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Key to syntax markup:

Keeping ponter over reddish box surrounding markup code shows a tool tip with a description of the code.

G is gender: m = masculine, f = feminine, n = neuter
N is number: s = singular, d = dual, p = plural
K is declension: n = nominative, a = accusative, i = instrumental, d = dative b = ablative, g = genetive, l = locative, v = vocative

after « there are optiional prefixes separated from each other and from the following root by ~
lack of « means that the word has no known derivation from a verbal root or that derivation is unknown;
word is a nominative, singular form.

Proper noun:

G is gender: m = masculine, f = feminine, n = neuter
N is number: s = singular, d = dual, p = plural
K is declension: n = nominative, a = accusative, i = instrumental, d = dative b = ablative, g = genetive, l = locative, v = vocative

after « there are optional prefixes separated from each other and from the following root by ~
lack of « means that the word has no known derivation from a verbal root or that derivation is unknown;
word is a nominative, singular form.


P is person: 1 = first, 2 = second, 3 = third
G is gender: m = masculine, f = feminine, n = neuter
N is number: s = singular, d = dual, p = plural
K is declension: n = nominative, a = accusative, i = instrumental, d = dative b = ablative, g = genetive, l = locative, v = vocative

word is a base


G is gender: m = masculine, f = feminine, n = neuter
N is number: s = singular, d = dual, p = plural
D is declension: n = nominative, a = accusative, i = instrumental, d = dative b = ablative, g = genetive, l = locative, v = vocative

after « there are optional prefixes separated from each other and from the following root by ~
lack of « means that the word has no known derivation from a verbal root or that derivation is unknown;
word is a nominative, singular form.


after « there are optional prefixes separated from each other and from the following root by ~
lack of « means that the word has no known derivation from a verbal root or that derivation is unknown;
word is a nominative, singular form.


V is voice: a = aatmanepada, p = parasmaipada, y = passive
D is secondary derivation: N = nominal, C = causative, D = desiderative, I = intensive, · = primary
T is tense: A = present, I = perfect, U = aorist, B = future
M is mood: · = indefinite, o = imperative, E = injunctive, e = subjunctive, a = imperfect, i = optative, I = precative, D = infinitive, G = absolutive
P is person: 1 = first, 2 = second, 3 = third
N is number: s = singular, d = dual, p = plural

after « there are optional prefixes separated from each other and from the following root by ~
word is the occuring form


V is voice: a = aatmanepada, p = parasmaipada, y = passive
D is secondary derivation: N = nominal, C = causative, D = desiderative, I = intensive, · = primary
T is tense: A = present, I = perfect, U = past, B = future
G is gender: m = masculine, f = feminine, n = neuter
N is number: s = singular, d = dual, p = plural
K is declension: n = nominative, a = accusative, i = instrumental, d = dative b = ablative, g = genetive, l = locative, v = vocative

after « there are optiional prefixes separated from each other and from the following root by ~
word is a nominative, singular form




Rig Veda source:

The Sanskrit text is the Aufrecht/van Nooten/Holland (Samhita) version of the Rigveda.

transliteration by Detlef Eichler

Translations used:

Copyright notice:

Copyright© Sattarka Publications, 2013--2020
All materials used retain their original copyrights. See the links above for details.
All texts made avilable through this site are to be used for personal studies and research only.

Please send comments and errata to Dmitri Semenov: