apnfpl duduhānata·Imsn«√duh adrinmsl«√dṛ |
     (abʰiśastinfs«√śas-pājms«√pā)nmsn bʰuvanannsg«√bʰū rājannmsn«√rāj  
     vidatvp·UE3s«√vid gātunmsa«√gā brahmannnsd«√bṛh pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū 

10. The ancient Soma the finder of treasure as
soon as generated, cleansed in the waters milked
on the stone, the defender against enemies, the
sovereign of the world, purified for the sacrifice,
shows the worshipper the right way.

tváyā hí naḥ pitáraḥ soma pū́rve kármāṇi cakrúḥ pavamāna dʰī́rāḥ |
vanvánnávātaḥ paridʰī́m̐ráporṇu vīrébʰiráśvairmagʰávā bʰavā naḥ || 11||

11. tvamr2msi hic vayamr1mpg pitṛnmpn somanmsv«√su pūrvajmpn«√pur  
     karmannnpa«√kṛ cakrurvp·I·3p«√kṛ pavamānanmsv«√pū dʰīrajmpn«√dʰī |
     vanvanttp·Amsn«√van avātajmsn«a~√van paridʰinmpa«pari~√dʰā apap ūrṇuvp·Ao2s«√vṛ  
     vīranmpi«√vīr aśvanmpi«√aś magʰavanjmsn«√maṃh bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū vayamr1mpd 

11. Soma Pavamana, by thee our ancient and
wise progenitors performed their religious rites;
harming the foes thyself unharmed slay the
Rakshasas and be liberal in enriching us with male
offspring and horses.

yátʰā́pavatʰā mánave vayodʰā́ amitrahā́ varivovíddʰavíṣmān |
evā́ pavasva dráviṇaṃ dádʰāna índre sáṃ tiṣṭʰa janáyā́yudʰāni || 12||

12. yadr3nsi apavatʰāva·Aa2s«√pū manunmsd«√man (vayasnns«√vī-dʰājms«√dʰā)jmsn  
     (amitranms«√mitʰ-hanjms«√han)jmsn (varivasnns«√vṛ-vidjms«√vid)jnsn haviṣmantjmsn«√hu |
     evac pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū draviṇannsa«√dru dadʰānata·Imsn«√dʰā  
     indraNmsl«√ind samp tiṣṭʰavp·Ao2s«√stʰā janayavp·Ao2s«√jan āyudʰannpa«ā~√yudʰ 

12. As thou didst flow to Manu possessing food,
slaying enemies, acquiring wealth, having oblations,
so now flow bringing us riches; abide thou in
Indra; make manifest thy weapons.

pávasva soma mádʰumām̐ ṛtā́vāpó vásāno ádʰi sā́no ávye |
áva dróṇāni gʰṛtávānti sīda madíntamo matsará indrapā́naḥ || 13||

13. pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somanmsv«√su madʰumantjmsn«√madʰ ṛtāvanjmsn«√ṛ  
     apnfpa vasānata·Amsn«√vas adʰip sānunmsl«√san avyajmsl |
     avap droṇannpa«√dru gʰṛtavantjnpa«√gʰṛ sīdavp·Ao2s«√sad  
     madintamajmsn«√mad (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmsn (indraNms«√ind-pānanns«√pā)nmsn 

13. Soma who hast exhilarating juice, who art
connected with the sacrifice, clothed with water
flow upon the elevated fleece; alight upon the
water-holding pitchers, thou who art most exhilarating,
intoxicating, the especial beverage of Indra.

vṛṣṭíṃ diváḥ śatádʰāraḥ pavasva sahasrasā́ vājayúrdevávītau |
sáṃ síndʰubʰiḥ kaláśe vāvaśānáḥ sámusríyābʰiḥ pratiránna ā́yuḥ || 14||

14. vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ dyunmsb (śatau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū  
     (sahasrau-sanjms«√san)jmsn (vājanms«√vāj-yujms«√yu)jmsn (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsl |
     samp sindʰunmpi«√sindʰ kalaśanmsl«√kal? vāvaśānata·Amsn«√vāś  
     samp usriyajfpi pratiranttp·Amsn«pra~√tṝ vayamr1mpg āyusnnsn«√i 

14. Soma, who flowest in a hundred streams,
pour rain from the firmament, thou who art the
giver of hundredfold wealth, the bestower of food
at the banquet of the gods; desirous of the mixture
combine with the water in the pitchers
and with the curds and milk, prolonging our life.

eṣá syá sómo matíbʰiḥ punānó'tyo ná vājī́ táratī́dárātīḥ |
páyo ná dugdʰámáditeriṣirámurvìva gātúḥ suyámo ná vóḷhā || 15||

15. eṣasr3msn syar3msn somanmsn«√su matinfpi«√man punānajmsn«√pū  
     atyanmsn«√at? nac vājinjmsn«√vāj tarativp·A·3s«√tṝ idc arātinfpa«a~√rā |
     payasnnsn«√pī nac dugdʰajnsn«√duh aditinfsb«a~√dā iṣirajnsn«√iṣ  
     urujnsn«√vṛ ivac gātunmsn«√gā suyamajmsn«su~√yam nac voḷhṛnmsn«√vah 

15. This Soma is purified with praises, like
a strong horse he overthrows his foes; he is
purified like the strong milk milked from the cow,
flocked to by all like a broad road, and guided
by the praisers like a well-trained horse of burdens.

svāyudʰáḥ sotṛ́bʰiḥ pūyámāno'bʰyàrṣa gúhyaṃ cā́ru nā́ma |
abʰí vā́jaṃ sáptiriva śravasyā́bʰí vāyúmabʰí gā́ deva soma || 16||

16. svāyudʰajmsn«su-ā~√yudʰ sotṛnmpi«√su pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū  
     abʰip arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ guhyannsa«√guh cārujnsa«√can nāmannnsa«√nam |
     abʰip vājanmsa«√vāj saptinmsn ivac śravasyannpa«√śru  
     abʰip vāyuNmsa«√vā abʰip gonfpa devanmsv«√div somanmsv«√su 

16. Well-armed, purified by those who express
thee, send thy concealed desirable form into the
pitchers; like a horse bring us food in our desire
for food; divine Soma, bring us life, bring us cattle.

śíśuṃ jajñānáṃ haryatáṃ mṛjanti śumbʰánti váhniṃ marúto gaṇéna |
kavírgīrbʰíḥ kā́vyenā kavíḥ sánsómaḥ pavítramátyeti rébʰan || 17||

17. śiśunmsa«√śū jajñānata·Amsa«√jan haryatajmsa«√hary mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj  
     śumbʰantivp·A·3p«√śubʰ vahninmsa«√vah marutNmpn gaṇanmsi«√gaṇ |
     kavinmsn«√kū girnfpi«√gṝ kāvyannsi«√kū kavinmsn«√kū  
     santtp·Amsn«√as somanmsn«√su pavitrannsa«√pū atip etivp·A·3s«√i rebʰanttp·Amsn«√ribʰ 

17. They cleanse the charming infant Soma
at his birth; the Maruts decorate the bearer of
boons with their troop; being wise with songs,
wise with wisdom, Soma passes clamorous through
the filter.

ṛ́ṣimanā yá ṛṣikṛ́tsvarṣā́ḥ sahásraṇītʰaḥ padavī́ḥ kavīnā́m |
tṛtī́yaṃ dʰā́ma mahiṣáḥ síṣāsansómo virā́jamánu rājati ṣṭúp || 18||

18. (ṛṣinms«√ṛṣ-manasnns«√man)jmsn yasr3msn (ṛṣinms«√ṛṣ-kṛtjms«√kṛ)jmsn (svarnns-sanjms«√san)jmsn  
     (sahasrau-nītʰanms«√nī)jmsn (padanns«√pad-vījms«√vī)nmsn kavinmpg«√kū |
     tṛtīyajnsa dʰāmannnsa«√dʰā mahiṣajmsn«√mah siṣāsanttp·Amsn«√san  
     somanmsn«√su virājnfsa«vi~√rāj anup rājativp·A·3s«√rāj stubʰjmsn«√stu 

18. Thinking as a rishi, acting as rishi, gaining
heaven, praised by thousands, the guide of the wise,
the mighty Soma desiring to attain the third
region heaven being praised adds lustre to the
illustrious Indra.

camūṣácʰyenáḥ śakunó vibʰṛ́tvā govindúrdrapsá ā́yudʰāni bíbʰrat |
apā́mūrmíṃ sácamānaḥ samudráṃ turī́yaṃ dʰā́ma mahiṣó vivakti || 19||

19. (camūnfs-sadjms«√sad)jmsn śyenanmsn śakunajmsn«√śak vibʰṛtvanjmsn«vi~√bʰṛ  
     (gonfs-vindujms«√vid)jmsn drapsanmsn«√drap āyudʰannpa«ā~√yudʰ bibʰrattp·Amsn«√bʰṛ |
     apnfpg ūrminmsa«√ṛ sacamānata·Amsn«√sac samudranmsa«sam~√ud  
     turīyajnsa dʰāmannnsa«√dʰā mahiṣajmsn«√mah vivaktivp·A·3s«vi~√vac 

19. Seated on the ladles praiseworthy, competent,
supporting, acquiring cattle, flowing, bearing arms,
attending upon the firmament, the sender of the
waters, the mighty Soma attends the fourth sphere.

máryo ná śubʰrástanvàṃ mṛjānó'tyo ná sṛ́tvā sanáye dʰánānām |
vṛ́ṣeva yūtʰā́ pári kóśamárṣankánikradaccamvòrā́ viveśa || 20||

20. maryanmsn«√mṛ nac śubʰrajmsn«√śubʰ tanūnfsa«√tan mṛjānata·Amsn«√mṛj  
     atyanmsn«√at? nac sṛtvanjmsn«√sṛ saninmsd«√san dʰanannpg«√dʰan |
     vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ ivac yūtʰannpa«√yu parip kośanmsa«√kuś arṣanttp·Ams?«√ṛṣ  
     kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand camūnfdl āp viveśavp·I·3s«√viś 

20. Cleansing his person like a richly-decorated
man, flowing to acquire riches like a rapid horse,
rushing to the receptacle like a bull to the herd,
Soma crying repeatedly enters the planks.

pávasvendo pávamāno máhobʰiḥ kánikradatpári vā́rāṇyarṣa |
krī́ḷañcamvòrā́ viśa pūyámāna índraṃ te ráso madiró mamattu || 21||

21. pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū indunmsv«√ind pavamānanmsn«√pū mahasnnpi«√mah  
     kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand parip vārannpa«√vṛ2 arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ |
     krīḷanttp·Amsn«√krīḷ camūnfdl āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū  
     indraNmsa«√ind tvamr2msg rasanmsn«√ras madirajmsn«√mad mamattuvp·Ao3s«√mad 

21. Flow, Indu, purified by the venerable
priests, rush through the filter crying repeatedly,
sporting enter the planks purified, let thy exhilarating
liquor exhilarate Indra.

prā́sya dʰā́rā bṛhatī́rasṛgrannaktó góbʰiḥ kaláśām̐ ā́ viveśa |
sā́ma kṛṇvánsāmanyò vipaścítkrándannetyabʰí sákʰyurná jāmím || 22||

22. prap ayamr3msg dʰārānfpn«√dʰṛ bṛhatījfpa«√bṛh asṛgranva·U·3p«√sṛj  
     aktajmsn«√añj gonfpi kalaśanmpa«√kal? āp viveśavp·I·3s«√viś |
     sāmannnsa«√sā kṛṇvanttp·Amsn«√kṛ sāmanyanmsn«√sā (vipnfpa«√vip-citjms«√ci)jmsn  
     krandanttp·Amsn«√krand etivp·A·3s«√i abʰip sakʰinmsg«√sac nac jāminfsa«√jan 

22. His copious streams flow forth; blended with
the milk and curds he enters the pitchers; uttering
chants the skilful chanter, the omniscient Soma
hastens invoking the gods towards the cups like
a libertine to the wife of a friend.

apagʰnánneṣi pavamāna śátrūnpriyā́ṃ ná jāró abʰígīta índuḥ |
sī́danváneṣu śakunó ná pátvā sómaḥ punānáḥ kaláśeṣu sáttā || 23||

23. apagʰnanttp·Amsn«apa~√han eṣivp·A·2s«√i pavamānanmsv«√pū śatrunmpa«√śad  
     priyājfsa«√prī nac jāranmsn«√jṝ abʰigītajmsn«abʰi~√gai indunmsn«√ind |
     sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad vanannpl«√van śakunanmsn«√śak nac patvanjmsn«√pat  
     somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū kalaśanmpl«√kal? sattṛjmsn«√sad 

23. O Pavamana, eulogized by the worshippers,
distilling into the receptacles, destroying the
enemies, thou goest like a gallant to his mistress;
falling like a bird alighting on the trees the Soma
when purified alights upon the pitchers.

ā́ te rúcaḥ pávamānasya soma yóṣeva yanti sudúgʰāḥ sudʰārā́ḥ |
hárirā́nītaḥ puruvā́ro apsvácikradatkaláśe devayūnā́m || 24||

24. āp tvamr2msg rucnfpn«√ruc pavamānanmsg«√pū somanmsv«√su  
     yoṣānfsn«√yu ivac yantivp·A·3p«√i sudugʰājfpn«su~√duh sudʰārājfpn«su~√dʰṛ |
     harijmsn«√hṛ ānītajmsn«ā~√nī (purua«√pṝ-vārajms«√vṛ2)jmsn apnfpl  
     acikradatvp·U·3s«√krand kalaśanmsl«√kal? (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmpg 

24. The lustres, Soma, of thee when being purified,
approach with abundant milk with copious
streams like a woman giving milk to her child;
the green-tinted Soma, the desired of many, has
been brought to the waters and cries repeatedly
in the pitcher of the god-loving worshippers.

Sūkta 9.97 

asyá preṣā́ hemánā pūyámāno devó devébʰiḥ sámapṛkta rásam |
sutáḥ pavítraṃ páryeti rébʰanmitéva sádma paśumā́nti hótā || 1||

1.  ayamr3msg preṣnfsi«pra~√iṣ hemannnsi«√hi pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū  
    devanmsn«√div devanmpi«√div samp apṛktavp·U·3s«√pṛc rasanmsa«√ras |
    sutajmsn«√su pavitrannsa«√pū parip etivp·A·3s«√i rebʰanttp·Amsn«√ribʰ  
    mitnfsi«√mi ivac sadmannnsa«√sad paśumantjnpa«√paś hotṛnmsn«√hu 

1. The shining Soma being purified by the
golden hand that urges it forth, brings its juice into
contact with the gods; when effused it proceeds
with a roar to the filter like the ministrant priest to
the halls prepared for sacrifice containing victims.

bʰadrā́ vástrā samanyā̀ vásāno mahā́nkavírnivácanāni śáṃsan |
ā́ vacyasva camvòḥ pūyámāno vicakṣaṇó jā́gṛvirdevávītau || 2||

2.  bʰadrajnpa«√bʰaj vastrannpa«√vas samanyajnpa vasānata·Amsn«√vas  
    mahatjmsn«√mah kavinmsn«√kū nivacanannpa«ni~√vac śaṃsanttp·Amsn«√śaṃs |
    āp vacyasvava·Ao2s«√vañc camūnfdl pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū  
    vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ jāgṛvijmsn«√jāgṛ (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsl 

2. The great wise Soma, clothed in his auspicious
war-vestments, the inspirer of praises-enter into
the vessels when purified, thou who art sagacious
and vigilant at the banquet of the gods.

sámu priyó mṛjyate sā́no ávye yaśástaro yaśásāṃ kṣaíto asmé |
abʰí svara dʰánvā pūyámāno yūyáṃ pāta svastíbʰiḥ sádā naḥ || 3||

3.  samp uc priyajmsn«√prī mṛjyatevp·A·3s«√mṛj sānunmsl«√san avyajmsl  
    yaśastarajmsn«√yaś yaśasnnpg«√yaś kṣaitanmsn«√kṣi vayamr1mpd |
    abʰip svaravp·Ao2s«√svar dʰanvannnsn«√dʰan pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū  
    tvamr2mpn pātavp·Ao2p«√pā2 svastinnpi«su~√as sadāa vayamr1mpa 

3. Soma, the most famous of the famous, the
earth-born, the conciliator, is cleansed for us in the
elevated fleece; sound aloud in the firmament when
purified; do you ever protect us with blessings.

prá gāyatābʰyàrcāma devā́nsómaṃ hinota mahaté dʰánāya |
svādúḥ pavāte áti vā́ramávyamā́ sīdāti kaláśaṃ devayúrnaḥ || 4||

4.  prap gāyatavp·AE2p«√gai abʰip arcāmavp·AE1p«√ṛc devanmpa«√div  
    somanmsa«√su hinotavp·Ao2p«√hi mahatjnsd«√mah dʰanannsd«√dʰan |
    svādujmsn«√svad pavāteva·Ae3s«√pū atip vāranmsa«√vṛ2 avyajmsa  
    āp sīdātivp·Ae3s«√sad kalaśanmsa«√kal? (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsn vayamr1mpd 

4. Sing to the Soma, let us praise the gods;
send forth the Soma for the acquirement of great
wealth. He passes sweet-flavoured pure through
the fleecy filter; our Soma devoted to the gods
alights on the pitcher.

índurdevā́nāmúpa sakʰyámāyánsahásradʰāraḥ pavate mádāya |
nṛ́bʰi stávāno ánu dʰā́ma pū́rvamáganníndraṃ mahaté saúbʰagāya || 5||

5.  indunmsn«√ind devanmpg«√div upap sakʰyannsa«√sac āyanttp·Amsn«ā~√i  
    (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn pavateva·A·3s«√pū madanmsd«√mad |
    nṛnmpi stavānata·Amsn«√stu anup dʰāmannnsa«√dʰā pūrvajnsa«√pur  
    aganvp·Aa3s«√gam indraNmsa«√ind mahatjnsd«√mah saubʰagannsd«su~√bʰaj 

5. Indu coming to obtain the friendship of the
gods flows in a thousand streams for their exhilaration;
glorified by the priests he proceeds
to his ancient station, he proceeds to Indra for the
sake of great prosperity to the worshippers.

stotré rāyé hárirarṣā punāná índraṃ mádo gacʰatu te bʰárāya |
devaíryāhi sarátʰaṃ rā́dʰo ácʰā yūyáṃ pāta svastíbʰiḥ sádā naḥ || 6||

6.  stotṛnmsd«√stu rainmsd«√rā harijmsn«√hṛ arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ punānajmsn«√pū  
    indraNmsa«√ind madanmsn«√mad gacʰatuvp·Ao3s«√gam tvamr2msg bʰaranmsd«√bʰṛ |
    devanmpi«√div yāhivp·Ao2s«√yā saratʰaa«sa~√ṛ rādʰasnnsa«√rādʰ acʰāp  
    tvamr2mpn pātavp·Ao2p«√pā2 svastinnpi«su~√as sadāa vayamr1mpa 

6. Soma, when our praise is offered, flow green-tinted and purified,
to bring us riches, may thy exhilarating beverage animate
Indra to battle. Go
in the same car with the gods to procure us wealth;
do you ever protect us with blessings.

prá kā́vyamuśáneva bruvāṇó devó devā́nāṃ jánimā vivakti |
máhivrataḥ śúcibandʰuḥ pāvakáḥ padā́ varāhó abʰyèti rébʰan || 7||

7.  prap kāvyannsa«√kū uśanasnmsn«√vaś ivac bruvāṇajmsn«√brū  
    devanmsn«√div devanmpg«√div janimannnsa«√jan vivaktivp·A·3s«vi~√vac |
    (mahijns«√mah-vratanns«√vṛ2)jmsn (śucijms«√śuc-bandʰunms«√bandʰ)jmsn pāvakajmsn«√pū  
    padannpa«√pad (varajms«√vṛ-ahannms)nmsn abʰip etivp·A·3s«√i rebʰanttp·Amsn«√ribʰ 

7. Reciting sacred praise like Ushanas the praiser
Vrsaganas proclaims the births of the gods;
assiduous in pious observances, of brilliant radiance,
purifying from sin, he approaches the filter
making a noise as a wild boar makes a noise
with its foot.

prá haṃsā́sastṛpálaṃ manyúmácʰāmā́dástaṃ vṛ́ṣagaṇā ayāsuḥ |
āṅgūṣyàṃ pavamānaṃ sákʰāyo durmárṣaṃ sākáṃ prá vadanti vāṇám || 8||

8.  prap haṃsajmpn«√han tṛpalajmsa«√tṛp (mannfs«√man-yujms«√yu)nmsa acʰāp  
    ar3nsb astama«√as (vṛṣajms«√vṛṣ-gaṇanms«√gaṇ)nmpn ayāsurvp·U·3p«√yā |
    āṅgūṣyajmsa«√gʰuṣ pavamānanmsa«√pū sakʰinmpn«√sac  
    durmarṣajmsa«dus~√mṛṣ sākama«sa~√añc prap vadantivp·A·3s«√vad vāṇanmsa«√vaṇ 

8. The Vrsaganas walking like swans,
alarmed at the strength of the foe, have repaired
to the house of sacrifice, to the swift-shooting foe despising
Soma; the friends sound the flute to
the praiseworthy irresistible Pavamana.

sá raṃhata urugāyásya jūtíṃ vṛ́tʰā krī́ḷantaṃ mimate ná gā́vaḥ |
parīṇasáṃ kṛṇute tigmáśṛṅgo dívā hárirdádṛśe náktamṛjráḥ || 9||

9.  sasr3msn raṃhateva·A·3s«√raṃh (urujns«√ṛ-gāyajms«√gā)jmsg jūtinfsa«√jū  
    vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 krīḷanttp·Amsa«√krīḷ mimatevp·A·3p«√mā nac gonfpn |
    parīṇasnmsa«√pṝ kṛṇuteva·A·3s«√kṛ (tigmajms«√tij-śṛṅganns«√śṛṅ?)jmsn  
    dyunmsi harijmsn«√hṛ dadṛśevp·I·3s«√dṛś naktannsa ṛjrajmsn«√ṛj 

9. He moves rapidly following the path of
him the much-praised, other goers cannot overtake
him though he is moving easily; sharp-horned
he displays manifold radiance; the Soma
appears green-tinted by day, and clearly visible
at night.

índurvājī́ pavate gónyogʰā índre sómaḥ sáha ínvanmádāya |
hánti rákṣo bā́dʰate páryárātīrvárivaḥ kṛṇvánvṛjánasya rā́jā || 10||

10. indunmsn«√ind vājinjmsn«√vāj pavateva·A·3s«√pū (gonfsl-ogʰanms«√vah)jmsn  
     indraNmsl«√ind somanmsn«√su sahasnnsa«√sah invanttp·Amsn«√inv madanmsd«√mad |
     hantivp·A·3s«√han rakṣasnnsa«√rakṣ bādʰateva·A·3s«√bādʰ parip arātinfpa«a~√rā  
     varivasnnsn«√vṛ kṛṇvanttp·Amsn«√kṛ vṛjanannsg«√vṛj rājannmsn«√rāj 

10. The powerful, flowing Soma having quantities
of juice flowing down, streams forth infusing
strength into Indra for his exhilaration; conferring
wealth the king of strength slays the Rakshasas and
harasses the enemy.

