3. The exhilarating drink, which measured across the converging twin sisters [=Heaven and Earth], swelled those two imperishable ones, grown strong simultaneously, with imperishable milk. Continually rediscovering the two great, unbounded world-halves, advancing upon imperishable (space), he assumed his full dimension.
3. Seeking his wives, he purifies himself all around in the fleece and upon the hide. The granddaughter of Aditi loosens (her garment [=shoots of the soma plant]) for him who goes to truth. The tawny one [/fallow bay], held fast, has whinnied—the sacrificial exhilarating drink. Sharpening his own manly powers, like a buffalo, he beautifies himself.
3. Pressed by the stones, he purifies himself between the two hands. With his cloud he acts the bull [/rains]; he trembles (in poetic inspiration) with his thought. He rejoices in, unites with, achieves success through the song. He washes himself in the waters. He sacrifices for himself in his fullness.
1. In the jaw (of the pressing stones) while the droplet was blowing its blast, they sounded in unison. The ties of lineage have joined together in the womb of truth. The lord [=Soma] has made his three heads to be seized. The boats of the trusty one [=Soma] have brought the good (ritual) performer across to the other shore.
3. Now, in the case of the hostility of one of our own, (we proclaim:) “he, indeed, is a stranger!” And, in the case of the hostility belonging to the other (side), (we proclaim:) “he, indeed, is a wolf!” As if in a desert, thirst should strike them. O self-purifying Soma, smite those of evil intent.
30. Like surges from heaven, (like those) of days his surges have surged. Like a king, the wise one does not violate his alliance. Being put in your place according to our intentions like a son according to the intentions of his father, bring freedom from overthrow here to this clan by purifying yourself.
52. By purifying yourself with this purification bring goods here in this way. O drop, at (the time of) the hiding of the moon [=early morning] run forth into the lake. The copper-colored (Sun/Fire), sped like the wind, is also there. The very wise one [=Soma?] also gives (to us) the superior man [= Indra?] to make the charge.
1. Being purified with this golden light, he crosses all hatreds with (horses) of his own yoking—like the Sun with the (horses) of his own yoking. In the stream of pressed (juice) he shines ruddy and tawny as he is being purified, when he makes the circuit of all his forms by (the impetus of) the versifiers—by (the impetus of) the versifiers with their seven mouths.
2. You found that good thing of the Panis [=herd of cows]. You groom (it), along with your mothers, in your own house—in your house through the insights of truth. Like a melody (heard) from afar, this is where the insights find pleasure. He has acquired vitality through the tripartite ruddy (cows)—shining, he has acquired vitality .
3. Following his earlier [/eastern] direction he drives, ever observant. He aligns himself with the reins [/(sun’s) rays] as a chariot lovely to see—a heavenly chariot lovely to see. The hymns, the manly powers, have come: they excite Indra to victory, when you [=Soma] and his mace become unbudgeable—unbudgeable in battles.