ádʰa dʰā́rayā mádʰvā pṛcānástiró róma pavate ádridugdʰaḥ |
índuríndrasya sakʰyáṃ juṣāṇó devó devásya matsaró mádāya || 11||

11. adʰaa dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ madʰujfsi«√madʰ pṛcānajmsn«√pṛc  
     tirasa«√tṝ romannnsa«√ruh pavateva·A·3s«√pū (adrinms«√dṛ-dugdʰajms«√duh)jmsn |
     indunmsn«√ind indraNmsg«√ind sakʰyannsa«√sac juṣāṇajmsn«√juṣ  
     devanmsn«√div devanmsg«√div (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmsn madanmsd«√mad 

11. Milked forth by the stones the Soma flows
through the sheep's hair coming into contact with
the gods with its sweet-flavoured stream; the
divine exhilarating Indu desiring the friendship of
Indra flows for the exhilaration of the deity.

abʰí priyā́ṇi pavate punānó devó devā́nsvéna rásena pṛñcán |
índurdʰármāṇyṛtutʰā́ vásāno dáśa kṣípo avyata sā́no ávye || 12||

12. abʰip priyajnpa«√prī pavateva·A·3s«√pū punānajmsn«√pū  
     devanmsn«√div devanmpa«√div svajmsi rasanmsi«√ras pṛñcanttp·Amsn«√pṛc |
     indunmsn«√ind dʰarmannnpa«√dʰṛ ṛtutʰāa«√ṛ vasānata·Amsn«√vas  
     daśau kṣipnfpn«√kṣip avyatavp·U·3p«√vye sānunmsl«√san avyajmsl 

12. Clothed in pleasant radiance suited to the
season the sportive Indu flows purified, reaching the
gods with its juice; the ten fingers guide it to the
elevated fleece.

vṛ́ṣā śóṇo abʰikánikradadgā́ nadáyanneti pṛtʰivī́mutá dyā́m |
índrasyeva vagnúrā́ śṛṇva ājaú pracetáyannarṣati vā́camémā́m || 13||

13. vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ śoṇanmsn«√śoṇ abʰikanikradattp·Amsn«abʰi~√krand gonfpa  
     nadayanttp·Amsn«√nad etivp·A·3s«√i pṛtʰivīnfsa«√pṛtʰ utac dyunmsa |
     indraNmsg«√ind ivac vagnunmsn«√vac āp śṛṇveva·A·3s«√śru ājinmsl«√aj  
     pracetayanttp·Amsn«pra~√cit arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ vācnfsa«√vac āp ayamr3fsa 

13. Calling out for the praises like a red bull
bellowing after the kine, the Soma goes with a roar
through heaven and earth; his voice is heard as
the voice of Indra, manifesting himself he raises
this voice.

rasā́yyaḥ páyasā pínvamāna īráyanneṣi mádʰumantamaṃśúm |
pávamānaḥ saṃtanímeṣi kṛṇvánníndrāya soma pariṣicyámānaḥ || 14||

14. rasāyyajmsn«√ras payasnnsi«√pī pinvamānata·Amsn«√pinv  
     īrayanttp·Amsn«√īr eṣivp·A·2s«√i madʰumantjmsa«√madʰ aṃśunmsa«√aś |
     pavamānanmsn«√pū saṃtaninmsa«sam~√tan eṣivp·A·2s«√i kṛṇvanttp·Amsn«√kṛ  
     indraNmsd«√ind somaNmsv«√su pariṣicyamānatp·Amsn«pari~√sic 

14. Pleasant to the taste, dripping with milk
thou flowest pouring forth the sweet-flavoured juice.
Soma, when purified and sprinkled, thou flowest for
Indra in a continuous stream.

evā́ pavasva madiró mádāyodagrābʰásya namáyanvadʰasnaíḥ |
pári várṇaṃ bʰáramāṇo rúśantaṃ gavyúrno arṣa pári soma siktáḥ || 15||

15. evac pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madirajmsn«√mad madanmsd«√mad  
     (udanns«√ud-grābʰajms«√grabʰ)jmsg namayanttp·Amsn«√nam vadʰasnanmpi«√vadʰ |
     parip varṇanmsa«√vṛ bʰaramāṇata·Amsn«√bʰṛ ruśanttp·Amsa«√ruc  
     (gonfs-yujms«√yu)jmsn vayamr1mpa arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ parip somaNmsv«√su siktajmsn«√sic 

15. Thus flow, the exhilarator, for Indra's exhilaration
bowing down the rain-holder with thy
weapons, assuming a brilliant colour, desirous of our
cattle, flow, Soma, sprinkled into the filter.

juṣṭvī́ na indo supátʰā sugā́nyuraú pavasva várivāṃsi kṛṇván |
gʰanéva víṣvagduritā́ni vigʰnánnádʰi ṣṇúnā dʰanva sā́no ávye || 16||

16. juṣṭvītp·A???«√juṣ vayamr1mpd indunmsv«√ind supatʰannpa«su~√pantʰ sugajnpa«su~√gam  
     urunmsl«√ṛ pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū varivasnnpa«√vṛ kṛṇvanttp·Amsn«√kṛ |
     gʰanānfsi«√han ivac (viṣua«√viś-añcjms«√añc)a duritajnpa«dus~√i vigʰnanttp·Amsn«vi~√han  
     adʰip snunnsi«√san dʰanvavp·Ao2s«√dʰanv sānunmsl«√san avyajmsl 

16. Gratified with our praises, Indu, flow into
the large vessel, granting us riches coming by
holy paths and easily acquired; beating down the
Rakshasas on every side as with a club, flow in a
stream upon the elevated fleece.

vṛṣṭíṃ no arṣa divyā́ṃ jigatnúmíḷāvatīṃ śaṃgáyīṃ jīrádānum |
stúkeva vītā́ dʰanvā vicinvánbándʰūm̐rimā́m̐ ávarām̐ indo vāyū́n || 17||

17. vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ vayamr1mpd arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ divyājfsa«√div jigatnujfsa«√gam  
     iḷāvatījfsa (śama«√śam-gayanms«√gam)jfsa (jīrajms«√jinv-dānujfs«√dā)jfsa |
     stukānfsn«√stu ivac vītājfsn«√vī dʰanvavp·Ao2s«√dʰanv vicinvanttp·Amsn«vi~√ci  
     bandʰunmpa«√bandʰ ayamr3mpa avarajmpa indunmsv«√ind vāyunmpa«√vā 

17. Send us rain from heaven, quick-falling,
food-giving, giving health to our home, promptly
munificent: flow, Indu, seeking these lower winds
thy kinsmen as one seeking his beloved infants.

grantʰíṃ ná ví ṣya gratʰitáṃ punāná ṛjúṃ ca gātúṃ vṛjináṃ ca soma |
átyo ná krado hárirā́ sṛjānó máryo deva dʰanva pastyā̀vān || 18||

18. grantʰinmsa«√gratʰ nac vip syavp·Ao2s«√si gratʰitajmsa«√gratʰ punānajmsn«√pū  
     ṛjujmsa«√arj cac gātunmsa«√gā vṛjinajmsa«√vṛj cac somaNmsv«√su |
     atyanmsn«√at? nac kradasvp·AE2s«√krand harijmsn«√hṛ āp sṛjānata·Amsn«√sṛj  
     maryanmsn«√mṛ devanmsv«√div dʰanvavp·Ao2s«√dʰanv pastyāvantjmsn«√pas 

18. Soma when filtered loose me bound by
sin as one looseth a knot; grant me a straight
path and strength. Thou, green-tinted, neighest
like a horse when thou art let loose: proceed
divine Soma who art friendly to man, and hast
a dwelling.

júṣṭo mádāya devátāta indo pári ṣṇúnā dʰanva sā́no ávye |
sahásradʰāraḥ surabʰírádabdʰaḥ pári srava vā́jasātau nṛṣáhye || 19||

19. juṣṭajmsn«√juṣ madanmsd«√mad (devanms«√div-tātnfs«√tan)nfsd indunmsv«√ind  
     parip snunnsi«√san dʰanvavp·Ao2s«√dʰanv sānunmsl«√san avyajmsl |
     (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn surabʰinmsn«su~√rabʰ adabdʰajmsn«a~√dabʰ  
     parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru (vājanms«√vāj-sātinfs«√san)nfsl (nṛnms-sahyajms«√sah)nmsl 

19. Indu, who art adequate for exhilaration flow
in a stream to the elevated fleece at the sacrifice;
thousand-streaming, fragrant, irresistible, flow for
the acquisition of food in the combat.

araśmā́no yè'ratʰā́ áyuktā átyāso ná sasṛjānā́sa ājaú |
eté śukrā́so dʰanvanti sómā dévāsastā́m̐ úpa yātā píbadʰyai || 20||

20. araśmannmpn«a~√raś yasr3mpn aratʰajmpn«√ṛ ayuktajmpn«a~√yuj  
     atyanmpn«√at? nac sasṛjānata·Impn«√sṛj ājinmsl«√aj |
     etasr3mpn śukrajmpn«√śuc dʰanvantivp·A·3p«√dʰanv somajmpn«√su  
     devanmpn«√div sasr3mpa upap yātavp·Ao2p«√yā pibadʰyaiv···D··«√pā 

20. These brilliant Soma juices flow like horses
let loose in battle without reins, without chariots,
unharnessed; approach them, ye gods, to drink.

evā́ na indo abʰí devávītiṃ pári srava nábʰo árṇaścamū́ṣu |
sómo asmábʰyaṃ kā́myaṃ bṛhántaṃ rayíṃ dadātu vīrávantamugrám || 21||

21. evac vayamr1mpd indunmsv«√ind abʰip (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsa  
     parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru nabʰasnnsa«√nabʰ arṇasnnsa camūnfpl |
     somanmsn«√su vayamr1mpd kāmyajmsa«√kam bṛhatjmsa«√bṛh  
     rayinmsa«√rā dadātuvp·Ao3s«√dā vīravantjmsa«√vīr ugrajmsa«√vaj 

21. So, Indu, at our sacrifice pour the water
from the firmament into the vessels; may Soma
bestow upon us desirable riches in abundance with
male offspring and strength.

tákṣadyádī mánaso vénato vā́gjyéṣṭʰasya vā dʰármaṇi kṣóránīke |
ā́dīmāyanváramā́ vāvaśānā́ júṣṭaṃ pátiṃ kaláśe gā́va índum || 22||

22. takṣatvp·AE3s«√takṣ yadr3nsl manasnnsb«√man venanttp·Ansg«√ven vācnfsn«√vac  
     jyeṣṭʰajmsg«√jyāc dʰarmannnsl«√dʰṛ kṣunfsg«√kṣu anīkanmsl«√an |
     ātc īmr3msa āyanvp·Aa3p«√i varanmsa«√vṛ2 āp vāvaśānata·Afpn«√vaś  
     juṣṭajmsa«√juṣ patinmsa«√pā2 kalaśanmsl«√kal? gonfpn indunmsa«√ind 

22. When the praise of the zealous worshipper
sanctifies him as that of a noisy crowd in front
praises a distinguished prince for the support
he affords; then the cows come to the excellent
exhilarating Indu, the lord of all, abiding in the
pitcher, eager to gratify him with their milk.

prá dānudó divyó dānupinvá ṛtámṛtā́ya pavate sumedʰā́ḥ |
dʰarmā́ bʰuvadvṛjanyàsya rā́jā prá raśmíbʰirdaśábʰirbʰāri bʰū́ma || 23||

23. prap (dānunns-dajms«√dā)jmsn divyajmsn«√div (dānunns-pinvajms«√pinv)jmsn  
     ṛtannsa«√ṛ ṛtannsd«√ṛ pavateva·A·3s«√pū sumedʰasjmsn«su~√midʰ |
     dʰarmannmsn«√dʰṛ bʰuvatvp·Ue3s«√bʰū vṛjanyanmsg«√vṛj rājannmsn«√rāj  
     prap raśminmpi«√raś daśau bʰārivp·U·3s«√bʰṛ bʰūmannnsa«√bʰū 

23. The divine benefactor of givers, pouring
boons on givers, the intelligent Soma distills his
true beverage for true Indra; the radiant Soma
is the upholder of strength, he is entirely restrained
by the ten fingers.

pavítrebʰiḥ pávamāno nṛcákṣā rā́jā devā́nāmutá mártyānām |
dvitā́ bʰuvadrayipátī rayīṇā́mṛtáṃ bʰaratsúbʰṛtaṃ cā́rvínduḥ || 24||

24. pavitrannpi«√pū pavamānanmsn«√pū (nṛnms-cakṣasnms«√cakṣ)jmsn  
     rājannmsn«√rāj devanmpg«√div utac martyanmpg«√mṛ |
     dvitāa bʰuvatvp·Ue3s«√bʰū (rayinms«√rā-patinms«√pā2)nmsn rayinmpg«√rā  
     ṛtannsa«√ṛ bʰaratvp·AE3s«√bʰṛ subʰṛtajnsa«su~√bʰṛ cārujnsa«√can indunmsn«√ind 

24. Purified by the filters the observer of man,
the sovereign of both gods and mortals, the lord of
abundant wealth Soma, is twofold; Indu bears
the auspicious collected water.

árvām̐ iva śrávase sātímácʰéndrasya vāyórabʰí vītímarṣa |
sá naḥ sahásrā bṛhatī́ríṣo dā bʰávā soma draviṇovítpunānáḥ || 25||

25. arvannmsn«√ṛ ivac śravasnnsd«√śru sātinfsa«√san acʰāp  
     indraNmsg«√ind vāyuNmsg«√vā abʰip vītinfsa«√vī arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ |
     sasr3msn vayamr1mpd sahasrājfpa bṛhatījfpa«√bṛh iṣnfpa«√iṣ dāsvp·AE2s«√dā  
     bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū somaNmsv«√su (draviṇasnns«√dru-vidjms«√vid)jmsn punānajmsn«√pū 

25. Hasten Soma to give food to Indra and
Vayu like a horse, for the sake of giving us
food, to acquire wealth; give us abundant thousandfold
food; Soma, when filtered, become the dispenser
of riches.

devāvyò naḥ pariṣicyámānāḥ kṣáyaṃ suvī́raṃ dʰanvantu sómāḥ |
āyajyávaḥ sumatíṃ viśvávārā hótāro ná diviyájo mandrátamāḥ || 26||

26. (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmpn vayamr1mpd pariṣicyamānatp·Ampn«pari~√sic  
     kṣayanmsa«√kṣi2 suvīrajmsa«su~√vīr dʰanvantuvp·Ao3p«√dʰanv somanmpn«√su |
     (āyajnfs«ā~√yaj-yujms«√yu)jmpn sumatinfsa«su~√man (viśvanms«√viś-vārajms«√vṛ2)jmpn  
     hotṛnmpn«√hu nac (dyunmsl-yajjms«√yaj)jmpn mandratamajmpn«√mand 

26. May the Soma juices which are gratifying to
the gods when poured around into the vessels
bring us a dwelling and male offspring-the juices
endeavoring to gain the favour of the gods,
desired by all offering to the gods in heaven like
the ministrant priests, most exhilarating.

evā́ deva devátāte pavasva mahé soma psárase devapā́naḥ |
maháściddʰí ṣmási hitā́ḥ samaryé kṛdʰí suṣṭʰāné ródasī punānáḥ || 27||

27. evac devanmsv«√div (devanms«√div-tātnfs«√tan)nfsd pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū  
     mahjnsd«√mah somanmsv«√su psarasnnsd«√psā (devanms«√div-pānanns«√pā)nmsn |
     mahjmpn«√mah cidc hic smasivp·A·1p«√as hitajmpn«√hi samaryannsl«sa~√rī  
     kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ suṣṭʰānajnda«su~√stʰā rodasnnda punānajmsn«√pū 

27. Divine Soma, who art the beverage of the
gods, flow at the sacrifice for their abundant food;
urged on by thee may we overcome even mighty
foes in battle; purified do thou render heaven and
earth happy abodes for us.

áśvo nó krado vṛ́ṣabʰiryujānáḥ siṃhó ná bʰīmó mánaso jávīyān |
arvācī́naiḥ patʰíbʰiryé rájiṣṭʰā ā́ pavasva saumanasáṃ na indo || 28||

28. aśvanmsn«√aś nac kradasvp·AE2s«√krand vṛṣannmpi«√vṛṣ yujānajmsn«√yuj  
     siṃhanmsn«√sah nac bʰīmajmsn«√bʰī manasnnsb«√man javīyaṅsjmsn«√ju |
     (arvaa-añcīnajms«√añc)jmpi patʰinnmpi«√pantʰ yasr3mpn rajiṣṭʰajmpn«√arj  
     āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū saumanasannsa«su~√man vayamr1mpd indunmsv«√ind 

28. Yoked by the priests, thou neighest like a
horse, thou art terrible as a lion, swifter than
thought; Indu, pour happiness upon us by those
which are the most direct of the paths leading

śatáṃ dʰā́rā devájātā asṛgransahásramenāḥ kaváyo mṛjanti |
índo sanítraṃ divá ā́ pavasva puraetā́si maható dʰánasya || 29||

29. śatau dʰārānfpn«√dʰṛ (devanms«√div-jātajms«√jan)jfpn asṛgranva·U·3p«√sṛj  
     sahasrau enar3fpa kavinmpn«√kū mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj |
     indunmsv«√ind sanitranmsa«√san dyunmsb āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū  
     (purasa«√pṝ-etṛnms«√i)nmsn asivp·A·2s«√as mahatjnsg«√mah dʰanannsg«√dʰan 

29. Thy hundred streams manifested for the
gods are loose; the sages cleanse those thousand
streams; pour wealth upon us, Indu, from
heaven; thou art the precursor of abundant riches.

divó ná sárgā asasṛgramáhnāṃ rā́jā ná mitráṃ prá mināti dʰī́raḥ |
pitúrná putráḥ krátubʰiryatāná ā́ pavasva viśé asyā́ ájītim || 30||

30. dyunmsb nac sarganmpn«√sṛj asasṛgramvp·U·3p«√sṛj ahannmpg  
     rājannmsn«√rāj nac mitranmsa«√mitʰ prap minātivp·A·3s«√mī dʰīrajmsn«√dʰī |
     pitṛnmsg nac putranmsn«√puṣ kratunmpi«√kṛ yatānata·Amsn«√yat  
     āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū viśnfsd«√viś ayamr3fsd ajītinfsa«a~√ji 

30. As the rays of the days of the sun are let
loose so are the streams of the Soma: a prudent
king does not abandon his friend; as a son persevering
in pious acts wins his father's safety,
do thou pour upon this people immunity from

prá te dʰā́rā mádʰumatīrasṛgranvā́rānyátpūtó atyéṣyávyān |
pávamāna pávase dʰā́ma gónāṃ jajñānáḥ sū́ryamapinvo arkaíḥ || 31||

31. prap tvamr2msg dʰārānfpn«√dʰṛ madʰumatījfpn«√madʰ asṛgranva·U·3p«√sṛj  
     vāranmpa«√vṛ2 yadc pūtajmsn«√pū atyeṣivp·A·2s«ati~√i avyajmpa |
     pavamānanmsv«√pū pavaseva·A·2s«√pū dʰāmannnsa«√dʰā gonfpg  
     jajñānata·Amsn«√jan sūryanmsa«√sūr apinvasvp·Aa2s«√pinv arkanmpi«√arc 

31. Thy exhilarating streams are let loose when
thou passest purified through the woollen fleece;
Pavamana, thou flowest to the supporting milk
of the kine, as soon as generated thou fillest the
sun with thy radiance.

kánikradadánu pántʰāmṛtásya śukró ví bʰāsyamṛ́tasya dʰā́ma |
sá índrāya pavase matsarávānhinvānó vā́caṃ matíbʰiḥ kavīnā́m || 32||

32. kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand anup patʰinnmsa«√pantʰ ṛtannsg«√ṛ  
     śukrajmsn«√śuc vip bʰāsivp·A·2s«√bʰā amṛtannsg«a~√mṛ dʰāmannnsa«√dʰā |
     sasr3msn indraNmsd«√ind pavaseva·A·2s«√pū (madnfs«√mad-saravantjms«√sṛ)jmsn  
     hinvānata·Amsn«√hi vācnfsa«√vac matinfpi«√man kavinmpg«√kū 

32. The Soma cries repeatedly upon the path
of the sacrifice; thou shinest being the abode of
immortality; possessing exhilaration thou flowest
for Indra, sending forth thy voice with the praises
of the sages.

divyáḥ suparṇó'va cakṣi soma pínvandʰā́rāḥ kármaṇā devávītau |
éndo viśa kaláśaṃ somadʰā́naṃ krándannihi sū́ryasyópa raśmím || 33||

33. divyajmsn«√div suparṇanmsn«su~√pṛ avap cakṣivp·A·2s«√cakṣ somanmsv«√su  
     pinvanttp·Amsn«√pinv dʰārānfpa«√dʰṛ karmannnsi«√kṛ (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsl |
     āp indunmsv«√ind viśavp·Ao2s«√viś kalaśanmsa«√kal? (somanms«√su-dʰānajms«√dʰā)jmsa  
     krandanttp·Amsn«√krand ihivp·Ao2s«√i sūryanmsg«√sūr upap raśminmsa«√raś 

33. Soma, who art celestial, well-winged, thou
lookest down from heaven, pouring forth thy
streams by the pious rite at the sacrifice; Indu,
enter into the pitcher the receptacle of the Soma;
crying aloud approach the sun's rays.

tisró vā́ca īrayati prá váhnirṛtásya dʰītíṃ bráhmaṇo manīṣā́m |
gā́vo yanti gópatiṃ pṛcʰámānāḥ sómaṃ yanti matáyo vāvaśānā́ḥ || 34||

34. triu vācnfpa«√vac īrayativp·A·3s«√īr prap vahninmsn«√vah  
     ṛtannsg«√ṛ dʰītinfsa«√dʰī brahmannmsg«√bṛh manīṣānfsa«√man |
     gonfpn yantivp·A·3p«√i (gonfs-patinms«√pā2)nmsa pṛcʰamānata·Afpn«√pracʰ  
     somanmsa«√su yantivp·A·3p«√i matinfpn«√man vāvaśānata·Afpn«√vaś 

34. The bearer of the oblation utters the three
praises, the thought of Brahma that sustains the
sacrifice; the kine come to the cowherd asking
to be milked, the praisers proceed to the Soma
with eagerness.

sómaṃ gā́vo dʰenávo vāvaśānā́ḥ sómaṃ víprā matíbʰiḥ pṛcʰámānāḥ |
sómaḥ sutáḥ pūyate ajyámānaḥ sóme arkā́striṣṭúbʰaḥ sáṃ navante || 35||

35. somanmsa«√su gonfpn dʰenunfpn«√dʰe vāvaśānata·Afpn«√vaś  
     somanmsa«√su vipranmpn«√vip matinfpi«√man pṛcʰamānata·Ampn«√pracʰ |
     somanmsn«√su sutajmsn«√su pūyatevp·A·3s«√pū ajyamānatp·Amsn«√añj  
     somanmsl«√su arkanmpn«√arc (triu-stubʰjmp«√stu)jmpn samp navanteva·A·3p«√nu 

35. The milch kine are longing for the Soma:
wise men are inquiring for him with praises;
Soma being effused is purified blended with the
milk, our adorations in the Tristubh metre are
united in the Soma.

evā́ naḥ soma pariṣicyámāna ā́ pavasva pūyámānaḥ svastí |
índramā́ viśa bṛhatā́ ráveṇa vardʰáyā vā́caṃ janáyā púraṃdʰim || 36||

36. evac vayamr1mpd somanmsv«√su pariṣicyamānatp·Amsn«pari~√sic  
     āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū svastinnsa«su~√as |
     indraNmsa«√ind āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś bṛhatjmsi«√bṛh ravanmsi«√ru  
     vardʰayavp·Ao2s«√vṛdʰ vācnfsa«√vac janayavp·Ao2s«√jan (purnfsa«√pṝ-dʰijms«√dʰā)jfsa 

36. Thus poured around into the vessels, Soma,
do thou when purified flow for our welfare, enter
with a great noise into Indra, foster our praise,
generate abundant knowledge in us.

ā́ jā́gṛvirvípra ṛtā́ matīnā́ṃ sómaḥ punānó asadaccamū́ṣu |
sápanti yáṃ mitʰunā́so níkāmā adʰvaryávo ratʰirā́saḥ suhástāḥ || 37||

37. āp jāgṛvijmsn«√jāgṛ viprajmsn«√vip ṛtannsi«√ṛ matinfpg«√man  
     somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū asadatvp·U·3s«√sad camūnfpl |
     sapantivp·A·3p«√sap yasr3msa mitʰunajmpn«√mitʰ nikāmajmpn«ni~√kam  
     (adʰvaranms-yujms«√yu)jmpn ratʰirajmpn«√ṛ suhastajmpn 

37. The vigilant Soma, the knower of true
praises, being purified, has sat down in the vessels
-the Soma whom the Adhvaryus touch, combined,
emulous, leaders of the sacrifice, auspicious-handed.

sá punāná úpa sū́re ná dʰā́tóbʰé aprā ródasī ví ṣá āvaḥ |
priyā́ cidyásya priyasā́sa ūtī́ sá tū́ dʰánaṃ kāríṇe ná prá yaṃsat || 38||

38. sasr3msn punānajmsn«√pū upap sūranmsl«√sūr nac dʰātṛnmsn«√dʰā  
     āp ubʰanfda aprāsvp·Aa2s«√prā rodasnnda vip sasr3msn āvarvp·Aa3s«ā~√vṛ |
     priyajnpa«√prī cidc yasr3msg (priyanns«√prī-sanjms«√san)jmpn ūtinfsi«√av  
     sasr3msn tuc dʰanannsa«√dʰan kārinnmsd«√kṛ nac prap yaṃsatvp·Ae3s«√yam 

38. The purified Soma approaches Indra as
the year approaches the sun, he fills both heaven
and earth with his radiance, he opens the darkness
with his light: may he, the beloved Soma,
whose beloved streams are for our preservation,
bestow upon us wealth like wages given to a

sá vardʰitā́ várdʰanaḥ pūyámānaḥ sómo mīḍʰvā́m̐ abʰí no jyótiṣāvīt |
yénā naḥ pū́rve pitáraḥ padajñā́ḥ svarvído abʰí gā́ ádrimuṣṇán || 39||

39. sasr3msn vardʰitṛnmsn«√vṛdʰ vardʰanajmsn«√vṛdʰ pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū  
     somanmsn«√su mīḷhvaṃstp·Imsn«√mih abʰip vayamr1mpa jyotisnnsi«√jyot āvītvp·U·3s«√av |
     yasr3msi vayamr1mpg pūrvajmpn«√pur pitṛnmpn (padanns«√pad-jñājms«√jñā)jmpn  
     (svarnns-vidjms«√vid)jmpn abʰip gonfpa adrinmsa«√dṛ uṣṇanvp·AE3p«√uṣ 

39. May Soma the augmenter of the gods,
self-augmenting, being purified, the showerer of
benefits, protect us by his radiance; through whom
our forefathers, tracing the footmarks, cognizant
of all things, stole the cattle from the rook.

ákrānsamudráḥ pratʰamé vídʰarmañjanáyanprajā́ bʰúvanasya rā́jā |
vṛ́ṣā pavítre ádʰi sā́no ávye bṛhátsómo vāvṛdʰe suvāná índuḥ || 40||

40. akrānvp·Aa3s«√krand samudranmsn«sam~√ud pratʰamanmsl vidʰarmannmsl«vi~√dʰṛ  
     janayanttp·Amsn«√jan prajānfpa«pra~√jan bʰuvanannsg«√bʰū rājannmsn«√rāj |
     vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ pavitrannsl«√pū adʰip sānunmsl«√san avyajmsl  
     bṛhatjmsn«√bṛh somanmsn«√su vāvṛdʰeva·I·3s«√vṛdʰ suvānata·A?sn«√su indunmsn«√ind 

40. The ocean, the royal Soma, generating
progeny in the outstretched firmament, the supporter
of the water traverses the universe; the
showerer of benefits the brilliant Soma when
effused increases abundantly in the elevated woollen

maháttátsómo mahiṣáścakārāpā́ṃ yádgárbʰó'vṛṇīta devā́n |
ádadʰādíndre pávamāna ójó'janayatsū́rye jyótirínduḥ || 41||

41. mahatnnsa«√mah tadr3nsa somanmsn«√su mahiṣajmsn«√mah cakāravp·I·3s«√kṛ  
     apnfpg yadr3nsa garbʰanmsn«√grah avṛṇītava·Aa3s«√vṛ2 devanmpa«√div |
     adadʰātvp·Aa3s«√dʰā indraNmsl«√ind pavamānanmsn«√pū ojasnnsa«√vaj  
     ajanayatvp·Aa3s«√jan sūryanmsl«√sūr jyotisnnsa«√jyot indunmsn«√ind 

41. The mighty Soma has achieved this mighty
work that, being the germ of the waters, he has
nourished the gods; purified he has given strength
to Indra; Indu has generated the light in the sun.

mátsi vāyúmiṣṭáye rā́dʰase ca mátsi mitrā́váruṇā pūyámānaḥ |
mátsi śárdʰo mā́rutaṃ mátsi devā́nmátsi dyā́vāpṛtʰivī́ deva soma || 42||

42. matsivp·Ao2s«√mad vāyuNmsa«√vā iṣṭinfsd«√iṣ rādʰasnnsd«√rādʰ cac  
     matsivp·Ao2s«√mad (mitraNmda«√mitʰ-varuṇaNmda«√vṛ)Nmda pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū |
     matsivp·Ao2s«√mad śardʰasnnsa«√śṛdʰ mārutajnsa matsivp·Ao2s«√mad devanmpa«√div  
     matsivp·Ao2s«√mad (dyunmda-pṛtʰivīnfda«√pṛtʰ)nfda devanmsv«√div somaNmsv«√su 

42. Exhilarate Vayu for our food and wealth,
exhilarate Mitra and Varuna as soon as thou art
filtered; exhilarate the company of the Maruts,
exhilarate the gods, exhilarate heaven and earth,
divine Soma.

ṛjúḥ pavasva vṛjinásya hantā́pā́mīvāṃ bā́dʰamāno mṛ́dʰaśca |
abʰiśrīṇánpáyaḥ páyasābʰí gónāmíndrasya tváṃ táva vayáṃ sákʰāyaḥ || 43||

43. ṛjujmsn«√arj pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū vṛjinajmsg«√vṛj hantṛnmsn«√han  
     apap amīvānfsa«√am bādʰamānata·Amsn«√bādʰ mṛdʰasnnsa«√mṛdʰ cac |
     abʰiśrīṇanvp·AE3p«abʰi~√śrī payasnnsa«√pī payasnnsi«√pī abʰip gonfpg  
     indraNmsg«√ind tvamr2msn tvamr2msg vayamr1mpn sakʰinmpn«√sac 

43. Flow thou who art straight-going, the slayer
of the crooked-goer, driving away disease and
enemies; mixing thy juice with the juice of the
kine thou goest to the cups: thou art Indra's
friend, we are thy friends.

mádʰvaḥ sū́daṃ pavasva vásva útsaṃ vīráṃ ca na ā́ pavasvā bʰágaṃ ca |
svádasvéndrāya pávamāna indo rayíṃ ca na ā́ pavasvā samudrā́t || 44||

44. madʰunnsg«√madʰ sūdanmsa«√sūd pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū vasunnsg«√vas utsanmsa«√ud  
     vīranmsa«√vīr cac vayamr1mpd āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū bʰaganmsa«√bʰaj cac |
     svadasvava·Ao2s«√svad indraNmsd«√ind pavamānanmsn«√pū indunmsv«√ind  
     rayinmsa«√rā cac vayamr1mpg āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū samudranmsb«sam~√ud 

44. Pour forth a fountain of wealth distilling
sweet juice, pour upon us male offspring and
riches; flow sweet for Indra. O Indu, when purified;
and pour riches upon us from the firmament.

sómaḥ sutó dʰā́rayā́tyo ná hítvā síndʰurná nimnámabʰí vājyàkṣāḥ |
ā́ yóniṃ ványamasadatpunānáḥ sámíndurgóbʰirasaratsámadbʰíḥ || 45||

45. somanmsn«√su sutajmsn«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ atyanmsn«√at? nac hitvātp·A???«√hā  
     sindʰunmsn«√sindʰ nac nimnannsa«√ni abʰip vājinnmsn«√vāj akṣārvp·U·3s«√kṣar |
     āp yoninmsa«√yu vanyajmsa«√van asadatvp·U·3s«√sad punānajmsn«√pū  
     samp indunmsn«√ind gonfpi asaratvp·Aa3s«√sṛ samp apnfpi 

45. The Soma effused in a stream, going like a
horse, flows powerful like a river down a descent;
purified he alights on the wooden abode; Indu
mixes with the milk and curds, mixes with the

eṣá syá te pavata indra sómaścamū́ṣu dʰī́ra uśaté távasvān |
svàrcakṣā ratʰiráḥ satyáśuṣmaḥ kā́mo ná yó devayatā́másarji || 46||

46. eṣasr3msn syar3msn tvamr2msd pavateva·A·3s«√pū indraNmsv«√ind somanmsn«√su  
     camūnfpl dʰīrajmsn«√dʰī uśatetp·Amsd«√vaś tavasvantjmsn«√tu |
     (svarnns-cakṣasnns«√cakṣ)jmsn ratʰirajmsn«√ṛ (satyanns«√as-śuṣmanms«√śuṣ)jmsn  
     kāmanmsn«√kam nac yasr3msn devayatnmpg«√div asarjivp·U·3s«√sṛj 

46. The flowing sagacious Soma flows into the
cups, Indra, for thee, who longest for him-all-seeing,
car-home, of adequate vigour, who has
been sent forth like the wish of the god-desiring

eṣá pratnéna váyasā punānástiró várpāṃsi duhitúrdádʰānaḥ |
vásānaḥ śárma trivárūtʰamapsú hóteva yāti sámaneṣu rébʰan || 47||

47. eṣasr3msn pratnajnsi vayasnnsi«√vī punānajmsn«√pū  
     tirasa«√tṝ varpasnnpa duhitṛnmsg«√duh dadʰānata·Imsn«√dʰā |
     vasānata·Amsn«√vas śarmannnsa«√śri (triu-varūtʰannsa«√vṛ)jnsa apnfpl  
     hotṛnmsn«√hu ivac yātivp·A·3s«√yā samanannpl«sam~√an rebʰanttp·Amsn«√ribʰ 

47. Flowing with his ancient food, enveloping
the forms of the earth, covering the house of
sacrifice which has a threefold protection, placed
in the waters he advances, calling aloud at the
oblations like a ministrant priest.

nū́ nastváṃ ratʰiró deva soma pári srava camvòḥ pūyámānaḥ |
apsú svā́diṣṭʰo mádʰumām̐ ṛtā́vā devó ná yáḥ savitā́ satyámanmā || 48||

48. nuc vayamr1mpd tvamr2msn ratʰirajmsn«√ṛ devanmsv«√div somaNmsv«√su  
     parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru camūnfdl pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū |
     apnfpl svādiṣṭʰajmsn«√svad madʰumantjmsn«√madʰ ṛtāvanjmsn«√ṛ  
     devanmsn«√div nac yasr3msn savitṛNmsn«√sū (satyajns«√as-manmannns«√man)jmsn 

48. Divine Soma, who art car-home, being
filtered at our sacrifice, flow quickly into the
cups; most sweet-flavoured in the waters, full
of madhu, offered at the sacrifice, stimulator of all,
who like a god art the object of true praise.

abʰí vāyúṃ vītyàrṣā gṛṇānò'bʰí mitrā́váruṇā pūyámānaḥ |
abʰī́ náraṃ dʰījávanaṃ ratʰeṣṭʰā́mabʰī́ndraṃ vṛ́ṣaṇaṃ vájrabāhum || 49||

49. abʰip vāyuNmsa«√vā vītinfsl«√vī arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ gṛṇānatp·Amsn«√gṝ  
     abʰip (mitraNmda«√mitʰ-varuṇaNmda«√vṛ)Nmda pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū |
     abʰip nṛnmsa (dʰīnfs«√dʰī-javanajms«√ju)jmsa (ratʰanmsl«√ṛ-stʰājms«√stʰā)jmsa  
     abʰip indraNmsa«√ind vṛṣaṇajmsa«√vṛṣ (vajranms«√vaj-bāhunms«√bah)jmsa 

49. Being eulogized, hasten to Vayu, for him to drink;
being purified, hasten to Mitra and
Varuna; hasten to the leader, who is quick as
thought, mounted on a car, to Indra, the showerer,
the wielder of the thunderbolt.

abʰí vástrā suvasanā́nyarṣābʰí dʰenū́ḥ sudúgʰāḥ pūyámānaḥ |
abʰí candrā́ bʰártave no híraṇyābʰyáśvānratʰíno deva soma || 50||

50. abʰip vastrannpa«√vas suvasanajnpa«su~√vas arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ  
     abʰip dʰenunfpa«√dʰe sudugʰājfpa«su~√duh pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū |
     abʰip candrajnpa«√ścand bʰartavev···D··«√bʰṛ vayamr1mpd hiraṇyajnpa«√hṛ  
     abʰip aśvanmpa«√aś ratʰinnmpa«√ṛ devanmsv«√div somanmsv«√su 

50. Bring us handsome garments, bring us, when
thou art purified, cows easily milked; bring for our
maintenance gratifying gold; divine Soma, bring us
horses fit for chariots.

abʰī́ no arṣa divyā́ vásūnyabʰí víśvā pā́rtʰivā pūyámānaḥ |
abʰí yéna dráviṇamaśnávāmābʰyā̀rṣeyáṃ jamadagnivánnaḥ || 51||

51. abʰip vayamr1mpa arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ divyajnpa«√div vasunnpa«√vas  
     abʰip viśvajnpa«√viś pārtʰivajnpa«√pṛtʰ pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū |
     abʰip yadr3nsi draviṇannsa«√dru aśnavāmavp·A·1p«√aś  
     abʰip ārṣeyajmsa«√ṛṣ (jamatjms«√jam-agnivatjms«√aṅg)jmsn vayamr1mpg 

51. Bring us celestial treasures, bring us all
earthly treasures when thou art purified; bring us
the ability whereby we may acquire riches, make
our sacred prayer sweet as Jamadagni.

ayā́ pavā́ pavasvainā́ vásūni mām̐ścatvá indo sárasi prá dʰanva |
bradʰnáścidátra vā́to ná jūtáḥ purumédʰaścittákave náraṃ dāt || 52||

52. ar3nsi pavānfsi«√pū pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū enar3npa vasunnpa«√vas  
     (mām̐śnfs-catvajms«√añc)nnsl indunmsv«√ind sarasnnsl«√sṛ prap dʰanvavp·Ao2s«√dʰanv |
     bradʰnajmsn cidc ar2nsl vātanmsn«√van nac jūtajmsn«√jū  
     (purua«√pṝ-medʰasnns«√midʰ)jmsn cidc takunmsd«√tak nṛnmsa dātvp·AE3s«√dā 

52. With this filtered stream pour on us those
treasures; do thou, Indu, advance to the brown
water; at this rite may the sun, rapid as the wind,
may Indra the object of many sacrifices grant a
son to me approaching the Soma.

utá na enā́ pavayā́ pavasvā́dʰi śruté śravā́yyasya tīrtʰé |
ṣaṣṭíṃ sahásrā naigutó vásūni vṛkṣáṃ ná pakváṃ dʰūnavadráṇāya || 53||

53. utac vayamr1mpd enar3npa pavānfsi«√pū pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū  
     adʰip śrutannsl«√śru śravāyyajmsg«√śru tīrtʰannsl«√tṝ |
     ṣaṣṭiu sahasrāu naigutanmsn«ni~√gu vasunnpa«√vas  
     vṛkṣanmsa nac pakvajmsa«√pac dʰūnavatvp·Ae3s«√dʰū raṇanmsd«√raṇ 

53. And flow with this filtered stream at the
renowned station of thee who art worthy of renown;
the Soma the destroyer of enemies has shaken
down for us sixty thousand treasures for victory
as one shakes a tree whose fruit is ripe.

máhīmé asya vṛ́ṣanā́ma śūṣé mā́m̐ścatve vā pṛ́śane vā vádʰatre |
ásvāpayannigútaḥ sneháyaccā́pāmítrām̐ ápācíto acetáḥ || 54||

54. mahia«√mah ayamr3ndn ayamr3msg vṛṣanjnsn«√vṛṣ nāmannnsn«√nam śūṣajndn«√śvas  
     (mām̐śnfs«√māṃs-catvajms«√añc)nnslc pṛśanannsl«√spṛśc vadʰatrannsl«√vadʰ |
     asvāpayatvp·Aa3s«√svap nigutnmpa«ni~√gu snehayatvp·AE3s«√snih cac  
     apap amitrajmpa«a~√mitʰ apap acitjmpa«a~√cit acavp·Ao2s«√añc ir3nsb 

54. These two great acts, the raining of arrows
and the humiliation of foes, are the givers of
happiness; they are deadly either in a fight on
horseback or in a hand to hand fight; he has put
the foes to sleep and driven them away; do thou
Soma drive away the enemies and unbelievers.

sáṃ trī́ pavítrā vítatānyeṣyánvékaṃ dʰāvasi pūyámānaḥ |
ási bʰágo ási dātrásya dātā́si magʰávā magʰávadbʰya indo || 55||

55. samp triu pavitrannpa«√pū vitatajnpa«vi~√tan eṣivp·A·2s«√i  
     anup ekannsa dʰāvasivp·A·2s«√dʰāv pūyamānatp·Amsn«√pū |
     asivp·A·2s«√as bʰaganmsn«√bʰaj asivp·A·2s«√as dātrannsg«√dā dātṛnmsn«√dā  
     asivp·A·2s«√as magʰavanjmsn«√maṃh magʰavanjmpd«√maṃh indunmsv«√ind 

55. Thou reachest the three outstretched filters,
thou hastenest to the one filter being purified;
thou art Bhaga, thou art the donor of gifts, thou
Indu art more affluent than the affluent.

eṣá viśvavítpavate manīṣī́ sómo víśvasya bʰúvanasya rā́jā |
drapsā́m̐ īráyanvidátʰeṣvíndurví vā́ramávyaṃ samáyā́ti yāti || 56||

56. eṣasr3msn (viśvanns«√viś-vidjms«√vid)jmsn pavateva·A·3s«√pū manīṣinjmsn«√man  
     somanmsn«√su viśvannsg«√viś bʰuvanannsg«√bʰū rājannmsn«√rāj |
     drapsanmpa«√drap īrayanttp·Amsn«√īr vidatʰannpl«√vid indunmsn«√ind  
     vip vāranmsa«√vṛ2 avyajmsa samayāa«sam~√i atip yātivp·A·3s«√yā 

56. This all-knowing sage Soma, the sovereign of
the whole world, flows forth; distilling his drops at
the sacrifices, Indu passes through the sheep's hair
on both sides.

índuṃ rihanti mahiṣā́ ádabdʰāḥ padé rebʰanti kaváyo ná gṛ́dʰrāḥ |
hinvánti dʰī́rā daśábʰiḥ kṣípābʰiḥ sámañjate rūpámapā́ṃ rásena || 57||

57. indunmsa«√ind rihantivp·A·3p«√rih mahiṣajfpn«√mah adabdʰajfpn«a~√dabʰ  
     padannsl«√pad rebʰantivp·A·3p«√ribʰ kavinmpn«√kū nac gṛdʰrajmpn«√gṛdʰ |
     hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi dʰīrajmpn«√dʰī daśau kṣipānfpi«√kṣip  
     samp añjateva·A·3p«√añj rūpannsa«√rūp apnfpg rasanmsi«√ras 

57. The adorable, unassailable deities sip the
Soma juice, they bail it at its station like worshippers
greedy of wealth; the skilful priests send forth
the Soma with their ten fingers, they anoint its
body with the fluid of the waters.

tváyā vayáṃ pávamānena soma bʰáre kṛtáṃ ví cinuyāma śáśvat |
tánno mitró váruṇo māmahantāmáditiḥ síndʰuḥ pṛtʰivī́ utá dyaúḥ || 58||

58. tvamr2msi vayamr1mpn pavamānanmsi«√pū somaNmsv«√su  
     bʰaranmsl«√bʰṛ kṛtajmsa«√kṛ vip cinuyāmavp·Ai1p«√ci śaśvata«√śaś |
     tadr3nsa vayamr1mpd mitraNmsn«√mitʰ varuṇaNmsn«√vṛ māmahantāmva·Ao3p«√maṃh  
     aditiNfsn«a~√dā sindʰunmsn«√sindʰ pṛtʰivīnfsn«√pṛtʰ utac dyunmsn 

58. May we ever, Soma, with thee who art
purified, as our ally win much wealth in battle;
so may Mitra, Varuna, Aditi, Sindhu, heaven and
earth enrich us.

Sūkta 9.98 

abʰí no vājasā́tamaṃ rayímarṣa puruspṛ́ham |
índo sahásrabʰarṇasaṃ tuvidyumnáṃ vibʰvāsáham || 1||

1.  abʰip vayamr1mpa (vājanms«√vāj-sātamajms«√san)jmsa  
    rayinmsa«√rā arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jmsa |
    indunmsv«√ind (sahasrau-bʰarṇasnns«√bʰṛ)jmsa  
    (tuvijms«√tu-dyumnanns)jnsa (vibʰvanjms«vi~√bʰū-sahjms«√sah)jmsa 

1. Bring us, Indu, strength bestowing riches,
desired by many, supporting many, far-celebrated
and overcoming mighty foes.

pári ṣyá suvānó avyáyaṃ rátʰe ná vármāvyata |
índurabʰí drúṇā hitó hiyānó dʰā́rābʰirakṣāḥ || 2||

2.  parip syar3msn suvānata·A?sn«√su avyayajmsa  
    ratʰanmsl«√ṛ nac varmannnsa«√vṛ avyatava·U·3s«√vye |
    indunmsn«√ind abʰip drunmsi«√dru hitajmsn«√hi  
    hiyānatp·Amsn«√hi dʰārānfpi«√dʰṛ akṣārvp·U·3s«√kṣar 

2. When effused the Soma juice flows to the
woollen filter as a warrior in a chariot is covered
in mail; fitted in to the wooden cask, hurrying
forth, it flows in streams.

pári ṣyá suvānó akṣā índurávye mádacyutaḥ |
dʰā́rā yá ūrdʰvó adʰvaré bʰrājā́ naíti gavyayúḥ || 3||

3.  parip syar3msn suvānata·A?sn«√su akṣārvp·U·3s«√kṣar  
    indunmsn«√ind avyajnsl (madanms«√mad-cyutajms«√cyut)jmsn |
    dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ yasr3msn ūrdʰvajmsn«√vṛdʰ adʰvaranmsl  
    bʰrājnfsi«√bʰrāj nac etivp·A·3s«√i (gavyanns-yujms«√yu)jmsn 

3. The Soma juice being effused flows through
the fleece diffusing exhilaration; who, being exalted
goes to the sacrifice in a stream desiring the milk
and curds as he goes to the firmament with

sá hí tváṃ deva śáśvate vásu mártāya dāśúṣe |
índo sahasríṇaṃ rayíṃ śatā́tmānaṃ vivāsasi || 4||

4.  sasr3msn hic tvamr2msn devanmsv«√div śaśvatjmsd«√śaś  
    vasunnsa«√vas martajmsd«√mṛ dāśvaṅstp·Imsd«√dāś |
    indunmsv«√ind sahasriṇajmsa rayinmsa«√rā  
    (śatau-ātmannms«√an)jmsa vivāsasivp·A·2s«√van 

4. For thou, divine Indu, grantest riches to every
man who offers libations, thousand-fold and hundredfold

vayáṃ te asyá vṛtrahanváso vásvaḥ puruspṛ́haḥ |
ní nédiṣṭʰatamā iṣáḥ syā́ma sumnásyādʰrigo || 5||

5.  vayamr1mpn tvamr2msg ayamr3msg (vṛtraNns«√vṛ-hanjms«√han)nmsv  
    vasunmsv«√vas vasunnsg«√vas (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jnsg |
    nip nediṣṭʰatamajmpn iṣnfsg«√iṣ  
    syāmavp·Ai1p«√as sumnannsg«su~√man (adʰrijms«a~√dʰṛ-gunfs«√gu)jmsv 

5. Slayer of enemies, may we be thy people;
Vasu, may we be extremely near thy much coveted
wealth; irresistible Soma, may we be
near happiness.

dvíryáṃ páñca sváyaśasaṃ svásāro ádrisaṃhatam |
priyámíndrasya kā́myaṃ prasnāpáyantyūrmíṇam || 6||

6.  dviu yasr3msa pañcau (svajms-yaśasnns«√yaś)jmsa  
    svasṛnfpn (adrinms«√dṛ-saṃhatajms«sam~√han)jmsa |
    priyajmsa«√prī indraNmsg«√ind kāmyajmsa«√kam  
    prasnāpayantivp·A·3p«pra~√snā ūrminjmsa«√ṛ 

6. Whom, celebrated, expressed by the stones,
dear to Indra, beloved by all moving in streams,
the twice five sister fingers bathe in the sacred

pári tyáṃ haryatáṃ háriṃ babʰrúṃ punanti vā́reṇa |
yó devā́nvíśvām̐ ítpári mádena sahá gácʰati || 7||

7.  parip syar3msa haryatajmsa«√hary harijmsa«√hṛ  
    babʰrujmsa«√bʰṛ punantivp·A·3p«√pū vāranmsi«√vṛ2 |
    yasr3msn devanmpa«√div viśvajmpa«√viś idc parip  
    madanmsi«√mad sahap gacʰativp·A·3s«√gam 

7. Him, coveted by all, green-tinted, brown,
they purify with the filter; who goes to all the
gods with his exhilaration.

asyá vo hyávasā pā́nto dakṣasā́dʰanam |
yáḥ sūríṣu śrávo bṛháddadʰé svàrṇá haryatáḥ || 8||

8.  ayamr3msg tvamr2mpd hic avasnnsi«√av  
    pāntanmsn«√pā (dakṣanms«√dakṣ-sādʰanajms«√sādʰ)jmsa |
    yasr3msn sūrinmpl«√sūr śravasnnsa«√śru bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh  
    dadʰeva·I·3s«√dʰā svarnnsa nac haryatajmsn«√hary 

8. For you by his protection have drunk the
strengthening juice of that Soma who, beloved by
all like the sun, has bestowed abundant food upon
his worshippers.

sá vāṃ yajñéṣu mānavī índurjaniṣṭa rodasī |
devó devī giriṣṭʰā́ ásredʰantáṃ tuviṣváṇi || 9||

9.  sasr3msn tvamr2mdd yajñanmpl«√yaj mānavījfdv«√man  
    indunmsn«√ind janiṣṭava·UE3s«√jan rodasnndv |
    devanmsn«√div devīnfdv«√div (girinms«√gṝ-stʰājms«√stʰā)jmsn  
    asredʰanttp·Amsn«a~√sridʰ sasr3msa (tuvia«√tu-svanjms«√svan)jmsl 

9. Divine heaven and earth the progeny of
Manu, the Soma juice is generated at your sacrifices,
radiant, abiding in the grinding stones; the
priests bruise him at the loud-sounding ceremony.

índrāya soma pā́tave vṛtragʰné pári ṣicyase |
náre ca dákṣiṇāvate devā́ya sadanāsáde || 10||

10. indraNmsd«√ind somanmsv«√su pātavev···D··«√pā  
     (vṛtraNns«√vṛ-hanjms«√han)nmsd parip sicyasevp·A·2s«√sic |
     nṛnmsd cac dakṣiṇāvatjmsd«√dakṣ  
     devanmsd«√div (sadananns«√sad-āsadjms«ā~√sad)jmsd 

10. Thou art poured forth, Soma, for Indra,
the slayer of the Vrtra, to drink; and for the
munificent worshipper who sits in the halls of
sacrifice to give oblations to the god.

té pratnā́so vyùṣṭiṣu sómāḥ pavítre akṣaran |
apaprótʰantaḥ sanutárhuraścítaḥ prātástā́m̐ ápracetasaḥ || 11||

11. sasr3mpn pratnajmpn vyuṣṭinfpl«vi~√vas2  
     somanmpn«√su pavitrannsl«√pū akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar |
     apaprotʰanttp·Ampn«apa~√prutʰ sanutara«√san (hurasa«√hurcʰ-citjms«√cit)jmpa  
     prātara sasr3mpa apracetasjmpa«a-

11. Those ancient Soma juices flow into the filter
at the dawns, driving away in the early morning
the concealed and ignorant thieves.

táṃ sakʰāyaḥ purorúcaṃ yūyáṃ vayáṃ ca sūráyaḥ |
aśyā́ma vā́jagandʰyaṃ sanéma vā́japastyam || 12||

12. sasr3msa sakʰinmpv«√sac (purasa«√pṝ-rucjms«√ruc)jmsa  
     tvamr2mpn vayamr1mpn cac sūrinmpn«√sūr |
     aśyāmavp·Ai1p«√aś (vājanms«√vāj-gandʰyajms«√gandʰ)jmsa  
     sanemavp·Ai1p«√san (vājanms«√vāj-pastyajms«√pas)jmsa 

12. May you and we, intelligent friends, eat the
bright Soma fragrant and invigorating, may we
obtain food and dwellings.

Sūkta 9.99 

ā́ haryatā́ya dʰṛṣṇáve dʰánustanvanti paúṃsyam |
śukrā́ṃ vayantyásurāya nirṇíjaṃ vipā́mágre mahīyúvaḥ || 1||

1.  āp haryatajmsd«√hary dʰṛṣṇujmsd«√dʰṛṣ  
    dʰanusnnsa«√dʰan tanvantivp·A·3p«√tan pauṃsyannsa |
    śukrājfsa«√śuc vayantivp·A·3p«√ve asuranmsd nirṇijnfsa«√nij  
    vipnfpg«√vip agrannsl«√aṅg (mahījfs«√mah-yūjfs«√yu)jfpn 

1. They stretch the bow of manhood for the
beloved courageous Soma; the priests wishing
to worship spread out the white filter for the
mighty Soma in the presence of the sage deities.

ádʰa kṣapā́ páriṣkṛto vā́jām̐ abʰí prá gāhate |
yádī vivásvato dʰíyo háriṃ hinvánti yā́tave || 2||

2.  adʰaa kṣapnfsi pariṣkṛtajmsn«pari~√kṛ  
    vājanmpa«√vāj abʰip prap gāhateva·A·3s«√gāh |
    yadr3nsl vivasvatNmsg«√vas dʰīnfpn«√dʰī  
    harijmsa«√hṛ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi yātavev···D··«√yā 

2. Consecrated at the end of the night the
Soma plunges into the viands, when the fingers
of the worshipper press out the green-tinted juice
to go to the vessels.

támasya marjayāmasi mádo yá indrapā́tamaḥ |
yáṃ gā́va āsábʰirdadʰúḥ purā́ nūnáṃ ca sūráyaḥ || 3||

3.  sasr3msa ayamr3msg marjayāmasivp·A·1p«√mṛj  
    madanmsn«√mad yasr3msn (indraNms«√ind-pātamajms«√pā)jmsn |
    yasr3msa gonfpn āsannnpi dadʰurvp·I·3p«√dʰā  
    purāa«√pṝ nūnama cac sūrinmpn«√sūr 

3. We purify the juice of that Soma which is
exhilarating and fit for Indra's drinking; which
the approaching worshippers both now and of old
take up in their mouths.

táṃ gā́tʰayā purāṇyā́ punānámabʰyànūṣata |
utó kṛpanta dʰītáyo devā́nāṃ nā́ma bíbʰratīḥ || 4||

4.  sasr3msa gātʰānfsi«√gai purāṇījfsi«√pṝ  
    punānajmsa«√pū abʰip anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū |
    utac uc kṛpantavp·AE3p«√kṛp dʰītinfpn«√dʰī  
    devanmpg«√div nāmannnsa«√nam bibʰratījfpn«√bʰṛ 

4. They celebrate the purified Soma juice with
an ancient hymn of praise, and the fingers exercising
their pressure are able to prepare the oblation
for the gods.

támukṣámāṇamavyáye vā́re punanti dʰarṇasím |
dūtáṃ ná pūrvácittaya ā́ śāsate manīṣíṇaḥ || 5||

5.  sasr3msa ukṣamāṇata·Amsa«√ukṣ avyayajmsl  
    vāranmsl«√vṛ2 punantivp·A·3p«√pū dʰarṇasinmsa«√dʰṛ |
    dūtanmsa«√du nac (pūrvajms«√pur-cittinfs«√cit)nfsd  
    āp śāsateva·A·3p«√śās manīṣinnmpn«√man 

5. Him sprinkled with water the supporter of
all things they purify in the woollen filter; the
wise worshippers instruct him as a messenger
to proclaim their prayers beforehand to the gods.

sá punānó madíntamaḥ sómaścamū́ṣu sīdati |
paśaú ná réta ādádʰatpátirvacasyate dʰiyáḥ || 6||

6.  sasr3msn punānajmsn«√pū madintamajmsn«√mad  
    somanmsn«√su camūnfpl sīdativp·A·3s«√sad |
    paśunmsl«√paś2 nac retasnnsa«√rī ādadʰattp·Amsn«ā~√dʰā  
    patinmsn«√pā2 vacasyateva·A·3s«√vac dʰīnfpa«√dʰī 

6. The most exhilarating Soma, being purified,
alights on the vessels; putting his seed in the
vessels as in a heifer, the protector of the rite is

sá mṛjyate sukármabʰirdevó devébʰyaḥ sutáḥ |
vidé yádāsu saṃdadírmahī́rapó ví gāhate || 7||

7.  sasr3msn mṛjyatevp·A·3s«√mṛj sukarmannnpi«su~√kṛ  
    devanmsn«√div devanmpd«√div sutajmsn«√su |
    videv···D··«√vid yadr3nsa ayamr3fpl saṃdadijmsn«sam~√dā  
    mahījfpa«√mah apnfpa vip gāhateva·A·3s«√gāh 

7. Effused for the gods, the God Soma is cleansed
by the skilful priests; when he is recognized
amongst these people as the giver of riches, he
plunges into the mighty waters.

sutá indo pavítra ā́ nṛ́bʰiryató ví nīyase |
índrāya matsaríntamaścamū́ṣvā́ ní ṣīdasi || 8||

8.  sutajmsn«√su indunmsv«√ind pavitrannsl«√pū āp  
    nṛnmpi yatajmsn«√yam vip nīyasevp·A·2s«√nī |
    indraNmsd«√ind (madnfs«√mad-sarintamajms«√sṛ)jmsn  
    camūnfpl āp nip sīdasivp·A·2s«√sad 

8. When effused, Indu, and collected by the
priests, thou art guided to the filter; thou alightest
on the cups for Indra, exciting exceeding exhilaration.

Sūkta 9.100 

abʰī́ navante adrúhaḥ priyámíndrasya kā́myam |
vatsáṃ ná pū́rva ā́yuni jātáṃ rihanti mātáraḥ || 1||

1.  abʰip navanteva·A·3p«√nu adruhjfpn«a~√druh  
    priyajmsa«√prī indraNmsg«√ind kāmyajmsa«√kam |
    vatsanmsa nac pūrvajnsl«√pur āyunnsl«√i  
    jātajmsa«√jan rihantivp·A·3p«√rih mātṛnfpn«√mā 

1. The innocent waters repair to Soma dear to
Indra and beloved of all, as the maternal kine lick
the new-born calf at the beginning of its life.

punāná indavā́ bʰara sóma dvibárhasaṃ rayím |
tváṃ vásūni puṣyasi víśvāni dāśúṣo gṛhé || 2||

2.  punānajmsn«√pū indunmsv«√ind āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ  
    somaNmsv«√su (dviu-barhasjms«√bṛh)jmsa rayinmsa«√rā |
    tvamr2msn vasunnpa«√vas puṣyasivp·A·2s«√puṣ  
    viśvajnpa«√viś dāśvaṅstp·Imsg«√dāś gṛhanmsl 

2. Indu Soma, when purified bring us the riches
of both worlds; thou fosterest all treasures in the
house of the donor of the libation.

tváṃ dʰíyaṃ manoyújaṃ sṛjā́ vṛṣṭíṃ ná tanyatúḥ |
tváṃ vásūni pā́rtʰivā divyā́ ca soma puṣyasi || 3||

3.  tvamr2msn dʰīnfsa«√dʰī (manasnns«√man-yujjfs«√yuj)jfsa  
    sṛjavp·Ao2s«√sṛj vṛṣṭinfsa«√vṛṣ nac tanyatunmsn«√tan |
    tvamr2msn vasunnpa«√vas pārtʰivajnpa«√pṛtʰ  
    divyajnpa«√div cac somaNmsv«√su puṣyasivp·A·2s«√puṣ 

3. Let loose thy stream which is as rapid as
thought; as the cloud let loose the rain; thou
Soma fosterest terrestrial and celestial treasures.

pári te jigyúṣo yatʰā dʰā́rā sutásya dʰāvati |
ráṃhamāṇā vyàvyáyaṃ vā́raṃ vājī́va sānasíḥ || 4||

4.  parip tvamr2msg jigyujmsg«√ji yadr3nsi  
    dʰārānfsn«√dʰṛ sutajmsg«√su dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv |
    raṃhamāṇata·Afsn«√raṃh vip avyayajmsa  
    vāranmsa«√vṛ2 vājinnmsn«√vāj ivac sānasijmsn«√san 

4. Thy stream when thou art effused, swift
flowing, bountiful, rushes through the sheep's hair
like the horse of a victorious hero.

krátve dákṣāya naḥ kave pávasva soma dʰā́rayā |
índrāya pā́tave sutó mitrā́ya váruṇāya ca || 5||

5.  kratunmsd«√kṛ dakṣanmsd«√dakṣ vayamr1mpg kavinmsv«√kū  
    pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somanmsv«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
    indraNmsd«√ind pātavev···D··«√pā sutanmsn«√su  
    mitraNmsd«√mitʰ varuṇaNmsd«√vṛ cac 

5. Sage Soma flow in a stream for our enlightenment
and invigoration, poured forth for Indra,
Mitra and Varuna to drink.

pávasva vājasā́tamaḥ pavítre dʰā́rayā sutáḥ |
índrāya soma víṣṇave devébʰyo mádʰumattamaḥ || 6||

6.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (vājanms«√vāj-sātamajms«√san)jmsn  
    pavitrannsl«√pū dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ sutajmsn«√su |
    indraNmsd«√ind somanmsv«√su viṣṇuNmsd«√viṣ  
    devanmpd«√div madʰumattamajmsn«√madʰ 

6. Flow, Soma, who art the giver of food in a stream,
when effused, to the filter; flow Soma.
who art most sweet for Indra, for Vishnu, for the

tvā́ṃ rihanti mātáro háriṃ pavítre adrúhaḥ |
vatsáṃ jātáṃ ná dʰenávaḥ pávamāna vídʰarmaṇi || 7||

7.  tvamr2msa rihantivp·A·3p«√rih mātṛnfpn«√mā  
    harijmsa«√hṛ pavitrannsl«√pū adruhjfpn«a~√druh |
    vatsanmsa jātajmsa«√jan nac dʰenunfpn«√dʰe  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū vidʰarmannmsl«vi~√dʰṛ 

7. The innocent maternal waters caress thee,
the green-tinted, upon the filter, O Pavamana, at
the sacrifice, as milch kine caress their new-born

pávamāna máhi śrávaścitrébʰiryāsi raśmíbʰiḥ |
śárdʰantámāṃsi jigʰnase víśvāni dāśúṣo gṛhé || 8||

8.  pavamānanmsv«√pū mahijnsa«√mah śravasnnsa«√śru  
    citrajmpi«√cit yāsivp·A·2s«√yā raśminmpi«√raś |
    śardʰanttp·Amsn«√śṛdʰ tamasnnpa«√tam jigʰnaseva·A·2s«√han  
    viśvajnpa«√viś dāśvaṅstp·Imsg«√dāś gṛhanmsl 

8. Pavamana, thou traversest the vast firmament
with various rays, hastening on thou dispellest all
Rakshasas at the house of the donor of the libation.

tváṃ dyā́ṃ ca mahivrata pṛtʰivī́ṃ cā́ti jabʰriṣe |
práti drāpímamuñcatʰāḥ pávamāna mahitvanā́ || 9||

9.  tvamr2msn dyunmsa cac (mahijns«√mah-vratanns«√vṛ2)jmsv  
    pṛtʰivīnfsa«√pṛtʰ cac atip jabʰriṣevp·I·2s«√bʰṛ |
    pratip drāpijmsa«√drā amuñcatʰāsva·Aa2s«√muc  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū mahitvanāa«√mah 

9. Observer of manifold rites, thou supportest
both heaven and earth; O Pavamana, who art
endowed with greatness, thou puttest on thy coat
of mail.

Sūkta 9.101 

purójitī vo ándʰasaḥ sutā́ya mādayitnáve |
ápa śvā́naṃ śnatʰiṣṭana sákʰāyo dīrgʰajihvyàm || 1||

1.  (purasa«√pṝ-jitinfs«√ji)nfsi tvamr2mpd andʰasnnsn«√andʰ  
    sutanmsd«√su madayitnujmsd«√mad |
    apap śvānanmsa śnatʰiṣṭanavp·Ao2p«√śnatʰ  
    sakʰinmpv«√sac (dīrgʰajms-jihvyajms)jmsa 

1. For the drinking of the effused exhilarating
juice of the Soma who has placed victory before
you, do you friends destroy the long-tongued dog.

yó dʰā́rayā pāvakáyā pariprasyándate sutáḥ |
índuráśvo ná kṛ́tvyaḥ || 2||

2.  yasr3msn dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ pāvakājfsi«√pū  
    pariprasyandateva·A·3s«pari-pra~√syand sutanmsn«√su |
    indunmsn«√ind aśvanmsn«√aś nac kṛtvyajmsn«√kṛ 

2. The Indu good for sacred rites which when
effused flows forth in a purifying stream, swift as
a horse:

táṃ duróṣamabʰī́ náraḥ sómaṃ viśvā́cyā dʰiyā́ |
yajñáṃ hinvantyádribʰiḥ || 3||

3.  sasr3msa duroṣajmsa«dus~√uṣ abʰip nṛnmpn  
    somanmsa«√su (viśvajms«√viś-añcjfs«√añc)jfsi dʰīnfsi«√dʰī |
    yajñanmsa«√yaj hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi adrinmpi«√dṛ 

3. Him, the Soma, unassailable, adorable, the
priests, with all comprehending intelligence, express
with the stones.

sutā́so mádʰumattamāḥ sómā índrāya mandínaḥ |
pavítravanto akṣarandevā́ngacʰantu vo mádāḥ || 4||

4.  sutajmpn«√su madʰumattamajmpn«√madʰ  
    somanmpn«√su indraNmsd«√ind mandinjmpn«√mand |
    pavitravantjmpn«√pū akṣaranvp·Aa3p«√kṣar  
    devanmpa«√div gacʰantuvp·Ao3p«√gam tvamr2mpa madajmpn«√mad 

4. The sweet-flavoured exhilarating Soma juices
effused and filtered flow for Indra; do you, exhilarating
juices, proceed to the gods.

índuríndrāya pavata íti devā́so abruvan |
vācáspátirmakʰasyate víśvasyéśāna ójasā || 5||

5.  indunmsn«√ind indraNmsd«√ind pavateva·A·3s«√pū  
    itia devanmpn«√div abruvanva·Aa3p«√bru |
    vācnfsg«√vac patinmsn«√pā2 makʰasyateva·A·3s«√maṅkʰ  
    viśvannsg«√viś īśānajmsn«√īś ojasnnsi«√vaj 

5. The devout worshippers say "Indu flows
forth for Indra:" the lord of speech Soma sovereign
of all by his might desires our worship.

sahásradʰāraḥ pavate samudró vācamīṅkʰayáḥ |
sómaḥ pátī rayīṇā́ṃ sákʰéndrasya divédive || 6||

6.  (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn pavateva·A·3s«√pū  
    samudranmsn«sam~√ud (vācnfsa«√vac-īṅkʰayajms«√īṅkʰ)jmsn |
    somanmsn«√su patinmsn«√pā2 rayinmpg«√rā  
    sakʰinmsn«√sac indraNmsg«√ind (divanmsl-divanmsl)a 

6. The thousand-streamed ocean, Soma the stimulator
of praise, the lord of riches, the friend of Indra
flows day by day.

ayáṃ pūṣā́ rayírbʰágaḥ sómaḥ punānó arṣati |
pátirvíśvasya bʰū́mano vyàkʰyadródasī ubʰé || 7||

7.  ayamr3msn pūṣannmsn«√pūṣ rayinmsn«√rā bʰaganmsn«√bʰaj  
    somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    patinmsn«√pā2 viśvajnsg«√viś bʰūmannnsg«√bʰū  
    vip akʰyatvp·Aa3s«√kʰyā rodasnnda ubʰajnda 

7. This Soma being purified hastens to the
pitcher fostering, wealth-giving, to be enjoyed
by all; the lord of all beings, he has illuminated
both heaven and earth.

sámu priyā́ anūṣata gā́vo mádāya gʰṛ́ṣvayaḥ |
sómāsaḥ kṛṇvate patʰáḥ pávamānāsa índavaḥ || 8||

8.  samp uc priyajfpa«√prī anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū  
    gonfpn madanmsd«√mad gʰṛṣvijfpn«√hṛṣ |
    somajmpn«√su kṛṇvateva·A·3p«√kṛ patʰnmpa«√pantʰ  
    pavamānajmpn«√pū indunmpn«√ind 

8. The affectionate emulous cows celebrate
Soma for his exhilaration; the brilliant filtered
Soma juices make paths for themselves to flow.

yá ójiṣṭʰastámā́ bʰara pávamāna śravā́yyam |
yáḥ páñca carṣaṇī́rabʰí rayíṃ yéna vánāmahai || 9||

9.  yasr3msn ojiṣṭʰajmsn«√vaj sasr3msa āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū śravāyyajmsa«√śru |
    yasr3msn pañcau carṣaṇīnfpa«√kṛṣ abʰip  
    rayinmsa«√rā yasr3msi vanāmahaiva·Ao1p«√van 

9. Bring to us, filtered Soma, that celebrated
liquor which is most potent, which waits upon
the five orders of beings and by which we may
obtain riches.

sómāḥ pavanta índavo'smábʰyaṃ gātuvíttamāḥ |
mitrā́ḥ suvānā́ arepásaḥ svādʰyàḥ svarvídaḥ || 10||

10. somajmpn«√su pavanteva·A·3p«√pū indunmpn«√ind  
     vayamr1mpd (gātunms«√gā-vittamajms«√vid)jmpn |
     mitrajmpn«√mitʰ suvānata·A?pn«√su arepasjmpn«a~√rip  
     svādʰījmpn«su-ā~√dʰī (svarnns-vidjms«√vid)jmpn 

10. The brilliant Soma juices flow for us knowing
the right path, friendly to the gods, effused,
sinless, contemplative, all-knowing.

suṣvāṇā́so vyádribʰiścítānā górádʰi tvací |
íṣamasmábʰyamabʰítaḥ sámasvaranvasuvídaḥ || 11||

11. suṣvāṇata·Ampn«√su vip adrinmpi«√dṛ  
     citānajmpn«√cit gonfsg adʰip tvacnfsl«√tvac |
     iṣnfsa«√iṣ vayamr1mpd abʰitasa  
     samp asvaranvp·U·3p«√svṛ (vasunns«√vas-vidjms«√vid)jmpn 

11. Effused by the stones, recognized upon the
cowhide, acquirers of wealth they bestow food upon
us from all sides.

eté pūtā́ vipaścítaḥ sómāso dádʰyāśiraḥ |
sū́ryāso ná darśatā́so jigatnávo dʰruvā́ gʰṛté || 12||

12. etasr3mpn pūtajmpn«√pū (vipnfpa«√vip-citjms«√ci)jmpn  
     somajmpn«√su (dadʰinns-āśirnfs«ā~√śrī)jmpn |
     sūryajmpn«√sūr nac darśatajmpn«√dṛś  
     jigatnujmpn«√gam dʰruvajmpn«√dʰṛ gʰṛtannsl«√gʰṛ 

12. These filtered Soma juices intelligent mixed
with curds swift-moving firm in the water are
brilliant as suns.

prá sunvānásyā́ndʰaso márto ná vṛta tádvácaḥ |
ápa śvā́namarādʰásaṃ hatā́ makʰáṃ ná bʰṛ́gavaḥ || 13||

13. prap sunvānata·A?sg«√su andʰasnnsg«√andʰ  
     martajmsn«√mṛ nac vṛtava·UE3s«√vṛ2 tadr3nsa vacasnnsa«√vac |
     apap śvānanmsa arādʰasjmsa«a~√rādʰ  
     hatavp·Ao2p«√han makʰanmsa«√maṅkʰ nac bʰṛgunmpn«√bʰrāj 

13. Let no mortal hear the sound of the effused
Soma; drive off the dog that sacrifices not as the
Bhrgus drove off Makha.

ā́ jāmírátke avyata bʰujé ná putrá oṇyòḥ |
sárajjāró ná yóṣaṇāṃ varó ná yónimāsádam || 14||

14. āp jāminmsn«√jan atkanmsl avyatava·U·3s«√vye  
     bʰujev···D··«√bʰuj nac putranmsn«√puṣ oṇīnmdl«√oṇ |
     saratvp·AE3s«√sṛ jāranmsn«√jṝ nac yoṣaṇānfsa«√yu  
     varanmsn«√vṛ2 nac yoninmsa«√yu āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

14. Soma the kinsman of the gods is enveloped
in the investing filter like a child in the
arms of its protecting parents; he hastens like a
gallant to a mistress, like a bridegroom to the
bride, to sit upon his station the pitcher.

sá vīró dakṣasā́dʰano ví yástastámbʰa ródasī |
háriḥ pavítre avyata vedʰā́ ná yónimāsádam || 15||

15. sasr3msn vīranmsn«√vīr (dakṣanms«√dakṣ-sādʰanajms«√sādʰ)jmsn  
     vip yasr3msn tastambʰavp·I·3s«√stambʰ rodasnnda |
     harijmsn«√hṛ pavitrannsl«√pū avyatava·U·3s«√vye  
     vedʰasjmsn«√vidʰ nac yoninmsa«√yu āsadamv···D··«ā~√sad 

15. The green-tinted Soma, the implement of
strength, the hero, who has upheld heaven and earth,
is enveloped in the filter like the sacrificer in his
house to sit upon his station.

ávyo vā́rebʰiḥ pavate sómo gávye ádʰi tvací |
kánikradadvṛ́ṣā háriríndrasyābʰyèti niṣkṛtám || 16||

16. avinmsg vārannpi«√vṛ2 pavateva·A·3s«√pū  
     somanmsn«√su gavyajmsl adʰip tvacnfsl«√tvac |
     kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ harijmsn«√hṛ  
     indraNmsg«√ind abʰip etivp·A·3s«√i niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ 

16. The Soma flows purified by the sheep's
hairs; crying aloud upon the cowhide the showerer
of benefits, green-tinted he goes to Indra's prepared

Sūkta 9.102 

krāṇā́ śíśurmahī́nāṃ hinvánnṛtásya dī́dʰitim |
víśvā pári priyā́ bʰuvadádʰa dvitā́ || 1||

1.  krāṇāa«√kṛ śiśunmsn«√śū mahījfpg«√mah  
    hinvanttp·Amsn«√hi ṛtannsg«√ṛ dīdʰitinfsa«√dī |
    viśvajnpa«√viś parip priyajnpa«√prī bʰuvatvp·Ue3s«√bʰū  
    adʰaa dvitāa 

1. Performing sacred rites the child of the
great waters sending forth the lustre of the sacrifice
Soma produces all acceptable oblations and
abides in the two worlds.

úpa tritásya pāṣyòrábʰakta yádgúhā padám |
yajñásya saptá dʰā́mabʰirádʰa priyám || 2||

2.  upap tritaNmsg pāṣinfdl  
    abʰaktava·U·3s«√bʰaj yadc guhānfsl«√guh padannsa«√pad |
    yajñanmsg«√yaj saptau dʰāmannnpi«√dʰā  
    adʰaa priyama«√prī 

2. When the Soma has taken the secret station
of the grinding stones at the sacrifice of Trita,
then with the seven supports of the sacrifice
the priests praise the conciliating Soma.

trī́ṇi tritásya dʰā́rayā pṛṣṭʰéṣvérayā rayím |
mímīte asya yójanā ví sukrátuḥ || 3||

3.  triu tritaNmsg dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    pṛṣṭʰannpl«pra~√stʰā āp īrayavp·Ao2s«√īr rayinmsa«√rā |
    mimīteva·A·3s«√mā ayamr3msg yojanannpa«√yuj  
    vip sukratujmsn«su~√kṛ 

3. Support, Soma with thy stream Trita's
three oblations; cause the giver of riches Indra
to come to the sacred songs. The intelligent
praiser of this Indra measures out hymns.

jajñānáṃ saptá mātáro vedʰā́maśāsata śriyé |
ayáṃ dʰruvó rayīṇā́ṃ cíketa yát || 4||

4.  jajñānata·Amsa«√jan saptau mātṛnfpn«√mā  
    vedʰasjmsa«√vidʰ aśāsatava·Aa3p«√śās śrīnfsd«√śrī |
    ayamr3msn dʰruvajmsn«√dʰṛ rayinmpg«√rā  
    ciketavp·I·3s«√cit yadr3nsa 

4. The seven mothers instruct the Soma the
institutor of the sacrifice when born for the
prosperity of the worshippers, so that this firm
Soma is cognisant of riches.

asyá vraté sajóṣaso víśve devā́so adrúhaḥ |
spārhā́ bʰavanti rántayo juṣánta yát || 5||

5.  ayamr3msg vratannsl«√vṛ2 sajoṣasjmpn«sa~√juṣ  
    viśvajmpn«√viś devanmpn«√div adruhjmpn«a~√druh |
    spārhajfpn«√spṛh bʰavantivp·A·3p«√bʰū rantinfpn«√ram  
    juṣantava·Ae3p«√juṣ yadr3nsa 

5. The universal gods, devoid of malice, assembled
together at his rite, are to be envied if being
delighted they take pleasure in the Soma.

yámī gárbʰamṛtāvṛ́dʰo dṛśé cā́rumájījanan |
kavíṃ máṃhiṣṭʰamadʰvaré puruspṛ́ham || 6||

6.  yasr3msa īc garbʰanmsa«√grah (ṛtanns«√ṛ-āvṛdʰjms«ā~√vṛdʰ)jmpn  
    dṛśev···D··«√dṛś cārujmsa«√can ajījananvp·U·3p«√jan |
    kavinmsa«√kū maṃhiṣṭʰajmsa«√maṃh adʰvaranmsl  

6. The germ which the augmenters of the rite
brought forth at the sacrifice lovely to look upon,
intelligent, most adorable, desired by many.

samīcīné abʰí tmánā yahvī́ ṛtásya mātárā |
tanvānā́ yajñámānuṣágyádañjaté || 7||

7.  samīcīnajndn«sam~√añc abʰip tmanāa«√an  
    yahvījfdn«√yah ṛtannsg«√ṛ mātṛnfdn«√mā |
    tanvānata·Ampn«√tan yajñanmsa«√yaj ānuṣaka«anu~√sañj  
    yadr3nsa añjanttp·Amsd«√añj 

7. He of his own will approaches the great
united parents of the sacrifice heaven and earth
when the priests conducting the ceremony anoint
him in due order with the sacred waters.

krátvā śukrébʰirakṣábʰirṛṇórápa vrajáṃ diváḥ |
hinvánnṛtásya dī́dʰitiṃ prā́dʰvaré || 8||

8.  kratunmsi«√kṛ śukrajnpi«√śuc akṣannnpi  
    ṛnorvp·AE2s«√ṛ apap vrajanmsa«√vṛj dyunmsg |
    hinvanttp·Amsn«√hi ṛtannsg«√ṛ dīdʰitinfsa«√dī  
    prap adʰvaranmsl«a~√dʰvṛ 

8. Soma, by thy act drive away with thy brilliant
organs the darkness from the sky, effusing into the
sacrifice thy juice the lustre of the rite.

Sūkta 9.103 

prá punānā́ya vedʰáse sómāya váca údyatam |
bʰṛtíṃ ná bʰarā matíbʰirjújoṣate || 1||

1.  prap punānajmsd«√pū vedʰasjmsd«√vidʰ  
    somanmsd«√su vacasnnsa«√vac udyatajnsa«ud~√yam |
    bʰṛtinfsa«√bʰṛ nac bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ  
    matinfpi«√man jujoṣateva·Ae3s«√juṣ 

1. Raise a loud voice to Soma the institutor of
the rite, purified, gratified by praises, as men
pay wages to a laborer.

pári vā́rāṇyavyáyā góbʰirañjānó arṣati |
trī́ ṣadʰástʰā punānáḥ kṛṇute háriḥ || 2||

2.  parip vārannpa«√vṛ2 avyayajnpa  
    gonfpi añjānatp·Amsn«√añj arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    trīu (sadʰaa-stʰajms«√stʰā)nnpa punānajmsn«√pū  
    kṛṇuteva·A·3s«√kṛ harijmsn«√hṛ 

2. Blending with the curds and milk the Soma
rushes through the woollen fleece; the green-tinted
Soma being purified takes up three stations.

pári kóśaṃ madʰuścútamavyáye vā́re arṣati |
abʰí vā́ṇīrṛ́ṣīṇāṃ saptá nūṣata || 3||

3.  parip kośanmsa«√kuś (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa  
    avyayajmsl vāranmsl«√vṛ2 arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ |
    abʰip vāṇīnfpn«√vaṇ ṛṣinmpg«√ṛṣ  
    saptau nūṣatava·UE3p«√nū 

3. The Soma sends forth its juice through the
woollen fleece to the honey-dripping receptacle;
the seven metres of the Rishis praise it.

pári ṇetā́ matīnā́ṃ viśvádevo ádābʰyaḥ |
sómaḥ punānáścamvòrviśaddʰáriḥ || 4||

4.  parip netṛnmsn«√ni matinfpg«√man  
    (viśvajms«√viś-devanms«√div)nmsn adābʰyajmsn«a~√dabʰ |
    somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū camūnfdl  
    viśatvp·AE3s«√viś harijmsn«√hṛ 

4. Soma, the leader of praises, in whom all the
gods are comprehended, unassailable, green-tinted
when filtered enters the cups.

pári daívīránu svadʰā́ índreṇa yāhi sarátʰam |
punānó vāgʰádvāgʰádbʰirámartyaḥ || 5||

5.  parip daivīnfpa«√div anup (svanms-dʰājfs«√dʰā)nfsi  
    indraNmsi«√ind yāhivp·Ao2s«√yā saratʰaa«sa~√ṛ |
    punānajmsn«√pū vāgʰadnmsn«√vāh  
    vāgʰadnmpi«√vāh amartyajmsn«a~√mṛ 

5. Proceed in the same chariot with Indra to
the celestial hosts a priest purified by priests, a

pári sáptirná vājayúrdevó devébʰyaḥ sutáḥ |
vyānaśíḥ pávamāno ví dʰāvati || 6||

6.  parip saptinmsn nac (vājanms«√vāj-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
    devanmsn«√div devanmpd«√div sutajmsn«√su |
    (vyānanns«vi~√an-śijms«√śī)jmsn pavamānanmsn«√pū  
    vip dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv 

6. Like a charger eager for the combat the divine
Soma effused for the gods hastens when purified
spreading widely into the vessels.

Sūkta 9.104 

sákʰāya ā́ ní ṣīdata punānā́ya prá gāyata |
śíśuṃ ná yajñaíḥ pári bʰūṣata śriyé || 1||

1.  sakʰinmpv«√sac āp nip sīdatavp·Ao2p«√sad  
    punānajmsd«√pū prap gāyatavp·AE2p«√gai |
    śiśunmsa«√śū nac yajñanmpi«√yaj  
    parip bʰūṣatavp·Ao2p«√bʰūṣ śrīnfsd«√śrī 

1. Sit down, friends, sing to the filtered Soma,
decorate him with offerings to beautify him as
parents decorate a child.

sámī vatsáṃ ná mātṛ́bʰiḥ sṛjátā gayasā́dʰanam |
devāvyàṃ madamabʰí dvíśavasam || 2||

2.  samp īc vatsanmsa nac mātṛnfpi«√mā  
    sṛjatava·AE3p«√sṛj (gayanms«√gam-sādʰanajms«√sādʰ)jmsa |
    (devanms«√div-vījms«√av)jmsa madanmsa«√mad  
    abʰip (dviu-śavasnns«√śvi)jmsa 

2. Associate him the support of the mansion with
the maternal waters as the calf with the mother-
the protector of the gods, the exhilarator, endowed
with twofold strength.

punā́tā dakṣasā́dʰanaṃ yátʰā śárdʰāya vītáye |
yátʰā mitrā́ya váruṇāya śáṃtamaḥ || 3||

3.  punātavp·Ao2p«√pū (dakṣanms«√dakṣ-sādʰanajms«√sādʰ)jmsa  
    yadr3nsi śardʰanmsd«√śṛdʰ vītinfsd«√vī |
    yadr3nsi mitraNmsd«√mitʰ  
    varuṇaNmsd«√vṛ śaṃtamajmsn«√śam 

3. Purify the bestower of strength so that he may
make for invigoration for the banquet of the gods
and may grant much happiness to Mitra and to

asmábʰyaṃ tvā vasuvídamabʰí vā́ṇīranūṣata |
góbʰiṣṭe várṇamabʰí vāsayāmasi || 4||

4.  vayamr1mpd tvamr2msa (vasunns«√vas-vidjms«√vid)jmsa  
    abʰip vāṇīnfpa«√vaṇ anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū |
    gonfpi tvamr2msg varṇanmsa«√vṛ  
    abʰip vāsayāmasivp·A·1p«√vas 

4. For us do the hymns glorify thee the giver of
wealth; we clothe thy form with the products of
the kine.

sá no madānāṃ pata índo devápsarā asi |
sákʰeva sákʰye gātuvíttamo bʰava || 5||

5.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpg madanmpg«√mad patinmsv«√pā2  
    indunmsv«√ind (devanms«√div-psarasnns«√psā)jmsn asivp·A·2s«√as |
    sakʰinmsn«√sac ivac sakʰinmsd«√sac  
    (gātunms«√gā-vittamajms«√vid)jmsn bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū 

5. Lord of our exhilaration, Indu, thou art of
brilliant form; be our true guide as a friend is to
a friend.

sánemi kṛdʰyàsmádā́ rakṣásaṃ káṃ cidatríṇam |
ápā́devaṃ dvayúmáṃho yuyodʰi naḥ || 6||

6.  sanemia kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ vayamr1mpb āp  
    rakṣasnmsa«√rakṣ kamc cidc atrinnmsa«√ad |
    apap adevannsa«a~√div (dvau-yujns«√yu)nnsa  
    aṃhasnnsa«√aṃh yuyodʰivp·Ao2s«√yu2 vayamr1mpa 

6. Show us thine ancient friendship; drive
off the voracious Rakshasas, the impious, the double
dealer-drive away our sin.

Sūkta 9.105 

táṃ vaḥ sakʰāyo mádāya punānámabʰí gāyata |
śíśuṃ ná yajñaíḥ svadayanta gūrtíbʰiḥ || 1||

1.  sasr3msa tvamr2mpg sakʰinmpv«√sac madanmsd«√mad  
    punānajmsa«√pū abʰip gāyatavp·AE2p«√gai |
    śiśunmsa«√śū nac yajñanmpi«√yaj  
    svadayantava·A·3p«√svad gūrtinfpi«√gūr 

1. Hymn, friends, the Soma purified for the
exhilaration of the gods, gratify him with oblations
and praises as men gratify a child with

sáṃ vatsá iva mātṛ́bʰiríndurhinvānó ajyate |
devāvī́rmádo matíbʰiḥ páriṣkṛtaḥ || 2||

2.  samp vatsanmsn ivac mātṛnfpi«√mā  
    indunmsn«√ind hinvānata·Amsn«√hi ajyatevp·A·3s«√añj |
    (devanms«√div-vījms«√vī)jmsn madanmsn«√mad  
    matinfpi«√man pariṣkṛtajmsn«pari~√kṛ 

2. Indu being sent forth is sprinkled with the
waters as a calf is nourished by its mother-the
protector of the deities, the exhilarator, graced by

ayáṃ dákṣāya sā́dʰano'yáṃ śárdʰāya vītáye |
ayáṃ devébʰyo mádʰumattamaḥ sutáḥ || 3||

3.  ayamr3msn dakṣanmsd«√dakṣ sādʰanajmsn«√sādʰ  
    ayamr3msn śardʰanmsd«√śṛdʰ vītinfsd«√vī |
    ayamr3msn devanmpd«√div  
    madʰumattamajmsn«√madʰ sutajmsn«√su 

3. This Soma is an instrument for invigoration;
he is useful for speed and for the banquet of thy
gods; he is effused most sweet flavoured for the gods.

gómanna indo áśvavatsutáḥ sudakṣa dʰanva |
śúciṃ te várṇamádʰi góṣu dīdʰaram || 4||

4.  gomatjmsn vayamr1mpd indunmsv«√ind aśvavatjmsn«√aś  
    sutajmsn«√su sudakṣajmsv«su~√dakṣ dʰanvavp·Ao2s«√dʰanv |
    śucijmsa«√śuc tvamr2msg varṇanmsa«√vṛ  
    adʰip gonfpl dīdʰaramvp·U·1s«√dʰṛ 

4. Powerful Indu who art effused, pour upon us
wealth comprising cattle and horses; I mix the
pure juice with the curds and milk.

sá no harīṇāṃ pata índo devápsarastamaḥ |
sákʰeva sákʰye náryo rucé bʰava || 5||

5.  sasr3msn vayamr1mpg harijmpg«√hṛ patinmsv«√pā2  
    indunmsv«√ind (devanms«√div-psarastamajms«√psā)jmsn |
    sakʰinmsn«√sac ivac sakʰinmsd«√sac  
    naryanmsn rucev···D··«√ruc bʰavavp·Ao2s«√bʰū 

5. Lord of our bay-coloured cattle, Indu, who
hast a most brilliant form, do thou who art kind to
the priests be for a light to us as a friend gives
light to a friend.

sánemi tvámasmádā́m̐ ádevaṃ káṃ cidatríṇam |
sāhvā́m̐ indo pári bā́dʰo ápa dvayúm || 6||

6.  sanemia tvamr2msn vayamr1mpb āp  
    adevajmsa«a~√div kamc cidc atrinnmsa«√ad |
    sāhvantjmsn«√sah indunmsv«√ind parip  
    bādʰanmsn«√bādʰ apap (dvau-yujns«√yu)nnsa 

6. Do thou show us thy ancient friendship,
drive away the impious voracious Rakshasa; Indu
who art victorious overcome those who oppress us,
drive off the double-dealing Rakshasa.

Sūkta 9.106 

índramácʰa sutā́ imé vṛ́ṣaṇaṃ yantu hárayaḥ |
śruṣṭī́ jātā́sa índavaḥ svarvídaḥ || 1||

1.  indraNmsa«√ind acʰāp sutajmpn«√su ayamr3mpn  
    vṛṣaṇajmsa«√vṛṣ yantuvp·Ao3p«√i harijmpn«√hṛ |
    śruṣṭinfsi«√śruṣ jātajmpn«√jan  
    indunmpn«√ind (svarnns-vidjms«√vid)jmpn 

1. May these effused green-tinted Soma juices
quickly generated all-knowing proceed to Indra the
showerer of benefits.

ayáṃ bʰárāya sānasíríndrāya pavate sutáḥ |
sómo jaítrasya cetati yátʰā vidé || 2||

2.  ayamr3msn bʰaranmsd«√bʰṛ sānasijmsn«√san  
    indraNmsd«√ind pavateva·A·3s«√pū sutajmsn«√su |
    somanmsn«√su jaitranmsg«√ji  
    cetativp·A·3s«√cit yadr3nsi videv···D··«√vid 

2. This effused Soma adorable for battle, is filtered
for Indra; Soma thinks of the victorious Indra
as he is known in the world.

asyédíndro mádeṣvā́ grābʰáṃ gṛbʰṇīta sānasím |
vájraṃ ca vṛ́ṣaṇaṃ bʰaratsámapsujít || 3||

3.  ayamr3msg idc indraNmsn«√ind madanmpl«√mad āp  
    grābʰanmsa«√grah gṛbʰṇītava·Ai3s«√grah sānasijmsa«√san |
    vajranmsa«√vaj cac vṛṣaṇajmsa«√vṛṣ  
    bʰaratvp·AE3s«√bʰṛ samp (apnfpl-jitjms«√ji)jmsn 

3. In the Soma's exhilaration may Indra seize
hold of wealth to be enjoyed by all and conquering
the Vrtra in the waters may he wield the thunderbolt
the showerer of blessings.

prá dʰanvā soma jā́gṛviríndrāyendo pári srava |
dyumántaṃ śúṣmamā́ bʰarā svarvídam || 4||

4.  prap dʰanvavp·Ao2s«√dʰanv somanmsv«√su jāgṛvijmsn«√jāgṛ  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru |
    dyumantjmsa«√dyut śuṣmanmsa«√śuṣ  
    āp bʰaravp·Ao2s«√bʰṛ (svarnns-vidjms«√vid)jmsa 

4. Flow Soma who art vigilant; Indu spread
around for Indra; bring brilliant overpowering all-obtaining

índrāya vṛ́ṣaṇaṃ mádaṃ pávasva viśvádarśataḥ |
sahásrayāmā patʰikṛ́dvicakṣaṇáḥ || 5||

5.  indraNmsd«√ind vṛṣaṇajmsa«√vṛṣ madanmsa«√mad pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (viśvanns«√viś-darśatajms«√dṛś)jmsn |
    (sahasrau-yāmanjms«√yā)nmsn (patʰinnms«√pantʰ-kṛtjms«√kṛ)jmsn vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ 

5. Pour forth for Indra the exhilarating juice
showering benefits, thou who art very beautiful,
who hast many paths, the finder of the right path,
the observer of all.

asmábʰyaṃ gātuvíttamo devébʰyo mádʰumattamaḥ |
sahásraṃ yāhi patʰíbʰiḥ kánikradat || 6||

6.  vayamr1mpd (gātunms«√gā-vittamajms«√vid)jmsn  
    devanmpd«√div madʰumattamajmsn«√madʰ |
    sahasrau yāhivp·Ao2s«√yā  
    patʰinnmpi«√pantʰ kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand 

6. Thou who art the best finder of paths for us,
the sweetest beverage for the gods, come by a
thousand paths crying aloud.

pávasva devávītaya índo dʰā́rābʰirójasā |
ā́ kaláśaṃ mádʰumānsoma naḥ sadaḥ || 7||

7.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd  
    indunmsv«√ind dʰārānfpi«√dʰṛ ojasnnsi«√vaj |
    āp kalaśanmsa«√kal? madʰumantjmsn«√madʰ  
    somanmsv«√su vayamr1mpd sadasvp·AE2s«√sad 

7. Flow, Indu, in thy strength with thy streams
for the banquet of the gods; sit down, Soma, who
art sweet-flavoured, in our pitcher.

táva drapsā́ udaprúta índraṃ mádāya vāvṛdʰuḥ |
tvā́ṃ devā́so amṛ́tāya káṃ papuḥ || 8||

8.  tvamr2msg drapsanmpn (udanns-prutjms«√pru)jmpn  
    indraNmsa«√ind madanmsd«√mad vāvṛdʰurvp·I·3p«√vṛdʰ |
    tvamr2msa devanmpn«√div  
    amṛtannsd«a~√mṛ kamc papurva·I·3p«√pā 

8. Thy drops, going to the water, have exalted
Indra to exhilaration; the gods have quaffed thee,
the delighter, for immortality.

ā́ naḥ sutāsa indavaḥ punānā́ dʰāvatā rayím |
vṛṣṭídyāvo rītyāpaḥ svarvídaḥ || 9||

9.  āp vayamr1mpd sutajmpv«√su indunmpv«√ind  
    punānajmpn«√pū dʰāvatavp·Ao2p«√dʰāv rayinmsa«√rā |
    (vṛṣṭinfs«√vṛṣ-dyunmsb)jmpn (rītinfs«√rī-apnfs)jmpv  

9. Bring us wealth, bright Soma juices effused,
filtered, filling the sky with rain, shedding water
upon the earth, acquiring all things.

sómaḥ punāná ūrmíṇā́vyo vā́raṃ ví dʰāvati |
ágre vācáḥ pávamānaḥ kánikradat || 10||

10. somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū ūrminmsi«√ṛ  
     avinmsg vāranmsa«√vṛ2 vip dʰāvativp·A·3s«√dʰāv |
     agrannsl«√aṅg vācnfsg«√vac  
     pavamānanmsn«√pū kanikradattp·Amsn«√krand 

10. Soma being filtered flows in a stream through
the woollen fleece, crying aloud when filtered in
advance of the voice of praise.

dʰībʰírhinvanti vājínaṃ váne krī́ḷantamátyavim |
abʰí tripṛṣṭʰáṃ matáyaḥ sámasvaran || 11||

11. dʰīnfpi hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi vājinnmsa«√vāj  
     vanannsl«√van krīḷanttp·Amsa«√krīḷ atyavijmsa |
     abʰip (triu-pṛṣṭʰanns«pra~√stʰā)jmsa  
     matinfpn«√man samp asvaranvp·U·3p«√svṛ 

11. They send forth with their fingers
the powerful Soma sporting in the water, passing
through the fleece; praises celebrate him abiding
in the three receptacles.

ásarji kaláśām̐ abʰí mīḷhé sáptirná vājayúḥ |
punānó vā́caṃ janáyannasiṣyadat || 12||

12. asarjivp·U·3s«√sṛj kalaśanmpa«√kal? abʰip  
     mīḷhannsl«√mih saptinmsn nac (vājanms«√vāj-yujms«√yu)jmsn |
     punānajmsn«√pū vācnfsa«√vac  
     janayanttp·Amsn«√jan asiṣyadatva·U·3s«√syand 

12. Desiring to give the worshipper food be
has been let loose into the pitchers like a charger
in battle; being filtered, raising a cry he flows
into the vessels.

pávate haryató háriráti hvárāṃsi ráṃhyā |
abʰyárṣanstotṛ́bʰyo vīrávadyáśaḥ || 13||

13. pavateva·A·3s«√pū haryatajmsn«√hary harijmsn«√hṛ  
     atip hvarasnnpa«√hvṛ raṃhinfsi«√raṃh |
     abʰyarṣanvp·AE3p«abʰi~√ṛṣ stotṛnmpd«√stu  
     vīravatjmsa«√vīr yaśasnnsa«√yaś 

13. The delightful green-tinted juice flows with
rapidity into the crooked pitchers; bringing the
worshippers food and male offspring.

ayā́ pavasva devayúrmádʰordʰā́rā asṛkṣata |
rébʰanpavítraṃ páryeṣi viśvátaḥ || 14||

14. ar3nsi pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsn  
     madʰunnsg«√madʰ dʰārānfpn«√dʰṛ asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj |
     rebʰanttp·Amsn«√ribʰ pavitrannsa«√pū  
     parip eṣivp·A·2s«√i viśvatasa«√viś 

14. Devoted to the gods flow with thatstream;
thy streams of exhilarating liquor are let loose;
with a roar thou passest through the filter in all

Sūkta 9.107 

párītó ṣiñcatā sutáṃ sómo yá uttamáṃ havíḥ |
dadʰanvā́m̐ yó náryo apsvàntárā́ suṣā́va sómamádribʰiḥ || 1||

1.  parip itajmsn«√i siñcatava·AE3s«√sic sutajmsa«√su  
    somanmsn«√su yasr3msn uttamajnsn havisnnsn«√hu |
    dadʰanvaṃstp·Imsn«√dʰan yasr3msn naryajmsn apnfpl antara āp  
    suṣāvavp·I·3s«√su somanmsa«√su adrinmpi«√dṛ 

1. Sprinkle from hence the effused Soma-juice
which is the best oblation to the gods, and which,
good for man, is going into the midst of the firmament;
the priest has expressed the Soma with the stones.

nūnáṃ punānó'vibʰiḥ pári sravā́dabdʰaḥ surabʰíntaraḥ |
suté cittvāpsú madāmo ándʰasā śrīṇánto góbʰirúttaram || 2||

2.  nūnama punānajmsn«√pū avinnpi parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru  
    adabdʰajmsn«a~√dabʰ surabʰintarajmsn«su~√rabʰ |
    sutanmsl«√su cidc tvamr2msa apnfpl madāmasvp·A·1p«√mad andʰasnnsi«√andʰ  
    śrīṇanttp·Ampn«√śrī gonfpi uttarajnsa 

2. Soma who art unassailable, who art most,
fragrant, flow around now being purified by the
fleece; being effused we praise thee eminent in the
waters mixing thee with food and the products of the kine.

pári suvānáścákṣase devamā́danaḥ kráturíndurvicakṣaṇáḥ || 3||

3.  parip suvānata·A?sn«√su cakṣasev···D··«√cakṣ (devanms«√div-mādanajms«√mad)jmsn  
    kratunmsn«√kṛ indunmsn«√ind vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ 

3. Being effused the Indu flows so as to be seen
of all -the exhilarator of the gods, the agent in
holy acts, the observer of all.

punānáḥ soma dʰā́rayāpó vásāno arṣasi |
ā́ ratnadʰā́ yónimṛtásya sīdasyútso deva hiraṇyáyaḥ || 4||

4.  punānajmsn«√pū somanmsv«√su dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    apnfpa vasānata·Amsn«√vas arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ |
    āp (ratnanns«√rā-dʰājms«√dʰā)jmsn yoninmsa«√yu ṛtannsg«√ṛ sīdasivp·A·2s«√sad  
    utsanmsn«√ud devanmsv«√div hiraṇyayajmsn«√hṛ 

4. Undergoing purification thou flowest Soma in
a stream clothed in the consecrated waters; the
giver of wealth thou sittest on the place of sacrifice,
divine Soma, who flowest forth, who art the origin
of gold.

duhāná ū́dʰardivyáṃ mádʰu priyáṃ pratnáṃ sadʰástʰamā́sadat |
āpṛ́cʰyaṃ dʰarúṇaṃ vājyàrṣati nṛ́bʰirdʰūtó vicakṣaṇáḥ || 5||

5.  duhānata·Amsn«√duh ūdʰarnnsa«√vah divyajnsa«√div madʰunnsa«√madʰ priyajnsa«√prī  
    pratnajnsa (sadʰaa-stʰajms«√stʰā)nnsa āp asadatvp·U·3s«√sad |
    āpṛcʰyajmsa«ā~√pracʰ dʰaruṇanmsa«√dʰṛ vājinnmsn«√vāj arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ  
    nṛnmpi dʰūtajmsn«√dʰū vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ 

5. Milking the exhilarating agreeable celestial
udder the Soma sits down on its ancient place
of aggregation the firmament; food-giving,
cleansed by the priests, observant it flows to the
commendable worshipper.

punānáḥ soma jā́gṛvirávyo vā́re pári priyáḥ |
tváṃ vípro abʰavó'ṅgirastamo mádʰvā yajñáṃ mimikṣa naḥ || 6||

6.  punānajmsn«√pū somanmsv«√su jāgṛvijmsn«√jāgṛ  
    avinmsg vāranmsl«√vṛ2 parip priyanmsn«√prī |
    tvamr2msn viprajmsn«√vip abʰavasvp·Aa2s«√bʰū aṅgirastamajmsn«√aṅg  
    madʰunfsi«√madʰ yajñanmsa«√yaj mimikṣavp·I·3s«√mikṣ vayamr1mpd 

6. Soma, who art purified, vigilant, agreeable
thou flowest through the woollen fleece; thou art
intelligent, the chief of the Angirasas, sprinkle
our oblation with thy exhilarating juice.

sómo mīḍʰvā́npavate gātuvíttama ṛ́ṣirvípro vicakṣaṇáḥ |
tváṃ kavírabʰavo devavī́tama ā́ sū́ryaṃ rohayo diví || 7||

7.  somanmsn«√su mīḷhvaṃstp·Imsn«√mih pavateva·A·3s«√pū (gātunms«√gā-vittamajms«√vid)jmsn  
    ṛṣinmsn«√ṛṣ viprajmsn«√vip vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ |
    tvamr2msn kavinmsn«√kū abʰavasvp·Aa2s«√bʰū (devanms«√div-vītamajms«√vī)jmsn  
    āp sūryanmsa«√sūr rohayasvp·AE2s«√ruh dyunmsl 

7. Soma flows forth the showerer of benefits,
the best of path-finders, a Rishi, a sage, all discriminating;
thou art a seer, most devoted to the gods;
thou hast made the sun to mount the sky.

sóma u ṣuvāṇáḥ sotṛ́bʰirádʰi ṣṇúbʰirávīnām |
áśvayeva harítā yāti dʰā́rayā mandráyā yāti dʰā́rayā || 8||

8.  somanmsv«√su uc suvānata·A?sn«√su sotṛnmpi«√su  
    adʰip snunmpi«√san avijmpg |
    aśvānfsi«√aś ivac haritjfsi«√hṛ yātivp·A·3s«√yā dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ  
    mandrājfsi«√mand yātivp·A·3s«√yā dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ 

8. Effused by the effusers Soma is poured out
upon the elevated fleeces; and proceeds with its
green-tinted stream, as on a mare, proceeds with its
exhilarating stream.

anūpé gómāngóbʰirakṣāḥ sómo dugdʰā́bʰirakṣāḥ |
samudráṃ ná saṃváraṇānyagmanmandī́ mádāya tośate || 9||

9.  anūpanmsl gomatjmsn gonfpi akṣārvp·U·3s«√kṣar  
    somanmsn«√su dugdʰājfpi«√duh akṣārvp·U·3s«√kṣar |
    samudranmsa«sam~√ud nac saṃvaraṇannpa«sam~√vṛ agmanvp·Aa3p«√gam  
    mandinjmsn«√mand madanmsd«√mad tośateva·A·3s«√tuś 

9. Soma combined with the produce of the kine
flows with the kine into the pitcher, he flows with
the milked kine; his enjoyable juices go to the
pitcher as waters to the ocean, the exhilarating
Soma is expressed for the exhilaration of the

ā́ soma suvānó ádribʰistiró vā́rāṇyavyáyā |
jáno ná purí camvòrviśaddʰáriḥ sádo váneṣu dadʰiṣe || 10||

10. āp somanmsv«√su suvānata·A?sn«√su adrinmpi«√dṛ  
     tirasa«√tṝ vārannpa«√vṛ2 avyayajnpa |
     janajmsn«√jan nac purnfsl camūnfdl viśatvp·AE3s«√viś harijmsn«√hṛ  
     sadasnnsa«√sad vanannpl«√van dadʰiṣeva·I·2s«√dʰā 

10. Expressed by the stones, Soma, passing
through the sheep's hairs, green-tinted, entering
the cups as a man enters a city, thou takest thy
seat in the wooden vessels.

sá māmṛje tiró áṇvāni meṣyò mīḷhé sáptirná vājayúḥ |
anumā́dyaḥ pávamāno manīṣíbʰiḥ sómo víprebʰirṛ́kvabʰiḥ || 11||

11. sasr3msn māmṛjeva·I·3s«√mṛj tirasa«√tṝ aṇvajnpa meṣīnfsg«√miṣ  
     mīḷhannsl«√mih saptinmsn nac (vājanms«√vāj-yujms«√yu)jmsn |
     anumādyajmsn«anu~√mad pavamānanmsn«√pū manīṣinnmpi«√man  
     somanmsn«√su viprajmpi«√vip ṛkvannmpi«√ṛc 

11. Desirous of bestowing food, passing through
the interstices of the fleece the Soma is adorned like
a horse in the battle; the Pavamana, to be rejoiced
in by all, praised by the intelligent, the sages, the
reciters of sacred songs.

prá soma devávītaye síndʰurná pipye árṇasā |
aṃśóḥ páyasā madiró ná jā́gṛvirácʰā kóśaṃ madʰuścútam || 12||

12. prap somanmsv«√su (devanms«√div-vītinfs«√vī)nfsd  
     sindʰunmsn«√sindʰ nac pipyevp·I·3s«√pī arṇasnnsi |
     aṃśunmsg«√aś payasnnsi«√pī madirajmsn«√mad nac jāgṛvijmsn«√jāgṛ  
     acʰāp kośanmsa«√kuś (madʰunns«√madʰ-ścutjms«√ścut)jmsa 

12. Thou art fed with water, Soma, like a river,
for the banquet of the gods; with the juice of thy
filament thou goest to the honey-dropping receptacle,
exhilarating, vigilant.

ā́ haryató árjune átke avyata priyáḥ sūnúrná márjyaḥ |
támīṃ hinvantyapáso yátʰā rátʰaṃ nadī́ṣvā́ gábʰastyoḥ || 13||

13. āp haryatajmsn«√hary arjunajmsl«√raj atkanmsl avyatava·U·3s«√vye  
     priyajmsn«√prī sūnunmsn«√sū nac marjyajmsn«√mṛj |
     sasr3msa īmr3msa hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi apasjfpn«√ap yadr3nsi  
     ratʰanmsa«√ṛ nadīnfpl«√nad āp gabʰastinmdl 

13. Agreeable affectionate like a son about to be
decorated, the Soma is clad in a shining robe; they
send him with their arms into the streams as active
warriors send their chariot into battle.

abʰí sómāsa āyávaḥ pávante mádyaṃ mádam |
samudrásyā́dʰi viṣṭápi manīṣíṇo matsarā́saḥ svarvídaḥ || 14||

14. abʰip somanmpn«√su āyujmpn«√i  
     pavanteva·A·3p«√pū madyajmsa«√mad madanmsa«√mad |
     samudranmsg«sam~√ud adʰip viṣṭapnfsl«vi~√stambʰ manīṣinnmpn«√man  
     (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmpn (svarnns-vidjms«√vid)jmpn 

14. The swift Somas send forth their inebriating
juice upon the uplifted filter of the firmament,
intelligent, exhilarating, all-acquiring.

táratsamudráṃ pávamāna ūrmíṇā rā́jā devá ṛtáṃ bṛhát |
árṣanmitrásya váruṇasya dʰármaṇā prá hinvāná ṛtáṃ bṛhát || 15||

15. taratvp·AE3s«√tṝ samudranmsa«sam~√ud pavamānanmsn«√pū ūrminmsi«√ṛ  
     rājannmsn«√rāj devanmsn«√div ṛtannsa«√ṛ bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh |
     arṣatvp·AE3s«√ṛṣ mitraNmsg«√mitʰ varuṇaNmsg«√vṛ dʰarmannnsi«√dʰṛ  
     prap hinvānata·Amsn«√hi ṛtannsa«√ṛ bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh 

15. The divine royalSoma vast and true, undergoing
purification traverses the firmament in a
stream; vast and true, being sent forth he flows
for the support of Mitra and Varuna.

nṛ́bʰiryemānó haryató vicakṣaṇó rā́jā deváḥ samudríyaḥ || 16||

16. nṛnmpi yemānata·Imsn«√yam haryatajmsn«√hary vicakṣaṇajmsn«vi~√cakṣ  
     rājannmsn«√rāj devanmsn«√div samudriyajmsn«sam~√ud 

16. Regulated by the priests, the divine royal Soma,
agreeable, intelligent, abiding in the firmament-

índrāya pavate mádaḥ sómo marútvate sutáḥ |
sahásradʰāro átyávyamarṣati támī mṛjantyāyávaḥ || 17||

17. indraNmsd«√ind pavateva·A·3s«√pū madanmsn«√mad  
     somanmsn«√su marutvatjmsd sutajmsn«√su |
     (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn atip avyajnsa arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ  
     sasr3msa īc mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj āyujmpn«√i 

17. Exhilarating, flows, when effused, for Indra.
attended by the Maruts; thousand-streamed he
passes through the fleece; men cleanse him.

punānáścamū́ janáyanmatíṃ kavíḥ sómo devéṣu raṇyati |
apó vásānaḥ pári góbʰirúttaraḥ sī́danváneṣvavyata || 18||

18. punānajmsn«√pū camūnfsl janayanttp·Amsn«√jan matinfsa«√man kavinmsn«√kū  
     somanmsn«√su devanmpl«√div raṇyativp·A·3s«√raṇ |
     apnfpa vasānata·Amsn«√vas parip gonfpi uttarajmsn  
     sīdanttp·Amsn«√sad vanannpl«√van avyatava·U·3s«√vye 

18. Purified in the cups, exciting laudation, the
sage Soma rejoices amongst the gods; clothed with
the waters sitting in the wooden bowls, he is surrounded
with the curds and milk.

távāháṃ soma rāraṇa sakʰyá indo divédive |
purū́ṇi babʰro ní caranti mā́máva paridʰī́m̐ráti tā́m̐ ihi || 19||

19. tvamr2msg ahamr1msn somanmsv«√su rāraṇavp·I·1s«√raṇ  
     sakʰyannsl«√sac indunmsv«√ind (divanmsl«√div-divanmsl«√div)a |
     purujnpa«√pṝ babʰrujmsv«√bʰṛ nip carantivp·A·3p«√car ahamr1msa  
     avap paridʰinmpa«pari~√dʰā atip sasr3mpa ihivp·Ao2s«√i 

19. In thy friendship, Indu Soma, I have rejoiced
day by day; many Rakshasas assail me,
tawny-coloured Soma; overcome these who surround

utā́háṃ náktamutá soma te dívā sakʰyā́ya babʰra ū́dʰani |
gʰṛṇā́ tápantamáti sū́ryaṃ paráḥ śakunā́ iva paptima || 20||

20. utac ahamr1msn naktannsa utac somanmsv«√su tvamr2msg dyunmsi  
     sakʰyannsd«√sac babʰrujmsv«√bʰṛ ūdʰannfsl«√ūdʰ |
     gʰṛṇanmsi«√gʰṛ tapanttp·Amsa«√tap atip sūryanmsa«√sūr parasa«√pṛ  
     śakunanmpn«√śak ivac paptimavp·I·1p«√pat 

20. I delight in thy presence, tawny-coloured
Soma, both day and night, for the sake of thy
friendship may we soar like birds far beyond the
sun a blazing with thy light.

mṛjyámānaḥ suhastya samudré vā́caminvasi |
rayíṃ piśáṅgaṃ bahuláṃ puruspṛ́haṃ pávamānābʰyàrṣasi || 21||

21. mṛjyamānata·Amsn«√mṛj suhastyajmsv  
     samudranmsl«sam~√ud vācnfsa«√vac invasivp·A·2s«√inv |
     rayinmsa«√rā (piśnfs«√piś-aṅganms«√aṅg)jmsa bahulajmsa«√baṃh (purua«√pṝ-spṛhjms«√spṛh)jmsa  
     pavamānanmsv«√pū abʰip arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ 

21. Fair-fingered Soma being cleansed thou
utterest a sound in the pitcher; thou bringest,
Pavamana, ample golden-hued much-coveted wealth.

mṛjānó vā́re pávamāno avyáye vṛ́ṣā́va cakrado váne |
devā́nāṃ soma pavamāna niṣkṛtáṃ góbʰirañjānó arṣasi || 22||

22. mṛjānata·Amsn«√mṛj vāranmsl«√vṛ2 pavamānanmsn«√pū avyayajmsl  
     vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ avap cakradasvp·U·2s«√krand vanannsl«√van |
     devanmpg«√div somanmsv«√su pavamānanmsv«√pū niṣkṛtannsa«nis~√kṛ  
     gonfpi añjānatp·Amsn«√añj arṣasivp·A·2s«√ṛṣ 

22. The showerer of benefits, cleansed and filtered
in the woollen fleece, thou criest aloud in the water;
Soma Pavamana, mixed with the curds and milk,
thou goest to the prepared station of the gods.

pávasva vā́jasātaye'bʰí víśvāni kā́vyā |
tváṃ samudráṃ pratʰamó ví dʰārayo devébʰyaḥ soma matsaráḥ || 23||

23. pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū (vājanms«√vāj-sātinfs«√san)nfsd  
     abʰip viśvajnpa«√viś kāvyannpa«√kū |
     tvamr2msn samudranmsa«sam~√ud pratʰamajmsn vip dʰārayasvp·Ae2s«√dʰṛ  
     devanmpd«√div somanmsv«√su (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmsn 

23. Flow, Soma, to all praises to procure food
for us; thou, the exhilarator of the gods, art the
chief supporter of the firmament.

sá tū́ pavasva pári pā́rtʰivaṃ rájo divyā́ ca soma dʰármabʰiḥ |
tvā́ṃ víprāso matíbʰirvicakṣaṇa śubʰráṃ hinvanti dʰītíbʰiḥ || 24||

24. sasr3msn tuc pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū parip pārtʰivajnsa«√pṛtʰ rajasnnsa«√raj  
     divyajnpa«√div cac somanmsv«√su dʰarmannnpi«√dʰṛ |
     tvamr2msa viprajmpn«√vip matinfpi«√man vicakṣaṇajmsv«√cakṣ  
     śubʰrajmsa«√śubʰ hinvantivp·A·3p«√hi dʰītinfpi«√dʰī 

24. Flow quickly, Soma, with thy supports, to
the terrestrial and celestial worlds; the sages
express thee radiant, O observer of all, with praises
and with their fingers.

pávamānā asṛkṣata pavítramáti dʰā́rayā |
marútvanto matsarā́ indriyā́ háyā medʰā́mabʰí práyāṃsi ca || 25||

25. pavamānajmpn«√pū asṛkṣatava·U·3p«√sṛj  
     pavitrannsa«√pū atip dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ |
     marutvantjmpn (madnfs«√mad-saranms«√sṛ)jmpn indriyājmpn«√ind hayanmpn«√hi  
     medʰānfsa«√midʰ abʰip prayasnnpa«√prī cac 

25. Thy purified juices are let flow through the
filter in a stream accompanied by the Maruts,
exhilarating, pleasing Indra, swift-moving, bringing
praise and food.

apó vásānaḥ pári kóśamarṣatī́ndurhiyānáḥ sotṛ́bʰiḥ |
janáyañjyótirmandánā avīvaśadgā́ḥ kṛṇvānó ná nirṇíjam || 26||

26. apnfpa vasānata·Amsn«√vas parip kośanmsa«√kuś arṣativp·A·3s«√ṛṣ  
     indunmsn«√ind hiyānata·Amsn«√hi sotṛnmpi«√su |
     janayanttp·Amsn«√jan jyotisnnsa«√jyot mandananfpa«√mand avīvaśatvp·U·3s«√vāś  
     gonfpa kṛṇvānata·Amsn«√kṛ nac nirṇijnfsa«nis~√nij 

26. Indu clothed with waters effused by the
worshippers rushes to the receptacle, generating
light, identifying its form with the products of
the kine, he covets now our praises.

Sūkta 9.108 

pávasva mádʰumattama índrāya soma kratuvíttamo mádaḥ |
máhi dyukṣátamo mádaḥ || 1||

1.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madʰumattamajmsn«√madʰ  
    indraNmsd«√ind somanmsv«√su (kratunms«√kṛ-vittamajms«√vid)jmsn madanmsn«√mad |
    mahia«√mah (dyunms«√dyu-kṣatamajms«√kṣi)jmsn madanmsn«√mad 

1. Soma, who art most sweet-flavoured, most
intelligent, the exhilarator, flow for Indra, the
great, the most brilliant, the exhilarator.

yásya te pītvā́ vṛṣabʰó vṛṣāyáte'syá pītā́ svarvídaḥ |
sá supráketo abʰyàkramīdíṣó'cʰā vā́jaṃ naítaśaḥ || 2||

2.  yasr3msg tvamr2msg pītvātp·A???«√pā (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsn  
    vṛṣāyateva·A·3s«√vṛṣ ayamr3msg pītinfsl«√pā (svarnns-vidjms«√vid)jmpn |
    sasr3msn supraketajmsn«su-pra~√cit abʰip akramītvp·U·3s«√kram  
    iṣnfpa«√iṣ acʰāp vājanmsa«√vāj nac etaśajmsn 

2. By drinking whom the showerer Indra is
invigorated, by drinking thee who art the beholder
of everything, the intelligent INDRA reaches the
viands of the enemy as a horse reaches the battle.

tváṃ hyàṅgá daívyā pávamāna jánimāni dyumáttamaḥ |
amṛtatvā́ya gʰoṣáyaḥ || 3||

3.  tvamr2msn hic aṅgaa«√aṅg daivyajnpa«√div  
    pavamānanmsv«√pū janimannnpa«√jan dyumattamajmsn«√dyut |
    amṛtatvannsd«a~√mṛ gʰoṣayasvp·AE2s«√gʰuṣ 

3. For thou, Pavamana, who art most brilliant
quickly shoutest to the races of the gods for the
sake of their immortality:-

yénā návagvo dadʰyáṅṅaporṇuté yéna víprāsa āpiré |
devā́nāṃ sumné amṛ́tasya cā́ruṇo yéna śrávāṃsyānaśúḥ || 4||

4.  yasr3msi (navau-gvajms)Nmsn (dadʰinns-acjms«√añc)Nmsn  
    aporṇuteva·A·3s«apa~√ūrnu yasr3msi viprajmpn«√vip āpireva·I·3p«√āp |
    devanmpg«√div sumnannsl«su~√man amṛtannsg«a~√mṛ  
    cārunnsg«√can yasr3msi śravasnnpa«√śru ānaśurvp·I·3p«√aś 

4. Thou through whom Dadhyanch the offerer
of the nine days' rite opened the cave, through
whom the rishis recovered the stolen cows
through whom under the protection of the gods
the worshippers obtained the sustenance of the
delicious ambrosial water-

eṣá syá dʰā́rayā sutó'vyo vā́rebʰiḥ pavate madíntamaḥ |
krī́ḷannūrmírapā́miva || 5||

5.  eṣasr3msn syar3msn dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ sutajmsn«√su  
    avinmsg vārannpi«√vṛ2 pavateva·A·3s«√pū madintamajmsn«√mad |
    krīḷanttp·Amsn«√krīḷ ūrminmsn«√ṛ apnfpg ivac 

5. This Soma when effused flows most exhilarating
through the woollen fleece, sporting like a wave of water.

yá usríyā ápyā antáráśmano nírgā́ ákṛntadójasā |
abʰí vrajáṃ tatniṣe gávyamáśvyaṃ varmī́va dʰṛṣṇavā́ ruja || 6||

6.  yasr3msn usriyājfpa apyājfpa antara  
    aśmannmsb nirp gonfpa akṛntatvp·Aa3s«√kṛt ojasnnsi«√vaj |
    abʰip vrajanmsa«√vṛj tatniṣeva·I·2s«√tan gavyajmsa  
    aśvyajmsa«√aś varminnmsn«√vṛ ivac dʰṛṣṇujmsv«√dʰṛṣ āp rujavp·Ao2s«√ruj 

6. Thou who by thy might extricated from the
rock the quick-moving kine abiding in the waters,
thou hast spread out a pasturage for cattle and
horses; like a mailed warrior slay the Asuras,
brave Soma.

ā́ sotā pári ṣiñcatā́śvaṃ ná stómamaptúraṃ rajastúram |
vanakrakṣámudaprútam || 7||

7.  āp sotava·Ao2p«√su parip siñcatava·Ao2p«√sic  
    aśvanmsa«√aś nac stomanmsa«√stu (apnfs-turjms«√tvar)jmsa (rajasnns«√raj-turjms«√tvar)jmsa |
    (vananns«√van-krakṣajms«√krakṣ)jmsa (udanns-prutjms«√pru)jmsa 

7. Pour forth the Soma, sprinkle it round like
a horse, adorable, dispenser of rain, dispenser of
light, showerer of fluid, swimming in water-

sahásradʰāraṃ vṛṣabʰáṃ payovṛ́dʰaṃ priyáṃ devā́ya jánmane |
ṛténa yá ṛtájāto vivāvṛdʰé rā́jā devá ṛtáṃ bṛhát || 8||

8.  (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsa (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsa  
    (payasnns«√pī-vṛdʰjfs«√vṛdʰ)jmsa priyajmsa«√prī devanmsd«√div janmannnsd«√jan |
    ṛtannsi«√ṛ yasr3msn (ṛtanns«√ṛ-jātajms«√jan)jmsn  
    vivāvṛdʰeva·I·3s«vi~√vṛdʰ rājannmsn«√rāj devanmsn«√div ṛtannsa«√ṛ bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh 

8. Thousand-streamed, showerer of benefits,
augmenter of water, affectionate; pour it forth
for the race of the gods which water-born is fostered
by the water, the king, the god, the true, the great.

abʰí dyumnáṃ bṛhádyáśa íṣaspate didīhí deva devayúḥ |
ví kóśaṃ madʰyamáṃ yuva || 9||

9.  abʰip dyumnannsa bṛhatjnsa«√bṛh yaśasjnsa«√yaś iṣnfpa«√iṣ patinmsv«√pā2  
    didīhivp·Ao2s«√dī devanmsv«√div (devanms«√div-yujms«√yu)jmsn |
    vip kośanmsa«√kuś madʰyamajmsa yuvavp·Ao2s«√yu 

9. Divine Soma lord of viands, who art devoted
to the gods, bestow upon us brilliant and
abundant food; separate the mid-aerial receptacle.

ā́ vacyasva sudakṣa camvòḥ sutó viśā́ṃ váhnirná viśpátiḥ |
vṛṣṭíṃ diváḥ pavasva rītímapā́ṃ jínvā gáviṣṭaye dʰíyaḥ || 10||

10. āp vacyasvava·Ao2s«√vañc sudakṣajmsv«su~√dakṣ camūnfdl sutajmsn«√su  
     viśnfpg«√viś vahninmsn«√vah nac (viśnfs«√viś-patinms«√pā2)nmsn |
     vṛṣṭinfsn«√vṛṣ dyunmsb pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū rītinfsa«√rī apnfpg  
     jinvavp·Ao2s«√jinv (gonfs-iṣṭinfs«√iṣ)nmsd dʰīnfpa«√dʰī 

10. Come, powerful Soma effused into the cups,
like a prince the sustainer of the people; pour the
course of the waters, the rain from heaven; accomplish
the rites for the worshipper who seeks cattle.

etámu tyáṃ madacyútaṃ sahásradʰāraṃ vṛṣabʰáṃ dívo duhuḥ |
víśvā vásūni bíbʰratam || 11||

11. etasr3msa uc syar3msa (madanms«√mad-cyutjms«√cyut)jmsa  
     (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsa (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsa dyunmsb duhurvp·I·3p«√duh |
     viśvajnpa«√viś vasunnpa«√vas bibʰrattp·A?sa«√bʰṛ 

11. Him have they milked from heaven, the
shedder of exhilarating juice the thousand-streamed,
the showerer of benefits, bearing all treasures.

vṛ́ṣā ví jajñe janáyannámartyaḥ pratápañjyótiṣā támaḥ |
sá súṣṭutaḥ kavíbʰirnirṇíjaṃ dadʰe tridʰā́tvasya dáṃsasā || 12||

12. vṛṣannmsn«√vṛṣ vip jajñeva·I·3s«√jan janayanttp·Amsn«√jan  
     amartyajmsn«a~√mṛ pratapanttp·Amsn«pra~√tap jyotisnnsi«√jyot tamasnnsa«√tam |
     sasr3msn suṣṭutajmsn«su~√stu kavinmpi«√kū  
     nirṇijnfsa«nis~√nij dadʰeva·I·3s«√dʰā (triu-dʰātunns«√dʰā)jnsa ayamr3msg daṃsasnnsi«√daṃś 

12. The showerer of benefits is manifested begetting
light immortal, destroying the darkness
with his radiance; glorified by the wise he has
assumed his shining robe; the triple oblation is
supported by his act.

sá sunve yó vásūnāṃ yó rāyā́mānetā́ yá íḷānām |
sómo yáḥ sukṣitīnā́m || 13||

13. sasr3msn sunveva·U·3s«√su yasr3msn vasunnpg«√vas  
     yasr3msn rayinmpg«√rā ānayitṛnmsn«ā~√nī yasr3msn iḷānfpg |
     somanmsn«√su yasr3msn sukṣitinfpg«su~√kṣi2 

13. The Soma has been effused who is the
bringer of treasures, the bringer of riches, the
bringer of food, the bringer of fair homes:-

yásya na índraḥ píbādyásya marúto yásya vāryamáṇā bʰágaḥ |
ā́ yéna mitrā́váruṇā kárāmaha éndramávase mahé || 14||

14. yasr3msg vayamr1mpg indraNmsn«√ind pibātvp·AE3s«√pā  
     yasr3msg marutNmpn yasr3msgc aryamanNmsi«√ṛ bʰagaNmsn«√bʰaj |
     āp yasr3msi (mitraNmda«√mitʰ-varuṇaNmda«√vṛ)Nmda  
     karāmahevp·A·1p«√kṛ āp indraNmsa«√ind avasnnsd«√av mahjnsd«√mah 

14. Our Soma which Indra drinks, which the
Maruts drink and Bhaga with Aryaman; through
which we propitiate Mitra and Varuna and Indra,
to obtain his powerful protection.

índrāya soma pā́tave nṛ́bʰiryatáḥ svāyudʰó madíntamaḥ |
pávasva mádʰumattamaḥ || 15||

15. indraNmsd«√ind somanmsv«√su pātavev···D··«√pā nṛnmpi  
     yatajmsn«√yam svāyudʰajmsn«su-ā~√yudʰ madintamajmsn«√mad |
     pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū madʰumattamajmsn«√madʰ 

15. Soma., collected by the priests, well-armed,
most exhilarating, most sweet-flavoured, flow for
Indra to drink.

índrasya hā́rdi somadʰā́namā́ viśa samudrámiva síndʰavaḥ |
júṣṭo mitrā́ya váruṇāya vāyáve divó viṣṭambʰá uttamáḥ || 16||

16. indraNmsg«√ind hārdinnsa«√hṛ (somanms«√su-dʰānajms«√dʰā)nnsa  
     āp viśavp·Ao2s«√viś samudranmsa«sam~√ud ivac sindʰunmpn«√sindʰ |
     juṣṭajmsn«√juṣ mitraNmsd«√mitʰ varuṇaNmsd«√vṛ  
     vāyuNmsd«√vā dyunmsg viṣṭambʰanmsn«vi~√stambʰ uttamajmsn 

16. Soma, enter the Somadhana, Indra's heart,
as the rivers enter the sea agreeable to Mitra,
Varuna and Vayu, the chief stay of heaven.

Sūkta 9.109 

pári prá dʰanvéndrāya soma svādúrmitrā́ya pūṣṇé bʰágāya || 1||

1.  parip prap dʰanvavp·Ao2s«√dʰanv indraNmsd«√ind somanmsv«√su  
    svādujmsn«√svad mitraNmsd«√mitʰ pūṣanNmsd«√pūṣ bʰagaNmsd«√bʰaj 

1. Flow, Soma, who art sweet-flavoured, for
Indra, Mitra, Pushan and Bhaga.

índraste soma sutásya peyāḥ krátve dákṣāya víśve ca devā́ḥ || 2||

2.  indraNmsn«√ind tvamr2msg somanmsv«√su sutanmsg«√su peyāsvp·AI3s«√pā  
    kratunmsd«√kṛ dakṣanmsd«√dakṣ viśvajmpn«√viś cac devanmpn«√div 

2. Soma, let Indra and all the gods drink of thee
when effused for intelligence and strength.

evā́mṛ́tāya mahé kṣáyāya sá śukró arṣa divyáḥ pīyū́ṣaḥ || 3||

3.  evac amṛtannsd«a~√mṛ mahjmsd«√mah kṣayanmsd«√kṣi2  
    sasr3msn śukrajmsn«√śuc arṣavp·Ao2s«√ṛṣ divyajmsn«√div pīyūṣanmsn«√pyai 

3. So do thou who art pure, divine, the beverage
of all the gods, flow for immortality and a spacious

pávasva soma mahā́nsamudráḥ pitā́ devā́nāṃ víśvābʰí dʰā́ma || 4||

4.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somanmsv«√su mahatjmsn«√mah samudranmsn«sam~√ud  
    pitṛnmsn devanmpg«√div viśvajnpa«√viś abʰip dʰāmannnsa«√dʰā 

4. Flow, Soma, who art mighty, the shedder of
juice, the parent of the gods, towards all bodies.

śukráḥ pavasva devébʰyaḥ soma divé pṛtʰivyaí śáṃ ca prajā́yai || 5||

5.  śukrajmsn«√śuc pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū devanmpd«√div somanmsv«√su  
    dyunmsd pṛtʰivīnfsd«√pṛtʰ śamnfsa«√śam cac prajānfsd«pra~√jan 

5. Soma, who art brilliant, flow for the gods and
give joy to heaven and earth and all creatures.

divó dʰartā́si śukráḥ pīyū́ṣaḥ satyé vídʰarmanvājī́ pavasva || 6||

6.  dyunmsg dʰartṛnmsn«√dʰṛ asivp·A·2s«√as śukrajmsn«√śuc pīyūṣanmsn«√pyai  
    satyajmsl«√as vidʰarmannmsl«vi~√dʰṛ vājinnmsn«√vāj pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū 

6. Thou art the upholder of heaven, radiant and
good to drink; flow thou who art strong, at the
truthful sacrifice.

pávasva soma dyumnī́ sudʰāró mahā́mávīnāmánu pūrvyáḥ || 7||

7.  pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somanmsv«√su dyumninnmsn sudʰārajmsn«su~√dʰṛ  
    mahāntjmsa«√mah avinfpg anup pūrvyajmsn«√pṝ 

7. Do thou, Soma, who art possessed of food,
who hast a copious stream, flow through the great
sheep's hairs in due succession.

nṛ́bʰiryemānó jajñānáḥ pūtáḥ kṣáradvíśvāni mandráḥ svarvít || 8||

8.  nṛnmpi yemānata·Imsn«√yam jajñānata·Amsn«√jan pūtajmsn«√pū  
    kṣaratva·UE3s«√kṣar viśvannpa«√viś mandrajmsn«√mand (svarnns-vidjms«√vid)jmsn 

8. May the Soma regulated by the priests,
engendered, purified, exhilarating, all-knowing,
bring us all riches.

índuḥ punānáḥ prajā́murāṇáḥ káradvíśvāni dráviṇāni naḥ || 9||

9.  indunmsn«√ind punānajmsn«√pū prajānfsa«pra~√jan urāṇatp·Amsn«√vṛ2  
    karatvp·Ae3s«√kṛ viśvajnpa«√viś draviṇannpa«√dru vayamr1mpd 

9. May Indu, purified, extolling the gods
bestow on us progeny and all kinds of wealth.

pávasva soma krátve dákṣāyā́śvo ná niktó vājī́ dʰánāya || 10||

10. pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū somanmsv«√su kratunmsd«√kṛ dakṣanmsd«√dakṣ  
     aśvanmsn«√aś nac niktajmsn«√nij vājinnmsn«√vāj dʰanannsd«√dʰan 

10. Flow, Soma, for intelligence, for strength,
for wealth, strong and cleansed like a horse

táṃ te sotā́ro rásaṃ mádāya punánti sómaṃ mahé dyumnā́ya || 11||

11. sasr3msa tvamr2msd sotṛnmpn«√su rasanmsa«√ras madanmsd«√mad  
     punantivp·A·3p«√pū somanmsa«√su mahjnsd«√mah dyumnannsd 

11. The priests who press thee purify thy juice
for exhilaration; they purify the Soma for
abundant food.

śíśuṃ jajñānáṃ háriṃ mṛjanti pavítre sómaṃ devébʰya índum || 12||

12. śiśunmsa«√śū jajñānata·Amsa«√jan harijmsa«√hṛ mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj  
     pavitrannsl«√pū somanmsa«√su devanmpd«√div indunmsa«√ind 

12. They cleanse the new-born infant, the green-tinted
shining Soma, on the filter for the gods.

índuḥ paviṣṭa cā́rurmádāyāpā́mupástʰe kavírbʰágāya || 13||

13. indunmsn«√ind paviṣṭava·UE3s«√pū cārujmsn«√can madanmsd«√mad  
     apnfpg upastʰanmsl«upa~√stʰā kavinmsn«√kū bʰaganmsd«√bʰaj 

13. The auspicious sage Indu flows upon the
lap of the waters for exhilaration and for wealth.

bíbʰarti cā́rvíndrasya nā́ma yéna víśvāni vṛtrā́ jagʰā́na || 14||

14. bibʰartivp·A·3s«√bʰṛ cārujnsa«√can indraNmsg«√ind nāmannnsa«√nam  
     yasr3msi viśvajnpa«√viś vṛtrannpa«√vṛ jagʰānavp·U·3s«√han 

14. The auspicious Soma sustains Indra's body,
by which he has slain all Rakshasas.

píbantyasya víśve devā́so góbʰiḥ śrītásya nṛ́bʰiḥ sutásya || 15||

15. pibantivp·A·3p«√pā ayamr3msg viśvajmpn«√viś devanmpn«√div  
     gonfpi śrītajmsg«√śrī nṛnmpi sutajmsg«√su 

15. The universal gods drink of it, effused by
the priests, mixed with the milk and curds.

prá suvānó akṣāḥ sahásradʰārastiráḥ pavítraṃ ví vā́ramávyam || 16||

16. prap suvānata·A?sn«√su akṣārvp·U·3s«√kṣar (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn  
     tirasa«√tṝ pavitrannsa«√pū vip vāranmsa«√vṛ2 avyajmsa 

16. Being effused the Soma in a thousand
streams flows through the sheep's-hair filter.

sá vājyàkṣāḥ sahásraretā adbʰírmṛjānó góbʰiḥ śrīṇānáḥ || 17||

17. sasr3msn vājinnmsn«√vāj akṣārvp·U·3s«√kṣar (sahasrau-retasnns«√rī)jmsn  
     apnfpi mṛjānata·Amsn«√mṛj gonfpi«√go śrīṇānata·Amsn«√śrī 

17. The vigorous Soma flows in a thousand
streams cleansed by the waters and mixing with
the curds and milk.

prá soma yāhī́ndrasya kukṣā́ nṛ́bʰiryemānó ádribʰiḥ sutáḥ || 18||

18. prap somaNmsv«√su yāhivp·Ao2s«√yā indraNmsg«√ind kukṣinmsl  
     nṛnmpi yemānata·Imsn«√yam adrinmpi«√dṛ sutajmsn«√su 

18. Guided by the priests and effused with the
stones go, Soma, to Indra's belly.

ásarji vājī́ tiráḥ pavítramíndrāya sómaḥ sahásradʰāraḥ || 19||

19. asarjivp·U·3s«√sṛj vājinnmsn«√vāj tirasa«√tṝ pavitrannsa«√pū  
     indraNmsd«√ind somanmsn«√su (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn 

19. The vigorous thousand-streamed Soma has
been sent through the filter for Indra.

añjántyenaṃ mádʰvo rásenéndrāya vṛ́ṣṇa índuṃ mádāya || 20||

20. añjantivp·A·3p«√añj enar3msa madʰunnsg«√madʰ rasanmsi«√ras  
     indraNmsd«√ind vṛṣannmsd«√vṛṣ indunmsa«√ind madanmsd«√mad 

20. They mix the Soma with the liquid of the
sweet milk for Indra, the showerer of benefits
for his exhilaration.

devébʰyastvā vṛ́tʰā pā́jase'pó vásānaṃ háriṃ mṛjanti || 21||

21. devanmpd«√div tvamr2msa vṛtʰāa«√vṛ2 pājasnnsd«√pāj  
     apnfpa vasānata·Amsa«√vas harijmsa«√hṛ mṛjantivp·A·3p«√mṛj 

21. They cleanse thee readily, clothed with water,
green-tinted, for the invigoration of the gods.

índuríndrāya tośate ní tośate śrīṇánnugró riṇánnapáḥ || 22||

22. indunmsn«√ind indraNmsd«√ind tośateva·A·3s«√tuś nip tośateva·A·3s«√tuś  
     śrīṇanttp·Amsn«√śrī ugrajmsn«√vaj riṇanttp·Amsn«√rī apnfpa 

22. Indu is effused for Indra, is effused downward-
fierce, mixing with the milk, flowing
into the water.

Sūkta 9.110 

páryū ṣú prá dʰanva vā́jasātaye pári vṛtrā́ṇi sakṣáṇiḥ |
dviṣástarádʰyā ṛṇayā́ na īyase || 1||

1.  parip uc sup prap dʰanvavp·Ao2s«√dʰanv (vājanms«√vāj-sātinfs«√san)nfsd  
    parip vṛtrannpa«√vṛ sakṣaṇijmsn«√sah |
    dviṣnfpa«√dviṣ taradʰyaiv···D··«√tṝ (ṛṇanns«√ṛṇ-yājms«√yā)jmsn vayamr1mpa īyasevp·A·2s«√i 

1. Hasten, Soma, to bring us sustenance; gifted
with endurance attack our foes; the acquitter of
our debts, thou approachest to disperse our enemies.

ánu hí tvā sutáṃ soma mádāmasi mahé samaryarā́jye |
vā́jām̐ abʰí pavamāna prá gāhase || 2||

2.  anup hic tvamr2msa sutajmsa«√su somanmsv«√su  
    madāmasivp·A·1p«√mad mahajnsl«√mah (samaryanns«sam~√rī-rājyanns«√rāj)nnsl |
    vājanmpa«√vāj abʰip pavamānanmsv«√pū prap gāhaseva·A·2s«√gāh 

2. In turn we glorify thee, Soma, when effused;
thou attackest the hostile forces, O Pavamana, to
defend thy great sovereignty over men.

ájījano hí pavamāna sū́ryaṃ vidʰā́re śákmanā páyaḥ |
gójīrayā ráṃhamāṇaḥ púraṃdʰyā || 3||

3.  ajījanasvp·U·2s«√jan hic pavamānanmsv«√pū sūryanmsa«√sūr  
    vidʰāranmsl«vi~√dʰṛ śakmannmsi«√śak payasnnsa«√pī |
    (gonfs-jīrājms«√jinv)jfsi raṃhamāṇata·Amsn«√raṃh (purnfsa«√pṝ-dʰijms«√dʰā)jfsi 

3. Pavamana, by thy might thou hast generated
the sun in the firmament, the support of the water,
hastening on with abundant wisdom that procures
cattle for thy worshippers.

ájījano amṛta mártyeṣvā́m̐ ṛtásya dʰármannamṛ́tasya cā́ruṇaḥ |
sádāsaro vā́jamácʰā sániṣyadat || 4||

4.  ajījanasvp·U·2s«√jan amṛtanmsv«a~√mṛ martyanmpl«√mṛ āp  
    ṛtannsg«√ṛ dʰarmannnsl«√dʰṛ amṛtannsg«a~√mṛ cārujnsg«√can |
    sadāa asarasvp·Aa2s«√sṛ vājanmsa«√vāj acʰāp saniṣyadanttp·Amsn«√syand 

4. Immortal Soma, thou hast generated the
sun amongst mortals in the firmament, the support
of the truthful auspicious ambrosia; streaming
forth thou goest to battle continually.

abʰyàbʰi hí śrávasā tatárditʰótsaṃ ná káṃ cijjanapā́namákṣitam |
śáryābʰirná bʰáramāṇo gábʰastyoḥ || 5||

5.  (abʰip-abʰip)a hic śravasnnsi«√śru  
    tatarditʰavp·I·2s«√tṛd utsanmsa«√ud nac kannsa cidc (jananms«√jan-pānanns«√pā)jnsa akṣitajnsa«a~√kṣi3 |
    śaryānfpi«√śrī nac bʰaramāṇata·Amsn«√bʰṛ gabʰastinmdl 

5. Thou hast burst open the filter with thy
food as one bursts open an inexhaustible fountain
giving drink to the nation, like one taking up
water with the fingers of his two hands.

ā́dīṃ ké citpáśyamānāsa ā́pyaṃ vasurúco divyā́ abʰyànūṣata |
vā́raṃ ná deváḥ savitā́ vyūrṇute || 6||

6.  ātc īmc kasr3mpn cidc paśyamānata·Ampn«√paś āpyannsa«√āp  
    (vasunns«√vas-rucjfs«√ruc)jmpn divyajmpn«√div abʰip anūṣatavp·U·3p«√nū |
    vāranmsa«√vṛ2 nac devanmsn«√div savitṛNmsn«√sū vip ūrṇuteva·A·3s«√vṛ 

6. Beholding him certain celestial Varuruchas
praise him as a kinsman before the shining Savitri
drives away the obstructing darkness.

tvé soma pratʰamā́ vṛktábarhiṣo mahé vā́jāya śrávase dʰíyaṃ dadʰuḥ |
sá tváṃ no vīra vīryā̀ya codaya || 7||

7.  tvamr2msl somanmsv«√su pratʰamajmpn (vṛktajns«√vṛj-barhisnns«√barh)jmpn  
    mahjmsd«√mah vājanmsd«√vāj śravasnnsd«√śru dʰīnfsa«√dʰī dadʰurvp·I·3p«√dʰā |
    sasr3msn tvamr2msn vayamr1mpa vīranmsv«√vīr vīryannsd«√vīr codayavp·Ao2s«√cud 

7. The chief of men having cut the sacred
grass have fixed their minds, Soma, on thee for
abundant strength and food; do thou, O hero,
excite us to heroism.

diváḥ pīyū́ṣaṃ pūrvyáṃ yáduktʰyàṃ mahó gāhā́ddivá ā́ níradʰukṣata |
índramabʰí jā́yamānaṃ sámasvaran || 8||

8.  dyunmsg pīyūṣanmsa«√pyai pūrvyajmsa«√pṝ yadc uktʰyajmsa«√vac  
    mahjmsb«√mah gāhanmsb«√gāh dyunmsg āp nirp adʰukṣatava·U·3p«√duh |
    indraNmsa«√ind abʰip jāyamānatp·Amsa«√jan samp asvaranvp·U·3p«√svṛ 

8. They have milked from heaven from the
mighty deep the ancient Soma, the beverage of the gods of heaven,
which is worthy of praise;
they have praised it when generated for Indra -

ádʰa yádimé pavamāna ródasī imā́ ca víśvā bʰúvanābʰí majmánā |
yūtʰé ná niṣṭʰā́ vṛṣabʰó ví tiṣṭʰase || 9||

9.  adʰaa yadc ayamr3nda pavamānanmsv«√pū rodasnnda  
    ayamr3npa cac viśvajnpa«√viś bʰuvanannpa«√bʰū abʰip majmannmsi«√mah |
    yūtʰannsl«√yu nac niṣṭʰājmsn«ni~√stʰā (vṛṣannms«√vṛṣ-bʰajms«√bʰā)jmsn vip tiṣṭʰasevp·A·2s«√stʰā 

9. Since, Pavamana, thou by thy might art chief
over these two worlds and all these living beings,
as a bull is ruler in a herd of kine.

sómaḥ punānó avyáye vā́re śíśurná krī́ḷanpávamāno akṣāḥ |
sahásradʰāraḥ śatávāja índuḥ || 10||

10. somanmsn«√su punānajmsn«√pū avyayajmsl vāranmsl«√vṛ2  
     śiśunmsn«√śū nac krīḷanttp·Amsn«√krīḷ pavamānajmsn«√pū akṣārvp·U·3s«√kṣar |
     (sahasrau-dʰāranms«√dʰṛ)jmsn (śatau-vājanms«√vāj)jmsn indunmsn«√ind 

10. Pavamana Soma sporting like a child drops
filtered through the woollen fleece, thousand-streamed,
having the might of a hundred, radiant.

eṣá punānó mádʰumām̐ ṛtā́véndrāyénduḥ pavate svādúrūrmíḥ |
vājasánirvarivovídvayodʰā́ḥ || 11||

11. eṣasr3msn punānajmsn«√pū madʰumantjmsn«√madʰ ṛtāvanjmsn«√ṛ  
     indraNmsd«√ind indunmsn«√ind pavateva·A·3s«√pū svādujmsn«√svad ūrminmsn«√ṛ |
     (vājanms«√vāj-saninms«√san)jmsn (varivasnns«√vṛ-vidjms«√vid)jmsn (vayasnns«√vī-dʰājms«√dʰā)jmsn 

11. This Soma juice undergoing purification,
sweet-flavoured, holy, dropping, flows for Indra
a sweet stream, bestowing food, dispensing wealth
and life.

sá pavasva sáhamānaḥ pṛtanyū́nsédʰanrákṣāṃsyápa durgáhāṇi |
svāyudʰáḥ sāsahvā́nsoma śátrūn || 12||

12. tasr3msn pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū sahamānata·Amsn«√sah (pṛtannms«√pṛc-yujms«√yu)jmpa  
     sedʰanttp·Amsn«√sidʰ rakṣasnnpa«√rakṣ apap durgahajnpa«dus~√gah |
     svāyudʰajmsn«su-ā~√yudʰ sāsahvaṃstp·Imsn«√sah somanmsv«√su śatrunmpa«√śad 

12. Flow, Soma, overcoming our enemies, driving
away the Rakshasas who are difficult to approach,
well-armed, triumphing over foes.

Sūkta 9.111 

ayā́ rucā́ háriṇyā punānó víśvā dvéṣāṃsi tarati svayúgvabʰiḥ sū́ro ná svayúgvabʰiḥ |
dʰā́rā sutásya rocate punānó aruṣó háriḥ |
víśvā yádrūpā́ pariyā́tyṛ́kvabʰiḥ saptā́syebʰirṛ́kvabʰiḥ || 1||

1.  ar3nsi rucnfsi«√ruc hariṇījfsi«√hṛ punānajmsn«√pū  
    viśvajnpa«√viś dveṣasnnpa«√dviṣ tarativp·A·3s«√tṝ  
    (svajms-yugvanjms«√yuj)jmpi sūranmsn«√sūr nac (svajms-yugvanjms«√yuj)jmpi |
    dʰārānfsi«√dʰṛ sutajmsg«√su rocateva·A·3s«√ruc  
    punānajmsn«√pū aruṣajmsn«√ruṣ harijmsn«√hṛ |
    viśvajnpa«√viś yadc rūpannpa«√rūp pariyātivp·A·3s«pari~√yā  
    ṛkvanjmpi«√ṛc (saptau-āsyanns)jmpi ṛkvanjmpi«√ṛc 

1. With this bright green-tinted stream Soma,
being filtered overcomes all enemies with the juices
yoked to it, as the sun overcomes the darkness
with the rays yoked to it; the stream of the
effused Soma shines, the filtered green-tinted
Soma is resplendent, which pervades all constellations,
with the Rikvans, with the seven-mouthed

tváṃ tyátpaṇīnā́ṃ vido vásu sáṃ mātṛ́bʰirmarjayasi svá ā́ dáma ṛtásya dʰītíbʰirdáme |
parāváto ná sā́ma tádyátrā ráṇanti dʰītáyaḥ |
tridʰā́tubʰiráruṣībʰirváyo dadʰe rócamāno váyo dadʰe || 2||

2.  tvamr2msn tyadr3nsa paṇinmpg«√paṇ vidasvp·AE2s«√vid vasunnsa«√vas  
    samp mātṛnfpi«√mā marjayasivp·A·2s«√mṛj  
    svanmsl āp damanmsl«√dam ṛtannsg«√ṛ dʰītinfpi«√dʰī damanmsl«√dam |
    parāvatnfsb«√pṛ nac sāmannnsn«√sā tadr3nsn  
    yadr3nsl raṇantivp·A·3p«√raṇ dʰītinfpn«√dʰī |
    (triu-dʰātunns«√dʰā)jfpi aruṣījfpi«√ruṣ  
    vayasnnsa«√vī dadʰeva·I·3s«√dʰā rocamānajmsn«√ruc vayasnnsa«√vī dadʰeva·I·3s«√dʰā 

2. Thou didst discover the wealth of the Panis,
and art washed in thine own house at the sacrifice
by the mothers, a the supporters of the sacrifice;
as the hymn is heard from afar, so it is heard
by all, the hymn in which the supporters of the
rite rejoice; the shining Soma with its brilliant
waters, the supporters of the three worlds, gives
food, gives food to the worshippers.

pū́rvāmánu pradíśaṃ yāti cékitatsáṃ raśmíbʰiryatate darśató rátʰo daívyo darśató rátʰaḥ |
ágmannuktʰā́ni paúṃsyéndraṃ jaítrāya harṣayan |
vájraśca yádbʰávatʰo ánapacyutā samátsvánapacyutā || 3||

3.  pūrvājfsa«√pur anup pradiśnfsa«pra~√diś yātivp·A·3s«√yā  
    cekitattp·Amsn«√cit samp raśminmpi«√raś yatateva·A·3s«√yat  
    darśatajmsn«√dṛś ratʰanmsn«√ṛ daivyajmsn«√div darśatajmsn«√dṛś ratʰanmsn«√ṛ |
    agmanvp·Aa3p«√gam uktʰannpn«√vac pauṃsyannpn  
    indraNmsa«√ind jaitrannsd«√ji harṣayanvp·AE3p«√hṛṣ |
    vajranmsn«√vaj cac yadc bʰavatʰasvp·A·2d«√bʰū anapacyutajmdn«a-apa~√cyu ​
    samadnfpl«sa~√mad anapacyutajmdn«a-

3. The intelligent Soma proceeds to the eastern
quarter; thy beautiful chariot, thy celestial
beautiful chariot meets the sun's rays; the manly
praises advance to Indra and stimulate him to
victory: his thunderbolt too advances to him;
so that you are invincible, invincible in battle.

Sūkta 9.112 

nānānáṃ vā́ u no dʰíyo ví vratā́ni jánānām |
tákṣā riṣṭáṃ rutáṃ bʰiṣágbrahmā́ sunvántamicʰatī́ndrāyendo pári srava || 1||

1.  nānānamac uc vayamr1mpg dʰīnfpn«√dʰī  
    vip vratannpn«√vṛ2 jananmpg«√jan |
    takṣannmsn«√takṣ riṣṭajmsa«√riś rutajmsa«√ru bʰiṣajnmsn«abʰi~√sajj  
    brahmannmsn«√bṛh sunvanttp·Amsa«√su icʰativp·A·3s«√iṣ2  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

1. Various are our acts, various are the occupations
of men; the carpenter desires timber, the
physician disease, the Brahman a worshipper who
effuses Soma: flow, Indu, for Indra.

járatībʰiróṣadʰībʰiḥ parṇébʰiḥ śakunā́nām |
kārmāró áśmabʰirdyúbʰirhíraṇyavantamicʰatī́ndrāyendo pári srava || 2||

2.  jaratījfpi«√jṝ (oṣanms«√uṣ-dʰijfs«√dʰā)nfpi  
    parṇanmpi«√pṛ śakunanmpg«√śak |
    kārmāranmsn«√kṛ aśmannmpi dyunmpi  
    hiraṇyavantjmsa«√hṛ icʰativp·A·3s«√iṣ2  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

2. With dried plants are arrows made, with the
feathers of birds and with glistening stones;
the smith seeks a man who has gold: flow, Indu,
for Indra.

kārúraháṃ tató bʰiṣágupalaprakṣíṇī nanā́ |
nā́nādʰiyo vasūyávó'nu gā́ iva tastʰiméndrāyendo pári srava || 3||

3.  kārunmsn«√kṛ2 ahamr1msn tatanmsn bʰiṣajnmsn«√sajj  
    (upalanms-prakṣiṇinīnfs«pra~√kṣi3)nfsn nanānfsn |
    (nānājfs-dʰīnfs«√dʰī)jmpn (vasunns«√vas-yujms«√yu)jmpn  
    anup gonfpa ivac tastʰimavp·I·1p«√stʰā  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

3. I am the singer; papa is the physician,
mama throws the corn upon the grinding stones;
having various occupations, desiring riches we
remain in the world like cattle in the stalls:
flow, Indu, for Indra.

áśvo vóḷhā sukʰáṃ rátʰaṃ hasanā́mupamantríṇaḥ |
śépo rómaṇvantau bʰedaú vā́rínmaṇḍū́ka icʰatī́ndrāyendo pári srava || 4||

4.  aśvanmsn«√aś voḷhṛnmsn«√vah sukʰajmsa ratʰanmsa«√ṛ  
    hasanānfsa«√has upamantrinnmpn«upa~√man |
    śepasnnsn«√śvi romaṇvantjmda«√ruh bʰedanmda«√bʰid  
    vārnnsa«√vṛ idc maṇḍūkanmsn icʰativp·A·3s«√iṣ2  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

4. The draught horse desires a cart easy to
draw; those who invite guests desire merriment;
the frog desires water: flow, Indu, for Indra.

Sūkta 9.113 

śaryaṇā́vati sómamíndraḥ pibatu vṛtrahā́ |
bálaṃ dádʰāna ātmáni kariṣyánvīryàṃ mahádíndrāyendo pári srava || 1||

1.  śaryaṇāvatnmsl«√śrī somanmsa«√su  
    indraNmsn«√ind pibatuvp·Ao3s«√pā (vṛtraNns«√vṛ-hanjms«√han)nmsn |
    balannsa dadʰānata·Imsn«√dʰā ātmannmsl«√an  
    kariṣyanttp·Bmsn«√kṛ vīryannsa«√vīr mahatnnsa«√mah  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

1. Let Indra the slayer of the Vrtra quaff the
Soma on the Saryanavat, infusing strength into
himself, about to show great prowess: flow, Indu,
for Indra.

ā́ pavasva diśāṃ pata ārjīkā́tsoma mīḍʰvaḥ |
ṛtavākéna satyéna śraddʰáyā tápasā sutá índrāyendo pári srava || 2||

2.  āp pavasvava·Ao2s«√pū diśnfpg«√diś patinmsv«√pā2  
    ārjīkanmsb«√ṛj somanmsv«√su mīḷhvaṃstp·Imsv«√mih |
    (ṛtanns«√ṛ-vākanms«√vac)nmsi satyajmsi«√as  
    (śratnfs-dʰājfs«√dʰā)nfsi tapasnnsi«√tap sutajmsn«√su  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

2. Soma, lord of the four regions, sprinkler of
benefits flow from Arjika effused by a truth-speaking
truthful man with faith and devotion:
flow, Indu, for Indra.

parjányavṛddʰaṃ mahiṣáṃ táṃ sū́ryasya duhitā́bʰarat |
táṃ gandʰarvā́ḥ prátyagṛbʰṇantáṃ sóme rásamā́dadʰuríndrāyendo pári srava || 3||

3.  (parjanyanms«√pṛc-vṛddʰajms«√vṛdʰ)jmsa mahiṣanmsa«√mah  
    sasr3msa sūryanmsg«√sūr duhitṛnfsn«√duh āp abʰaratvp·Aa3s«√bʰṛ |
    sasr3msa gandʰarvanmpn pratip agṛbʰṇanvp·Aa3p«√grah  
    sasr3msa somanmsl«√su rasanmsa«√ras āp adadʰurvp·Aa3p«√dʰā  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

3. The daughter of Surya brought the vast Soma
large as a rain-cloud; the Gandharvas seized upon
it and placed the juice in the Soma: flow, Indu,
for Indra.

ṛtáṃ vádannṛtadyumna satyáṃ vádansatyakarman |
śraddʰā́ṃ vádansoma rājandʰātrā́ soma páriṣkṛta índrāyendo pári srava || 4||

4.  ṛtannsa«√ṛ vadanttp·Amsn«√vad (ṛtanns«√ṛ-dyumnanns)jmsv  
    satyannsa«√as vadanttp·Amsn«√vad (satyajns«√as-karmannns«√kṛ)jmsv |
    (śratnfs«√śrat-dʰājfs«√dʰā)nfsa vadanttp·Amsn«√vad somanmsv«√su rājannmsv«√rāj  
    dʰātṛnmsi«√dʰā somanmsv«√su pariṣkṛtajmsn«pari~√kṛ  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

4. Soma, the utterer of truth, radiant with truth,
truth-speaking, truthful in act, speaking faith,
lord of worshippers, thou art decorated by the
upholder of the rite: flow, Indu, for Indra.

satyámugrasya bṛhatáḥ sáṃ sravanti saṃsravā́ḥ |
sáṃ yanti rasíno rásāḥ punānó bráhmaṇā hara índrāyendo pári srava || 5||

5.  (satyaa«√as-ugrajms«√vaj)jmsg bṛhanttp·Amsg«√bṛh  
    samp sravantivp·A·3p«√sru saṃsravanmpn«sam~√sru |
    samp yantivp·A·3p«√i rasinjmsg«√ras rasanmpn«√ras  
    punānajmsn«√pū brahmannnsi«√bṛh harijmsv«√hṛ  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

5. The united streams of thee who art vast and
truly formidable flow united; the juices of thee the
juicy one meet together; green-tinted Soma,
purified by holy prayer, Indu, flow for Indra.

yátra brahmā́ pavamāna cʰandasyā̀ṃ vācaṃ vádan |
grā́vṇā sóme mahīyáte sómenānandáṃ janáyanníndrāyendo pári srava || 6||

6.  yadr3nsl brahmannmsn«√bṛh pavamānanmsv«√pū  
    cʰandasyājfsa«√cʰad vācnfsa«√vac vadanttp·Amsn«√vad |
    grāvannmsi«√gṝ somanmsl«√su mahīyattp·Amsd«√mah  
    somanmsi«√su ānandanmsa«ā~√nand janayanttp·Amsn«√jan  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

6. Wherever the Brahman, O purified Soma,
reciting the holy rhythmical text, engendering the
delight of the gods by the Soma expressed with
the grinding-stone, is reverenced, flow, Indu, for

yátra jyótirájasraṃ yásmim̐ loké svarhitám |
tásminmā́ṃ dʰehi pavamānāmṛ́te loké ákṣita índrāyendo pári srava || 7||

7.  yadr3nsl jyotisnnsn«√jyot ajasrajnsn«a~√jas  
    yasr3msl lokanmsl«√lok svarnnsn hitajnsn«√dʰā |
    sasr3msl ahamr1msa dʰehivp·Ao2s«√dʰā pavamānanmsv«√pū  
    amṛtajmsl«a~√mṛ lokanmsl«√lok akṣitajmsl«a~√kṣi3  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

7. Where light is perpetual, in the world in
which the sun is placed, in that immortal imperishable
world place me, Pavamana; flow, Indu for Indra.

yátra rā́jā vaivasvató yátrāvaródʰanaṃ diváḥ |
yátrāmū́ryahvátīrā́pastátra mā́mamṛ́taṃ kṛdʰī́ndrāyendo pári srava || 8||

8.  yadr3nsl rājannmsn«√rāj vaivasvatajmsn«√vas  
    yadr3nsl avarodʰanannsa«ava~√rudʰ dyunmsg |
    yadr3nsl ayamr3fpn yahvatījfpn«√yah apnfpn  
    tadr3nsl ahamr1msa amṛtajmsa«a~√mṛ kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

8. Where Vivaswat's son is king, where the
inner chamber of the sun is, where these great
waters are, there make me immortal; flow, Indu
for Indra.

yátrānukāmáṃ cáraṇaṃ trināké tridivé diváḥ |
lokā́ yátra jyótiṣmantastátra mā́mamṛ́taṃ kṛdʰī́ndrāyendo pári srava || 9||

9.  yadr3nsl anukāmama«anu~√kam caraṇannsn«√car  
    (triu-nākanms«√nam)nnsl (triu-divannsg)nnsl dyunmsg |
    lokanmpn«√lok yadr3nsl jyotiṣmantjmpn«√jyot  
    tadr3nsl ahamr1msa amṛtajmsa«a~√mṛ kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

9. Where in the third heaven, in the third sphere,
the sun wanders at will, where the regions are
filled with light, there make me immortal; flow,
Indu, for Indra.

yátra kā́mā nikāmā́śca yátra bradʰnásya viṣṭápam |
svadʰā́ ca yátra tṛ́ptiśca tátra mā́mamṛ́taṃ kṛdʰī́ndrāyendo pári srava || 10||

10. yadr3nsl kāmanmpn«√kam nikāmanmpn«ni~√kam cac  
     yadr3nsl bradʰnajmsg viṣṭapnfsa«vi~√stambʰ |
     (svajms-dʰājfs«√dʰā)nfsi cac yadr3nsl tṛptinfsn«√tṛp cac  
     tadr3nsl ahamr1msa amṛtajmsa«a~√mṛ kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ  
     indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

10. Where wishes and desires are, where
the region of the sun is, where food and delight
are found, there make me immortal; flow, Indu, for Indra.

yátrānandā́śca módāśca múdaḥ pramúda ā́sate |
kā́masya yátrāptā́ḥ kā́māstátra mā́mamṛ́taṃ kṛdʰī́ndrāyendo pári srava || 11||

11. yadr3nsl ānandanmpn«ā~√nand cac modanmpn«√mud cac  
     mudnfpn«√mud pramudnfpn«pra~√mud āsateva·A·3p«√ās |
     kāmanmsg«√kam yadr3nsl āptajmpn«√āp kāmanmpn«√kam  
     tadr3nsl ahamr1msa amṛtajmsa«a~√mṛ kṛdʰivp·Ao2s«√kṛ  
     indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

11. Where there is happiness, pleasures, joy and
enjoyment, where the wishes of the wishers are
obtained, there make me immortal; flow, Indu, for Indra.

Sūkta 9.114 

yá índoḥ pávamānasyā́nu dʰā́mānyákramīt |
támāhuḥ suprajā́ íti yáste somā́vidʰanmána índrāyendo pári srava || 1||

1.  yasr3msn indunmsg«√ind pavamānajmsg«√pū  
    anup dʰāmannnpa«√dʰā akramītvp·U·3s«√kram |
    sasr3msa āhurvp·I·3p«√ah suprajasjmsn«su-pra~√jan itia  
    yasr3msn tvamr2msd somanmsv«√su avidʰatvp·Aa3s«√vidʰ manasnnsa«√man  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

1. The Brahman who attends to the stations
of the filtered Soma-juice - him men call rich in
children, who applies his mind to thee, Soma; flow,
Indu, for Indra.

ṛ́ṣe mantrakṛ́tāṃ stómaiḥ káśyapodvardʰáyangíraḥ |
sómaṃ namasya rā́jānaṃ yó jajñé vīrúdʰāṃ pátiríndrāyendo pári srava || 2||

2.  ṛṣinmsv«√ṛṣ (mantranms«√man-kṛtjms«√kṛ)nmpg stomanmpi«√stu  
    kaśyapajmsn«√kaś udvardʰayantp·Amsn«ud~√vṛdʰ girnfpa«√gṝ |
    somanmsa«√su namasyavp·Ao2s«√nam rājannmsa«√rāj  
    yasr3msn jajñeva·I·3s«√jan vīrudʰnfpg«vi~√rudʰ patinmsn«√pā2  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

2. Rishi Kasyapa, raising thy voice with the
praises of the hymn-makers, adore the royal Soma
who is born the lord of creeping plants; flow, Indu,
for Indra.

saptá díśo nā́nāsūryāḥ saptá hótāra ṛtvíjaḥ |
devā́ ādityā́ yé saptá tébʰiḥ somābʰí rakṣa na índrāyendo pári srava || 3||

3.  saptau diśnfpn«√diś (nānāa-sūryanms«√sūr)nmpn  
    saptau hotṛnmpn«√hu (ṛtunms«√ṛ-ijjms«√yaj)jmpn |
    devanmpn«√div ādityajmpn«a~√dā yasr3mpn saptau  
    sasr3mpi somanmsv«√su abʰip rakṣavp·Ao2s«√rakṣ vayamr1mpa  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

3. Seven are the quarters of the world with
different suns, seven are the ministrant priests,
seven are the divine Adityas - with these, Soma,
protect us: flow, Indu, for Indra.

yátte rājañcʰṛtáṃ havísténa somābʰí rakṣa naḥ |
arātīvā́ mā́ nastārīnmó ca naḥ kíṃ canā́mamadíndrāyendo pári srava || 4||

4.  yadr3nsn tvamr2msd rājannmsv«√rāj śṛtajnsn«√śrā havisnnsn«√hu  
    tadr3nsi somanmsv«√su abʰip rakṣavp·Ao2s«√rakṣ vayamr1mpa |
    arātīvanjmsn«a~√rāc vayamr1mpa tārītvp·UE3s«√tṝc uc cac vayamr1mpa kimr3nsn canac āmamatvp·U·3s«√am  
    indraNmsd«√ind indunmsv«√ind parip sravavp·Ao2s«√sru 

4. Protect us, royal Soma, with the oblation
which has been cooked for thee; let no enemy
assail us, or harm anything of ours; flow, Indu, for Indra.